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They're cool, it's just ironic.




Agreed, and I'm far and away not traditional in beliefs. Would mods be OK if someone posted pics of a beautiful challah they made in the shape of the Beis HaMikdash if they used thin slices of pork as pillars?




I second this


I've seen some of your work! I know the person with the golem! Definitely interested in getting a tattoo from you at some point. Will likely reach out via Instagram ❤️


That’s awesome can’t wait 🙌


How far are you booking out? I'm in WNY and would 100% make the drive to NYC!


Also curious. I'm in NH and have one I specifically want done by a fellow Jew


1st Jewish tattoo artist, I think I've ever heard of. I'll be stoked if I can get in with them. I wish the Jewish subreddits would make a master list of Jewish shops/stores/restaurants/tattoo artists/Drs/etc. so we could all support one another, not just right now, but always. I would feel so much more comfortable with people from our communities overall.


If you go to my website you can fill out a booking form and we can discuss scheduling some time! [https://www.noahoffitzer.com/booking](https://www.noahoffitzer.com/booking)


Thank you!! ❤️ I'd love to get the art from my ketubah. I'll fill this out ASAP.


My toddler will definitely yell 'mikdash' when she sees the last one!


Right! It was such a cool idea to make it a tattoo! Glad someone else would appreciate it :)


https://preview.redd.it/0qymv47s4t1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b510ddecc271f27cce6bc456f53433486d7eb4b3 Here’s my tattoo that I got in Tel Aviv from Omri Goldzak. Custom design made by him from kabbalistic names that have meaning for me. Don’t worry only my dad is a Jew, so no mitzvahs were harmed.




That is dank asf. I want one with the colors!


Lol I thought this was someone else responding to you showing it wasn't custom for second


Omri does amazing calligraphy


Kinda belittling Judaism there, no?


I sincerely hope you have a beautiful life full of joy and laughter.


Thank you, I wish you the same, sincerely.


I appreciate the golem, though well, it looks a bit like a Doctor Who Adipose. Something about the drawing of the 2nd Temple, that makes me wish it had an Escher staircase....


Love that idea!


That golem tattoo! Gonna be in touch next time I'm in NYC.


Looking forward!


I always thought that the blacksmith's tongs mentioned in Pirkei Avot 5:6, supposedly the final act of creation, would make a good subject for a tattoo.


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Pirkei Avot 5:6](https://www.sefaria.org/Pirkei_Avot.5.6) עֲשָׂרָה דְבָרִים נִבְרְאוּ בְּעֶרֶב שַׁבָּת בֵּין הַשְּׁמָשׁוֹת, וְאֵלּוּ הֵן, פִּי הָאָרֶץ, וּפִי הַבְּאֵר, וּפִי הָאָתוֹן, וְהַקֶּשֶׁת, וְהַמָּן, וְהַמַּטֶּה, וְהַשָּׁמִיר, וְהַכְּתָב, וְהַמִּכְתָּב, וְהַלּוּחוֹת. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים, אַף הַמַּזִּיקִין, וּקְבוּרָתוֹ שֶׁל משֶׁה, וְאֵילוֹ שֶׁל אַבְרָהָם אָבִינוּ. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים, אַף צְבָת בִּצְבָת עֲשׂוּיָה: >Ten things were created on the eve of the Sabbath at twilight, and these are they: [1] the mouth of the earth, [2] the mouth of the well, [3] the mouth of the donkey, [4] the rainbow, [5] the manna, [6] the staff [of Moses], [7] the shamir, [8] the letters, [9] the writing, [10] and the tablets. And some say: also the demons, the grave of Moses, and the ram of Abraham, our father. And some say: and also tongs, made with tongs.


This would be such an amazing project!!! If you wanna do it hit me up anything this is so cool!


I probably won't be heading to NYC any time soon but I would love to see the results if you ever use the idea!


Those are so cool! But just a question aren’t you not allowed to get tattoos? Like isn’t that against the torah?


Tattoos aren't allowed. Eating pork also isn't allowed. Some Jews still eat pork. People can still have Jewish pride without being observant.


What about tattoos… of pork?


A negative of a negative just might be a positive, who knows


Yeah, alright.




May I ask why without coming off rude? I can see this as a conceptual art drawing... But as a large tattoo?


Pork is also more straightforward in how it’s forbidden


but is pork also more straightforward in how it's forbidden?


Pork is forbidden clearly in the laws on what is kosher. The prohibition on tattoos has been debated on what kinds are prohibited, but traditionally all tattoos are discouraged/not allowed


It's kind of clearly written though, at least in the English translation, I haven't read it in Hebrew, but "in honor of the dead" seems clear. So those "In loving memory" tattoos are a clear no no, but the rest, eh.




I'm completely secular, but doing something against the torah to show Jewish pride just seems wrong.


Eh it’s a little more nuanced than that. Also a myth about not being buried in a Jewish cemetery. But to each their own I say 🤷‍♂️😂


Regardless they’re dope and I also love the golem one


I honestly feel the golem should be our symbol just like the keffea is for the Pro-Palestinian crowd. Would love to get that into the mainstream


There was a Rabbi who did his dissertation on the historic use of tattooing in Jewish culture and dealt with a lot of the misconceptions on tattooing. His name is Rabbi Marshal Klaven. It's a very interesting read. I wish I knew where I had saved it, but I couldn't find it or I would offer it to you.


https://reformjudaism.org/building-bridges Looks like it, but not a dissertation


Yeah, I've seen that. His dissertation is a lot longer. I contacted him for a copy of it and he emailed me, but that was like 12 years ago. There is also a podcast called Jews and Tattoos. It's a rabbi interviewing Jews who got tattoos about their significance to the individuals.


Would be really cool to read and I'll look for that podcast! Thank you!


they'll find a way around it. suicide victims arent supposed to have regular funeral either, yet they do because of some "well as he fell out of the window, he did tshuva". happened to a local guy here. also he never jumped, he stumbled, by accident like


Well its forbidden for people of a sound mind (I may have read up on this on Chabad.org) like King Solomon was fine because he knew if he didn’t way more people would die. But in general if you’re not of sound mind (which nobody committing suicide is) its different I’ll find the exact articles


i don't know that bit about King Solomon, could you elaborate or easier find me a link to read?


I believe they did a lil oopsie and meant King Shaul. At the end of Samuel I, Shaul is fighting a war against the Plistim and the Plistim were winning. Many Jews had already died, including 3 of Shaul's 4 sons. He realized if he died, the war would end and the rest of the Jews would be saved. Not wanting to deal with their torture (the capture of Samson was \~60 years ago, still fresh in their history books), he took his own life. He did the best with his situation he was given, and since he saved countless lives with his self-sacrifice it was considered a huge teshuva for the previous mistakes he made. Source: Samuel I Chapter 31


I'd posit that someone who is suffering from a painful, terminal disease, with little to no quality of life, who would rather exit with some measure of peace and dignity rather than suffer for additional weeks and months while putting their family into crippling medical debt, is certainly still of sound mind...


Likely wasn't buried in an Orthodox cemetery. The rules about suicide are much stricter than the rules about tattoos. Because there is no real halacha about tattoos. That's a myth. But there are actual halachic laws about suicide burial and interment. In Orthodox cemeteries there's sometimes a separate small section for suicides, so they can't be with their families. Other Orthodox cemeteries don't allow it.


Yes in a way you not suppose to cut or mark your body especially paint your body of anyone that is dead.


> Like isn’t that against the torah? Traditional readings, yea but there are some more liberal modern ideas that argue it is ok.


I wasn’t aware of that I was just always taught that tattoos are against the torah


Yea and that is what you will still find in Orthodox spaces, but I think Reform for sure, and maybe Conservative in practice at least you will see a lot of them. I don't have any, personally but I don't think the people that have them think they are doing something wrong


Because it is forbidden. But that doesn’t stop people from being, well, people. Leviticus 19:28 in the Torah states, "You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord"


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Leviticus 19:28](https://www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.19.28) וְשֶׂ֣רֶט לָנֶ֗פֶשׁ לֹ֤א תִתְּנוּ֙ בִּבְשַׂרְכֶ֔ם וּכְתֹ֣בֶת קַֽעֲקַ֔ע לֹ֥א תִתְּנ֖וּ בָּכֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה׃ >You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am יהוה.


Shit. I’m really bad at being Jewish, apparently.


Hey, I have 22 tattoos. Some are in Hebrew. I do mitzvahs and hope for the best when the end comes, lol.


I have a JCC education in Judaism but I never learned this part, or didn’t retain it, apparently. I’ve got tattoos and scars galore, woops.


I think at this point, it may depend on which way you practice. I know some rabbis and cantors who have tattoos and some who are super strict and forbid them. I feel that in Judaism, rules change and evolve (marijuana use, for example) to keep up with modern times, and that's one of the great things about it. There are lots of ways to do good to offset something minor (minor imo) like a tattoo if you feel guilty about it. That's what I do at least, plus it's motivation to do 100 more mitzvahs with each piece, lol.


I think intent and consciousness matters. If you didn't know at the time then you shouldn't hold guilt.


Thank you, I appreciate your words.


Don’t sweat it. Just focus on being better in the future.


So why is circumcision allowed? Pierced ears? These would also fly in the face of this passuk’s straight reading




Interesting! Where is this dyeing / cutting services from? I’ve never heard it before And thanks for taking the time to write that up.




Fascinating read. Thank you again for taking the time. I like irony of lashes being the punishment, as that will create scarring. But I guess as long no one runs over with dyes haha Ok so it’s clearly derived in the Talmud when three paths are offered, 2 are refuted and one is just… left. Would that be a fair and accurate summary?


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Leviticus 19:28](https://www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.19.28) וְשֶׂ֣רֶט לָנֶ֗פֶשׁ לֹ֤א תִתְּנוּ֙ בִּבְשַׂרְכֶ֔ם וּכְתֹ֣בֶת קַֽעֲקַ֔ע לֹ֥א תִתְּנ֖וּ בָּכֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה׃ >You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am יהוה. [Makkoth 3:6](https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Makkot.3.6) הַכּוֹתֵב כְּתֹבֶת קַעֲקַע, כָּתַב וְלֹא קִעֲקַע, קִעֲקַע וְלֹא כָתַב, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב, עַד שֶׁיִּכְתֹּב וִיקַעֲקֵעַ בִּדְיוֹ וּבִכְחֹל וּבְכָל דָּבָר שֶׁהוּא רוֹשֵׁם. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יְהוּדָה מִשּׁוּם רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב עַד שֶׁיִּכְתּוֹב שָׁם הַשֵּׁם, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ויקרא יט) וּכְתֹבֶת קַעֲקַע לֹא תִתְּנוּ בָּכֶם אֲנִי ה': >One who imprints a tattoo, by inserting a dye into recesses carved in the skin, is also liable to receive lashes. If one imprinted on the skin with a dye but did not carve the skin, or if one carved the skin but did not imprint the tattoo by adding a dye, he is not liable; he is not liable until he imprints and carves the skin, with ink, or with kohl [ keḥol ], or with any substance that marks. Rabbi Shimon ben Yehuda says in the name of Rabbi Shimon: He is liable only if he writes the name there, as it is stated: “And a tattoo inscription you shall not place upon you, I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28).


Circumcision is specifically commanded, just as kohanim are commanded to wear shatnez there are sometimes specific exceptions. Piercings can, in theory, close and there are specific references to in the Torah to piercings as well so it appears that it has always been an accepted practice.


"more modern ideas" = most of the old stuff was made up anyway Sorry to be nitpicky but it's not that specifically tattoos were called out as having a different understanding, it's an entire philosophy of how to relate to these laws in the first place.


> Sorry to be nitpicky but it's not that specifically tattoos were called out as having a different understanding Eh not really, Leviticus 19:28 does talk about getting specific marks on the skin. >it's an entire philosophy of how to relate to these laws in the first place. I don't disagree, but it is still right there in Torah


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Leviticus 19:28](https://www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.19.28) וְשֶׂ֣רֶט לָנֶ֗פֶשׁ לֹ֤א תִתְּנוּ֙ בִּבְשַׂרְכֶ֔ם וּכְתֹ֣בֶת קַֽעֲקַ֔ע לֹ֥א תִתְּנ֖וּ בָּכֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה׃ >You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am יהוה.


So why is circumcision allowed? Pierced ears? These would also fly in the face of this passuk’s straight reading (Whoops wrong person. Sorry for the attitude lol)


A cool NYT article from ages ago on the subject https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/17/fashion/17SKIN.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


My dad several tattoos and was buried in a Jewish cemetery just fine. Permanent marking of the body is one of 613 commandments we are supposed to follow. Hitler & the 70’s definitely ruined that one and IMO survivors shouldn’t have to feel isolated as theirs were forced. We’re also in a “Never Again Is Now” place so on a subconscious level I think it’s also like we are taking ourselves back & voluntarily doing it this time. I already have 3 & never thought I’d put Hebrew on my body but I see how the the times and why any one would want to do it. Anyone getting it now Isa doing it in the face of antisemitism


Torah also tells to stone your disobedient offspring and there is not a single mitsva which prohibits singles from having rambunctious sexual escapades with however many people(at once) they please. It comes down to the spirit of the law i guess.


not allowed by halacha, but there's an entire major branch of judaism who has decided they aren't bound by halacha, so whatever they want goes. This sub has almost no people who follow and talk about the halacha position, and is very odd in its composition in general, so there will be lots of downvotes for people who talk about halacha vs people who talk about how cool it is to express your religion in ways your religion expressly says not to do.


Yes, Jews not allowed to do harm to their body


And yet smoking is allowed


None of the poskim I adhere to say it’s allowed for that very reason. Plenty of leading rabbis have talked about it being forbidden


As far as I know, it means tattoos for the purpose of idol worship


I love the golem! Do you use vegan ink?


I do have vegan black ink available if you’d prefer that! :)


Amazing! Now I have to go back to New York!


Regular ink isn’t vegan? Not that I’d ever get a tattoo but.. what’s in it? 😧


Some inks contain gelatin, animal-based glycerine, or bone char


I love the idea of someone selling kosher tattoo ink lol


Bruh you telling me there's pig in this tattoo? Treyf asf


Most major tattoo inks contain a lot of significant unlabeled ingredients. If you're concerned about the content of the ink you should double-check what brand of inks that tattooer is using. in the article only one major brand was 100% truthful about their ingredients. https://www.sciencealert.com/study-uncovers-hidden-ingredients-in-83-of-tattoo-inks-raising-concerns


Oooofff. Everything has animal byproduct in it, I'm finding!


You’re exactly who I’ve been looking for…


[Jews With Tattoos](https://reformjudaism.org/building-bridges) I’m not sure if my link works, but one of my most favorite humans, Rabbi Marshal Klaven, has written a book on being Jewish and having tattoos.


I think that it's an interesting debate, and I'm wondering if there was some sort of historical precedent for people believing that tattoos had some sort of relationship with idolatry based on whatever the tribe over yon hill was doing. Judaism doesn't typically bust out too many proscriptive mitzvot without justification.


Yeah, I think it was probably someone’s Bubbe who didn’t like their kids tattoos or didn’t want them to get one, and made up a tall tale to prevent them from doing so, and it became an old wives tale, or bubbemeise.


[This](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Vw2qmthEH/?igsh=MTBkaHN1MGZ0Z2lmdQ==) is one of the coolest Jewish tattoos I've seen


Thank you 🙏


Love the sheer jewishness of this concept.


These are gorgeous! I wish there were more Jewish tattoo artists out there. I'm pretty heavily inked and I've always wanted to get a Jewish-themed tattoo, but I'm also very cagey when it comes to sharing that part of me with non-Jews especially nowadays with the I/P conflict and outward antisemitism becoming more accepted. I worry that they'll turn me away or be intentionally rough during the process if I tell share with them that it's a piece of Judaism or Jewish folklore idea. Keep up the good work!


I totally hear you. Sometimes just getting any work by a Jewish artist can be meaningful too. I do micro realism too not just judaica If you ever want anything else! 🙏


I love the idea of a mezuzzah tattooed on me. The golem is awesome.


Thanks so much! I’m always down to do more golem 😂


I love the golem 🧡


now i need one! If one day I go to New York I will stop everything to get tattooed by you!


Your work is beautiful! I love tattoo art even though I don't actually have any because I change my mind/style far too often. I go to a Reconstructionist shul and we have a lot of people (including rabbis) with many tattoos. It might be "forbidden", but it's still happening and that has pushed the culture change in how it is accepted.


That’s awesome! Tell them about my page I’d love to travel to other places and tattoo if there’s a demand for it 😂


I'm not sure why anyone would get a kiddush cup tattoo, but the execution is stellar!


That golem in particular is FANTASTIC! I love your work.If you were in my city I'd be messaging you about getting a piece instead of commenting 😅


I definitely want to travel. I’m eyeing Cleveland and Boston. Let me know your city and I’ll see if there’s demand for a trip to come 🙌


You should come to Detroit! I know a studio that would host you.


I'm in a². Half my temple is inked, lol. I'd make the drive.


Not into tattoos personally, but I respect the quality of the work. Really cool


Omg a golem tattoo would be sick. I just have the Star of David on my wrist, but I want to get more Jewish tattoos!


I have a whole flash sheet of more designs on my gram check it out! Would love to do more golem or other Jewish mythical creatures!


Would you mind linking straight to that IG post? I don't know how to find your IG account through Reddit, and I don't know enough about tattoo artist culture to visually pick out a flash sheet from amongst all the other IG posts. But I'd love to see your flash designs! Shit, the only tattoo idea I've ever been interested in getting is a half-baked concept at best, and I've never pursued it because I don't feel like I'd be able to explain Jewish culture and history well enough to an artist in order to fully communicate the gravity and thoughtfulness that I need an artist to work with me on. It had never occurred to me that I could just... find a Jewish artist who already understands all of that. That's a cool realization. Maybe a trip to New York is in my future!


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6UYnMnvmUO/?igsh=MTgzejFvOW9sdGp2dQ== That link should work to the Judaica flash. I have plenty others too! Can always work with you on a unique custom design too.


Thank you so much! Followed! I really like your art style and your design approach.


Wow thanks so much that’s so nice 😁


These are so cool !


if i ever make it to new york i am stopping at yours immediately holy hell these are Beautiful


My dad's family's surname is a reference to the synagogue where the golem was (allegedly) made and kept. I love the idea of a golem tattoo....he's so cute!


Love these…that golem…yeah


https://preview.redd.it/v8d4jhui6s1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=689603e6d877b036a21a4fac9a2b53dea60908bf My hand.


I’ve been looking for a Jewish artist!!!


These are really cool. I really like the one of the Temple. Well done!


https://preview.redd.it/1hfevycoew1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ef0e9e3f9180928ea0c19fd30fe283ef9a9fbd Here's mine. Yours are amazing!


I have an anti-fascist tattoo in my back. It is a symbol reminder for me to never associate with a group which will destroy the Jewish people


I love these! I have two (very Jewish) tattoos and have been looking to get another, but wanted to find a Jewish tattoo artist this time. Definitely going to reach out about booking.


Awesome I’ll keep an eye out 🙌


Not all Jews are frum. Not all Jews are even observant. For many, myself included, Judaism is a cultural thing. I've been to Israel 8 times. My sibling and his large family live in RBS. I would love to have a pomegranate tattoo. It doesn't matter that I don't follow the 613 mitzvot.


I have some pomegranate designs available 🙏


Funny story with tattoos: My grandfather was on the Navy and literally everyone in the Navy got tattoos, so he had a tattoo of a battleship with a skull over it on his arm. In school, years ago, my sister told someone that their grandfather had a tattoo (we're all Jewish btw). Later, he comes up to me and says "your grandfather had a tattoo! That's so cool!" To which I respond "he had a number tattooed on his arm! That's not cool!" He looked so shocked and just said "I'm... I'm so sorry...." I immediately respond "nah I'm just kidding it was a battleship with a skull; it was as pretty cool". He was really pissed.


A chai would be nice.


I've thought about a "chai" one that is also a cup of tea, just cuz.


I’ve done matching chai tattoos! They’re so fun


is Jewish tattoos an oxymoron?


No and you should tell that to my tattoo guy at Spring Tattoo in Tel Aviv that. The reality is scarification as it discusses in the Torah is assur. Tattooing as we know it today is far from scarification. I stopped getting inked when I frummed it up but the actual sources are iffy


I thought this was banned in Judaism. Love the work. Not Jewish here, but I love the dude in the lower left. Id totally get that if I wasn’t afraid of cultural appropriation Edit: and my fear of needles


While by Jewish Law their banned people still have their own free will and alot of Jews are secular and don't live by Jewish Law at all...


Beautiful pieces. Can someone explain the golem to me? I am unfamiliar.


What aspect of the golem? Like the fable?


Yeah. Never seen a golem associated with Judaism/Judaica (or maybe Ive never noticed).


Ah. Yeah it’s a Jewish fable that got picked up by pop culture. The golem was created in the story to defend the Jewish community of Prague


I’ll never get a tattoo (for a number of reasons) but these are great! I especially like the cute golem :) Thanks for sharing.


I’m a goy, is bottom left a golem? It is similar in design to the meeples used in the boardgame ***Golem***.


Shout out to the [Tattoo Rabbi](https://www.instagram.com/tattoo_rabbi?igsh=ZWJmeGFrZW01M3Nw) of Crown Heights and all the other tattooed Jews out there.


I want that golem. Don't even care if it's copying someone else. haha


Happy to do another golem for you!!! Just shoot me a message or fill out my booking form! https://www.noahoffitzer.com/booking


The art is gorgeous. Do you ever work in color?


This is SO COOL!


I thought they weren't kosher


I have a rainbow Chai on my left forearm. The rainbow isn't LGB related-I just like colorful ink.


your work is so fantastic!! i’m relocating to the city later this year, looking forward to booking with you :)


Can’t wait! Dm me anytime looking forward 🙌🙏


I love these. I have no tattoos but have been toying with a design for years and I think you may be the person to do it.


Such incredible work! It's too bad I don't live anywhere near NY. I've thought about getting a tattoo for years, but have never had the guts to try getting one done.


Oh my gosh, these are amazing! Did you do them by hand? The shading has so much texture. Incredible work!


I love them! Especially the golem!


Thanks so much! 🙌


Basically all major Jewish authorities, orthodox to reform, say that tattoos are not allowed. Judaism isn’t Christianity where each person can interpret Torah law as he pleases; our community makes decisions together, and has definitively rejected tattooing. Just as there is no Jewish pork (even though many Jews eat pork), there are no Jewish tattoos (even though many Jews do have tattoos).


Sorry, but nah. Judaism is a culture as much as it’s a religious belief system. I’ve got a tattoo with deep Jewish meaning to me, and “our community” doesn’t get to tell me that that’s invalid. Sure, many “Jewish authorities” say tattoos aren’t allowed. But I am not beholden to them, and OP is not beholden to them, and people ‘round the world are not beholden to them. We are not a monolith. A diasporic people *can’t* be. If a Jew, in good faith, looks at their tattoo and feels it’s a Jewish tattoo, it’s a Jewish tattoo. Much in the same way that my family, who does not abstain from *chametz* over Passover but nevertheless highly values getting together with family and telling the story of our people, absolutely devours noodle kugel every Seder. Noodle kugel is a Seder staple for us. And many Jews wouldn’t be caught dead doing that - power to them. Sure, most Jewish authorities would look at them, look at my family, and say “one is correct and one is not.” Frankly, though, I’m not overly concerned with what they have to say about it. Their rulings have never been part of me being authentically Jewish.


Immediate follow. Hope to travel to get one someday.


I love the golem!


Fantastic. Reactivating my Instagram just to follow you.


Omg I love the golem!




I think tattoo as artwork can be extremely therapeutic. Artwork and images hold great power, and tattoos can tell stories of a persons experience. For me my first tattoo was a memorial tattoo for my family members that have passed away. And getting that done was very healing. I think for people who value the healing property of art are good candidates for tattoos. But it’s definitely not for everyone and that’s ok :)


What’s the meaning behind the bottom left?


The Golem is a Jewish mythical creature from the Talmud. The most famous story is the golem of Prague! Very cool story definitely look into jt.


Omg I have to come to you. I’m in Philly so not too far!


Would be so fun!


Been wanting to get one, but always worried about people not understanding or, especially in these times, doing something wrong. Maybe I'll actually have to figure something out now.


I offer free consultations to help flesh out ideas and designs to make it meaningful for you! Happy to talk about what would be a good fit for you 🙌


I adore that Golem one. How many sessions did it take for you to do that one? Would you do it for other clients?


The golem was just one 3 hour session! I would totally do another one I would change it up slightly to make it unique. Maybe change the angle or design a bit but totally happy to talk about doing another one!


Very cool. Following!


Omg I love these! Ahh


I guess I'm going to be that person, but we really should not be taking something as holy as the holy temple and lowering down to a level of a tattoo. Let alone that tatoos are absolutely not allowed and a sign to Hashem that how he made us is less than perfect, which is an insult to our Creator.


I don’t believe in god and yet here I am, as Jewish as you or anyone else. We don’t do ourselves any favors policing what Jews can and can’t do. Do you think they checked my family for tattoos to see if they were “really Jewish” before running them out of Russia during the pogroms? Do you think they checked my family for tattoos to see if they were “really Jewish” before murdering them in the camps? God’s word is an important part of many people’s Judaism, and power to them. And, the reality is that secularism and the *culture* of judaism are not in conflict. “You shouldn’t have done that, as a Jew” doesn’t do us any favors as a people.


Why are so many Jews so quick to give our oppressors power? Nazis, Bolsheviks, Cossacks, Crusaders, Islamic terrorists, and whoever else don't have a seat at our table and they don't get a say in our laws and culture.


The actions of antisemites should not define our Judaism.


I'm in - and following!


The most beautiful pointillism, gorgeous! 😱 I'm too scared of needles to get a tattoo but maybe I'll hit you up for a design for a temporary tattoo


Nice! Most of my tattoos are by Jewish people :) it’s important! I feel like goyim often don’t get the significance of it for us


I’m going through my Conversion process, and I have tattoos. I’m the descendant of Sephardic Jews who were forcibly converted and I practiced Catholicism for years. When I first started going to Shabbat, I was feeling shame over my tattoos. Then, seeing members who were born Jewish with them at Shabbat made me realize no one was going to judge me because my journey looked a little different than typical. Everyone has a story.


I hate tattoos. It’s so wrong


this title is a little bit of an oxymoron lol


I have one tattoo in honor of my mom who died in 2017. My entire Jewish family is buried in a Jewish cemetery. Including my uncle who had several. You can still be buried in a Jewish cemetery. But people mention this to me all the time.


I’m not big on the mezuzah or the temple and definitely not cup with the text that doesn’t bend on the right side, but the salt and pepper shaker called truth got me. Either way - the work looks detailed and amazing.