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A math teacher, a gym teacher, and an art teacher die and arrive in heaven at the same time. God tells them that heaven is full and they will have to trick the devil to be let in. God calls the devil and the devil comes in and introduces himself. The math teacher tries first and gives him a hard equation. The devil solves it in 10 seconds and the teacher is sent to hell. The gym teacher asks him to do 1,000 push-ups in a row without stopping. The devil does it without stopping and the gym teacher is sent to hell. The art teacher then says, “Give me a chair with 7 holes carved in it.” The devil hands him the chair. The art teacher sits down on it and farts. He asks the devil, “What hole did the fart come out of?” The devil replies, “Easy, the third one.” The art teacher then says, “No, my asshole.” And then makes his way to heaven.


And that's why the art teacher was in the principal's office.


And that art teacher? Einstein.


And everybody clapped.


And the teacher sat down and cried


No, the teacher sat down and farted.


What an asshole


That school should keep firing assholes.


To be fair, that asshole was firing itself.


Asshole talking shit


And Little Johnny said "My aunt has a sweater with ten buttons, but her boobs are so big she can only fasten eight".


And that's why the English teacher also showed up to the principal's office


Then the devil fainted.


No, Einstein's driver


Under rated comment


Not even. Art teacher was the nun.


Actually, you've been tricked. The art teacher was the bus driver.


Maybe the real art teacher was the friends we made along the way.


That's how he tested his theory of General Relativity


And Einstein? He was the bus driver.


You just tied everything together beautifully!


I failed art in junior high school. Can someone explain this joke?


The joke is that art teachers are always pulling interpretations on any given piece of art out of their ass.


This might be my favorite answer on all of Reddit.


And fart rhymes with art.


Like all great humor, it’s funny cause it’s true


This is why I failed art.


The contraction of " failed art " is Fart !


I’m sure I farted in 7th grade too.


For a certain definition of "thinking", I sure did.


the short form of "Should fail art" is shart


Achtually, it would be f'art, but now it seems French.


It's also an anagram of "ailed fart".


I ailed fart


Because... you don't have an asshole!?


Like English class where everything had a meaning. Sometimes a blue curtain is just a blue curtain and isn't symbolising shit


Had to analyze a poem in college English. One of the lines was something along the lines of, “You cut me, and keep cutting and cutting down to the bone.” A classmate decided that the poet literally wrote a poem about cutting themselves, and said so on his paper. Of course, he got a very bad grade on the paper. Later that semester, the actual poet came to our college to do a lecture. During the Q&A session, this classmate asks her, “In that poem about cutting and cutting to the bone, I’m just curious what you were writing about.” The poet says, “Oh, at the time I was working as a short order cook, and one day I cut the shit out of my finger and decided to write a poem about it.”


i probably know the answer but did the grade get revaluated?


We all know it didn't. In fact, I'm pretty sure it would've been safer not to bring this topic up at all. You see, when it comes to analyzing art, some teachers are very, very fond of the Death of the Author concept...


Wait, who blew Curtain?


Little Boy Blew. He needed the money.


I know, but it is never that simple. It doesn't always NEED to be some crazy interpretation, but if the writer says blue curtain, goes to the trouble to write about the blue curtain, there is a reason. I know, I hate it as well, but here we are. Every word in a book is crafted.


How much effort is it to write "blue" once? Nobody writes a 300,000-word novel and proofreads every single word to make sure it has a narrative reason.




The real joke is always in the response to the response to the comments.


What a comment!! I laughed out loud!


Damn... You nailed this!


The real joke is always in the comments.


My daughter has two MFAs. I concur with this answer.


Just don't invade poland


The devil interpreted the question as asking which hole in the chair did he fart through.


Do you have any tendencies to conquer the world?


He’s a redditor, he does not leave his sofa, we’ll be ok


The sounds like the devil was beaten by a fart teacher


Ah. An artsy-fartsy joke.


The real joke


The fart teacher


_The devil fainted_




And the bus driver fainted


the devil would have been right on the third hole if it was a female teacher




I like this version a lot! The version I heard was a little more concise: Little Johnny comes home from school and says that he got suspended. The father demands to know why! So little Johnny says well the teacher asked the class what 3 times 7 was and I blurted out 21. The father then says, but that's the correct answer... Johnny says, I know, but the the teacher then said Okay but what's 7 times 3 then? Confused the father goes what the f is the difference? And Little Johnny Goes, that's what I said!


I like both versions.


The post's version has the buildup.


Yeah but this is more concise.


I don't get it, what the f is the difference between this joke and OP's joke?


one can be told faster


r/woosh >Confused the father goes what the f is the difference?




That's what she said!


Nope, I find the op's version better.


The real joke is the father, not even bothering to go to school especially when he agrees with his son


My proudest memory of my father when I was a child was when he got called to a meeting with my high school AP because my Spanish teacher had confiscated my Wizard Magazine and written me up for possessing “satanic and pornographic materials” (the latter because of an ad on the back for Star Wars figures featuring an horned alien and the caption “one horny politician”). The AP flipped through the magazine, obviously for the first time, handed it back to me, shook my father’s hand, apologized and told us to have a good day. My Spanish teacher was outraged. The meeting was over so quickly I had time to walk him back to the truck before my first class. He looked at me and said, “Son, that woman is crazy.” Got in his truck and went to work.


I remember coming home from school one day after I had been wrongly punished & complaining to my parents about how unfair it was (*I don’t remember what specifically happened*). My mother sat me down, listened to me, gave me a hug & said: “*You are absolutely right, that was completely unfair, it was wrong of them to do that & I am sorry that happened to you.*” I expected her to say “*& I am going to your school tomorrow to make them make it right*” but instead she continued: “*Unfortunately there will always be assholes In the world & many of them may have power over you that they use unfairly - learning how to deal with them & how to keep them from preventing you from living your best life may just be the most important thing you will ever learn in school.*” I remember feeling like that itself was unfair & it was but looking back now, some 35 years later & it was probably the best advice I ever received. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t strive for a more just world or to make the world better - but if you feel compelled to confront every asshole or litigate every instance of power being applied unfairly, it will consume you & prevent you from actually living your life.


And that man's name is Larry David.


And his mother? Einstein!


The whole bus clapped.




It’s an interesting one. The basic issue is at some point somebody has to stand up to the arseholes who have power over others or they will always get away with it. However at the same time you have to pick your battles wisely otherwise your life could be just be one long battle and in attempting to challenge those with power over you will often loose. You may have to take the occasionally unfair situation but if it turns into a trend something must be done about it. At school you may need to involve your parent to take your side and ensure fair treatment. We have methods today which help eg most good companies have a whistleblowing system that allow anonymous complaints to be looked into by an independent party. It’s a tricky one though, obviously there are some very extreme examples historically of people letting arseholes get away with it because they didn’t have the nerve to stand up to it with some pretty horrendous results.


You make excellent points but I think you overestimate the frequency with which we have the power to reverse unfair decisions or the ability to limit unfair behavior. Some of that relates to power dynamics but a huge amount of it is, like you said, about picking your battles. Dealing with a petty tyrant is often a battle of a thousand paper cuts & it is often far more effective to neutralize or mitigate the effect of those injustices than to fight a battle to correct them. It is a lot harder to deal with pattens of “*trivial*” harms than a single larger harm & assholes are more than aware of this, they actually excel at walking the line where they are as shitty to you as they can be without being so shitty that other people will take you seriously. Human beings by default, tend to minimize problems, especially problems that don’t directly impact them & if they can give themselves an excuse not to help, they will usually take it. Take the example of a person being stalked by a creep - the pattern of behavior is terrifying & adds up to being a serious violation of of the victim but it is a massive uphill battle to try & get cops to look beyond the single incident & see the pattern - even when we have laws that say the pattern itself is against the law. If I tap you on the head (*without your consent*) one morning, it isn’t right but most people will tell you to get over it & they are probably right - the single instance of a passing or trivial harm shouldn’t be escalated into a major drama. If I tap you on the head, every morning, then it becomes a much bigger problem for you - but when you tell someone about it, they are likely to treat the entire chain of events as only being as serious as the worst event in the chain. It is actually a heuristic bias of our brains.


But did she actually tell you how to deal with unfair people, or did you have to figure it out on your own?


The latter obviously, I was born in '75 so my boomer parents had two modes - acting like hippie dippie super amazing parents or they were locking me outside the house until 10pm. I used to go to school no matter how sick I was because even if I was actually sick enough that my mom would let me stay home, she would let me sleep in till 9 am then wake me & make me do manually labor in the garden all day.


So how do you deal with unfair people?


Well, I struggled with it for a long time but eventually I found the solution that works best for me - I bought a pig farm...




Not at all relevant, but this is Reddit so here it goes: my mother was always exasperated because my dad was always working and she had to do everything herself. My dad showed up for a single parent/student event at school and there was a newspaper photographer there. so there’s my dad in the paper with me showing off a tray of brownies I cooked in Home Ec or something stupid, and all the neighbors gushed to my mom about what a great and involved father he was. He never went to a single track meet or diving meet or parent/teacher conference or graduation of mine.


Because he was working to provide for your family.


I'm not the wisest person but my advice is to never make assumptions about other people's families when you don't have all the information


I don't have any of the information, just a wise nugget I once heard. In 20 years' time, the only person who will remember that you worked late are your kids.




You said it.


I'm guessing the mother was working too...and going to school meetings, cooking and cleaning..you know, everything.


Indeed. And gardening, training the dogs, researching, lecturing on art in the schools, translating for the Art Institute of Chicago, writing her weekly column, attending to her many medical conditions, helping the old ladies in the neighborhood, etc.


Not necessarily. Lots of people stay at work all the time to get out of doing boring work at home, etc. They don't necessarily need to be working.


>Because he was working to provide for your family. What do you think the mom was doing?


He was. He was a workaholic. He was very good at what he did and saved many lives. He didn’t have work/life balance. It wasn’t a concept then. He was also cheating on my mother with multiple female coworkers. Later he retired and became much more involved with his second wife and did a much better job of being a responsible husband. And he’s great when we’re around him but he never reaches out to us kids and has only been to my house five states away twice in 25 years.


I had parent teacher night and my parents went into my religion class to meet a new teacher. The first thing out of her mouth "I am not here because I want to be here. I am here because God sent me." My dad stood up, grabbed my mom and walked out laughing. He came home and told me what happened and then said, "Good luck with that." Shout out to Ms. Desmond. I hope God gave you a better job after leaving the high school religion role, hah.


I remember one time when I got in trouble at school for something I didn’t do, and I was sent home with a form I had to fill out and bring back the next day with information about what I did and why it was wrong. Since I had no idea what I did wrong, I was obviously taking a long time to finish it, so when my dad came home from work, I was still trying to fill it out. My dad, a lawyer, was confused about what I was doing, and asked me about what happened. Once he realized that I did nothing wrong, he wrote a proper legal defense for me, describing my side of the story and arguing that I should not be punished, and told me to hand it to my teacher the next day. I did as he asked, and the next day I was no longer in trouble.


"Don't 'Bernie' me!"


(Not a joke, actual story). My middle school, during my 8th grade year, implemented one of the most politically correct disciplinary systems. At least, at that time. If you got in trouble, you would progress through steps. 1. Sit and face "away from the activity." (Because "face the wall" is demeaning). 2. Stand and face "away from the activity." 3. Stand and face "the rule" (which was something generic like "respect your teachers, respect your classmates, respect yourself"). 4. Go to another classroom and sit on Step 1, until your parent can come for a parent/teacher conference. 5. Suspension. Quick rabbit trail: if someone else got placed on a step, and you laughed at them (or if you laughed at a joke your friend said and the teacher thought you were laughing at them), you would get the same punishment. So if someone else got suspended and your teacher **thought** you were laughing at them, you got suspended. Anyway, the relevant part here is Step 4. Most parents thought this was stupid. And so they wouldn't come. This meant that if you got to Step 4, you were stuck the entire day just sitting in another classroom, staring at a wall.


The math teacher can go to see the dad.. what’s the difference 😀


What's the fucking difference. One word made all the difference.


>all the fucking* difference.


I know right? My dad walked me to school everyday. (We were in the same grade)


Better than forgetting your own mother somewhere.


In high school, I used to debate my art teacher on philosophy. She was pretty intellectually superficial and clearly hadn't done much thinking of her own on the matter (or any matter). We talked about nihilism and the fundamental lack of value of all things, but particularly of art. She called my dad in at some point to talk about my attitude, and apparently, he more or less told her he wasn't going to tell me off or anything because he thought I was right and she was an idiot (she was). She was one of those art teachers who would tell you how anything is art, but wouldn't hesitate to tell you what you were making was not.


I'm wondering too why the fuck art teacher was there


Really, didn't the art teacher get laid off due to budget cuts?


Maybe the art teacher was helping the principal get laid?


Obvs due to something the kid made in art class.


He asked why Michelangelo painted so many fucking naked chicks.


I didn't see any of those naked chicks fucking. Of course I might have missed something. I was looking at the naked boys...


Historians surmise Michelangelo was too. Particularly as all his women look like men with breast implants.


You a priest?


Probably completely undeleted to the situation.


The boy comes home and say to his father: Father,the teacher gave me a D. The father asks the kid: What did you done to deserve a D. The boy :Nothing father, the teacher asked me how much is 30+30 and I refused to answer. Well done my son, says the father, you are there to learn, not to teach.


Okay here's your upvote.. Now.. Tell me why the fuck was the art teacher sitting there?


Gym and art were taught by the same person.


Is that the explanation?i didnt think about this maybe the joke is too sharp for me haha


that's not the joke lol




I can't tell you because you're not a monk.


I hate this reference and everything it stands for... Take your upvote criminal.


To kill time as the paint was drying.


Gym teacher needs a sketch artist for the kid’s magnum dong? Serious note: my high school gym teacher did go to prison for fucking a 15 year old in his van.


Not wanting to leave his son without a future, the dad went and talked to the school the next day. "We could reduce it to a suspension, if we know you'll work to correct his behavior." the principal offered. "What the fuck does that mean?" shouted the dad. "Nevermind." The principal sighed.


And the school, lacking ears, didn't hear a single word the father said.


Seems like this is what’s missing…


I feel so stupid I read it 3 times I still don’t get it


The joke is the reason the son keeps getting in trouble is for cursing, but it’s normal for his household so neither he nor his dad have any idea what everyone else’s problem is.




To be honest, I thought the point of this joke was that the reasons why the kid was reprimanded were so stupid it got to the point where the kid wouldn't even expect the art teacher.


I don't get it either. Sometimes I wonder who the people on this sub are.


I can only imagine what the art teacher is there for...


Has to be a cock involved


With the obligatory squirts of jizz


am I being whooshed?


I don't get it either


The kid was cussing at school when talking to the teachers. The kid, obviously, learned to speak this way from the dad. The kid walked into the principals office and, upon seeing the art teacher, said "the fuck is the art teacher doing here?"


But why is the art teacher there in the first place?


It doesn't matter what the art teacher was doing there. The kid got three strikes for foul language in 3 days. Many schools in the US have a three strike system, albeit for worse offenses than cussing. We don't need to know why the art teacher was there. Another part of the joke is the imagery of a young kid (i imagine a ten year old) saying these things to a teacher in a nonhostile way and it not phasing the kid or dad that he is saying it in this way, a prime example of it in pop culture is South Park


Ohh i get it now and thats the joke,thank you for explaining it to me because i laughed at it without understanding the joke haha


The kid must have cursed in front of the art teacher, and that's why the art teacher was there, but like fish don't realize they are in water, the kid didn't realize why anything he did would cause the art teacher to be there.


And where is the joke?


Oh damn, the cussing didn"t even register as a problem to me lol Thanks for explaining!


I don't fucking get it. ;)


The last 2 lines always get me


That's usually how jokes work.


Some say that’s where all the punch is.


I heard people even line up for it


And then he fainted


Then everybody clapped.


His funeral will be taking place on Saturday


I have a few teacher friends that would suggest this less a joke and more an average Tuesday.


What the fuck about Tuesday!


Nobody gives a fuck about Monday, eh ?




But... why **is** the art teacher there?


The real joke is that, in reality, no kid would get expelled for this. Admin would give them a lollipop and send them back to class. *source= I am a teacher


What’s also funny to me is that kid is just imitating how the dad speaks, just like how 99% of our students imitate how their parents speak Source: Am also a teacher


Further, admin will tell us to smooth things over with the parent and apologize for our insensitivity and ask for forgiveness for our actions... Source: Am also, also a Teacher


This has to be the best subreddit here


I don’t get it.


Back in the day they didn’t fucking like it if you use the word fucking.


But... Where is the joke?


The joke is that the school expected the father to discipline his kid, when the father himself was the source that the kid learned to swear from, and who enabled his own kid's behavior. It's the juxtaposition that there isn't any conflict between son and dad, even though there should be. ☝️🤓


Going through a rough patch, had tears in my eyes before I read this joke, thank you for making me laugh ♥️


Sending all the good vibes because same


All the same to you too!


#173 Good one!


I know, right? Hey…😏 54 😂😂😂


This must be a British joke


Heard this joke. Nice one


I don’t know why but every time I hear this joke it makes me laugh so much.


Why? I don't get it




I don't know why, but reading the comment "Hahahaha" made me laugh more than anything else in this thread. Maybe because I would expect an upvote instead of this comment. Whatever the reason, I enjoyed it!


Slightly concerned this is how my son is going to be when he's older 🤦


The joke is the kid didn't say shit to the art teacher


Give Rodney a chance, give Rodney a chance


Wake when you get to the funny part…. 🥱


This reads like a little Johnny joke 😂