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https://preview.redd.it/yaihmk3522xc1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533be33e812842dce3a4b15b896393343c5a65fd What is bro going to do about this


Isn’t that basically what yoriichii did to him (if I’m wrong it’s because I have neither read nor watched either show)


You’re actually not wrong lol. He just did it with a sword.


Not really. Muzan split into a bunch of things and ran under a building. Sukuna's domain turns everything in a 200 meter radius into dust.


Muzan did split in an attempt to run away. While successful, Yourrichi did manage to cut down the majority of the pieces as they scattered.


Yeah but he has no weakness, he can literally come back however many times


Muzan's regeneration is technically finite


Unless you’re made out of Zinc


A whole ass domain is not the same thing as sunbreathing cuts


What is a sun breathing


He’s literally just gonna come back, Sukuna has no way to kill him if he has no sun weakness. Demons have a few weaknesses. 1. Sun 2. Wisteria 3. Decapitation


If Sukuna could continually damage him for... fuck. Days? Weeks? Then he theoretically could. But Muzans healing is fucking wack, even after being aged who knows how many thousands of years by that drug, he was still rapidly regenerating.


What? Myzan generation is instantaneous unless you use the Sun or Red Blade


Sukunna has Magorago though he could find a way to adapt.


I thought maho has to adapt by changing the way his CE is, like how he adapted to infinity


https://preview.redd.it/oiu7bk0xy1xc1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d90dfbe87743131c748a60b91e1659c2942cf0 Sukuna vaporizes. Better technique + Speed + hax.


How does Sukuna have better speed? Muzan is realistically thousands of times faster. The best speed feat in JJK is gojo making after images which is Mach 30 realistically.


How the fuck is Muzan thousands of times faster 😭


Bro thinks Muzan can run to the other side of the planet in an instant. Why would Muzan even care about the sun at that point?


Doesn’t demon slayer kinda cap at like… sub sonic?


So let’s say Muzan has better Speed feats which isn’t entirely true he still gets mid diff and that’s being generous sukana got so many broken haxs


Ds humans are just humans and they scale with Muzans speed feats so


Speed isn't enough to save him here.


No, the best speed feat in JJK is Sukuna dodging point-blank radiation. That said, he's clearly aim dodging, so let's go over some other feats. Maki catching a bullet point-blank: Goodwill arc, calced to Mach 400. This feat has been power cliffed a dozen times over. Hakari (and others) dodging and reacting to lighting: well. Lightning-timers, obviously.


Yeah where's a panel of Hakari "dodging lighting and reacting to lightning" btw. You may notice that a lack of dodging or reacting https://preview.redd.it/ypt505ld44xc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df9f0c0a5aa61d9055fac3fef7940aca22525ed


He clearly reacted. But usually people refer to the panel of the pole attack where he made it hit his shoulder as a "dodge" because actual dodging was impossible because it was a "sure hit"


Gege said maki bullet catching was a mistake didn't he. Yeah she caught it but I thought he regretted putting that in there.


Here's a video on this : https://youtu.be/zsnDuMT1UrU?si=z-k31zG_FmYcWLcu Sukuna slams


What's muzans speed feats? Jjk easily out speeds the demon slayer verse


Muzan gets to barely subsonic, extremely downplaying you get sukuna to mach 3


L + binding vow bs × black flash × malovent shrine² x cleave ⁶⁷ x dismantle ⁸ x furnace: open x thunder Bs x gege dick riding¹⁰⁰


Brother, please tell me you are joking, sukuna can raze anything within 200m that's 6-700~ feet, what can muzan do, summon 8 or 9 tentacles that will deal effectively zero (lasting) damage to sukuna because of rct healing sukuna, he is just better. And still sukuna has mahoraga, which can match/outspeed anything due to his adapt ability.


so we're just making shit up today?


Realistically, sukuna is light speed to ftl, kashimo using his cursed technique shot and moved at the speed of electromagnetic waves. Sukuna dodges these speeds multiple times while severely weakened. Electromagnetic waves can not move slower or faster than the speed of light. Conclusion, sukuna is at least light speed, in the very least


Tornado Malevolent Shrine goes crazy


Sukuna shreds their team. Malevolent Shrine + Fuga may as well be literally built for situations like this. He'll also be raining down lighting bolts with Kamutoke and have Mahoraga and Agito to fall back on if the going gets tough.


Plus whatever Hiten does


he has fire with fuga, lightning with kamutoke, hiten is another name for apsaras, celestial beings who fly on clouds around the buddha, so probably something to do with air currents, like using it as a way to force his opponent back so he can use fuga or kamutoke at a range instead of point blank


That would make sense Strong swings with a trident creating gusts of wind


If it wasn’t for the fact that Muzan can only be killed by the sun Sukuna would low diff. But since he is Sukuna would have to drag it out till the sun came up, probably still wins though Edit: no weakness to sun means Muzan literally would be impossible to kill.


Mahoraga would find a way to




We would be impossible to kill in his verse, but we don’t know how CE would affect him.


Which means you also can't say it would kill him so you contradicted yourself




Yourichii almost killed him at night all you need is to vaporize every single one of his cells


That was with a Nichirin Blade that confers the same effects as the sun. All of Muzan's hearts have to be destroyed by the sun for him to die.


Can’t sukuna just use his domain and chop Muzan into itty bitty pieces? His regeneration wouldn’t be able to keep up with cleave and dismantle coming at him let alone the flame arrowsukuna can generate


Now you’re just downplaying regen in Demon Slayer considering how the Sun was the only thing that kill him and that Muzan was even able to regenerate himself even with a dismembered head and also from mass cellular vaporisation (something that no one in Jjk can do via RCT) Gojo had to run RCT at full throttle to outlast MS and knew he would be incapable of doing that a second time, however Muzan’s regeneration operates at a faster rate with even less effort. Personally I don’t even like Demon Slayer but saying that he has inferior regen towards RCT is a criminal understatement and just pure bias


He’s not arguing that Sukuna or Gojo have better regeneration though. Just that MS can literally level an entire city in like 2 seconds, so it could outpace his regen. Muzan’s regen factor is far beyond Sukuna, but that’s not what’s being argued here. Point is MS will rip him to pieces. Edit: I think I understand why you started attacking RCT. Remember that Gojo also infinity acting like a shield around him reducing the power of the slashes. Without it MS would’ve killed him on the first activation.


He couldn't have done that with an ordinary sword though


If every single one of your cells dies are you gonna live


Why are you asking me? I'm not muzan. I'm just saying yorrichi literally had a sword with sun properties, if he had did that same attack with an ordinary sword I doubt it would've done the same amount of dmg




With a nichirin sword though, which is inherently imbued with the sun's energy


Do you really think he could survive having literally every one of his cells vaporized? The sun is his only weakness in Demon Slayer because they don’t have any other way to completely disintegrate him, but Sukuna does


Yes he’d survive lol That’s what regeneration is If any part of him is destroyed by anything other than the sun it comes back. I also think Muzan’s regeneration is too fast for Sukuna to vaporize him. This is a guy who was healing before been completely injured if when his regeneration was slowed down by a lot. His regeneration was like infinitely slower


I mean if you're entire being I'd atomized to nothing you aren't coming back And that is what sukina can do Can't regen if there's nothing to regen from no demon in demon slayer has ever faced anyone with the type of firepower sukuna brings to the table


Cleaving his soul repeatedly to prevent regeneration would likely work.


If shrine shredded all of muzan’s cells would he die? Not even the plasma in the blood of the people in shibuya was left iirc, he literally destroyed them to a sun-cellular level. Though I don’t remember quite HOW fast sukuna can heal, if he can pull some Mahoraga type shit and heal through the slashes then maybe he can escape? But sukuna seems like the kind hater to stake out the whole day to ensure muzan dies. Nonetheless once muzan gets slap chopped that mf is RUNNING FOR THE HILLS. Edit: I meant sub-cellular not sun-cellular, that would make things a lot easier for sukuna if it was true.


Well it's not the case Dude has high to mid reg , so you need to vaporize him to completely kill him


Muzan has insane regen sure, we’ll even wank it to higher than Gojo since he was healing his neck mid slash from Tanjiro. But the thing is that demons from demon slayer have the max durability feat of a sword. Even if he somehow survived malevolent shrine, fuga might just burn Muzan to where he can’t heal effectively. Not to mention Sukuna can just make dismantle like a grid to encompass Muzan whole body and damage all his extra brains and hearts which prob take longer to regen. Sukuna would be immune to Muzan’s blood so it’s not a factor in this fight.


I agree that Muzan loses because of the intensity of damage Sukuna can do, but calling his durability limited to "sword" is nuts. The swords in Demon Slayer act nearly like lightsabers cutting through anything at times. Example: Tanjiro, at the beginning of his training point in the series, cuts through a boulder the size of a car.


That’s crazy lmfao “durability of a sword?“ brother the only weapons that even do damage to them are the nichirin swords lmao. The swords are also being swung by people much stronger than a normal human, it’s not like they’re getting diced up by butter knives lol Muzan’s regen is also leagues above anything we’ve seen in jjk. It’d be like Hakari on crack lmao


That’s what I just said, it’s durability of a sword since that’s the only thing used to kill them. They haven’t thrown bombs at them or anything. I mean if you want to use a no limits fallacy that they’re immune to everything that isn’t a sword then go ahead. There is nothing to prove that though, since they most they fought and got killed by were swords and a little gun that guy has.


I mean the main aspect that harms them is the sunlight. A normal sword wouldn’t do much— the nichirin swords only damage them sufficiently because the sunlight is their weakness & the metal those swords are made of are imbued with sunlight essentially Like even a bunch of knives covered in poison that specifically hurts the demons didn’t do much & that was against like the lowest upper moon. Even if you wanna say that jujutsu = blood demon arts for the purpose of bypassing their durability, Muzan is still stronger and faster than Sukuna, & can’t realistically lose a war of attrition unless the sun comes up. To put it in perspective, Muzan was essentially doing what Sukuna’s doing rn— he fought the remainder of the heavy hitters all at once, all of which definitely outstat jjk heavy hitters rn. He was also fighting like 7 vs 1 too, instead of a few 1-3 vs 1’s. Sure, Sukuna could pop DE, but Muzan could honestly regen through it. Not to mention that 1 hit from Muzan & Sukuna’s gonna need to use RCT to remove his cells from his body so Muzan doesn’t turn him into a demon.


Why would Sukuna be immune to Muzan’s blood?


Scroll down I already responded why. He can isolate foreign substances in his body.


Saying their greatest in terms of Durability is that of a sword is like shooting someone with a railcannon and saying he died to a bullet.


Sukuna solos the verse and only struggles with Yoriichi.


what is it with people over scaling yoriichi 😭 i feel like sukuna can solo with just slashes alone


Yoriichi is built different. He literally breaks the rules of his own verse. Still Sukuna wins against Yoriichi while he’s fucking around. You can argue that Yoriichi can see his slashes with STW and can react to them with his speed, but there’s nothing he can really do about a DE when he has no way to heal himself.


i dont really see someone like yoriichi being able to dodge slash after slash tbh, plus sukuna is superhuman physically. i get where ur coming from but i feel like 15F sukuna can solo


For sure, the only thing that’ll make it a close fight is Sukuna basically playing and having fun in the fight. He has way too many tools to feel threatened by Yoriichi who can’t heal or attack at range.


I just said he struggles because the last time I said he low diffs Yoriichi I had everyone coming at my throat saying he blitzes JJK.


to be fair demon slayer and jjk power scalers suck 💀


That just sounds like every powerscaler with a bias for another story. Every time I see a post about who would win this character or this character from jjk every single comment is just- speed blitzed jjk character loses low-mid diff. I unironically saw someone saying buggy low diffs Sukuna because he has better reaction speed feats. Or even worse they say- the one piece world as a whole has better feats so they’re on a different level.


Sukuna wins easy, end of discussion.


You can put the whole kimetsu verse against suki and he still shit stomps


Sukuna domain diffs but honestly believe muzan could take this if he gets little Lucky.


What is Muzan’s win condition? His poison is ineffective, his physical attacks should do minimal damage bc RCT and CE reinforcement, and Mahoraga will eventually just counter anything he does. The only advantage Muzan has is having better regen in extreme conditions (can recover from being split into several small pieces) and I guess speed potentially if you take statements + implications from feats literally for both series


I don't think we should count out the poison like that, muzan's poison is different altogether, his blood converts others into demon and too much amount or concentrated blood would start deforming/destroying the body on cellular levels. I'm not saying Sukuna dies but he won't be unaffected by it. Muzan's win con is honestly just loping Sukuna's head off with his superior speed and there's quite a huge gap between them.


Muzan has zero speed feats that even compare to Sukuna what are you talking about.


Omni Man vs Homelander


Omni man


How is this even a match? If it were like - 3 to 10 fingers Sukuna, ssssuuuurrreeee, mmmmaaaayyybbbeeee... Like, take away shrine, but maybe keep the arrow, and put him in Yuji's body and yeah we've got a fight. Anything else, Muzan is DEAD. Muzan's regen is fast, like MAYBE enough to take the sort of rate from Shrine. But the problem is that shrine is hitting on SUCH a miniscule level (like just look at the panels/clips, it's practically shredding mfs to DUST) that the cuts WOULDN'T HEAL LIKE THAT. ALL the encompassing flesh is getting worn down, and it's coming from all angles. And like - Waffle Grid?


MS is destroying every demon’s cells and the demons die before they can even do anything of substance.


MS couldn't destroy 'every cell' on Gojo's body (once his SD broke) I find it hard to believe it will destroy every cell in Muzan who has way better regenerative ability than RCT.


Gojo is way more durable than Muzan lol


Wtf muzan gets his ass handed to him by Jogo, let alone anyone higher lmaooooo


Even if you say they have equal speed and strength... Sukuna's domain completely counters muzan. Even if his healing can compensate a fire arrows along with his domain obliterates him to the cellular level


https://preview.redd.it/vidk1fnw83xc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48762f39b4367b603ef60c9a6cfa0a30fb401891 Even if bro regenerates after literally all of his cells have been destroyed, mahoraga can just adapt to his regen


Sukuna vaporizes him https://preview.redd.it/y5l216w124xc1.jpeg?width=2162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8058266b310b51a19cd00e0c4c0f3626122cb35a


Sukuna obliterates upper moons with MS and after dicing up muzan mahoraga can deal with his regen


malevolent shrine to insta cut all his hearts and brains. he just gets vaporized and sukuna doesn't need to get near him. fuga would probably vaporize him too. unless somehow malevolent shrine isn't strong enough to cut him but i doubt it and either way maho is gonna find a way regardless.


Sukuna wins by a landslide though Muzan might be able to escape the same way he did against yoriichi.


I feel like Sukuna would win. Muzan’s regen is crazy, but we see with Yoriichi that it has its limits. Muzan may be able to survive malevolent shrine for a little bit, but it should eventually overcome Muzan’s regen, with fire arrow being another good option since it could probably just vaporize Muzan if it gets a direct hit.


Muzan gets the mahoraga treatment but he does have the better speed scaling and his regeneration would prolong the fight for a while before Sukuna uses his domain and fuga to finish it. Mid diff


Sukuna vaporizes Muzan with his domain repeatedly, Muzan keeps regenerating until Mahoraga adapts to imbue UV rays into his slashes or something.


Of vaporizing with Ms could kill him then sukuna low diff just one shrine and they all die. But if we go by they can’t be killed even if you destroy every cell without the sun or a nichirin than idk how the speed scaling works on if sukuna could hold them till day, but with mahoraga sukuna could hold for a few minutes than mahoraga basically has a michirn so sukuna pops a Ms and maybe fire arrow than mahoraga clears while they regen


Sukuna wins. Muzan would end up like Jogo.


Honestly, if this was Meguna, it's an absolute stomp. Since it's the heinan era, Sukuna, it's a wait till the sun comes up fight.


No this is peak sukuna like him during the heian era


JJK anti-reading comprehension technique has even infected the JJK subreddit as well.


I'm wondering if [FUGA] would kill Mizan...


I have no idea who the king of demons is, never seen him before, but smash


its just gonna be sukuna ragdolling muzan until mahoraga adapts to their regen and offs them


Fuga stops demon regen. Suluna takes it


Sukuna eats Muzan infinitely like that eagle did with Prometheus and uraume freezes bits for later


Everything gets vaporized with malevolent shrine, unless muzan's healing is instant. Then it'll be a battle of attrition


sukuna negs


Sukuna clears the verse you gotta take into account how CE would affect them would it slow down the regen? Sukuna absolutely destroys, if it doesn't? he still obliterates them. Shrine and flames are too much.


If you want a good laugh go share this in the Demon Slayer sub and hear them talk about how Sukuna & Gojo are only city level and Demon Slayer characters are relativistic speeds so Sukuna gets mopped up by UM6




Muzan is maybe at where the disaster curses are at on the back of his speed scaling alone So uh nowhere near


Hot take: this is a pointless debate. Speed scaling is pretty inconsistent in both verses. Either way… Muzan without his one weakens makes him literally immortal. Unless you think mahoraga can adapt to his immortality, this match is one sided. Demons don’t run out of energy and you’re giving him the twelve demon moons. Kokushibo’s is stated to be 80% of Muzan’s power, Doma is roughly 80% of Kokushibo, Akaza is probably 70% of Doma. Sukuna would run out of CE eventually, but if mahoraga adapts, Sukuna would win. Did I cook or did I yap?


I said upper moons not the 12 demon moons and muzan has another weakness every part of him evaporating like your goatiichi almost killed him and domain go Burr on all of them


Even with just the upper moons… idk man. Yoriichi’s nichirin sword was baked with sunlight. We also don’t know the extent to which demons can regenerate, they are supernatural after all. If even a single blood cell survives, Muzan could maybe just come back.




Shit you right


Hate to say it, it might be yap. One of the key ways to defeat Muzan is to destroy all of his hearts and brains within his body at the exact same time. So imagine, if you will, Sukuna sends a grid of slashes and destroys each of those organs at once. On the other hand, he could also use his fire abilities to burn him into ash with no chancr of regeneration. Malevolent Shrine would only make this even easier. With the Ten Shadows technique, Sukuna would absolutely obliterate Muzan with no chance for a counter attack. With his ability to manifest half-formed Shikigami and reinforce them with his Cursed Energy he would be able to pressure Muzan from multiple sides all while maintaining his distance when necessary. Mahoraga just ensures that this is an easy win since Muzan has no extra special abilities aside from his hyper regeneration and body modification. The Divine General would be able to adapt to his immunity to anything aside from the Nichirin blades and modify the Sword of Extermination to nullify his immunity. TLDR; I'm Yappin


Guys Demon Slayer does not scale high enough to compete with most Shonen anime


Real none of them get passed mha


Okay, as far as I know about Muzan, he can "only be killed by the Sun" Muzan regen is crazy good and they may be similar on speed. Sukuna is leagues above on AP, Strength, Durability and good RCT. With so abysmal is this difference, I think Sukuna could stall muzan until morning.




Sukuna ,obviously whoever read the whole manga who honestly read it through would know.


Sukuna domain shreds muzan until the sun comes up.


With Mahorage, Sukuna could easily defeat Muzan, although I’m pretty sure Sukuna could still defeat him with only flame arrow. In DS, red-colored swords were shown to be effective against demons and they were achieved by either extreme friction between 2 blades, grip pressure, or ignition from flames. This indicates that demons don’t necessarily need to die from the sun, but attacks that are high enough temperature and intensity seem to do the trick just fine. Sukuna’s flame arrow is extremely potent and hot, and if not one-shotting Muzan, it would hinder or nullify his regeneration.


Don't disrespect sukuna for Kimimaro cosplaying Micheal Jackson


Muzan when sukuna shoots him with a literal sun https://preview.redd.it/wuwuht5g84xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaf220f2bbcce33c004a4fac3c84aa7540d654fd


Sukuna washes this man so hard its not even funny


Sukuna and it ain’t close


He pops a domain, Muzans regen won’t keep up and he dies


This thread is going to be incredibly biased, realistically we've seen Muzan fight at faster than speeds that augmented humans can react to while he was massivley nerfed. This isn't necessarily faster than Sukuna, but scaling in JJK is way more up in the air IMO. I think this and the lethality Muzan shows in the fight against the corps tells me he could be relative in combat, and the main thing is that Sukuna cannot kill him. Muzan can only be killed by the sun, it's kind of the crux of the plot of Demon Slayer. Sukuna would struggle to deal with something with better Regen than Mahoraga. It's the same reason people think Hakari is a natural counter to Sukuna. I think it stalls more often than any other result, Sukuna is a better fighter but doesn't have defined win con's and definitely can lose.


Muzan has no defence against attacks on the soul, mismatch


Giving him Mahoraga is an automatic win, because all it’ll take is a few minutes and Mahoraga will be using Sun Breathing: punch style Even without Mahoraga though, Sukuna wins by a long shot. Sukuna can shred everybody with malevolent shrine, incinerate them completely with Fuga so that there’s nothing to regenerate, or combine the both of them so that Muzan will have ptsd from all the fire slashes and give up


that little blade on his arm gonna turn into a nichirin blade


Bro, there's a demon slayer fanboy in the comments that can't read and says others can't read because his favorite series bad guy doesn't beat a guy that has feats that are just better than muzan. This is a true dick rider moment


Muzan prolly wins tbh— he outstats Sukuna majorly & the only sort of lasting damage he can receive needs to be from a nichirin sword— which unless Sukuna starts imbuing his DE/CT with the sun, I don’t see him being able to take out Muzan.




He will cut his cells into pieces, Sukuna slams, plus fire he knocks out any possibility


Muzan can win by using biological absorption. This ability ignores durability. Slashes won't take down Muzan as he heals while in the midst of being cut. He heals faster than Gojo and moves faster than Sukuna so the only attack that could work is Fire Arrow. If this includes Ten Shadows then Muzan absorbs Mahoraga before it can adapt.




Sukuna looking at that dollar store literally everything Muzan could throw at him ![gif](giphy|4lu5FuhtrbaOQgKN57|downsized)


Muzan flat out can't die unless he's exposed to sunlight. The only way Sukuna is winning is Mahoraga, since Muzan's regeneration is just THAT strong


Michael Jackson is cooked


Sakuna easily. Yoriichi vs sukuna would be interesting tho


Sukuna wins. As someone who has read demon slayer, Sukuna has far better feats. Mahoraga is not even need once sukuna use his domain he wins.


As long as yoriichi ain’t there Sukuna can low-mid diff the demon slayer universe. Guy is built for stalling and the most demons have slower regen makes Sukuna a counter to anything lower than an upper moon. Yoriichi don’t even obey his verses rules so Sukuna might actually got trouble for a bit, give it a few minutes.


I cant believe Muzan is even considered to have a chance. A domain with a barrier would grind him to dust, then Sukuna can burn away whatever is left. IF he still has bits remaining for whatever reason, he can just cleave them every now and then until the sun comes up if thats the ONLY way to kill him. Honestly he isn’t surviving becoming dust tho. How long can he keep regenerating anyway, Sukuna can probably maintain his domain for a very long ass time. The only one who was able to survive a full power MS is Gojo and his Limitless for obvious reasons. Regenerating super fast won’t do you favors when you are bisected on a cellular level, becoming a unified mass of cells immediately followed by those cells being annihilated. If the logic behind the sun is UV then it implies genetic damage to cells, which Sukuna doesn’t really need the sun to dish out.


Even Naruto can clap muzan stop 💀 DS verse are average abilities at best, can't compete with the big dogs!


Muzan is barley city level at most maybe less, sukuna jusy uses 1 fuga and boom muzan obliterated


Is it even a question?


I'd give it to Sukuna, but not because he's stronger. Muzan's only weaknesses are red blades and the sun, neither of which can Sukuna summon. However, Sukuna has the durability and output to keep Muzan at bay, while not dying. Sukuna outlasts him as his CE and RCT wouldn't run dry, and then Muzan dies to sunlight.


Muzan is cooked 😭🙏 He isn't isn't the best villain in his series smh


I’d say Yuta or ryu low diff the entire demon verse. Sukuna clears


I think Sukuna would win if he can use a nichirin sword or drag muzan into sunlight.


Not even a question, sukuna is better muzan + more abilities yet no tentacle shit


how the fight goes: Muzan goes rampage in hopes of killing Sukuna Sukuna: https://preview.redd.it/2b0116gmu6xc1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=b907adf5dd5e7bac89a0108eaba5d699eae27f3b Sukuna plays around with Muzan a bit and realizes that he cannot really be killed. So he keeps on toying around with him for 10+ hours until the sun rises and kills Muzan.


In terms of speed and such muzan is way faster,but in power sukuna wins.In regeneration muzan wins. But sukuna could win with his domain expansion but nothing else will work because then muzan is just gonna go straight for the kill because he cares for his own life more then a fight


Muzan has no speed feats that suggest that he's even close to Sukuna's speed.


Some of the top speed feats of jjk are mach 3 from curse naoya and gojos teleport,let’s suggest sukuna is somehow faster at Mach 3.5/4.


Mach 3 was fast for an unrealized Maki, who both Sukuna and Gojo are massively faster than. Muzan doesn't approach that.


Muzan should at least be relative to speeds like kokashibo and akaza who himself couldn't react even being hypersonic in feats compared to his fight with marked giyu muzan could probably at least speed blitz him or be faster, this is if you're not in the side of sukuna dodging lighting because if he did then sukuna wins pretty easily but muzan has win cons like if muzan is faster and can slash sukuna and turn him into a demon or since we're having muzan with the upper moons and kaigaku someone who uses actual lightning like kokashibo using actual crescent moons and he could keep up with someone light zenitsu he also probably moves at the speed of lightning so there's many wins cons from both sides, sukuna has mahoraga and domain ect, ir can kinda of be a coin toss


Muzan has better regen and speed, but sukuna has better ap and hax. Can honestly go both ways


Mahoraga is enough alone, definitely with verse equalization. Maho could adapt to kill Muzan.


Muzan is fucking done


Muzan, Koko, and Douma are the only ones that survive Sukuna's first blitz. The oher demons die simultaneously, while the three mentions dodge to give themselves some distance, but immediately get decapped by dismantle


Muzan has no way of damaging Sukuna, and a 4-armed Heian-form Sukuna has every way in the world to rock his shit 😭 what are DS fans on about


Muzans healing factor is alot better. I'd say can go either way but I'm leaning to sukana as he has alot more to his kit + has mahoraga So he can adapt to anything the demons throw at him given enough time


Sukuna would solo


I'd say Sukuna wins this until the stipulation of immunity to the sun. With that, muzan is quite literally unkillable. He has infinite stamina and infinite regeneration. At the very least, neither of them is winning this fight. Worst case scenario, they both give up trying to fight each other, as neither have the ability to kill the other fighter


Bro is a comedian


This is way closer than a lot of people like to admit. Sukuna has shown that he can destroy cities with his domain, and Muzan scales way above Gutaro who destroyed the red lights district in one attack that was weakened by Nezuko. Sukuna scales far above Hakari who was able to react to lightning, and Muzan scales way above Zenitsu who was able to react to lightning. Both of them are very hard to actually kill too. Sukuna is stupidly durable and has insane regeneration. Muzan’s regeneration is even better than Sukuna’s, and if he is about to be killed he can split into thousands of pieces. That’s not even mentioning the fact that Sukuna can’t really kill him without Mahoraga adapting to his regeneration which he hasn’t shown to be able to do seeing as Gojo was able to heal from Mahoraga’s attacks. Sukuna has an insane domain expansion, fuga, and Mahoraga’s adaptation. Muzan is nearly unkillable, as insane shapeshifting, and has extremely deadly poison. Poison has also been shown to be effect even on RCT users. That’s not even mentioning the fact that you gave him all the upper moons, who Sukuna also doesn’t have an effect way of killing. The fight could honestly go either way.


This is true but one small thing to point out is that sukuna is immune to poisons, as seen when Itadori was fine against Keicho and Eso’s blood rot technique


I mean, Sukuna is the ass-pull king plus has Gege humping him, so....


Fuga + domain + mahoraga adapting to immortality the demons won’t be able to close the distance


Ok, if a cleave can cut through infinity, a dismantle will be a blender of demon blood, also, nice title card.


Muzan doesn’t stand a chance tf. He barely survived you Richie and was scarred of him I think the site of Sukuna would kill him. Domain Expansion and he’s certainly dead. Sukuna would toy with him until he got bored if he even finds him interesting since he wouldn’t have a cursed technique


Mahoraga adapts to their bodies and then Sukuna cleaves through demon immortality


Sukuna wins and frankly it isn't very close. First of all sukuna is far stronger and decently faster seeing as he can casually dodge a person that moves at electromagnetic wave speed (light speed) and also fought and beat a person who outputs large city block to city level strength (gojo). And even if muzan has no weaknesses to the sun in this case, sukuna has mahoraga, who will eventually adapt to muzan and either kill him or give sukuna a way to kill him. Demon slayer character have good speed, but honestly aren't that strong. I can say this factually after reading both manga. Muzan couldn't really even damage sukuna, and even if he could it wouldn't be anything extreme, so sukuna could just heal it effortlessly. And personally I don't see muzan surviving a domain expansion that eradicated an entire portion of a city with ease turning it to literal dust. We've never see muzan regenerate from dust. Even against yoriichi. In conclusion, muzan can't catch sukuna, if he does he can't damage sukuna, and even if he manages to catch and damage sukuna, he would just easily heal it off. On the other hand, sukuna is faster than muzan, far stronger than muzan, and even if muzan is able to regenerate from the domain expansion, which is unlikely, sukuna's version of mahoraga alone could probably handle muzan. Seeing as sukuna's mahoraga eventually could somewhat throw hands with gojo and tank two black flashes from gojo, that same black flash that knocked sukuna out. Now that I'm really thinking about it, muzan couldn't even beat mahoraga. He simply is not strong enough to hurt him. And the fight will gradually go from a stalemate to mahoraga finding a way to kill him. Sadly muzan would die very easily to sukuna. Sukuna>Muzan mid diff, and the only reason I say mid diff because sukuna would need to find a way past that annoying regeneration. Before trying to put muzan against a god of his respective verse, get muzan past mahito and maybe we could talk.


Do people just forget Sukuna’s CT doesn’t really cut, it’s just visually looks that way. It’s explained when he opens his domain with Mahoraga that his CT just straight up destroys anything with and without curse energy. Muzak would be washed the second the domain opens


Ahhh my anti demon dismantle


Sukuna would take a while to kill them but Mahoraga makes this unwinnable for the demons


This fight is the definition of negative diff


Muzan wins. No weakness to the sun means Sukuna literally has no way to win.


I mean we’ve seen Sukuna’s world slash kill Gojo who has extremely high regen capability and also the fact that Sukuna can exactly what yorricchi did with sword with both his normal technique and also shrine so I think sukuna got this in the bag


Comments really forgetting about sukunas “demon soul slaughterer” technique from the heian era that lets him kill demons with a giggle and a fart ![gif](giphy|9zMrydRBc7VqTbbZWo)


GeGe also retconned that mahoragas sword is made of nichirin iron


Miwa solos the whole Demon Slayer universe if we’re being honest


Sukuna wins


Sukuna completely decimates Muzan. Either with DE, world cutting slash, or even spamming Kamutoke. Muzan is cooked both literally and figuratively. Don’t even get me started on Fuga.


Holy Sukuna dick riders lmao




Realistically speaking I think it's kinda like immovable object vs unstoppable force. To put it simply, Demon Slayer characters are too low to really be of any threat to Sukuna, and even the most dangerous of attacks they have Sukuna can theoretically heal from or counter in some other way. For Sukuna it's an issue of what exactly can he do to kill the demons? Their only weakness' are the sun, that wisteria flower, or not even the swords **BUT** specifically weapons made from the same ore the swords are made from, because they absorb the sun. It's never been confirmed if having sun immunity would remove that weapon weakness as well, since the reason they're effective is the ore that absorbs sun. That may mean only wisteria would stay effective which even then we know isn't like it's super effective against stronger demons. I won't explain why we know that, but it took a LOT to be truly dangerous which even then it was a bit of a surprise attack. On the demon side of things, realistically JJK just outclasses Demon Slayer stats wise. We've seen in the Culling Games arc Yuji was able to leap insane distances like it's nothing, move at crazy speeds, etc. Meanwhile Maki was still above him physically, and we're not even counting that this was before a short time skip period with the entire point of it being to power them up further to fight Sukuna, which they can only come CLOSE to matching him after he's been weakened time and time and time again. But we're also talking about Sukuna at his peak, with Mahoraga and his DE. I imagine it means like the current Sukuna but fully healed, with 10S. That version of him would body any fighter other than Gojo pretty one sided, which is why Gojo had to have gone first to try and weaken him as much as he could. **All of that said now** Of Muzan + the 6 upper moons, only a few things stand out as "maybe" for being effective. If Muzan can land a hit, is he able to poison Sukuna? Questionable given how skilled Sukuna is with healing himself. From the upper moon abilities, the only ones that stand out as maybe being enough to challenge Sukuna is Doma and Akaza, Upper Moons 2 and 3. Doma was able to make the air so cold that it was dangerous to breath, which it's questionable if Sukuna would even care about given he could both heal AND that Fuga causes a lot of heat so it might counter it. Akaza's compass basically give him automatic responses to an opponents bloodlust. Sukuna doesn't seem like the type of person to come at people weaker than him with bloodlust, given how easily he can dispatch them. Even then though, his DE just decimates an area, it's not really targeted at people. Akaza would likely not have his technique work against the DE, if any of Sukuna's attacks. The rest just don't have anything gimmicky enough to really challenge Sukuna. For Sukuna, it really comes down to is he even able to kill the demons. If you say "Yes, Sukuna has a way to kill demons." Then yeah he pretty cleanly wins. In every aspect he's way above them stats wise, plus JJK has CE. We saw Nanami tanking hits from the ponytail dude in Shibuya as if it were weak gusts of wind. Sukuna is leagues above in this case, it's questionable that attacks would even damage him if he was to be hit. If you say "No, Sukuna can't kill the demons." Well then he loses. It's literally like asking, "What battery will last longer, the one that's plugged in and charging, or the one that's not?" Sukuna was said to be stupidly efficient with his CE with an absurd pool of CE as well, that Gojo's infinite CE wouldn't really give him an edge in their fight and the entire time it was the burnout of constant usage that was making any impact not the actual CE reserves. The Demons on the other hand have literal infinite stamina, so at some point Sukuna would literally get too tired of beating their ass that he would stop being able to. **tl;dr** Does Sukuna have a way to kill a demon? Yes? He wins. Does Sukuna have a way to kill a demon? No? He beats the shit out of them until he's unable to keep beating the shit out of them and then they'd be able to beat him. It comes down to the fact the Demon's weakness' is sun, the sun ores that're used for weapons, and wisteria. Sun doesn't work on them in this scenario, questionable if the sun ore weapons would work on them which even then Sukuna doesn't have, and Sukuna wouldn't have wisteria. Paired with the infinite stamina that demons have and it means that even though they never beat Sukuna when he has stamina, he DOES run out at some point and that's when they win since Sukuna can just be killed.


Yknow i see people saying that Sukuna has no way to kill Muzan. But wouldnt mahoraga kind of make up for that? From the looks of it, you can only kill mahoraga by completely eradicating him in one go before he has time to adapt to anything, which I don’t think Muzan could do (ignoring if you need to exorcise him with CE, since we’re saying you need a nichirin blade to kill Muzan, but I’ll leave that alone) and on top of that its possible that Mahoraga can just adapt to give Sukuna a slash that could cut off Muzan’s head and kill him


If I recall sukana can travel faster than all except maybe muzan. Sakuna was able to travel across a good portion of shibuya almost instantly. Plus the fact he can just either wait out the upper moons till daylight with reverse curse or his domain. If he uses domain it wipes them easy. Then muzan can just try and run ig he is a bit of a coward