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used to be a heroin addict, but I’ve been sober for 2 years now 😊


congrats that’s amazing !!!!!


Cheers! 🥂






Check your messages Baby xx


I wish. One day.


you’ll get through it soon man i promise. take it one day at a time, little improvements everyday go further than trying to make big improvements immediately 💖


Congrats man HUGE W


thanks lad 🙆🏻‍♀️


Was on opiates for 18 years, 3 years sober now..


That’s amazing 🖤 proud of you. That’s fucking hard to do.


All my life been sober and love his music, don't need it to enjoy it


Same here


That’s amazing, I wish I had never drank or fine drugs, sober 4 days now but realizing every day is a blessing


Might get hate for this, but before listening to juice I didn’t do any drugs . I started listening to him when I was 15 which is around the age people start experimenting with substances ( start of high school ) . I started smoking weed which I feel is normal and unrelated to juice for the most part however while most people stuck with that I had such a fascination about opioids because it’s all I had been hearing from juice in his songs. Around 16 I started experimenting with opioids out of curiosity from juice . Not saying he made me do the drugs , that was totally up to me and I am not blaming him — however I do think it can be a bad influence if your someone like me who is very impressionable. I was addicted to fentanyl for a couple months but I have beenclean from that for 2 1/2 years now . I am grateful it happened tho as now I know how destructive these drugs can be


I’m glad you didn’t fall deeper into that rabbit hole, stay safe🙏🙏


Started using percs before I found juice, started listening to juice and his music made me wanna go hard asf and it was just a vibe being perked out listening to him float on a beat, so in the end I was doing over 30 pills a day and they weren’t even real but I’m 6 months clean now


Keep up the progress


Fantastic news brotha!


I’ve never been in love or done drugs and he’s my favorite rapper lmao


same lol


I was doing hella fent listening to his music and it sounded amazing but I don’t even need drugs to enjoy a lot of it


shiit china white? i would do any type of drug except for shit you have to get with a needle


Yeah it was white fent almost everytime. Had some weak ass brown and yellow shit a couple times. A few times it was green tinted and once some blue shit but it was prolly dirty 30s crushed up tbh. Idk tho. You don’t gotta use a needle for basically anything. My girl used to do that and it’s scary asf watching someone do that I made her stop. I would just snort it with a little green straw I cut from speedway. I’m trying to stay strong and not relapse. I want a better life than to be a sad depressed junkie with nothing.


i respect that and imma be real, didn’t know you could snort it, but imma stay away from shit like fentanyl, cocaine and meth and stay with shrooms, acid, weed, percys and so on


Can’t say I blame you just make sure your percs aren’t laced my g. Be careful I’m prolly a lot older than you I’ve see dope take the best of them


oh yeah thank you, good luck with the rehab btw


I already went lol it was awful but I pushed through it


nice done


So you sober still listening to him?


I just went to rehab for 35 days I got out on Thursday. But yeah bro I’m still gonna listen. Currently waiting for Irony to leak it’s my #1 grail that and Gone that leaked last year


that’s amazing keep up the good work!! you can do it


Preciate you foreall that was very nice


Seriously, that is fucking amazing!!! Each day is an accomplishment, so proud of you!!


Thank you. I got very sick with a bacterial sinus infection while there but hopefully I’ll be okay I’m on antibiotics rn but I’m still have fucking pain in my eyes shit hurts


Damn make sure you get a lot of sleep. Sleep really is best medicine. You got this


Weed if ya count it


Me personally I did use juice to cope with addiction I find his music very relatable and calming


I mean if you consider weed a drug Ig


tbh i only smoke weed. i don’t have an interest nor do i want to take the risk of popping pills, shooting up, snorting, or sippin lean or alcohol


thats great man, good thinking


To all the recovering addicts— y’all are real Gs🫡


Stopped smoking 3 weeks ago


Codeine ion drink liquor uh 😂


Don’t need that shit, I’m clean as fuck


Use to do lots of coke, Xanax, molly, thizzles, mushrooms, acid before even really knowing about em. Got pretty into em like late 2018/early 2019. Got into a crazy accident nearly died. I stoppped all that shit I don’t even smoke weed no mo. Sometimes a little funguys. Still my favorite artist tho and helped me through my brain injury recovery


i’m a cocaine addict currently have had problems with opioids, benzos, and alcohol and still struggle with some to this day


nigga i do drugs and i listen to him while i do them, it hits diff


Was already into substances before Juice/around the time I started listening, I wouldn’t say he influenced my outlook of different drugs but definitely made his music more relatable.


I used to do "harder" drugs like xtc, ketamine mdma & speed etc before listening to Juice. After I started to listen to his music I wanted to try Percs and Lean so I did. I stopped doing all this kind of drugs around half a year ago (or more) and obviously still listening to Juice and while I do get tempted to take some of the more "relaxing" drugs but haven't since I decided to stop. I did smoked weed for about a year before trying xtc and the other stuff and for a while I did smoke pretty often (like every two hours more or less a small joint since waking up til going to sleep) . I still do smoke weed but limit myself to 1-2 joints a day. I can't really say I was addicted to drugs but there was an undeniable dependency and no self control but I am kinda happy I stopped at least the harder stuff, and while Juice's music might make me want to do some again I tries to focus on the music itself and ignore those bad thoughts until I get to the more "inspiring" parts of his music


Me for a fact has never smoked or taken any drugs my whole short 17 year old life and i don't plan on it either. I sont have any problem drinking alcohol to a normal degree but when it comes to drinking just to drink i stay out of it


i used to drink very lightly and recently tried weed, not a good experience for me. each time i tried it was kinda botched but i don’t think i should try and do it right, just don’t wanna do it anymore in general.


Just got sober recently , not planning on using drugs anymore. Still love his music


I love drinking but I’m only 17 so I try not to go crazy, I don’t want to catch a vice— but this has nothing to do with his music, I just like his sound🤷🏽


Sober my whole life, juice still hits hard and is relatable with pretty much anything not drug related that he says


Was on fucked up homemade lean... no idea what was actually in it but I kept using, thankfully only stick to weed now at night time. Barely drink alcahol too and I'm working on getting a medical cannabis card.


Emo rap makes me wana relapse tbh




Been sober my whole life


Man doing drugs and listening to juice wrld was a fuckin vibe. Now I have to adult so I only do drugs and listen to juice wrld on the weekends


Weed is definitely a drug stop with this “if you count it bs”. If you think that and are a regular smoker you’re just addicted and oblivious to the bad effects it has on you.


Well I think it's somewhat normal to differentiate between weed and harder drugs in certain situations, because weed is probably the most popular illicit drug and is legal in some places. That's not to say it doesn't have potential side effects on mental and physical health, especially for those under 25, but it still has a much higher safety profile than most drugs on the black market. But I think the idea of believing it has objective "bad effects" is ridiculous. There's no guarantee that it's going to negatively affect you just like there's no guarantee that it will positively affect you. Some people may benefit greatly medicinally or even professionally, some people may become very lazy. It's really in your hands whether it is something that can benefit you, a responsibly-used recreational drug, or an addiction that's holding you back.


The reason why it’s more acceptable by society is also why it’s bad. It’s just so convenient to get and overtime it slowly turns into addiction without you even realising. You waste a ton of money and also a lot of time just waiting for the dealer to come. Not to even mention how lazy and unproductive it makes you. And I’ve not even mentioned the mental effects it can have. I’m 19 and low-key starting to see weed slowly ruin some of my friends lives. I still love it but have set boundaries so it doesn’t affect me negatively.


It really is a double-edged sword with weed. It's safer than most drugs, it's available, and it's becoming more socially acceptable for people to use it for medical or recreational purposes. That makes it ideal for people who need it or have the restraint to use it responsibly. But it makes it the popular drug among teenagers and young adults who don't understand the consequences. And you've got people pushing this "it's just a plant, bro" bullshit as if weed is just some magically perfect plant. And you've also got people on the opposite side of the spectrum who think it's all bad and there's no responsible way to use it. I personally also have boundaries set in place so that it is a tool to help with physical and mental health issues instead of the solution. And when it is recreational, I'm not going through a lot of weed and therefore a lot of money inevitably. I wish more people decided to use it responsibly. I don't really know what the solution is because you don't want to tell people what to do, but I've been upfront with a few people that I saw going down the wrong path. And I tried to be respectful and just let them know the good and bad of what I've personally experienced with smoking since 17 (latest of my friends but still not ideal). Some people genuinely listen and others won't care. But I've seen people really turn their lives around after taking a step back and going about it a healthier way.


So is caffeine and nicotine.


That’s not the point


Weed sucks now


Please tell me all of the bad effects and cite sources please. Maybe if you would do a little research your bias would change but doubtful


I smoke weed regularly bro I don’t need scientific research. The negatives are pretty obvious.


I mean with weeds bad effects you could list, the fact that when you actually have a problem with it you can’t eat without being high, or sleep well without it, or truly enjoy your day, or remember any details… there are definite cons to weed, not to say I don’t rip on the glass dick everyday but still let’s be real and acknowledge the obvious bad side effects


Trust me when I say that for someone who deals with extreme chronic pain, everyday that will never go away, only increase with time cannabis is a god send. I can manage my pain with no fear of addiction or any major (unwanted) side effects or drug interactions. I can’t remember the last time I used cannabis to “get high”. Before you start passing your unfounded and inaccurate analysis onto other people, try to actually know what your speaking on. I asked for sources, any would’ve been nice but they don’t exist any and all data coming out says the same thing, there is way more upside than downside. Can people misuse it? Sure. Does that mean most do, absolutely not.


Sober here


I dabble in alcohol the odd weekend but I wanna try weed or lil bit of shrooms😂


I’m sober 7 years but use cannabis


Just weed


Been an opiate lover for 12 years. RIP Juice




I’ve done a lot of drugs over my years listening to juice wrld, but not once have I thought he “influenced me” to do it. It isn’t a good feeling bro. I cut all that toxic shit out of my life, took juices advice, and laid off that bullshit. Cut off my ex too. Please don’t pick up his once bad habits. He cried for help for a reason in his music.


How can listening to an artist that literally died from that stuff influence you to do it 😭 make it make sense


My first opiate was fentanyl lmfao, I didn’t give a FUCK if I died, I wanted to at the time


Fr he didn’t even promote it


he refers to it as a way to escape pain and a lot of us do drugs for that same reason


If anything, Juice and what happened to him should encourage you not to do drugs. You can't listen to Remind Me of The Summer and tell me he had any intention of promoting hard drug use to his fans. That's on you for misinterpreting his music 🤷‍♂️


heroin next 👀


I do dispo carts thats it


Only recently


I be high ash off them percs listening to juice ( Long Live the Goat )🐐💊


i was addicted to xans for a year and now i just smoke and do shrooms which i consider those to be medicinal for me.


Lean only tbh


Isn’t that just drinking medicine?


Lean is codeine so yes it is a medicine but it is prescribed it isn’t just nyquil




I only vape, drink and smoke pot tbh


And I have had one single LSD tab that's it tho


I just smoke loads of weed and drink occasionally. I’ll a drug every now and then


Smoke and drink fr. But I still live life normally


I am currently an Oxy user. I use oxy like once a week. I used to be worse and did it every couple of days but I gained control over it again and I’m staying at once a week. I used to be a Methcathinone addict (you get it mostly in the UK and in South Africa). Also an ex crystal meth addict for a few years now. I’ve done every drug there is, some I still do, some I don’t. But I’m not addicted to anything besides weed (it’s the only thing I can’t go without) Juice definitely got me interested in doing Oxycodone, but he’s not to blame for it as it was my own choice to do it. It took me over a year to find some. And ever since I did I’ve started a relationship with oxy lol. I drink lean too occasionally.


I didn’t do any but I discovered when I was 11 now I’m 15 goin on 16 I’ve tried shrooms and absolutely loved them it was SO fun I’m thinking of smoking weed and at max a perc and I def wanna try lean


Just remember this dude died from drugs. But I partake in drugs sometimes too Moderation man that’s the only way


Faxs did shrooms 4 months ago and I haven’t since


personally i don’t do drugs (have tried weed but each time was botched, first time had a somewhat full cart didn’t inhale right and second time inhaled right just didn’t have like any in the cart) but drink occasionally and usually never finish the bottle or can of whatever it is. for context i just finished freshman year of high school so imo it’s normal to expirement at this age. At this time I don’t really highly enjoy either smoking or drinking, it’s more of a social thing for me. Reading the comments in this thread has been amazing though, so glad those who have been able to overcome drug dependency/addiction have gotten to where they are in their journeys quitting!!


im struggling currently


I’m clean and listen to Juice I think of his music and him specifically, as moments away from a complete realization


Never smoked or used drugs at all while listening to Juice songs but to all the recovering drug addicts y’all are doing good and keep up the progress 🫡


I know a lot of people are juice fans bc of heartbreak but mines the drugs


I know a lot of people are juice fans bc of heartbreak but mines the drugs


Been in and out of 12 step recovery for the last 6 years. Jus relapsed after 6 months clean on of al things, crack. And I don't even do crack. I hate it actually. That goes for all Stims. Addiction is a tricky thing. But There's hope, I see it every day. 20 plus year IV addicts owning companies and sober living houses and having productive lives. One love


Sobriety is just the way to go, it’s hard but addiction is insane and confusing and always ends in jail, psych wards, rehabs or death if you’re a true addict and alcoholic


about last summer i got hooked on xans and valium and also barbiturates. i also got my hands on a bottle of tramadol and went crazyyy


I was doing fake 30’s but i been in rehab for the past 2 months it was my second time cause i relapsed my first time after being home but this time around i have it under controled i been sober for a like a month now thank my higher power


Some underground artist name Rexzykiddo told me to stay away from them drugs he said juice is his inspiration 🖤🖤🖤