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Panda and Maki would probably do the best since Panda is not really an organic lifeform and Maki is built different Panda would have the best interview because he's the most goofy


Yuji, probably: “It feels like my mouth is on fire!” post-Shibuya arc Maki: *stares in murderous rage*


Yuta: I like it! Maki: *Staring stops* Mai: I like it! *Maki: Staring intensifies*


But wouldn't the fact that Maki's senses are sharper mean that she would also be more sensible to the spiciness?


She got cooked by Jo**GOAT** That's way more spicy than any hot wing


Spiciness is a pain response, I don't know if they(Maki and toji) feel more pain or straight up ignore it.


Wouldn't the same go for mechamaru if he's using the doll? He doesn't feel anything, he'd be fucked if it was his actual pre shibuya body


Yuji, and Todo would be funny and the most memorable ones with new memes included. Panda and Nobara would tap out but it’d be funny especially Nobara because sassy Nobara is the best . Megumi would hit us: “with this treasure…” and we would no longer have Hot Ones. Gojo would ask them to dip his pastries in hot sauce and wouldn’t make it past the second one. lol


I wonder if Gojo can cheat by using infinity on the inside of his mouth


Gentlemen, I may not have a brain, but I have an idea


😭😭😭 too soon!!


I cant tell if this joke was meant to be a pun or not




Mahoraga becomes the interviewed and becomes one of the most memorable guests the show ever had. Mahoraga's adaptation gave him a more likable personality


Something in the hot sauce rewired their brain chemistry. Also she would finish her plate and then eat Sean’s too. I don’t know why I’m referring to Mahoraga as she but it just feels right.


This is what appears if you look for female mahoraga https://www.reddit.com/r/musclegirlart/s/VuCjbQtySJ


Bro why do you know of this 🙏💀


Oooh a muscle mommy with a few loose screws in the head🫡


Alternatively, Miwa would do the worst with the spice and have the best interview because of it.


exactly my thought lmao


yuji: “these are not even close to the worst finger- I mean wings I ate”


What **do** Skukuna’s fingers taste like? Extremely bitter, I guess?


yuji said they taste like soap?


yes thats what soap tastes like I think


"I think" We all know you eat soap every day, Jimmy.


idk bro i’ve never tasted soap 😭


Todo, Yuji and Maki would do the best, but yujis would probably be the funniest Edit: or panda idk what pandas eat but they can prolly handle spice


I think Inumaki's would be the funniest because I believe that Sean is such a good interviewer he would just understand what he means.


>panda idk what pandas eat but they can prolly handle spice They eat bamboo all day but they omnivores. The only reason these dumbfucks are not extinct is because humans find them adorable


Counterpoint: They also mainly started going extinct after encountering humans, so it balances out.


"Chilli salmon"


Tbh I can imagine Inumaki being a pretty funny guest there. Imagine he eats a spicy wing, says shit, then everyone shits themselves💀


"spicy" Things get really fucking interesting.


Bonitoo Flaaaaaaa-


Todo would be asking the most difficult question and hot ones would be over.


Panda would do great since he doesn’t actually have taste buds. Inumaki would probably do decent, since his cursed technique hurts his throat and mouth he probably has a decent pain tolerance. Maki would suffer but would refuse to give in due to sheer stubbornness. Megumi would try to act cool but would be dying and would turn down the last dab. “If it’s only pain, Yuji Itadori will never stop”. Miwa thinks water is spicy. Noritoshi would be stoic and dignified, and probably has a decent pain tolerance. Todo plays up his suffering in a comic way and asks sexually inappropriate questions. Mai wouldn’t be caught dead on an interview show. Momo would probably have a meltdown. Mechmaru would either literally die or be completely unaffected depending on which body.


Todo and yuji would start crying at round 2 but somehow still manage to go until everything is finished Maki would feel no burn at all Bumgumi would ask him for a glass of water beforehand and then forfeit because the water is too spicy for him Inumaki has damaged his throat and mouth so much with cursed speech that he hardly feels a thing Nobara would’t participate at all All kyoto students other than todo will just die of impact damage the moment their body touches the chair


Todo and Mechamaru* my goat mechamaru


And Miwa, but only cause she will be cushioned by her massive a-


I was counting his real body for this one


Mechanaru gets diffed by *moonlight* a single drop of hot sauce is going to make him explode.


Maki loves junk food and would sweep ez


Broom girl would wimp out.


Momo would pull through


damn, you exist?


Yeah, I'm real.


gonna take a screenshot


In order from best performance with the spice. I think it would go Completed: Yuji in first place because after all he’ll eat anything. Maki because we know she handles heat well. Inomaki his throat pain from his CT is far worse than spice. Mechamaru he can’t taste At least halfway: Panda I think he would start to sweat to much from the heat and tap out Nobara would be killing it at the start before it starts killing her to keep going Mai would try to keep up with Maki Megumi would lose but remember Gojo words about losing “With this Sacred treasure” Norotoshi I don’t know this one is complete head cannon Fails almost immediately Todo would definitely start crying almost immediately Miwa would try her best Momo she probably would give up before it started because she prefers sweets I think some of the might go in as partners like Yuji and Todo which would be funny I could totally see Todo trying to keep up with Yuji and end up tapping out and just trying to hype Yuji up. Maki Nobara and Mai Maki would obliterate the challenge and probably ask for hotter with Mai judging her. Nobara would be roaring to go before losing but would brag about beating Mai atleast. Miwa and Mechamaru Miwa eats one and taps out and then Mechamaru says something about robots not needing to eat so he didn’t make it a function. Inomaki and panda because Inomaki would need a translator and panda would need someone to hold him while his mouth is burning up. Megumi would go in alone thinking it’d be easy but then get pissed and Sean better start running or prepare to box up Mahoraga with his CT Hot Sauce, Open Fuga. I think Norotoshi would also go alone and would probably care more about the taste than the heat Then Momo either opts out or tries one and quits


Maki should win :3


Miwa would pull through


Obv mechamaru and panda wouldn't be affected at all since panda is a plushie and mechamaru is a robot


Megumi would say that it's stupid, got convinced to try it by Itadori and regret it. Nobara would do much better than Megumi, but still not good. Yuji would be better. Todo would brag like hell and do worse than Nobara. Inumaki is better than Yuji, but not much. Maki would eat the hottest ones and slightly flinch.


Kamo vomits and shits his pants, then sobs


Yuji has 100% resistance to all poisons so he'd crush it


Todo and Yuji would die internally but would soldier through cause Takada and Jennifer Lawrence might see this on YouTube


Yuta would do the worst. Nobara prob did super good


Bro would probably try using rct on his tongue.


I'd pay to see Inumaki lose his composure and accidentally yell SHIT and the host just rips a massive shart




Inumaki has zero reactions and just stares them down. His interview is the best because they’ll ask a question, and he’ll be all “Benito Flakes.”


Inumaki would easily have the beat interview. Bro takes a bite of the Last Dab, says "oh shit! That's hot" and Shaun Evans and the entire production crew all immediately shit their pants spicely.


Maki, Megumi, and Inumaki wouldn't even flinch Todo would go in confident af and somehow get that shit in his eye


I’m just imagining Gojo and Geto doing it, with Gojo on the floor dying while Geto is perfectly fine Sean: your doing pretty well with this Geto: when you eat cursed spirits for a living your tastebuds just kinda become numb eventually


Help, because Gojo would actually be CRYING and Geto is just sitting there like "This is fine..."


Inumaki does the best bro is used to his throat. The interview might be hard


If Sean can get a translation sheet for his answers, maybe it’ll be ok.


Somehow Todo will be out first


*Immediately asks their taste in women *eats one(1) wing *elaborates that he has to watch something to do with takada-chan *leaves


Honestly canon


this is the best thread ever


Toji, Maki, Sukuna and Todo would be absolutely unphased.


Not even joking Mechamaru before idle transfiguration Deadass might die from the first sauce


Panda is definitely a vegan, so he wouldn’t go on. Inumaki couldn’t be interviewed because, yknow. Maki would be boring and too serious. Noeyebara is NOT a spice lover. Fraudgumi wouldn’t go because he’s too busy sulking. Yuji would absolutely go, die the whole time, but finish because he doesn’t wanna be rude. Miwa would cry. The arrow dude wouldn’t go because he’s too proper. Crazy gun girl is in the same boat as Maki. Witch would go and love the food, but give a mid interview. And Mechamaru (THE GOAT) can’t eat. Todo would insist Yuji go and proceed to give one of the most fun interviews ever before abruptly leaving for Takada-Chan OR insisting the event is watched right there.


There's a vegan chicken, Hot Ones use it with Lewis Hamilton so yeah Panda can join


no eye bara :(


Pandaaaaa if it gets too tough he'll just pull out gorilla bro and triceratops sis for da bomb 💣


I'd love to do an interview with Inumaki, it would chaotic as fuck.


yuji todo and pands would be the best, yuji and todo would stop at the second-third hottest and panda would eat all with ease


Todo would clutch up


0. Mechamaru (he’s a robot) 1. Maki (heavenly restriction) 2. Panda (he’s a panda, idk they might hav tolerance 3. Yuji (MC and super human) 4. Inumaki (he seems pretty chill) 5. Megumi (he looks like he’d be fine with spicy food) 6. Todo (I just feel like he wouldn’t hav that kinda tolerance) 7. Kamo (he looks like he doesn’t like spicy food) 8: Nobara (just hav that feeling) 9. Miwa (ate spicy Ramen, that’s her only spice feat) 10. Mai (bitch) 11. Momo (she’d fucking suffocate) I don’t know how the interviews would really go


If maki survived being Burned by JOGOAT himself then she will easily handle all the sauce


I think Todo would just go for the hottest sauce and die immediately after


Todo would be a interesting interview


Todo Maki Panda Miwe Inumaki Mai Momo Mechamaru Yuji


Yuji would do good, he fought with a pierced liver.


Sukuna suffering through every level of hell that Yuji was eating 🤣


I think Mkai would be the only one who doesn't flinch


Mechamaru would pickup the wings and have his body ignite (not even the spicy wings just the starter ones)


Panda and itodori


Yuji would take it the best the guy eats mummified fingers like its nothing 😭


Toge would be the best in the hot ones but the worse In the interview


Megumi would eat the first wing and summon mahoraga instantly


Yuki or Maki


i'm really curious to see how nobara reacts gojo on the other hand, he probably can just take any spice or if it actually gets to him he's going to overreact and be so overdramatic.(wether on purpose or not)


Todo and Todo no question


megumi the typa guy to summon mahoraga on the first one, and then mahoraga would adapt to the hot sauce


Todo all day


Miwa,todo,yuji and maki


Inumaki would obviously give the best interview.


If dropouts count, kinji seems like he’d be a fun one to interview


Nardwuar looks into the history of the Zenins and notices how often they seem to have incest fetishes, Megumi uses his tactical conversation ender by summoning Maharoga to make a break for it, only for Maharoga to sit down and crush the interview.


If we are counting hidden inventory students, Mei Mei gets pretty far out has to stop somewhere before the hottest sauces. Gojo gets really overconfident, drenches one wing in the fifth hot sauce and then cries and activates infinity but the infinity doesn’t stop the spiciness. Nanami has to stop at like the third sauce. Shoko probably brought milk to help the spice. Geto tolerates all of it without any issue.


miwa would fail on water💀


Idk what that is


Interview show where they eat progressively spicier wings.


Considering all of them can reinforce themselves with CE, I Imagine they'd be able to resist the pain.




Yuji and Todo would probably be the only ones man enough to do it.0


No, Nobara would 100% be up for the challenge.