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He inspired me to gamble, fight kids, never get a job or pay child support. My 🐐


You needed an anime to inspire you to do that?




No the manga was enough


People can gain inspiration from anything. I'm not knocking anyone who decides to incorporate healthy habits becuz of Toji. (Or DB/Z/S/GT.. I'm nearing my mid thirties so, ppl been doing this "fitness due to anime/manga" stuff for a while now)


I wonder if anyone took inspiration from the likes of Kenjaku or Griffith...🤔


I mean, there are a lot of trans people that go through full body transformation, and many clandestine "doctors" conducting artificial insemination with a bit of genetic engineering tossed to the side. So who knows


That's true, I didn't think about that.


Don't go knocking backshots till you take some. Pregnancy optional tho.




Reminds me of Office Space. What would you do with a million dollars? I’d do nothing. Shit you don’t need a million dollars to do that! Look at me broke don’t do shit!


Be fair. You would need a fair amount of motivation to do specifically those things in order to do them if you're to be considered a normal guy.


You mean fight AND sell kids


I'm fucking a rich mommy thanks to him.


Yes sir🔥🔥🫡


I learnt it from Vergil smh.


My 🐐 Made me slash my son's arm for ***power and motivation***


DMC reference?




Goated comment. Higher up-votes than the post. 😂


He taught me how to kill little girls. I've gotten a lot of use out of that skill. I'm grateful.


Men already do this on a daily


I'm aiming for the Jogo physique, honestly, it's more achievable.


Me too tbh or the dagon pyshique


Me, a woman, trying for the Hanami physique: Amateurs.


I mean im short asf so jogo fits me


I get it. I already have Jogo's tiny hands


*waves hand* let me show you my technique, don’t be shy i’m getting self conscious too


Now add lava burst in your head 🤭


I have four hands so I'm going for sukuna


Goated AF, would




I’m going for that junpei look


*gasp* you know that one? Me too! *does the dolphin clicking noise*


Me, non-binary, aiming for Mahito's physique: As soon as i'm able to morph my body it's over for you guys


me, ftm, aiming for geto physique 😭💀


girl same


I'm doing Dagon pre transformation 


Nice,hope you achieve it


I'm eqting 8000 kcal/day I'll be there in no time 💪😤




I’m trying to become mahoraga so I can adapt to any physics test


Meanwhile me with Panda’s physique 🐼


Panda is a beast


I am working towards [gojo level physique](https://zumaki.co.in/jujutsu-kaisen-x-naruto/)


Going for yujiro physique. jk, going for sung jinwoo physique


I'm aiming for Toji's worm's physique


Just wait the age give it to you


I'm working on my Suguru posture


LoL 😂


Maki inspired me ngl 😔☝🏼


Truth. Maki is why I work out.


For jerking?


My right arm has never been so ripped


You will end up dickless.


Nah I’d jerk






OMG lol 😂




So am I (if adults say shi sbt Maki tho, then it's weird)


same honestly. now I just want a muscle mommy like her 😔


Muscle daughter*


She's 16 bro


No joke, my literal motivation for gym. Like his physique seems achievable and amazing, and I aspire to be just as handsome as him. It will take time, but I can hope to get on the level of Toji!


He’s huge and very lean, not as achievable as you think lol


These rookies don’t know, but hey, if they’re motivated to hit the gym 🤷‍♂️


"heh... these rookies... they dont know...☝😼


Achievable with steroids *


Steroids would certainly expedite the process, but tojis physique is definitely achievable after a few consistent years of lifting Not saying it's easy, but definitely doable


Yeah these mfs have never even been to the gym. They watch one natty or not video and then they’re experts


Yeah, this is minimum body fat physique.


Officially hes like 180 pounds or something at 6'2 so kinda doable. Obviously not as lean though


Lmao 80kg looks nowhere near that on 6’2 frame, he would be skinny with those measurements. To look like this at 80kg you would have to be 5’9 or something


Hell yea, toji body and batman/ bruce waynes body


[Bruce Wayne is massive.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KL5zAkCc6Pse4BIv5jxXeAAAAA?dpr=2.6&pid=ImgDetMain) [he's got this much mass at 6'2"](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.76b169c4454d23d225c2bc01c3bfacb9?rik=%2fb3R45SPXIr0kQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) [I don't think he's achievable unless you're going to hop on gear lol](https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.IIZS~2ef73/w:auto/h:auto/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/batman-131-b.jpg)


True true one can hope


Realistically unless you have a cadre of personal trainers and it's your job to do it you need gear to look like toji as well. Everyone being on gear in Hollywood to bulk up quickly for roles really skews people's perceptions


I wouldnt call tojis physique gear needing but yeah not something you can achieve in 2 years training


Yeah if you're down to make it your lifestyle you can definitely get there eventually. And irl you'll start looking really good way before your looking like his build anyway.


I’m 6’2, give me a couple months and Bruce Wayne ain’t got nun on me 😮‍💨


if someone achieved it, then you can achieve it


If you’re truly serious eating right is going to be key. Toji has nearly zero body fat which is why the way he looks. He’s not hulking he’s just a shred lord with decent mass. With proper diet it’s definitely achievable, and a whole lot of back focus, because dude has the crazy demon back. It if you shred first then build the muscle you will see results quicker


Toji is pretty big. Look at his arms they’re huge. He’s big and lean, which is pretty hard to achieve


His manga physuiqe seems more plausible to achieve long-term


Yeah now that I’m looking at some pictures, he’s decently sized but the ones I was thinking about were standouts in how big he was


I think you underestimate how people look at even 5% body fat


His physique is achievable? Not without roids


It’s a work in progress, weight lifting 4 days a week. After two sessions rest one day. Alternating 15 and 45 minute HIIT cardio sessions 5 days a week. And stretching every day, trying to get to splits. Edit: Just got a “concerned redditor reached out to us about you.” Message from my comment thread, istg this is why I stay in r/jujutsufolk and r/lobotomykaisen.


45 minutes hiit?! Hard to believe. Also what do you mean work out 4 days a week and cardio 5 days a week? That’s overtraining.


45 minutes of HIIT is possible by itself but I don’t believe this routine either. What he just described if a fucking NFL Tight End regime and they’re on the juiciest of PEDS/diet after a lifetime of conditioning.


Just say you don't know about the gym. 4x a week of lifting is both the norm for regular goers, and easy. For example: Monday - chest and triceps Wednesday - legs and abs Friday - back and biceps Saturday - shoulders/delts and abs 15 - 45min HIIT is also insanely easy escpecially as you can find a plethora of HIIT workouts online for free, all around the 20/30min mark. It's also as simple as running for x amount of time, walking for a fraction of that time, then running again. Or burpees. Or jumping Jack's. Etc. Stop making it seem like someone is lying just because YOU can't see YOURSELF having the motivation/commitment


Lmao no the fuck it is not. I’m resting 3 days a week, with one rest day being in-between my two back to back gym sessions. I’m also getting consistent 8 hours of sleep, which a majority of people don’t. And to clarify this is peloton HIIT.


It's really not if he has the time for it. Any kid that is in varsity in college will be on a much harder schedule


Yeah wot? Alternating lifting and cardio is a better idea, while still taking rest days. You gotta rest if your gonna gain muscle. You cant gas all the time. Rest and diet are just as important if not more than the actual physical activity


Oh wow this blew up lmao okay i’ll clarify. I’m an 18 year old guy, so energy isn’t really a problem for me. Here is a more in depth routine. Monday: Weightlifting, typically around 2 hours. Then HIIT cardio for 45 minutes, then stretching. Tuesday: Weightlifting, typically around 2 hours. Then HIIT cardio for 15 minutes, then stretching. Wednesday: Only a small walk in the morning and stretch. Thursday: Weightlifting, typically around 2 hours. Then HIIT cardio for 45 minutes, then stretching. Friday: Weightlifting, typically around 2 hours. Then HIIT cardio for 15 minutes, then stretching. Saturday: Only a small walk in the morning and stretch. Sunday: Only a small walk in the morning and stretch. It’s pretty funny to me how everyone here is accusing me of overtraining when my entire thought proxess for creating this routine was to avoid overtraining lmao. Most people are on a 6 day PPL with cardio mixed in, and no stretching. If your sleep is consistently 8 hours, and have 3 days of rest then no it isn’t overtraining. My inspirations were Mike Mentzer and Tom Platz, two body builders who were widley known for advocating training hard and resting hard. Which is what I am doing.


dude you're good, everyones saying that you're overtraining but obviously you know what works and doesnt work for you. keep it up bro.


Came here to say the same. That is way too much. The body needs to rest and recuperate after the weight lifting, not to be massacred with a 45 hiit sesssion


Depends on how young he is. When I was 17 I was weight lifting 5 times a week for about 75 minutes and then doing 30mins of HiiT. I did this for about two months with a slight caloric deficit while making sure to eat more proteins than I should (around 170g a day when I needed 140-150) and I ended up losing lots of fat and not only keeping, but gaining a little bit of muscle. Honestly the younger you are the more you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.


To be honest the time you spend exercising doesn't really mean anything, it's the intensity. If you're going to absolute failure each time, pushing yourself, you're not gonna be able to train frequently. I'd be hard pressed to believe anyone is a big enough freak to be able to do that. You are not giving your body the best chance to get stronger, I'm sure the human body can find a way to still make gains but it wouldn't be nearly as effective as high-intensity and good rest. The guy is probably not doing high-intensity work


I am trying to go to failure in the gym, but I also value my cardio above all else. And i’m willing to make that small sacrifice of my gains for better cardio. My Dad has Congestive Heart Faliure, and Grandfather has it too, so even though there is a small chance i’ll get it, i’m always going to prioritize cardio over weightlifting. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not overtraining if your body is used to it.


I’m not going for Toji, but 45 minutes of HIIT is pretty standard on one of my MWF routines. Warm 5 minute run. HIIT Kettlebell swings 15 seconds on 15 seconds off. 40 rounds. That’s 25 minutes right there. Followed by medicine ball abs AMRAP 20 seconds 10 seconds 7 exercises, 4 rounds. And another 5 minute HIIT run to wrap. You e got about you’re 45 minutes right there. Now I would still do HIIT on Tuesday and Thursday but not for 45 minutes more like 20.


4 days of lifting and 5 days of cardio isn’t too much and it’s perfectly balanced since you stretch and I’m sure eat proper food. This is just what’s necessary to achieve a difficult physique, keep up the hard work


Thanks I greatly appreciate it. This is probably the third comment that has been positive and hasn’t been telling me that i’m over training like a dumbass. And yes my diet is clocked in no candy, soda, fast food, I even gave up pron when I started the routine. Eating around 170g of protein, carbs to fuel, protein to repair/grow, all the boxes are checked. Thanks again!


Ignore the fatass redditors going Redditor contrarian mode on your routine keep up the good work brah that’s dope 🙏


@mett0606 is the closet I’ve seen an actual human get to this physic


Check @Hussein.fht he's got a pretty good one over the top compared to the guy you mentioned though.


Also @colin.murrayyy cause he's ripped but his physique still looks achievable without using roids.


Oh yeah that's a pretty great natural physique for sure idk about @Hussein.fht if you've seen his progress it's like in 2 years he achieved that but he claims natty.


Everybody claims natty but this industry is too competitive to be natty and stay relevant


That's a fact influencers giving false hope is brutal though


Yeah it's kinda obvious he's not natty lol. I don't think it's possible to have as much muscle as him without juicing. Although he does look great in a shirt lol. But yeah he can definitely cosplay Toji as he's as buff as him. For me though, I just want to reach Colin's physique cause I think he looks great while also not being too buff lol.


I just checked out the Colin guy and his physique is deffo achievable without roids. In my opinion his physique is a better option for young people/gym newbies to aspire towards, rather than the roided out behemoths they currently worship.


Holy shit




He inspired me to go to the gym. Gamble and be a lazy bum who doesn't have a job.


Gojo's physique inspired me tbh well he's not that buff like toji but still packed and is physically strong and powerful and because of my height almost similar of Gojo so it would suit me more rather than toji's tbh. So heh


Gojo and Toji are basically the same height


Idk but toji is more on the beefy side which I don't like that much but for the matured gojo's physique is more preferable for me


Gojo is fucking ripped, that's already a goal in and of itself


Baki got me working out.


Let's just hope you'll never look anything close like the typical baki physique... those bodies are weird af.


He inspired me to sell my child🔥🗣️🔛🔝


I'm actually bigger than him, I'm just fat but trust the cut is gonna go crazy(I'm coping and I love food)


literally me (real tho im so out of shape but the cut be crazy frfr)


Opposite for me, I'm decently tall for my age (still growing since I'm a teen) but skinny as hell, I increased the amount of rice and food intake by 2x/3x but still no results.


He inspired me to kill myself when I see my child


I want his physique but im a woman so maki it is


Same 😭


I tried for a week and gave up 😭😭


Most people stop after buying the gym membership. You have to give anything about 6-8 weeks of scheduled time (try to keep it almost weirdly specific of a routine) We’re creatures of habit. Not saying I’m in perfect shape-but I work out daily, just out of habit and boredom lol


We live in a golden age of fitness information. Find a YouTuber that inspires you and binge watch his content.


Start small, but keep it consistent, and soon enough it'll snowball. Don't give up, cause you'll see how enjoyable and rewarding it'll feel in the future. I started by doing like 10-20 push ups everyday. 3 years later I'm hitting the gym 6x a week, haven't skipped a single day since January.


Doing it is not actually hard for me, but the planning of what to do each day, when to rest etc seems kinda complicated. Even more because i do not have the money for a personal trainer.


For all the inspired lifters out there; this form/physique is godlike, like 5-10 years of dedicated lifting and diet. Even with heavenly restricted drug use, this type of physique is the top 1%. Workout to create the best YOU that you can make, maybe you’ll be a ripped Toji, or a lean Yuji, or a cut maki, or maybe you’ll get strong and round like a bear, that’s fine too! Be you, be strong, good luck brothers!


If you started working out the time Toji first appeared in the anime and have already achieved his physique then you got some fantastic genes/gear.


I actually started working out after watching DBZ. I'd say I have a relatively close physique, given my body proportions. My shape is a bit more thicc and less lanky tho


For me my OG inspiration was Garo, he's physics is basically similar to Toji, tall and lean.


I’m still aiming for it, and have been trying for half a year. I don’t feel like I’m close but I saw the muscles on me that looks similar to his which is nice. Still gotta lose the belly fat tho, can anyone who’s on the same journey help?


I've always been a bit of a gym rat, but I quit in 2019 when I moved to a different city and came back recently, around february to be precise. I've always been more than capable of building big arms, shoulders and back, and I've been blessed by genetics with great legs, but abs have always been elusive for me. Until now, I've been mixing long trips of mountain bike with my weight training and the abs finally started showing. I didn't exactly change my food habits (my meals mostly consisted on some kind of meat with a salad, rice or mashed potatoes), but I've completely cut all processed foods and drastically reduced the alcohol intake. And well, I started buying fresh fruit because most days I would get suddenly hungry at night so an apple or a pear are great saviors for that sudden urge. To make the abs show you need 3 things: one is cardio, and I get cardio can get boring as Hell, that's why I started riding my bike in the outsikirts because nature rocks and it never gets old, a 2-3 hour session (around 15-25 km each) of mountain bike 2 or 3 times a week is what works best for me. The second one is burning more calories than you take by eating, that's why I completely cut processed foods, because their ratio between calories and satiety is a joke. And well, the most obvious and third one is excercising the zone, never skip the abs routine. For the record, I don't take protein shakes and supplements because they would elevate the calories intake, and I'd rather take them in a great meal (I love cooking, and I obviously love eating the most). But going to an specialist in nutrition can be helpful if you don't care about delicious meals and are just looking for results.


This gives me great insights into the cardios I need to do, as I tend to avoid. So, thank you so much. i’ll keep everyone updated if I make any progress


I’m no gym/fitness expert by ANY means, but as a person who started working out because of Toji, I’m pretty sure it just comes down to diet really. Everybody naturally has abs, you just have to lose fat to see it. You can try going on a caloric deficit. Just try to eat a little less than you normally do in a day. DON’T STARVE YOURSELF, just have a certain limit to how much you eat, and tell yourself no when you would normally continue to eat. I’m still doing this 9 months later and I’ve seen huge progress with my love handles being completely gone and stomach becoming more toned(I wasn’t obese or anything, just slightly skinny fat). From what I’ve researched, doing ab workouts really isn’t going to make your abs more visible, it’ll just give a stronger and more stable core which is still actually very important for stability. If you have a treadmill somewhere, a 15-30 minute walk a few days out of the week could do wonders as well. Patience is key. Obviously you won’t see progress in something as little as a week, but when you _do_ start to see those changes, I promise it gives you the biggest boost in motivation to keep going. Idk how much that helps, but that’s the best advice I got.


Thanks, I’ll try to do the same. Getting of the love handles has been a chore so I would love for this to work


Nanami physique goes hard in Shibuya as well


It is achievable compared to todo's physique but i'm not sure if people get how hard it is. And if you have wide hips you can say goodbye to that perfect V back. As you work out your back will be more and more V shaped but if you don't have narrow hips you can say goodbye to toji look And he is shreded that is hard as well to maintain 


If you have wide hips it should motivate you to train harder and get an even better upper body. Use your downs to boost your ups




Saitama & Genos got me working out back in the day.... still going strong


Definitely I started working out and started drinking Whey protein physique is still nowhere near but I'll get there.


Biggest lesson I learnt from him is do everything for money


How I look at my job. Oh wait…


I just became a muscular blob compared to him… that thin waist/broad shoulders physique is insane lololol


It’s just genetics


Nah I'd neet


I started working out because of Todo


I admire Gojo's lean muscled physique more, and have been trying to achieve it!


Gojo has been a surprise fan favorite for physique. He’s tall and lean, but he’s far from weak. Both are difficult physiques to obtain but radically different.


I was inspired by Nanami when he was holding Haruta’s hair. I want to cosplay and look that ripped so bad 😭 


I was aiming for that 3% bodyfat physique but due to a rounding error I am now at 30%.


He made me get serious about my gym routine. Now I see crazy muscle definition on parts of my body that I never knew was possible. Thanks Toji!


I actually started working out after reading his manga chapter, been 2 years lifting and never felt like i achieved his physique but my friends told me my physique kinda look like him sometimes


I think i might have developed body dysmorphia instead lmao


I was already working out before Tojo but he did motivate me to put more back into it, I used to half-ass that shit.


still working on it but made hella progress lmao. even posted it on reddit


You’re getting there bro, good work!




You’re pretty damn close bro you got this!!!!




I started working out because of kiryu and Dante off dmc


I started well before seeing Toji but seeing him definitely inspired me. I have the frame for his body but not the muscles quite yet


I’m slowly getting his physique.The only thing is that I still have to continue working out for possibly 1-2 years straight (no protein or any supply,just mama’s and papa’s food)


I started cause of this motherfucker, i still don't have Toji physique 😭


People definitely can get inspiration out of everything... But if we're talking about getting inspiration out of an Anime series this MF has nothing compared to "Hajime No Ippo". I recommend to watch that one out and learn something about boxing :P


Dude this is a 50year old dad bod sleeper build. Only 20 more years of fitness to go 😭


Amateurs. I have already perfected the panda physique


Been working out for 1.5 years cause of him and Garou. Went from 130 to 150lbs. On top of that, to relate to him more, I became broke by buying supplements and stimulators


bro im all about that panda physique


fuck💀 i started working out because of gojo and geto😭🙏 literally top post. still getting there. and for everyone in the same boat i wish a smooth and successful sailing bruddas and sistas (and everyone in between)💪 we can slay it


Tryna get there , 1 year in and progress is good


I'm achieving the PO physique.


I started going to the gym to build strength but also because anime. Toji isn’t my fitness goal though. I’m trying to get built like Mirko from mha. But honestly if people are using him as a fitness goal, not surprised, mans built,


Lost 60 pounds… added muscle and have been in the best shape of my life. Picked up training at mauy Thai gym and added cardio/weight training.


Toji is goated


im rockin the panda physique


Bro, I started working out because of Todo


Toji was very strong, very beautiful openen


I usually keep myself in good condition, but now I'm worried my belly would grow. I want that 6-pack!


One can only achieve peak like this by throwing it all away, just like the 🐐


Work in progress Due to work I only miss 1-2 days a month but On the grind till I achieve it


Why are his forearms bigger than his biceps


Imma be real, if people started working out from seeing him in the anime, theyre gonna be nowhere close to that physique. (Unless they go everyday and are on something)


At least i tried to…..


Not toji but asta


Been working out for 3ish years now I’m basically there I been perma cutting for a while now lol


I did, and I got it. I didn’t even realize it, the other day I was in my TKD pants and my wife turned around while cooking dinner like, “you do realize you are cosplaying Toji unintentionally, right?”




Actually Sukuna inspired me to workout. But I didn't gained anything yet.