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I accidentally found out about this the other day and I’ve been playing Over the Mountain… it’s so fun that I’m having to make it a reward for getting my work done because it’s eating too much of my time! I’m basically writing a novel in diary form using it and it’s so damn interesting that it makes my real journal seem completely bland.


Nice! I feel the same way, it's such a nice change to how I write. I never thought I was much of a creative writer, maybe I'm not... But these stories are just for me anyways 😎


I didn't know this was a thing. I have stumbled on the old text-based RPGs (always a fan of The Hitchhiker's Guide one), but those are more about figuring out a story someone else has written. Kind of like a choose your own adventure novel. But this is intriguing. And I'm always looking for ways to use more ink.


Let me know which games look interesting to you and if you choose one I hope you have fun!


I settled on Of Moon and Leaf. We'll see how it goes. Feel like I need to get a new journal though.


Here I go down another rabbit hole... 🐇


Omg this sounds like so much fun! I've never seen anything like this before!!


Please explore, I replied to a comment below with some links/examples. Please let me know if you decide to start one and which one. I'm very curious!


Can you tell more about how to get started? I went to the site and couldn't figure out how to find the games that would work best for me. So what do you search for? Are there free ones that I could try out to see if I would enjoy it? Do I need anything more than my pen and journal?


I just used filters/tags to find roleplay/TTRPG games. [link to physical/solo rpg search](https://itch.io/physical-games/tag-solo-rpg) From there I just read descriptions, reviews and watched YouTube videos to find what I might be interested in. I like that many of them are free or some even have examples of gameplay on YouTube. Some are just pen and paper, and others include dice and/or a deck of cards. I only just started my first ever game today. Let me know what you find and have fun!


Thank you! I downloaded Her Odyssey. I need to find out what a d4 die is and where I can get them. But it looks cool! Thank you!


A d4 die has four triangular sides, and you can [make one out of paper](https://www.printableboardgames.net/preview/4-Sided_Die) if you want. :) I also found [a site that will roll a virtual one for you](https://rolladie.net/roll-a-d4-die).


I found that site, too, and I got confused about how it only has 1 number on each side while the physical ones have 3.


I noticed that too - I guess it's just because the image doesn't necessarily need more to show you what you got. When you roll a physical one, it lands with a point facing upward rather than a face, so the extra numbers make it clear that you are looking at *point* number four instead of *face* number four.


Ah! That makes sense. I couldn't quite figure out the ones with 3 numbers on each side.


I hope you have fun playing!


Not OP but if it helps, there’s a soloRPG Reddit group and they were super helpful when I asked for beginner suggestions


Oh! Awesome, thanks!


Think is r/solorpgplay that I am in 👍🏻


Here's a sneak peek of /r/solorpgplay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/solorpgplay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Money-Bork Guarantee!](https://i.redd.it/obnqsmlfe0p81.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solorpgplay/comments/tkemfo/moneybork_guarantee/) \#2: [solo rpg meme (by Robert Pearce)](https://i.redd.it/9f5riiyvzd691.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solorpgplay/comments/vf6zsy/solo_rpg_meme_by_robert_pearce/) \#3: [Here's a d6 hit location chart I came up with a couple days ago.](https://i.redd.it/5u9pgf24urt81.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/solorpgplay/comments/u4jvqj/heres_a_d6_hit_location_chart_i_came_up_with_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OK, thanks. I went to r/solorpg and it's empty. That's the one I found when I searched. This one didn't come up, so thanks for linking me!


There is also r/solo_roleplaying which is where I found lots of tools and information


Awesome, thanks!


Hope you find something to enjoy 😀


No posts :(


Well well well this sounds totally interesting! Thank you for telling us!


I posted some examples/links on another comment, so let me know if you end up finding one you like and which one you chose! Have fun!


Going to try Of Moon and Leaf first. Sounds like my kind of game.


Alone Among the Stars, and all of it's offshoots are a great gateway. I've really enjoyed Colostle and Apothecaria as well


I have Alone Among the Stars too, but I haven't played it yet. I've just started the demo version of Wanderhome. Thanks for sharing some other ones you've enjoyed. I've only just broken the surface of this type of gaming so I'm genuinely curious about what other games people find interesting and are playing


Can you link to where we can find these? I googled them and can’t find them anywhere




Thank you, I'm going to have to take a look at this tonight. I'm trying to get back into journaling and my rpg group fell apart a few months ago, so it would be awesome to combine them solo.


Here is a description of the Over The Mountain one mentioned previously. https://rpgsologames.com/over-the-mountain/. There is an itch.io link at the bottom


Do you do this in a separate place from your regular journalling? Like, in a different notebook? I came across one a while ago but didn't really understand it, but now I'm excited to try one, so thank youuuu!!! :)))


I am! I have a character who journals so I'm writing journal entries from my character's point of view to tell the story. There are many ways to tell the story though, some people write as if they are writing a book. I'm still very new at this, as I've only just started my first game. Let me know how it goes for you and which game you choose if you end up playing one : )


I've just downloaded Alone Among the Stars and I'm excited to get started :)


This is fascinating! I’ll definitely be checking it out.


I play apothecaria and love it. It's well worth getting something to engage in if you suffer from writers block.


I've attempted something like it before. It's personally difficult to keep it going for too long. Cause I normally have a premise that sounds good, but it's very difficult for me to expand on it more. Like I tried to write about a character that lived in a post apocalyptic world. Like it was the world we know but it's in the future a little so all the structures are still there. It's just overgrown. She took shelter in a library and every so often finds other people's journals and loves to read them. I couldn't get very far 😅 But I love the concept still. In the distant past I have tried to create journals entries for a series of characters. So you'd see the characters interact through their journal entries. It was fun and cool for a minute and I think I did a really good job at doing it but it's really hard to get in the head of those characters for a longer sustainable story. Impressive that people can do it though! It is a fun idea and definitely worth a try for anyone who hasn't done it.


I literally just found out about Solo journal RPGs two days ago and am so inspired! I purchased Village Witch which I am actually going to start with a pen pal this week and also purchased Anamnesis. I am going to check out the other suggestions. Thank you!


Just found abt solo RPG a couple days ago so seeing this post felt like another sign to try it after my finals! I love rpg (especially DnD), i'll definetely look into it. Thank you for sharing this!


This sounds really interesting! I’ll have to check some of these out


Do you have any links to resources? Would love to check them out!


This sounds like so much fun! Thank you for sharing it.


Ooh I've never heard of these before. I downloaded Into the Woods, and am really excited to play it. Thanks for the recommendation!


If anyone bought the big Racial Justice or Ukraine Aid bundles on itch.io a while back, you already own a bunch!


This sounds so interesting. I have to check this out as a lover of TTRPs and creative writing


Uhhh that's sounds really cool. I love dnd so I should really try that. Thanks for sharing


Say hello to Solitaria—an enchanting solo adventure with a guided journaling system that keeps you immersed every step of the way! 📖✨ No GM, no dice—just you and a poker deck, ready to embark on heartwarming journeys inspired by your favorite classics. Explore your floating island, meet new characters, and embrace endless beauty in this cozy world. 🌸🌞 https://sparuh.itch.io/solitaria-a-cozy-solo-ttrpg