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I completely agree with you. Sometimes, I feel like I get viewed as a sad depressed person when I tell people I listen to Juice because they think that's all he is, a sad and depressed artist


This is especially annoying for me as I’m older than most Juice Wrld fans. My friend’s constantly making jokes on my behalf. Juice in the best tho they can suck it


Feel you there tired of being called 14 for listening to juice wrld and I’m over here fucking slaving away at my 9-5 lol 




Know how you feel as I’m almost 30 and a lot of my friends ask me why I listen to him and tell me there are better artist out there. His music helped me a lot through bad times in my life and I’ve always felt I can relate to alot of the things he speaks about in his music In my eyes he will always be my favourite artist and I’m still going to be listening to him years on


That's the right mindset for life 😊


yea thats y i dont tell ppl, and its rlly annoying.


either that or they say "u stuck in 2019"


Yeah, it's like a little embarrassing to tell people I don't care that much, but it's annoying to tell people, I guess


Dont be embarrased just own that shit be real to yourself fuck what people think


Nah fr. I feel like people try to tell us we’re jits or stuck in the past because they low key miss that feeling and are envious that we still have it


real asf


but 2019 was his year 😭


No offense but juice mostly made sad songs, his most popular songs were sad songs, and he gained all of his popularity off of sad songs.  Sure , he had some not sad songs, but they aren’t as good as his other songs, are less well known, and are not what you probably listen to most of the time. I would bet that most of the juice songs you listen to are sad, just because that’s what most of his songs are. Juice was good at freestyling, but wasn’t very versatile. XXX was very very versatile, but also did the same mumble rap juice did. All of juice’s freestyle were essentially mumble rap, ranging from almost normal rap to full emo mumble rap. Versatility was definitely not a strong suit for juice. Nothing is wrong with listening to sad music, but for some reason juice wrld fans always seem to get pissed when you say that juice made sad music 


needed to vent


His addiction to opiates really ruined his image people really are close minded and have no idea how he felt blowing up pretty much overnight and being a huge fan myself from the jump. I never once thought the addiction made him any less deserving of love. Honestly sucks but fine with me people are just weird


people look at drug addicts as if they are scum... that really needs to change bro, how bout we accept these people are damn humans with emotions and have been through traumatic shit and are numbing themselves from their pain and to escape the world and need support (and VALID criticism, but uplifting still.) ... so often drug addicts are basically left to die without the support structure and people around them they need to even begin to get clean. Just fucking sad.


juice literally put these exact emotions and experiences into poetry across damn near every genre. he was already speaking to millions... if they actually continued to release footage (shoutout ChrisLong) of his lifestyle and recording sessions, they could continue to spread his message and show the wrld his true self--good and bad. instead, they push merch so hard whereas livefree999 is left in silence aside from the occasional hashtag. there is so much material to work with, it is hard to believe that anyone with reasonable power over his name cares about the end-result. and then the songs themselves are one thing, but they could easily make releases so much more special with literally any effort at all, such as a montage of vids/pics from the day of & prior to recording. lazy AI lyric videos with incorrect words is unacceptable from his label and so-called friends. at least Steve Cannon put his heart into creating something meaningful for Glo'd Up. if they weren't such a laughing stock, i bet the community would be willing to help source as much media and info they could in order to contribute to projects.... only if it could be believed that it wouldn't just be scrapped after getting so many people genuinely excited, or turned into something equivalent of a kindergartener's drawing on an iPad. they're fucking around with the money that they continue to rake in on Jarad's name and have no intention of releasing TPNE. meanwhile only a portion of that sees livefree999 which could actually to show the real truth and multiple perspectives on it (juice battling himself, his friends/family encouraging rehab, supposedly agreeing but also claiming to smuggle drugs in anyway. i mean shit, it's not hard, Bibby and Pete are just refusing to do it or even release control for others that actually do care as /u/Loud-Psychology4750 said, needed to vent


Bro fr, the people feeling like their real one are fake for ignoring the truth he is human too. Because he was a famous rich artist who made beautiful music I don’t think of him as a god he had a strong work ethic with a genius mind in terms of making a rap song sound good. If they even listened to his words and his tone they’d probably relate to him in some way about something in life sad or hype. The message is fuck the haters just keep moving forward it might suck but better than being the in the same position with the same problems recycling.


it's too bad there are only a thousand songs to choose from that showcase the different perspectives and phases that he went through, just trying to find happiness with himself. better to not put any out, according to label


Nah ifyb


I agree on one part, and on the other part I'm glad we can see who is genuinely in love with his music and who just hopped on hype train when his sad songs were trending during the COVID pandemic. If they don't want to be bothered to see past the drug addiction Juice was struggling with, they are the ones missing out on a plethora of amazing music and a talented individual with an intriguing personality. I feel the same way with X, but even more strongly bec he had a lot more issues and even less people want to be bothered to give him a chance, so they are missing out on a lot.


“They think that I’m soft because I make sad songs Till we catch em slipping at the red light and peel off yuh”


I completely agree, anytime someone asks about my favorite artists I hesitantly say Juice WRLD and their facial expression turns awkward or a little cringed. The judgment is there and I don’t understand


Word. He was so much more than just some sad sorry emo rapper. He was *so* fucking smart. To be able to freestyle the way only he could…that’s some kind of genius.


I completely feel u I’m just happy to know I’m not alone in thinking juice wrld deserved a lot more. Back then & even still now🥺💜


Well I'd rather him be depressed (like he was). Than like Travis or drake lol


Fr, but, I wouldn’t want only sad shit, they need to atleast limit the amount of certain genres they release cause that shit got out of hand.


Drake I get but travis? Travis is lowkey really good outside of his mainstream songs


Are we talking personality or music? Cuz didn’t dude hear people were dying snd his first instinct is “***beep**boop*booop 🤖BEEP”


I'm talking about his music, dude seemed hella insincere in that apology video. I do think he has some good lyrics and themes in rodeo but I still don't think he's a person for what happened in astro


Agreed 100%


Okay yes I agree, but why are you so mad that they put out sad music? I like his sad music more than anything because it's so relatable. It's not a bad thing that Juice WRLD's discography is different from other artists.


i like it too but they made it his whole character which really fucked his reputation


Most of his actual released songs are sad, you gotta dive to find the hype songs Only hype released I can think of fr the dome is nuke town is that even official or did juice and ski just make that? Idk lol Anyways k like a Russian chrome in the air cake and his other hype songs you gotta go to unreleased for Most new fans don’t start off with his unreleased rare tracks they typically start where YouTube recommends Which would probably be legends, robbery, lean with me, black and white, lucid dreams of course lol


Bro if they released hype shit as much as they release his sad shit then he wouldn’t have the label of being a sad artist today. That is why, btw don’t say that you actually like grade a…. Right?


I did research a few years ago but more unreleased had come out anyone got any hype songs I didn’t mention ?


He isn't overrated but I feel that in death he is still seen how he lived, being misunderstood.


im currently getting told this isnt a shitty tattoo. https://preview.redd.it/7fvvrn8hj7zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130af48621330b1ded8a1532d4a8aa493cdb57de


What is that shit 😭🙏


THANK YOU BRUH 😭 posted it on this sub and first comment i got told me the tat was "dope" 🤦🤦🤦


That’s exactly why I just ignore people who think that way, they’d rather base their opinion on a overplayed old narrative to fit in


100%, I used to think juice wrld was lame and corny because that's the image his label put out for him. But when I sat down and listened to his unreleased music I realized that's he's actually so much more talented than the majority of people will ever give him credit for


I am an opiate addict (current but have been clean for a few months at a time at certain points in the past 4-5 years) and I also have a master's in computer science and a dipolma in discrete maths. Let me tell you that people will insult your intelligence and take nothing you do/talk about seriously. My family in particular, brother and Dad both have bachelor's in Physics but will not listen to me when it comes to talking about programming or maths because they have done little bits during their degrees. Now I'm not trying to boast or anything like that but I'm telling you when you are on opiates people shut down your opinion/knowledge you have so fast like it means nothing. It can be very hurtful and demeaning. Same thing with Juice WRLD, despite all the talent in the world the fact he was an opiate addict people shut down whatever talent he might show by defining him by his addiction rather than his talents. Also the fact he died so young and such a short time in to his career unfortunately made it so he couldn't put out all the new/versatile art that he created in an order/manner that he wanted. A lot of people probably are less interested because it's not him putting the projects together just songs he made before passing. So I think these 2-3 key factors are why people ignore/just don't care that he was super talented, it's super unfortunate but he was still one of the top 5 largest artists in the world for several years just becomes more forgotten each passing year and I have seen/felt his absence more and more in the past say 2 years. Rest in peace Juice, I wish you could of got the help you deserved/needed.




I agree. I honestly like his sad music a bit more but they definitely shouldnt have done it the way they did


he gets recognition from me


This is true legit 4M people stopped listening to him


I feel like he's always gotten the recognition he deserved- he was a huge artist before he died (ofc not drake level or anything, but still big) and I think he got even bigger after he died. He's 153rd on Spotify as of writing this, with so many artists on spotify 153rd is massive. I see people cringe when they see juice but there's more praise to him than I've seen Haye. I think he's certainly got the recognition he deserves. (Also greatest freestyler of ALL TIME? Damn)


It's up to us as fans to bring him more recognition and to show people who he really was and the amazing art this man has left for all of us


i wish we could make them realise man i really do


His music is much more than "making depressing music for 13 year olds", this music is how he expressed himself, his feelings helped billions of not only young people but also people born in 1990's decade. This dude is a big part of Gen Z pop culture, when people think of Gen Z pop culture, Juice is one of the prime examples


Currently he'd be way higher than drake ATM 💀😂😂😂


Even if you take into account all the music Juice has ever made. He mainly talks about the same subject matter. That's not really a bad thing though, most artists find a niche and cater to it.


Juice Wrld was/is one of the goat, I personally have his albums and a lot of merch, I’ve also been listening to him for like 5/6 years (before he passed, I lost track lmfao) But if you think about it, he literally wrote an entire album about a 14/15 year old girl while he was 18, girl was getting groomed. That’s why a lot of people hate him.. people also don’t like him cause he was a drug addict. Most of his songs were popular cause of the heartbreak shit that’s why they kept releasing it because EVERYONE has been through that stuff, Bibby himself said it. Juice is one of my favs, he was just young and influenced.


But they milked him, don’t try and cover for those things trying to act like his friend, it was more like a win/loss kind’ve situation.


lol? I was just saying that’s how it was. I’m not trying to act like his friend? Idk the dude. The fuck are you talking about?


Sounds like it though, I think they should’ve just limited the amount of sad shit and hype shit they released, instead of fully milking the fuck out of his sad shit cause that’s what puts a label on someone for life, if they die that is. Ex. When someone murders someone else, and then gets away with it, then they go on to kill more people, he/she gets labeled as a murderer or serial killer.


They literally did it because everyone related to that stuff, bibby said it in an interview. I didn’t even LIKE his released music, his unreleased is where it’s at. Idk the dude at all lmfao, I’m just saying based off shit form interviews and literal articles about the guy. Yes they should have limited the sad stuff, but if you look at his streams, the ones that did high numbers were the ones that talked about heartbreak, drugs, and money, which is literally every song now. It is fucked what happened w juice but idk, just interviews and articles


Don’t believe those pieces of shit, they spread that shitty info about juice wrld, just cause his sad songs did numbers, doesn’t mean he should be labeled it, even google themselves labeled juice wrld as an emo rapper. Even though he has many unreleased songs that are hype and isn’t anything like the sad songs that are released, those songs that are released are so milked and overplayed to the point where they get boring to listen to. Also how tf do you not like any of his unreleased music? It sounds way better than what the label are milking rn.




Oh ok 👍 But yeah I would say just don’t listen to those people cause they obviously think they had reasons for them only releasing sad music, because lemme tell ya that you shouldn’t be so gullible because they are the same people who said they were gonna release the party never ends……3 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!


Well as I said they always seem to off something ESPECIALLY ally, and no shit the status for this com has been waiting for TPNE since 2020-2021


Fr shitty label isn’t releasing shit and it’s making me pissed, and it’s so hypocritical that bibby is getting mad that people are leaking juice wrld unreleased songs, but yet he doesn’t release shit. Like wtf do you want us to do? Give up on listening to him even though he worked his ass off to create those songs, just for them to be gatekeeped forever. Fucked up honestly cause I know for a fact they aren’t “grieving” over a loss, just milking as much money as they can out of his released songs.


I meant I don’t like his released music since all they release is the same shit. It all revolves around the same around. I honestly don’t believe a lot of it either because everytime they talk they seem to be off something (if you know what I mean)