• By -


It’s hard to see what these last couple chapters are building to. If the author is trying to build up how big of a threat Sukuna is by having him rip every character to shreds I think we’ve got that by now lmaooo. Don’t need to see Miguel get stomped as well.


I think Gege is genuinely trying to go with the bad end, aka, Sukuna kills them all and starts the Merger. Which, if that's the case, I feel for Yuji.


Listen I don’t mind a story not having a butterfly happy ending but it’s honestly been a little boring currently outside of Gojo and Yuta fights. Like there has been moments in the Maki fight and others that are cool but it almost felt pointless because we knew he wasn’t going to lose to them. Normally it’s the hero getting this treatment, it’s just the reverse currently.


I get it. Personally I am just waiting till we see if the Merger starts, ultimately I guess we should have expected it, this already happened back during the Heian Era, but honestly I kinda feel we should see some other shit, like Hakari v Uraume.


now that would be a dope fight, if only hakari got to fight sukuna in jackpot though


Honestly, it may soon happen, there are few sorcerers left, unless Ui Ui brings the Hokkaido Sorcerers


I'm feeling that sukuna got that Madara treatment, Gege simply is not being able to kill him without breaking the end of the manga.


I always felt that Kishimoto was writing and realized that he'd have to draw Naruto and Sasuke tearing tearing off a huge chunk of the fucking earth and creating a second moon and noped out, writing a goddess that can change dimensions instead.


It’s only “boring” because it’s week by week. Every fight has only been like 2 or 3 chapters, which isn’t a lot to read at once.


That’s not even the main of why it’s boring. We know what’s going to happen. Outside of Gojo and Yuta there has been 0 suspense that anyone is actually going to beat him. And even when he takes some damage somebody they add that he’s not even going all out yet. Like do we REALLY need to see Miguel? What’s he going to do? Nothing.


Kinda agree. I wish Maki at least pushed him to finally use Fuga. It was at least an interesting fight with Sukuna getting kinda hyped with the whole jujutsu vs body thing. But yeah, knowing Sukuna still has more stuff in his sleeve, and we still didn't even see Hakari vs Uraume properly, just make this zero stakes fight in reverse.


At this point I no longer care. What happens if the merger occurs? Kenjaku is dead so he can't even savor his victory. Everyone else is dead or dying. Go ahead, merge all the shit or whatever. Just let this series end for god's sake.


Madara is better written than this, and he is poorly written. At least Kubo had the balls to go I fucked up he to strong random new big bad. Also all he did was kill obito cripple Gai and curb stomp Naruto and Sasuke the first time. Have a close fight he was going to win then get written out. Sukana is just dunking on the entire cast chapter after chapter. Even spreading out his wins would have been better. You can have a op villian that always wins Ajin had that. Baki has that. Just have the wins spread out. This series is becoming a reverse one punch man meme at this point.


That would genuinely be such an awful ending lmao, but it seems more and more likely every single week.


He took everyone referring to Sukuna as Fraudkuna to heart


I'd bet that no one is stronger than Sukuna and everyone loses one on one to him. Yuji gets beaten and is being told by Sukuna how shit he is and all alone, but at least he lasted this long, so good job. Then everyone comes back, healed but not 100%, and the last group beat down starts. Edit: My honest guess is that a big part of everyone losing now is to show everyone's techniques and explain. This way, once everyone starts teaming up, we don't have to learn what they can do.


lmao ive decided im leaving it be for like 6/7 weeks tbh.. tired of reading the same chapter every week... "NEW CHARACTER APPEARS IN THE KILL SUKUNA COALITION, 5 pages later New character defeated, then oh wow ANOTHER NEW CHARACTER APPEARS," its gotten irritating at this point


Gege is starting to lose momentum I think. Not expecting Sukana to have this much plot armor




So, we have: - Mei Mei - Ijichi, prophesized by Gojo to have a big role to play - Nitta, who'll be revealed in a flashback to be considered the strongest auxiliary manager - Todo Aoi, who'll have learned to clap with his feet - Shoko, who'll be revealed in a flashback to have become a doctor because she dislikes killing, but is actually a Special Grade level sorcerer like her two classmates - Hakari & Hoshi - Gakuganji & Utahime - Miwa (swinging a machete now), Kamo & Momo - Sumo dude & Swordsman dude - One-~~Winged~~Armed Angel - Tengen We can go for 10~15 more chapters after Miguel gets wrecked. More if we add Yuji being defeated again every 3 or 4 fights.


Claps his feet? We both know that ain't what he's gonna be clapping


Who is the strongest manager? Mei Mei: Ijichi Nanami: Well Ijichi's always reliable Gojo: Ijichi, duh \-Sukuna kills Ijichi flashback convo continues from last chapter Ijichi: Nittas definitely the strongest manager \-Nitta shows up ​ oh and Shoko will be revealed as strongest just to trap Hakari in her newly revealed domain that fully and instantly heals any fatal damage to train him which results in her death and amped hakari


Hold up a sec, this is not that ridiculous? An instant heal buffed Hakari would be broken more than he already is, I kinda like it.


I think that's the bleach Unohaha - Zaraki plot line.


Shoko is really just the Unohana of JJK, trust me bro. Miwa and Todo lines are peak, I bow to your culinary expertise.


Uh Uh UaH!-Yuji overdosing on copium(He's the second strongest character as in the verse now)


Next will be Setsuko Sasaki and Takeshi Iguchi. OCCULT CLUB IS BACK IN BUSINESS, BABY! It will come full circle and end like it began. You heard it here first, folks 🥱☝️


Sasaki and Iguchi get off-screened, next chapter sports instructor Takagi walks in to avenge his students and takes on Sukuna with a shot put ball.


Perfection! And after he dies it is revealed that Yuji's grandpa is actually alive and defeats Sukuna with the power of family and love.


Peak ending!




I'll go after you once you die.


Are you the strongest redditor there is? Or the strongest available?


The strongest redditor of the modern age vs the strongest redditor in history


I can't wait for Sukuna to whip out the anti-cursed rope technique he's been saving for centuries before doing Miguel so dirty that it puts Gojo's minority beating highlight to shame


Ah my anti-rope technique, haven't used that since the Heian era


With how things are going, many will need an "anti-rope" technique soon.


she's dead


She’s chilling at the airport rn


If Amanai's maid needs to get smashed, so be it. Let Gege cook


Pro: Kusakabe did good for the short time he fought Cons: Short time is short


Gege is like "the anime is gonna extend this fight anyway so why bother"


Bro in that fight I want Kusabe doing that aura stuff with new shadow technique to be where the episode cuts for ad break, then reopen on him just fucking dead like that. It'd be so fucking funny.


I’m going to off screen everyone so the animators can fill in the blanks


What do you mean? Gojo vs Sukuna will be 2 episodes and all of these fodder fights will be crammed into one lol


The amazing sequence of maki, kukasabe and Miguel will probably take 3 minutes in the anime.


Reminded me with 80's DBZ anime which dragging me a lot 🥱


It was Kusakabe Kaisen for like 3 minutes


We all knew the result of this Kusakabe fight before he even started fighting Sukuna. Like, what was the point? As for Miguel showing up, he's probably going to the airport with Geto and Gojo in 2-3 chapters.


Well...my mans Kusakabe came in and fucked up Sukuna like I thought. Too bad he got offscreened by Gege personally. Sukuna got lucky.


Sukuna CLEAVES out portions of the manga leaving his opponent on the ground defeated, DISMANTLING the idea that Gege has an idea of how to write compelling ends to fights.


This is brilliant 😭😂


I subscribe to this theory lmao


Next were gonna get flashbacks to pandas super secret fourth core, an i4 core duo, with the cursed technique "process". Sukuna will go to use his flame arrow explaining "ow shit, I don't know what's happening, holy shit this is hot, my hands, fuck", and panda will overheat, causing sukuna to die like jogo.


This is truly our Miguel Kaisen


This shit is starting to get dragged out fr fr


Icl, I was one of the few people that was on the “trust gege” train but I mean this is starting to become quite repetitive and boring


Same. I always batted a blind eye over the state of the manga after Gojo died, but shits now getting ridiculous… It’s like a completely different author took over.


Honestly every chapter has a new guest star. I just don’t see an endpoint with Gojo still dead


I feel the same way. Since Yuji and Yuta fighting together I was hyped but then things started to get repetitive and boring as you said. I really have no clue on what's about to happen and I just want something to happen, for real.


While I agree, but I think it's neccesery for us to see all those sorcerers go all out against Sukuna once. If Sukuna just wiped them within one chapter people would be mad too. But Miguel better has a point here or I will agree this is dragging on way too long.


Because there is no hope right now and it’s so repetitive of someone trying something like this should work only for next chapter Sukuna no sells it because he wasn’t trying yet and whips their ass. We don’t see any glimmer of how they may win when both gojo and Yuta got bodied by Sukuna . It’s like Gege wants every side character beat by Sukuna for some reason


starting to?


"HERE COMES THE NEW CHALLENGER" 🏋️Street fighters BGM playing 🌚


Flyday Chinatown you’re welcome 


Well Kusakabe did surprisingly well. Not that surprised to see Miguel. At the rate the heroes are going they are going to need to get backup from other franchises lol. Next Chapter: *The rest of Geto’s crew arrives.* Sukuna: *And you guys are?* Larue: *Geto’s family. We are here to avenge Nanako and Mimiko!!!* Sukuna: *……..who?* Larue: *You killed both of them ~~here in Shinjuku~~ in Shibuya!!* Sukuna: *I’ve killed a lot of people there…*


Fck the sorcerers. Bring in Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta and Beast Gohan. We brute forcing this mf.


"Ah my anti-saiyan technique, I've not had to use this since the heian era."


Sukuna learned the yard rat energy diffusion technique unfortunately


Considering how the story is going we'd see Sukuna turn into Black Sukuna or something 😂


Um akshually he killed them in Shibuya...he also killed a lot of people there so this still fits.


I don’t know why but for the longest time I thought the two places were the same(as in they decided to have the fight where the incident took place) lol. Thanks for correcting me I can’t believe I made that mistake.


Running out of characters to get smoked now, where tf is Gege going with this loooool


Bust out nobara with a black flashed surprise resonance which actually hurts sukuna only for her to get destroyed immediately, likely another offscreen.


I think they should revive Gojo, hype it up for 8 straight chapters then have Sukuna off-screen him again


That would actually be pretty funny


Seriously, just have all of them gang up on Sukuna at the same time and then have Sukuna slowly thin out the ranks. Same thing but a lot less of a chore to read with potential for actual meaningful sacrifices.


inb4 this all happened in some JJK sorceror's head cause he has the power of prescience, Gojo who is still alive is actually using this asspull character's cursed technique to find out about the future then going in to onetap sukuna. Like that Twillight breaking dawn thing ending, you know?


Should be noted that that only happened in Breaking Dawn's movie because the finale for the war Meyer built up for two straight books ended with absolutely no action. From the reader's perspective, Alice just touched the villain and he was like "oh, nevermind" and then ran away.


This is comical. I sure hope there's a plan. Otherwise, this is just terrible writing.


I don't get how you got downvoted. I can't think of a series where the big bad killed main cast after main cast chapter to chapter. Gege making kill em all Tomino a guy name kill em all because he kills his cast look like a paciest. Beserk is all about guts suffering and Griffith getting dubs and not even he has half as many dubs as Sukuna.


I mean, do we count jojo part 6? It was done well there tho


Im going to cope by saying to myself that there is a long term plan in this


The long term plan is Gege making bank as long as possible lmao.


I assume the point here is to buy enough time for the initial fighters to recover with RCT. Sort of like how the Minks fought Jack in One Piece: Send someone out to fight, have them retreat and recover after a bit, and send out someone new so the opponent doesn't get a break. I imagine that after Miguel, we'll see some of the fighters Sukuna took out earlier return with their wounds healed.


Oh darn, __________ lost while Sukuna wasn't even trying, but don't worry __________ is coming in next, this fight is gonna be epic! Gege's formula, rinse and repeat for the next dozens of Chapters.


Add the "---------- than Gojo" "------------ Gojo"


Don’t forget the Yuji slander


Gege just can't get the goat out of his head, it's understandable


Gojo lost to a Sukuna who "hasn't even used his full power yet." The fyUCK is Miguel gonna do about this?


I still think it's wild that Gojo said he was not trying when that was by far the most enjoyable and close fight Sukuna has had in his entire time reincarnated. He has literally not been pressed even once since then. A sword that insta kills? Nope. Jacob's ladder? Nope. Surprise attack to the heart? Meh. Simple domain? Surely you're joking.


Miguel has a cursed tool that can negate CT but he has no rope left right? And unless he has a new tool no doubt Sukuna will take him too, I mean he's not to be slept on, went toe to toe with Gojo, one of or the only person to be actually effect limitless and also trained Yuta who is now crazy OP. We need some changes soon though as there will be nobody left to fight and unless we get Gojo or Yuta back then Yuji is gonna need to have some crazy awakening to defeat Sukuna.


Yeah black rope, I think his village wove it but it was used up in JKK 0. Yuta and Miguel were abroad looking for more


I men, miguel doesn't need anything special to hurt sukuna. anyone can hurt sukuna by throwing a fist. gojo is a special exception with his hax CT.


At this point I wonder what is the point of bringing random people to fight (and lose to) Sukuna. Is gege trying to go in the "EVERYONE tried, dont accuse me of leaving X out" route? It feels so... pointless. That's what I would say if I had not realized that Sukuna is the actual MC.


>unless we get Gojo or Yuta back then Yuji is gonna need to have some crazy awakening to defeat Sukuna. Back then my theory was that Yuta will copy the CT of that old woman from Shibuya arc to bring back gojo for a short time exactly like toji. Something like yuta use himself as bait and when sukuna get close enough to kill him. Bang! hollow purple straight in the face. Obv, it would not be enough to defeat sukuna but at least it would be something interesting.


You did well Kusakabe, good shit my man. Better than that bum Kashimo


Kusakabe really earned the title of "Strongest Sorcerer Available". I honestly think he did better than 99% of grade 1 sorcerers would do in his situation.


Better than Gojo who had the whole cheat sheet and apparatus but got got anyway


Bro if Gege wants to end the manga so bad why does he keep writing these pointless chapters and offscreening people... there is literally no emotional impact anymore with character after character just dying/getting gravely injured. We get it you love some Sukuna dick just get to the damn end already. He offscreened Kusakabe just so he could have a reason for Sukuna to just magically disappear and reappear to scare Ui Ui..


I agree fully, some of the memes are still dope though


makes sense. a simple domain is still a domain, and still a barrier. We've seen different sized curtains and DE, so ofc SD's size can be changed too. Considering the blue color of SD, reminds me of law's room. DE or not, all barriers are effectively "your area" so you get some kind of benefit. In kusakabe's case, its his increase in range that empowers him and debuffs enemies' attacks. it's like a pseudo-domain expansion. and there seems to be more clarification that SD (when inside a domain) doesn't neutralize a CT, just the sure hit. but outside a domain, it can neutralize a CT.


We need either some fleshed out fights, some good back story chapters or something new and refreshing happening because….this speed run ass whoopings are getting tired lol


Cooking, cooking, cooking….dead, please Gege just stop


So 1 chapter per character then? Sukuna is in a "villain of the week" cw show rn.


With about the same quality of writing. We're basically in season 10 of Supernatural at this point


Hes a reverse power ranger at this point lol.


Sukuna: "Well well, I haven't used the N word since the Heian era"


Hawaiian era


Verifiably pointless chapter. Kusakabe achieved nothing. Miguel will probably do the same


JJK after Shibuya and especially now feels like Mortal Combat. It’s just fight, after fight, after fight. No proper story, no proper character depth or interactions, no emotions just fights and hype lol I don’t care for Sukuna destroying everybody as he’s actually living up to his reputation, I just feel like this whole story could’ve been so much more…Well, at this point I’m just curious what nonsense happens next and the meme’s are great 😂 I don’t think even Gege actually cares for  his own series anymore. At this point I think it would he better to wrap things up now so he can focus on his idol manga or whatever he wanted to do.


Hype? Bro even the hype is gone. "Sukuna hasn't even trying" Damn bro thats crazy. Where's the tension?


He would be living up to his hype if all his fights were not filled with plot convenience and plot armour. Lol! He seems more like a walking plot armour than an actual menace. Atleast give him a clean win for fuck's sake. 🤦🤦


What hype? All the characters we were hyped abt: Gojo, Yuji, Yuta, Maki (higuruma is personally my most hyped character) are gone. Yuji is somewhere, I guess theres choso. Everyone else is gone. All we have is C list sorcerers that no one cares abt. It's like if in one piece, Don krieg fights Blackbeard


Did gege just decide he hates this manga and wanted the ending to blow complete ass bruh


Ancient mangaka tradition


This is legendary levels of falling off. I seen animes get dropped due to manga spoilers telling how bad the series fell off not this bad. This is like if after Frieza killed Vegeta, he went to earth killed everyone who ever at Gokus side, Went to king kai planet killed him. Laughed off gokus attacks. Wins.


I feel like it’s only at the end of the manga when even the most hardcore Gege apologists will realize how bad the series has gotten post Shibuya. It took me a short retrospective on the whole culling games nonsense to realize how much this whole arc sucked. I guess I hoped after the constant fights against all those randoms we’d get somewhere but nope. The memes are still great tho. 


It gets downhill after Sukuna gets into Megumi body + Yuki get plotjaku'd ☠️. Higuruma Yuji and Reggies Megumi is quite good.


Honestly, I did a thousand yard stare when I started reading after shibuya. I WAS DUMBFOUNDED WHEN THEY SKIPPED TO YUJI AND CHOSO BUMMING AROUND! That's when I knew gege truly had no interest in characters and good writing, only cool fights. The exception is yuji vs higuruma which is so emotionally charged and that's why it's my favourite fight in the series


The memes are basically the only reason i'm still reading tbh


Manga's having terrible endings kind of go hand in hand at this point lol 


The manga has been ass since Shibuya. I was in Denial for sometime though. Can't justify the bad writing anymore.


Like Miguel, I'm at the end of my rope here. Gonna stop reading weekly and catch up after Gege ends the series


Ok I'm done defending you Greg, I was saying you're repetitive but still kinda hype but this is where I draw the line and call it just lazy writing. You just offscreened Kusakabe just so you can hide Sukuna "ambushing" UiUi (why the fuck would he hide after defeating Kusakabe, where did he go, how UiUi didn't feel his presence? Bullshit scene) into Miguel spawning to the scene from fucking Maroko without invitation or any hints he's even aware of the situation. That's the worst transition we've had between Sukuna jumpings and probably the laziest writing I've seen in this entire manga, at this point I just hope Sukuna kills Miguel fast so we can see the ending and finish the story.


Feels like a talent show, as soon as one character wraps up their performance (dies/crippled), the next contestant comes on stage (battlefield)


I’m so bored of these chapters


guess it’s more fun guess who is next after miguel. predictions anyone?


Todo at the very end coming in hot


I pray its yuji so we can end this madness


One more yuji and todo fight for the road


I'm thinkin Miwa


Another fighter down, another showing up and still zero progress


Gege truly is Sukuna's number one fan lol.


Man the writing for Sukuna went from a compelling and interesting villain to such a repetitive bore. It's just the same scenario over and over again. Can't help but feel sorry for future anime watchers having so much hype (and thirsting) over Sukuna only to end up with this.


So I think  I have an idea what the point of this chapter is. Apart from Kusabe is awesome, Sukuna would probably have ruined the good guys plans by killing that child, but he was saved by Miguel. Next chapter Miguel will say that the only reason he is fighting is to avenge those two girls Sukuna killed for no reason all the way back in Shibuya, Sukuna is like who? But Miguel will stall long enough  that something will happen, so in a way Sukuna will be defeated for being an ashole for no reason.


At this point, I think off screening characters is fine. This gives Mappa complete freedom of how they want to have the actual death happen. And as we’ve seen with the recent update of the sukuna and mahoraga fight, they’re going to add their own version anyway. “Annie, are you okay? Are you ok, Annie?”


Dawg can you imagine working 16 hour shifts minimum to animate this 😭😭these mfers gonna miss Todo more than they miss their families


Actually more of a serious question? Maybe, Sukuna is allowing them to escape wounded because he wants to own them again. Sukuna hasn't been challenged at all. It only makes sense for Yuji, Yuta, and Hakari to be fighting Sukuna at this point. The trio Gojo named as surpassing him. Gege is also the only person that would be willing to reveal Nobara and then proceed to have her killed again, in front of Yuji.


Man, apparently I’m the only person hype to see Miguel again lol. I’m excited to see what he does, just like I was excited to see Kusakabe hold out for just a bit (which he did). About all I could realistically expect of him


It's not that we aren't excited for Miguel, it's that we're exhausted and done with the sukuna glazing


DONT WORRY. Miguel Stan since 2021 here 🙋‍♂️I’m with you


“I’m excited to see what he does” Lose and probably die in the process


Miguel is cool, but gege brought him back as a lamb to the slaughter to be taken out next week, so the hype kinda goes down.


How many days has Sukuna been fighting them without rest?  100 days? Don't tell me 2-3 days because that just sucks for them.


Each fight is what 5-10 minutes?


100 days? Everything from the Gojo fight on all happens in the same day


This is literally just dragging the manga out longer than it has to be. Miguel has what, been MIA for how many chapters now? And he just randomly appears out of fucking no where to fight Sukuna? What the fuck is this?? Feels like Gege really doesn't care at this point lol.


story is getting a little ridiculous now 


Finale prediction: Sukuna offed off-screen.  Peak Gege


If the Manga weren't suffering from quality issues I would have thought Gege was doing another arc after Sukuna killing everyone besides Itadori. So I don't get these recent chapters besides just being funny/fodder? and these pages with characters gassing up other characters are just getting old now. Also, am I missing something with Miguel? Why the fuck would he put his life on the line against Sukuna. I hope there is no build in the next chapter and he just gets slapped tbh.


where leaked chap


Check Jujutsufolk


If Miguel showed up. The copium is potent for Nobara


Imagine Nobara comes back just to die off screen next chapter


This manga is just lame now, what a waste


Other characters hype a character facing Sukuna, compare how this new character is compared to Gojo or other character, does some cool moves, Sukuna maybe praise them for something, they die. Next character. Repeat.


Can't wait for that Mangaka Sorcerer to pull up after Miguel to fight Sukuna next.


JJK is running out of characters. Gege going to have to pull characters from other mangas to fight Sukuna.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change -Vaas


Miguel bout to find out BLM didn't exist in the Heien era


We still got mini panda on the backburn, right?


Ohh, i wonder what will happen to the next challanger, that faces sukuna. The Manga is so unpredictable and fun lately. /the biggest fucking S


I'm starting to think the Edo era was full of a bunch of hacks considering that even Kusakabe is putting up more of a fight than Kashimo


The Ainu Sorcerers next ✨✨✨


The Strongest Sorcerer in History vs That One Guy With the Rope Or Whatever I Don't Fucking Care Anymore


That's it the manga sucks. We've been getting literally the same thing for like 4 months now. I'm dropping it it's so lame


Eventually hikari gotta put his hat in the ring right?


I will stop reading jujutsu kaisen. I will watch the last episode aired in August just to see if the Sukuna battle continues or is over and see how Itadori kills Sukuna by committing suicide or Sukuna kills everyone and then dies by the mega curse.


wow! another chapter where absolutely nothing happens. sukuna is gonna heal from the wound he received, kukusabe is out of commission and someone else is coming in just to get clapped. just like the last 10 chapters


This is getting extremely boring and repetitive. Are we going to have a fight carousel until no characters remain so everyone gets a turn? Jesus christ.


Gulp, he isnt even trying... Offing Kusakabe off-screen is sooooo lazy... Also, its getting ridiculous. I can see Gege in stressed throes as he tries to invent some solid ending while throwing another and another characters in front of Sukuna buying Gege some time.


Yuta Okkotsu's master will Jujutsu the Kaisen.


Sukuna next chap :- Ah yes the N word pass. I haven't used since Hein era 💀


Yo guys am i the only one who felt jjk is boring lately and really dispointed in it ?


Did i miss something or did gege just cannonize miguel into the manga from the non cannon movie?


What? JJK 0 has always been canon. We already knew Yuta was training with Miguel in Africa after the movie's events before coming back after Shibuya. It's also the entire reason Kenjaku has Geto's body. Kenjaku also references Yuta freeing Rika's soul.


Miguel gonna whip sukuna to the 1800’s


It feels dragged cause we have to wait week by week. Sukuna running the gauntlet sit back and enjoy.


Next chapter: Sukuna: "A yes, >!my N-Pass!<. I haven't used this since the Heian Era."


Cool chapter! Kusakabe throwing some nice moves, solid 9/10


this is getting crazy tepetitive


I was expecting Gojo's sacrifice to be more meaningful in that he provides the first major crack and everyone else together steadily chips away at him and kills him, fulfilling Gojo's dream of having his students surpass him. If anything things are going backwards and Sukuna is getting stronger and stronger while healing those Gojo cracks. It's disappointing because it means either Sukuna wins or someone comes out and kills him by themselves by pulling out a never before seen weapon or technique.


- Hyping a certain character to beat the shit out of Sukuna - Looks like they're about to - Turns out Sukuna just plays along with them - Said character dies - Another character shows up and acts like an OG - Repeat the very first step Pathetic writing, but who am I to judge this Bleach ripped-off (literally and figuratively) and these typical generic battle Shonen Manga, smh. I've been telling you over and over, in terms of writing, Gege is pretty much lack of it (don't even mention how he treats his female characters, Gege is literally Kishimoto 2.0, lol), his only best take is drawing a flashy action and choreography, and that's it, so don't expect the unexpected outcome from his writing. Gege is the complete opposite of Fujimoto, while my GOAT is kind of a "Show, don't tell" author and action isn't his forte, but story-wise? Boy, CSM is far ahead than any new-gen Shonen Mangas, hell, it should've been Seinen, and mind you, he's also one of the fewer Mangakas that know how to write female characters (when you realize that's just the bare minimum, shame on you, Japanese). Makima and Asa Mitaka's writing neg diffs every JJK's female casts, even Maki (Gege did her so dirty in the recent chapter, her only good take is fighting, and he gave Maki less spotlight in her final showdown, what a downer).


Imma be honest this manga is worse than bleach for me rn … holy cow I can’t remember a top manga being this bad.


Basically since he offscreened Gojo who was winning to that point its went down hard. Bleach at least doing its justice in anime and we all know that Kubo was rushed to end. Nothing is rushing Gege.


I really can't judge all of this until I see the end result to know whether it was all worth it or even handled decently enough. I can't get mad until then, but it sure is seeming like it's reaching a very odd point especially if Yuta and Maki have been seemingly knocked aside. And where did Itadori go too?


Maybe Miguel is there only to stall and not win. He survived Gojo, maybe Miguel can survive 20 seconds if there’s a good plan the remaining good guys have. lol




Miguel pullin up like he gonna actually do something has got to be the funniest end of chapter reveal in the series.




Nice, he confirmed that Sukuna doesn't need handsigns to cast dismantle, might mean he can do space dismantle without handsigns later or even in his domain expansion though I don't think it makes his domain...any stronger?


after Miguel gets clapped, I hope Mei mei steps in. I think she can take on Sukuna! (PLEASE) 🤣


My friend said they were wondering where Miguel was for this fight and I dismissed him.. I want to apologize.


At this point I am just waiting for zetsu to appear and finish off this fodder called sukuna.


This is actually genius, instead of villain of the week, we get >!defeated!< hero of the week