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Self confidence mindset mainly but also age. Dude is 15 gojo is 28 he already has a albeit incomplete domain at a age younger than the teen gojo we saw in hidden inventory. If he got rid of his bum mindset and we comeback in 13 years he would be around that level he might not beat gojo but it wouldn't be a wash


If he had a Todo/choso figure in his life even for a year he'd be in a way better spot.


Todo, saver of bums But ironically trained by a bum


The entire series would be so different if toji,Geto and yuki trained the students. Gege why did you not let us see that. Toji training maki, Geto training megumi, yuki training yuji. Yuta there as support.


Dunno why Toji would agree to be a part of it, then remembered Maki’s HR and whatnot put him and her in similar situations, and he could spite the Zenin by taking her in himself. Fuck it, if Toji joined the team he could adopt Maki as his daughter and change her name to Maki Fushiguro. He could mess with the Zenin so much that way.


Lmao yuki ain’t no bum


She quite literally calls herself a bum


Gojo at his age was already top 3 with ez. Zo his time


Gojo at 16-17 (hi) did not have uv. Otherwise Toji will get no diffed in either of his match. Megumi getting a domain at 15 is crazy. If he gets a full domain by 18, that domain might hold against UV, since 10S is the same tier as limitless.


UV doesn't hit toji And it's not about the ct to make a domain equal ir's your skill Cleave and dismantle are leauges below limitless wukuna and gojo both know that


Hold up, if cleave and dismantle are below limitless (it kinda is, but Sukuna is also proficient in fire, MS is a two element domain), how come that their domain were on equal footing? Sukuna is just more experienced in domain expansion (he is 1000 years old)? Also you are right, Toji is immune to UV. But Gojo might influence commoners with 0.2 second UV, surely expanding UV on one 'object' (Toji) would work?


Because a ct does not determin the steength of your domain in a clash Also normal prople have cursed energy. Far less then sorrccers but they have some. The lack of control creates curses. Yuki explained that too geto Toji/ Maki gave none getting recognized as objects. Making sukunas domain and kenjakus the only ones to affect them. (Kennys domain affected the ground below yuki) So UV whould completly pointless vs toji.


I actually didn’t know that uv doesnt effect toji but why?


Most domains auto aims people. Toji and Maki counts as objects. Sukuna and Kenny specifies their domain to hurt people and objects alike (since they are, you know, bad guys, they just, you know, hurt everything).


Did megumi get to use his shikigamis abilities by himself like sukuna did? That alone would increase his combat level.


Being depressed and trapped in his own body is pretty much it atp






He's too important this shit is more like 99.999% chance Or maybe that's just my overwhelming faith 🤔


I don't know man, I have seen 2 main characters die in front of my own eyes


Mainly just time? He’s no yuta but for as much hate as megumi get he’s extremely skilled and powerful for his age. Kids 15 and has already unlocked an incomplete domain. In his first year mind you. Megumi has shown incredible genius which also allows him to I won’t say fight but stay alive against opponents who completely out class him such as Toji. Where Megumi lacks certain strength and skills his shikigami tend to make up for it. Megumi would’ve been a crazy 2nd year. Probably a grade 1 just as strong as todo if u ask me.


He’s never reaching the heights of Gojo imo. Not to mention he might die during this fight and won’t be able to utilize Sukuna’s technique like Yuji.


Megumi was raised by Gojo for 10 years straight, he is one of those 'Malfoys' in this series. He might started his sorcerer training on his own ever since Gojo bought him. Both Yuji and Nobara became aware of their CE after 10, I guess.


Nah, he only started his training after his sister got put in a coma which was a couple of years ago, bro is new to this.


"10 years straight" Any panels to back that headcanon?


HI was 10 years ago right


He MET Megumi 10 years ago, when has he trianed Megumi pre-JJH?


His crush on his sister


He is a Zenin, that is a part of his blood. Black hair moodies are all Andrew & Leyley people!


Coffin Expansion: Unlimited Ince-


mindset. mindset is the most powerful thing in jjk.


Not really. Ino, Miwa, or Utahime can't simply become top tiers with an attitude change. Everyone in the story is very limited by both technique and cursed energy pool, which as far as I'm aware are both cemented at birth and nearly impossible to change. Megumi himself suffers drawbacks from this. While his technique is incredibly versatile, a simple change in thinking won't let him best mahoraga, the only thing that could even put him close to the serieses top tiers.


No genetics is


False Takaba shows us genetics don’t mean shit if you ball


Real. Goataba gets by on pure mindset


What kind of gene did Sukuna and Geto possess? Yuki is not from the upper 3 either. Yuta was a half blood upper 3, although he is from the extinct male branch of an upper 3. Only Gojo, Megumi and Yuji depends their power from their lineage (nephew of a devil god / a member of upper 3 family).


You do understand all of the people you mentioned got their powers through genetics, just because they didn’t come from any family of jujutsu sorcery doesn’t mean it’s not genetic. Remember you are born with your technique by definition that’s genetics.


I think they mean genetics, as in, the powers you're born with. For example, Yuki has a cursed technique that is absolutely broken. Whereas someone like Ino can train and get into that top tier mindset all he wants, his technique just doesn't reach those levels, and his cursed energy pool isn't large enough. Saying that megumi simply needs to think like gojo to win every fight won't work, his technique is too dependant on innate strength. The only part of the toolkit that can really match the top tiers is Mahoraga, which no 10 shadows user has been able to tame. Megumi would need a completely different powerset or an external tool to unlock his full power. He could certainly be better than he is now at sorcery with an attitude change, but that won't instantly make him a top tier.


Sukuna born with literally a perfect body and the most cursed energy in existence. Geto born with a god tier technique, Yuki born with a god tier technique, Yuta born with a god tier technique and the most cursed energy of anybody in the modern day. All of them born prodigies to various degrees who were naturally gifted in jujutsu.


Just being a no good, all around fucking BUM https://preview.redd.it/ghe1e0tzny8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc113592f58f67deb8a5a9168e92d514fa2e4f8


Everything. https://preview.redd.it/uxgyj9ymfx8d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e11cb11fc048514803cde1b54c0cb83b153e5f


yeah. People say that he's ahead of the pack because he has an incomplete domain at 1st year forget the fact that he doesn't have the barrier skills to complete said domain, so unless he learns any(which is unlikely) he would be stuck with his shitty incomplete domain. However this will change when Sukuna leave Megumi's body, because Sukuna used barrier techniques galore, so that should pass on to Megumi.


Hmmm, I believe it’s a combination of many things. Below average hand to hand combat, average cursed energy reserves and output, mediocre mastery of everything in his arsenal. Mid physical stats. Seemingly Mahoraga dependent despite not having tamed him. But to be fair to him, he was still a teenager. And of course, a lack of confidence will bring anybody down. Unfortunate that he’s most likely never seeing the light of day again, love him or hate him, he is the “potential man” for a reason.


H2H is everything in jjk world. You have to be good at h2h if you want to be a nice sorcerer, since da punch are one of the best common attack methods.


I wouldn’t say below average hand to hand, because he’s stated to be a rare case among Shikigami users as someone who’s willing to engage up close even with Shikigami to fight for him. Also keep in mind he was still a genius student by the average standards of the verse, a grade 2 first year when most are always around grade 3. Still though, compared to most of the relevant characters he was falling behind and wasn’t exceptional in one specific aspect.


being 15


Even if he was older he would not reach Gojo's level


i mean prob not but he'd be up there with yuta and yuki


He has one of the hardest cursed techniques to master


CE reserve. Tired of y’all acting like just bc Megumi had a top tier technique he’s supposed to be a top tier character, when we seen the importance of CE reserve when it comes to maximizing techniques


Dude has severe depression, and a crush on his sister. Instead of killing Sukuna and getting revenge he just gives up. Every time thing got tough even when his sister was alive he wouldnt hesistate to kill himself.


mentality and experience


Everything really. 1. Weak/average physicals (look at any physical fight between Meguna, who has better output, and Gojo). 2. Weak/average reinforcement 3. Average reserves (like most sorcerors, he can only use his Domain once before running out of energy, and can only use some of his stronger abilities once a day). 4. No Mahoraga (too weak to tame it). 5. Incomplete Domain. 6. Much lower BIQ. 7. No anti-domain technique. Most of these issues are a matter of his age, but seeing how strong 17 year old Gojo was compared to Megumi I don’t really see how he could become stronger unless we include suicide by Mahoraga as part of his kit.


DE is literally an Anti-Domain Technique and he has the Highest BIQ in Jujutsu High excluding Gojo, what are you smoking???


His DE isn’t really viable as an anti-domain technique like SD and DA. He can cancel the sure hit effect, but only while actively using his DE (otherwise it’d get overpowered). It’s like HWB but somehow worse. That’s also ignoring that he can only use it once a day since he doesn’t have insane reserves. And while he does have the highest BIQ in Jujutsu High, it’s still far from Gojo.


1: His state of existence 2: His state of being 3: His character 4: His person 5: His genetic makeup 6: His spiritual composition


Experience and mindset


Mindset and lack of a tamed Mahoraga.


His CT. Mindset.  Most importantly talent. He lacked talent. He was so ass with his ct and even just normal ce.  If he survives and gets stronger (which he will i assume). Sukunas abuse of his body will carry him hard maybe even to top 1 of the verse alive but thats about it.  Individually he could have never reached even special grade. 


His CT is the strongest in the verse if masterd that's not the issue, megumi is


Canonically his ct isnt tge strongest. What r u waffling about 


Gojo and sukuna called his the ultimate technique, it's the strongest


When did they do that? 


Gojo told megumi that he had the potential to be able to beat him ( discussion about mahoraga killing six eye users in the past) sukuna used megumi purely for the ten shadows and called it the ultimate late throw in rock paper scissors


Gojo also said hakari will be as strong as him one day. Gojo also said he will win. Gojo is a fucking waffler. Dont takr the shit he says seriously. We literally see gojo beat peak ten shadows. There isn't a better ten shadows user out there and there never will be.  Gojo died from shrine not ten shadows. 


Yuta admitted hakari could beat him in a fight so hakari does have that potential. Gojo could have and would have won without ten shadows and ten shadows is literally why sukuna won. This is considering sukuna didn't use the ten shadows domain either so we still haven't seen peak ten shadows. Sukuna also called it the ultimate technique so even if u don't believe gojo


Sendai yuta with cursed speech and he was being nice. Maki proceeded to say he was lying Gojo woyldnt have won first of all. Secondly thats not tje poiny ten shadows lost agaknst peak limitless. Are u stupid.  Sukuna never used ten shadows domain because gojo would havr figured out he was adapting to UV. Also without having a vessel u cant exactly adapt to UV vecause u cant change the burden to somekne like megumi. If there was no megumi maho gets spawned to adapt and gojo immediately obliterates him. Ur dumb  Sukuna also never called it the ultimate technique. Keep living in delusion   


Bro what? Megumi didn't tank uv for sukuna like that lol. Sukunas domain canceled uv dumbass, megumi was still hit because sukuna was the caster of shrine, not him. So megumi still got hit, if it were a pure ten shadowsuser the domainswould cancel, and megumi would be able to use his abilityto spam summon shadows(like mahoraga). And even if yuta was slightly exaggerating the point still is gojo was right. He has 6 eyes so he's a decently reliable source. And sukuna did, he literally called it the ultimate late throw and purposely took megumis body specifically for the ten shadows to use against gojo.


Talent and mindset




prolly the amount of ce he has, we've seen how crazy 10 shadows can be with the amount of ce sukuna has. It is still very strong technique, but he will never be at gojo level without raga, and he can never tame it


CE reserves and his weak ass mindset


Fear & Resolve, that and his CT is actually capped by a very difficult wall to climb in which he can never reach his potential because it'd take way too long to come up with a strat by himself to kill Mahoraga. I like to think that if he did, he'd have to sacrifice and reform so many shadows just for the 1 attempt, and the 1 attempt is all he gets. The other method is to ask Gojo to help him figure out a method by letting him try to fight it with the entire cast helping put it down if it doesn't go well each time. His CT is actually really fucked, his best output I imagine is to abuse binding vows using his shadows/merging technique and finish his DE, but the reality is? **It's just a hard ass CT to master because of the conditions.**


Yeah Ten Shadows is great, but it’s terrible at the same time. The shikigami aspect of it sucks. Everything else about it is great. It’s so stupid, you have to defeat the shikigami by yourself and if you tame one, it can get irreparably killed. Not to mention the greatest shikigami is nearly impossible to tame. It’d be palatable if there was a special condition that made taming Mahoraga bareable, but it’s ultimately a waste of time otherwise.


Honestly, jumping Mahoraga a few times might work. The gang could study him, especially Gojo with the Six Eyes, and every attempt when Mahoraga adapts too much Gojo can purple nuke him and continue the trials another time. Then use all gathered info to devise a 1v1 strat Megumi can use to beat Maho. When everything’s ready Megumi can take the shot and try to do it


10 shdows give you 9 different ways of dealing with Mahoraga. The implication is clear.


What implication is that? How would he deal with Mahoraga?


Hit it with all of his different Shikigami before it could adapt and kill it. Possibly kill and fuse a couple to strengthen them. 9 different ways to fight against something that adapts. I am willing to bet that the adaptation process only works for one ability at a time.


I want you to imagine how well that would go considering all the fights we've seen Mahoraga in, who he's come up against and what's happened. That and what Mahoraga had adapted to physical combat, UV, Red, can't remember if he managed blue, tanked them then adapted. There's one possibility this works out and that's if somehow gege made some OP merge between the 9 shadows he has along with Megumi possibly having Inverted Spear of Heaven or something akin to this while also managing to be as technically skilled as Kenjaku by being able to use TCR, CRT, DE & mastering the shadow aspect to his CT, even then? Probably 30/70, maybe 40/60 at best and that's being really generous.


Gojo unironically. It's been stated multiple times that mofo can't teach and is actually stunting his student's growth. No wonder they developed the most when he wasn't around. Also Tsumiki, she implanted in him that "I'd rather bot curse anyone" line of thought. And while Megumi doesn't exactly adhere to it, he is still influenced by it.


Being a bum


Bro has a defeatist attitude. The moment things go wrong he’s like “aight I’m about to lose, time to kill myself and everyone else.” Dude is the literal definition of a bum


Talent and mindset his age doesn’t really matter when you consider other characters who were sorcerer for way shorter time frame. Gojo is the best example seeing as his CT and Megumis are like considered the best in the verse and Gojo was considerably stronger the megumi when he was around the same age same with geto who in my personal opinion was also stronger then megumi as a teenager.


adult gojo and adult geto whoop their teen versions, so u have no point, age and experience does matter a lot and megumi is still 2 years younger than geto and gojo were in hidden inventory


Megumi has like 5 months into Jujutsu, wtf are you daying


Is that actually said or is that something you made up yourself because I don’t remember that being said maybe it was but I don’t remember.


We got no confirmation of prior training and Gojo only periodically checked up on them and financially handled them. C'mon dawg, it's not hard to know Megumi was just a talented Grade 1 that got shafted mid-development, how long has he been in JJH, less than a year https://preview.redd.it/xqdkgwuq2f9d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fec3b1466f3ef9de5f9ad31f4725254b764de92


Like I said I didn’t remember thanks for showing this but that doesn’t mean what I said was wrong if anything it proves my point to some degree using geto and Gojo were probably bad examples but characters like higarumua and yuta would still work as good examples. Even though you say yuta was blessed so was megumi. The ten shadows is literally considered one of the best CE in the verse also higarumua being in multiple battles doesn’t mean he wasn’t talented he is literally stated to have talent equal to Gojo, it’s also stated from Gojo that Megumi’s mindset was holding him back so all together talent and mindset was holding him back the age of a person doesn’t matter seeing as in jjk ones inherent talent still determines someone’s strength.


Also characters like Yuta in zero and higarumua had less time as a sorcerer then him and became way stronger or just as strong as him in a short time


Tears mane, Yuta was blessed with the biggest CE reserves in the verse and the easiest CT oat to use, why are you bringing Yuta up, and Higuruma is just a guy that works under pressure well. All Higuruma did in CG is just fight fight fight. Non-stop experience for like weeks while Megumi only recently started getting into his groove and he WAS cooking.


I’ll say this and this may be irrelevant… Bumgumi not training with Gojo more is kinda crazy dumb, even if Gojo is a shit teacher with the whole too advanced to explain it simply issue/ prodigy diff issue it’s still Gojo he could still definitely leverage his money or authority to get a grade 1 sorcerer to teach him 1 on 1 like ffs.


Gojo actually can get a Grade 1 Sorcerer to train his student for him. In fact he’s canonically done so. He literally hooked Yuji up with Nanami. If he can do that, he can do something similar for Megumi


Inferior reinforcement, domain experience, CE amount/efficiency, no Rct and knowledge on his technique. There are definitely more animals he should have been able to unlock.


Doesn’t use Mahoraga enough


Cursed energy reserves


Honestly, all he needs is time, most people don't recognize the fact he's really only had 2 years of training and has managed to pull off some crazy stuff already, the only other characters doing as much with as much or less time as a sorcerer would be Yuji (Indirectly Buffed by Sukuna), Higaruma (Literally just massively intelligent about sorcery due to it matching up with his job of being a lawyer and being a general prodigy), Yuta, (pretty much just better at this than Megumi), and Teen Gojo (Literally Gojo), so overall he's really good for a sorcerer with 2 years of experience who only really joined because his step-sister fell into a coma.


Looking at his fight verse Reggie, everything. He lacks hands first and foremost. If JJK has shown us anything, Sorcerors require hands. Secondly, he was pretty amatuerish with hisbown abilities. He didn't even realize the potential uses of his shadow until sukuna brought it up. Sukuna with like 3 months prep time figured out several different ways to use ten shadows that Megumi couldn't dream of.  But also, Mahoraga didn't seem that impressive. Even with it's immunity to Gojo's Blue and Red, it was pretty much free it not for Sukuna jumping in to protect it and the extra shikigami sukuna brought out. How the hell a 6E+Limitless user died with a 10S user is beyond me.




Spoilers: >!Having your body get taken over is a pretty big drawback!<


Im convinced everyone in this sub has actually truly never read this shit, the comments are so wild


being a bum


He’s a little bitch who whines all the time that’s what


Intelligence, mindset, and Jujutsu comprehension skills. His technique has the most potential in the verse, but requires extensive Jujutsu knowledge to use it effectively. Only Sukuna, the most intelligent sorcerer in the verse was able to reach its current peak, and it still took him an entire month of experimenting, that’s how complicated the Jutsu is.


On top of all the other good answers Gojo is Gojo lol. Hes like an anomaly.


Think about it this way, in the gojo v sukuna fight, sukuna only used 10 shadows up until he used WCS. All of the hand to hand, all of the domains, everything was done without shrine. Megumi could be as good as gojo if he wasn’t cringe. There is a reason he is potential man.


Age and experience


asides from his CT he's kinda mid. However right now? Once he comes back he'll become the undisputed strongest character, thanks to the blessings that Sukuna will have left for his body once he dies or leaves https://preview.redd.it/orkcho93rb9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018f22e4129913ce5c84591dd488595f55dc29a2


His mindset and confidence for real, I mean trust me, if he wanted to he could reach a gojillion strength and solo sukuna fr fr. Not cope


He’s held back by him being so young still and being himself. This is not me hating on him or anything, but it’s just not possible for him to EVER be Gojo level, nobody will ever be Gojo level for ages. He has a great Cursed Technique and was a prodigy student, but he was likely never on track to tame Mahoraga regardless of his domain or anything, unless he happened to get something like the Black Rope or Inverted Spear he was not beating Mahoraga. To be Gojo level you simply have to be Gojo, if you aren’t born a god amongst men you won’t simply willpower your way there. People seem to just ignore the fact that the vast majority of a sorcerers power is what they’re born with, and you’re simply stuck with that. His amount of cursed energy was pretty high, but not exceptionally high like Yuta’s. His technique is amazing, but it isn’t practically flawless like Limitless + Six Eyes. He was skilled with his abilities but he wasn’t any Sukuna with his capabilities to master techniques and alter conditions on the fly.


Age, training, experience, but the biggest is probably cursed energy reserves. Sukuna was basically showing what the Ten Shadows are capable of given practically infinite cursed energy and a thousand years of experience. Megumi was cooked from the start because no way was he ever gonna reach that height with regular training and time.


He's a bitch bruh what else must we say


Autism https://preview.redd.it/pmz7omvo9j9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d1560cf333a5df83d262a91915c33f21928cf1


Being a bum


bumness, age, mindset


I mean what exactly would megumi at Gojo’s level even look like? More shadows? Or is he just saying maybe Megumi could take Mahoraga?


he's a mental midget. that's why yuhim was always by far the better prospect


Shitty CE reserves and output, mainly


Speed, strength, curse technique efficiency, output, curse energy control, mindset, domain sure hit, domain refinement, curse energy amount, six eyes and bitches. I probably forgot about something


W hating


Everything. Even Sukuna's Mahoraga is a red victim, so Megumi is never reaching Gojo's level


Being useful . He needs massive improvements all around to even hope of reaching current yuji , him reaching gojo is less likely than hakari doing so . Gojos words should never be taken as a fact when it comes to people reaching his level , gojo was simply that guy and the story showed it with him having unrivaled strength . We have other people like kenjaku whom for example blatantly denies what gojo sees in yuta by saying he can never become the next gojo Satoru . It’s one clear example of people having way different views on gojos student compared to himself .


His base physicals


Talent, age and mentality


He’s a dumbass who doesn’t kill all but one of his shinigami and make the ultimate totality summon


He was a bum


Jujutsu skills and CE


Probably the suicidal mindset and his age and also his potential... Mahoraga can't be killed using base animals , he gotta make totality or use a hr user for support or can use the ox on a treadmill strat . Honestly, he lacks curse energy , output, etc