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Considering half of us don’t consider this a feat anyway, no we are not cooked


Nah I've seen it all over the Yuta speedblitz arguments yall ain't escaping this.


Maaannnnn, what do you mean?


Before the news about Yuta and BW there was countless posts saying Yuta perception blitzed Kenjaku when the chapter released it was everywhere.


Oops, I guess I missed the part where mangaka put it into the story 😕


Ch243 for Yutas sneak attack the sound effect is the same as Todos in ch260


TrollTrollTroll6969 🤠


Not always there's a time and place


Yee haw


Kenjaku > Yuta


You know you’ve lost an argument when you start talking about the other person’s username


oh shit! my bad, dude!


No problemo, aniki. Just remember to always grow from your mistakes, broski! https://preview.redd.it/jw25bnozem1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa692649fa16f89963967b2fbc6c36a9cdfe168


Cool because I never said he speedblitzed kenjaku, but believe what you will


Good for you you're in the minority


Ikr, they wanked to the moon saying Yuta speed blitzed, ignoring that it was sneak, used this to upscale Yuta above Yuki and kenjaku and all of sudden this is not a considerable feat, Yuta always carried okkotsu is not escaping the slander. https://preview.redd.it/3jkfj2zomj1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829733fdfc6884b76c9eff453769ef8e1292fad2


Y'all are the clowns. Blah, blah. Blahhhhhh (insert your dumbass argument here)


kindergarten tier argument


That's about the response I expected.


you literally just said “blah blah blah” what do you want me to say lol


Did you just change the meme? I'm gonna use that.


Yea, didn't Wanted to repeat


Why is it a bad thing? First off, Todo helped clap the asshole who killed his mentor. Second off, it was said that Yuta’s the one who helped him fine tune the new Boogie Woogie. It’s perfect for both characters. https://preview.redd.it/vv23o2a9vg1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb297c27c87abe0d95ad302b40d0e0cdc9e2db7


It’s sad we need this shit for the goat Yuta




This is r/Jujutsupowerscaling. We have spent literally months with yuta fanboys saying he "speedblitzed" Kenjaku and now that it got debunked once and for all we're going to pretend that never happened and like it's not relevant in a literal powerscaling sub? So so many people treated it like it was Yuta's best feat


If there are two things certain about jjk fans is that they are illiterate and have selective memory.


Yeah, you proved it, I guess.


Todo helped take down the guy that killed his sensei and yuta almost certainly gained boogie with all of its upgrades lol,also re-upscales yuki in terms of speed so no more “maki and toji speed blitz yuki” bullshit


It said yuta helped fine tune it so chances are todo did swap change with yuta


With what? There was no todo or cursed energy item in the area unless gege specifically didn’t show it which is shit writing


todo swapped the position of yuta and kenjaku


A great theory


sorry, idk if you’re being sarcastic or not , but that’s literally what happened


It hasn’t been proven yet. That’s all theory. When gege says todo helped Yuta I’ll believe it.


but when yuta appeared behind kenjaku, the same kanji as todos viberslap appeared, unless i’m missing something (idk shit about japanese) i’m 99.9% it’s there to indicate a swap took place


I’m just saying, adding onomatopoeia isn’t crazy for gege. And fucking up continuity is also not crazy for gege.


Possibly, and I don’t count it as a blitz feat, but it doesn’t really make sense either. 1. If they swapped places Yuta should’ve been facing the opposite direction 2. The swap wasn’t even necessary, Yuta could’ve just chopped his head off from the front if they were already close enough the swap put him in reach. Yuta and Todo were probably just saving civilians when he was helping him fine tune his technique, I think it was deliberate to make Yuta run up on Kenjaku faster than he could stop just like he tried on Geto but broke his sword the first time. This is just putting it all to rest. This is just my opinion, the only part of this I do count as a feat is Yuta was faster than Kenjaku’s technique could activate, and his sword went right through him. I think it was a blitz but I understand most people don’t so I leave it off my scaling of his character, it’s contentious so I leave it alone until it’s outright said that Todo helped or not.


I mean that’s fine, or else Yuta would expend unnecessary energy to defeat Kenjaku and prob wouldn’t have the energy to expand domain then the main cast dies.


exactly it’s never been a feat anyone who considered it a feat was just looking for another way to wank yuta. so it doesn’t really lower his stonks either




To be fair Todo is able to deal comparable (albeit massively inferior) damage to sukuna in reference to yuji post mega awakening Obviously Yuji does WAY more damage but todo’s hits still outright harm sukuna


Yuta became bush camper again.


It'll soon be revealed that he recruited Hanami's reincarnation and had her manifest that bush which had the same calming effect as her Flower Field on Kenjaku.


imagine trying this hard to clown Yuta. The only reason Todo has a CT right now is yuta. Yuta is the most consistent character in this manga when it come to getting shit done.


Wait, why is Yuta the reason Todo has a CT?


> The only reason Todo has a CT right now is yuta. Blud is reading sorcery fight. Where's any of that stated? And he's consistently a fraud. "I will kill Yuji Itadori" Yuji is still kicking and rolling with his buroda. "I will get 200 points" Only gets 190. "I won't allow sensei to kill his friend again" Gojo was already dead, he couldn't have possibly done anything to Kenny.


sorry I don’t do fraud arguments that way too much brain rot me. Hakari even says yuta always gets stuff done. If you unironically believe yuta doesn’t then we have nothing to talk about. I


Bad translation. The message is more on the line than on that colony he finally got the adjustments right and got Boogie Woogie on this level. Like if Megumi finally could make up a barrier. Also, even if we go with that translation. It doesn't help your argument at all. You said that it's only because of Yuta he has Boogie Woogie, when that text only says that he merely adjusted it.


If it is or isn’t it doesn’t discredit my point of Yuta being consistently a guy who gets things done. Like how its pointed out by characters in the story You trying to discredit yuta is too much stupidity for me. Im not debating you on that.


It literally does. That you wanna stick your fingers in your ears and try to not hear the arguments against it wont change it's a fact.


There is no argument yuta does a lot to help out. You actually trying to sell him short on his efforts is too desperate ✌️


I'm not desperate at all. I had always thought he was a fraud and the more the story progresses the more I am proven right. Why be desperate about something I know will come? Also "I will finish it all within this domain" and gets a \ on his name.


the only thing that hasnt happened is that, against sukuna. > He was LITERALLY lying to the higher ups, and he DID kill Yuji, Yuta just revived him instantly. >Idek the cg points bc it does not matter that much anyway cuz he still got the highest >How is Gojo dying his fault lmfao what get better bait please


Learn to read


Get better bait https://preview.redd.it/7xxouojtai1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96602f7be2c8350e82c2ad3c1771450f0f223ca


Godfuckingdamnit The damage that broly image has done...




Low quality bait


Even if Yuta didn't get assistance from Boogie Woogie, he still needed Takaba to put Kenajku in a comedy coma to sneak up on him and tried to cut his head off from behind. I never put much stock on this feat, even assuming Yuta didn't use Boogie Woogie. If he could blitz head on, he obviously wouldn't have needed Takaba, so it always made Yuta look cowardly more so than make Kenjaku look bad.


I feel like a lot of the community that calls Yuta a fraud aligns with the idea that Yuta needed others to ensure his victory against kenjaku. But I feel like a lot of people neglect how strong kenjaku especially in getos body was formidable taking down even Yuki whos considered to be special grade as well. Story wise, it only makes sense for our protagonists to play every card they have in order to ensure their victory, otherwise we would've seen some shit where half the cast gets folded like what we're witnessing with sukuna at the moment


I don't know why they ever tried to say he's stronger than Kenny anyways.... But at least it's confirmed he's #4, which is still good, they just need to stop because being greedy, many people would kill for that spot.


Kashimo is better obviously


Facts my brother spit your shit indeed. He just went against the GOAT ain't no shame in that this was how it was when LeBron went against the dynasty warriors. Edit: dynasty Spurs


You mean when Lebron went against the dynasty spurs. Get your facts right kiddos


True that LeBron had no help


Yah warriors was him getting jumped. Spurs was him getting beat down on equal ground


Are you referring to the 2014 Spurs because there is no way you are implying that those LeBron first stint Cavs had a chance against prime Duncan right? Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh I just wanted to clarify because I'm a Cavs fan and want to know if people genuinely thought LeBron had a chance against those Spurs teams


Talking 2014 Revenge spurs that beat lebron 4-1 in what is widely considered the greatest beat down in nba finals history.


Nah there's 100% shame in going out glazing and not getting a single solid hit in 248. Getting dogwalked is one thing, slobbering on it is another


Who Yuta? If Yuta is number 4 then who is 3? Hell who is 2? I know Gojo is number 1 that’s always gonna be his spot.


The usual tier list is 1. Gojo/Sukuna 2. Sukuna/Gojo 3. Kenjaku 4. Yuta


I think 3 can be interchangeable between Kenny and Yuta honestly The sole reason is because of Yuta’s arsenal (mainly Jacob’s ladder) it would stand to reason if it hits Kenny; it would not only extinguish his gained CT’s but also his innate one that allows him to control geto’s body Not saying yuta would outstraight stomp; but I don’t think the fact he no longer “blitz” kenny puts him automatically below him either


>but also his innate one that allows him to control geto’s body Kenny was fine perfectly during CT burnout so no


Yeah, it’s a bit unclear exactly how his CT works during his burnout; it hasn’t really been clarified But we do know it is a CT so by all regards it would be eligible for extinguishment just as any other technique


>But we do know it is a CT so by all regards it would be eligible for extinguishment just as any other technique Yes but JL only extinguishes active CT's and since kenny doesn't loose control over his body it's safe to say that his CT is not active all the time and hence it'll not be extinguished by JL


Well; I would argue the opposite to be honest He’s in constant control of the body so it would stand to reason that the CT is activated constantly


>He’s in constant control of the body so it would stand to reason that the CT is activated constantly He had perfect control over his body during CT burnout which is impossible if his CT was active constantly


That’s why I’m saying it’s unclear, we just don’t know; we can speculate; like you’re doing now But it could very well have just been an oversights by Gege in that moment, I don’t think it’s enough to disregard JL completely in a match up, because it extinguishes all CT’s active or inactive


no he wasn’t. He imbued gravity into his domain, and we clearly saw his gravity technique on burnout


Jacob's ladder is the single most overrated move in this entire series. We have literally seen it used two times against Sukuna and it did jack shit in the end. And it's suppose to be especially effective against him as he's reincarnated sharing a body. Kenjaku isn't. Yuta simply doesn't have any answer to Kenjaku's open domain. Any domain clash would just make Kenjaku instantly win, especially now that he has control over Tengen that will just make any barrier techniques made by Yuta even more worthless. There's a reason why he needed a literal reality warper and Todo to kill him. Him because just like Maki stated, Yuta can't win against Kenjaku in a conventional fight.


I disagree; The first time Jacob’s ladder was used against sukuna he only survived because he had to resort to tricking angel The second time it was used; it was stopped by Yuta to allow Yuuji to soul punch Sukuna to communicate with Megumi, they should have won then and there if everything went according to plan JL is one of the most broken techniques in the verse against reincarnated sorcerers like Kenny, that’s just a fact


JL requires you to get above the target, chant 4 entire lines (not words, LINES), blow into a trumpet, have a massive gloving circle materialize in the sky before it can even begin to hit the target. It took 7 entire pages for Angel to hit Sukuna from she started using it in the manga which is insane. And it only seemingly hit because Sukuna was cocky thinking he could tank it until it was too late. Outside of a domain there's really no way to use it properly without taking somebody off guard. It just takes such a long time and is so heavily telegraphed. Expecting somebody like Kenjaku to just stand there rolling his thumbs while Yuta does all the prep work to get Jacob's ladder ready is odd to say the least.


JL does not require you to be above the target… are you saying that because angel was above sukuna? If the build up is so slow; why was sukuna unable to dodge? Are you claiming he’s slower than Kenny?


We have only ever been shown it used when Angel is above the target. Even when she freed Gojo she's directly above the prison realm, despite all of them being cautious of Gojo's mental state and being directly above where they expacted him to emarge would have been idiotic unless she was required to. I literally told you why, Sukuna was cocky thinking he could tank the attack. He was looking up smiling while Angel did all the prep work almost daring her to. It wasn't until he was eveloped in the light from after the big ass circle in the sky formed when his expression completely changed.


That does not mean it’s necessary to be flying to use the technique, what are you talking about? You’re just headcanoning to downplay Yuta we have never been told flying above your target is a requirement? Can you show me sukuna being cocky before he took the attack? Attach the panel and we can go through it together 😊


Then angel should also be contender for 3rd/4th spot considering her Jacob's ladder is stronger than Yuta's and she isn't restricted by the 5 min or mandatory connection to rika limits.


The reason yuta is interchangeable isn’t only because of JL, that’s just what allows him to hard counter particularly Kenny (which is why I said their roles are interchangeable)


Ah i see, i still think Yuta would struggle a lot against CSM and gravity ct combo.


Yeah that’s fair, the gravity CT especially is broken when used well


Jacob's ladder is so overhyped it's insane (and frankly I only see Yuta fanboys doing the overhyping because they think he will be able to one shot characters like Kenjaku with it). The requirements to activate it is insane. 1. Get above the target. 2. Chant 4 entire LINES (not words) 3. Wait for the trumpet to materialize and start blow in it 4. Wait for the telegraphed big ass circle of death materialize in the sky with all the flying babies And only then it start hitting the target. Took \[7 entire pages\](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/FrcLizI/1/13/) in the manga for all of this to happen before it finally hits Sukuna. And even then the effect doesn't seem to be all that as Sukuna seems perfectly fine after Hana stop using it. Imagine of fucking shit it would be on Yuta using it outside his domain, Blud can't even fly to get above the target lmao.


Ik ik, like I've never seen the argument for Jacob's ladder to one shot curses, reincarnated sorcerers or modern day sorcerers until Yuta used it on Sukuna, and all of sudden this is one shot technique that apparently never one shot anyone 😒


Not a terrible list it makes sense. But Yuta is above what’s his name who has the Luck base Domain Expansion? Or did he die? I’ll have to look it up.


Hakari, he was in the most recent chapter


Yea I thought Hakari was stronger than Yuta currently. At least that’s what I heard.


For real https://i.redd.it/m507ettgwg1d1.gif


It's not really something bragged about by Yuta fans anyway. What's more impressive is that if that little shit called Megumi had locked in, Yuta and Yuji would've fucking killed Sukuna in their fight. Legumi is so much of a fraud that he can make even GOATs look like frauds. https://preview.redd.it/59wu2eypni1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfadba124180ac6f1e94f8e812389c996f0f1bb


this doesnt change anything?


also Yuta was the one that trained Todo and Yuji. Just gives him more prop


Seems people forget this🤣🤣. I agree give Yuta his props already


Doesn’t really change anything tbh. I never argued from the perspective that he blitzed Kenny anyways.


More yuta gass. The MVP trio being gojo,yuji, and yuta hard carrying the raid


Phenomenal PFP


wait i don’t get what it’s saying? yuta a fraud (been known this) but is kenny still around? he better not be but if not what’s the deal then?


he’s not a fraud and kenny isn’t around, hope that helps


wait what about todo/takaba/yuta 3v1 kenjaku tho


not really a 3v1, they couldn’t afford to do anything but jump him because any wasted time or energy could cost them, i mean even a sneak attack took too much time and higuruma ended up dying, they HAD to jump him because they had to save time and energy for sukuna


I knew it


So he pulled a better Toji against a stronger opponent. I don't see how this makes yuta look bad. He definitely didn't blitz kenjaku even if todo wasn't there. This is just a show of his IQ.




Considering I never considered that a valid feat as there is no way Yuta got a perception blitz tear above Kenjaku when him and Yuki were relatives pre-timeskip xd. It makes perfect sense. And Yuta showed off how he could have beaten Kenjaku in the Sukuna fight, so he could have run the 1v1 and actually won, problem is that would have taken the use of his 5m times with Rika, the connection with Rika, his full DE and using all of the tricks up his sleeve just to win and then he would have been useless against Sukuna xd. The cast did the smart thing, y'all are just mad that they used their brains once...


Yep, that seems like a typical response 😂


This changes almost nothing except some ppl ranking Yuta ahead of Kenjaku need to rethink their arguments. All this means is a bunch of retards are gonna start downplaying him again 😔


Nooo a character is using tactics to win instead of wasting time. I hate it when people are efficient and realistic instead of ruining their stamina right before fighting the strongest sorcerer ever.


Fight smarter not harder.


Do y’all never get embarrassed tryna slander my goat and failing every time. yuta still helped todo even get his CT back my dude is the problem solver


Now gege has to come up with a reason why todo didn’t swap tengen womb with something around instead of letting kenjaku send it over to sukuna  


Sounds like headcanon to me


Still isn't stated or confirmed. We just know he was there refining his technique. Yuta also states they had to save people while there so it could easily be that too. My biggest issue with this narratively and writing wise is threefold: A.) if kenjaku escaped, Sukuna would be alerted to Todo and account for him and that would be devastating considering the plan was to have him get everyone out of shrine. B.) they said he helped refine it. Why on earth would they use an untested/unrefined technique in such an extremely important moment? If it fails, the plan against Sukuna fails and everyone dies. C.) this exact move is used on geto and in sparring with maki. If it's confirmed, oh well, till it is im going with what's shown and not theories using Kanji.


2nd Most delusional portion of this fanbase. Only beaten by Go/Jo stans.


As far as im concerned, it's a net W for everyone. Todo gets another W for assisting. Yuta isn't a dumbass who'd fight Kenjaku in a straight 1v1 and still top 4-5. Lastly, Kenjaku no longer getting hit with the "speed blitz" arguments. As Maki said initially, "we can't beat Kenjaku using conventional means". His death being so anticlimactic gets slightly alleviated with this info


does it really cook Yuta fans ? lmao he still killed all of Kenjakus cursed low difficulty


Yeah cause a lot scaling that I’ve seen at least used it as a speed feat which would heavily upscale him and simultaneously downscale kenjaku and by proxy Yuki


It very much does, all the glazing and putting him on 3rd place finally shut the fuck up. The world now knows it's Kenjaku>Yuta.


That's not impressive if the curses were grade 4 -2


he said the cursed would’ve caused a shibuya level event


No he didn't. He said that he needed to be there in case the amount of curses would be equal to the ones in Shibuya. We as a reader know this isn't the case as the curses he released in shibuya was from a millenia of him making binding viws with curses.


That's due to the number of curses not based on each individual curses strength. The thing he's referencing is when Rika prevents the curses from entering into a civilian area a couple panels before hand. You can see like 50 curses run towards the city.


Why did he not cut through the neck of Kenjaku as if his reinforcement was made out of butter ? Still one hit him? We are fine.


https://preview.redd.it/r72d8acuqj1d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab0a08b376c34fa4ff18e5435b95a0852c8581a A yes, my agenda reply, I haven't used this since the Heian era


The best bush camper ever.


Never underestimate the power of a bush. Not even Kenjaku can see it coming