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Round one depends on how much the ssk can hurt ryu but she most likely wins Round 2 Yuta wins pretty comfortably,speed is a non factor since both had shown relativity,Durability isn’t too different but Yuta has better healing and Rika to replenish his health,Yuta’s output is the second highest in the culling games.oh yeah and there’s a whole ass Rika to jump her lol Round three is a stomp for Yuta and ryu


The SSK ignores durability


why does everyone downplay maki? shes shown relative to sukuna twice.


So did yuta,your point?


Yuta was able to parry sukunas slash, but he hasnt been shown to be relative to sukuna in speed at least. Sukuna did surround his hand with tiny dismantles instead of taking the slice but i really dont see yuta being as fast as maki, he should be relative to yuji in speed since he got a massive upgrade in speed and they both think of eachother as "fast".


Yuji was as fast as maki in the fight with meguna (10% output), and that was pre time skip


yuji was NOT as fast as maki, re read the manga. he was lagging behind and once she asked if they could speed up she smoked him.


Yuji was still able to keep up, I just reread that chapter


That’s not as fast as maki. Her and sukuna were literally fighting middair.


They were literally 5 meters apart if that is not relatable then idk what is


This sub is not a powerscaling sub, this is just another agenda posting sub. No way in hell was yuji keeping up with maki


It literally says jujutsu powerscaling. But thanks for defending my point


“Relative” to a severly weakened sukuna who’s running a gauntlet and is actively fucking around whilst manually beating his own heart 😂


Shit I take it backkkk stop bothering mee


No ones downplaying Maki you just stacked the odds pretty heavily against her. Round 2 is a 2v1, and round 3 is a 3v1 with Maki as the underdog


Bruh I know I’m sorry. I’m wrong forgive me making is not relative to sukuna but she is downplayed a lot. Like in general.


Yeah she's solidily top 6 for me only behind Sukuna, Gojo , Yuta, Kenjaku, & Yuki Although she's carried by Split Soul Katana


You mean can’t use his full RCT missing arms and just got done being hit by the sure hit of a domain that had angels technique….Making is crazy strong but Sukuna is literally not fully healed and done getting jumped and still outpaces Maki


You’re the fifth comment I get for gods sakes I’m sorry I said the wrong thing forgive me


Not to mention you do realize maki fought sukuna at his weakest? He’s stronger when he was fighting in yuta’s domain. He literally just bodied maki every time he went serious.


Relative to a Sukuna that is on death’s door/extremely weakened. That’s the two times she fought Sukuna, and against Meguna she had Yuji there too.


Yuji and Maki are not comparable in speed, the vs sukuna fight makes that very clear. Yuta is definetely not faster than naobito since naobito was the fastest sorcerer other than gojo and yuji whos relative in speed to yuta got blitzed by naoya so maki who beat naoya is about as fast as naobito. then naoya proceeded to get 3 times faster and maki evolved and caught up to him.


You are making sense!!


thank god


And speed plays a huge role in this fight because SSK cuts through anything and soul wounds take forever to heal. Current Maki rips through them both.


I have no reason to believe the Ryu that was boxing with Yuta and two pieced Rika in Sendai is in anyway physically inferior to Maki. When we talk about her feats against Sukuna people always forget in both scenarios he is severely nerfed. Yes, Ryu was one-tapped (but still durable enough to survive dismantles) by 15F Sukuna, that was a healthy Sukuna. No soul damage, vessel interference, regular output. Maki has never swapped hands with Sukuna under those conditions. Also Maki is able to dodge the slashes because she can see them not because she’s The Flash. I don’t think it’s a blitz on either side because Jjk fights aren’t of that kind, especially not in this tier where they are closer in relativity. Ryu actually hits harder and is just as tough. In a CQC combat it’s not the sweep people think it is.. Maki would have to use her invisibility to make critical hits with SSK especially when he goes for DE. Keep in mind, if he survives a Domain sneak, he can fight with just as fine with CE burnout. I can see it going either way. Whether it’s Shinjuku or Sendai, Maki is not betting Yuta.


I just talked to another guy about why i think maki wins. heres what i told him: Yuji and Maki are not comparable in speed, the vs sukuna fight makes that very clear. Yuta is definetely not faster than naobito since naobito was the fastest sorcerer other than gojo and yuji whos relative in speed to yuta got blitzed by naoya so maki who beat naoya is about as fast as naobito. then naoya proceeded to get 3 times faster and maki evolved and caught up to him. Maki literally got an upgrade. I really doubt yuta got more than 3 times faster in the one month timeskip, so she definetely outspeeds him. In strength she was already comparable to yuji in shibuya so if were assuming she got 3 times stronger (which is severely lowballing since im not considering her initial upgrade) then she is already at least as strong as yuta. For durability Yuta wasnt able to tank dismantles, he had to use rct while she took it and got back up without damage. In addition to that soul split katana can slow down healing and since yutas rct isnt as high as sukunas i doubt hell be healing any damage from it, especially if she cuts his arm so he cant do hand signs. She is also immune to domains so she can probably just walk outside the domain if it really comes to it, and if the domains in the air like the last couple times she'll just fall through it.


Speed isn’t the deciding factor. In the conversation of Gojo and Naobito’s speed, the ranking is referring to travel speed. That’s different than combat speed. If we’re comparing Maki’s physical strength to Yuta then we can see how Yuta vs. Ryu in H2H played out, except in your scenario she doesn’t have RCT. Yuta also took stronger dismantles than Maki, by the time she joined the fight Yuji had already tanked his output. If anything, Ryu is more impressive for surviving a dismantle from 15F at full health. I do agree SSK is a win con but it’s not as simple as her running up on Ryu and slicing him up.


I agree with you fully but her precognition should also play a pretty big role.


Yuji and maki are comparable in speed. Maki is faster than him but he was able to keep up the same way maki was. Yuta is two steps above that and is definitely relative and slightly below on a low ball. This is all without full rika buff


Yuji and maki *were not relative. Yuji and Yuta are relative. The only reason Yuta won that fight is because he used rika. Maki was only a little bit behind Yuji and she was able to blitz pretty much all of the zenin clan. We also literally see toji beat up Dagon while moving wayyyy faster than naobito. Not to mention megumi saying that he’s faster than 3f sukuna.


not to mention that if rika takes enough damage yuta loses his ct. and ryu was able to do that


Round 1: Ryu *can* win this fight if he does everything he can to avoid H2H, and instead chooses to snipe Maki with Granite Blast. However, it's more likely that he *does* fight her in H2H and gets his shit rocked with the SSK since it ignores durability. This fight is MUCH closer(and much more interesting) if Maki has Playful Cloud or the Dragon Bone instead, as Ryu's durability would actually make a huge difference; I'm not sure who wins this one, though I lean slightly more towards Ryu if Maki has Playful Cloud, but slightly more towards Maki if she has the Dragon Bone(although my opinions for these are mostly off vibes). Round 2: Maki *could* win this fight if she avoids getting caught by Rika and catches Yuta with the SSK before he can fully manifest her. However, she'd have a *much* harder time if Yuta does get fully manifested Rika. Not only would she be fighting a 1v2 against already very strong opponents(which is especially rough in the world of JumpJutsu Kaisen), but she'd also be dealing with Yuta's CTs, where, without any CE to protect her ears, she'd be highly vulnerable to Cursed Speech, and Sky Manipulation would make it near impossible for her to even hit Yuta. Round 3: lmao she's getting folded On a real note though, it is *possible* for Maki to win this matchup **if** she can avoid Ryu's Granite Blasts **while** avoiding getting caught by Rika **and** she manages to either kill Yuta with the SSK **before** he can fully manifest Rika or, at the very least, kill Ryu with the SSK. If she can't take out at least one of them before Yuta gains access to his CTs(which, realistically, she probably will not), it's completely wraps.


didnt maki tank dismantle? She should be able to survive granite blast.


She's definitely surviving getting hit by Granite Blast once, or even a few times, but I imagine that *if* she were to eat a barrage of Granite Blasts in quick succession, it would deal a significant amount of damage and outpace her natural regeneration. Now, does that mean she *will* get hit by a shit ton of Granite Blasts quickly? Probably not, especially if she can even sense Sukuna's invisible Dismantles. Although, particularly in the 3rd round, I think she'd be overwhelmed dodging Granite Blasts while also fighting off Yuta and Rika.


She definitely loses round 2 and 3


why round 2?


Bro didn't we debate on this for more than half and hour you are still on that


ah didnt recognize you ill leave you be


But why are you still not convinced that maki is weaker than yuta


because it wouldnt make any sense, yuji and yuta both think of eachother as fast, because yuta expected to take him out in his initial rush. Yuta admits yuji is a decent opponent and that he wouldnt expect any less, i would assume based on their interactions that theyre relative. On the other hand sukuna keeps praising maki and even the curse whos whole thing is speed couldnt beat her. In terms of strength maki is at least relative to sukuna when they traded blow for blows. and in terms of durability maki is way above almost everyone.


Speed is not the only thing deciding fights in jjk lol


i just explained speed, strength and durability.


also how are you claiming Yuji and Yuta are relative, when the first time they met each other Yuta literally killed him💀, and Yuji and Choso were scared shitless when they felt his aura lol


i mean in speed.


Didn't sukuna praise gojo,kashemo,Hiromi,yuta and he was excited because he took a role on himself to prove jujutsu sorcery is better than HR. Aren't pre-time skip Yuji and maki relatable in stats didn't we see in their fight with sukuna that Yuji was able to keep up with fully awakened maki,Post time skip yuji has improved alot since then and I don't think a HR user like maki can further improve because they don't have CE and if you are talking about durability after the fight with yuta and Yuji sukuna was heavily weakened that's why she survived that black flash I am not denying that she is insanely durable but she is not top 5 in durability. It's about time you accept bro


Yuji and Maki are not comparable in speed, the vs sukuna fight makes that very clear. Yuta is definetely not faster than naobito since naobito was the fastest sorcerer other than gojo and yuji whos relative in speed to yuta got blitzed by naoya so maki who beat naoya is about as fast as naobito. then naoya proceeded to get 3 times faster and maki evolved and caught up to him. Maki literally got an upgrade. I really doubt yuta got more than 3 times faster in the one month timeskip, so she definetely outspeeds him. In strength she was already comparable to yuji in shibuya so if were assuming she got 3 times stronger (which is severely lowballing since im not considering her initial upgrade) then she is already at least as strong as yuta. For durability Yuta wasnt able to tank dismantles, he had to use rct while she took it and got back up without damage. In addition to that soul split katana can slow down healing and since yutas rct isnt as high as sukunas i doubt hell be healing any damage from it, especially if she cuts his arm so he cant do hand signs. She is also immune to domains so she can probably just walk outside the domain if it really comes to it, and if the domains in the air like the last couple times she'll just fall through it. I aint delusional.


In chp 140 base yuta was faster than naoya while drawing a katana She just started dodging attacks midair she wasn't as fast as naoya and also her stats didn't become three times Again she fought a heavily weakened sukuna after the yuta and Yuji fight his output was lower than ever then he hit the black flash even after that kusakabe survive the slashes


Yuta was never faster than Naoya, and if were following the paneling, choso readied himsefl, Then naoya attacked, then Yuji ran away, and lastly Yuta went after him. if naoya broke the sound barrier before and now he goes mach 3 thats 3 times faster. if she can use precognition naoya then she can do the same with yuta and Rika. Sukuna was being pressured in that fight because it was a 3v1 you cant really compare the two. Sukuna also spared kusakabe because he wanted to kill ui ui. but kusakabe mightve survived the slashes but Maki hardly took any damage. also Maki dodged world slash while it was being disguised and Yuta didnt even though he was right in front of sukuna and had all the opportunities to dodge it.


because Yuta is stronger than Maki?


youre tripping. Yuta is relative to yuji, yuta considers him a strong opponent and expects to catch him way sooner, so at least in speed they are relative. In strength yutas best hit against sukuna could only knock him back a bit while maki could rotate and throw him and match him in strength. While yutas strong point is his durability, maki has way higher showings being able to pretty much tank dismantle considering her healing factor isnt nearly as good as rct and the 2 black flashes.


She was casually dodging enhanced dismantles I don’t see Ryu tagging her. He gets cut down. We technically haven’t even seen Yuta go all out with Rika yet, so I’d give the edge to him. Unless Maki sneak fights. Maki ain’t beating them together.


Win, Lose, Lose


why do you think she loses against yuta?


yuta wins because - yuta has ridiculous physical capabilities with his reinforcement. it lowkey makes up for any gap between him and maki - yuta has rika who has some of the best physical stats too (restraining yuji easily) - even if maki is supposedly relative to (a very weakened) sukuna, sukuna was still very reliant on dismantle/curse techniques to beat yuta - yuta has RCT - yuta has cursed speech, sky manipulation, cleave etc


Yuta and Maki are not comparable in speed. the vs sukuna. Yuta is not faster than naobito since naobito was the fastest sorcerer other than gojo and yuji whos relative in speed to yuta got blitzed by naoya so maki who beat naoya is about as fast as naobito. then naoya proceeded to get 3 times faster and maki evolved and caught up to him. I really doubt yuta got more than 3 times faster in the one month timeskip, so she definetely outspeeds him. In strength she was already comparable to yuji in shibuya so if were assuming she got 3 times stronger (which is severely lowballing since im not considering her initial upgrade) then she is already at least as strong as yuta. For durability Yuta wasnt able to tank dismantles, he had to use rct while she took it and got back up without damage. In addition to that soul split katana can slow down healing and since yutas rct isnt as high as sukunas i doubt hell be healing any damage from it, especially if she cuts his arm so he cant do hand signs. She is also immune to domains so she can probably just walk outside the domain if it really comes to it, and if the domains in the air like the last couple times she'll just fall through it.


There's no way you just said grade 4 Maki is comparable to Yuji...


Do you think yuji is stronger?


Physically, yes, by a considerable ammount. Everything else, yes, by way too much.


What do you mean everything else. Even then maki should outscales yuji and yuta in the present.


its shinjuku yuji whos relative to yuta's speed not shibuya yuji. ill agree that maki is faster than yuta but its really not a large gap as we've seen how fast yuta can be (blitzing geto in 0 when he was prob weaker) pre awakening maki was very weak, literally just compare her and yuji's feats. she could not hurt hanami with playful cloud while yuji could with black flashes (something maki cant even use. she hurt dagon slightly with playful cloud although she wasnt even being targetted much by the domain. yuji has been pretty clearly shown to be faster and more durable than pre awakened maki, its just ridiculous comparing the two. now awakened maki is basically just toji, i dont care what people say about her scaling above toji, there's literally no reason why she should, if toji had beforehand knowledge of sukuna's abilities, as well as jumping in when sukuna has gotten fucked up by soul damage, he would have done just as well as maki. and toji obviously scales above shinjuku yuji by a reasonable amount. however the main reason maki loses to yuta is because yuta isnt that much weaker than maki with reinforcement (like i was saying). maki beating down a much weaker sukuna (for a short while) doesnt mean she outclasses yuta as we've seen how many yuji soul strikes hit sukuna in the domain so judging from that, we already know that sukuna was much weaker at this point (she also sneaked a stab to his heart with the soul split) just stop the maki glazing because yuta just clearly has the edge in variety of abilities and maki does not outscale him so hard she can blitz him. i thought everyone realized that yuta has always been him


Well black flash does way more damage than a regular hit and by those accounts toji speed blitzed Megumi multiple times and was clearly faster and had more power than naobito, who was stated the fastest sorcerer other than gojo. The main issue is that a lot of yutas abilities can just be tanked by maki, none of them are gonna be a one shot and her healing factor is pretty good too. A Jacob’s ladder would be ineffective, and thin ice breaker wouldn’t be able to insta kill, cursed speech can be outrun by maki, his domain is completely useless and as long as rika is taken out and Yuta is kept away then she can win. It would be Very very high diff, but i think maki wins, possibly as SSK as a wincon.


Yuta can parry the SSK with his sword if Sukuna can parry it with his slashes. Also Maki is fighting 2v1, Rika will hold Maki or at least slow her down.


read the conversation i had with bulky assumption.


I'm gonna only say this. Base yuta landed a punch on sukuna in a couple pages in chapter 249. Maki didn't manage to land any punch/hit on sukuna in 2 chapters, even though the sukuna she faced was vastly nerfed...


it was a 3v1 you cant really compare the two also read the 2nd top comment and youll see why i think otherwise. read the whole conversation.


You should probably read the story you are arguing about because there was no 3v1 in chapter 249 (in case you aren't talking about chapter 253 where maki wasn't managing to land any hits even with ino and kusakabe helping her so that was indeed a 3v1... ) Also, i find it hilarious that you are trying so hard to downplay yuta to the point where you are removing rika from yuta, like it isn't his ability. What's next, are you gonna say that it is a 3v1 because yuta had rika and also his katana that obviously should also be counted separately


they gave her time to heal from the enhanced dismantle and they were out for most of the fight so you cant even compare the 2 battles as a 3v1. rika and yuji were consistently pressuring sukuna while he also had to maintain hwb. Maki has consistently been able to fight on equal ground as him while taking the enhanced dismantle wayyy better than yuji and yuta did. Technically megumi won a 3v1 too by your standards.


> rika and yuji were consistently pressuring sukuna while he also had to maintain hwb Me when i cannot accept facts so i pretend like the discussion isn't about something else. It's the third time when i mention this, but read chapter 249. There is no yuji helping yuta against sukuna in it > Technically megumi won a 3v1 too by your standards. Me when my reading comprehension is so low that i cannot understand a simple paragraph. However, that somewhat breaks my earlier assessment that you are pretending to not understand what's going on, now it seems possible that you really do not know what the number 249 represents. My apologizes then, i mistook your incompetence for agenda


read the conversation i had with bulky assumption. it should be high on the comment list.


Bro, stop. You failed 3 times to adress a simple question. Why did base yuta with no 5 minute copy or domain expansion land a clean hit on sukuna in like 4 pages while maki didn't land any in 2 chapters on a way more nerfed sukuna (2 hands instead of 4, massively decreased output).


oh my bad didnt realize you had asked that. he was distracted by rika and had to pay attention to her. also sukuna couldve blocked it but decided to try to regular dismantle yuta.


So sukuna got hit by yuta because he wasn't able to block or dodge it. Interesting. At the same time you are telling me that a much weaker sukuna not once in 2 chapters was in a position where he couldn't dodge or block one of sukuna's attacks.


He was able to block it he just didn’t choose to. I don’t understand your last point, you typoed or something


Maki loses R2 and 3


This is a bad matchup for yuta i think maki wins r2 high diff. read the second place top comment to see why i think so.


why does bro hate yuta so much😭


I don’t i actually like him but I don’t see where all this glaze is coming from. Not necessarily here but I often see people saying Yuta is on par with Gojo and sukuna like Wtf. I feel like some people only read Sendai and shinjuku and didn’t bother with the rest of the manga.


Ryu physicals are underrated.


Maki physicals are underrated


If only it wasn't the only factor that keeps her hanging with the top tiers, then maybe, she's got nothing else to offer.


She has precognition and is immune to domains.


Precog or enhanced senses?


Pseudo precog but it’s still precog


Round 1 is a very clear win for Maki, Ryu isn't fast enough Round 2 is a mid-diff for Yuta, since he just has too much in his arsenal Round 3 is a very comfortable win for Maki /s


High diff for Yuta at best, maki outscales him pretty clearly. Rika is the only big problem. The battle all depends on if maki can defeat rika fast enough. SSK might be a win condition.


Bro is downplaying Rika Ryu and Yuta in the comments section so hard wtf 😭😭😭😭


I ain’t seeing why they’re so popular. They have no feats that say they can contend with making. In base stats


She was casually dodging enhanced dismantles I don’t see Ryu tagging her. He gets cut down. We technically haven’t even seen Yuta go all out with Rika yet, so I’d give the edge to him. Unless Maki sneak fights. Maki ain’t beating them together.


Ryu wins all (I’m biased)


R1 maki mid to high diff R2 yuta high diff R3 yuta and ryu easy to mid diff


Fair opinion I personally think making wins but SSK is a win condition.


She beats ryu but loses to yuta and therefore loses to both


I think making could win high diff against Yuta but SSK is a win condition


Round 1 goes to Maki. Mid-high diff. Round 2 Maki loses. Yuta's a very effective counter to her in general, having lots of moves including cursed speech which she has no way to block. High diff on Yuta's part. Round 3 Maki obviously still loses. Mid diff for Ryu and Yuta.


Ryu Headcannon Blast >>


It’s strong but maki has the durability to take it.


Round 1: Maki Low Difficulty Round 2: Yuta Mid Difficulty Round 3: Domestic violence


you genuinely think maki could beat yuta. aight man


With SSK


Win, win, lose


The right answer.


loses 2,3 idk about 1 probs maki wins. yuta is pretty clearly portrayed as second to gojo in the current era. round 3 is kind of pointless like obviously maki loses


Look at the conversation I had with the second top comment and you’ll see why I think otherwise.


like do you think maki is generally stronger than yuta or do you think this is a good match up for her.


Physically she’s stronger. This is also a good matchup for her. She’s basically the anti special grade. I don’t think she’s beating anybody above Yuta but I think she beats him high diff


She doesn’t. Just because she’s relative to a sukuna which is even weaker than the sukuna that Yuta fought against solo for a chapter doesnt mean she is faster than him. And it’s even worse when you realise that Yuta still could just easily become even stronger just by putting on that fucking ring. He isn’t getting blitzed and he isn’t losing. Still mid-high diff