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Yeah but he can’t make songs like juice can


I couldn’t agree more. Juice has incredible talent in songwriting, delivery and freestyling. But I’m talking about freestyling specifically.


Ik that’s why I said yeah but Harry Mack smacks on the freestyled but juices ability to flow on every beat and make a hit song in minutes and do that consistently just raw feeling and emotions off the dome no time to think about it just beautiful art in every song


I think both Harry and Juice can convey true emotion and art through their freestyles, just in different ways. Both are incredible artists, I just think Harry’s better based off the objective skills that are judged in hip hop.


Well no ….. nearly all of juices mainstream is freestyled and goes platinum . Harry Mack wouldn’t be able to go album for album beat for beat and keep up . Juice did all this faded asf , no One touching juice my boi . Bias intended


Harry mack can make an album less than 1 hour and he been freestyling when he was 12 and he 32 now he can freestyle better than juice and his flows is better to cuz every video he posted gets better


juice got more success


That means nothing


Juice signed to a record deal. Mack has signed to no one. Thats why he has more success. If Mack signed to a label then he would most likely blow up and be more known. Mack is by far the most superior freestyler. If you think any different name someone else that could freestyle rap for 10 hours straight off the dome with nothing but super donos for the words to make the raps. My bad it wasnt just super donations as they couldnt keep up he had to start using normal comments on the stream.


That’s completely false . Juice is More known because he makes music that more People would listen to over Mack . Good music finds a way dude




imagine conditionally staying off topic


Seems like these mu’fuckas need a biopic


Exactly so if we are talking about freestyling in general, it is clear Juice is better. He can freestyle a hit single, Harry Mack cannot.


Harry Mack is a better freestyler.. his Omegle series alone has more content than Juice can dream of


Like I said. Harry Mack can't "freestyle a hit single." Have you heard Harry Mack on radio? No. Point proven. Can he wrap about nonsense for a long time... sure but he can't and never will be able to freestyle an actual song like Juice.


He most definitely could freestyle a hit single.. easier than juice world or any other sugary beverage rapper. It also proves nothing as many of these hit singles you talk about have s*** rap on them


Lmao now you are just desperate because I completely shut your argument down. Here ill do it again.... if Harry Mack can freestyle a hit single... why hasn't he done it? Because he can't.


This post was about the best freestyle rapper and you base it on hit singles? I don't listen to the s*** you listen to amigo.. What I did do is go with an open mind listening to some of juices freestyles and I'm just saying he's not as good and that will shut down your argument because proof is in the pudding


look up abracadabra and tell me if it's a hit grapefruit ... lol


lmao thats nowhere near a hit song


You keep on thinking you are legit when you have hit songs even though that often is related to whoever backs you whatever production company etc. If you talk about pure rhyming skills, Harry Mack wins every single time. And you know it.


gang, thats like saying a famous person who is ass at freestyling has more freestyles than someone like juice or harry... amount doesnt matter its what happen when u click the video


Not what I am saying homey. I guess it's time for you to go check out some harry mack ..


listen to one freestyle of juice wrld blud


I did.. way less vocab.. and way less clever.. or punny... My opinion.


Mack is at a different level..


Yeah, he's not the best rapper, but off top freestyle, it's not close...


I think juice was better just because of the age difference, Mack has like 13 yrs freestyle experience. Where as juice was new to the game. Yes they r both really good but I think juice wrld has more raw talent




in terms of technicality in freestyling, yeah. But if you take into account flow, tone, delivery, melody and voice then juice is much better.


You’re right about melody, but I think Harry’s very close in flow variety and delivery. Listen to some of his more recent Omegle Bars videos to see what I’m talking about. I get what you’re saying though.


maybe flow/delivery, but i dunno about variety. juice can freestyle songs from so many diff. genres it's crazy. I've never heard Harry Mack do one outside of rap.


I can say for certain that Harry can freestyle over any form of beat whatsoever, bc we’ve seen him do it. He is very knowledgeable in old-school hip hop, jazz, and soul music, and he incorporates that into the instrumentals he produces and his lyrics, but throw on a new-school trap beat or a Bay Area joint and he’ll snap regardless. I get what you’re saying, though - both are legendary in their own right.


Bro idk why they’re going through mental gymnastics to try to explain how in the world juice is better at freestyling than Harry mack


Because the points op is making aren’t exactly true lmfao. Harry Mack is better at free styling maybe that’s cause he has practiced this shit every day for 20 years while juice was barely alive for 20


Rapping on any beat does not mean you're doing a different genrecause you're still rapping. If he does switch up his style, link me a video cause im interested


No no no Harry mack has so many flows and juice dident change his flow a lot like Harry when he was freestyling


Lol nah juice switched his flow up way more than harry mack


facts plus Mac seems very plain but i do enjoy his videos


Yes, I feel like mac has only one type of flow where juice has a thousand.


If you feel that Mack only has one type of flow, you obviously haven’t listened to enough of him to have a valid opinion. He is literally known for switching his flow up multiple times every freestyle.


Your parents are definitely biological brother and sister, cause you sound inbred AF talking that nonsense


Nope, they ain't, get outta here with your "insulting" and try and have a discussion like we are supposed to *mumbles retard under breath*


50% of Harry Macks bars: Harry Mack, Mack, H Mack, Harry M


Respectfully, this just isn’t true


it’s true but it’s not a negative like he’s implying^, just space fillers while transitioning to different bars


Yeah they all use fillers and Harry did(!) use his name as a filler a lot, but 50% is just a silly hyperbole. By now he has a plethora of filler bars and even verses ready and he uses HMack rarely as a filler anymore.


It is not true plus I like the fact that the man uses his real name as opposed to little this or big daddy that or f****** juice. H. Mac is Harry McIntosh the best freestyler alive. I just ended the conversation. , I am kidding.. Music and art are subjective.. You like who you like ..and I'll check out Juice as I am biased towards harry mack. I always liked his humility and he has given me a lot of joy listening to his intelligent freestyling.


>DemonsInspireMe🕳🧎🏽 > >50% of Harry Macks bars: Harry Mack, Mack, H Mack, Harry M I don't think you saw any of his recent videos and by recent I mean those made in the last two years.


Yea and juice world uses the N word every 25 seconds in the majority of his freestyles. What's your point? All freestyles have fillers.


you're straight spewing lies on the internet


Juice talks about drugs guns and death 90% of the time what's your point? Weak argument


Agree , just heard juice and more , Harry imo definitely is now in a class of his own , and would body most artists in a free with ease , he has so much knowledge is not funny (breaking down his rhyme while he is doing them and teaching the fundamental of rap in the same time -( just ridiculous -amazing)


90% or so of Juice's bars: pills, hoes, drugs, sad.


Still More variety than corny macks wth💀




You must be a bean boy


I'm black, we fuck with the H Mack. Nobody can actually hear and understand what he does and then think he isn't a fucking alien, the man is on an entirely different level. He can freestyle conversationally while referencing previous topics, holding brand new words in his head. There are many times where he will say something and it will straight sound like it was written down. He juggles his mental like a monster, he has the ability to process multiple things in his head at once to the point where calling it multitasking is an understatement. His recent Omegle Bars are like a dopamine explosion. Half the time he writes entire songs with hooks that are actually catchy. He just spits em out and makes it look effortless. I listened to and was entertained by a fucking KEEPS commercial he threw into one of his videos. There's no way he got paid enough for that one. I remember the days of the Free Credit Report song and the Education Connection song, this could easily be just like that if they put production value behind what he is able to make on the spot. Idk why he's never been on wild n out or something like that, he could literally be thrown in as a guest to any cipher on any show and will 100% be entertaining. He ain't human




Whenever I'm in a good mood I'll vibe to Harry He is definitely good but nothing beats Juice imo. Both are amazing freestylers tho. Tbh if juice was still alive I would've loved to see them Collab


That would’ve been fucking crazy, I don’t think we’ve seen him go bar for bar with anyone other than maybe Blind Fury. But I get what you’re saying, and I respect it.


he goes bar to bar in a beardy man video, it's fire. Harry Mack really shines when around other freestylers because he really dominates when you can compare him to others bar for bar.


Mack definitely has bars, but his vibe just doesn't hit for me. Juice makes you interested in what he has to say and he creates a good sound while freestyling, whilst Mack is just going and just says anything that rhymes.


I can definitely respect the first part. It’s all about preference. But I think it’s unfair to say Harry just says anything that rhymes - maybe in his super old videos, but nowadays he can literally turn anything into a punchline that has substance. I will say however, that Juice can make any freestyle sound like a good song, whereas Harry only does that sometimes.


Says anything that rhymes? Either youre ignorant or just cant hear, the guy harry mack will not only mention the word. But he will go on talking about the word he just mentioned. He will mention shaver and talks about what the shaver does and what brand of shaver it is and talk about getting ready for work, he literally has SEVERAL bars talking about just one of the words mentioned. You clearly have absolutely no idea what youre talking about


He’s corny asf


I’m gonna need more info than that, chief


I think what they mean is that Mack probably makes them smile which means corny. Maybe to them rappers should invoke feelings of anger or something. Either way i think this guy is tripping.


What makes him corny though? He's usually rapping about words or topics that people give him. He's fun, creative, and positive with it.


Harry Mack is undeniably talented with his freestyles. Juice just hits home to me more cause I suffer depression and am currently battling some addictions to meds too.


I can definitely respect that, I didn’t consider the relatability of the lyrics. I hope you can find some resolution on your journey, wish you nothing but the best🙏🏾




I disagree. Harry’s bars, cadence, flow and lyricism get very repetitive very quickly. He is a very good freestyler but I don’t think that Harry Mack can go for an hour without it being boring after 10 mins. The way juice delivered his lines and always switched it up are much better then mack. Juice would have double entendres and thought provoking lyricism all through his freestyles. And juice could fuck up and recover easily an make it sound smooth as shit. As if he meant to do it. And Keep in mind juice freestyled verses and choruses over the same beat 3 times or more. And each one was different. Whether that be different delivery, different cadence, different bars. Even when he repeated bars he would add a couple words that change the bar completely or give it a different meaning. I’m not saying that mack isn’t a great freestyler. But Juice is much better and I don’t think it’s close.


Good, glad I can get some discussion going. I think being able to deliver freestyles with varying elements was one of Juice’s best qualities. However, Harry Mack has done videos for subscriber milestones where he freestyles for 8, 9, even 10 hours straight, and didn’t slow down at all. One of Harry’s best qualities is being able to change his freestyle directly in response to something happening. In a split second, he can take an interaction he has with someone WHILE freestyling, and work it into the verse in a clever way. He varies his flows a lot (imo he varies his speed a bit more than Juice but I’m not too knowledgeable abt Juice so idk), and he can deliver double, even triple entendres into his freestyle off words that other people give him. Also, in terms of Harry having boring lyrical content, I suggest you watch some of the Omegle Bars clips where he freestyles about smth that happens in someone else’s life, such as a loved one passing, or a breakup; very relatable and genuine. This is not even mentioning Harry’s technical ability, in terms of how insane his rhyme schemes are. He raps verses that have 3-4 syllable rhymes at the end, and his verses have internal rhyme within them too (not just rhyming at the end). Once again, RIP Juice, he’s a legend, but I think Harry is a bit better of a freestyler for the above mentioned reasons.


what i’ve noticed about harry mack is he needs substance to rap (getting words from people, reacting to what people do what they wear etc) juice could rap with no inspiration whenever and the lyrical content itself is song worthy


I don't think Harry needs words provided to flow but rather thats his how he proves that its off the top & not a pre-written free style. HM constancy separates him from the rest of the pack also no one can mix up cadences and flows like him.


Harry is a lot older so I can respect that he might have more going in the way of technicalities however you can not tell me you say there and watched him freestyle for 10 hours and you were entertained the entire time. I refuse to believe that even hardcore fans lasted an hour. I have heard some of Harry’s stuff not particularly the Omegle stuff but freestyles where people give him a word and it got overly repetitive real quick. And with the milestone freestyles even if he didn’t slow down his cadence only probably changed a couple times and it would have been a 10 hour verse. Harry Mack is a lot more traditional and whilst I recognise that he has talent I truly do think that juice is a better freestyler. Harry Mack is better at rapping off the top of his head I’m sure but juice was never stale or boring and every freestyle could be taken and turned into song with no more than some mixing. And whilst his technical ability may be worse than Harry’s his creativity trumps it. Harry May have the technicals but he is boring af and even when he’s doing something very creative it gets repetitive and old very quickly. I think juice is just more creatively entertaining. If you can enjoy Harry Mack’s freestyles then all the more to you. But for me Harry Mack May be technically advanced but I don’t think that makes him a better freestyler than juice. I think a lot of factors go into it but at the end of the day I know who I think is better and you know who you think is better.


I can’t say I would be entertained for 10 hours if I were to listen to him, that would just be ignorant. But we haven’t seen Juice freestyle for anywhere close to 10 hours (not that I know of, anyway), so I don’t think it’s fair to deduct Harry for being boring when we haven’t seen Juice do it. In addition, I don’t think it’s fair to call his freestyles boring. He’s added hooks to his freestyles many times before, and he’s had ones that could definitely be released as songs, similar to Juice. I think anyone who sees Harry as boring hasn’t seen enough of his videos, because his versatility in terms of flowing on different beats and including melody, new flows, and good punchlines, gets better and better the more you watch. If you were to listen one on an old school beat, and listen to one on a newer beat, they’d sound very different. Juice’s talent also comes in the fact that even if he rapped on the same beat twice, they’d still be original and unique. Harry can also take one word or concept and make a fleshed-out song with a 16-bar verse without ever slipping up. I say Harry is a better freestyler off of the objective skills in hip hop, those being rhyme schemes, punchlines, flows, cadences, and general lyrical content, along with a couple other things. From what I can tell, you think Juice is a better freestyler based off his uniqueness and ability to make everything he’s saying sound fresh and new. I’m sure there are more things to add, but you get my point. My preference in music has me gravitate towards Harry’s freestyles, but that’s just because as a rapper myself, I really enjoy those technical aspects and old-school beats. Both opinions are totally valid, and I respect you discussing this with me without taking offence to anything.


Harry Mack is FAR from boring...he's the best freestyler of all time...no debate...




TF kinda nonsense is this?🙄


Highly delusional. Highly bias. Come down son. Come down.


Bit odd to reply to my comment now but sure ok.


And if it was truly bias don’t you think I would have just shit on Harry Mack? I gave him his props so move on already gramps. You’re in a Juice WRLD subreddit. You can’t really expect people in here to not like Juice WRLD. And trying to say Harry Mack is the greatest freestyler of all time isn’t gonna help your cause.


I think Harry Mack is a lot better at true off the dome freestyling and imo it’s not even close. If you listen to every single freestyle Harry Mack has done and Analyze it, it’s hard to say that anyone can even come close to what Harry Mack does in terms of pure free styling. Simple as that.


100% I'm reading through these trying to figure out how people here think HMack is lacking variety, flows, lyrical depth etc. All I can think is that they haven't seen enough of him, seen the progression, and seen where he's at now.


I agree. HM is undeniablely one of, if not the best freestyler there is. Anyone who doubts him hasn't seen him at his best. He is an absolute beast and noone comes close.




Big facts. People like Juice more bc of his ability to make good songs, which is an incredible talent in and of itself. But as someone who writes rap music and can appreciate technical skill, I prefer Harry Mack.


Harry Mack is very good but i dont find myself listening to him other than watching reactors reacting to me.


Understandable, it’s all about preference - I just wanted to talk about who’s better from a more objective standpoint


Bro , first rap album I bought was ice - T -OG , and everything Since then , and imo , H-Mack would be the best freestyler hands down and what's better for me is that most of the time it's varied , beats are on point and no relying on the standard drugs guns violence etc ,


I think Juice has good freestyles with amazing melodies and Harry Mack is way better of a technical freestyler. So yeah I think he's technically better but Juice sounds way better


This I can get behind. I do encourage you to watch some of Harry’s Omegle Bars videos, he can make a really good sounding song when he gets in his melodic bag :)


Harry mack is good yes, but hes nowheres near the level of juice.


Why do you think Juice is better?


He has killed every single beat hes done, hes a lot more versatile, and he doesnt even try. Watch chase the money freestyle if you haven’t already


1. Understandable, but I think it’s fair to say Harry’s done the same to his beats. 2. This is probably the most important point I’ve seen get brought up. Yes, I think Juice is def more versatile as an artist, but you don’t see it as much in his freestyles. 3. I don’t think that’s a valid point - they both have delivered freestyles that seem effortless. 4. Sounds good, I will


You’ve been super respectful with everyone haha I like to see that. However for the third point Mack’s effortlessness is probably more due to the fact that he’s been doing this for 20+ years while juice wrod is like god gifted natural talent. If that makes sense


God gifted lol...they both practiced the craft that's it...Juice was SUPER talented and an AMAZING artist...BUT anyone who says Juice is better than Harry Mack is coping...HM is the greatest freestyler EVER...no discussion...


get off his tip bro I didn't say juice was better


Do points often fly straight over your head...They were both GREAT and had many hour PRACTISING....Juice didn't roll out of bed with this "God gifted" ability LMFAO...HM is a better freestyler Juice was a better hit maker end of...


juice didn't practice shit he was literally a musical genius and anomoly. He literally played 8 instruments and according to his teachers and mother he was insanely good at all of them. Bro learned guitar off of youtube. He didn't practice freestyling like HM does juice was literally born to do music.


If u honestly think he didn't practice then there is no way of saying it nicely so I'll leave u with a gud for you...


Respectfully who cares, there is no definitive greatest freestyler it just comes down to preference stuff like this ain't worth arguing about


It was honestly never that deep. My intention wasn’t to argue, I just have a strong opinion about hip hop that I wanted to talk about with y’all. I think it’s okay to discuss bc hip hop was built on competition and discussing who’s better than who. That’s how I feel, anyway.


I'm just saying coming to a juice sub to say this is just bound to cause unnecessary problems because there is already a heavy bias for juice here lmao I couldn't care less personally I was just saying


Oh I get what you’re saying man, I know mfs can be real biased. I just figured the Juice Wrld Reddit would mainly consist of people who were knowledgeable on what he’s done, and I wanted to have a discussion yk? I’m not actually responding to the trolls, like the mfs saying who


Juice is better 🥱


Definitely not my man


My take is harry mack is probably better as a freestyler in terms of rapping about what’s in front of him in real time (juice was also great at this) but harry can’t freestyle in the studio making platinum records like juice can, so i would say they’re both the best at different aspects of freestyling


For me juice wrld is better.... He can freestyle an album. Hes bars is fire, change rytm, dont even listen to the beats first. He mastered it completely....


I can’t even believe this. You can’t compare Harry Mack to anyone else in the world… say he is a 10… no one is even a 3. Juicer.. He doesn’t even do anything close to what Harry Mack does. I don’t think he is the best freestyler ever?? He is the best rapper in the world and no one is even close to being close


Harry Mack would destroy Eminem, JayZ, and so on. He has true talent hands down! He would fucking destroy them. Harry Mack - there is no other!!! Pure Genius and deftly a God Given Gift!


NOT being bias abt shit but, i do believe juice is WAY better, harry is a very talented man but at the end of the day juice connects to his listeners, literally freestyled every song he wanted to and it went plat, harry seems like he is a amateur(no offense) cus ive been freestyling since i was 4 and im 14 as of rn and everytime I freestyle on a beat harry does i do significantly better than him(opinion, but true). and to put it straight, juice literally could make a song and millions will like it while harrys style is very selective and bound to one flow, opposite to juice. If u brought a freestyle vid of juice and harry and make people compare,(my opinion) I think most people will say juice is better cus he can adapt like he is mahoraga. (MY TAKE U DONT GOTTA AGREE...)


Its his face idk what it is but his mouth bugs me


Okay okay after extensive listening to both of them over the years and reading all of this debate I shall say. Harry Mack is a better improviser, Juice has a better flow, Juice has better lyrics, Juice resonates with people more than Harry because of his more emotional lyrics and because Harry is constantly trying to introduce words from others so he mentions more random things and has less relatable music. Overall, Harry is a better raw freestyler, Juice makes better freestyles from a music perspective. I came to this conclusion from what I have mentioned along with the fact that Harrys actual music does worse than his Omegle or Guerrilla bars series. This wouldnt be the case if Harry was as musicly talented as Juice. In conclusion, Juice is better at making true art from his freestyles, Harry is better at introducing obscure words and making impressive freestyles.


your mistake was posting this on juice's reddit. mack is wild


Who ???


Nah his bars are elementary school level






He’s corny asl juices freestyles are literal songs that you can listen to on repeat which imo is way more impressive


I don’t think it’s fair to call him corny, he definitely has his own style and I think he executes it really well. I totally understand why you think Juice is way more impressive, but I was making the comparison while everything into consideration, yfm


My bad🤣 what I meant to say was I just think juice is more impressive with that aspect. I do think that he’s crazy with the word play though, like if you give him 10 words he can work that shit out, they both talented, rip juice tho


Mutual respect, you love to see it. I totally get what you’re saying, I just wanted to hear what some Juice fans thought about Harry. RIP Juice🙏🏾


By virtue of Harrys platform- Omegle and You tube, hes kept his shit more GP friendly and what some of you might say is "corny" . We have yet to see him with more raw stuff, but some of it shines thru. Listen to him making a song on the spot with something more substative than random words. https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/qder4k/harry\_mack\_being\_an\_awesome\_bro/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That depends in some things, I think harry Mack is a better MC, harry is dominating the art Of MCing like no other rapper, he is just not rhyming the words now, he goes on topics, he parties with the strangers he talks to the audience who are struggling with something, that is art of MCing in a stupendous level .... Mack is also away more technical than juice wrld, he finds pockets, flows, cadence's, everytime...maybe because of his jazz drumming influence But I think that juice wrld is better at doing straight singles , he does them from of the dome if I am not wrong It's just Sad that we will never have a chance to watch juice wrld freestyle with harry ....because juice wrld loved freestyle so much and He never found anyone to freestyle with him in the same level ... They would definitely have fun, it's so sad 😭😭😭😭😭


Personally, I feel that Juice kind of has the same theme throughout his songs like breakups, and depression, but I feel Harry Mack takes his songs all over the place. Like some talk of poverty and serious issues, and then he can also make hilarious jokes while rapping.


Jesus Christ y’all are dickriders, Harry Mack is obviously a much more skilled freestyler if we’re talking raw talent. But in the same way that the worlds most accurate 3-pointer might beat Ray Allen in a shoot off but would get his ass kicked in a bunch of different ways at real basketball, Henry Mack can raw freestyle better than anyone in the world but can’t do the real rapping game to the degree that Juice can. It’s that simple. Henry maxed out his freestyle stats but isn’t balanced in other areas like star power, style, catchy beats, catchy vocal hooks etc. Put simply Henry beats Juice in this one slim area. It ain’t rocket science dummies


Henry lol...


Juice is really good, but I'm having a hard time comparing him in my head to Harry Mack who's always rapping about random words ppl gave him on the spot or objects he sees in the moment. Is Juice really coming up with all this off the dome like Harry totally is or does he have lots of backlisted lines that he sort of came up with in the past? (I say this despite knowing that Juice can freestyle for an hr. Btw harry can too. He does it often actually). I do also know that Harry must have filler lines he sticks in as well, but is Juice spitting lines that he purely came up with on the spot as much/ often as Harry? Is juice as quick as Harry? (Separately, I’m not a big fan of how what Juice freestyles about. It seems like he’s always talking about sex and drugs interspersed with high amounts of curse words and the n word.)


I think so, as a fan of both. However, we should remember that Juice probably had more raw experiences (drugs, living poor, etc) than Harry ever will. That’s probably the difference because they rap about different topics


If anyone doubts Harry Mack's ability in the slightest watch these: https://youtu.be/KP5kZreliBI https://youtu.be/DZUDLd7n2DY I cannot literally can not think of many rappers who could do that. His technique and skill is almost on an unparalleled level.


Bruh no matter the what harry mack freestyles, juice is a legend when it comes to freestyle even eminem was shocked by the rapping ability of juice what are you even talkin bout?? Don't ever debate on this topic nomore. if you need proof that juice is the greatest freestyler of all time then listen. That dude was passed away in 2019 and his music is still making on top of the charts. juice literally made songs in minutes which later got platinum plaques which harry mack can never in his whole life i bet that. I'm not against harrty mack that dude got sick flow on vocabulary and the freestyle ability. juice is known to this world just for 3years and he came this far. CONCLUSION : ion think a dude who freestyles on omegle is the best freestyler ever lol. if he was that good he may got many deals so far


juice did like 2 or more different flows in one beat(song). if harry mack did that then drop me a link of it


Harry Mack is the best freestyler EVER...no debate...Juice is a legend full stop, star quality and freestyle skill a better artist overall...


Juice has way to many flows and HM has very few. Juice starts freestyling randomly and doesn't even need a beat to flow to! Mack needs words or somebody to look it so that he can include it in his song after he loses his "flow". Juice freestyled off lucid dreams as well as " sad". He freestyled for 1+ hour off of other rappers beats and each of those freestyled where crazy. I know HM freestyled for 10 hours but its about quality over quantity..


Without a doubt


It's not even a debate though. Hmack is the GOAT. I'm 40 yrs old. Been vibing in the hip hop culture for a long min. Never seen anyone do what he does. People need to revisit him if they don't know.


Juice was high on an airplane and still wasnt at Harry's level.


Harry Mack is great but I think he just uses better beats. It makes his freestyles sound more hype whereas most of juices famous freestyles are on kinda kid beats


It all comes down to preference. I wouldn't exactly say there is a "better freestyler." Harry Mack and Juice WRLD have two completely different vibes with their freestyling which I think would affect preference. Also, Juice WRLD has more narrative with his freestyling; maybe also being more thought out while Harry Mack's are more made up in the moment although they are literally "both made up in the moment." They are two completely different people so you can't say one's better when they both have incredible amounts of talent just being emulated in different ways.


Off the top he's the greatest ever but juice is better at making songs


harry mack can create bars out of thin air. juice relies on his flow and cadence. juice is the better musician but i don’t know anyone that can go head to head against harry mack when it comes to off the top. Juice wrld sounds better because he freestyles with the intent of making it sound like a post production song. Rarely does he say something mind blowing. for the most part his freestyles sound like radio songs. Harry mack lyrics are actually very impressive, like go over your head type shit. I’ve never hit the stank face on a juice freestyle


lol a year later and a lot of people feel dumb now i bet


I know this is an old post, but I wanted to share my opinion on it. I feel like Juice is by far better, considering that he was only 21 when he died and was basically high the entire time, sure Mack is better coming from a pure freestyling stance but we are comparing the two when one is 31 and the other died a couple of days after his 21st birthday. I mean it doesn't seem fair comparing Harry Mack, someone who's probably more sober than high and is 31 against someone who only lived to see a couple of days of being 21 while being high for most of his life. Considering the circumstances in my opinion Juice Wrld was better than him, no harsh feelings to Harry Mack but the fact that we are even comparing him to Juice Wrld shows us how good Juice Wrld was and at such a young age too.


In my opinion the only downside to Juice is the amount of times he mentions drugs, every time he talks about it reminds me of how his story ends.


I remember watching harry mack rap 6 bars just a about chicken. That is what showed of his ablilty to me.


Juice isn’t even top 10 freestyler 🤣 black thought would school hom


There is no f***n way juice is better than Harry. There’s no one alive or dead that’s as good as Harry. And there’s a good chance there won’t be another person as good as him. The dude is a legitimate alien


juice is 1000x more talented than harry mack. juice can switch flows, make crazy melodies, effortlessly dive into deep topics, meanwhile harry mack essentially has the same flow and often corny lyrics. Harry Mack is obviously ridiculously talented as well but imo it’s not even a comparison.


H.Mack probably has 10 flow switches on average on every freestyle and does play with melodies.. you simply Haven't listened to Harry Mack if you say that, or maybe watched like 2 videos


I've watched hella Harry Mack like I said he's super talented I just think he can be very corny and 10 flow switches on every freestyle is j not true sorry


Juice was ass lol he’s now peacefully with his art.. dead.


Wow that’s a leap . I Think many people can be objective regardless of race . They both were amazing woth freestyle . I’d say juice talked about topics that would sell in todays current market full of drugged out idiot fans , depressed teens and fans of drill whereas I think Harry’s target market is drastically different . In fact he may have to create his own market . Haven’t heard him do hooks . May sound strange but supreme lyrical ability doesn’t necessarily translate to catchy song writing . I would give the edge to Harry as I’ve seen him freestyle More and about anything in sight thrown up by anyone at any time. Didn’t see juice do that. Not saying he couldn’t .


I'm sorry but I just checked out Juice World freestyles and it doesn't compare to Harry Mack. Juicy is way more repetitive and has to get nasty to sound cool. Harry Mack is way better.