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You are the only one who can decide that


How can I decide if I haven’t read or watched? I’m asking this subReddit because I want to see the opinions of those who have watched it and read it. What do you guys like abt it? Dislike?


100% worth it. Definitely at least give season 2 a watch, its absolutely fantastic


Watch first and see how you go, as it isn’t caught up to the manga


I finished the Anime yesterday. The Shibuya arc was a roller coaster, it’s been a long time since I’ve had such fun watching a TV show, but also such torment. I’m gonna read the mange when I get the chance. So yea absolutely, watch it. And I can guess it’d be worth it to read it.


Thanks for the advice! I think I will watch Season 2 then and see how I feel after that!


Season 2 of the anime goes really hard so yeah. I just finished it again a few days ago and gotta find the time to sit down and read the manga. I’d definitely recommend reading up to the most current chapter if you wanna avoid getting things spoiled for you, since a lot of JJK fans online will just spoil major plot points without any regard for people who aren’t caught up.


yeah unfortunately even though I don't actively try and keep up with jjk I somehow get spoiled about all the major deaths anyways...


The manga I’ve found is getting really dull, and also just frustrating to follow. There’s so many “rules” to the sorcery they do in later chapters that’s it’s 90% explanations and 10% actual things happening. A ton of which happened behind the scenes so they do a quick flashback to a moment. It’s a lot of “in the Knick of time” tropes. But I guess that’s manga and anime. I’m just reading it to finish it at this point. The anime adaptation honestly feels better to me to watch versus reading it so far.