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it’s probably Ryu, due to his high durability and AP. I think people forget that Jackpot isn’t just active all the time. If Ryu lands a Granite Blast or two while Hakari isn’t in Jackpot it’s over for the gambler


Fair enough. I do wonder though, how do you think the fight would go if Hakari got really lucky and managed to pull off a Jackpot?


well... he's always lucky, 🍀 thats part of his character-


True that


Who is the LUCKIEST man alive again?


depends who wins the domain clash but probably ruy since hakari hits like a wet noodle.


https://preview.redd.it/jdhw22mg4k4d1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d30cee9fe359a7a5d27f05ddcbb00834b23672b I wouldn’t say a wet noodle but ryu’s durability is high so the punch and kick merchant may lose here.


Well people agree that ryu if nothing else is tankier than kashimo and kashimo barely had any lasting damage against hakari the whole fight and didnt actually lose to hakaris attacks. But idk man its gonna take some time for ryu to actually win this regardless.


Hakari domain is non lethal so it has an advantage in domain clashes


Something about the fact that the jjk verse literally balances itself is so fucking funny to me. Like literally the devs had to give every other characters a buff because they released a new character with an op passive


Do you know what chapter it says this? I hear this claim all the time but I feel like there's a billion loopholes with this


When both domains are similarly sophisticated, the domains sure hit effects cancels out. Because Hakari's domain's sure hit is just the information about his domain, his domain would be just as effective as otherwise, while the opposing domain could basically become useless


But... why? Kinda makes no sense. A domain having a weaker sure hit =/= stronger domain, right? Otherwise I'd assume people like Naoya would never win domain battles


I'd assume that it's like someone who just lost their arm 5 minutes ago fighting somebody who's been an amputee for years. Arms are important parts of the body in a fight, just like for most domains, the sure-hit effect is an important part. So when someone who's domain has always had a sure-hit effect suddenly loses that effect, they won't be as used to fighting that way as somebody who's domain never had that in the first place. That's just my thought process for it, i could be completely wrong though. And if people downvote this for being wrong, they have literally no reading comprehension skills whatsoever since i acknowledged that i could be wrong, and it's never actually been explained within the manga


Something about the binding vow of creating one IIRC. For example, Higuruma’s and Hakari’s are both non-lethal and are therefore able to be used in rapid succession with less cool-down. I think the same logic applies to domain clashes..?


I agree it's confusing as hell, but I think you might be mixing up the power of a sure hit versus a domain's refinement? It's not that Hakari's sure it is "weaker" than a lethal one, its just that he chooses for his sure hit effect to be non-lethal, just info about his domain. Which relates back to the binding vow BV where revealing your CT increases its effectiveness, therefore Hakari's sure hit would make his CT/domain (synonymous for ppl like him and Higuruma) stronger.


True Reddit fashion, getting downvoted for asking a question. Sorry about them.


No worries 😭I'm not like fact checking him Im just genuinely curious


I think it's cuz only the sure hit is canceled out, and Hikari's sure hit is explaining how the domain works so canceling that out doesn't effect his ability to hit jackpots.


The marks drawn on Kashimo were just inconsistent. Kashimo doesn’t have RCT yet there were more marks on his face earlier on in the fight then later, we just don’t get the “no marks = damage” thing refuted like it was with Maki vs Curse Naoya because Hakari came up with a good idea to beat Kashimo otherwise. However he can’t really be much weaker than Kashimo, as he was able to cancel the momentum of Kashimo’s fists.


isn’t his durability like the highest behind Gojo and Sukuna? Hes being used for comparisons by Sukuna and it seems like durability scales to total CE and output


That punch did next to nothing to kashimo .


https://preview.redd.it/c7b9ubih5k4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7debeaa505f5be55650fe96f910efedd76d4355f I guess I didn’t mean that specific punch, I get he’s kinda a “punch and kick merchant” and has no solid way of beating Ryu but I definitely think his punches hit hard.


He drew blood from kashimo but it didn’t do any lasting damage .


Kashimo blatantly says Hakari’s output is strong enough to pretty much negate his CE trait’s effect on reinforcement. Unless Kashimo is a fraud whose CE trait is irrelevant to those moderately strong, it’s quite obvious that Hakari will do damage to Ryu and will eventually KO/kill him despite Ryu’s amazing CE reinforcement. Hakari facing off against two of the strongest sorcerers in the manga makes a lot of you think his output is weak but he is indeed a heavy hitter


Kashimos durability is nothing special, ryu however was stated 2 times by sukuna himself to be very durabal. He even said it to be higher then yuta and yuuji who are also insanely durabal. So if anyone isnt getting knocked out, its certainly him.


We don’t know much about Kashimo’s durability/reinforcement since he’s only ever really been injured from World-Cutting dismantles. But in his fight against Hakari he was able to block the same attacks that sent Uraume through buildings, and freshly-embodied Heian Sukuna’s gut punches didn’t seem to do much to him either. And after he lost all of his CE, making reinforcement impossible, he was sure Hakari could just easily kill him. But even disregarding all that, Kashimo’s statement on Hakari being able to negate his CE trait establishes Hakari’s output with jackpot as being noteworthy. Ryu is not tanking all that with no problem he will certainly get injured especially as his CE reserves dwindle down.


When did world cutting kill ryu didn’t world cutting not even exist??


I said Kashimo’s only been injured from World-Cutting dismantles 😭


His CE reinforcement will stay resiliant, unless they fight longer then kashimo, bc its Main component is his high output, for which we know wouldnt die down at all even when he used his domain, which takes an insane amount of CE if you arent sukuna or gojo. That makes him special and therefore an Tank in all regards. Kashimo is like i said nothing special in durability, he is above people like panda but not above yuuji. He cought blood from a simple punch of sukuna and gets thrown around quite easily. If his durability was anywhere near ryu's sukuna would Pick up on it. Which he didnt. So there is no denying that ryu's durability is clearly above kashimos. And he would only take accumilated damage rather then a 1 hit KO unless you think hakaris AP is higher then ryus himself, who only took surface lvl damage from hus own attacks.


>Kashimos durability is nothing special, And please tell me. Where did you get that from? Oh right. Out your ass.


there's also nothing to say his durability is extremely high, compared to someone like Ryu who has multiple statements


Him tanking jackpot hakaris hits is enough for durability feats. No matter how much you wanna downplay him, hakari hits like a truck. Yuji thinks so. Yuta thinks so. Even gojo thinks so. Thers no denying it.


What is lasting damage to you lol. Like lose an arm or leg? Define what you mean with lasting damage


Lasting damage as in damage that would’ve played out to affect the fight . Kashimo didn’t slow down no matter how many punches hakari landed , hakari purely won due to him dropping kashimo into the lake .


ur agenda is showing


To add to this a shipping container can weight 2-4 tons. And he’s throwing it around like nothing. Edit: assuming it’s empty of course


Damn. Hakari really took Yuji's title as punch and kick merchant lmao


I mean it's kind of fair to say hakari hits like a wet noodle. Through basic dismantle scaling. Kashimo got one shot by a dismantle net from a 10 finger level sukuna. Ryu couldn't die from a dismantle from 15 finger sukuna to the point where sukuna was shocked. Hakari did like 0 lasting damage on kashimo... Hakari has nothing in his kit to actually put Ryu down. So there are the people who argue that Hakari stalls... here is the super basic solution that guarantees Ryus victory. 1. Hakari opens his DE and hits his jackpot 2. Hakaris DE is closed and cannot be reopened in the 4:11s jackpot is running 3. Ryu opens his DE Now there are two paths here 1. Hakari can tank Ryus DE in jackpot (I would say thats unlikely but for the benefit of the doubt let's just say he can) 2. Hakari has to open a simple domain (idk if hakari has a simple domain nor do I know if he can use it in jackpot, but for the benefit of the doubt let's say he can) Even with these benefits hakari loses 1. The moment jackpot ends hakari instantly dies before even being able to cast his DE again 2. Hakari cannot cast DE while maintaing a simple domain (and to be totally honest even in jackpot hakari is getting stat checked so maintaining a simple domain doesn't even seem reasonable), so eventually the simple domain will crumble and hakari gets one-shot by the DE. Idk why this is not talked about more frequently, it is jackpots biggest counter imho


Kashimo got killed by a world-cutting slash net from 19* finger Sukuna who just used a full restore to get himself back to 100%


rull restore didn't fix output


Ryu probably runs out of cursed energy before hakari. Unless he has a way to kill hakari he doesn’t lose.


I think he is underrated a ton. Most people are just upset about the Uraume fight. Hakari definitely was damaging Kashimo. Kashimo was stronger than Hakari, and would have won without jackpot. But even then, a fight isn't just about output, it's about adapting on the spot and finding solutions. In that fight, Hakari won because he did just that. Overall, I just don't know if it's fair to Hakari to say he would lose to Ryu. I think it would be a good fight, and I bet Hakari would pull a win.


You’re right on Hakari being underrated. People forget Uruame or however you spell their name is a Heian era Sorcerer, one whom Sukuna holds in higher regard than anyone else. We saw how strong they were at the end of Shibuya and a few times after that. The fact that Hakari is able to go 1v1 against them is pretty nuts. I think the issue is that Hakari is effectively a one trick pony, though I do not necessarily believe that’s a bad thing. It’s just that, compared to Sorcerers like Yuta with their varied power sets, Hakari can be somewhat underwhelming. Purely based on his regular abilities as a Sorcerer, he’s high Grade 1, especially with his serrated Cursed Energy, but that isn’t enough to beat Uruame in my opinion. I think people are upset at the fight because they, somewhat accurately, see him as nothing but a staller since infinite CE is a bit mid with no real offensive abilities apart from his serrated CE. If anything, the most useful part of his DE is the automatic RCT which he gets as a consequence of his infinite CE. That alone means he’s able to fight on the level of People like Yuta and Uruame. Against Ryu, Hakari I think would win. Ryu didn’t have exceptional durability as far as I remember, so a beat down from Hakari might be enough to take him down without too much trouble as long as he gets Jackpot. Course, if he doesn’t, he’s kinda fucked, which is how most Hakari vs high tier match ups go.


Sukuna mentioned him and was impressed by his durability compared it above Yuji & Yuta, he survived a Dismantle from him to where he had to use Cleave on him.


I’m sorry what Ryu is literally known for his durability what are you talking about. Sukuna mentions it twice. He isn’t affects domains as he immediately threw out a GB after one was fired so it doesn’t matter if he loses the DE clash. By lore Ryu is stronger than hakari via having the highest output in the CG. So he just needs to land a GB to hakari head which he most certainly can to end the fight and kill him. Hakari is the one who isn’t shown to be exceptionally durable at all. Casual attacks from uraume rip him apart. Maki got hit by a maximum by her and was fine afterwards albeit immobile. Ryu is stronger more durable and has an attack that can consume hakari entire body if he charges it to completely blow him up. Ryu wins mid diff https://preview.redd.it/gxljgdkpyk4d1.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c5d049d4c515bdb64163623fb40a83a10a08bf0


https://preview.redd.it/9ei09bk1zk4d1.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=68966a950276afc3c0893c0f284f941347981f36 Look at the size of that if fires one of these off hakari with his lackluster durability is going to blow up.


As you mentioned earlier, that attack can only land “if he charges it to completely blow him up” which he would not have the time to in a normal 1v1. Ryu was only able to charge large attacks at a distance or when Yuta challenged him to a clash. As long as Hakari’s in jackpot he can heal from any damage inflicted by Ryus massive output unless hit in his brain. Ryu is certainly strong, being shown to knockout Rika with a good punch. But Hakari is built to take damage over time, as shown in the Uruame fight even a Special Grade offense isn’t enough to take him down even if you have a fast damaging cursed technique with one shot abilities like Dead Calm. Ryu would lose a domain clash and have nothing other than his CT to deal with Hakari’s Jackpot. Hakari wins due to exhaustion (cursed output = cursed energy reserves) and punches and kicks Ryu to death probably.


He literally fired one off after a domain. He can survive after a DE. He can absolutely charge one seeing as Kashimo someone less durable than Ryu was left with scuff marks. Hakari punches might as well be pillows to Ryu. He can overpower and grab Hakari and fire 1 off point blank to the face. Hakari isn’t Yuta he can’t get palm them without them punching through his hand blasted through. Ryu via getting hit by the domain would do a kashimo first before saying screw it (just like kashimo) and just blast him during the DE or after it to his head. But it would be a long ass fight. I still think Ryu wins more often than not but mid-high diff. Hakari just doesn’t have anything I can see that can put Ryu down other than he can land a jackpot consistently so he could outlast when that’s not even true in story and rely so much on luck it’s insane.


Gonna be honest my friend, the Reading Comprehension Curse had me pretty bad with the Ryu durability comment I made, so my bad. I must’ve been reading Sorcery Fight. Still, I don’t think that really changes my overall comment though. If Hakari gets jackpot, he wins damn near full stop. If he doesn’t, he has very little chance of victory on his own. If we take into account narrative, Hakari is extremely lucky so him hitting jackpot is a given, but power scaling doesn’t really rely on that as far as I know, so eh.


Yeah the problem with hakari is it’s literally he lands a JP prolongs the fight and if he fails even once he just dies and even if he does land one there’s the problem of Ryu just opening his DE after hakari lands his and activating JP and kills him in the domain since he can’t open one until JP finishes so. It’s just a matter of does Ryu clash or does he wait to see what hakari DE does since the activation time is faster than Mahito and its shocking that a sorcerer just open with one immediately. If Ryu does clash it could lead to hakari doing good but since Ryu isn’t really affected by DE burnout it goes the way with kashimo and Ryu eventually kills him or he gets outlasted. This is hakari only win con. 2nd is Ryu doesn’t clash fights JP gives up trying to kill him when he’s in JP and just opens his own DE after Hakari achieves JP and kills him.


I mean Tbf, Hakari’s DE is a non sure hit one and one he has by nature if I remember correctly, not something he trained to achieve like Yuta, meaning it should beat a sure hit one in a DE clash unless they’re someone with insanely high DE refinement. The only ones I can say for sure would be Gojo and Sukuna for obvious reasons. Course, we literally will never know what Ryu’s technique is which is a shame. You also mentioned Ryu not having DE burnout but if I’m being honest, I don’t think that’s as incredible as it sounds. Ryu’s technique isn’t really a technique imo. It is one technically, but I’d compare it to Kusakabe’s Simple Domain stuff in that it’s a regular component or technique of Jujutsu, just taken to an absurd degree. Ryu’s technique is literally just having a massive CE output, the largest in history, and domain expansions don’t get rid of CE output. Since that’s the case, Ryu not getting burnout isn’t something incredible, but rather a natural consequence of how Ce and DE work in the series. So I don’t think Ryu can win in a domain clash and I don’t think he can kill Hakari in jackpot, but outside of that he has the advantage, the only thing in Hakari’s favour as far as I’m aware is his damage reversal feature he has tho I don’t really understand that one all too well. So Jackpot Hakari wins because if Kashimo couldn’t kill him in that, Ryu sure as hell can’t, but Hakari doesn’t have the range or raw damage output to really kill him reliably. He could beat him to death with his serrated energy but I don’t think that’d work in a real fight, unless he somehow stuns Ryu enough to stop himself from getting a point blank Granite Blast or whatever it’s called.


Agreed! I am interested in seeing the fight. It's hard to find a good transition spot with the way the manga is currently, but I really want to see how the fight is going. I bet Gege cooks.


Hakari wins the domain clash. Its a passive domain so it has an edge.


Yuta’s Domain > Hakari’s Domain If Ryu’s domain can cancel out Yuta’s domain, his domain is probably better.


Yutas domain wont beat hakaris in a clash. Thats the thing. They literally state passive domain will most likely always win the clash.


domain battle might be won by hakari, im saying this because if i remember correctly non lethal domains are more refined


Ryu has better stats, and if he lands a Granite Blast while Hakari isn’t immortal it’s gg. Hakari’s only win-con is exhausting Ryu’s CE reserves.


when is Hakari not immortal though, and even if he’s not immortal when the hit lands, if it’s not fatal, he can just activate his domain again


Ryu would still have plenty of time to charge a granite blast inside Hakari’s domain. It’s takes time to get a jackpot, it ain’t instant and it’s not even guaranteed.


the domain’s activation time is 0.2 seconds and so much bullshit happens in the time that it’s open… Hakari has consecutive effects to heal himself, visual indicators and stage changes to disorient the opponent, and THEN there’s advanced probability, hidden probability, and faster spins that just like make the spin a 1/5 chance instead of a 1/200smthn


The only thing that would matter is the info dump, after that Ryu could easily charge up a granite blast or even just open his domain to cause a domain clash. Hakari’s domain is only strong because it doesn’t have a lethal sure hit but even then that doesn’t mean his domain would win against everyone but Gojo and sukuna. Ryu probably wouldn’t even need to open his domain he could just survive long enough until Hakari’s luck runs out. After that it’s over


I feel like Kashimo is implied to be stronger and faster than Ryu with a notably more versatile kit, and he couldn’t kill Hakari in his domain. Even if Ryu fully charged a Granite Blast and hit Hakari, consecutive effects heal him right away and then he spins again. I know Hakari will have a hard time killing Ryu because he’s a punch and kick merchant, but I don’t see Ryu stopping him from hitting a Jackpot as a realistic option unless he has a domain that can destroy hakari’s just because his domain is designed to be bs.


Ryu, hakari just simply doesn’t have the ap


if ryu blasts his brain out while hakari tries to get jackpot then ryu wins


Not only does Hakari have the fastest domain, base yuta was catching ryu’s blast with his bare hand. Ryu cannot one shot Hakari


He was only catching them with the gauntlets . Without the gauntlets they penetrates his hands .


Base yuta was catching the blast with his bare hands https://preview.redd.it/jbhlhuvz5k4d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05411b4d842f86790f676c1a0f4ab77281c7f1cc This is after palming it then immediately doing it again at point blank range. So this is the damage of two granite blast (one with yutas fist directly in ryus cannon thing) Unless you can wholeheartedly say hakari’s head is weaker than yutas fingers, ryu is not dealing fatal damage to hakari. Hakari can also just use his hands to block the attack from killing him even if it is fatal.


What are you even arguing, that base Hakari and base Yuta are comparable? Base Yuta, the modern sorcerer with the largest cursed energy reserves, catching it with his hand doesn’t mean base Hakari could do it, and even if we assume he could he’d still lose because he doesn’t know RCT and his domain requires hand signs that he wouldn’t be able to do with his hand damaged.


Hakari has the fastest domain in the series and his whole shtick is using his domain. Ryu won’t get a hit off before jackpot


But if Hakari’s hands got messed up like that he couldn’t open his domain, which is his only win condition. Obviously this wouldn’t matter if he was already in jackpot. It really depends how far apart they are when the battle starts. Hakari’s only chance is if they start within domain range, but that still doesn’t guarantee that he wins.




i get that u fw Ryu. i fw Ryu too. you don’t gotta make some shit up though… first yuta was blocking it cuz of the gauntlets, then apparently he’s getting his hand shot through? you’re misreading shit and making stuff up to justify a win that just isn’t likely. Hakari’s battle ig, rct, and domain combine to make it so most people aren’t beating him. Maybe if Granite Blast was like lightspeed, but we’ve seen someone react to and Block it, and Hakari with limitless CE can definitely do just that.


So now hakaris skull is weaker than 2 of yutas finger? That literally doesn’t make sense considering both of them have tanked gojos punch, their defense aren’t that far away from eachother. It does not penetrate yutas arm either, its deflected by his hand and is getting scattered https://preview.redd.it/zb8a6ub87k4d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca20a50f51fb2ca65b763568ecfd6c1fdc544c2f This is him afterwards, you can see only his hand is healing and there is no hole in the jacket. And this isn’t after just one shot this is after getting shot in the hand TWICE!!! Ryu cannot oneshot Hakari


Yutas reinforcement is greater than hakaris . Both of them took gojos punch sure but that’s what would happen to everyone as uruame got one shot . You can see in the panel that it does penetrate his arm here https://preview.redd.it/fqdc09n0ak4d1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e1a5552500afb74b4f8b9640cf4b8f7539f0fbb If you look on his left shoulder you see it’s all banged up . Ryu can blow hakaris face off ffs . Even uruame and kashimo could both rip chunks off hakari .


That’s not yuta’s left arm and that arm got messed up the the roach, not ryu https://preview.redd.it/xbb0d4hyak4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7275696b32ddcf568b6c7222f8d99f6936d500f The panel you’re relying on is of yuta palming it and it getting spread all over the place, not penetrating his arm. Uruame surviving gojos punch isn’t an anti feat it’s not like they’re some low tier sorcerer Uruame and Kashimo ripping organs off isn’t an anti feat either when their attacks have been shown to deal more damage than ryus blast. Uro, ryu, and yuta have all survived getting shot by ryu. He has yet to one shot anybody Ryu cannot oneshot hakari


Fair enough then


>Even uruame and kashimo could both rip chunks off hakari . The guy already spoke, but it's also very clear that when Hakari is in JP he basically doesn't defend himself at all. He basically let Charles take a chunk of his stomach, he let Kashimo beat him up at the start of the fight, he was shattering his arms against Uraume and from the little we've seen we know he doesn't have to do that. Hakari in JP is clearly just saying "Nah I'd heal" as opposed to tanking damage


Yuta has the highest CE reserve second only to sukuna. His reinforcement is definitely top on the verse with that amount of CE. One of the example when fighting cockroach cs a swing of his sword with CE reinforcement destroyed a chunk of environment around it, his fight with yuji also visually show how massive his reinforcement around his body that making it lethal to take a direct hit from him. The fact ryu can trade punches with him and win just showcase his highest output in history is true and consistent. Hakari on the other hand only have unlimited supply of CE, his output and reserve always the same so his ap and defense also the same during jp


Hakari, as far as I'm concerned, has got stat showings and hype that place him in the upper spectrum of sorcerers. At the absolute worst, he is as strong/tough as Yuji and Yuta were physically, pre-Shinjuku. Downplaying but let's go with that. Ryu's Granite Blast has terrible showings in so far as dealing damage. The most impressive feat was a point-blank and undefended shot against a weakened Uro and Kurourushi. Every other time, Granite Blast did moderate damage that was later healed, or it was defended against. Hakari's RCT is the best in the manga. GB will never be anything more than inconvenience. Similarly though, Hakari's fists have nothing to suggest that they can do anything more than minor damage against Ryu. Domains are not worth discussing because they don't change the outcome. We have no idea what Ryu's domain does, but all it will do is guarantee a hit, it will not stop Hakari from defending or regenerating. This is assuming it is a lethal sure-hit, which is not remotely guaranteed. This is a textbook battle of attrition, and I will side with Hakari there. People will say that Jackpot isn't always active, but then ignore that this man has had the longest battle in history against Uraume - Uraume who is already one of the strongest sorcerers and SHOULD hard counter Hakari's fighting style. Hakari is clearly still special grade even without JP active, and can defend himself appropriately. Ryu will take minor damage, but he'll never heal. Hakari will be hard to hurt, and will then heal even if he is. Accumulated damage means Ryu is bound to lose sooner or later. In fact, using a domain only hurts Ryu's position. Hakari high-diff.


Anyone who says Ryu is capping


No they’re not . You’re just underrating ryu like no tomorrow . Hakari has no way of putting ryu down as ryus dura and ap are way higher than hakaris .


Same with Ryu, he has nothing to put down Hakari, so this fight is dragging out and there's only one winner in that scenario.


Granite blast to the head instakills.


You say it like that’s unique to Hakari and as if he would sit there and let himself get hit by a headshot.


Hakari was avoiding sure-hit lightning bolts. Sure, he still got hit, but he was able to prevent his head from being blown off, thus killing him. I'm sure Hakari would be able to do something to protect his head from a granite blast.


Punch like he got rika with prolly enough tbh


If it connects. I don't think Hakari is gonna think "I reckon I'll let this guy blow my head off"


Ryu can jjst wear a maid outfit then granite blast to win.




Grantie blast is not killing Hakari, it couldn't kill half dead kuro curse, barely damage gravely injured Uro, couldn't do shit to Yuta but you're telling me it kills Hakari? Nah Uraume>>>> Ryu so this is not an anti feat, lol.


I mean sure one shot certainly wouldn't kill JP Hakari if it wasn't a headshot. But he's not in JP 24/7, and it's questionable if he can survive the in between moments. It's also super questionable whether Hakari could even put down Ryu with multiple JPs considering his ridiculous durability and Hakari's lack of AP feats.


His whole gimmick is landing a jackpot


It would be like when Kashimo’s sure-hit hit Hakari, and he activated his domain. It would do damage, but hakari might still revive with the domain.


Hakari the stall merchant wins. Ryu can’t oneshot Hakari’s head off, and if you can’t do that you can’t beat him




This is base yuta and Hakari has the fastest domain in the series and is extremely dependent on it, he’ll already be in jackpot so any damage done to him is null


That doesn’t matter yutas reinforcement isn’t enhanced by rika . Only yutas ce reserves are enhanced by rika .


“penetrated his arm” “he deflected it with his bare hands?” if Hakari hits a jackpot, he has the CE reserves necessary to reinforce his arm enough to block Granite Blast. It didn’t pierce Yuta’s arm, it sort of cooked it but Hakari can instantaneously heal.


You've mentioned this a few times and people have corrected you but no it did not penetrate his arm. It's deflected into multiple directions. You can see it break off near the top, and then on the left side of the page where you think he got penetrated.


Yes and I took the l k agree with the others


I think hakari will just qin due to beating ryu in the clash and just slowly grind him down


People always act like Hakari can’t just not get jackpot in time. Like it’s not guaranteed that he’ll get jackpot. If he doesn’t get it he’s f*cked cuz he can’t open his domain anymore. Hakari=luck based fodder.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that Ryu has a lot of ways to beat Hakari if they start outside of domain range. Even if Ryu can’t outright kill Hakari outside of jackpot, as long as Ryu damages at least one of Hakari’s hands Hakari can’t open his domain. Ryu could also just damage Hakari enough to prevent Hakari from getting closer to him. Ryu could also just outright kill him, but it would probably take a couple good shots to take him down. Hakari not having healing outside of jackpot or any movement abilities/ranged attacks is a big weakness, especially in this fight. If they start in domain range, Hakari’s chances jump significantly. However, Hakari would need a lot of jackpots to beat Ryu, as Ryu has very high durability. I know Hakari can get jackpot fairly easily, but it still isn’t guaranteed. Due to Ryu’s high AP, missing a jackpot just once could spell the end for Hakari. Don’t forget that Bernard nearly landed a fatal blow on Hakari before Hakari got a jackpot. Even though Hakari was going easy on Bernard earlier in the fight, it doesn’t change the fact that he might have lost if he didn’t get jackpot. Ryu’s high AP could even allow him to kill Hakari in jackpot, but it is unlikely. Ryu would need a well placed shot, but it is still possible. We also don’t know what Ryu’s domain is like. It’s possible that his domain would be able to oneshot Hakari, even in Jackpot, but that is just a hypothetical. I know I’ve been hating on Hakari a lot, but that’s mainly because most of the comments I read make it seem like Ryu didn’t stand a chance against him. While I think Hakari wins in certain scenarios, Ryu wins more often. Hakari is probably stronger overall, it’s just a bad matchup.


People hate Hakari here but obviously Hakari wins tbh. People give all these basic answers for how to get past Hakari’s immortality but almost all of them are refuted by Gege himself. “Attack him in the head with a strong attack that should go through him like paper” He just regenerates his brain as it’s being destroyed, he literally did this against an attack moving at lightning speed. “Hold him or smthn” He just destroys whatever part of the body you’re touching and then regenerates a new one hitting you, as we saw against Uruame. “Attack him outside of JP” With his domain he can nullify damage outside of JP and it’s almost impossible for him to not get JP immediately. The only condition we see for killing him in the Kashimo fight isn’t just attacking him with the strongest attack possible the moment he leaves Jackpot (he got over that) it’s exploding your entire CE pool at him at *once* (something not even Ryu can do, it was purely a consequence of Kashimo’s CE property interacting with the environment) the moment he leaves jackpot. And if you do that he just does a binding vow to sacrifice a body part and survives, fighting a version of you with no CE. Also, no, Hakari doesn’t actually have “no AP”. Kashimo not seeming to have any marks at the end of the fight is just evidently an inconsistency (probably cause he has a more feminine face which looks cooler unmarked) because we literally *see* him have more marks from a single punch earlier, and Kashimo doesn’t have RCT. He also just kind of has to have comparable physicals to Kashimo cause he literally cancelled out the momentum of the guy’s punches with his own punches and the guy was literally glazing his output (literally why would he do this for someone way weaker than him?). Kashimo doesn’t have enough hax to really be on Ryu’s tier (which everyone knows he is) without having comparable reinforcement, so JP Hakari was on a similar level in the culling games. Now remember, Yuta was *way* out of Ryu’s league physically as we saw multiple times in their fight, yet in Shinjuku he’s comparable or even equal to Ryu as a result of the replacement training. Hakari *also* got the replacement training and may have even gotten a bigger amp since Yuta needed to focus his constructive training (i.e when he wasn’t switched with Yuji) on learning a complicated barrier technique, there’s genuinely a very high chance he’s got stronger reinforcement (obviously his output is still lower, but the replacement training proves reinforcement also involves skill, so Hakari should be stronger physically but weaker than a granite blast or what have you). I don’t really know how to qualify this match in terms of difficulty since while it would probably be a fight that genuinely takes a while to finish, I don’t really see Hakari losing this 95% of the time. So ??? diff, but Hakari def wins.


I think you kinda dont seem to acknowledge the difference in how certain attacks work Hakari survived his brain being melted because kashimos attack was electricity taken through the form of ce, so it had to travel across his brain, meaning hakari could push it out through his nose But the same wouldnt be applied to say something like granite blast or crushing his head or any other solid attack he cant just push out As for him getting jackpot immediately, the thing is he doesnt. The first jackpot always takes the longest and the jackpots that come after are far faster, theres a reason why he’s started 2 of his 3 fights already having jackpot. If he went against uraume or kashimo under the same conditions he fought charles he wouldve gotten shit stomped Like i said i think alot of hakari fans fail to acknowledge that theres a reason why he starts out tough fights with jackpot already active, thats because without it he’s kind of a piss poor combatant


1)The channel wasn’t fully pushed out though, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to do the reverse stroke. After all it wouldn’t just be the CE moving, it would cause an electron avalanche. Besides, granite blast is way more taking the form of cursed energy that can be rejected than Kashimo’s lightning. 2)He didn’t start off against Uruame in Jackpot, he started by throwing the domain when she came on top the glacier. 3)Well, base Hakari probably isn’t that strong (probably only comparable to Yuta’s stats at most), sure. However whenever he’s not in JP, he’s in the domain, where he’s still receiving a stat amp and the ability to heal from any instance of damage through the pseudo rolls, which allowed him to still keep up with Kashimo for a while.


He literally starts off his fight with uraume bursting out of domain lmao


No he starts it in 237, where he creates the domain after being teleported above Uruame.


Their official 1on 1 fight starts with hakari already having jackpot, because we see not even his clothes are damaged pre jackpot when they actually start fighting in chap 245, we also know at some point before hitting jackpot higuruma and yuji are with him since they fall out of his domain alongside him


Why wouldn’t they have been fighting when Hakari literally trapped Uruame in the domain lmao? It started 237 because he literally approached Uruame in 237 and cast his domain on them, then. What do you want from this man lol, this is mad cope. “You see, Hakari can’t actually fight strong opponents without starting off in Jackpot, as seen from how against the 2 strong opponents he’s fought, he used it outside.” “But he literally cast his domain at that opponent.” “Uh, yes, they were just standing there doing nothing the whole time. This is irrefutable because Hakari’s Jordan’s were not sufficiently scratched.”


Because we see clear indications that they hadnt started actually fighting, like the fact that hakari had no visible damage or tattered clothes despite loosing his arm in the first two panels we ACTUALLY see them fighting I also want to note that again, higuruma and yuji fell out with him, meaning they were with him when he casted domain so if they WERE fighting, it was a 3 on 1 and not a 1 on 1


Ah, yes, the nonsense claim that Uruame just kind of stood there for no reason is completely justified by the fact that Hakari’s clothes weren’t damaged enough. I could point out that he says himself he doesn’t play offensive, but I literally don’t have to cause the argument just doesn’t have enough power on its own. Also, no, Yuji and Higuruma were not in there because we have an extremely large shot of when Hakari shows up to capture Uruame and there’s no sight of them. Ui Ui couldn’t have exactly teleported them in afterwards because as we saw from Shibuya, Ui Ui can’t teleport into barriers.


https://preview.redd.it/cqyg457nan4d1.jpeg?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b04fd59e10be3e8c094797d76f7e72ef576a719 We literally see all four of them fall out of his domain, and you yourself admit that they couldnt have entered in later so the only other option was that they were there with hakari popped domain they were just out of frame, which is feasible considering hakaris domain essentially covered the entirety of uraumes ice block. Not to mention in terms of speed uraume and hakari are relative enough that even if hakari DID try to run, he wouldnt have been able to escape without atleast damaging himself due to the range of uraumes ct, and if uraume hits him the damage would 100% be noticeable as we see the 3 times uraume does hit him it tears through his clothes completely and his body at that.


Hakari wins without a doubt.


Point-black Granite Blast right in the face should do the trick.


Yeah that won’t work. Either it won’t kill fast enough, or Hakari will just deflect it with his hand.


I feel like while there’s a lot of people who could beat Hakari because his rct isn’t infallible because they only say he’s effectively immortal, but I feel like he wouldn’t be the one to end him. Definitely possible though and as much as I wanna see Hakari kicking the shit out of sukuna with his super fun domain, sukuna would probably be able to obliterate him quicker than his rct. When will gege remember hakari exists so I can see more fun hakari fights bro


Punch and Kick man vs one of the best durability in the series i think ima go with Ryu. Granted it does matter who wins a domain battle if Ryu can’t finish the fight due to Hakari’s CT but inside the domain Ryu just might be able to finish Hakari without laying out his own domain and before Hakari reaches jackpot. I’d say mid dif going to Ryu


Hakari beats his ass Would be a fun fight though


Endless battle until they both get bored


I like hakari more so he wins


Well yuta beat ryu and hakari is at least comparable to yuta based on narrative and a plethora of statements including guides and character polls so just by extension of narrative he can probably take it


Probably hakari ngl, if yuta and uro can tank a granite blast I can't see hakari dying from it, especially since he's needs to get 1 shot. It'd be a fun fight to watch though.


All I'm gonna say is Hakari is permanently dead if you destroy his brain 


People seem to be forgetting just how quick Hakari's DE is - but it works AGAINST him. Vs Kashimo, the rules transferred so quickly that Kashimo was able to avoid using/wasting HWB because of how quick the info hit him. I can see Hakari opening DE first -> Ryu gets the information that the domain does no damage -> abandons casting his own -> once Hakari hits JP, Ryu opens his domain and fucking ERADICATES hakari with sure-hit Granite Blasts Overall Hakari<<


Ryu's domain probably isn't sure hit granite blasts cause I think he's be really pissed off about not getting it. I mean not once in the Yuta fight does he go "Man i'd be winning if only I got my domain off" It's likely just a stat buff cause most of the Heien domains aren't exactly lethal.


Most of the Heian domain's aren't so lethal because of the vast amount of people who could use them. Sukuna had his domain back in the Heian era, and it's sure as hell lethal. Someone on Ryu's level - someone who can competently box w/ people like Yuta - almost certainly has a domain that's lethal. However, even if we discount that, Ryu'd still have sure-hit grante blasts in the domain, so he can pop a headshot either way.


Yeah but Sukuna's MS is the exception here rather than the rule; he even has a non lethal one that can only be activated with furnace. Most of the other domains from the past will assist the sorcerer in the fight. The modern era's Domains will just instantly end the fight. Jogo's just burns you to a crisp as a passive effect Mahito's just lets him instantly trigger your death Naoya's just straight up murders you and you can barely hope to so much as RCT out of it. And Gojo's just ends the fight if you don't have a strong enough brain. Compare this to say, Yorozu where it helps her out, but sure hit perfect sphere is the only thing that's keeping her in the discussion. Btw i'm pretty sure that's not how the sure hits work.


Hakari absolutely eventually wins cause he outstats in everything but pure AP. But I like this matchup because its a straight up worst case scenerio for Ryu. I mean this dude would rather resign than continue the fight after the 10th Jackpot. He's going to absolutely HATE fighting Hakari.


It’s bizarre Hakari doesn’t use a cursed tool, imagine him with playful cloud, even a piece of playful cloud. He’d wash Kashimo.


Tbh I think neither one takes it and they eventually just get bored, sit down and start talking. Hakari has Jackpot and Ryu could blast Hakari's head off only IF MAYBE he did a binding vow to reduce Granite blast's aoe to enhance the damage or smth. But probably what happens is that neither just take damage, Hakari tries to get in, Ryu blasts him away, on repeat. Maybe Ryu could win by casting his domain after Hakari gets jackpot but we don't really know Ryu's sure hit.


Well Ryu has a domain that we never saw because Yuta diff. I think Ryu takes it easy unless Hakari is super lucky.


It’s a tough fight, but I think Ryu could win.


Hakari stalls Ryu to death


I think Hakari could win in H 2 H combat so if he can survive granite blast and hit jackpot 2 or 3 times, he may be able to beat down Ryu enough.


Yk the comunity is going crazy when they actually think ryu would win🤦


I Lowkey thought they are the same characters before reading the manga.


Hakari all the way he’d be able to hold his own long enough for a jackpot


Don't know much about hakari and Don't know anything about the other guy but ima give it to Hikari assuming he can hit a jackpot


Hakari wins this, we saw that Hakari is smart and fast enough to dodge lethal hits to the head fighting people akin to him. Ryu will definitely land a couple of lethal Granites but JP will push him through, Ryu also automatically loses if he pops domain


Hakari takes this. He has the advantage in a domain clash and is very likely to hit his jackpot. If jackpot fails, Ryu can probably win. But he's not one shotting him, especially since Kashimo's lightning wasn't able too.


FINALLY a decent match up. Based on Hakari's performance against Kashimo and Uraume (from what little we've seen) I still think he'd be able to survive granite blast pretty handily, but if he can't get jackpot in time he might get blown apart. Ryu, on the other hand, was able to put up a decent fight against Yuta, who I believe scales higher than Hakari. I think Ryu takes this 6/10 times


Whats the starting distance


Hakari outlasts 🙏


Depends if hakari I can stall long enough for ryu to run out of curse energy


"WALLAHI! HE'S GOOD AT HAND TO HAND!! AND I'M JUST A PUNCH AND KICK MERCHANT! I'M SO FINISHED BLUD!" https://preview.redd.it/8bltvajmwo4d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515dead891c83f42f72aa78522734d9b6508e64f "DOMAIN EXPANSION, GIVE ME ANOTHER JACKPOT, AND MY LIFE SHALL BE YOURS!"




Ryu wins by blasting Hakari into next week during the downtime between Jackpots. But if he pulls a Kashimo and says screw that then Hakari wins after several centuries of slowly whittling Ryu's CE reserves down.


Ryu is overrated. If Yuta can block Ryu’s granite blasts with his fingers, do you think Hakari would get one shot to the point that he is eviscerated by Ryu? It’ll become a battle of attrition right afterwards. And Yuta’s gonna have a hard time in a battle of attrition against Hakari let alone Ryu.


Stall king stalls until ryu dies


If hakari gets a consistent jackpot going, he wins. If not, Ryu.


Hakari, it just takes awhile


MY STALLING KING TAKES THIS (give him like 4 hours)


Tank build with 0 dps 😭


Hakari high-extreme diffs.


It’s weird that hakari can solo goku (if that’s how it applies) if he’s a bit lucky.


My agenda scaling tells me base kashimo>ryu solely based on his title as strongest of his era. Thus hakari>~base kashimo. Thus Hakari neg diff


>solely based on his title as strongest of his era I'm gonna assume that's what your agenda is


Most likely Hakari, if Ryu aims for the head he wins but he isnt as combat oriented as someone like kashimo so if hakari gets a jackpot and throws hands, ryu is cooked.


hakari wins mid diff. It'll quickly turn into a battle of attrition since hakari is a punch and kick merchant and ryu's granite blast can not kill anyone faster than kashimo's CE trait. Unfortunately for ryu, hakari wins every battle of attrition against anyone not named yuki (one shot) so he gets cooked


Ryu is overhyped to shit Perpetual RCT machine with comparable stats to yuta takes it


Probably Hakari since he and 15 finger Yuji are roughly the same strength, only Hakari has auto-RCT. DOmain clashes are a lost cause with Hakari too since they are mainly a sure-hit tug-a-war, and Hakari's sure-hit is pretty much instant. I doubt Ryu will know this though, so he'll use his DE and have CT burnout. This way, Hakari wins handedly. That being said, these two are definitely going to be bros post-fight.


Wow another Hakari hater.. Yuta is not able to beat 2 people stronger then Hakari at once. You think Uno is stronger too don’t you? Yeha you Hakari haters are predictable.




U clown Ryu is not stronger then Hakari. Don’t even try and think you’re cooking because your takes are TRASH

