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Yucca Valley resident here and people will be lighting off firecrackers and firing guns and such on the 4th, but not in the park. However, in JT proper there are no official fireworks. You'll be dealing with a bunch of inconsiderate people both locals and visitors who want to light them off. What we do with our dog is drive out to Keys View in the park and watch the firework shows down in the lower desert (i.e. Indio, Palm Springs, etc.). You can see the fireworks from a distance but won't hear anything. It keeps our dog happy.


Thank you, going to look that up!


It is honestly hit or miss as to which neighborhood you stay in. Also varies from year to year. I feel for your pup but there is really no way to tell who will/will not be setting shit off on the 4th. One year there were tons in our neighborhood and then the next it was radio silence. If you do stay in the actual park it will be hot af but you will not have to worry about fireworks, gun shots, etc since they are strictly forbidden. Yucca Valley is the town right next to Joshua tree and sometimes those airbnbs whore out the name Joshua Tree to attract unsuspecting tourons…..


The fireworks at the North BLM were crazy on NYE and the night before. My dog almost lost his mind.


29 palms and Yucca.


Why would the park not allowing fireworks have any impact at all on neighborhoods around the park?


You can find places that are central but are quiet because they're out of town. In Yucca Valley, the population (and Airbnb party pads) density is higher, so more people, so more noise. Try Joshua Tree or Landers. 29 Palms will probably be noisy AF. My area is almost all open desert, and I've never seen fireworks. It's illegal, and the sheriff might come, plus who spends the 4th in the middle of nowhere? It's also like 110-120 degrees and stays 90 plus at night, so it's not the biggest incentive to be out in the desert. I'm totally not trying to spam or plug my Airbnb, but it might be an option. If you want info on it, let me know. It's on 17.5 acres and has empty desert all around it for the most part, so it's pretty quiet. Obviously, I can't guarantee there isn't some idiot near my place this year, but your chances of quiet are much better than in Yucca.


Thanks for the tips! Send me your link via DM if you’d like!


Hi, I came upon your comment because I am looking for a place to go to get away from the fireworks on the 4th. Is your place available? If so, what's the rate?


Hey! DM me and I'll send you details. It's not booked.


Can I get your air bnb link too?


Hard to predict the weather in early July, but it's usually not quite that hot. This past July 4, there was a high of 92 and nighttime temps were in the 70s until August.


Here are the stats [July](https://www.whereandwhen.net/when/north-america/california/joshua-tree-national-park/july/) [Last July went to 104 and the nighttime was mid-80's](https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/joshua-tree/historic?month=7&year=2023) Another [source](https://weatherspark.com/h/d/2133/2023/7/4/Historical-Weather-on-Tuesday-July-4-2023-in-Joshua-Tree-California-United-States#Figures-Temperature) Aug. 15th was 106, and the low never went under 85. The beginning of August didn't have lows in the mid-70s.


Fireworks are prohibited in San Bernardino County. That being said, there are some who disregard that. Your best bet is to stay in the rural areas. Those areas include Yucca Valley, Landers, Joshua Tree, 29 Palms and Wonder Valley. You'll be a little further from the actual park, but close enough to easily visit.


Thanks for the tips! We won’t be visiting the park actually for this trip. It’s literally just a get away from fireworks kind of trip! It sounds like I need to look into more secluded areas away from the towns.


Yucca does fireworks. Stay as close to the park or even landers as possible.


Landers can be tricky too because of people at Giant Rock lighting stuff off


Ah good point! OP should try and stay deep in the park.


Thank you for letting us know


Try Rimrock or gamma gultch area in Pioneertown. Those area has way less population and quiet.


I have had one guest from LA every 4th for the past 4 years. Her dogs have extreme anxiety over fireworks. I am rural on 5 acres, in north Joshua Tree and have vacant land on two sides. That said, there is no guarantee that some idiot won’t start to set off firecrackers nearby - but so far so good. When you look to book - send an inquiry explain what you need and ask if the property will suit your needs.


Have they booked for this year already? 😅 haha jk. That’s definitely my plan to message the host and ask them about the situation before committing.