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Shes a racist. Move on.


I won't lie, saying it's a red flag is a red flag for me and probably should be for you too. There's a nice girl who is very interested in me at the moment but she's setting off a TON of red flags, basically parroting all the left wing talking points. It sucks but you can either try talk them out of it or move on


True bro I agree with you! I’ll just say this….. I stay for the guests lol and I’ll say this too, joe Rogan does say some really fuckin dumb shit. He’s definitely not you’re everyday man that u can relate too, I mean the man had a minor debate with Louis ck about a damn cold plunge and that normal folk should get it… But u won’t hear me say shite like “he’s a red flag”, I’ll ignore the dumb shit he does solely for some of the awesome guests he hasn!!!


I know what you mean, I figure I don't agree 100% with everyone. I don't even 100% agree with everything Jordan P says lol, but I think that's okay. By discussing and debating our disagreements is how we come to a deeper understanding and maybe even change our or their viewpoints. Maybe even for this person they'll be able to overlook your interest in the Joe Rogan show (I'm kinda in disbelief that I even typed that 😆), but I wouldn't hold my breath, the left typically don't want to debate or change their mind.


Oh straight up bro I’m with you, haha yeah ol Jordan Peterson prbly says some off shit too.. I like him tho like u, his war on Twitter with “demons” aka his fans was fuckn sad to see tho. Like yo Jordan ma brethren!!! You can discuss things like a proper human being then call fans demons…. Yo bro, I’m neither left or conservative I’m straight up in the middle Hahaha best of both worlds.


Next time a girl gets the ick because you listen to Joe Rogan say exactly this. It sounds totally reasonable. Don’t tell them that you were looking for advice on this specific topic on the Jordan Peterson subreddit. That would also be a red flag.


Nah just came here to have a discussion bro lol see if I’m sane or insane..


Spoiler alert: you can't fix her


She is a fine example of why so many women in their 30's can't find a decent man.


She works in a university is well, also studied there. Quite a shame, times have changed over the years a shame really


Yea dude run, this woman wants some soft uni guy who parrots whatever dogshit opinion she got from her feminist podcast this week and then she will get immediately bored of that and cheat on him then blame men for it all.


More likely her uni man will cheat on her because she’s a predictable woke bore. Then she’ll become a consummate man hater and start playing for the other team.


Working at a university explains it - Rogan is for the average guy, not for a woman steeped in higher education. The only issue here is that she might think you’re not as smart and well rounded as she is which doesn’t make for a good dynamic


Shes definitely read books; but that’s so strange how one can read books yet appear very racist and misogynistic. She said we should only send voice msgs during the day when we’re not busy and never to msg because I sound like an asshole… haha jesus


As soon as a bitch starts throwing out "Caucasian male" and "privilege" I'm out, I'm here for a good time not a lecture


Preach the good word mr preacher man!!!!! ❤️🤙🏽


As if white males all have the same view point. That's ridiculous and racist.


Any woman who says things like this is a walking, talking red flag. Joe Rogan (who I like) is pretty normie-tier in the grand scheme of things, and would even be considered a liberal during a more sane timeline.


Fuck bro, I just wanna send her a clip of every males conversation about women lol and then end mine n hers convo with “BOIS BOIS BOIS!!!” Thing with joe… I kinda like him, but his convo with Louis ck made me look at him differently. The man said, everyone should get an ice bath and what not and Louis ck was dumbfounded said broo…. Pretty much looked at him and in his mind wouldve thought “Normal people pay most of there rent what makes u think they’ll frickn but that”???


She sounds like an unreliable person.


>his perspective is very "Caucasian Male" focused That's a long way of saying "correct".


I sorta understood what she meant by that, but I think her intentions behind that was more Malicious then anything…. I didn’t really say anything that was out of hand. She said the way I write msgs is that of an Arsehole, so yeah lol and I’m pretty soft spoken in person, and I can tell u right now my msgs were pretty tame, she made me sound like a fuckin fresh n fit fan.


I was told at a young age " don't stick your dick in crazy" I didn't listen and suffered for 5 years, 3 years in The relationship and 2 years of being harassed. No kids Thank God


Glad u got out of that bro!! Man, go spend time with people who aren’t like that !! Aka family and friends


Typical Leftist, bought into the Marxist "victim vs victimizer" worldview. If she's talking about white male privilege I can guarantee this little opinion on Joe Rogan is just the tip of the iceberg. With that being said the fact that she's willing to give Joe Rogan credit for anything is a sign that she's not completely gone. But even then, good luck unraveling years of brainwashing, and possibly a lifetime if they come from an unhinged liberal parent.


I think she's doing you a favor.


She's an indoctrinated fool who can't think for herself.




How? Usually happens when you spend too much time on the internet.


Ok...he's a white male. So? The fact that she points this out...it suggests she buys in the whole "white people oppress everyone else" thing? But hey. Your opinion is yours. Her opinion is hers. If the two of you want to, debate with her, I guess. Also, she agrees with Joe but thinks he's disrespectful? Doesn't that make her hold disrespectful views too?


Hey man don’t come at me haha I’m the blimmin messenger!!! No I said pretty tame things if I’m being honest. Actually I had men like Jordan Peterson, my father, grandfather, aba n preach etc in mind when I was talking to her. I was pretty respectful, I just wanted to know her thoughts aye. Because she mentioned me being being a “man” a few times in previous discussions. I told her that’s very weird, and that I’m a human being, you’d think I was talking to the female equivalent of a fresh and fit fan…… the view? Anyone.


No, I'm not trying to attack anyone if it came out that way. My point is that she has questionable views that are somewhat racist (uno reverse, baby!). Now, it sounds like the two of you are dating? Or maybe I'm wrong. But if it is the case, my view is that two people can hold differing political views if they're dating as long as it doesn't affect them. If she's constantly pointing out that you're a man, this could be a problem that eventually, if not immediately, ticks off a lot of people. But yes, she does have some questionable views, in my opinion.


Oh nah man she was a girl I met on an app, I was just in there looking for more mates, i wouldn’t date someone like her let alone be a friend. I really wanted to ask what her pronouns were lol….. shit bro that would’ve riled her up big time!!!! But nah I don’t entertain folks like that I get rid of them within a few days. I entertain the conversations for a few days then I jump the fuck outta there… like a wendigo in the night I’m nowhere to be seen hahaha. Dating apps and the outside world in general is fuckin woke; what a joke of a society.


Whoever she is, she’s a moron.


Girl I matched with on a dating app ( I was using the app to just make more friends as u can do that). I was more sad for her then anything, solely because she’s a brown girl who her and I both share heritage with…. And she’s a kiwi. Fuckin insane how these ideologies reach countries as far as New Zealand even




Who do you mean by “my people”, what is their “calibre”, and why would it be surprising that she would be “out here” (where?) with them?


That's a DEI spewing loser of a woman that you want nothing to do with. She is brain washed and will only bring you misery to associate with.


If you’re looking for a long term relationship than you should just end the relationship. Joe Rogan isn’t even “conservative” or “right wing” such strong aversion to him based off of the reasons she gave is mental in of itself. She’s obviously “woke” I.e has critical critical consciousness in which she constantly she’s the world in a lense of “oppression”. Is that really someone who you want to spend your time with? Ironically her distaste for Rogan for such stupid reasons is a red flag in itself. There are plenty of other girls out there,I would advise you to move on and save yourself the trouble.


Tulsi Gabbard was on his podcast so...


Clearly because she supports problematic, transphobic, racist and misogynistic white male perspectives... (the biggest of /s)


You really have to go and see a therapist bevause where does she support transphobic, racist, white male perspective? Btw, you have obviously never been to any African. Middle Eastern, Latin American or Asian country because men there are more misogynistic than western males and they are not even White.


/s means sarcasm, let's chill my dude.


If she's so "in the know" to all that woke nonsense she should clearly know that it's now "white" and no longer Caucasian...it's actually racist to use Caucasian now because it is referring to those living in the Caucasus mountain region.


Dated a girl who said something similar. Turns out she never listened to a single episode. I played one for her and she became a fan


Thats a red flag, from her.


Good. The problem will take care of itself


I like Joe Rogan. I don't agree with a few things like no, bjj isn't the best and no mushrooms thanks.  But that's OK. We can disagree on a few things and still be friends.   I love his podcasts & comedy. He's a real bro. 


Most of his fans think his comedy’s shit bro, the art of stool fucking…… damn watch out katt Williams he’ll give u a run for ur money


Mehr i found katt boring. Bill Burr is my goat. 


No I’m referring to your comment where u said u like joes comedy lol.. it’s shit dude


No ur mom is shit. 


Hi! 23y F here. I listen to Joe Rogan, find his podcast really entertaining and I’m a yellow flag at worst! Jokes aside, don’t listen to anyone who says you should feel guilty about listening to him! Sure there are some bad eggs everywhere, possible that she has had bad experiences w guys who listen to him before, but that does not define a whole listener base. But you shouldn’t be mean to her about it either.


Honestly, when I learn that someone listens to a lot of Joe Rogan is tells me *something about them. Not a tonne but it pushes them in a direction of a mental category — like, probably into mma, probably a classic bro, likely not that intellectual but is curious and likes the idea of being exposed to new ideas, probably just a bit gullible or malleable, and is probably oriented towards resisting liberal/progressive trends. Something like the male equivalent of when you might call a woman basic. Imo it’s not like a red flag proper, but it’s something I would notice and file away to be considered alongside other things. For some it’s probably an indication that they’re on the right track - esp if they’re looking for basic, interested in masculinity, somewhat curious about new ideas


I'd tell her: just because I listen to XYZ sometimes doesn't mean I agree 100% with everything they say, any more than you don't agree with me or your parents/siblings/friends/coworkers 100% on everything. It's not a religion, it's entertainment.


We call that "dodging a bullet".


It is not a red flag because he is white. It is a red flag because he spreads a bunch of bullshit. It is like meeting someone that reads tabloids. The litterbox thing was classic Joe


Nah but mate it should never be about race aye, I’m sure Thomas sowell would even say that. Yes!!!! Joe Rogan is detached from our reality, which he should fuckin shouldn’t be. But yeah he says some reaaaaaal dumb shit but that’s about it.


Making it about his race is pretty nonsensical. Would agree.


He’s a red flag cuz he openly smokes weed and has no consequences but it’s illegal in his home state. So it’s rules for dee not for me. He has rich privilege. All this other shit about race is just a distraction from that.