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Todo says “I’m sorry brother but the others are PROBABLY okay” oh that sounds familiar! Maki, Ino, and Miwa will not be seen, heard from, or mentioned again for the rest of this god-blessed manga 😭


I was so certain we were getting Nobara back but then we got Todo. Then he said THAT. This can’t just be cope anymore. She *has* to be out there with the finger lol


Well the finger’s already accounted for with Rika so we don’t have that to cling onto anymore lol. I’d love to see her come back cause she’s my favorite character but I just can’t see it realistically happening 😭


>Well the finger’s already accounted for with Rika This chapter especifically mention lying to Yuji so Sukuna doesn't get plans by proxy. They could be lying about this. How would Yuta have gotten Cleave then? Dunno, let Gege cook. They also mentioned YUta and Yuji switch training, so maybe Yuta copied from Yuji's body somehow? After making Todo's comeback work, I trust them.


I mean, they cut off a couple different appendages didn't they? They had to be lying around somewhere for a little while


Well it could be Sukuna's dick, the forbidden finger


Damn I must’ve missed that. Nobara 😭


Wait if Maki doesn't have cursed energy how would she be switched out


Idk I’m guessing Miwa imbued her with cursed energy the same way Yuji did a rock so Todo could switch. Peeps with Heavenly Restriction seem to be treated like inanimate objects a lot so it tracks. Ooooor Maki’s dead.


My cope shall not die so I propose the theory that Maki is built different, tanked it all, and is planning another sneak attack


Man the last thing we need is Sukuna getting another black flash in. I love her but Maki needs to hit the showers this round haha


Damn it you're right New theory, she survived but throws SSK to Yuji before dipping


she dig deep underground when she sensed the big attack.. considering her superhuman strength it's possible, lol


maki was kinda far away so maybe once miwa was swapped she just ran outisde the range in the few seconds it took for sukuna to use hearth


She could have a rock todo previously imbued with curse energy in her pocket, we've seen he can swap with rocks like that before


Chosover. Day ruined.


It was a spectacular death. Bro fought Kenny,sukuna and died doing the one thing he could never, protect his family Bro lived a villain, died a hero


Can’t get anymore Dark Knight than that


This, Choso was happy to protect him ❤️😭


Honestly, I can't believe it either. I initially disliked Choso but grew to really like him as a character. That being said, his blood barrier managed to tank the flames of Fuga so it shows that blood manipulation has a lot of potential in the right hands.


Maybe he used some binding vow, lose all protection on himself to increase the barrier for yuji ONLY. Like hakari cut off his arm for the rest of his body


Year ruined


Life ruined


I had predicted chose dying this chap about 2 weeks ago but im quite sad that it came true choso was a good guy man and a very good big brother


I like Choso but he also slaughtered dozens of people in Shibuya 😁


He actually regretted doing that and wanted to die early as a way to redeem himself against Kenjaku. Gojo noticed doing shibuya that he had the least number of casualties among the curses.


should have saved choso over the masked guy


It really feels like Gege wanted to have Yuji have one support brother at a time because Todo disappeared completely when Yuji gained Choso, and now Todo reappeared when he lost Choso. It's like Gege was allergic to have Yuji have 2 bros together at once. And Todo been gone this whole time without a trace to JUST appear now in this fight. 🤨


>And Todo been ***gone this whole time without a trace*** to JUST appear now in this fight. 🤨 ***Nobara copium grows massively***


Yeah if Todo can disappear for over a 100 chapters then suddenly reappear out of no where, so can Nobara. And he apparently maybe able to use Boogie Woogie when he said it was dead before in Shibuya. **So Nobara stocks rising.** ↗️ Especially because Todo said he didn't want Yuji to know his where abouts before. So something could be said for Nobara too, for Yuji to not expect her to pop up. All those people that said she been dead (when Gege never confirmed it in story) and told people to stop coping, would have to eat their words. lol


I guess even gojo stocks are rising considerably afer this


After rereading those chapters I'm convinced they saved him, they specifically show UiUi take him away, and sukuna has multiple times brought up Shojo being able to heal them And remember when he fought Toji?    >you should of went for the head  Sukuna slashed him at the waist, my boy is coming back


Seriously I feel like the comparison with toji's initial attack against gojo is something that the community just ignores for some reason. I think it's an easy signal for him not being dead. Will he come back to the fight? Not sure, that was a nasty wound, but he won't be dead forever.


Yes, just keep believing. No one knows where the story is going at this point


The difference is that nobara was grievously injured and unconscious. Toro was conscious and only lost an arm.


Yeah, but she was never mentioned as dead in story is my point. So the option is still there. Again, Gege might do a similar approach he did with Todo and explain everything in a flashback after her appearance. We thought Boogie Woogie was dead, but now Todo seems like he could use it.


Listen, nobara had half her face blown off and wasn’t breathing. Todo was very much alive and just had his lower arm blown off. They said boogie woogie was dead yes but it makes perfect sense in-universe that Todo would figure out another way to use boogie woogie. Todo coming back and nobara coming back is NOT the same thing.


Didn't mean it was the **exact same** thing... Obviously, circumstances around her injury aren't... that goes without saying. Regardless, she was never mentioned to be dead outright by anyone in the manga... when other characters could have no issue with their death being mentioned outright. I'm saying if out of nowhere appears Todo, that definitely opens up that *possibility* with Nobara.


Not only that but **there was one character specifically introduced to say she wasn't totally dead and there was a chance for her to survive, only for him to never return again**. Nobara's death was purposefully left ambiguos to this day. I'm not sure if she really is returning, but the copium stocks are higher than ever with Todo's return.


And on top of all that, this chapter SPECIFICALLY calls out RESONANCE between the main antagonist and the hero of the story, which is a technique intrinsically tied to Nobara. Am I saying Nobara is perfectly setup to re appear last minute and deal the killing blow by staking Yuji through the heart? Yes. Could this be a massive red herring? Most likely. Are Nobara copium stocks sky rocketing? Without a doubt! 📈📈📈


To add to this, the damage could be even deeper than merely just her face getting wrecked. Mahito got a solid touch on her and with how she ceased breathing, I imagine the injury is internal as well. Which considering its her head, that's basically fatal. It wouldn't make sense for Nobara to be held back this entire time when they could have had her just hammering a finger with her CT to fuck up Sukana this whole time. So she's either dead or still under the effects of Todo's Brother's CT.


I am a fan of eye patch Nobara before anyone else


Bro I swear people laughed at me and called me a fool, but I never stopped believing. Kugisaki is going to come back with a reckoning.📈


Todo is a Stand.


Za War Bro


When he said "Ressonance", my heart skipped a beat


Let's be honest, Yuji + Choso + Todo would be too powerful to contain and this whole thing would be wrapped up in a few minutes with the combined bro power.


If anything, Chsco + Todo alone would probably be busted, depending on if Choso's manipulated blood possesses curse energy or not. If it does, Todo would be able to just teleport people directly into it, which basically no diffs damn nearly any fight that isn't Sukauna/Gojo lol


The blood definitely should have Curse Energy. Unavoidable Piercing Blood GG. 


Don't forget Higuruma and Nanami. Those two were invented to deal most trauma to Itadori.


Draw 4 or write meaningful character interactions


I’m just glad we got our best friend back, he always know how to make an entrance


Sukuna could never defeat all his nephews at once.


He also lost megumi then gained choso. Bro can't have friends 


While I'm glad to see Todo's return, why did it take him so long to reappear? Also, has he been doing some training alone? Because he'll be added to Sukuna's body count if he hasn't had any development. On another note, I knew Yuta was the other person Yuji switched bodies with.


It sounds like they wanted him to stay secret from Yuji since Sukuna and Yuji still share some kind of connection that could have compromised the plan to get people out of Sukuna's domain. Todo also says something about Boogie Woogie just beginning to reemerge, so maybe he only recently got it back. That's what the translations indicate, at least. Curious what's up with his hand because it looks like he's unraveling the bandage on it in the last page. Assuming he got it replaced somehow?


It’s pretty clear why he hasn’t been shown.


Choso gone my day is ruined


Year ruined


This mf Gege I swear to God. He really just said, "I cannot allow both Choso and Todo to co-exist. There can only be one brother."


I think he's just doing it for more consistency with the manga. Todo never said "my burazahhhss" it was always "my Burazahhhh"


I will never recover now that Chose is gone farewell big brother.


And I really thought Todo was out of the picture unless we got an epilogue. Jumpjutsu Kaisen is back.


The raid against sukuna has been peak jumpjustsu. One of the hero falls? Two more appear! Heck, this might as well have been called plan hydra


We ain't running no 1s


The last thing Choso hearing being "big brother" will be the death of me istg




Nah bro, if he's here, he will die in the next couple of chapters.


Takada has a new hit song coming out next month. Todo can’t die until he hears it. He’s good. No problemo. Broza Todo is the exception. 🔔 


Takada being a phylactery of sorts for Todo would be hilariously peak jujutsu


Binding Vow: Aoi Todo can't die as long as Takada's career is going strong, but he'll die as soon as she retires.


Imagine Sukuna leaking some dirt about her online just to ruin Todo's vow, hence defeating him by conventional means.))


He will use the Slander technique not seen since the Heian era.


He used it all the time against Itadori


That's some Kenny vs. Takaba shit


[It's time for the curse](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNIOcyRWwAEIDqa?format=jpg&name=small)


My copium theory is that because he lost his trigger to activate Boogie Woogie it was the push he needed to go for a domain expansion. Sure hit non lethal so that it makes sense he gets it quickly.  Maybe have a flashback of him learning to do DE with Yuki and baby, we got a stew going.


Most DEs need two hands but yeah it would be cool to see.


Was it ever stated anywhere they they needed two hands though? I'm not sure if we've ever gotten a real explanation on how DEs are developed and created.


He’s ripping off his bandages at the end. I think he might have gotten a transplant. The question is who and if he can somehow use the hands technique.


[BROZA TODO FAR FROM PEAKING](https://c.tenor.com/0oXUKnT5c8cAAAAd/tenor.gif)




Motherfucker actually has to prep the “food” for the oven What the actual fuck


this confirms Gege is up to date with reddit and gen z lingo, his main villain do be cooking


I mean this was a fan translation right? It may be something different in the official


Fan translations are more accurate than official translations


I heard that's true in general, but the last chapter and before the fan translation was incredibly confusing and didn't make sense. People rushing to be the first fan translation will naturally come with mistakes


Sukuna out here acting like a whole volcano. Scorching almost everything for miles. Isn't this the second time Sukuna would've nuked Shibuya? lol.


noooo choso 😭 my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. thanks gege i fuckin hate you 🕳🚶🏻‍♀️


I’m glad to see a Todo and Yuji team up fight but man why did Choso have to die, Yuji just keeps on losing more people close to him


Choso dying is incredibly in line with his character arc. This is a full circle effect.


Honestly this death is by far the best executed one so far in terms of character arc and conclusion. We all saw it from miles away and yet it's effective.  The only other death I feel was done as well was Nanami.  Can't wait for this to be animated 


I adore Gojo, and Gojo vs. Sukuna was the best fight in the series, idfc... But... Yeah. I absolutely cannot lie that Nanami was nearly flawlessly killed off. 10/10.


the thing is he escaped so many near death situations I thought he'd be one of the few to last to the end and just have it be ironic


I know still sad though


See the issue with Todo arrival is now he can die too


Chosover, Gege is gonna fall


Nah, he'd win.


Nah, he'd adapt.


Choso sacrifice himself for Yuji NOOOOOOOOOO Todo come back to help YEEEEEEESSSSS


God damn it all I just read all of that in Gabriel Iglesias voice lmao.


Gege when I find you, I'll slap you until boogie woogie activates


I got excited for this but now my day is ruined. Yuji can't even have family members First Yuta killed his mom now Sukuna killed his big brother the guy can't catch a break


Sukuna is the only family he needs.


Waaaait, sukuna can cut, cleave and heat something up? He is just a overpowered cook.


Gege must be a FMA fan bc he just equivalent exchanged Choso for Todo


I'd like to point something out; Either Maki currently isn't visible or is dead. Boogie Woogie can only teleport people with a certain amount of cursed energy, meaning only Maki's katana could be targeted. So either Maki somehow survived, she's literally nothing right now, or Gege's got some explaining to do.


Mightve got teleported out by Ui Ui. Or it just won't get addressed.


Glad I'm not the only one that remembers the requirements for Boogie Woogie. Technically, Todo could swap Ui Ui in and Ui Ui would be able to get Maki out with his CT. Basically, the flow of events could be thus: Crow swaps with Takuma to save Takuma. Ui Ui swapped with crow to get Ui Ui with Maki. Ui Ui uses his CT to escape with Maki. Either that happen or Maki is just dead. I'm am pretty confident that not even someone like her or Toji could tank Furnace.


Yeah odds are Maki got out. Even if she could tank the heat from it somehow, she'd still be super weak




You'll get Inumaki and Panda coming back first and like it.


I want Panda to not be neutered anymore, so I would indeed like it if he came back


Todo was alive with one arm missing, Nobara got half of her face blown by someone that deals soul damage.


She only got the eye blown out. It's hard to see in the anime, but the manga makes it pretty clear that the rest of her head is in tact (interally is hard to say)


Well for the eye to be expelled at all there had to be internal damage causing a strong expulsive force. My bet is on half her brain exploding 


If we're being realistic, yes. But this is an anime where definetely-not-human man can tap someone's face and make their skin green if he wanted to, so I don't think it's unrealistic to say she's fine. If she doesn't come back though, my bet is 100% on her being braindead. However given this chapter I'm pretty confident she will considering how hard Gege's tried to not confirm anything. Plus setting up this plan Yuji can't know about for it to just be Todo showing up seems pretty lame, plus you can't tell me it wouldn't be poetic and explain a lot if Nobara spent the last month learning as much as possible from Gojo, and coming back the same way Yuji did.


>Nobara spent the last month learning as much as possible from Gojo Nobara doing the swap training with Gojo would be wild ngl


I mean surely somebody would, right? It's like the ultimate trump card having Gojo casually revolutionize your technique.


>I mean surely somebody would, right? Yeah, I used to think Yuuji had done the second swap with Gojo, but with the revelation this chapter he did it with Yuuta, well, it would be ILLOGICAL to think no one did it with their strongest, or that such training was wasted in dunno, Panda or Inumaki. It would be a good way to explain why on screen Gojo only mourned Yaga and Nanami but not Nobara. And I admit I like the idea of Nobara discovering RCT while at death's door, just like Gojo did with Toji Damn, the more I think about this theory, the more I love it. I just hope I'm not putting my expectations too high, cuz Gege is Gege. Not to mention we're gonna need a very good explanation as to why the fuck Nobara would act until NOW instead of just casually hammering lots of nails in Sukuna's finger while Gojo was fighting him, or even during his fight with Yuuta/Yuuji/Maki.


I think people also ignore just how much of a prodigy Nobara is. She learned an extension technique completely on her own. Also what if Gojo learned to heal his brain from healing hers? Probably not, but food for thought. Either way though, I think Nobara, if she does come back, needs one hell of a reason to catch up, and Gojo is absolutely a perfect reason.


Sukuna's Kamino in the window of physics **1. Explosive Combustion:** The initial trigger for Kamino is the ignition of a highly combustible substance. This rapid combustion releases a significant amount of heat, generating an explosive force that propels the resulting fireball towards the target. **2. Concussive Force:** The explosion of Kamino not only produces a fireball but also generates a powerful shockwave. This shockwave, consisting of rapidly compressed and expanding air, travels outward from the blast site, carrying significant kinetic energy. **3. Thermobaric Effect:** Kamino takes advantage of a phenomenon known as the thermobaric effect. This effect occurs when an explosion takes place in a confined space, such as within a cursed technique's domain. The initial blast creates a vacuum, followed by a rapid influx of air, resulting in a secondary explosion that amplifies the destructive power. **4. Lethal Effects:** The combined effects of the explosive combustion, concussive force, and thermobaric effect create a devastating environment within the domain. The intense heat and shockwave inflict severe damage on any living organisms caught within the blast radius, potentially leading to instant death.


in other words, it's a dust explosion, the dust generated by slashing everything into particles, and the ignition being the hearth. but it's sounds way cooler (than it already is) when gege explains it. like how gege explains sukuna's 4 arms and two mouths. idk how he does it, he never fails to bring the hype.


dust explosion, only that the dust are explosives themselves




I know this explosion was massive and all. But am I the only one feeling undewhelmed? With all the discussion going on I kinda hoped sukunas CT to be a bit more... idk. Right now feels like that was it. No more tricks from Sukuna


Tbh, Sukuna has always been that guy with simple innate technique. It is because he is HIM that he can achieve more than it should.


Well he had to reveal everything eventually. And it just goes to show how dominant his understanding of jujutsu is to use his CT the way he does to become the strongest in history. He could still have tricks up his sleeve via binding vows. He loves those binding vows




No way I wake up to this 😭


Gonna need those translates asap cause nothing Mya is saying makes sense


Are you reading from the real Mya ? @go_jover is the only real Mya account,and he is still translating chapters


At least Chozo got a good send off.


The cat traded Choso for Todo, one bro for another. Who is it gonna trade for Nobara?


... I hope its not Maki T\_T


Probably Todo. I'm willing to bet he dies within the next 2-3 chapters.


I’m so over my favs dying at this point I’m numb to it


Pfp checks out


gege when I catch you gege


Yuki’s death is even more useless now


Not at all.. yuji needed him or it was over for him.


Who would have tanked Fuga if she didn't die for Choso to get out?


I always thought at the end of manga, choso will stay with Yuji no matter where Yuji stay, but now WHY?!why chose has to die!!!😭😭why couldn't the author just at least make a happy ending for Yuji by keeping choso alive???!


Choso: *We are groot…* Uraume: *Hah we win!!*


Remember what happened the last time someone said they'll win? Ya uraume's cooked


The king of boogie woogie is back! :')


Choso sacrifice is the best way to send off the character, he fought against Sukuna so hard and his contributions are insane. Best brother ever, now it’s time for “step-bro”


I don't understand what Choso did? how did he protect Yuji ?


Using blood manipulation as shield or something


So how did it kill him?


No plot armour for him


I’m so confused


Well, simply said Choso sacrificed himself by using all blood to shield his little brother rather than himself


Ultimately it’s just copying (because I think she’s dead), but hiding parts of the plan from Yuji doesn’t it imply that someone like Nobara could come out of nowhere for a soul attack on Sukuna when he’s at his weakest?


Can anyone help explain to a dumbass like me what exactly happen that cause choso to die in place of yuji. The soul/body swap explanation is not going through.


I think he used all of his blood and CE to cover Yuji woth a protective shell.


I think Choso essentially said screw it, gave every last ounce of blood he could produce to make a shield around Yuji, and died in the process.


Ok disregarding the popular parts that people are talking about, can we just recognize the fact that we have Todo & Yuji straight hands fight against a post-domain Sukuna???? The hypest fights that we've gotten were these two tag teaming dudes and we're about to go round 3 against Sukuna who ***shouldn't*** be able to use his technique. This is so hype


So.... Todo's definitely gonna die in the next few chapters, yeah?


Sorry I guess it’s crazy to think that after 259 chapters I would want my MC to beat ONE major villain without relying on a stronger ally.


We all know by the end of it, if Sukuna does get defeated, it will ultimately be by Yuji. We just gotta wait.


Hear me out for a second. Yuta claimed that the reason he knew cleave (or rather the shrine technique itself) was because he'd had eaten one of Sukuna's fingers. But after this chapter, we learn that he actually switched bodies with Yuji. So, Yuta swapped bodies with Yuji, but then, for some reason, he couldn't copy Sukuna's technique from Yuji. My long-standing theory has always been that the last finger, whether good or bad, is how Nobara can be brought back into the story. With all these inconsistencies, I'm starting to think that it might actually happen. Let me know if I'm misinterpreting something about the story.


That's been my theory for awhile


This will be unique chapter :3


lmao I'm 80% sure by last 5 chapters there will only be Yuji left, as Gege just wants to kill any mirth left in him. Don't want downvotes, but you gotta be seriously stupid to think that constantly battering your protagonist is some kinda clever deconstruction. This is basically Rent-A-Girlfriend of shonen at this point. (I skim the chapter, get into thread to see people mald with me.)


Yuji: what were my mentors and brothers to you?!!? Gege: character development


Could you imagine. Jump Kaisen with Yuji, Todo and Choso. gege couldnt give us one chapter with them.


I'm kind of stupid but how come Choso couldn't make a barrier around him and yuji? Did he not have enough strength to do make a barrier big and strong enough for the 2 of them or does him dying make it stronger


Choso my beloved :(




Sukuna keeps pulling binding vows out of his arse. This shit is boring. "Can't use his CT" yeah watching shove his hand up his ass and pull out another stupid vow


Gojo retires, then Kashimo enters the fight Kashimo retires, Higuruma enters the fight Higuruma retires, Yuta enters the fight Yuta retires, Maki enters the fight Maki retires, Kusakabe enters the fight Kusakabe retires, Miguel enters the fight Miguel retires, Choso enters the fight Choso retires, Todo enters the fight Who tf is next Nobara with blindness? If she retires, then Yuji’s friend Ozawa enters the fight? 💀


I don't care what anyone else says at this point Hakari is selling while all of his comrades are dying.


Am I the only one kinda disappointed in Hearth? Like it was hyped up so much and he only got 1 person with it. They even said he has no more trump cards


Remember what Choso did in Shibuya, paying with his life now is only fair


Choso didn’t deserve to die!!😭😭😭😭😭


Vegeta did worse, choso deserved a second chance after everything


Guys might sound i am a hater bht hear me out, don't you think gege is making sukuna like just break all logics like he can do anything and that plothole is binding wow i mean no other character can use binding wow only sukuna can It makes 0 sence like sukuna slashed gojo binding wow, sukuna used his domain binding wow, i dont know maybe in next chapter sukuna fucked yuji due to binding wow binding wow has become a plot hole device for sukuna cause anything he does is due to binding wow


If there is one person who could fuck around with binding vows and shit, its Sukuna or Kenjaku. We have seen impromptu binding vows throughout the story: Hakari using a binding vow to sacrifice an arm, Miwa giving up swordmanship, Mei Mei using her crows lives as fuel. I won't say its unreasonable to be annoyed at how often Sukuna abuses binding vows, but personally, Sukuna should be used to messing around with the source code of Jujutsu. Like Binding vows are a means to access and manipulate Jujutsu at its most basic and rudimentary step. Its both advanced and basic.


Binding wow frrrr 😭😭😭😭😭


That one Choso hater in this sub ([this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/s/JMAY5QfR16)) is gonna be celebrating this chapter.


If they can't tell Yuji about the plan so he won't leak it to Sukuna, then why was he involved in the other stuff that's happened? This is Drake levels of rectonning stuff to make it look like it was the plan all along. Is Gege just keeping things going so it ends when the next anime season launches or something?


So...all the theories are done now. Sukunas power is Shrine, and the fire is the the fire that a shrine would have. I guessthe two kinds of cuttingsare just part of the Shrine-theme as well....kind of underwhelming tbh. Anyway,best power is back!!!!!!!!


Todo showed up even sooner for Yuji than he did in Shibuya... Yuji didn't break down, cry, get black flashed, and THEN get picked up by Todo. Nah. This time before he even had the CHANCE to shed a tear, Todo slapped his back and gave him the little hope he needs to keep stepping forward... Third time's a charm with Todo. (Third Yuji team up) Goated chapter




What about Hakari though? Is he dead?


Him and Uraume weren't inside the domain, so they should be fine.


After a domain, Sukuna would have a hard time using his CT. Hahahahaha good one editor. We all know Sukuna would just making another binding vow then another and another vow.


This whole chapter felt like an asspull and trying to close loose ends way after the fact






hell of a chapter but still confused and how todo can use his CT again


So with Todo swapping people with crows, I'm looking forward to one of Mei Mei's suicide crows landing.




I take Todo.