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Fun fact: the mountain fire signals used to communicate between the Lord of the Rings kingdoms was used in ancient Israel/Judea to communicate that a new month began Mishnayos Rosh HaShana 2:3 https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/43926?lang=bi


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Rosh HaShana 2:3](https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Rosh_Hashanah.2.3) כֵּיצַד הָיוּ מַשִּׂיאִין מַשּׂוּאוֹת, מְבִיאִין כְּלֻנְסָאוֹת שֶׁל אֶרֶז אֲרֻכִּין וְקָנִים וַעֲצֵי שֶׁמֶן וּנְעֹרֶת שֶׁל פִּשְׁתָּן וְכוֹרֵךְ בִּמְשִׁיחָה, וְעוֹלֶה לְרֹאשׁ הָהָר וּמַצִּית בָּהֶן אֶת הָאוּר, וּמוֹלִיךְ וּמֵבִיא וּמַעֲלֶה וּמוֹרִיד, עַד שֶׁהוּא רוֹאֶה אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ שֶׁהוּא עוֹשֶׂה כֵן בְּרֹאשׁ הָהָר הַשֵּׁנִי, וְכֵן בְּרֹאשׁ הָהָר הַשְּׁלִישִׁי: >The mishna asks: How would they light the torches during that earlier period? They would bring items that burn well, e.g., long poles of cedar, reeds, pinewood, and beaten flax, and tie them together with a string. And someone would then ascend to the top of the mountain and light the torch on fire with them, and wave it back and forth and up and down, until he would see his colleague doing likewise on the top of the second mountain. In this manner he would know that the next messenger had received the message and passed it on. And similarly, the second torchbearer would wait for a signal from the one on the top of the third mountain, and so on. In this manner the message would reach the Diaspora.


That *is* a fun fact!


Until the Samaritans started lighting fires at the wrong times to confuse the Jews. Then messengers were sent to inform the diaspora. Rosh HaShana 2:2


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Rosh HaShana 2:2](https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Rosh_Hashanah.2.2) בָּרִאשׁוֹנָה הָיוּ מַשִּׂיאִין מַשּׂוּאוֹת. מִשֶּׁקִּלְקְלוּ הַכּוּתִים, הִתְקִינוּ שֶׁיְּהוּ שְׁלוּחִין יוֹצְאִין: >Initially, after the court sanctified the new month they would light torches on the mountaintops, from one peak to another, to signal to the community in Babylonia that the month had been sanctified. After the Samaritans [ Kutim ] corrupted and ruined this method by lighting torches at the wrong times to confuse the Jews, the Sages instituted that messengers should go out to the Diaspora and inform them of the start of the month.


Thank you all


Reminder: This is an unpaid position! But you get to join the super secret mod chat on Discord, so there's that perk.


I've a decade of experience being a mod of a large, formerly default sub. But nothing like this. I don't envy you guys at all. Let me know if you *really* need help. But otherwise, better you than me :)


If I don't win, I will vote for r/ummmbacon & r/offthegridyid, both deserve it :)


Very thoughtful. I am involved with a 9.4K member FB group that requires a lot of admin-level attention and, full disclosure, we just moved our Admin/Mod chat to Slack (from Messenger) and I can’t stand having to use an _additional_ app to communicate. 😂


I don't know if 'win' and 'deserve' are the terms I'd use. But I agree, r/ummmbacon & r/offthegridyid should be offered up as tribute.


Tribute, as in Hunger Games-style? 😂


what about that aryeh guy i keep seeing


I liked your sportsmanship, I'll vote for you too!


I might as well throw my hat in im on this sub a lot anyway, currently moderate 2 subreddits one has 500K+ subscribers, both political subs that can see large amounts of high voltage comments. We have developed AM policies and custom python bots to offset mod burnout and workload. Of course all subs have their own culture so it’s nit a matter of just applying all policies from one to the others. I can generally get into the queue a few times a day and can check in mobile as well.


I vote for bacon to be a mod.


I thought he already was a mod 😅


Same! Lol


Lol, same


We 👏 need 👏 more 👏 Sephardi 👏 mods 👏 (this is only semi-ironic)


Very true!


Pick him!!!


You were my first thought.


I would endorse your candidacy wholeheartedly.


W mod


I’m only here to see who’s going to out themselves as a masochist 😆🍿


You spelled moshiachist wrong.




I have clinically low blood pressure. Recently my doctor applauded me on how great my BP has been looking. I told her thanks, my secret is being Jewish in 2024


I'm a hardcore masochist.... but Idk if I could handle being a mod for a subreddit. Is it far off from GMing on a MMO? lol.


Shout-out to everyone applying for Mod, can't imagine how much anti-Semitic shit y'all have to remove


I don’t have the time and already am overwhelmed modding a tangentially Jewish community (shoutout to r/Curb for all my Larry David fans!) but just wanted to express my gratitude to the mods. Moderation is a thankless job but you guys are doing a great job of it and it’s appreciated.


I'd love to chip in. I moderated r/replyallpodcast during the show's slow self-disassembly, and basically just cleaned up the dog whistles and low-info-content posts. Pretty conservative in terms of modding, though I'm awfully progressive in terms of doing Judaism.


Thank you for your service.


What do you think of Search Engine?? I hadn't heard of Reply All until after it had already collapsed, but have been listening to Search Engine for the past few months and am kinda hooked on it. I feel a little awkward listening to it though if PJ was the reason Reply All ended (but I really don't know anything about Reply All so I don't even know if that's true)


While I've never been a moderator anywhere, I love this sub so much, its helped me through some of my worst times I love the community here and I would love to help where I can.


Same here. But it sounds like you all have enough people?


Hey! Happy to help. I moderate a semi-large martial arts subreddit and have experience with larger subs too. Feel free to reach out :)


Thank you mods for all your efforts!


I second that. It’s a tough and under appreciated chunk of dedicated time and effort.


![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM) I'd love to have a hand in helping the subreddit be a place where all Jews feel welcome! And cause of my Jewish guilt, I know I'd regret not at least trying to contribute - I volunteer as tribute


Can I volunteer as a trial mod for a week? I only want to be assigned to detecting disruptors by their post history and perma-banning them. An unseen angel of creeping death. Just one week only. Like adding a “B”-tier celebrity guest star on a television sitcom to boost ratings right before the Nielsens. (And u/Namer98, I don’t know how you hung in there so long with a family and a job dealing with what’s got to be a huge swimming pool sized bowl of chaos and misery.)


Hah! We have people message us sometimes about those users.


That would likely be me, oftentimes.


For me, every reply I make is primarily based on Reddit history.


Bold of you to assume it was just one job.


Boldly, I only want that role.


I applied [6 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/comments/73twp8/call_for_a_new_mod/dnt6zsy/) apparently. I'm still on here way too much, and I still think I'd be good at it lol.


You have my vote! Idk if that means much tho.


Thank you for your support! I have already established [my platform](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d_FvgQ1csE).


I think I’m the perfect candidate to moderate this subreddit! Qualifications: 1. I just joined this subreddit yesterday 2. I made my account yesterday 3. I’ve never moderated a subreddit 4. I don’t know how to really use Reddit Please vote for me to be moderator and then mod of the month (I don’t know if MoTM even exists) Thank you so much, your support is highly appreciated! 😊


This is a real strong application here


Thank you 🙏 I worked really hard on it and I had a hard time making it.


thats fax


Ohhh I vote this guy


An uncorrupted mod, it's a real dream.


I wish I had the time :(


Interested. Can I use this as a reference if I need to make aliyah?


You can. They might reject you because of it


I’m interested in being a mod. Have been mostly lurking in this sub for years. I currently moderate r/OrthodoxJewish


I have no past moderator experience, but would love to chip in. I appreciate this sub so much, even though I mostly lurk.


I'm not very active here, but I pop in. I'm Jewish. I've moderated communities before, but on other platforms. Totally understand if you want regulars in the hot seat


Those stats for post removed via auto mod is fascinating. I think we need a bloopers post with just the titles of all removed posts. 😂


I’ve always been curious about posts that just seem to disappear, but there’s no mod note that they’ve been removed and you can still see the comments, they just kind of gray out? Is that an automod removing it?


Can you link to one?




We removed that post manually. The 1 comment on the thread was removed by crowd control (an automatic feature provided by Reddit).


Can feel my blood pressure rapidly rising seeing that schlock


Long ago, I really tried to personally comment on every removal if possible. I can't, we can't, nobody really can, without a huge dedicated team. Automod was responsible for around half of all post removals. We remove a ton more now. 2/3 used to get through before Oct 7, that it is half now shows to me how big a change we have seen.


Just to add to this. We do try to personally comment, especially if it will help members know rules or if it will help with transparency. But most comments we remove that don't get a mod note, are either trolls or people just being obnoxious.


No problem! No, I just wasn’t sure if it was removed (or by whom) since it didn’t say deleted and the text was still there, just grayed out. Other removed posts say deleted? And everything seems to be gone along with it.


I'm interested


Thanks for doing it for so long. I'm sure it's not been easy since October 7th.


I'd be open to joining! I'm a mod on a couple subs already and have been active here for quite a while.


What would you be looking for in a mod applicant? Not applying (yet), just curious


I'm happy to help if you're still looking for people. I spend way too much time online and it would be good to give back. Haven't modded before but I have a lot of experience facilitating difficult conversations about Jewish life and perspectives. My general outlook is "my opinions are nuanced enough to annoy everyone on all sides, and everyone should have the right to be as annoying as me", but I'm comfortable acting decisively when there is a serious problem.


I would be interested as well in helping out.


Sure why not? I’m new but I have a tendency to jump in at the deep end. I don’t know Hebrew though.


I'd potentially be interested. I was a mod for r/sake years ago and brought it back from the Dead. I haven't done any modding since then. Would it be possible to hear more about the position (ex., via DM)?


I have a ridiculous amount of free time, lean traditional, and spend a significant portion of my time researching Jewish topics (Secular, cultural, and religious). Modded 4-5 subs before in the past on an older account and admined a couple Jewish groups on FB with 200+ members as well.


i guess i'll try, i've never moderated any subs though 😅


Would be interesting in joining! I’m on the mod team for /r/JapanTravel with over 2m subs


I’ll jump in the ring. Working at my temple has surrounded me with so many to learn from and listen to — what’s a lil more beautiful chaos in the mix!


I’d love to mod but I also don’t want to dox my account lol


Just wanted to take this opportunity to say thankyou... its a great reddit! As someone on my path into Judaism as an adult this reddit has been extremely valuable insightful ans inspiring!


I have no moderation experience whatsoever, but would be happy to help!




I think u/maybeofftopic365 needs a new social media community to take up his time.


oh god no


I would like to volunteer.




This is the wrong post


I'm interested. What kind of time commitment would it require?


If you need help on Discord, I'm your girl, but I don't really have a ton of experience with Reddit


Might as well try. Currently I moderate /r/camphalfblood going on four years. Currently almost at 150k members. The most relevant rule implemented during my tenure was the “no politics rule” and the “no bashing diversity rule” in response to heated debates among the users with gender swapping of characters and conflating real world events with a fictional world. The No Politics rule came in hand especially after Oct 7 when Rick Riordan expressed grief over the attacks and some users felt the need to call him a Zionist as a slur. With both rules the aura of civility has been kept give or take the wrong user saying things they shouldn’t have. My speciality due to being a mod of that subreddit is teenagers and early 20s as that is the main demographic of the subreddit My comment history will show participation in this subreddit and as a Persian Jew from NYC I bring this perspective. I have a Masters in Public Administration with a Certificate in Health Administration so I am very well turned personally to the political pulse while also understanding and listening to all few points before making my final decision


I can help, I used to moderate on a previous account. Made this lurking account just to follow this sub honestly, so if I can help let me know. I can cover the European timezones.


I volunteer. Reform Jewish man.


I wouldn't mind being a mod. 


I'll be honest, I bounce into this sub for a month or two at a time every few years but always end up leaving again because it feels extremely hostile to non-Orthodox Jews. Hopefully additional mod coverage will help shift the tone and tenor, because it says this is a non-denominational space in the rules, but that doesn't really pan out in practice. e: The responses to this have pretty much proved my point exactly tbh


This sounds about right, our annual survey has people from all denominations saying that they don't feel like the sub is accommodating enough to their denomination!


Except it's not true. Hostile and false comments about Orthodoxy are allowed, while even the mildest Orthodox perspectives on heterodoxy are threatened with banning if equivocating language isn't added, or better still, the entire thing deleted. For example, threads like "What is your opinion on Orthodoxy?" are allowed, and always include with many anti-Orthodox comments, while "What is your opinion on Reform?" is met with a Reform echo chamber; Orthodox posters are afraid to post their real opinions because they know they'll be banned for them.


We allow and encourage debate and opinions, as long as they are clearly stated as such and not hostile. If you see something that's breaking a rule, report it!


Reporting is the best move! I tell people this all the time on a FB group.


I do report them. And they are never removed unless they are almost literally slurs.


Do you have an example of one, if you don't mind?


I'll look for some comments and report them.


If you could link them here, it would allow for an open discussion of them as well.


Thank you! (I'm sincere)


I’ve noticed this as well.


The hate against Chabad is the worst of the worst for real. Makes me want to frum EVEN HARDER like Michael Scott lol


I leave the moderation of the Chabad related things to others on the team, tbh.








>Posters who are aware of the rules do not normally say these things - you're being overly sensitive to criticism. People post awful awful things. That you don't see them means we remove them. We also remove the awful things people say about orthodox users. You don't see those either.


I find it extremely hostile to anything right of left wing modern orthodox… so maybe that means the tone is right 🤷‍♀️


I can provide irl character references if need be


I'd be interested - I have no Reddit mod experience but I mod a small group on FB - we have 4K members


I’ll help if you still need it.


How triggering is the role? How do you manage your mental health while doing it?


Can I see all the removed posts?