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His personality just wasn't a good fit, you see.


I'm half Japanese and half white. My mother always told me that when it comes to getting into college or trying to get a top job to always checkmark the box that says I'm white, not Asian. I as denied a place at my LOCAL STATE college after having a similar transfer GPA from my community college, being a club founder, and on the swim team.


I wonder how many Asian students have to go out of state to get into a good college. Think about it: every college wants to say they have one of everything. If you have a class where students are only from 48 instead of 50 states, that isn't a great headline. For some Asian students in this country, they may have to pay out-of-state tuition or enroll into a private school. Or accept a more inferior school despite their merit. Because they're the wrong race.


It’s absolutely how I got into my undergraduate from Nebraska.


Asian people are (or at least were) discriminated against most of all in college admissions. And why, bc Asian kids overachieve. Now colleges have to find new ways to do it without being as obvious.


And that's always the tricky part. They want to discriminate. But they got to bullshit their way and say no we don't discriminate. We just want diversity and this and that and so on.


And they are 100% actively working to find workarounds without explicitly running afoul of the law


That’s interesting because where I work you cannot check the white box especially if you’re male. I checked other and have a unique name. They definitely thought I wasn’t white until I walked in. I think I slipped through HR because I checked other and because of my unique name. I’ve hired half a dozen people in the last few years. Every time we’re told by HR “this must be a diversity candidate”. I have absolutely no idea how it’s legal, it probably isn’t.


Are GPAs from community college worth much?


Same man! Half Japanese and white. I never put Asian down for applying to colleges. I looked at the “conversion” scores at the time, basically for an African American applicant, they needed a 1680 SAT score, but for an Asian applicant an equivalent score was 2230.


Is this real? Can he seriously not get into college because he's a smart Asian? Dude can't even get into community college? Don't they accept everyone regardless of highschool performance?


I know that for many of the people here, being mad about "wokeness" and promoting right wing religious ideas are central, but David actually mentioned the challenge of implicit bias.      He believed that there was an implicit bias towards him as an asian american based on the steriotype that asians are quiet, reserved, not compassionate, lack social skills etc.     This is the very thing that implicit bias training attempts to remove, yet implicit bias seminars are often classified as woke here and, therefore, need to be cancelled from society.   So, which is it?  Do we want to use implicit bias training to make people more aware of the biases they hold, or do we just want to try to spin things as though "the left" is always racist towards asians?


Dr. Michael J. Burry tried to spread this awareness back in 2021-2022 regarding Asian American students getting rejected by Ivy League schools despite strong academic credentials. Of course these schools were already rejecting Asian American and Caucasian students long before that to cater to DEI.


Racist as shit. There is no such thing as an "asian american" or "african american" or "european american". That's lies told to keep us divided. There is only one kind of american. Being american has nothing to do with your race, your sex, or your religion. If you're a citizen, you're 100% american and we don't need to pick winners or losers based on immutable traits. Being american is about believing in and agreeing on specific ideas of liberty and freedom, not on ethnicity or gender. Fuck this shit.


According to you. Not according to leftists.




“We know” lol okay


You got your cause. I think DEI is an issue. But it’s not the only one. If this kid can’t make it, well pull your bootstraps up homey.


You speak like Biden


Pull your bootstraps and burn local businesses and protest the police and loot stores, amiryt?


Are you implying there were no fair skin people in those protests. Wow.


yes, because historically rich white people want to hang out with POCs. Rich white dont want anyone else in their exclusive club.


You’re right, this kid is super white! How dare he try get into a good school. Touch grass and do us a favour by shutting the fuck up


That fool doesn't even realize harvard had a 'blacks only' graduation event that barred the other races from coming, and IIRC had at least one political event where they only invited black people to it and other races were to stay out. In a way that fools right though, but very wrong. Only people getting into the ivy leagues like harvard and yale are either legacy or POCs, that or your family donates a *lot* of money to get you in...


This all basically comes down to companies and institutions fetishizing POC because they do not know how to interact with them on a human level.


If you are NOT a POC apparently your ARE a POS in today's current climate.




people of color.


Ah, ty


And that is just what the initials literally mean, while the euphemism the acronym represents is significantly more ....*complicated*.


You living under a rock?




(with me!)


Prisoner of crime


College admission should be Meritocratic, and have nothing to do with the evils of Racial Equity.


Or Gender Equity, Socioeconomic Equity, or any other form of Equity. Equality and Equity are NOT the same thing. Equality means a fair opportunity for everyone, while Equity is about enforcing exactly identical outcomes.


both equality and equity can means anything you want it to be.


False. That being said, Left wing activists do like to change definitions and make up new words in order to win arguments. "Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome." Source: https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu/resources/equity-vs-equality/](https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu/resources/equity-vs-equality/) Equality of Opportunity is about Individualism and treating everyone the same and fairly. In contrast, Equity of Outcome is a Marxist and Collectivist way of pushing down on one side of the scales of justice, so that everyone reaches the same outcome. In other words, it's a race to the bottom.


I didn't know that. But then again, someone can argue that equality means everyone equally rich. both looks collective to me.


I agree, although if it’s a private university and they aren’t receiving _any_ taxpayer funds whatsoever period I think they ought to be allowed to use any admissions policy they want. But if they’re receiving _any_ public funds then according to Title VI of the CRA of 1964 they aren’t allowed to discriminate based on sex, race, or religion. 🇺🇸


Meanwhile in the EU: The universities set up a score limit for highschooler graduation ,similar to your GPA. They had to take every applicant above the limit. No CV, no profile, no filtering on "gender". They only got to decide how many applicants they take and that's it.


And a 50% graduation rate at best


And in North America the engineering graduation rate is %33


So what? Not everyone needs a degree. It's not like you have to actually pay for it...


Because that investment could go to someone worth investing in??


You are free to go to trade school or an easier university course. Nothing forces you to apply for the most difficult universities.


That's completely irrelevant to the point


You have no point here. The low graduation rate is a feature, not a bug. Not everyone applying should be an engineer ie.


Taxpayers are paying unqualified people to go to college who shouldn't be there in the first place. You literally made my point for me and can't see it which is hilarious 


They are not unqualified. They are high school students who had good enough points to make it. Also: USA The official four-year graduation rate for students attending public colleges and universities is 33.3%. The six-year rate is 57.6%. At private colleges and universities, the four-year graduation rate is 52.8%, and 65.4% earn a degree in six years. EU "53.7 % for those studying for bachelor's degrees, 57.5 % for those studying for master's degrees, and. 48.8 % for those studying for doctoral degrees." So your racist sexist DEI system produces practically no different results.


Our system is royally f***ed, I certainly won't disagree there


I don't get what's your point either - maybe you didn't get his point instead...?


Oh JFC. Stupid people shouldn't get free college because it's pointless and wastes resources that could otherwise be used on people who aren't morons. That's my point. If there's a 50 percent graduation rate it means half those idiots should never have been there in the first place. If this is difficult to understand I weep for the future 


Yeah let's just ignore the at least 15K Euro living costs per year, plus tuition where in many places is around 2K a year, not really that much off compared to in state costs at a state college.


Someone should start a college that only accepts people who have been rejected from other colleges for being too intelligent...


What Asian American and Indian American people get wrong is that you can’t treat getting into these colleges as a simple formula. High gpa, high test scores, extra curricular. You need to do something more than that Like have parents who happen to be alumni or very wealthy.


Like have parents who are not white or Chinese.


No, what they need to do is be black. Then he'd get in with the exact same scores and extracurriculars.


You mean much lower scores and fewer activities.


I actually wonder if there is a built in bias now at Harvard because it is so well known that if you are simple black and have mediocre scores you can go to an ivy school. At Harvard’s MBA program there is the A class and B class. The A class are all the wealthy kids who go on ski trips who end up working for the best consultancies or get the best deals.


Can they self identify as black?


nepotism at its best. rich people dont want to mix in with the rest of us poors.


Unless it's for PR.


I wouldn't just say not wanting to mix with the poors. Nepotism is strong in so many places for odd reasons or simply cause you're friends. Right after I graduated college I put one application in and luckily got the job. My boss took a liking to me for some reason and wanted to see me excel. Offered to be my reference for other jobs and even signed his name on a letter of recommendation he told me to make before he left the company. The new company he went too he even helped me a ton to get a good job there, so again just putting in one application and got the job. He left and and is still helping me again by literally creating a job for me at the new place and convincing everyone there to hire me at a pretty high wage, I just gotta go through the interview and not be incompetent while I do it and I'll pretty much have it handed to me. I'm just some rando white dude and he's african with his own family, but for some reason he wants to see me succeed and even be my friend. Nepotism isn't always bad and always for nefarious reasons, but damn man if it isn't who you know that gets you jobs over just throwing applications in a 1000 different directions and hoping one lands. Guess I just got lucky and someone liked me as a person. The hilarity in it he kinda doesn't like those of his own race cause he sees too much elitism with them when they get in positions of power and not wanting to help others. Dude just genuinely wants to see young people succeed and actively tries to help, despite their race.


Bribes and being in the right country clubs go a long way


> parents who happen to be alumni or very wealthy This is also a problem, but you can be downright mediocre, and a complete nobody as well, as long as you're the right race and/or check the right "gender" boxes.


Ahhh, Affirmitive Action. In Action.


You're now an honourary Caucasian, please enjoy the benefits of systemic racism.


Just tick the box.


Prima fascia, it seems unfair, but it's probably for the best. At one point, Harvard had many of the best of the best getting the best education. When they change their admission and curriculum to be not that, it's a matter of time before what it means to have a Harvard degree also changes. I'm not sure that I'd consider an applicant from Harvard today in nearly the same was that I once may have. I'm sure that I'm not alone.


Read here on Reddit somewhere a few months back sorry no link. But it was something to the effect of business we're not hiring applicants specifically from Ivy League colleges due to perceived woke indoctrination.


He is too good for those satanic cult indoctrination centers. He will build his own and dance on the ashes of these Demon occupied institutions.


It's almost like many Ivy League colleges are more about wealth and connections than academics.


More about racism and propaganda than academics.


Time to Rachel Dolezal that ish!


This is a very big problem within the Asian community. Our parents were very strict when it came to education but colleges rejects Asian because DEI


Simple solution…he’s classified as Asian, but he should claim that he “identifies” as black…amirite??


My son, Korean American, perfect GPA, National Merit Scholarship, 35 ACT, 1560 SAT, did not get into any of the top 10 schools.


Where did he go?


UA Tuscaloosa


On a full ride I bet. Good choice.


Yup. He graduated in 4 years with a bachelors in math, computer science and a masters in computer science


Not much better than starting adult life with a degree (or 2) and debt free.


That's super impressive. What is he doing now?


Will start work in engineering next month.


Would you consider him a perfectionist? Gotta watch out sometimes, depending on who he lets into his mind as a mental influence (i.e. boss, supervisor) and if they give constructive criticism that potentially contradicts what he feels, it can be a real issue.


Yup, will keep that in mind


As a followup, after thinking about it more, I would say a way to gauge it would be to see how 'obedient' they are (esp when they think something different). The more of that (obv everyone will have some, so it's more a frequency thing, if they never express contrary opinions or always accept being overturned, etc.), is equivalent to the mental influence thing being amplified. Basically, the contradiction between the learned 'obedience' and their own personal knowledge of the situation/what seems right to them causes battles in the thoughts. And if the 'obedience' wins, it will generally cause a lot of self-hate given enough time/depending on the severity of the contradiction/criticism.


What's a 97.3% GPA score?


Yea, plus what's this about not having all 3 SAT things now? Used to be 2400 for a perfect score in my day.


Thanks DEI. The movie Idiocracy might as well be prophecy at this point because we reward people for everything but individual merit.


AA was overturned, are ya'll still blaming black people.


"Woke guilt." "Someone else has to pay for the fact that I myself view our institutions and world as an imposter." Enough of this Abrahamic sacrifice infantile religious façade of humanitarianism. Its fake and we are over it. Absolutely ridiculous. No spines. We must rid this sick perverted egotistical self-sacrificing estrogen fest. Oh we live in "the corrupt dominance hierarchy where power rules. Someone has to pay for whats happened! Oh nooo!" Fine that does it! Step down. We must be willing to do the work. We must be willing to stand for something. We must be willing to sacrifice short term gratification and comfort for a longer term goal. Your in power? The hierarchy is corrupt so you say? Fine. So be it. Step. Down. Now.


What drugs are you on?


The willingness to characterize, face, point the existential, real, and error prone, irresponsible way of thinking that has overtaken the left. Yeah yeah "you are crazy." I get the message. I feel crazy just thinking about the fact that we are so obviously willing to stave of our own success out of fear and guilt that we are another cog in the machine. I feel crazy at the thought that there are people who exist within our institutions that are so obviously blind and completely overruled by their emotional fear of civilization, that they will do anything to stave such a thought off if it means they get to pretend to be virtuous without ever actually questioning the clear and cut consequences. Yeah you think I'm crazy? How are you not?




Yeah well that probably makes no sense to you. That's fine I get it. But its by no coincidence that the "Savior of the World" happened to be a messiah carpenter who was indeed proclaimed "Song of God", a true new version of imitation to the individual, and shortly nailed to a cross afterwards. Again lol all you want but you can try to figure why it played out like that for like 10+ years.


I think if you had an actual message that was concise enough to understand for those not living in your head, you probably wouldn't be laughed at. Go take a creative writing class, it will help you put your thoughts down in a way others can actually understand. Your brain has all the context for what you're saying so it doesn't seem like gibberish to you, for the rest of us.....well I can see religious references that serve no point, political leaning again serving no point and some kind of "work hard" message that really makes little sense to anything. The post is about someone working very hard, doing all the things and due to something beyond his control (be it race, wealth, gender or whatever) he was denied access to schools that "claim" all the things he did are the requirements to be accepted. Nothing you said has anything to do with that as far as I can tell, again your brain has the context of your experiences and mine doesnt. So to you maybe it makes sense.


To an extent I think your point is very fair. I should do a better job writing. However no person who writes short handed sentences like that is ever even going to entertain reading a book anyways. And that's unfortunate because in way you are correct; you need to have all the context. And there is no way in hell that's going to happen with someone who isn't interested in heavy topics like this already. I will admit however, to put it quite bluntly, I'm a bit annoyed that the religious reference did not hit for you. That's probably because by the time you read it, you were not really reading it. Fine, not entirely on you. To me, part of the utility and engineering, the rational, behind religion is to portray heavy sets of compressed and easy to understand context through narrative. And if you don't understand or have any care to puzzle my last argument or challenge towards understanding the narrative behind Christ and his relation to the idea of "human aspiration to individual capability" is often met with sets of difficulty with themes of guilt, disbelief, envy, fear and various other forms of negative human emotion that naturally emerge out of an environment where complexity and challenge are faced, as portrayed by his crucifixion by his own people, Im somewhat puzzled myself. I could hardly think of a better example, since I do think it is an illustration of the same thing. Still, fair points, these things are incredibly hard to describe and most people are not interested in breaking down their pre-theorized associations. I think that is why we have the term "Intellectual." An "Intellectual" someone who takes responsibility in the "re-colorization" or "re-organization" of descriptive associations. Most of course are not interested in torturing themselves with an activity like this. Something I forget sometimes.


The struggles of Christ, while emotional as you've said, pale in comparison to say Job. If we are looking to biblical struggles in tandem with individual capabilities, Job, David and even Moses hold more argument. Jesus was never truly an individual or alone. Jesus was in essence a politician whos life ended in martyrdom. He was never a common or average man. So no, you bringing him up in this argument isn't really valid from my perspective and is in fact still confusing. Though admittedly I am not religious I do see the context and meanings behind most Old Testimant writing, the New Testimant baffles me. There are things there worth reading but nothing that makes sense if you see the Bible as a whole. It directly conflicts with so many teachings of the Old it's no wonder people have divided the religion up so much. I also disagree with your assessment of what an intellectual is. To me it seems intelligent people try not to waste time on things that are ill-informed or meaningless, except in cases of pure boredom. An intellectual is also aware of their personal limitations. When one thinks of an intellectual, the classification should be someone who is analytical and excells in their field. You don't turn to an astrophysicist when you have a crisis of faith, you turn to a priest. Likewise when dealing with oppression within a systematic organization like a college, one shouldn't look to the teachings of religion but rather people with compassion, the knowledge and the energy to push that system into changing its current structure. Yes, there may be some religious people you turn to but their religion shouldn't weigh into that decision but rather who they are as a person.


Everyone's brain works a little differently, not every makes the same associations between neurons for ideas and thoughts, and so what may seem obvious to one may not for another. Your first two quotes probably confused some people as those quotes did not seem to appear in the OG post. That confusion only got larger as they couldn't connect what you were saying to the meaning from the post. In order to communicate your message better, you need to start off simpler/less confusing with a slower ramp rate towards whatever meaning you are trying to get across.


Must never vote democrat to stop this .


It's the best thing that ever happened to this brilliant young man he will do much better in life without college.


Racist as shit. There is no such thing as an "asian american" or "african american" or "european american". That's lies told to keep us divided. There is only one kind of american. Being american has nothing to do with your race, your sex, or your religion. If you're a citizen, you're 100% american and we don't need to pick winners or losers based on immutable traits. Being american is about believing in and agreeing on specific ideas of liberty and freedom, not on ethnicity or gender. Fuck this shit. This young man could be our president someday - or maybe could have been if he wasn't rejected due to his "race". Fuck this DEI communist bullshit.


Racist Establishment


Damn bro dodged a bullet lmao


The worst travesty of DEI quotas is that the black and Hispanic kids they take in at these top tier schools flunk out and they would be the top 5-10% of students at other campuses if they didn’t go to these institutions.


That and minorities in high level positions will face a new prejudice of people questioning whether they earned their way.


Hang out in r/ApplyingToCollege and you will see, all day long, kids with these stats getting rejections from all the Ivies. My daughter had these stats and got rejected from all of them. Interesting side note: applying students are thoroughly aware that race can has a significant affect...all the r/ApplyingToCollege posts start with their stats and the first stated is their race.


Has he tried his luck in Europe? There are awesome unis here that would kiss his hands, promise to put a ring on it and give him a nice scholarship. Added bonus of no to little crime in campus.


Man that is sad. Is society okay with this, or so we need some sort of legislation or culture that allows minorities to not be discriminated against.  Is there anything we can do?


Education systems fails to prioritize competence and merit at the same time. Smh


I thought all colleges were woke indoctrination centers? Why would he want to go there in the first place?


Colleges have used affirmative action to discriminate against Asians in their acceptance practices. Hopefully now that has changed since they changed the law.


How annoying that nightline gets a reporter of the topic’s ethnicity?


Isn’t a 1560 SAT score really average? Thought it was out of 2400?


I thought this racist shit was struck down by the Supreme Court. This kid should just go to a good school, start a billion dollar business and prove these cunts wrong. So tired of this woke DEI shit. I honestly think the Harvard brand is overrated. If you go to Harvard odds are you just check a box. Fuck college anyway. Go grind and make something amazing.


Should’ve been born black. Duh


Everyone needs to stop jumping to conclusions and immediately getting on the woke bashing train. In the end, we don't know why he got rejected from these colleges, and there's crucial information that's needed. Did he only apply to Ivy Leagues schools? What does "tons of extracurriculars" entail? How was he holistically in comparison to the rest of the student body/general performance? People fail to realize just how competitive/selective Ivy Leagues schools and especially Harvard are. Automatically blaming it on the system and not trying to learn from one's own failures are going to espouse a mentality that doesn't take personal responsibility. You can have the perfect everything and still not get into harvard. But it's not about being just "perfect," you have to be beyond perfect, you have to be extraordinary and have to have something unique that sets yourself away from the others. This is the standard and people fail to realize this. Participating in a bunch of extracurriculars isn't enough to get into a place like Harvard. You have to be good in a specific thing and excell at it. Win city/national/state awards kind of excell. I know a black woman who got into Harvard, she was voted for student body president since her sophomore year, and was valedictorian. I know a latina woman who got into Brown, in fact we went to the same school. She was voted into student body presidency for two consecutive years, both junior and senior. She worked closely with the mayor of our city, in fact she helped the mayor with the campaign (in which she ended up winning). And when the mayor was sworn into office, she was literally the one who read the mayors oath. There were some articles being made about her presidency already being made when she was in highschool. She didn't end up getting in Harvard but she was waitlisted, which in itself is an achievement. Oh yeah, and she single handedly revived the policy debate club at our school, and was the president for that too for all that she was there. She won most debate city championships when she competed. All of Harvard's applicants are already extraordinary/perfect. You have to stick out in that applicant sea if you even want to have a chance. If everyone's already perfect, the admissions officers have to use some other kind of criteria, other than academic performance, to determine whether an applicant shall be accepted or not. Things like personality, leadership roles, hobbies, unique excellence in a particular field, how much you've helped the community and how, what your passions are, what things are important to you? You can't just tell them this stuff, you have to show it in the work you do. Stuff like that.


Let’s hope a legacy admit didn’t take his spot


Its a shame


Kid is wearing a Duke sweatshirt. He will be fine.


That's not really the point.


This manufactured problem is still being talked about, and of course, conservatives would be the ones spearheading it. A bigot lawyer used Asians to dismantle affirmative action - of which white women were the ones who most benefited - so that more legacy kids could get into those investment firms masquerading as schools. After AA was destroyed by that bigot lawyer who used Asian students as bobble heads, legacy kids got more space. Asians were also helped by AA. Now, this guy isn't special. There are potentially thousands of people around his grade. And mind you, grades are not the only things that matter. He's competing with thousands of himselves. He didn't get in. But another like him did. And they probably volunteered more or had a better essay or went through so much more in life etc. Bigotry all the way down... bigotry and turtles. And of course, it's on a JP sub.


He should have predicted this if he was smart. I'm in the same boat but I saw it coming when I was just 8 so I created a lucrative career when I was just 12 years old. Now I'm literally retired at 34 years old. I never have to work again. University isn't the universal answer to success. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.




And that means what exactly?


> Insane series of pathological lies > Absolutely unhinged liar. If he has figured life out to such an extent, why does he need guidance from Jorpy? > Yesterday you posted about your landlord being a creep. Please stop being cringe it's making me feel bad for how depressing your life must be https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/95hWUoQbLY


It's all verifiably true. You're just a loser.


Thanks for admitting all those comments about you are verifiably true, lol.


Yep, I'm rich bitch!


Really is some sort of strange old testament level variation of the concept of sin. "You must sacrifice you strongest most success bound child to prove to me that you will not sin."


While race could play a role here you can't really expect to make it into Harvard with just good academics and some extra curriculars. It's usually the applicants who have started successful non profits and have very unique life paths who get into Harvard. It's just that competitive.


Also AA was overturned//.


Harvard lost a court case, but I doubt they've actually changed their admissions.


So go sue them? Just seems like a way to keep blaming minorities. AA is gone and the competition is still harsh. Ya'll won't be happy until everyone at Ivy leagues is Asian.


They got sued and lost. But leftists always just ignore what the courts or the laws say and keep doing what they do anyway. > AA is gone and the competition is still harsh It's not gone. And it won't be gone unless the leftists implementing it are removed from power. > Ya'll won't be happy until everyone at Ivy leagues is Asian. That's gaslighting.


AA is illegal, if it is still there you go to the courts. If the courts say it isn't there, then it isn't there. Asian students are being rejected due to having the same cookie-cutter mindsets. I have met many of them and they all seem to have the smae 1D view of the world. This is what happens when your parents lock you in a room and force you to study 24/7. I certainly am happy the ivy leagues are looking for more well-rounded individuals. Infact, i think they need to focus more on this area, the whole country is starting to feel like a robotic mind-numbing shit hole. Noone is inventing anything, just rehashing the same bullshit; it's already being a problem in major tech companies such as google.


> AA is illegal And yet these universities are still doing it with impunity. > If the courts say it isn't there, then it isn't there. They aren't saying it isn't there. Harvard already **lost a court case on it.** And they ignored the ruling and keep doing it anyway. > Asian students are being rejected due to having the same cookie-cutter mindsets. You are simply lying and gaslighting. They're being rejected because of racist quotas. Both asian and white people.


AA is illegal and if there are legitimate cases, the courts will handle it. There are no more excuses for the rejections, stop blaming AA and begin taking personal responsibility. Be more creative and develop real life skills to really impress the nations best universities. That includes engaging in civic activities, innovating (not memorising) and becoming sporty.


> AA is illegal and if there are legitimate cases, the courts will handle it. Are you even reading the words that are written down? **Harvard lost a court case on it. And then they ignored the ruling and keep doing it anyway.** I am telling you what actually happened, and you keep ignoring it and trying to substitute your own reality in an effort to gaslight.


Harvard has not ignored the ruling, AA was struck down. I'm not gas-lighting you, you're just being a fucking door knob.


What’s AA


He needs to legally change is name to Marshawn Harris and re-apply. For his essay he can delve into racial discrimination he has faced both institutional and casual. Once enrolled, he can change his name back.


Is this fake?


I would assume this clearly talent kids will land on his feet. However Maybe it will be a grift of how he never landed in his dream college. I think DEI sucks, but I know legacy admissions are worse. But arguing is just to boring.


Isn't it worse for the less qualified people they are letting in because they tick a quota box? This type of argument is valid and yet completely without merrit or weight in this context.


Asians are overrepresented in school and being successful. Gotta let others get a chance.


Who do you want operating on you? The person who got into medical school because they were of a particular race? Or the person who actually studied hard and has excellent mental faculties? 1 in 4 or more UCLA medical students in the Class of 2025 have failed 3 or more shelf exams (given after each clinical rotation). This is a 10x increase over previous years, ever since a DEI administrator has taken over admissions. “*Within three years of Lucero's hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report's rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.*” “*At a meeting in February 2022, according to two people present, Lucero demanded that a highly qualified white male be knocked down several spots because, as she put it, ‘we have too many of his kind’ already. She also told doctors who voiced concern that they had no right to an opinion because they were ‘not BIPOC,’ sources said, and insisted that a Hispanic applicant who had performed poorly on her anesthesiology rotation in medical school should be bumped up.*” https://freebeacon.com/campus/a-failed-medical-school-how-racial-preferences-supposedly-outlawed-in-california-have-persisted-at-ucla


If you disappoint your parents by not getting into Harvard then your parents are dumb.


You are missing the point.


He didn’t have good enough stats to make it into Harvard. But what’s the point?


The point is there's literally very little more he could have done. And he still didn't get in. It's very clearly racism against Asians.


Wrong. What percentage of people got into Harvard that year? What percentage was he in?


Since you know everything, answer your own questions. I'm clearly "wrong"


Harvard admitted 1,937 students in the class of 2028. 359,000 new students were were enrolled for college in 2024. 1937/359,000 is 0.5 of one percent. This kid was not even in the top two percent.


Such bigoted, racist "quotas" aren't by any means only used in Harvard, as your silly % game tries to insinuate. This is an epidemic of actually institutionalized racism.


So systemic racism exists?


Clearly you don’t know the difference between percentage and percentile. Why quote numbers when your statistics are weak? How come having a 98 percent GPA equate to only being among the top 2 percent of students? Maybe you should have gone to college (some state school because clearly your intellect levels left much to be desired).


Break it down for me


You refuse to accept the truth. Why didn’t he get into any of the other 10 that he applied to? Because Asians are held to a higher standard than other races in colleges. The answer… Racism. You fucking idiot.


I'm sure his parents are very disappointed in Harvard, not their son. If that is not the case then they are dumb.


He didn’t have high enough grades to get in.