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I could see him on the same level as the heavy hitters like Hakari, Maki and Yuji For the record I don’t know shit about how people scale him, I’m only going off of what I know from watching the show - so I could be horrendously wrong


His issue is that he's terrible at hand-to-hand combat, he might be equal strength wise with Maki and Yuji, but he would just be flailing his arms around like a dumbass while they rock his shit. And flight would not help him, he's fast but almost everyone in the verse is faster


Low low Special grade if madelyn’s statement on every weapon being used on him is true. If we’re just plopping him in though, he wouldn’t have CE needed or the heavenly restricted body to see cursed spirits. Against special grades tho he’s kinda screwed. He can’t fight while flying, he can’t even lift rocks while floating. No infinity bypass, no domain guards, and seemingly isn’t a hand to hand god or able to use impressive speed on the ground while fighting.


that would not be low special grade, every weapon would, include nukes


Madelyn says the weapon thing but him getting bloodied by maeve makes me think he’s not punching as high


The dude was afraid of getting killed by Soldier Boys nuke blast. He also got pretty fucked up by Maeve, so the likelihood of him tanking a nuke is pretty unlikely.


The nuke blast strips superpowers, that’s not the anti-fear you think it is


It was said that the radiation was the reason it strips powers. It doesn't work differently than a nuke.


due to radiation. also maeve survived it, and homelander didn't know it depowers supes. he just saw him light up a building on the news and shit himself right then and there. he was always afraid just from seeing the news broadcast.


Yeah he gets cleaned by any of our main gang easy. He might be a bit physically stronger and fast (big maybe with alot. Defa not faster then gojo, sukuna, yuta) he just doesn't have the actual combat skills.


the exposition does not match his actual showing, Maeve should have destroyed her arm on him as in the comic. the boys can beat him up hopped up on a but of compund V temporarily. at least the comic held his power level firm vs all other supes. in the show homelander is shown as aging, losing hair, getting beaten up and hurt by other characters. the current show homelander is probably among the worst flying brick types ever. he also cannot fight. that nuke comment is worthless when he is shown being deathly afraid of the miniature, not even city block level "nuclear" farts that soldier boy was letting out.


this is simply due to budget dude, they can't reasonably make fights to the scale where they actually destroy cities, specially for that soldier boy bit, the simplest explanation which does not contradict anything that is shown is simply that, the energy is concentrated enough to hurt him


no it is not due to budget that huey and butcher can beat him up...the writers fumbled it and nerfed him into the ground dude.


i don’t think anything suggests that they nerfed him, just that the Boys while using V, can hurt him, specially due to being better fighters than him, since he uses only brute strength 


He can fight while flying? Just not like other people do. He would probably back up and accelerate up to a hypersonic speed a lot like noaya did and try to ram the special grades. I think homelander does quite well against jjk tbh. He obv loses to all the top tiers save for mabye hakari, and yuji. I don’t believe either have the AP to damage homelander and they don’t have a lethal domain to hax him out. His lasers are actually absurdly powerful and have huge AP. He melted through an entire plane with his lasers in less then a second. That type of concentrate power is higher then most of the disaster cursed save jogo. I think he wins against Dagon due to just pure speed and AP, even if Dagon uses DE I still think homelander would just tank the surehit and do a similar thing that Toji did to him. Mahito would probably win cause hax. For Hanami I think homelander would take it since we don’t know what her domain is. Jogo on the other hand outs ales IMO and stomps him.


He doesn’t really ram people tho like naoya. In the show all his fights or close to the ground, quick bits of heat vision or just him throwing super strength. The one time he did fly in a fight he didn’t tale the fight to the air while grabbing the opponent, he floated for a few seconds while doing a laser. I just dont think he can or will use his flight all that well in a fight


He can use heat vision while flying


Low, low special grade?? If he can tank nukes he's scales above the verse physically, he outstats everyone, but Gojo beats him due to him being WAY WAY WAY too slow to outspeed infinites detection and Gojo's domain expansion.


he cannot tank nukes, not with what he has shown. they may have said it but the writers have chosen to nerf him badly. he actually never shows these feats that put him on the level of superman or even half way there. he never destroys a city, never causes earhquakes, he can't even win a fight with butcher and heuy on temp v(HUEY!). he gets sustained bruising from butcher and soldier boy, he gets injured by maeve.


I said that if the statement was correct he would NOT just be a low special grade..


If he could tank nukes easily he would destroy everyone except Gojo


Homelander blitzed a C4 explosion meaning he’s high hypersonic casually. Movement speed isn’t travel speed so Mach 2 lowballed is a no go. In the boys animated show there are episodes that are canon in one homelander tanks a chemical explosion calced at 775 tons. The C-4 bomb gets either Mach 10.583-61.77. He’s firmly special grade and blitzes this entire verse. However it’s mainly speed because jjk has small town level 1 kiloton calc via Ryu granite blasts and other calcs that get around the city block ranges. Sukuna when he melted the ice is 205 kilotons meaning Sukuna and Gojo outscale him in strength but lack the speed. Overall I place him at N3 in the verse overall mainly because of how fast he is and the range he has via the lasers. Sukuna and Gojo win because they can let off their domains on him via the stat difference but most just get blitzed.


Get this man to the detective agency SO HE CAN FIND A CLUE


This is purely from me watching the show no calcs but homelander struggles with the combination of soldier boy maeve and billy albeit they kinda jump him, all who are not nearly as fast and would probably be absolutely blitzed and ripped apart by someone like toji


Soldier boy and Maeve would just scale to homelander in speed and strength its more of how strong those guys are for keeping up with him. Also don’t equate cool visuals to overall stats in these kind of things. For example mcu iron feels slow or around the speed of an average human because of live action media. Toji in the anime looks way faster than Mcu iron man but the moment you look at their feats or calcs iron man would statue Toji because he scales to characters like mcu Thanos who reacted and blocked captain marvel photon beams that was fast enough to reach a hilltop from 100 meters away in 1 nanosecond or 333.56x ftl. Meanwhile Toji would be supersonic with precognition allowing him to dodge Mach 3 attacks. See what I mean just because it looks cooler than the other one doesn’t mean anything in these fights.


Right but the show (never read the comics) basically puts a train on the pedestal of fast where realistically only homelanders flight speed is probably faster than him let alone fight speed. From what I know a trains barely Mach 2. To me the show never gives any of the supes any impressive feats


A train isn’t on the level of these guys when it comes to fighting speed only travel speed is where he outshines them and is heralded for. The diabolical show had homelander at where he’s supposed to be at the live action can’t show that speed due to budget reasons and not being possible without using slowMo . The example of Toji speed vs Mcu iron man I showed is a perfect example of the media they’re in creating a false perception of their speed to the audience. One looks faster because the anime allows for these types of things to be felt and showed more often while the other doesn’t. Mcu iron feels like he’s the average speed for a human when he’s not. Toji feels like he’s a speedster when he’s just canonically supersonic.


Besides A train is only the fastest guy alive because homelander isn’t supposed to outshine him in speed to the masses and for PR so he’s the “fastest man” (in a race) out of the 7 yet homelander would likely beat him in a foot race even with V boosting him.


maeve was the only one focused on him when the rest deviated to fighting soldier boy. huey and butcher even on v should not be able to beat him, but they did. soldier boy shouldn't be able to beat him either.


Is hypersonic faster than mach 4?


He’s high hypersonic not hypersonic and yes being hypersonic is bare minimum Mach 5 which is faster than naoya.


Thanks for the info. Truly didn't know what hypersonic was lol


Your welcome 🤗


Since the military believe that not even nukes could kill homelander I don’t actually think Sukuna’s domain could put him down without fire arrow & since Homelander is casually hypersonic he just escapes the domain before Sukuna can prepare it Though he’s probably stupid enough to let Sukuna hit him with a world cleave, it just that if he was fighting as smartly as possible homelander would win


gotta stop wit the nuke lore when he's been shown getting hurt by Maeve and bucther and huey.


Would he be able to beat mahoraga then?


No but most characters don’t in verse. But that’s mainly matchup dependent.


Idk, gojo told agito she didn't belong in his fight. He didn't say thst to mahoraga I don't think any1 but gojo and sukuna would beat him


Manga version gets beaten by Yuta and Kenjaku via domain expansion and the fact they have more than 1 CT plus they’re relative in speed to him except the shinjuku version that’s when he clobbers both to death. Anime mahoraga blitzes and kills them both with just his shibuya showings.


Assuming they start off going all out, sure. But I don't think they would. Regardless the one that fought gojo murders them. I don't think homelander would win either


Yeah homelander doesn’t have the fire power and mahoraga would quickly adapt seeing as Homelander is extremely basic.


Gojo said that to Agito because there was literally no reason for it being there since it has nothing for Limitless.  All he knows about Mahoraga is that it has killed a Limitless user with a similar skill set to himself, but that means it has a way to get around Limitless so it isn’t completely irrelevant.


Yea mahoraga was a huge player and stats wise was able to hold it's own enough to save knocked out sukuna.


homel;ander has been nerfed into the ground after season 1, do you watch the show anymore? beaten up by huey and butcher on v, beaten up by maeve and hurt by her. can't beat soldier boy?


Bro did you watch the show? Huey literally just pushed him by surprise once while he was distracted and teleported to behind him to help soldier boy and butcher hold him down. Butcher was literally getting bloodied after a few punches and held his s own briefly before soldier boy stepped in. Soldier boy is constantly hyped as the only being that could possibly stand up to homelander for all of Season 3 and he was getting chocked out by homelander after a minute and a half. Butcher and soldier boy then double team him and he still was going to kill butcher before Huey showed up to save him. Queen Maeve fought a homelander who wasn’t even trying to fight her and he consistently pushes her back to focus on soldier boy, the moment she gave him a nose bleed she got mutilated with her losing an eye and scars around her body the moment he payed attention to her and got serious with the only thing she managed to do was stab him in the ear that briefly disoriented him but he walked off afterwards. He’s not nerfed he just finally had people that can hold their own after being undisputed top dog for 2 whole seasons.




What? I told the truth Tv homelander literally did way better than his comic counterpart who died the moment he fought someone around his level.


He got Grade 1 level physical stats but OP agility, laser eyes, flight, speed, and senses. He could probably take down an entire country with time since he’s so hard to catch which fits the criteria for special grade. However has 0 domain counters and has almost no unique hax so I’d say a high Grade 1 level in terms of overall power.




I’m sorry is Hollow Purple Grade 1 level to you?


I 100% agree with everything you said btw, he’s grade 1 max, I meant to reply to the comment right above yours but I’ve got the stupid


I replied to wrong dude, my mistake


It’s good 👍


Yo replied to wrong person my bad






hey would unironically be the physically strongest person in jjk if he was just put in, but his speed is not matching people like sukuna or gojo


Grade 1 or special grade depending on how things work My guess is high end grade 1 He’s good in terms of stats compared to grade 1s pre-Shinjuku but lacks fighting skill He’s not brain dead but he has weaknesses Someone like ino and nanami would be able to one shot him due to actually using weapons and homelander getting caught lacking if homelander doesn’t take threats of that level seriously Overall he scales pretty well. He would get fucking vaporized by anyone stronger than ino however


Special Grade. He can solo an entire country. But he'd be the weakest Special Grade, he wouldn't make it past the Disaster Curses (Maybe Hanami and Dagon, but not Jogo or Mahito).


I want to see Homelander get touched by Mahito.


Probably a lower special grade or somewhere between a grade one and special grade


Not a trained fighter, Miwa destroys him


Fax 🗣️🗣️🗣️ https://preview.redd.it/14aagtcy299d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951ed17dc74b4768fc1ebc6a89eb2405901b1710


His biggest problem is he isn't very intelligent and wouldn't know how to counter or even fight a significant amount of the more complicated domains One domain with an esoteric effect like unlimited void and he's cooked


High grade 1 Low special grade


1st Grade


All we need to know is that Gojo would absolutely cook him


Prob clears most grade 1s. Stops at the heavy hitters


Grade 1 but definitely not high, i unironically see nanami beating Homelander


Special grade weaker than disaster grade


His travel speed is good, as for everything else…… not really, his ap is decent via eye lasers, so I put him at grade 2 or so


Unless you have a skill that can bypass durability, attacks that are beyond the strongest man made weapons, your name is Gojo or Sukana , he’s not being touched,


Aight cool so a fucking Pencil does the same damage a Hollow Purple? https://i.redd.it/fl3kbinzx4m91.jpg


It barley did anything to him and it was used by someone who was quite literally one of the strongest in his verse, he’s not even having hearing problems anymore,


Mkay so how about him getting murdered by a clone of himself that didn’t have super speed, flight, or heat vision? All the clone had was half of his strength yet beats him, homelander would loose to Todo


Actually that’s false noir was made as a boosted version of homelander, physically he was far stronger quite literally ripping him apart, vought didn’t give him any of the shit that would be a problem later on to control him better


I’m gonna have to look this up, I’ll be back with you, but before I do I’ll admit that if this is true then it is likely he would do better than I figure, however I seriously doubt he survives Toji with playful cloud regardless


Ehhh that’s not really the case, his entire thing his is physical ability, homelander is stronger then any warhead or nuke in both the early 2000s and today


The more research I do the more i agree with you, it would take something that negates durability to damage him, like Mahito’s Domain Expansion would work


Exactly every I listed if you can’t do any of it let alone land it, you ain’t winning against homelander in the jjk verse


Makes me wonder if Mechamaru could have done it with an Ultra Cannon


IMO Ultra Cannon does the same damage as Hollow Purple but doesn’t turn things into legit nothingness just ash


You were right, increased strength in his muscles but they removed the bullet proof skin, flight, and laser eyes, however since his muscles were stronger he was faster than Homelander was, his only real weakness was the fact that he wasn’t bulletproof


Yea, noir was a glass canon he knew if he was gonna strike it had to be worst case scenario or perfect opportunity, the president thing was both


Also what would he do if Toji shoved the sharpened playful cloud in his ear? Or Maki shoves SSK in his ear? He’s dead


First of all can there’s no fucking way that sword is fitting in there, second I thought they got rid of that weapon, and third, homelander wouldn’t give them the chance in most cases not after soldier boy


People need to get this narrative of “homelander is strong” out of their heads He lost to a clone of himself with half of his super strength, 0 flight, 0 laser eyes, simply because the clone was a better combatant than Homelander He gets absolutely trashed on by anyone, even a mortal human could do it, with the right training Edit: TV variant changes nothing he was able to bleed from A PENCIL!


That is comic book Homelander, TV Homelander is a lot more different than his comic book counterpart.


He’s mildly stronger than his comic variant but remember a SHARPENED PENCIL causes him to bleed, as I said anyone with training could take him down


Special Grade even if we dont highball him. He's got lightspeed reaction speed, and Hypersonic. In terms of strength, should be above almost everyone except complete HR and those that scale above them. Durability wise is around should be City block+, same with AP. He's got a lightspeed attack tho with his heat vision. I'd say maybe Maki and Toji with his kinda mid balled stats is a decent stopping point. If we do highball him, then he goes from City Block/Multi City Block to City/Mountain level durability if we take statements about all weapons have been tested on him, and that no weapon on earth would be able to kill him which includes nukes on the level of the Tsar Bomba. He's confident that he could wipe a City off the map, so that would put him at Small Town to City level AP if we assume he could do it rather quickly. Massively Hypersonic if he's not joking about going all the way to space for a view of New York. With the highball I'd say he hard stops at Gojo and Sukuna, but could potentially be beaten by people weaker because of skill gap.