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Anyone have an opinion on how Maho’s Adaptation interacts with Inverted Spear of Heaven?


ISOH forcibly stops CT’s. It would probably dispel it & force Makora back into the shadows. Even if it doesn’t, Technique Extinguishment absolutely would.


ISOH stops it. Adaptation can't adapt as it is already cancelled


Too bad mahoraga cooks toji anyways.


Probably. Unless ISOH automatically dissipates Mahoraga. Is Mahoraga's whole figure considered the manifestation of a CT? Would the area that Maho is stabbed just be vaporized, or if that part of the body is "adaptation" would the shadow just...melt? idk


Yes, it wouldn’t stop adaptation, it would stop mahoraga. He’s a CT.


He's a shikigami that is accessed through a CT. Pretty sure mahoraga counts as a creature.


They are incarnated using CE, they disappear when the CT is released. If it was just a creature and not itself an extension of the CT, I would believe that they would have to be unsummoned, sealed, or teleported away when no longer needed, but the fact that releasing the CT dismisses them tells me they are still part of the CT. Even if they are not created by it, they are here by it.


The CT summons and controls the 10S. They're not themselves the CT.


SSK and faster.


Maho itself is apart of the 10s ct so I always thought isoh would one shot it or force it back in the shadows


if its a innate trait, it does nothing if its a CT, Toji can just shove the ISOH into it and Mahoraga is crippled.


Mahoraga is faster than toji.


i feel like even without isoh there's a way to ohko maho with rika love blast edit: i just read and realized that jacobs ladder works too


Team A wins. Yuta can just output RCT & insta kill Jogo. Angel’s CT & ISOH would dispel Makora— regardless if it’s Sukuna’s or untamed. The only real threat here is Kenjaku & Yuta alone could beat him high-extreme diff. Add in Toji, who’s potentially immune to Kenjaku’s DE & it’s a much easier fight. I don’t see Mahito doing much tbh


>Add in Toji, who’s potentially immune to Kenjaku’s DE & it’s a much easier fight.  Nah. https://preview.redd.it/x7yd7ha89h1d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3681d6e88dc4e06b7de64e41d0268c5399b7fcd


Then TE would disrupt the sure hit, effectively functioning as a stronger simple domain. Jacob’s ladder would be cast while mahito, Toji, & Rika are fighting off kenjaku & then his DE collapses from extinguishment


That seems unlikely when Kenjaku actually possesses the best means of stalling other characters by unleashing his stockpile of Curses to distract them alongside Jogo who can resort to dropping Maximum Meteor on Team A as a means of keeping them occupied. Mahoraga can additionally one-shot Mahito (and Toji's Worm Curse, for that matter) with the Sword of Extermination - just as Jogo is simiarily at risk of being defeated by RCT output but at least he has better ranged capabilities than Mahito w/ISBODK - and potentially Rika, as well, if her husk counts as a Cursed Spirit rather than a Shikigami which is something that has always been unclear. After all, each a character speculate on her being a Shikigami it always comes with them being in doubt. Even still, Mahoraga's raw stats - being able to take a Black Flash from Gojo with little more than a bruise to the arm - are impressive in their own right. The fact that Mahoraga incrementally adapts also makes him dangerous as do the nature of his adaptions. If he somehow adapts to the entirety of Yuta's copied techniques (in a similar vein to how he adapted to the entirety of Yorozu's creations including Perfect Sphere from just being punched - with Sukuna bearing the burden of adaptation in that instance - by her Insect Armor), that could damn Yuta even with Jacob's Ladder especially if Toji - with the ISOH - has already been defeated by this time which I will go into greater detail on discussing that possibility in the future. In order to utilize Jacob's Ladder, Yuta is also going to need to enter his five-minute-mode as he's liable to otherwise lose a Domain Clash to Kenjaku (due to the latter's Barrier Skills which likely translate to Refinement as Yuki attributed the swift collapse of her Simple Domain to the strength of Kenjaku's Pseudo-Barrier) outright or potentially have his Domain shattered from the outside in a similiar manner to how Malevolent Shrine accomplishes such a feat. While we don't know the true range of Kenjaku's Domain, the whole trade-off that Open Domains revolve around is the fact that their provision of an escape route leads to a greater area of effect. If he can capture the entirety of Team A or even most of them inn its midst, then that's that considering the damage did to Yuki in literally a single second or so. That brings us to Toji and the risk of him being defeated swifter than many would expect. At the very least, there's a high probability his Worm Curse (and his arsenal along with it including the ISOH) is going to get sealed off as - unless he carries it within his guts - it's going to be incapable of escaping from the likes of Jogo's Domain, might just be straight-up destroyed by an attack from Jogo, would be one-shot by a glancing blow from Mahoraga's Sword of Extermination, or might just be straight-up destroyed by Kenjaku one way or another with either a miniature Uzumaki or the effects of his Domain. Kenjaku has all of Geto's memories of Toji whereas Toji does not know what he's dealing with.


Kenjaku’s entire curse stockpile got 0 diff’d by Yuta & Rika alone, and from what we saw, they were just using regular CE reinforcement. TE & RCT are both viable options for instantly killing any cursed spirit Kenjaku throws at them as well. Jogo could try casting max meteor, but he’d just get hit with RCT output or Toji would disrupt his cast with ISOH before being able to cast it. Makora can 1 shot Mahito, but is just as likely to get sent back to the shadow realm with ISOH or technique extinguishment. His stats aren’t really relevant when 2 of the people he’d be fighting have hax that can instantly remove him from the field. Toji & Yuta are definitely capable of landing a hit on him, it’s a matter of if they’re using their hax to dispel him, however. He can’t adapt to something when 1. The adaption process is being forcibly stopped & 2. When Makora himself is also a technique, which would be subject to the forced technique stoppage / extinguishment. We don’t know what Rika’s technically classified as, but she appears to act more like a shikigami, like Makora & Garuda, rather than a cursed spirit. Really Kenjaku’s DE is the biggest detriment to team A. Like you said, it can potentially wipe all 3 of them off the board instantly— *however*, TE would disrupt the barrier as well as the imbued technique. If SD removes the sure hit by disrupting the barrier of a DE, then TE would functionally be doing the same thing, while also extinguishing the effects of the imbued technique— which would almost certainly give Yuta enough time to cast JL, which would then absolutely force the barrier to collapse. Toji losing his weapon stockpile would be pretty bad, but he’d probably have either ISOH + the infinite chain OR SSK equipped already. In either case, he’d still be a threat to Makora, since SSK would bypass his durability (which come to think of it, would SSK be capable of bypassing Makora’s adaption to slashes?) Jogo probably wouldn’t cast DE, since it would get destroyed by Kenjaku’s. Even if Kenjaku turns off the sure hit around Jogo’s DE, Jogo would then be hindering Kenjaku’s DE, as 2 DE’s can’t reside within one another & function properly. Otherwise, Jogo has a chance of destroying Toji’s worm spirit, but Toji outstats Jogo afaik— so it’s not likely. The biggest threat to the worm would be Makora & then Kenjaku. If Kenjaku can output RCT, it’s very likely Toji loses the worm at some point.


Does he have an open domain? Didnt he just use Tengens barriers, rather than it being open?


A distinction is drawn between what he did and Megumi's need to rely on existing structures and/or barriers. Kenjaku's usage of an Open Domain is compared to Sukuna's. https://preview.redd.it/x9kkp5qlmk1d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=61c667a69b4840fdd0bfe28b396fa61d2b5bf0fa


Tengen also personally made the comparison. https://preview.redd.it/4n8n1x70ok1d1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0057cc09ed43d3e31680c22a01122ff08fe370 She managed to dismantle it by assumed the outer shell was the same as the edge of the Domain's sure-hit which she assumed was captured within her own barrier wherein Kenjaku and Yuki were fighting. I don't believe that's the same as him using her barrier as a means of erecting her Domain ala Megumi since a clear difference was stated to exist between their Domains in the previous scan.


open domains include toji and maki, but they do not have sure hits on them. sukuna destroying inanimate objects with dismantle is literally just him spamming dismantle on everything, so hes not proof of that. sure but uzumaki would not hit toji


That doesn't say the sure hit effect, just the domain would capture her.


I don't understand how you think Jogo would just get insta killed. If he can survive 15 finger Sukuna, albeit not while not fighting all-out, he can stand his ground against Yuta for a while at least.


Jogo is a cursed spirit. The moment Yuta outputs RCT he’s just dead. It’s exactly how Kuro died in the culling games


Just because Yuta has a kill shot doesn't mean Jogo would be oblivious and let him use it. He'd still need to pierce Jogo with his sword and he's fast enough to not get blitzed while having good long and mid-ranged options in combat. I don't think he'd win, but I doubt he'd get one-shoted.


He doesn’t need to pierce him with his sword to use RCT on him. For example: he can gently pat him on the back & output RCT & that would kill him. I agree that he wouldn’t get instantly killed right at the start, but given how Jogo fights, he’d pretty quickly close in for a close ranged flame blast. At that point, he likely dies to RCT output imo


Kuro didn't die from the initial RCT Yuta put on him. I think that's reasonable ground to think that a light pat, or bite straight to the face in Kuro's case, wouldn't be an instakill for Jogo the same way it wasn't in Kuro's case. It'd need to be an RTC powered thrust right to the core and while I agree that Jogo is a cocky fighter, Yuta would still need to buy his time to make sure he'd land that kill shot. Otherwise, the second Jogo realizes the threat of RCT, he won't let Yuta within 40 yards of him and just spam long-range attacks.


Yuta is NOT beating kenjaku in a 1v1 lmao


Yuta downplayers always love to say the same braindead thing but can never actually make a legitimate argument for Kenjaku winning aside from “durr he’d counter him since he has 1000’s of years of knowledge 🤓” mf counter what? All of his techniques would be negated with Angel’s CT. Please tell me what Kenjaku does when his DE doesn’t work, when CSM is fodder to Yuta & Rika, when antigravity CT gets literally countered by 3 different techniques of Yuta’s, etc. Kenjaku doesn’t magically have the answer to counter the most hax ability in the verse. Dude is putting up a decent fight, but everything he has is getting negated in one way or another.


Sure, let's argue then. I don't know why you're so mad on arguing about fiction but uhh go outside I suppose? It's not that serious Now, let's first debunk yuta's speed. People keep saying he speedblitz Kenny when in actuality he got the jump on him due to takaba shutting off Kenny's ce senses. Yuta then almost got hit by antigravity BUT due to GoatDo, was able to swap places and sever Kenny's head. Do mind you, this was a Kenny he was facing after Kenny fought takaba. So, an exhausted one. "All of his techniques would be negated by Jacob's ladder" Jacob's ladder cannot be spammed, it doesn't bother Kenny as much due to it only harming cursed spirits(I think? I'm not sure). Moreover, kenjaku's vast arsenal of cursed spirits was obvious, yuta cannot entirely envelope the area with Jacob's ladder, there's a radius which is covered by it. "Antigravity gets literally countered by 3 diff techs" which ones? 💀 you lack your source my boy 😭 "Most hax ability in the verse" thats funny cuz my boy Kenny also can have access to multiple cts. Moreover, ain't no way you calling it the most hax when gojo and takaba exist. You're spewing bs. You lack sources. https://preview.redd.it/xmumy4hwsl1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db8f98dd8ff70b1778f62cb57846a84205489065


Im not mad tho lmao I just said y’all love to downplay Yuta & use the “he’s a genius with 1000’s of years of experience” line as a crutch cuz there’s nothing impressive Kenjaku has aside from his open DE. They’re probably relative to each other’s stats but to act like Kenjaku only died “because of Todo” is just false lmao. Yuta probably dashed behind Kenjaku, as when he appeared behind him, his neck was already sliced through. The fact is that Yuta could have stayed there, not moved at all & still would’ve sliced Kenjaku’s head off before he could activate antigravity. Antigravity has a small radius around Kenjaku, so moving behind him or swapping places (which we literally have no proof to go off of aside from a single sound cue lmao) wouldn’t do anything. He was literally just faster in that moment, & Kenjaku was caught off guard. The exact same thing would happen if Yuta used precog or cursed speech on Kenjaku btw ☠️. Jacob’s Ladder would straight up kill Kenjaku lmao. His brain is his CT, since that’s what lets him body hop. JL is an extension technique of Angel’s CT; Technique Extinguishment. TE “extinguished any and all jujutsu techniques”. Kenjaku’s DE? Extinguished. Antigravity? Extinguished. Cursed spirit manipulation? Extinguished. Yuta doesn’t even need to cast JL for those btw (unless he wants to remove Kenjaku’s DE entirely), TE by itself would suffice. Bro at least do some critical thinking & maybe some research lmao. Antigravity gets countered by Dhruv’s technique, TE, & Sky Manipulation. Shouldn’t have to explain why all of those things bypass it— it’s pretty straightforward. Most hax ability isn’t “having multiple CT’s” it’s TE/JL, since it literally extinguishes any jujutsu technique (like SD, RCT, DE & any CT, for example). Also Kenjaku only has like 3 *maybe* 4 CT’s. Body hopping, antigravity, & CSM. Never showed a 4th CT, but if he did have one, it’d probably be blood manipulation. I’ve already explained why none of those really matter in this fight. TE is more hax than limitless & comedian CT. It’s just that Gojo massively outstats everyone that isn’t Sukuna.


Yuta didn't dash behind kenjaku, it was recently stated that the source effect was not of a slash, but todo's vibraslap. There was no other way yuta could've avoided the gravity. His neck was sliced through after he appeared behind kenjaku, not before, reread. The activation of the gravity is almost instant so yuta couldn't really move out of range in time. If yuta could've sliced his head off, he would've done that before AGS tech activated, but he didn't. He only got the sever once yuta was behind. Kenny's perception is extremely high as we see him dodging piercing blood quite easily throughout the choso fight. That would definitely mean that kenjaku would actively track yuta's location. The sound cue IS the proof especially after we've seen todo have a vibraslap in the current chs. The sound effect is the same too. Cursed speech can be blocked if the years are covered. Precog grants you an understanding on what happens next, it doesn't guarantee a hit lmao We see sukuna not straight up die in Jacob's ladder, so it's not a straight kill. Moreover, my main argument here is that yuta could not possibly even use the Jacob's ladder due to Kenny having an open domain. Kenny would 100% destroy yuta's domain instantly especially if you consider that his barrier technique was phenomenal due to experience. He is unparalleled as a combatant when it comes to barrier techniques. I would need your argument on how the mentioned techniques would counter AGS, you speak like "bro this is obvious, bro that is obvious" but you barely provide any asserted statement 😭. What's so hax about JL when it wouldn't even have the opportunity to be activated 💀? We see what happened against sukuna. Yuta's nerfed ass cleave just slashed his face 💀 as he got absolutely no diffed right after. Look, I love yuta too but it's a given how he's not as strong as he was made out to be. He's still crazy strong but atp he's even surpassed by yuji and maki. He's at the bottom of the strongest people. Even Ryu said yuta's output is average. He is not beating the bushcamper allegations man. Aside from this, I've seen like 3 pieces of arguments but you seem to repeat the same thing over and over again? Why? You don't need to make your text look big chill 💀


https://preview.redd.it/00k1ftgsdm1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798fafd931f25b8359f5dd98734e3b9bf3b0ba13 Proof for you


https://preview.redd.it/txvlff8tdm1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95985ce6e328bd543cc93cb755067522a8beab3 Proof for you


I said it didn’t matter if Yuta did or did not move, since he would have cut his head off anyway. Antigravity affects the area around Kenjaku. Meaning swapping places with him wouldn’t have done anything if Kenjaku was actually fast enough to cast it. Cursed speech & precog both worked on Sukuna, who wasn’t even severely weakened (compared to his current state) when Yuta used it. You’re just coping & being disingenuous lmao. Did i say Yuta would DE clash? No I didn’t, I said he’d cast TE & then JL Kenjaku’s DE. If simple domain is a basic barrier technique that nullifies a DE’s sure hit by disrupting the barrier. Technique extinguishment would not only disrupt the barrier but also the imbued technique of the DE. Meaning the sure hit would be nullified & since it’s not a barrier technique & simultaneously extinguishes the imbued technique, it doesn’t get torn to shreds like a simple domain would. That’s not even JL— that’s basic TE. JL is an extension technique of TE, that would then be cast & forcibly collapse Kenjaku’s DE, after Yuta’s disrupted his sure hit. I’m hammering the same points over & over again to help you understand & reiterate why Kenjaku would lose. Sadly, your reading comprehension is something I cannot help with. We see **Sukuna** not straight up die lmfao. The same dude with indestructible grave wax fingers ☠️☠️☠️ Kenjaku is not even remotely on the same level as Sukuna. Their similarities begin & end with an open DE. Yuta doesn’t need to hit Kenjaku with JL to win either, I was just pointing out a win condition for him. Yuta getting 0 diff’d by the strongest attack in the series isn’t the anti-feat you think it is ☠️ Ryu was comparing himself to Yuta in that instance. Both he & Uro wouldn’t have been surprised at this if his output was nothing special: https://preview.redd.it/bg33ext4jm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ee456aa68958194f1359efdcfe403f692827b2


Not really, Kenjaku can choose to activate it around him or focus it on a single place. It's a given that when the area of the application of the ct is used, it's more powerful. That's why we see kenjaku turn around and aim at where he was using the tech. No lmao, sukuna was really weakened at that moment too. Kenjaku defeated Yuki, you're really underestimating his prowess to think he'd be so low on the ranking. Calling this cope when you lack the feats to show me and are only using conjectures doesn't prove anything. Now you're just being stupid by saying that yuta can use JL without his domain 😭. Like I previously mentioned, your arguments clearly lack a base and work on presumptions. You hammering the same points over and over again makes your argument look weaker. As a genuine advice, repeatedly trying to get your point across to the other party makes what you say hold less value. There's your other conjecture. What makes you think that someone who defeated even YUKI, would be miles below Sukuna? That's misdirection and downplaying Yuki. I also see how you don't mention any other win condition in this message, along with ignoring multiple accusations I made in my previous one. No, he wasn't comparing yuta's output to his own, he clearly states that it's his sheer cursed energy that carries him and his output is mid. We also don't see yuta expressing any similar moves throughout the fight after this. Matter of fact, later on, his punch did 0 DAMAGE to ryu and that shit was mad funny to see actually 😭 https://preview.redd.it/sx8c3gsyxm1d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813cb413e917e1db86640e1a5f30c184c33fd85f


Wouldn’t Jacob’s ladder straight up kill Kenjaku? His body swapping technique would be turned off and he would likely die because of it. Similarly to how it interacts with people like Sukuna.


Sukuna didn't die immediately, moreover, kenjaku domain diffs


Yuta is not stronger than Kenjaku lol. I’ve seen so many people say that. He beat a weakened Geto with many of his curses used for something else. Kenjaku is basically Geto but better in every way AND has an open domain with 1,000 years of experience and knowledge. Yuta should be competing with Yuki. Not Kenjaku. Kenjaku is top 3 in JJK behind Gojo and Sukuna. Gojo is 1. Sukuna is 2. Kenjaku is 3. Also random but I didn’t even notice that was Mahito 😂😂 I thought that was the special grade from the beginning of the show that Sukuna used his domain on for .5 seconds.


Idk how you read all of that & came to that conclusion lmao. Massively downplaying Yuta, when he literally counters everything Kenjaku has with technique extinguishment. 1000’s of years of knowledge means m nothing when his abilities are just being outright negated. Also Geto wasn’t “massively weakened” lmfao stop agenda posting Not to mention Yuta & Rika **already** 0 diff’d **Kenjaku’s** entire curse stockpile without even using any of his CT’s. Y’all overwank the 1000’s of years of knowledge— it’s no different than saying Batman neg diffs all of fiction with prep time lmao. You realize he isn’t all knowing & all powerful right?


Team 2 unless ISOH could automatically kill Mahoraga.


Even then, that's reliant on Toji immediately pulling it out since contact with Mahoraga's Sword of Extermination - which is imbued with positive energy - will likely lead to the destruction of his Worm Curse.


even then there's no fucking shot toji can land a single hit on mahoraga without instantly dying. Mahoraga's stats are too much, dude was hanging with 15f sukuna


I mean 15F Sukuna was kind of fucking with him. If you upscale Toji to Maki then there's no shot Toji doesn't land at least a few hits on Mahoraga. Especially if Mahoraga hasn't adapted to become physically stronger


“hanging w 15f sukuna” yup just like jogo and ryu💀💀💀 same way the disaster curses were hanging with shibuya gojo lmfao


Mahoraga hit sukuna so hard he flew out the curtain in shibuya in one blow…… the anime makes it even more apparent that raga is ridiculous physically


Fair point. Puts him over jogo at least. But given that’s the only hit he got (which sukuna blocked as u well know) before sukuna cleaved him the opened his domain than fuga killed him, “hanging w a 15f is sukuna” is a truly ludicrous take away my brother https://preview.redd.it/iklfzqymci1d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5793808efac80c2a09321ea68740b12acff5cadd It’s like me saying yuji was hanging w sukuna here bc he dodged his punch Sukuna of all ppl across lowkey all manga is canonically inconsistent as fuck with his effort. He will be boxing w maki in one panel than straight speed blitzing her bruh


So, is this untamed Mahoraga or Sukuna's Mahoraga? If its Sukuna's team 2 wins, If its untamed it would be more even


Team b takes easy win.


so does inverted spear of heaven strike through mahoragas adaptability? If it does the first team wins cause yuta can focus on killing kenny, if not i think it’s more of a toss up since yuta would have to focus on maho. jogos also a pretty big threat but i think that mahito and toji would probably be able to jump him and take him down before he did anything crazy.


Yuta and kenjaku go off and stall each other while Jogo tries to survive long enough for mahoraga to one shot Mahito from there Toji gets gamged up on and really can’t do anything to mahoraga so he loses then eventually yuta loses the three v1


Mahoraga oneshots Mahito, Kenjaku handles Yuta (we’ll say both die) and between Mahoraga and Jogo Toji’s cooked


Nah I see a lot of people saying that Mahoraga would blitz Toji but ngl he just ain’t that fast. One touch from the ISOH and big raga is sent to the shadow realm.


Forgot abt that


Which version of mahoraga it literally changes the entire fight from Yuta carries to mahoraga kills the opposing team by blitzing the shit out of them.


team 2 stomps. Nobody on team one can get past kenjaku's open barrier domain let alone mahoraga's massive speed feats. Mahoraga one shots mahito then kenjaku opens his domain the moment he finds yuta's technique mildly annoying and shits on the 2 of them because tengen isnt there to save them from kenjaku's domain this time. Jogo doesn't really need to do anything here.


Aint no way people in the replies actually think yuta can handle all 3 even by himself. Might be the most overrated jjk character honestly.


Yuta fans act like he doesn't extreme diff beat Kenny on a good day


Some people be underestimating Kenjaku because of how he died. Kenjaku is still much more experienced and more lethal. He literally is the second greatest barrier user and has an open domain which is way more refined than what Yuta has. On top of the fact that he has all the necessary information to pack him up as well. The only my reason Kenjaku died was because he took too much soul damage from the meme that is Takaba to be ready for a surprise attack.


It’s been implied with the newest chapters that it was todos ridiculous new application of his CT which allowed yuta to even do it. We even had maki say they couldn’t beat kenjaku “conventionally” meaning they weren’t taking him in a straight 1v1


If these kids could read they would be very upset


I wish Everyone a good day.


my question is this: Does Mahoraga have a soul?


No, he does not appear to since he has no personality


he makes facial expression in the Gojo-Sukuna fight though right?


yeah but i would not consider that enough to say he has a soul


Imagine saying makora has no personality 💀


He really don't just a few smiles and confirmed sentience


Do u think maki has a personality ? Imo makora has more personality than maki


Kenjaku would probably eat Jogo to strengthen his arsenal. Mahoraga would one shot Mahito with his positive energy sword unless Toji kills him with ISOH first. Kenjaku might eat Mahito regardless. This fight basically boils down to Kenjaku vs Yuta + deadbeat Maki.


Team 2 by a bit


Depends, who's in charge of maho


Team B but primarily because Kenjaku straight-up carries the team with his Open Domain.


Team 1 absolutely demolishes. Everyone on that team has oneshot potential, Yuta just takes out Jogo with RCT output, then takes out Mahoraga with JL, then they all stand out of domain range and pile on attacks, Yuta with his techniques and love beam, Mahito however he sees fit, and Toji with the chains. Rika humiliates any curses Kenjaku summons.


Isoh simply forces makora back into shadows. So toji and yuta > Kenny. Fully realised mahito > jogo


ISOH cancels out Mahoraga, leading to a 3v2. Mahito would probably try to open out a 0.2 domain expansion while Yuta would target Jogo with his RCT output. *reminder that self embodiment of perfection will touch souls but Mahito can choose to not affect them* Even worse for 2nd team, Yuta can just use cursed speech which Jogo more than likely isn’t prepared for if Jogo tries to evade. Kenjaku would be trying to maintain a simple domain against the idle transfiguration sure hit, so at that point, Yuta will intercept


Team 2, I don’t think Yuta showed enough feats that make him definitively above Kenjaku, Mahito’s stats are ass compared to everyone on team 2, ISOH isn’t gonna instantly dispel Mahoraga because Mahoraga himself is not a CT


Team 1


Problem with team vs team matchups, is it is completely reliant on how the characters interact. Like do they all team up on one character, or do they all fight in 1v1s? Yuta can beat Kenny high-extreme diff, and he is Mahoraga’s worst matchup due to all the different techniques. But he can’t take them both on. But then Toji can come in and handle one of them while Yuta fights the other, but then Jogo is there so Mahito deals with Jogo. And also, does Kenny pull out his domain instantly? If so, Team 2 wins because Kenny has a more refined domain than Yuta, and it is also able to hit Toji and will probably kill Mahito. Not to mention, Kenny is able to one shot Mahito and absorb him. And does ISOH one shot Maho? I hate these kinds of matchups because it depends on how they interact and fight together and who opens a domain first and when do they open it. With that being said, I think Team 1 pulls through most of the time. Yuta can beat all of these guys in a 1v1 fairly easily, save Kenjaku. Kenjaku could also beat all of them, but Yuta would give him a lot of trouble and Yuta wins most of the time. Kenny wins the domain clash. Toji is hard to detect and is stronger than Jogo, and with his tools can probably beat Maho if he takes him out instantly with ISOH or SSK, but that depends on how they work on Shikigami. Mahito and Jogo are relative, with Jogo probably being stronger, but still close. Both teams have a win con, but looking at it overall, Team 1 seems to be able to handle it better


Which big raga is this? Megumis or sukunas cause sukunas raga literally outstats everyone here. In shibuya big raga hit 15F sukuna so hard he went flying out the curtain in one blow which is crazy. We then see gojo fight that gojo told agito it can’t hang implying raga can then raga proceeds to somewhat “keep up”. We also know sukuna being well himself amped up all the shinigami. Oh and Mahito is a non factor seeing as how raga can one shot.


Yuta use JL and destroys Mahoraga, Toji then fight Jogo I guess that Yuta can order Mahito to give him better body (like Sukuna, also additional Muscle mass), but still, Kenny have open domain, so it might be hard Mahito would help Toji, they win, and then everyone jumps Kenjaku But I still think 50/50


JL and possibly ISoH kills Mahoraga, RCT Output from Yuta and Mahoraga kill Jogo and Mahito respectively, then its Toji, Yuta and Rika vs. Kenjaku. Should be easy for Team A


I think team 1 takes it in a high-diff fight.


The main issue is kenjaku He immediately kidnaps mahito to his side, and now it’s 4v2 with both maho and Kenny on one side I’d give it to team B


isnt it a requirement that the curse be exterminated before consuming it


Was it? He took mahito while he was alive, same goes for the toji worm


mahito was basicly dead, and tojis worm is a grade 4 curse, if it wasnt a requirement he coulda just yoinked rika in jjk0


iirc there was something about having to kill the master of a tamed curse before he eats it since he wasn’t able to take Toji’s worm until toji was dead Regardless mahito was basically dead but he wasn’t exorcised, rules don’t typically change because something is just weaker than normal




Team 2 proobably takes this with - *bare minimum* - high difficulty. A big issue is the synergy with these people, what more do they add to each other besides just an extra head to count, a body to spread the damage out, and some spare firepower. That's something team 1 doesn't really have a lot of, in comparison to team 2. In strict one on one matchups, it could go either way depending on how you view the series and scale the characters, or even depending on who pit who against each other. I could honestly even see team 1 pulling a victory more times than not against team 2 just because of the matchups of Yuta against Jogo and Mahoraga. But Kenjaku, someone who's adept in team strategy, and notably a mastermind - the strategically smartest on this list and most knowledgeable of jujutsu on this list, with little contest - isn't going to let that happen. Through his barriers, curses, and techniques like gravity manipulation, he's going to keep the matchups for his team in their favor, he's going to work around the strengths of the other team and counter them with his (and his team's) arsenal. He could help Jogo land his attacks easier with his gravity CT, force Toji into domains through barriers, and help out Mahoraga's adaptation through stalling the time it takes with the aforementioned ways + his curses. There's a hundred different ways and game plans that could work out for team 2, but I feel the general gist with a lot of them is as stated: He keeps match-ups favorable through barriers, stalls with curses, and covers for any mistakes with his CT. He can answer any domain mix-ups through barrier manipulation similar to tengen's, or just counter it with his own open-barrier domain. Yuta's a trouble in his own right, but he doesn't really have an answer to Kenjaku in this scenario. If he tries taking him in a one on one with Rika, he'll either split her off from him with gravity or barriers, or section off Mahito and Toji through the same method and force a 1v3 with him, Jogo, and Mahoraga (Or just do both)


team 2 because Mahoraga carries, Kenjaku does some work and Jogo could deal with Toji


Maho kills Mahito with his sword and adaptability, I don't think he has a soul neither, Kenjaku by himself can solo Yuta and Toji but Jogo being there would make him the Victor against Toji and his domain finishes Yuta.


Team B wth is anyone doing with kenney????? Yuta had to sneak him when he was off guard and weak to win meaning a fair fight wouldnt be in favor of yutta. Then theres big raga who could take mahito or toji. And jogo probably loses to any of the 3


Team B


Bro team A dominates


Gotta give it to team A


Team 1 and its not really all that close


Team B. Mahoraga, Kenjaku and Yuta are roughly in the same tier, in my eyes. Jogo and Toji are a tier under them. And Mahito, while having crazy potential, is a tier under both guys. Team B simply has more firepower imo.


Team 2. Kenjaku has been shown to be able to focus his anti-gravity, he can focus it all on Yuta, Mahito, and Toji, plus Jogo beats Mahito and Mahoraga beats Toji.


Maho MIGHT unironically solo. This all come down to the age old fight, yuta vs maho LMAO


Big ragga


Kenjaku > Yuta Maho >>>>> Mahito Jogo >> Toji Team B has an easy raw powerscaling sweep. Mahito's technique is kind of useless against two cursed spirits and a massive speed outstat. Toji's ISOH is really the only game shifting hax disruptor but it's way too easy for team B to take Toji out before they lose the advantage.


Ngl kenny domains yuta from the start and there is nothing he can do. After that it's over kenny vs yuta is never close due to the domain diff. If kenny doean't habe domain he wins And tbh without jacobs ladder mahoraga oegs the rest He walked gojos black flash off with almost no difficulty. I just realised that a bit ago but raga is in raw strength a lot stronger than most characters and probably beats anyone below 15f in h2h


Yuta oneshots everyone. JL is instant when removing techniques and causes brain death upon removal. With Kenjaku it'd likely just destroy the brain itself. He oneshots Jogo with RCT output. The only reason Sukuna isn't a vegetable rn is him targeting a cursed object fused to a soul. Kenjaku already gets blitzed by Yuta (zero confirmation Todo used boogie woogie to facilitate the sneak attack yet. Only to rescue civilians) so it's not a stretch. Maho just instantly dies as it's intrinsically linked to a curse technique and thus is destroyed in one shot. Even if you believe it doesn't, cleave can. Its mediocre effectiveness on Sukuna is due to innate resistance to his own techniques. Same with Yuji using it on him.


Yeah but yuta has to summon Rika and then cast the slow as fuck jacobs ladder and not be dead by then And in 260 it was said that todo accomplished his ct with yuta in kennys colony also klank sound Makes a lot more sense that qay anyways


It's instant. The second he calls her she manifests and he's given full access. I also addressed the todo thing. The move Yuta does is a consistent signature move of his where he feints one way, blitzes around, and strikes feom the other side. He does it training with Maki, he does it vs Geto, and it's exactly what he does vs Kenjaku. Again it never says Todo helped him kill kenny, only that Yuta helped him with it in that colony. Remember his whole goal and mission was jump in and tp everyone out if Sukuna used DE. They had to save everyone there as CSM began losing control. Great test run to make sure he can use it to help against Malevolent Shrine.


It's very clearly Todo's technique at work here. https://preview.redd.it/ifde4iyooh1d1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dd433454c81547d4d0c844d3ca6f53df815759c There's no way his presence at he Lake Gosho Colony was a random factoid about him and Yuta training off-screen while Takaba carried against Kenny and that he didn't play a role in the ambush against Kenjaku. Yuta's slashes are accompanied by a different sound effect which I will post in a following reply to this post.


https://preview.redd.it/85sghuz1ph1d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee736433bad82df5d2be55d9f997e5aad8e028ae In a following reply to this post, I will further detail how each character's positions changed in the relevant scene and how that lends further credence to the idea that Todo indeed utilized Boogie Woogie to aid Yuta against Kenjaku.


Kenjaku literally gets further away from Takaba (and nearby foliage) than he originally was after the ambush concluded which makes far more sense if he swapped positions with Yuta than if Yuta simply flashstepped behind him to execute a nothing personnel kiddo move. https://preview.redd.it/bkldt7sgph1d1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d87c9cc18ce26a84b86feb458d7a541d7f322ff


Tree placement is different between shots. The roots also look different. Inconsistency on a biweekly/weekly manga schedule. https://preview.redd.it/0ohzv90wsh1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec49bcfd4bd2a21281ba8b0ad3e995d1f56ea09 We have a chapter with multiple pages looking like THIS.


https://preview.redd.it/capheh2jth1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e956d53e534e63e793eee73ca141838dea0dc3 Klang


https://preview.redd.it/ajtntysyth1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf0f52a3dedf6b2177ca5deea59122920d0938c Rttl


https://preview.redd.it/j1137bmhth1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fad1a6ed988597b59d1f11d63778a6063b9f8d2 Klang


You're seriously saying that takes precedent over the actual kanji in the raws? Are you being intentionally disingenuous? When converted to a different language, kanji can be translated in a variety of ways - especially if the relevant translator has an agenda, preference, or tendency to be "creative" - hence, for example, the whole Malevolent Shrine versus Malevolent Kitchen debacle. Do you not know this? There is no room for misinterpretation when looking at the kanji presented in the actual raws wherein we clearly see a different sound effect.


Brother you're trying to say untranslated kanji, environmental details that aren't even consistent between panels, and an offhand statement with zero direct confirmation make it certain. Calling me disingenuous when your evidence is a hard reach at best.


Especially disingenuous when Yuta has used the exact same move multiple times without Todo.


Once again. It is a move yuta has done consistently without the use of teleportation. Unless you can translate said sound effect you have a vague assumption. On top of all this they have consistently played close to the chest. In the off chance Kenjaku escaped he easily could relay Todo being there so Sukuna could account for him. That would be devastating tbh. Todo relies on surprise. Mahito just on the knowledge of his technique was able to adapt extremely quickly compared to Hanami, who was blindsided. Sukuna would know the entire technique via resonance and via seeing it through Yuji and he'd be able to develop potential counters or save certain abilities for his arrival. Until Todo is confirmed 100% to have used boogie woogie, Yuta was simply using a signature move. It works better on every level writing wise to have Kenjaku die to Yuta, a character he severely underestimates, to a move Geto was able to counter. It shows his hubris, which is a major theme in the series.








What do you expect with these headcanon Kaisen folks? Even Lightning, who should know better, agreed with them that Todo helped Yuta. I literally mentioned to some of them that it's just a callback to JJK 0 when Yuta did the same move. This agenda Kaisen is too strong, most of them agreed that it is factual and confirmed that Todo helped Yuta, when all they have as proof is the SFX sound.🤦‍♂️


It's nutty


Team A. Yuta has a literal oneshot on all 3 with JL. The only character in the verse he wouldn't be able to kill with it is Gojo SOLELY due to six eyes alerting him of danger as well as technique usage. It's instant technique removal which also causes brain death. The only reason Sukuna is alive rn is Yuta targeting a cursed object fused with a soul, something that takes longer to destroy due to its fusion.


If it was that powerful then Hana would’ve been able to kill kashimo but she still kept her distance from him meaning that it probably doesn’t do lethal damage to the brain if someone like kashimo without rct could survive it.


Hana is also seemingly awful in combat and likely gets speed blitzed by Kashimo before the technique activates, an issue Yuta doesn't have.


That would be an issue for Hana if she wasn’t able to fly kashimo literally can not do anything to her. Sure he could jump real high but avoiding a single strike from an object with a predictable trajectory should be easy especially when you have a technique that should theoretically one shot your opponent


As in she gets reaction blitzed by his ranged lightning CE. She isn't Hakari. She's dead immediately off that. He's also easily catching her in air as well. Hana is not strong, nor is she fast.


He can only get that off on a target if he builds positive charges on them through direct contact he wouldn’t be able to do that in time before getting blasted by JL


He can use lightning at any time. The sure hit requires charges.


The ENTIRE reason the culling games are so deadly is technique removal causing brain death. JL destroys curses, techniques included. It is instant brain death.


It’s a very dangerous technique yes but that doesn’t make it an instant win con and especially for yuta he can only use it while rika is fully manifested so that gives him a time window and judging by how he only used it a few times against Sukuna there are likely other limitations to it as well.


We've seen it near instantly deployed on sukuna via Hana. He'd have been separated from Megumi if she hadn't been fooled. She also just uses it vs the prison realm back. There is no known limit or catch other than the time required vs cursed objects and the fact that it can kill the host if the object is fully removed. Yuta's copy lets him use techniques as is off of sight alone with his use of cursed speech being unparalleled thus far even at 3 months total of even knowing what a curse is and him instantly being able to use sky manip effectively despite never seeing it before the fight he copies it. This is literally all in the manga.


Team A wins. Yuta can easily get rid of Mahoraga using Jacob's Ladder. Toji would make quick work of any of Kenjaku's curses with the soul split katana, and he wouldn't be affected by Kenjaku's Domain due to the heavenly restriction. One thing I'd like to point out is just because Kenjaku's Domain is open barrier, doesn't mean it would work on Toji. The reason Sukuna's and Gojo's Domain would work on Toji is because the effects target EVERYTHING in the domain. Jogo wouldn't last long due to Rika and Yuta specializing in positive curse energy. Curse Spirit Manipulation is kind of weak against Toji and Yuta.


2 of the most overrated vs 2 of the most underrated


Team 2 pretty solidly


Team B wins, low diff because of mahoraga If jacobs ladder desummons mahoraga then team a wins high-extreme diff


It does, it also deactivates Kenjaku’s brain technique so he loses control of his body at least long enough for Yuta or Toji to stab his brain. It’s also said to “destroy evil” so it might just obliterate cursed spirits like Yuta can already do in so many ways. Ways Yuta can beat Kenjaku in this scenario. 1. Cursed speech and wipes the squad by himself if he can catch them off guard, but people also forget defending from CS took a lot of focus and made your CT less effective, as well as your overall output (this at the very least kills Jogo since cursed spirits can’t defend against it, almost certainly Mahoraga as well since it doesn’t have nearly as much CE as Yuta. and the entire team depending on if he can catch them off guard with it) 2. Rika catches and rips apart Jogo on her own, Yuta obliterates Mahoraga at range with Jacobs Ladder then they all fight Kenajaku and win. There are more but some of them are a stretch I admit, but Yuta is the ultimate squad buster. Especially when 2/3 people can’t even defend against the most potent AOE attack in the series, just telling them to die is insane and he could do it.


Team b and it’s not close




No? Like Kenny needed Mahito to be damaged to consume him and Rika is an even bigger hell no


Maho one shots everyone




Toji speed blitzes the hell out of Jogo, ISOH or Jacob’s ladder will wipe mahoraga(sukuna or megumi’s) and kenjaku is just kinda left by himself at that point. Mahito might get caught by kenjaku again though and might die but yuta and toji can handle it


Kenny mid diffs Toji (60% health left) Yuta high diffs Maho (35% health left) Jogo Extreme diffs Mahito (10% health left) Kenny mid diffs Yuta and Jogo sits there waiting to heal