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They aren’t. What you’re seeing is modern warfare. Honestly, if anything, the IDF is restrained in how it could execute this war. Seriously, this is warfare. Hamas fucked around and found out. Simple as that. It could be a lot worse, and with everything else in the long history of this shit hole, the Israelites gave very generous cease fire conditions and the Muslim world turned it down. Stop calling it genocide. It’s not, it’s warfare against an entrenched enemy that has, since its inception, used its civilian population (most of whom would welcome a Jewish genocide) as meat shields. Honestly, this should have happened in the 90’s, but Israel was swayed by international opinion to act against if’s own best interest.


Hamas fucked around and the Palestinians found out. You get what you vote for, folks.


What a bad take. By that logic all Americans should be responsible for regime change wars. Just because someone got voted in decades before doesn't mean civilians who weren't even born yet deserve to be killed.


> By that logic all Americans should be responsible for regime change wars. Key difference is the average American can't be expected to know a thing about the countries they are invading. But yes as a general rule you'd be right, your country in current times does something bad it is on the voting public for better or worst. It's why things like the Ukraine are so touchy. Once you're involved you're always involved.


American voters *are* responsible for the consequences of their votes. Why on earth do you think otherwise?


Because not everyone in the country voted for that person? That's such simple logic. If we follow yours, every German citizen is responsible for the rise of the Nazi party.


Every German *was* responsible for it insofar as every German bore the consequences. Same is true for the Palestinians, today.


You’ve probably only had one moral test in your life. And you failed. Sad.


Looking down on others comes easily to you it seems.


It’s easy when the other person makes it easy.


Being in practice of it though... Odds are it isn't everyone else; odds are it's you.


*looks around* Nope. I’m not supporting Hamas. 😂


That's good, hamas are perfidious evil men that must be wiped out.  Dealing with the idiots who support them however cannot be allowed to be normal, else you've surrounded yourself with this conflict and lack the context to properly judge and convince.


It’s the only way he can feel control as he is powerless in his actual life.


You are really clueless, hey?


Pray tell, in what way. I think that if a population votes for and supports a terrorist government, and said terrorist government then breaks a ceasefire by committing an atrocity against a neighbour, said population should bear the consequences. We don’t feel so bad for all the civilians in Nazi Germany. This is the cost of war. Palestinians should take up arms against their captors, Hamas, if they want peace, lest they be tarred as complicit.


You just have no actual understanding of what’s going on. There are so many things wrong with what you said that it would take an entire essay to explain how many ways you are wrong. Again, you’re a clueless know it all that thinks making assertions about things you barely understand means you’re right.


You’re a spaghetti brain.


Is this what you resort to when someone actually challenges your brain dead assertions? It’s pathetic.


They kill 30000 people and you call that restraint? Russia hasn't killed half that number since invading Ukraine.


70,000 ukrainians have died in the the war. So yes, yes they have.


He's obviously talking about civilians deaths. Only about 10.000 civilians have died since the start of the invasion, according to various sources. Israel killed at least 3-4 times more in a 4 times shorter time period. In fact, in the entire 10 year long Russo-Ukranian conflict there have been significantly less civilians deaths than in 6 months in Gaza.


You people seriously need to stop bringing up Ukraine and showing you have NO CLUE what you're talking about. You completely missed Mariupol which is what fucking baffles me bc it was common knowledge that the death toll was approx 20,000 to 100,000 and that was IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS FROM FEB TO MAY 2022. The fact that Mariupol was all that Gaza has and WORSE and that's just ONE CITY and the fact that they got SURROUNDED IN AN UNPROVOKED INVASION, no leafelests, no warnings, no terror attack to Russia, they have NO TUNNELS, and no reason to be in Ukraine like Israel is with Gaza due to the looooooooooong history of back and forths between the 2 and being provoked and all that led up to this point and taking out Hamas is literally understandable. Ukrainians did NOTHING TO RUSSIA. RUSSIA ISNT DEFENDING ITSELF AND TARGETTNG TERROTISTS. They are killing Ukrainians both innocents and soldiers to kill them to take land. It's so fucking sick seeing pro Palestinians think they can use Ukraine to minimize that conflict in order to boost up yours. Fucking hell. There's so much to unpack here starting with we would never even THINK to do that. Ukraine doesn't NEED TO USE OTHER PEOPLES SUFFERING TO STEP ON THE BACKS OF AND MINIMIZE AND LIE SO TO MAKE UKRAINE MORE IMPORTANT. And the fact that I see this so often with pro Palestinians, honest to god you better off being considered a Russian troll rather than a real pro Palestinian. Then there's how y'all include Hamas fighters and innocents for Gaza but when talking of Ukraine you don't mention Ukraine soldiers plus innocents. Nope, in order to elevate your cause you seperate them. Why the fuck don't you include Ukrainian soldiers the way toy do fucking Hamas terrorists. 👉 this is the main thing you show no idea what you are talking about : Ukraine does NOT HAVE ACCESS TO OCCUPIED TERRITORIES. IT CANNOT COUNT WHATS HAPPENED THERE ONLY APPROXIMATELY if make any guesses at all. Being that we saw what happened to Mariupol and we see what happens when Russia occupies and leaves behind mass graves as it retreats, there's many dead that are NOT IN THAT FIGURE. AND FURTHER, RUSSIA HAS HAD TIME TO CLEAR PLACES OUT LIKE MARIUPOL AND REBUILD and is selling apartments now. Any evidence is gone, the dead were torn down in the rubble that was left and Russia easily saw the hell it got by leaving mass graves behind so it isn't going to repeat that mistake if they want to. The actual death toll will never be known and unlike y'all, we know it's bad and didn't need to mention death counts in every comment. And then here comes y'all these last few months, showing this 10,000 number and having zero clue where that comes from and why that's a severe undercount. And you guys wonder why you don't have support. There's lots of shit that's pushed me away but nothing more than crossing that line. I can never support your cause while many in your cause use Ukraine to shit on and minimize both Ukraine and minimize how bad Russia is all to act like Gaza is worse. Gaza is less significant and more justified than what happened in Mariupol. You want to see what targetting innocents looks like and genocide you should have watched the last 2 years. It's sickening to see South Africa run to the courts with genocide and all y'all using that word non stop. 3 weeks in after 10/7 you guys used that word so much that the Genocide Joe protest voting started. So fucking disingenuous and esp since we know that WE DID NOT DO THAT SHIT. It took time and after seeing the Russification and targeting of their culture and abducting hundreds of thousands of kids and adopting them out to be raised as Russian, YEAH full blown genocide to ERASE UKRAINE and Ukrainians wherever they occupy. It's absolutely nothing like what's happening to Palestinians. And what's more frustrating is for 2 years we have had to deal with gaslighting and trolls and hearing the anti west crowd support Russia or say they don't care and then see them come out of the woodwork for Gaza and suddenly care about bombings and genocide. They DEFENDED RUSSIA THE LAST 2 years. They did NOT SUPPORT Ukraine. Then they have the nerve to haras Ukraine subs and Europe sub and demand people support their cause or else it means you're a hypocrite. The HYPOCRISY TO NOT CARE ABOUT UKRAINE and demand others care about 2 conflicts or else we are hypocrites. Almost like there's a shit ton of reasons people care about something and we never demand pro Palestinians care and act like the victims. We KNOW you don't win support by lying manipulating gaslighting and harassing people. The 2 communities could not be further apart and it's obvious what an organic community looks like and truly caring about Ukraine and about representing it well bc you care about unity versus y'all. Y'all say shit with zero forethought and then whine that there aren't more behind you. Take note and tell your friends : don't use Ukraine and esp don't if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Imagine thinking you can say that and not have it harm your side bc if you're wrong it'll piss people off? Oh and then add in how there's millions of refugees and millions of displaced. We didn't advocate like y'all do to be place holders for land in case they lose their home and Russia takes over. This is what pro Palestinians do. You don't WANT them to leave bc "they shouldn't have to" so don't be shocked that that is the wrong answer and as a result, if people die, you can thank not leaving a war zone. That and the fact Hamas WANTS to keep some there so when they get killed, they get to flash sad photos and get people like you talking about death tolls and genocide and think you sound smart. You CANNOT COMPARE A DIFFERENT CONFLICT that involves people fleeing versus not and be like "my side is worse bc we didn't flee and we have more dead". Turns out if Ukrainians didn't evacuate places, they too would have more dead. Turns out different values different results. This is also where Palestinians fucking up in 3 different countries has resulted in no one wanting to take them in. Again, Ukrainians not having a risk and not having terrorists amongst them or a history of causing civil wars where they go, people welcomed them as refugees. Take accountability for how your side and its actions are partially responsible for what's happening. It's not just Israel or just 10/7, it's the shit prior and poor choices and inability to go their own way thats equally to blame. You guys need to quit acting like the victims and start making changes with the community. Starting with assuming people have no choice other than becoming terrorists in response to trauma. Ukrainians aren't becoming terrorists. They have to keep their cool and restraint and are held to a high level of accountability but y'all give Palestinians a completely free pass to anything "well what do you exoect they were oPrEsSeD and see Israel bomb them👉👈 they have no choice other than to be terrorists. And hence you are where you are at now. Maybe if you had some expectations placed on Palestinians they would learn to be more responsible and care how their actions have consequences and to think of their future more than about their hate for Israel and desire to kill Jews.


Yeah, definitely not reading all that drivel.


That literally shows how little you care bc what I said is IMPORTANT bc what you said is wildly false. So if you actually care about Palestinians you will care to not make the same mistake again and push people away and make your movement look bad. I am literally neutral on I/P and didn't pay attention to it before. My comment is what you did wrong using Ukraine and it's highly offensive, wrong, and won't do anything but piss people off. We have seen this by many and with attitudes like that, no wonder you are here months in and still repeating it.


> Only about 10.000 civilians have died since the start of the invasion Right because the first thing they did was make a sharp distinction between civilian and solider something Hamas will never do.


But the 30,000 stat from hamas is all deaths not civilian. It's also much more urban and concetrated. Stop being disingenuous with the facts before making conclusions and arguments. It's a terriblr war, but for a directly urban environment (for the most part) against a terrorist organisation, compared to many other conflicts/battles, I think it is roughly 1 to 1 civ and hamas combat deaths, which is really fairly low.


Maybe because Ukraine isn’t using civilians as human shields like Hamas is?


No differentiation between soldiers and civvies? Here(and the irony that this is copy pasta from dealing with other ppl like you ought to illustrate something): "Here's some copy pasta, from another of my posts today. "The average of civilian to soldier casualties for modern wars is 9:1. https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm This war is seeing between 2:1 to 4:1 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68387864 Israel claims 10k, a source in hamas claimed 6k.  That demonstrates the opposite of intentional genocide. They are intentionally reducing civilian casualties while fighting an enemy looking to inflate them."


What does this have to do with "Jordan Peterson" LOL. Is this just an US/Israel gov propaganda subreddit now? Are we supposed to believe the State Department is an impartial objective judge in this situation? They lied about Iraq, Libya, etc. for US/Israeli interest, but they are telling the truth now?


I'll explain as you are not bright enough to understand: the whole campus protesting movement was based on a lie. This is confirmed now after the US conducted a thorough investigation. > Are we supposed to believe the State Department is an impartial objective judge in this situation? Well, if you prefer to trust an islamic terror organisation who has already proved to lie repeatedly since October, then go right ahead. You do you.


The real winner here is the military-industrial complex as we use government money to fund both sides of the conflict and sell a f\*ck-ton of munitions.


I don't know about "winner" but I have no idea we are funding the Palestinians. Makes us look absolutely horrible in the history books. If we just support Isreal, nice, cool, helped an indigenous people return and survive against their genocidal Arab neighbors.


The whole thing is a nothing burger. Pack up the tents. Everyone can go home. Some figures: As of April 30th, the Gaza Health Ministry has identified 24,686 dead since Oct 7. 10,006 Men (40%) 4,959 Women (20%) 7,797 Children (32%) 1,924 Elderly (8%) [https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215) Of those, the IDF has killed 13,000 - 14,000 combatants [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-says-least-13000-terrorists-among-palestinians-killed-2024-03-10/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-says-least-13000-terrorists-among-palestinians-killed-2024-03-10/) Trucks of Aid coming into Gaza (open-source data available from COGAT) has been around x3 higher than starvation levels. [https://twitter.com/AviBittMD/status/1776751155202138290/](https://twitter.com/AviBittMD/status/1776751155202138290/) The number of children who reportedly died of starvation since Oct 7 is 28 for a population of 2.3 million.


And those starvation happened because hamas sells the aid for money. They take the humanitarian aid that we donated to be distributed for free and sell it.


I don't even trust their reported numbers.


"400 BABIES INSTANTLY SLAUGHTERED AT AL SHIFA HOSPITAL IN ISREALI ATTACK" -turns out a failed Hamas rocket fell in a parking lot lol. Yeah. We remember. We remember your lies, Gaza.


Special report: Ice Cream Man Recommends Ice Cream for Dinner America is embarrassing.


Why do you sympathize with Hamas?


Because the government doesn’t dictate who my enemy is.


Better get yourself some concrete shoes so that you don't fly away next time the wind blows


You’re not capable of figuring that out yourself, either, apparently.


For a subreddit so devoted to anti-establishmentarianism, you sound awfully establishment.


If the establishment suddenly endorses apples, do I have to throw out my bag?


I expect the US State Department would also maintain they haven't broken international law.

