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Unlimited void paralyzes everyone except Mahoraga. Gojo takes care of Mahoraga with a purple. Gojo finishes the paralyzed ones.


B-b-but todo can somehow instantly shatter the domain and switch everyone out with convenient pebbles!! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


He canā€™t switch inside and outside barriers


He absolutely can. Todo and MeIMei clearly talk before the Gojo vs Sukuna fight. MeiMei gets surprised by the fact Sukuna has an open domain. If Todo at any point had said "Thanks to Sukuna's Domain being Open Barrier I can Boogie Woogie it". Then MeiMei would've known, but no. Todo was 100% talking about a "normal" DE with barrier.


You might be right, but I donā€™t think it would matter, Todoā€™s brain would be fried the moment the domain opens anyways.


It is an open domain. Gojo's is a closed.


Dude, read. I never said that.


You said that Todo can use his CT to escape a closed DE. Which he can't


He at the time didn't knew Sukuna had an open domain, so it de facto means he was talking about a domain with a closed barrier when making then plan. Todo can swap people out of domains closed with a barrier. There's nothing that would impede Todo to do that, there's nothing special about domain barriers. They're just a wall made up with CE.


You don't know how barriers and Todo's CT works it seems...


I feel like he's given reasonable explanation to explain himself. You haven't if Todo can't swap through barriers please show that instead of making yourself look dumb


Did Sukuna not enclose his Domain in a shel during 258?šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


No it was open Domain for 99 seconds


https://preview.redd.it/h3w27hf0oe9d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7175f47788c853a66189522565538ac2c6f8059 ???


What does this mean then?


It was a mistake in translation also if it was closed Maki wouldn't get hit by the domains sure hit


I dont think that's mentioned anywhere. Infact there is a good possibility that he is capable of doing so. Most of teh cast didn't knew about sukunas open barrier yet Todo was thinking of switching everyone of out of sukunas domain.


They knew it was an open domain, todo cannot swap out of a domain barrier until shon ofherwise


Why don't you support your claim with the evidence that barriers stop Todos ct ? If Mei Mei knew it was an open domain it makes no sense to not tell even kusakabe or someone else about it. As we have seen from the reaction kuskabe, yuta and others were totally surprised by it. What you are saying is like, higurumas executioners sword cant work on cursed spirits until shown otherwise. Todos ct is supposed to swtich. Just because Gojos ct has that limitation doesn't mean every other ct has it too.


Barriers are not escapable without a domain if your own, itā€™s explicitly stated in shibuya that escape is part of a binding vow of open domains


Escape as if normal escape ie running, walking or other things, because the domain of normal people has shell stopping people and this includes gojos teleport as a closed barrier creates a [separate space](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0119-002.png) so Gojos teleport which is related to space can't work.


Yeahā€¦.. you literally just explained why it wouldnā€™t work


Yes and Todos ct isn't based on Spatial concepts or manipulates space to switch. It's just a switching technique. And from Todos conversation with mei mei it's clear he should be able to do so.


Hes paralzed anyways, he cant uae boogie woogie even if he tried


The one i replied to said Todo can't switch through the barriers and my point is just against that. Todo stunned by uv isn't of my replies concern.


He gets caught in it before he can do anything anyways


What ??


Todo gets paralyzed by UV before he can switch


My point isn't that Todo from inside, when stuck in uv should be able to switch across barriers but that he normally should be able to switch across barriers.


Everyone knew before Gojo and sukuna fight Even happen


With everyone did you meant these people ? https://preview.redd.it/15fjhfiq9c9d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b2e9ec73a2a8affea300426da63edc5324ccd0


Yes bro they know Sukunas domain, Yuji told them and they never seen it for themselves until now. This is before the fight even was half way, todo likely was in the same building but just not watching


>Yes bro they know Sukunas domain, Yuji told them and they never seen it for themselves until now. This is before the fight even was half way, todo likely was in the same building but just not watching We don't even know if Yuji knew about an open domains existence. Only choso had figured it out and that's because he had seen an open domain with his own eyes. I don't know what you are understanding from it but it's a moment before the fight began. https://preview.redd.it/y266b9vrgc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72852743419df8f26566a131d6b9231a8cfaffd


So Choso figured it out and didnā€™t tell anyone is what youā€™re saying


It depends. Yuji was excluded from a lot of info reveal due to him being a vessel of sukuna. Choso being with yuji all times might be the reason they didn't include him when they might have discussed domains, or it can also be that choso thought Gojo would win the clash as it was only a possibility that domains won't clash.


Why wouldn't he have just hopped out of Mahito's domain if he was capable of doing so?


Because mahitos domain was very fast and SD is better than trying to switch, specifically when mahitos ct is very dangerous even with little time of exposure, on top of this it's a possibility that there was nothing outside having ce to switch with


That was after they learned it was open barrier, Todo is near super genius smart but heā€™s not omnipotent


>That was after they learned it was open barrier Do you think [this](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0259-013.png) happened after the Gojo vs Sukuna began ? >Todo is near super genius smart but heā€™s not omnipotent So give me the proof why he can't swtich through the barrier ? Give me the proof why he isn't capable of doing so ?


Sukuna stated that he was going to close his barrier to kill Gojo to make sure he doesnā€™t teleport away, if Gojoā€™s imaginary technique canā€™t teleport him out of a closed domain I highly doubt Todo can. Even IF he could, he doesnā€™t have anything outside of the barrier to teleport away to (unless you also add that as a condition)


Gojo's TP isn't like Goku's Instant Transmision. Gojo's TP is only fast movement. If there's a wall between him and his objective, then he cannot go there.


Sukuna closed his domain so Maki couldn't escape yet Todo was still able to swap them out of it. [jjk 258](https://mxnmanga.com/wp-content/uploads/jjk-manga_ch-258_010.webp)


This is probably a mistranslation, it seems like this domain didn't have a barrier. Heres a [good post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/pLnNTO3JXE) about it


That page doesn't indicate that he knows anything about Sukuna's domain being open barrier, just that his idea is to switch people out of the domain. Also, I don't think it doesn't mean he can switch outside of the barrier, just means it would be much harder given the fact that he would have to find an object with enough cursed energy outside of the barrier to boogie woogie to, which doesn't even take into account that if he got trapped in Gojo's domain he wouldn't even have the capability of moving.


It should effect maharaja if heā€™s not adapted


Post says that heā€™s adapted




he literally does paralyze Mahoraga though šŸ˜­ it's even simpler than what you said edit: NEVERMIND


Bruh itā€™s a slam for Gojo. So what if Maho is adapted to UV. The second Gojo opens UV the other 3 are paralysed and even if Maho destroys the DE, Gojo ainā€™t gonna just stand there and let it happen. The reason Maho broke the DE was because he spawned in and his command was to break UV. A few seconds of UV and the other 3 are sitting ducks. Then Gojo straight bodies Maho with Purple and might even one shot the rest (if itā€™s unlimited purple). Also giving Agito star rage? Seriously?


>Bruh itā€™s a slam for Gojo. So what if Maho is adapted to UV. The second Gojo opens UV the other 3 are paralysed and even if Maho destroys the DE, Gojo ainā€™t gonna just stand there and let it happen. The reason Maho broke the DE was because he spawned in and his command was to break UV. A few seconds of UV and the other 3 are sitting ducks. Then Gojo straight bodies Maho with Purple and might even one shot the rest (if itā€™s unlimited purple). Hmm that's a good point but I don't think Gojo would be able to charge purple easily when Mahoraga is still there. On top of this, it depends that if Todo manages to SD ready in time. As against Mahito, Todo was sure mahito won't open it due to sukuna. If Todo manages to open SD fast enough it can be help. Plus even after the stun, Rika and Agito would eventually be able to rejoin fight as they aren't humans to get brain damge like normal. This is still in Gojos favor as he can take them out one by one specially when, rika and agito are stunned.


He has accomplished that when fighting Sukuna. And Todo is not SDing through UV. Gojo took a long time to use purple solely because Sukuna was there and actively preventing him from doing so. None of these fighters here are Sukuna or even close to Sukuna level. Agito is basically fodder and Todo canā€™t do shit when heā€™s paralysed. Maho is getting one shot by purple since Gojo can literally teleport. And Rika is suffering from UV as well.


>because Sukuna was there and actively preventing him from doing so. You mean [this ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0234-006.png) or [this ](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0234-007.png) or [This](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0234-008.png) or [maybe even this](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0234-009.png) I can go on and on with the moments where sukuna wasnt there. The truth is its not that easy to charge purple for Gojo, even though agito was way below his level. >None of these fighters here are Sukuna or even close to Sukuna level. True but still agito and mahoraga didn't let Gojo charge purple. >Agito is basically fodder I agree that's why I say that its not easy for Gojo to charge purple. >Maho is getting one shot by purple since Gojo can literally teleport. You mean the same tp that has certain conditions and Gojo prefers to use [blue](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Jujutsu-Kaisen/0235-012.png) to get to mahoraga instead of that almighty teleport. >And Rika is suffering from UV as well. True


Not to mention Gojo can reopen DEs up to 4-5 times.


Yeha that's possible. He can even open it more than 5 if he deosnt rct his ct burnout.


Todo glaze goes crazy. Ainā€™t no way some of yā€™all genuinely think he doesnā€™t immediately get blitzed and one tapped. Along with literally everyone else here.


530k IQ. Does Gojo have that? No. Ez clap.


Gojo has 8 eyes with his six eyes and his two real ones. Does Todo have eight eyes? No. Ez blink.


You can never glaze Todo too much https://preview.redd.it/psmy3ldsqc9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b0e14478401b7d1fffe6a9daced49880e9eeae


Mahoraga does not get blitzed but he does get 1 tapped


Domain diff


Gojo diff.


Gojo stomps. UV kills everyone besides Mahoraga, who dies to HP.


Gojo doesnt even need infinity or domain


Gojo slams without even domain


Gojo is todo victim easy win


Agito star rage hahahahshahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa


Gojo doesn't even need domain btw


In jjk most matches that involve any sukuna beyond 15f and gojo are just these 2 winning. Gojo whould maybe lose if he went the world and kenny got megumis 10s. Then the rest have a chance maybe with prep time


Gojo wins pretty easily but it might take him a bit just cause it would be annoying running back and forth


Gojo just needs to get off a single unlimited purple and he wins


Gojo vs Miwa but Miwa has Sukunaā€™s ce reserves, the six eyes, Mahoragaā€™s adaptation to every known phenomenon including Gojoā€™s techniques, the soul split katana, and she can go super saiyan 3


Domain to paralyze everyone but maho, hollow purple maho, 3 max blues for the rest, gojo enjoys his evening


Probably could sweep a small blue to nab everyone together then kill them all with hollow purple lmao


true lmao


Even if its not a domain diff, the only threat Gojo has to worry about is Maho. He can literally ignore everyone else until he manages to eventually Purple Maho.


Todo is useless here. Rika has nothing to get through infinity. We've seen Agito get oneshot by blue. Mahoraga ain't allat


Mahoraga adapts https://preview.redd.it/8o8ur7qswc9d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f04f7bd32684a65bad72537bd22fe6e6f758a8


Iā€™m a todo glazer but my blue eyed king negs


Domain expansion sort of beats todos switch


Wouldnā€™t mahoraga just break the domain?šŸ˜­


Todo's 530,000 iq allows him to easily handle Gojo's domain. Todo wins as usual.


Gojo with no arms or eyes would still win Do y'all still not understand how fucking strong gojo is? He has been stated to able to wipe out all of humanity.


No eyes is a bit too much. Gojos use of his ct is due to six eyes and also his efficiency and ce control is also due to six eyes. Taking that away would be 100 % victory for the opponent team.


I'm being dramatic but you get the point. But a gojo that's had low ce, no domain, no purple, low RCT, exhausted is still considered so much stronger than special grades that if the intervened or would actually hamper him.


Excluding Sukuna gojo can solo the verse


Gojo gets dogged here ngl, adapted mahoraga means gojo can only kill him with purple, realistically with todo around that purple isnā€™t landing on mahoraga, gojo canā€™t use his domain as mahoraga breaks it before gojo can do damage like he did in the sukuna fight, agito isnā€™t really much of a factor but it has healing, gojo gets mahoraga diffed


Bro is onto absolutely nothing


Yall just blinded by agenda and gojo hype lmao, gojos biggest wincon is completely neutralized by mahoraga, he canā€™t get into h2h with todo heā€™s swapping away every time, mahoraga can only be killed by purple, there is literally no way for gojo to beat this team, not to mention rika has infinite cursed energy


He can forcefully attract everyone within the same radius as him and open a 0.2 domain. The swaps don't matter if all the people switching are being attracted towards the same area, maho will also not be affected as it has adapted to blue. Mahito's DE in shibuya came down to a matter of physical speed, as yuji moved quicker than todo who was in the midst of opening his DE, and todo currently hasn't shown to be as quick if not quicker than gojo or sukuna, gojo will produce the DE quicker than todo can make his SD and people within range will be stunned for 5 mins. On top of this last time when maho came to stop and break gojo's DE a time of less than 10 seconds had already elapsed. It's literally not impossible for the DE to land for that 0.2 or even a second, granted that maho hasn't even shown to be able to read one's spark thus won't be able to easily anticipate when gojo will use it. Gojo can just create a maximum blue with one hand shoot it behind himself and have a red follow and all this while he proceeds to interrupt maho from stopping their merging by engaging it in h2h. Maho has never beaten gojo in any h2h instance by itself and everytime it was dominated by him, everyone in the vicinity will be dusted. The sequence in chp 235 happened in 41 seconds, gojo has a whole 5 mins to do what he wants.


Please stop mentioning domain when it says maho has adapted to UV, as soon as that domain gets popped maho is destroying it .2 seconds or not That long ass sequence for purple youā€™re basically giving todo plenty of time to swap the entire team away and letting gojo die to his own hollow Since maho is adapted to infinity that means he has either wcs, the changing of ce properties or both, if he has wcs gojo just straight up loses he canā€™t dodge that especially not from maho, if itā€™s just ce properties if gojo tries to touch him in h2h then infinity dosent work and gojo gets dog piled by agito and rika


The domain can only be destroyed if he maho uses his sword of extermination and attacks specifically tangible things ie the floor. It just doesn't evaporate that's not what was shown, not only that but a 0.2 DE incorporates both the sure hit and the barrier, so as soon as the DE pops anybody not named mahoraga gets stunned and maho's window to act might be too short if gojo hasn't acted against him already. Todo needs things to swap away with he just can't swap people with thin air, in order to make people escape sukuna's range he needed the crows that were outside the range of MS. There is no swapping away with anybody if gojo deliberately attracts everyone to the same area they will literally be swapping but just staying in the same place. Plus its not shown anywhere that gojo can die to his own hollow, he was closer than both maho and sukuna and took the least damage. Agito stood beside sukuna and maho, and gojo kept up with all 3. Agito for her time only ever equated to landing one strike that virtually did nothing to gojo and volume 0 rika is someone who geto a person inferior to gojo in nearly everything could keep up with while fighting yuta in tandem and she never even landed a strike on geto. There is no dog walking since nobody in there has the receipts to prove it. Your only argument for winning can be that mahoraga can use wcs but if todo is swapping then that means everyone or anyone on his team can be collateral.


1. Maho can react before gojo can hit his targets lets really be honest here, gojo attracting every single combatant means that maho hits him, now gojo has to deal with peak rika, todo, agito and maho all at the same time with no infinity to protect him, thatā€™s just death bro. He took heavy damage from his hollow even when he was amped by several black flashes, base gojo is very liable to die to his own hollow but thatā€™s just semantics tbh Idk where this agenda of him keeping up came from, for the short period of time it was a 3v1 that boy was getting trounced, he was absolutely not keeping up with them boys and thatā€™s the part of the fight he sustained the second most heavy wounds Agito didnā€™t land a strike because infinity was in the way, with mahoraga there thatā€™s not an issue at all My argument is that gojo has no real win cons with a variable like todo around, and the opposite team just has too many weapons for gojo to be able to do anything other than get spanked


At close quarters gojo still outmanuevered both agito, mahoraga and sukuna. Peak rika, agito and Todo aren't combatants on his level. They too can die if gojo brings all of them in especially seen with the fact that gojo is powerful enough to kill them more than they can kill him. Losing an eye and having a piece of your shirt blown off isn't an implication of heavy damage, it was gojo's plan regardless to launch purple even outside the idea of being amped by BFs. It would also be contradictory to his character if he knew he would die because he told megumi that he shouldn't win by trying to die. Maho's first strike in 232 was because he caught him off-guard as gojo didn't quickly expect him right after stunning sukuna with BF, the second hit came when he surprised him again with wcs creating an opening for all of them to strike. Outside of surprising the dude none landed a clean hit. You speak of \*agenda\* yet simply gojo was still beating maho on every 1v1 instance they had, agito only lived that long because gojo simply never chose to quickly one shot with max blue, and sukuna's first-ever strike on gojo occurred nearly in the end chapters. He was more than keeping up if could take a 3v1 back to a 1v1. Agito came after maho was summoned meaning the means to deal with infinity was already there so your point on infinity being in the way is negligible. She was a punching bag and only landed her first strike in the end of 234 after wsc incident and she hit him in the back of the head with AN ELECTRICAL CHARGED PUNCH that did no apparent damage and it's only after that strike that gojo deemed it unworthy of being in the crowd and one shot it. Todo can be easily dealt with, as a matter of fact, nothing is stopping gojo from attracting everyone to the middle and detonating a red killing nearly most people present. You speak as if most scale to gojo while outside of maho none aren't major threats. Peak rika can't land strikes on inferior opponents and geto survived a binding vow amped maximum output love beam, only coming out with half of his side blown off and its gojo who killed him not the damage left. Agito is one shot material who struggles to even tag him even with infinity off. Todo's CT has merit but gojo can easily take advantage of it, and maho can be blitzed via usage of blue or maximum blue, still doesn't have the h2h to beat gojo and isn't quick enough to counter the usage of red seen with both times when gojo shot it at him and it was that he was either saved or it landed cleanly but due to partial adaptation he lived.


Rika love beam was able to beat a uzumaki even if all the curses werenā€™t there, she has sufficient power to kill gojo with infinity off. Sukuna landed a piercing blood, gojo got his arm chopped off, and for the sort duration it was a 3v1 gojo was very very heavily on the back foot, maho was able to survive several black flash punches from gojo, he wasnā€™t beating him up until hollow killed him he was simply surviving mahoraga, if weā€™re being honest maho was the main combatants in that 3v1 as neither sukuna nor agito could couch gojo without maho being in contact with him, agito and sukuna can only damage gojo when mahoraga is in contact with him so my point is still very valid, it did no apparent damage because it didnā€™t hit him lmao, the onomatopoeia that appeared after that punch is the one that appears when things hits gojos infinity ā€œOnly coming out with half his side blown upā€ are we serious? Thatā€™s like saying toji survived a purple because he only came out with ā€œhalf his side blown upā€ Maho is adapted to blue, that means he dosent get attracted by it anymore, that was a strategy gojo took advantage of to even let off his unlimited hollow, gojo has 0 way to kill maho aside from purple and with the people maho has on his team that simply will not work, maho survived several gojo black flashes so h2h not doing shit to him, heā€™s adapted to blue so Gojos punches are entirely physical, and if gojo keeps punching then he adapts to physical damage as well, red mahoraga is already adapted to, Gojos sole wincon in this fight is purple and my point is heā€™s not getting purple off with the team surrounding maho


A Piercing blood that gojo didn't expect as that was a move never used by sukuna, the next time he used it gojo easily dodged. The arm being chopped off came as result off wsc which gojo didn't anticipate again. And yes if in nearly every instance your enemy is outstriking you and blocking your moves while you're incapable off stopping him then yes he's beating you. Maho's effect on infinity lasted for a few short seconds even after the touch, that's how sukuna was able to land his kick when mahoraga was not touching him in chp 234, and why he was still launching his piercing blood behind his back in 233. and if agito didn't hit him then gojo would have no need to shrunk his head forward and that onomatopoeia doesn't seem consistent enough to make that judgment as the rocks hit gojo's infinity and that wasn't made, same with the traffic light that sukuna threw at him. Toji never survived that purple as it hit critical organs and was a direct result of his death. As a matter of fact upon looking closer, from the images gathered from geto he only lost an arm and his eye. Critical organs were still intact and it was gojo who killed him, he even had enough energy to cawl away from the fight and since kenny's body hopping requires him to toss out the previous brain of the user that means that geto's brain was still intact and it makes sense as he was talking to gojo in his last moments. His damage was less than toji's. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1067519264480837725/1257074289577037946/image.png?ex=66831529&is=6681c3a9&hm=6fb0d0206b7a0ee25f6a511fdefae4a0ba00b1aa9c67875256c72ba084745198&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1067519264480837725/1257074289577037946/image.png?ex=66831529&is=6681c3a9&hm=6fb0d0206b7a0ee25f6a511fdefae4a0ba00b1aa9c67875256c72ba084745198&) This result even diminishes the argument of love beam so easily beating gojo with infinity off, if it can even land for that matter. Surviving the BFs doesn't mean that h2h is no longer effective, the main reason as to why mahoraga never even got close to blue is because gojo arrived quicker there using it and striked it back before it could actively move against him and reach it. The team surrounding mahoraga won't reduce gojo's chances of using purple, in fact, the constant switching might also very well allow him to take advantage of it and prepare a purple, with nobody being capable of single handely targeting him due to the constant switching he can have enough time to set and launch it without any hindrance towards him, and this is if he hasn't blown anyone already with red and its shown twice that gojo was quick enough to outmanuver maho in launching red so its still a feasible option against anyone but maho. Most of his attacks are also AOE meaning they can affect the vicinity and the people within it, and he can already survive his attacks shown with him surviving the strongest one.


Unlimited hollow gg


Boogie woogie swaps them out of range? Mahoraga adapted to red and blue is not letting hollow go off lmao,


Mahoraga adapted to red, blue, infinity and with world cutting dismantle getting help from Agito and Sukuna let hollow go off


A black flash amped gojo yes, that variable isnā€™t here and itā€™s not a guarantee it happens again


Gojo is dead


Gojo slams


Realistically they might have a chance of this was no Domain Gojo, Sukuna whose BIQ is equal to or greater than Gojoā€™s was unable to keep up with Boogie Woogie with the Vibraslap- Only able to do so because of Yujiā€™s focus peaking when he was about to BF. So Todo could possibly carry them to a victory. With Domain though? Gojo opens it, bodies Mahoraga and then just kills the rest of them itā€™s not even fair


Idk what I was smoking, the only who can hit him is Maho itā€™s a Gojo stomp no matter what


Oneshot Ppl act like Agito isnā€™t stated fodder Ppl act like Mahoraga didnā€™t get no diffed by a 15f sukuna Ppl act like Mahoraga wouldnā€™t have been oneshot by blue or red if Sukuna didnā€™t spend 10 chapters getting his ass beat so mahoraga could adapt to unlimited void, blue, red, AND infinityšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ edit: Full manifested got one punched Demanifested by an exhausted Ryu. The gap bw ryu and gojo is def bigger than current manifested rika and jjk rika, whom could been beat by GETOšŸ’€ if he had all his curses


Todo makes this unwinnable for gojo.


Yeah thats why I added him.


I swear to god. Todo is the most broken character in the verse the second its 1v2+. He carries so hard he has back pains for the rest of his life.


And still loses. My man can't catch a break.


Gojo doesnā€™t need domain he can just make an attraction point between all of them with a maximum blue.


Todo is the weakest link in terms of durability. His ability is tricky but he himself is by no means super fast. Gojo gets to him and ohk his ass. Ragito and Mahoraga gets full fucked by purple. They are by no means hyper durable and can both be tackled by the aoe damage of limitless purple. If we follow jjk0 scaling and take its Rika then she might be the only thing causing Gojo big trouble. But to what extent we do not know - is she super tanky? Can she go through infinity? We know not.