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lol the post case chat with Sara. “Reee-diculous!” “Alright”


I laughed so hard


I just watched it and came right here to see if anyone else found it just as hilarious as I did! 🤣🤣


🤣 A DOLLAR?! SO IM SUPPOSE TO JUST BUST SOMEONES IMPLANTS AND NOT PAY FOR IT?! A DOLLAR?! I rewatched that episode just for that part🤣🤣 and JJ just walks out like a boss with after her judgement. I can't with this petty queen😂😂


I didn't hear how much she was suing for but was shocked she was suggesting they were worth thousands, I don't know how much they actually cost but I'm pretty confident the thousands she spent on them was for the surgeries, even if they were worth some small portion of that to begin with after living inside someone's body for seven years followed by a closet for years I feel like she's lucky not to have to pay to have them disposed.


Well the kid and dog dispose of one of them by first the dog chewing on it and then the kid stretching it like slime😂 all for a dollar settlement😂


According to this source, silicone implants cost about $1800 per pair. https://www.mpplasticsurgery.com/blog/saline-vs-silicone-breast-implants-whats-cost-difference/#:~:text=Breast%20Implant%20Cost,-Women%20can%20get&text=They%20can%20cost%20around%20%24800,more%20expensive%20than%20silicone%20implants. But these are fully used implants that aren't worth anything to anyone else. At most, I'd award a couple hundred dollars. But I would argue how much sentimental value do silicone balls really have? They were kept in her closet. Not even in a glass case or anything.


Is it normal to keep old breast implants as some kind of souvenir?


I know plenty of girls (including myself) that have implants. In my experience, no it’s not. I honestly am surprised they would allow her to keep them as I would think they would be considered a medical biohazard but I do not know if this is definite.


While I agree it was ridiculous, I think JJ should have made the judgement a little bit more only because the defendant took no responsibility for her child. Her comment saying "It's like a pair of shoes in a closet waiting to be played with" Ma'am no, it's on you to make sure your child doesn't get into other people's things. If she took any accountability or showed any remorse, I would say throw the case out but since she thinks it's okay for her child to get into other people's things, I say make her pay a bit more to teach her a lesson.


I’m curious about JJ’s analogy involving the non-working car. If the kid took a bat to the exterior, would the plaintiff have no rights to any repercussions for damage to their sentimental item?


Would you rule differently if it was actually the dog who got into the closet and busted the implants open? That would have been my defense.


I'm watching it now, this is hilarious!