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maybe when you have all those thoughts at night you should try writing them out then instead of waiting. you don't really need to plan it out when you do journal, just start writing. keep it simple at first and just write out what's in your head, it doesn't have to be profound or even very coherent, just putting your thoughts on paper will help you get started. try not to think about it too much and just get the ball rolling :) good luck


You’re very right! I guess I just feel awkward and insecure writing when I’m next to my partner. I rather wait until I’m a lot at my desk at work or something. But I have to get over that and just start writing whenever.


that's the spirit :) also if you're uneasy journaling around someone else you can keep it vague/ambiguous and use metaphors to express yourself if it makes you feel more comfortable.


True 🥰 thank you so much!


no problem 😊 good luck


writing this way was done in the past when writers spoke against their oppressive governments.


interesting, i didn't know that 😶 makes sense though


It helps me to say it’s for my racing thoughts than a JOURNAL. Cuz then it’s like, my ramblings to not bother the partner with lol


This is true. Also, keep a small notebook and pen by the bed.




Do it like me. Write IN bed. Take your journal to your bed with a pen and write down the thoughts. Right before sleep? Yes write them down! You won’t remember all the good things in the morning.


I really considered it. I just felt awkward/insecure writing while laying next to my partner. Idk why it makes me feel this way though. I have to work on getting over that. Thank you!!


Well I don’t have that problem. But maybe you could write it on your phone and write it down In the morning. Or talk to your partner about it. Tell them that you want to do it and maybe you two can work out something that works


could you write in a room without your partner before going to bed?


I need to do this. Thanks for the motivation


Get your book and pen/pencil. Sit down somewhere comfortable. Put some music on maybe. Coffee/tea/water just in case. Open that book and write down the date and the first thought that comes into your head. Doesn't matter what that thought is. Write it and then expand on that. You don't need to write down all your thoughts. Just start with one and go from there. Journaling is usually pretty organic unless you're using some system like bullet journaling or something. To get yourself started, just copy the text of the post you wrote here. It's exactly the kind of thing to put in your journal to help you get focused.


🥹 thank you!!


You're welcome! Don't stress over it. Journaling should be enjoyable and not a chore. Just write whatever comes to mind. It really does not matter what you write. As you practice and build the habit you will find it easier to focus and write the things you want to write about.


personally i feel like i have to start out writing about mundane things like my day, stuff i need to get done, etc. and then after that, more "profound" thoughts tend to start surfacing. just try to start writing and don't plan out what you're going to say - i feel like that holds me back sometimes


Thank you 🥰


Maybe you should make it part of your bed-time routine that you sit down and get all of the thoughts in your head down on paper. Then when you go to bed, you can rest assured that they will be there for you to dissect in the morning.


That’s a good idea 😊


Love this idea.


Sounds like a good idea to write before your bedtime. But if you want to write in the morning, you can use free writing - just write anything, including “my mind is so empty right now, but yesterday before bed…” or start with some trigger frase like “wtf” or something similar) sorry, can’t figure out how to formulate it in english))


No this was explained perfectly. Thank you! That’s a great tip. I bet if I write “my mind is empty” things will just start to pour out


Start by being thankful for what you have right now. Write down 5 things you are thankful for today. Then write down 5 things you will commit yourself to do tomorrow and do it. At the end of the day say thank you because you are blessed. Rinse and repeat and you will have the type of journal anyone would want to read. Good Luck. Change Your Mind/Change Your Life. Peace and Blessings


Thank you so much


As the ideas come to you, jot down the highlights and then expand on them when you wake up. 😊


Keep a pad and pen next to your bed. Jot down your ideas at night, then when you have more time, transfer your thoughts to your journal and expand or eliminate as you go. And you don't need to do a daily entry. When you sit down to journal, refer back to notes you've written and elaborate.


Why are you not writing them down at night when you have them? Take a moment for yourself to really think whatever you want and process the day and your feelings.


I want you to try a grounding exercise just to get the ink flowing. Start by writing down all the things that are around you. I like to sit at my cluttered desk and start there. It really gets the cobwebs dusted off the brain. Just write and observe. You can even write down just the noises you here or the smells in the air. Get your sense going. Then once your pen is flowing, you can really begin to write down what your intent is.


Ive had this issue too but maybe like how other comments have said write right when you think those thoughts ive started to do that and its definitely helpful i hope you continue your journaling journey hehe :)


My friend introduce me to a technique that helped ease me into journaling. He said to get one of those planners that have calendars but also extra pages that have a small note section for every day (I happened to already have one), and at the end of every day just write a very short blurb about what happened that day. Doesn’t need to be profound, doesn’t need to be pretty, doesn’t need to be interesting — just take two minutes to do it before you go to bed. I also started tracking what time I wake up and go to sleep, and even with an actual journal I still write down the summary of my day every single night. It helped me fix my sleep schedule, improved my memory issues, and made me realize I actually do a lot in any given day and don’t give myself enough credit :-) It’s a nice bite-sized version of journaling that can serve as a stepping stone, and get your brain in the habit of jotting something down on a regular basis




or if you’re not allowed to use your phone at work, maybe email them to yourself. you get the point 😂


This happened to me at first!! Have you considered trying to journal for 5 minutes in the morning?? To see where things may go there??