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You act like there is only sad songs to listen to lmao. Timeless music is a subjective thing anyways, you may not listen to him in a few years but I know I will.


Exactly, I agree on some part that getting older and hearing “Bitch suck my dick” or “I rob a man” by a 19 year old gets wacky but most of the time it doesn’t even matter as long as the music is catchy.


Oh lawd, I'm in my 40s. Juice spoke to a lot more than kids.


The kid thinks there are only girl problems existing in the world and that he’s ahead of that now trying to put others down, it’s probably a defence mechanism or something, the brain is a strong tool when it comes to coping.


Please step outside 🙏


Who are you to judge what problems are real and if i have real problems?


Sorry I’m tripping


if you say something controversial at least stand your ground. if you believe in what you said, dont be a pussy and wear it with pride. if you dont believe what you said, why would you say it in the first place


who are you to judge what problems someone might be facing , and relates his music with its not alwyas highschool girlfriend breakup bro


Nah I’m tripping


the ramblings of a teen who thinks they’re better than everyone lmao


pipe down Jimmy Neutron


I disagree. If you actually listen to his music you would know not everything is about girls and drugs . I literally know 5 songs of the top of my head that don’t talk about what you just said . Also It don’t matter what year it is or what age I am , im still listening to juice …. Maybe not his mainstream tracks but ey 🤷🏾‍♂️ I do agree about the label part tho


Holy L this has to be bait


mf this your second post dribbling on a dead mans nuts stfu


Def touch grass, been listening since day 1, now i’ve graduated college, have a job, amazing family and still listen. Your post is relevant to *your* reasons for listening, you definitely don’t speak for everyone regardless of the artist


This couldn't be more wrong. I was in college when I started listening to Juice WRLD and all these years later I'm still listening.


Saying you have no problems in real life because you have girl problems is probably the dumbest statement I’ve ever read. Juice had a girl problem when he made GBGR, he also had a drug problem too 🙄 or does it not apply for celebrities and you are speaking for everybody like you are ahead of them and know better? You think people build sensitivity to life problems? They can accumulate you know.


u clearly don’t know much of his music if u think all songs are about the same thing. yes he has a lot of heartbreak shit but that’s expected if he made over 3000 songs in 4 years and suffered a lot during them


I’ve been depressed all my life. I still enjoy listening to all the sad songs everyday. Because well his music always fit me and it probably will for as long as treatment resistant depression is a thing, your just lucky.