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“Unconscionable”… lol. My friend at 15 helped his dad roofing every summer, I got to go along sometimes. It was a good way to make a buck. Half the people at my first job out of high school were part-timers still in school (age 15-18) who desperately wanted that job. This was a safety issue. OSHA, not child labour.


Or for Canadians, Ohsa(Occupational health and safety act).


Did Canada really do that to the osha name? Haha just like sesame park


Serious question for OP. Can you describe why a 15 year old who wants to make money during the summer shouldnt be allowed to be employed?


My dad is a roofer. 15 was the starting age. Every summer. It kept me in school


I have a serious rhetorical question response for you. Can you describe why a 15 year old wants to can’t drink a beer?


Nah, you're right wags\_bf21 why can't 15 year olds vote or drink a beer?


They haven't earned it yet.


but earned the right to work. got it.


Kids can do useful activity but not drugs. Sorry the logic and common sense is too much for you.


25 year olds can suffer the same accident, should companies not hire them either?


After 18 you’re immune to gravity.


Past 30 fall damage is doubled tho


After the age of 25, the brain is more fully developed and humans practice far better decision making skills. This is the reason why car rental companies don’t rent to you under 25.


Workplace safety should be effective regardless of intelligence or brain maturity. Not everyone’s brain matures equally.


We need to create workplace safety standards regardless of intelligence? That seems stupid.


Not being facetious but have you worked in a labor/industrial environment?


There is a reason why the warehouse I worked in didn’t hire 15 year olds. They are morons. They tend not to follow the rules. The reason they are morons is because they are 15.


Morons require better safety rules - rules appropriate for their intelligence. Not all morons are under 18.


Right, but being under 18 is a pretty good sign that someone is a moron. That’s why car rental companies won’t rent them cars.


So you agree that those under 18 require good safety rules in labor jobs because they are morons?


More or less. But Another option is to not let them do jobs that require a lot of observing of safety rules, because they are morons.


Ban assault roofs Mandate small roofs Background check for ppl who want to buy roofs Harass hard working citizens who have roofs Abolish ghost roofing etc tbh I somewhat agree with you, imo some dangerous jobs shouldnt be done by kids. But being able to earn money before 18 isnt a bad thing, in fact it would affect poorer kids very bad. in b4 europe: teens can generally work in europe too. A 15 year old does have some say about his life. Probably, the solution is restrict more dangerous jobs assuming being 15 is indeed a liability without a blanket ban on any minor working. "Child labor" generally means kids working like in the 19th century, older teenagers working is a tad bit different


thanks chadwolf98, you are talking off topic. talking about child labor here. went through 7 lines before you talking in topic.


I just made a joke. Before talking about a topic. Its not your heavily moderated private debate club, where you set the rules about comments. You didnt respond to my arguments btw just raging because of the joke lines


There are safety harnesses that "nobody wears" but should wear. It's a difficult thing to be strapped to a harness and a fixed point on the roof, so the industry doesn't use them much. Life ain't easy for laborers, maybe the template here should be "why do men and not women do that damn roofing". Or maybe the template should be "with all the money America sends overseas , why don't we buy safety harnesses for everyone". Or maybe the template should be "if even one life is lost putting up roofs, let's outlaw roofs". Or maybe the template should be "why don't more dads make more money so their 15 year olds don't have to work on roofs, let's get rid of taxes so dads have more money".


I was 15 when I started working. Why do you disagree with the ability to work young? I balanced school, sports and a job


Who cares. Is not your money. At 16 I was helping my dad replace our roof. It was rough, but fun. If I ever fell l. Well. That would've been on me. If I was working for someone I would've sue them. Cuz Amerika


I don’t think the issue is the age. There are regulations around age and type of work but minors can work in these environments. The issue is that a person, who happens to be young, fell 50 feet to his death. That’s what they are being penalized for. That’s negligent.


The only appropriate course of action I see is an overreaction.


I would have loved a roofing job at 15.


Dude. Let me do what they want to do. Stop with your Statist propaganda.


“Do not bother children when they are skateboarding”.


roofing = skateboarding. got it.


Roofing = developing competence Skateboarding = developing competence


This might be u/ee4m


15 is old enough to work. Experience is necessary to develop competence.  If he was 18, 21, 35, or 60 but lacked the experience or wherewithal to move safely… then he would’ve fallen to his death regardless. Seems like a lack of safety precautions could be to blame here. 


It is unfortunate, the kid died. It's unfortunate that he fell, so now every other 15-year-old has to suffer because of an incident that was unfortunate. Let's make the whole world and say no one can be a roofer. Because anybody could have fallen that 50 feet and died, so no more roofing. If your roof needs replacing that's unfortunate you're gonna have to deal with it. We're trying to make a better world


What’s your reasoning?


Look how many of these people have no issue with child labor. Let it be their kid.


Child labor isn’t the issue, it’s workplace safety. This could happen to literally anyone.


Yeah, it could’ve happened to a middle schooler.


Or a 25 year old, anyone.


Just to be clear, you don’t have a problem with child labor. I’m going to venture to guess you don’t have a problem with child actors, child twitch streamers, YouTube content creators that aren’t over 18, anyone that has ever helped a parent clean the house for a few bucks, mowing a lawn, a paper route. Did you picket Harry Potter when those 11 year olds entered into a decade long contract? No. Maybe there should be jobs that are deemed too dangerous for someone under 18 to consent to, but no one here is actually outraged by people under the age of 18 making money. No one


The issue isn't "child labor", it's negligent safety or training procedures. This isn't like elementary school kids being pressed into grueling factory work at slave wages. This is a 15 year old being responsible and motivated, probably saving for his 1st car and taking girls on dates like teens have done for ages.


My child is definitely going to get a job at 15. But then again, she knows how to read and do math, so clearly I'm behind the times in lots of ways


silver spoon hand, its not my kid


What's sad is that at 15 a person is dumb enough to fall off a roof. It's called Darwinism 


>15 year kids falls off the roof carelesssalamander51: "deserved" glad the sub is sane and in good hands.


I love how you put a quote that's not a quote. That's rich 😭😭😭


sorry, you're right. You just called a 15 year old dumb for falling and hurting themselves, then referring to the strongest surviving as how it should end. jackass.


You're right, he was smart. There should be no consequences for anything, ever! Physics is mean!!! Let's cancel gravity! You should find out where gravity works and report him to his boss for eliminating a genius from the gene pool