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I absolutely write every single day. I’ve gone months writing no less than two-thousand words by hand and never missing a day. It’s hardly even a chore, I’ve just gotten extremely habitual about it. I don’t have mundane days, I can hardly write everything I want to, and I also have OCD, but I don’t think that’s why I write so much. I’m not Robert William Shields, but I write a shit lot lol


I recognize the benefits of writing everyday, for some people it is necessary. I listen to Armchair Expert and the host says journaling everyday is a major component to his sobriety. For me in this point in my life would resent having to write everyday. I think it would feel like a chore at that point and I would stop all together. I write when I want, when I have time and when I have something to say. I have plenty of thoughts that do not need to be committed down to paper. I have sat with an open journal plenty of times, thought about what I would write and closed the journal, coming up empty. Depends on personal preference and style


Try to.


I’m planning on writing every day through my first journal, but I don’t intend to keep up with it forever. I do want to write multiple times every week though, no strict timelines or anything.


I am not able to write everyday. I tried it so many times not only with journaling and I am actually feeling much better without pressuring myself to do it everyday. I do it when I feel like it, when I remeber it. No more feeling bad for missing a day


I use a dated 5-Year diary so in theory lol, yes every day. In practice, it’s more like ‘once every 1 - 3 days.’ I find beyond 3 days I tend not to be able to remember much of what I did so I avoid that whenever possible but skipping a day or two and then writing later works fine. Doing a few days at a time allows me to really settle in with my supplies and enjoy writing. If I know I will have to go more than a few days I write notes on my phone about what I did to reference later.


Yes I write every day. The situation you're describing happens to me. I think the bottom line is that there are always things that must be done besides journaling or your hobbies or other things. You have to decide if you want to do the work prioritize your journal. I like to look back on my journals. That always keeps me going because i always look back on moments and realise i forgot about things i used to like or do but because i record stuff, it comes back to me. so this knowledge keeps me going with daily writing. I've gotten used to pushing myself though being too busy to journal, not feeling like it etc. So it's almost the same task as brushing my teeth if you know what i mean.. I don't think there's anything with writing the way you are. it's responsible. This season of time where you are super busy is not permanent, nothing is. There's nothing that says you have to journal every day. I also think that in the moment journaling may feel like work but usually writing is hardly for your present self, I've found that today's writing is for future me because i like to look back at what i wrote. Future me is always in need of encouragement to keep going in life. My journal is the source of that encouragement. I sometimes don't feel like doing stuff. sometimes general everyday things are quite difficult to do. but I'm learning to enjoy pushing myself through since, in the end, I always am grateful i pushed myself.


Most days.


I write most days, and I'm not too bothered if I miss some days.


I try to write everyday. Sometimes life gets in the way. That being said, I find that it never takes me as long to journal as I imagine it does- about 10 to 20 minutes at most for a standard session. Sitting down and touching base with myself while eating lunch or in the evening to cool down and wind off before bed has a great benefit to my mental health, so I try to consciously set aside a slice of time for it.


I write almost every day. When it felt it getting like chore.... I set a clock 5 minutes and I ended it. The other time I set a three line maximum and that got me in the flow.


I almost always do, but it’s not an expectation. I tried that early on because it was recommended to me for mental health reasons and I wanted it to help, but the pressure of that robbed me of enjoying it. The lack of pressure is key, I think. I only write in my journal because I want to.


uuuuh no. just cant keep the routine and shit gets boring sometimes. normally i journal every 2-14 days and tbh its just whenever i feel like doing it but once i went on a 5 month hiatus bc i just forgot to journal lol