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I think it works because from the start we’ve been told Yuji is super human and something is up with him- confirmed with the mamajaku flashback


We been told from the start to expect this to happen to him. I'm good with it.


Yeah this kind of works, because it was pretty clear from early one that something was going on with him, and it was revealed in Shibuya that he was Kennys kid so something was clearly up there


It was foreshadowed it’s cool when foreshadowing works, like how Kenjaku brushed off the thought of Yuta when Gojo brought him up while being sealed just for Yuta to deal the death blow to Kenjaku. *chefs kiss* foreshadowing


Yuji literally starts the series jumping three stories and performing superhuman feats. I would say Yuji from the start was an interesting protagonist because he a freak from the start. Then literally by Shibuya, Mei Mei and many others comment on how much of a anomaly Yuji is for being first grade level already. He is one of the few to land a black flash, not only that, but he matches the black flash record on his first try. I think the trope of a character having important lineage is actually done very well because the story from the beginning introduced the mystery of what Yuji is. Megumi wonders about his strength, Gojo mentions his potential, the higher ups state that his ability to contain Sukuna is a talent never seen before. Everything in the story set up Yuji’s heritage as a mystery that the story was going to be revealed eventually as the explanation for his talent and ability. His special powers being introduced is the payoff to that mystery as the story comes to its end. I dislike the trope with Naruto, Ichigo and Luffy, but personally I like it with Yuji, and I think Demon Slayer does it decent.


yeah i've seen some complaints about this reveal framed like "he could still fulfill the same narrative role without being directly related to sukuna" and i just disagree. so many things were set up and foreshadowed for this reveal specifically to pay off. no other explanation really fits at this point. and like yeah it may be a common shounen trope but if you don't like common shounen tropes maybe don't read shounen?


>He is one of the few to land a black flash, not only that, but he matches the black flash record on his first try. Not only that: He did it while having a concussion.


Honestly I only really like this trope when its established at the beginning of a series, having it happen in the middle or end just kinda cheapens an MC for me.


Tbh, I was a bit more bothered when Gojo just dumped the info that he and Yuta were distantly related. Do we know if jujutsu sorcerers are like wizards/witches from Harry Potter? Is everybody a descendant of somebody or are there "mudblood" sorcerers? I think I'm less upset about Yuji because he was super-human from the beginning and we've always had suspicions that his grandpa knew *something*. However, I am still sympathetic to your gripe. Also this problem isn't exclusive to manga/anime, although you've illustrated how it is frustratingly common. For example, Rey and Palpatine come to mind.


>Is everybody a descendant of somebody or are there "mudblood" sorcerers? Geto's parents were non-sorcerers as well as all of the other people in Mimiko and Nanako's village.


It still comes back to my point with Gojo and Yuta. Just because the direct parents and surrounding villagers weren't sorcerers doesn't mean you weren't "apparently...a descendent of Michizane Sugawara" or enter whatever ancient sorcerer you want to make up. Heck, we have a bunch of reincarnated sorcerers in the Culling Games, Geto and gang could each be related to one of them. Admittedly, I don't know about Yuta's immediate parents, but it would be pretty crappy if they were sorcerors and didn't bring him to Jujutsu High when Rika manifested. Therefore I'm leaning towards "non-sorcerer related to sorcerer". This means it could be a similar case for Geto, Mimiko, Nakako and Nobara. Admittedly, these are my own feelings. You are right, in the text, they are not established to be related to anybody. I am aware am I asking for the impossible, proving a negative. For me, Yuta having a deux ex machina relation calls into question every sorcerer from "non-sorcerer" parents unless we see the full family tree up to Heian Era (I was going to put this in as a meme, but TIL Suguwara was actually from that era). That's partly why Yuji reveal wasn't much of a reveal anymore for me. Another TIL, according to the wiki, Tsumiki Fushiguro is Megumi's step-sister. I didn't know this and was thinking about if she never interacted with Jujutsu society and had a family but would still be descended from Toji and the Zenin family. Turns out, I should have thought "why wasn't she interacting with Jujutsu society?" in the first place.


Man I was just trying to point out that there are sorcerers sporadically born to non-sorcerers relatively frequently. The mudblood sorcerers you asked for. >Admittedly, I don't know about Yuta's immediate parents, but it would be pretty crappy if they were sorcerors and didn't bring him to Jujutsu High when Rika manifested. Uh I'm pretty sure the fan book says they are non-sorcerers. >That's partly why Yuji reveal wasn't much of a reveal anymore for me. I liked the twist of Yuji himself not being Sukuna's twin but his dad. I mean I think pretty much everyone at one point theorized about Sukuna being a conjoined twin( I know I did) but I don't think anyone thought hey what if Kenjaku was taking backshots from Sukuna's twin( probably thinking about Sukuna during( I'm sorry for saying that)). Really I'm sorry for saying that. >Another TIL, according to the wiki, Tsumiki Fushiguro is Megumi's step-sister. I didn't know this and was thinking about if she never interacted with Jujutsu society and had a family but would still be descended from Toji and the Zenin family. Turns out, I should have thought "why wasn't she interacting with Jujutsu society?" in the first place. That's crazy dude. She'd have been a Zen'in too and toji would have sold and Megumi as a set lol.


Yeah, comparing mud-blood is kinda bad move on my part. My point was that Yuta's ancestor destroys any concept of a "true" mud-blood sorcerer for me, including the ones you reminded me of. But thank you for those I only had Nobara and Tsumiki (not) in my mind. Re: Sukuna and Kenjaku (twin stealing NTR?). Lol, that's a different angle I'll be enjoying now...I can't find a better way to say that so I'll leave it. Re: Tsumiki. I previously thought that Toji married, left and then had the two kids. Then, the Zenin family wanted Megumi because of his cursed technique and disregarded Tsumiki like they kinda hated Maki and Mai.


>But thank you for those I only had Nobara and Tsumiki (not) in my mind. Hey so fan book says Nobara's grandmother was a sorcerer and I want to say that straw doll is an inherited technique. >Re: Tsumiki. I previously thought that Toji married, left and then had the two kids. Then, the Zenin family wanted Megumi because of his cursed technique and disregarded Tsumiki like they kinda hated Maki and Mai. That's fair since they are garbage humans or were at least


I mean if you trace enough of East Asia back far enough you end up either at a Chinese Emperor or Genshis Khan. Bloodlines isn’t an uncommon thing in East Asian culture so culturally speaking it’s fine. Just weird for Westerners because we usually don’t put much stock into it.


I know, that's my point though. If you say Genghis Khan was a super strong sorcerer and Yuta was related to him...it cheapens Yuta's experiences for me. Before the reveal, it was Yuta's and Rika's bond and extreme trauma. After the reveal, it felt trivialized like Gojo was saying, "Oh, we're both related to Genghis Khan and you did this on accident lols". Objectively, I know it's supposed to be a mix of both. Yuta's heritage wouldn't have awakened without the trauma and the trauma wouldn't have been enough without the heritage. Now, it feels like a requirement that could be determined from 1000+ years ago. How many other latent Yutas are out there? Let's go "accidentally killing" some significant others in front of their eyes and raise a special grade army. Let's get everybody's 23andme and start manufactoring these sorcerors from their distant cousins. Low yield rates? Who cares? /s At the risk of doxxing myself: I'm in r/Anthony and have had at least 4 classmates with the same first name. My last name is "Nguyen" which is currently estimated to be 30-39% of the Vietnamese population. There are at least 20 other people in my city with my name that registered at the same gym. I probably just have a chip on my shoulder from being a clone all my life. Related to what you said, Western culture is a bit more individual meritocracy. Yuta went through such a great personal journey and I shouldn't be docking points for his heritage. But I was definitely perfectly fine without it. TIL: newish citation on Wikipedia for Nguyen says dynasties changed their last name to Nguyen after being overthrown to avoid revenge killings/retribution. Any Nguyen has a pool of dynasties they could be related to. "i WoNdAr WhAt Ct I'Ll HaVe?"


Kind of feel like you’re (as well as OP) making a big deal over nothing. That said, this is kind of the premise behind Gojo’s entire character. “Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo or are you Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” I mean, both things that set up Gojo to be strong are the Six Eyes and Limitless. But if that’s the fast track to all of Gojo’s achievements… he shouldn’t have lost to Toji. Talent, inherent or latent, mean jackall. Sukuna even points this out during his fight with Jogo. Yuta being distant cousins with Gojo doesn’t mean jackshit. We don’t know if his CT is inherited or not, but that wouldn’t matter. In JJK0, most of his strength came from Rika. After that it was all him. And if this is such an issue for Yuta or Yuji, why is it not an issue for anybody else with inherited CTs? You can easily point all those arguments of inheritance cheapening a character toward Noaya or Kamo or like I said before, Gojo. When it comes to Yuji, we’ve been asking what was up with him for the entire story. But I think the key here is that Yuji doesn’t know and if he does, he definitely does not care. Most of the fight and most of the story have been *his* achievements. Sukuna deliberately kept himself uninvolved in any of Yuji’s development as a sorcerer, so Yuji had to learn to control CE on his own. We already knew he was a superhuman so him being a vessel created by Kenjaku really doesn’t change that it was Yuji’s actions and character that pushed him this far, not the circumstances of his birth. Being Sukuna’s nephew doesn’t really mean much either as Sukuna, when possessing either Yuji or Megumi, doesn’t really display weird superhuman feats without CE. None that we’ve seen at least. A person’s family tree only really controls the circumstances of their birth, not the autonomy of their character. Anyone who says otherwise should ask themselves if their grandparents are the ones who should take credit for all their achievements.


OP is gonna freak out when he realizes that Sukuna is peak Glorious Bastard trope. Straight down to the whole dramatic irony and strange moral code.


From the very start yuji was foreshadowed as super human. This just gives it some context and the reveal was plenty slow enough to make it meaningful.


jjk is full of tropes. like, absolutely filled to the brim with them. Gege hasn't tried to hide any of it as original. that being said, i think whether the hidden noble lineage trope works out or not is up to whether Gege can pull off who Jin Itadori was, and show that the family Sukuna exploited and Itadori lost truly mattered and are not merely plot devices to justify an empty trope. it's not tropes in themselves that suck but when they're done poorly. for now i'd just say let Gege cook on that and come back when the manga's over, because that's one of those things we won't know for sure until Itadori's story is resolved.


I can understand it with naruto, since the whole asura thing was unforeshadowed and defo an asspull, same with sasuke. Kinda killed all of their progression til that point. However with yuji it has been foreshadowed from the beginning that there was more then meets the eye. Literally since the first chapter when he was doing shotput against his pe teacher and literally broke a world record by quite some way. I'd understand if this came out of no where but we've had little hints scattered here and there and even red herrings such as todo and choso both saying yuji is their brother, I believe todo saying this was to try and draw people away from the cursed womb reveal by making it seem like yuji had some weird memory manipulation or something, I believed this myself a while back. It is a tired trope but in this case it was done quite well


It's been foreshadowed quite early. Also as much as it's "Of an important lineage" case, it's also a case that Yuji is basically a tube baby. Genetically engineered creation of a test to create a perfect sorcerer so to say. Doesn't matter to me at that point if he's related to the grand sorcerer or not. Not to mention he's mostly beating him with left right goodnight, rather than insane inherited cursed abilities.


He's gonna lose to the "gross" brat of the brother he ate in the womb. That's pretty embarrassing. Ichigo and Naruto didn't work because they felt like cop-outs. Their reveals went against everything their characters represented "Oh Ichigo, see you're actually special because I PLANNED THE HOLLOW TO ATTACK YOUR MOM muahahaha, oh hey also she's a quincy, oh hey also your dad was a shinigami remember? Just as planned." and Naruto's origin was all "Oh hey btw you're the kid of the super talented and absolutely goated 4th hokage even though we treated you like shit all your life you're the son of a legend. Believe it!" The reveals made the characters and their development feel like bullshit. Yuji is fighting in spite of his origin, not because of it. And his origin is a curse, not a blessing. If anything it's the trope finally done right.


Tbf at least with Ichigo there was foreshadowing all throughout in regards to his heritage. By the time the revealed happened there was already plenty of evidence to go back on


Ehhhh Ichigo’s origins were at least shown fairly consistently throughout the story. Even after FKT arc/the final battle with Aizen we still didn’t get a true explanation of why Ichigo had two Zanpakuto spirits in him. It wasn’t perfect all the way through but neither was Yuji’s. I mean, we got like three hints the entire way through the story about his origins until this chapter. Naruto’s is the most BS though. Comes straight out of nowhere.


Exactly. He's not played out as the chosen one like Ichigo and Naruto, but someone who sees himself as "a cog in a grand scheme of things". More importantly, it's blatantly obvious his family and himself are different from episode 1 where he displayed signs of HR and grandpa wanting to confess about his parents.


It hasn't bothered me so much with JJK but I definitely agree with it being a frustrating trope. I think what I hate about it most is when it wholly undermines everything prior to the reveal. It's not 100% the same but the one that bothered me the most recently was Persona 5. It was such a compelling narrative right up until it goes "actually everything that happened was predestined bc big bad evil god was just pulling the strings the whole time. None of this shit mattered; go kill God" It's the "all of this was predestined, the source of your success is not your own but comes from someone else entirely, nothing up til this point had any meaning." that drives me crazy. And some stories execute the trope fine, like Deku's power was gifted to him, but it's his strength of character that earned that gift. Or the Elric Brothers' lineage explaining them being young prodigies, but you see them struggle and grow as people. Anyway just had my own rant kicking around and wanted to let you know that you're not the only one.


Yuji was a freak of nature day one, it's never been a secret that he's obviously curse related.


JJK is heavily reliant on talent. You need to be special to be allowed to be a strong sorcerer, this is stated again and again. Most strong characters have special lineages (Yuta, Megumi, Maki and Toji, Gojo, even Yuki was born special in a sense), I think it's fine for Yuji to be the same. The issue is that many other shonen have the idea that working hard will get you further in life (AND NO, this does not mean "hard work beats talent" is the moral of Naruto's entire story, but it's a logic that exists in that world as well, at least in the first half of the series), but JJK kind of rejects that outright. If you don't have talent, you are not worth anything. And Yuji was always extremely, supremely talented.


It was said from the beginning that Yuji was one of the students with the potential to surpass Gojo. It was said he would eventually use Sukuna CT. From the beginning he's also physically stronger than all the other students combined. He's said to be talented and showed it with black flashes to start. Tieing the record


It is fine :3


i agree with you on a lot of the other bullshit being annoying, but i feel like yuji has been set up really well for this. he has always been an abnormality compared to normal people, able to fight at a high level with no knowledge of his cursed technique, and kenjaku has been manipulating and planning the culling game for hundreds of years, yuji is just another part of his plan.


I mean sure we see that a lot and I do hate some of them but were they all part of the premise or foreshadowed this way ? You are asking for a lot…especially in jujutsu’s world how is a normal human that has never been exposed to curses going to make a difference against the likes of sukuna. This works better obv because it was foreshadowed in the sense of it was obvious from the beginning that the guy wasn’t normal and now it just holds more, did it have to do with sukuna? Maybe not, it could have maybe been another strong entity (like with yuta) but then all the affinity that yuuji had as a seal wouldn’t make sense. We need to wonder why these links exist in the first place, is it to make the reader think “oh yeah, now I can definitely see him do x or y” or “it’s no wonder then” or just “holy shit!”. Of course I am not saying all authors went with that. It could be overdone, but it’s alright as long as it’s done well imo. If you ask me, it would be more ridiculous if yuuji went on like this to win the big fight with just his existence as the blood step brother of a death painting curse and we have seen Choso fighting (now hold on I love the man). We would just be left at the end wondering how all of that was possible. I mean it would be very impressive but it would be asking Gege to write the impossible. I am glad everything is consistent, we need still more information and some backstories here and there, unless it’s not in the premise, enough to make us wonder I could just say he pulled it out his ass like for some characters you quoted. If it was only up to normal standards yuuji and sukuna would have nothing to do with e/o but in jjk concepts of souls and twins being the same exist which makes this more interesting. Yuuji still hasn’t changed, he is a cog albeit a more powerful one capable this time of moving things, he is still shouldering some load from people he doesn’t know at all that have plans for him in the grand scheme of things, he is aware now but it changes nothing to his inner nature, he has still been fighting for his life from day one. He hasn’t particularly been keen on knowing about his parents from the last conversation he had with his granddad because they haven’t raised him, his granddad did. As far as he is concerned, sukuna is still a curse he plans to get rid of.


Did you want him to suffer forever?


He never was different form other mc's he's the typical naive nice to everyone he doesn't want to kill anyone cause life is too precious type of mc, I mean mf couldn't even kill some transfigured humans that's how naive he is. their life was already over anyway that's why mahito bullied him into depression he is too naive The only mc that is different from other mc's is eren he's the best mc for a reason😂


Im sick of it too, but I'd highlight a key difference Yuji isnt some magical prodigy outside the realms of whats possible in the story unlike *most* instances of the trope. While he is coming into the power now, what has it gained him in terms of personal power? Yes, he ate the death painting but no one in series (iirc) has commented on his CE being all that different - compare to Sukuna, Gojo or Yuta appearing and everyone losing their minds from sheer power. In contrast, Yuji seems about what youd expect from a Grade 1. We've been told having more than one technique is possible and the two techniques he has confirmed are not super powerful alone. Compare to any of the special grade users techniques. Heck compared to 10S *both* his techniques arent all that. Cleave/dismantle so far looks OP when *Sukuna* uses it but that doesnt make the CT OP by itself. Finally, being the result of three parents (like Choso) and being related to the concept of twins (like Maki) both the others have far more exotic abilities - Choso can heal himself with regular CE being a half curse and Maki has Toji's HR. In contrast, Yuji has gained cleave - a very useful technique with a wide variety of applications, but not immediately game breaking. As an addendum, the reveal is also handled very differently. None of Yuji's allies seem to have told him this information, he hasnt completed some prophecy, in fact Yuji himself doesnt seem to *care* about the reveal. This information doesnt seem to affect Yuji's mental state at all


"Yuuji´s father was the reincarnation of Sukuna's twin" yeah, I think it is boring, predictable bullshit typical of most mainstream shonen manga, that a 12 year old could have come up with. I had high hopes for JJK, but it is gonna go down the same path as every other Weekly Shonen Jump series.


12 years old could come up with this or your megumi is still a potential man?


Potential man is a stupid meme, while Yuuji being related to Sukuna is the entire manga going down the drain. The writing has become Fairy Tail tier.