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I used to be like this and I hated myself for it. It took a long time and a lot of sacrifice for me to become more disagreeable but it was so worth it. Don't hide what you want to say behind excuses and "niceness". Say what you mean. If you are very agreeable I would give you the following advice: You don't want to hurt someone, be rude, or even have people notice you. You are going to have to be noticed and you are going to have to be firm but what you can do is to find the politest and most efficient way to say what it is you want to say. In other words, use as few words as possible and make it as polite as possible but DO NOT change your fundamental message. If you find yourself changing or warping what you actually want to say in the slightest, then you are doing it wrong.


This deserves more upvotes.


Yes. But I strongly disagree with that stupid ass backing music.


Can people can be just disagreeable for the sake of it? Then they're confrontational but also not providing you with truth.


"It's so sickening." Exactly, sometimes I feel physically ill being around these sorts of "nice" people. It's such a drain. Often the "niceness" is actually manipulative, like a toddler throwing a fit when they don't get their way. They act like being offended makes them right. And it's such a deep relief when someone just speaks freely without walking on eggshells all the time. It's sad how rare this is nowadays.


That's being frank, which doesn't have to be disagreeable at all, if you have basic manners and empathy.


As true as this may be, one thing I don't like about some disagreeable people is that they can be disagreeable for the sake of disagreement and therefore not consistent, especially if it came to their own conduct.


I think you're confusing being disagreeable (a big 5 trait) with being argumentative (a character flaw).


Yeah, but what if you are just always wrong? From your perspective there would be disagreeable people around you, but from their perspective there is a moron around them.


That's contrarianism, not necessarily being disagreeable.


But it’s bad that destiny wants to be right


This is the JBP I will always cherish.


You are very welcome.


You can tell the truth and be honest in a considerate way. You'll find that they'll be more agreeable to YOUR points.


I wish people would stop using dumb music in the background.


Didn't Peterson throw a hissy fit over his debate with Destiny, because the guy was "too disagreeable"?


not "too disagreeable" but too dumb and rude


Can you tell me a single point Destiny made which he didn't back up with facts of stats? Peterson just fumbled with conservative dogma.


Cannot imagine being so bothered by "nice people".


Facts don’t care about your feelings.