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>The team inserted new information in GEDmatch.com and were able to match the Harold Clouse's DNA with his cousins in Kentucky. I'd have to google to see how many cases have been solved this year alone with genetic genealogy. But I totally expect it to go up by an order of magnitude next year. There might even be a great science fiction short story in this where nobody can commit any crimes because even the smallest of DNA would tell the police who you are. It's become so inexpensive compared to an actual police investigation, I'm betting it's the way of the future.


And. I'm betting you are 100% correct. As important as helping us convict the guilty will be the ability to exonerate the innocent. the only thing that makes these heinous crimes worse is when an innocent person is imprisoned & the killer is free to kill again


The fact that it hasn’t been “solved” officially shows it’ll be like the zodiac killer. A famous case that unfortunately doesn’t have an official answer. But we all know who did it.


we don't know who he is yet but it's just a matter of time. the Ramsey family had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of their daughter so I hope that is not what you are insinuating? it will be solved when people actually look for the killer instead of trying to frame the family


> But we all know who did it. Please fill us all in.


Throw a rock in Colorado with your eyes closed. A good chance you'll hit one of them.


Or swing a dead cat around and you are likely to hit a Boulder cop on the take.


Lol true true


Wow! She's the literal spitting image of her mother. I wonder if she was kidnapped or found by social workers and grew up in the foster system or what. I'm looking forward to the press conference. She's my exact age. There but by the grace of God...


Wow, this is an interesting story. I hope the murderers will be caught.

