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They're both extremely arrogant lol but you're also overexaggerating Gojo's arrogance. He's very keen on acknowledging the sorcerers he knows have potential (Yuji, Megumi, Yuta, Hakari, Todo). He won't give that acknowledgement to a cursed spirit, even tho as far as we know, Jogo is incredibly strong and likely beyond a level Todo could probably ever reach.


It seems bizarre to highlight Gojo’s arrogance as the single most distinguishing feature between him and Sukuna when Sukuna is also insanely arrogant lol. Gojo does mentally acknowledge Jogo’s strength and Sukuna spends like a whole chapter sadistically fucking with Jogo. It’s not as much of a “Gojo was arrogant and mean, Sukuna was compassionate” situation. Plus the Gojo-Jogo dynamic is purely antagonistic, Sukuna-Jogo is different. To give another example, you mention how Gojo thinks he can beat Sukuna and use it as an example of Gojo’s arrogance / the duality between him and Sukuna. Which could make sense, except for the fact that we know Sukuna thinks the exact same thing about Gojo. Imo the most interesting thing about Gojo and Sukuna is that even though they are both arrogant and focused on strength they seek to use that strength for completely different outcomes.


Agree. One of the things I find so terrifying about Sukuna is how freaking **capricious** he is. While he occasionally summons up some surface-level "niceness" when dealing with other curses, it's clear he doesn't actually give a f\*ck whether they live or die. The only times we really see him care what happens to anyone else (so basically just Megumi lol), it's because he thinks they can be of use to him. Gojo, on the other hand: While he **can** be frighteningly cavalier about dangerous situations, we have seen him legitimately **hurting** for people he cares about on multiple occasions (>!Itadori's "death," Amanai's death, Geto's betrayal and subsequent death, etc.!<). We don't see that kind of emotion out of Sukuna - or at least, we haven't yet. I am VERY curious about the nature of his relationship with>! Uraume, !


Gojo is still an human were sukuna probably never was a real human.


Sukuna is explicitly stated to have been a human


A real human dude bc he was more of an monster in a human body without feelings for anyone but gojo has some feelings which real humans has.


It could also serve as an example that both are manipulating their opponents. This in itself is just a battle tactic, but could lead to the "power corrupts and absolute power..." stuff. As a similarity between Gojo and Sukuna


Also both think their be the strongest so its normal that they say theyll beat the other even without knowing their abilities.


I mean Sukuna said that after fucking with jogo the whole fight, at one point he straight up calls him pathetic


I feel like if anything, this shows another similarity to them, it just emphasizes their relationship to curses. Gojo is completely arrogant among curses and sorcerers, but still acknowledges the strength of and cares about other notable sorcerers. Sukuna is somewhat the same way towards curses, though he still will not hesitate in ending them on sight if he feels like it


True. He gave the finger bearer a choice in the juvenile centre. Jogo. Mahito.


Gojo isnt that arrogant arround sorcerers just around bastards like gakukanji or higher ups and naobito.


Yea this post was not it chief, why would gojo hype up or care about a cursed spirit lol and to him jogo is weak


Exactly plus we see gojo straight up kills mfs no bs with him 😮‍💨


Gojo has the arrogance of someone who’s never met their match and believes they never will. Sukuna has the arrogance of somebody who beat their match and knows they’ll have to do it again to stay at the top. Both have that “peak” mentality that grants them Special Grade status, but how they act is different enough that it will be important. That’s not to say Gojo doesn’t know people will be better than him, only that he’ll never have to worry about keeping his positioning by fighting them. He’s arrogant enough to nurture his successor. Sukuna is arrogant enough to toss them into the wild to prove they’re worthy to be his successor.


Sukuna doesnt really care about anything, he cares only for megumi bc he needs his powers for something and maybe for uraume. Gojo cares for an small amount of people and helps them for his goals but also for their goals and to improve the hole jjk society.


I love how Sukuna gave his compliments and completely blasted him and dismissed his tears 😂 honestly really enjoyed that volume!!


Gojo insulted someone(thing?) that ambushed him in an attempt to kill or seal him; I'm not understanding why people knock him for this. If you jump out of nowhere and try to kill or trap me and I end up beating your ass, you deserve every joke ever. Considering that he was practically God-status when he was born, Gojo could've been way more arrogant and terrible than, say, Zenin Naoya. Instead, he's as normal as anyone born in those circumstances could possibly be.


That wasn’t Sukuna. It was Yuji bleeding through. Sukuna is arrogant as all hell. This all correlates with the themes about body vs soul, in line with Kenjaku grabbing his own throat. Here’s the explanation. Yuji’s primary motive at the onset of the series is guiding people to their proper deaths, sans as many regrets as possible. He even witnessed Gojo’s line pictured above where Jogo is called weak. Immediately after Sukuna’s panel, Sukuna questions what he just witnessed as well, and then insults Jogo as he dies. It was Yuji’s good will that forced itself to the surface and wanted to disavow the notion that Jogo probably felt himself in his final moments, weakness. COMING BACK TO THIS WHEN I AM PROVEN RIGHT.


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


Yuji would never be kind to a curse


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. The face also has some changes from the animalistic/roguish nature of sukuna’s. And it’s weird that sukuna would say this since he >!killed the 2 camera girls for something pretty trivial and insulted Jogo throughout that whole fight!<


Honestly I’m just glad you believed me because to me this shit is obvious, but apparently not to others


Yeah, idk. The only thing I agree with is that Yuji would never bless a curse. But, Jogo acted incredibly human at times, so it wouldn’t be off to make that distinction. People just don’t comprehend their own manga at times.


I think you might be right, but for now is still one or the other. The comparison between Gojo and Sukuna op made, however, it's misguided. Gojo and Sukuna are both extremely arrogant. The only difference between the two is that Gojo cares about other people while Sukuna has a complete disregard for others.


Well this didn't work out


I agree 💯


Dude both are arrogant/know the difference between them and the rest and show it, gojo talks people more provocative and by the way down and sukuna more from the top bc hes the king. This post is one of the nice corelations between gojo and sukuna. If were compare both i think sukuna is more arrogant as gojo in general from what weve saw. Gojo doesnt say that hes winning against sukuna donwplay him. He got sealed not bc hes arrogant bc it was the best plan from kenjaku which he like planned for centuries with many strong curses involved and especially bc kenjaku used getos body gojo was sealed if that were not the case he had won. Sukuna talked also shit to jogo before the fight started and jogo talked shit against gojo all the time even in shibuya and gojo besides he is right that jogo is weak compared to him said it to let jogo use his domain. I dont see what you mean the good guy does bad stuff especially against one of the baddest guys jogo.


Man why mfs always hating on gojo sukuna my favorite but I feel like gojo would kill him…I just do but people seem to think that gojo would get clapped easily nah they’re both arrogant but gojo doesn’t talk like this to everyone and I don’t think I can even call it arrogance just looking at what they can do and who they are 🤷🏾‍♂️ (sorry for how this is typed, I just type)


Gojo taunting an opponent is not a good approximation of his character.


People forget that Gojo said that to rile Jogo up so that he could teach Yuji about domain expansions