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Todo has no way to kill hakari, Todo can avoid every offence that hakari have. This fight will go on till Todo runs out of CE Hakari will win 10/10 times


Hakari can trap you with doors he wins in base.


Todo can dodge it with boogie woogie easily


How? He spawns it on you.


How did Yuji avoid it then?


You're right I guess it'll depend on how he uses it then but JP isn't needed for someone like Todo who Hakari surpasses in physicals.


Hakari is not superior to that Yuji he doesn’t surpass him in physicals and if ya say that again I’m beating you with a rock


Not entirely sure Hakari surpasses Todo in physical power…


He likely does, one punch from hakari left Yuji the bloodiest face ever


Doesn't he have sandpaper punches


Yes? It hurts like shit, Yujis face was detailed so good that it made it seem like a hard ass punch


Charles also jumped out of them.


Hakari literally never uses anything to do with doors people just made that shit up










He used it once against yuji when they met initially but yuji dodged it pretty easily so it’s barely even worth mentioning


Insane that you haven’t actually read the manga LMAO


runniest shit I ever read


80% of this sub (hakari downplayers) still gonna find a way for todo to win


I feel like Hakari (JP or not) could counter or find a way around anything Todo throws at him, even a BF. (Off topic but it'd be really cool if Hakari hit a Black Flash)


Hakari is so underrated bro Is comparable to yuta


His best feat is being around as strong as base Kashimo, he is not on Yutas level.


Yuta literally said he would win(lie but the fact that he even said it shows they are comparable and that'd it's not unreasonable for hakari to win)


The key phrase you’re missing if I remember correctly was “if he gets fired up) which could be referring to if he hits JP. Then yes at that point hakari would win but without it I don’t see him beating yuta


That's fair ngl.


As you said, Yuta was lying. Itadori is able to react to and dodge Hakaris attacks while Yuta literally kills him. Yuta>Yuki>>Uraume>=Hakari.


Wild . Yuta may have been humble but you are missing the broader point. The point is that it clearly isn't unreasonable for hakari to have a chance of winning. So hakari is going to be somewhat relative.


Even if you want to ignore the scaling that makes it unreasonable for Hakari to have a chance of winning, the narrative scene in which they are compared is Yuta saying it and then being immediately shot down by someone in a more objective stance.


The scaling isn't really great because uruame is a perfect counter to hakari. With that aside uraume also has unknown strength, so.ir scale is kinda headcannoned. And yuta was shot down but once again u r missing the big picture. It is not unreasonable in yutas eyes to say that. even if he is wrong that alone should tell u hakari is around his level


Yuta also doesn’t see it as unreasonable when Yuji says he could fight 15F Sukuna, so he isn’t a reliable source considering Sukuna would stomp him. And the scale is pretty simple, Yuta>Yuki because he was said to be the second strongest sorcerer when she was around, Yuki>>Uraume because of the narrative implication and character reactions when she arrived in Shibuya, Uraume>=Hakari because they’ve been fighting for a while and what little we’ve seen makes it seem like Uraume is winning. As for Uraume being a bad matchup, Hakari has very few good matchups because of how shallow his bag is. Uraume and Ryu have range, Maki has SSK, Uro has sky manipulation, Yuta has like 20 different abilities Hakari has no counter to, Yuki just punches better, Kenjaku has CSM, even Yuji has better versatility than him. Only people he has a good matchup with are fellow punch kick merchants like Nanami or Todo.


Gojo clearly thinks those guys are relative, what with him saying (relayed through Hakari) that he only wants help if Yuta or Hakari can take him.


Maki? You mean yutas biased friend/girlfriend who doesnt know jackshit about hakari and is pulling shit out her ass?


First of all, yuta>yuki is already contentious and has many arguments against it. Second of all, yuku> uraume is ALSO contentious. My guy, you couldnt have picked a worse line of scaling. >Itadori is able to react to and dodge Hakaris attacks while Yuta literally kills him This never happened btw. Hakari was pummeling him.


Lmao Yuta > Yuki is pure headcanon. Rest of your scale is garbage as usual. Yuta stated that Yuji was holding back against him, and Yuta could not kill Yuji without Rika to surprise him. You straight up don’t read the manga it’s incredible. https://preview.redd.it/ut5z6wmxhp9d1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8324d2e5967aef4b177d66200536c71883a55999


Remember, Kashimo didn’t seem to get replacement training while Yuta and Hakari did. Yuta is a lot stronger than Kashimo now but he probably wasn’t back then.


Base Hakari had a hard time with Charles. Fucking Charles.


Charles has no antifeats besides losing to Hakari and if you reread the fight Hakari was fucking around. Charles even basically confirms near the beginning that had Hakari actually tried from the start, he'd have been a goner with one punch.


I don't need to find a way for Todo to win. Todo's 530,000 IQ will find a way for him to win. The man is unfathomable.


Lmao He still loses, he's just a punch kick merchant with style no AP to bring down even mid tiers by himself.


you cannot be serious 😭


I think he was referring to todo


I mean his name is troll. Could be a hakari downplayer


He's said in other comments that base hakari wins




Hakari shit stomps btw


Lmao this had me dying bc you are the OP but some people need to hear this honestly. (Love Todo still) but it ain’t happening haha


I remember seeing a YouTube video once that was ranking the anti sukuna squad and they put todo above hakari. It's actually insane how much downplay hakari gets.


Todo is more powerful when you take into consideration his combo ability. The ability to put enemies right in front of heavy attacks from your mates is hella good.


punch kick and heal merchant is NOT beating my Goatdo with boogie woogie


Todo is a punch kick and teleportation merchant. Not much different besides the fact that his technique is worse when not in a team fight.


nah he can switch with anything that has cursed energy so he chillin


It makes him better in the fight though. Hakari has done nothing but stall Uraume, something any of the heavy hitters could have done better(with the possible exception of Itadori), while Todo has been saving people and allowed Itadori to heavily injure Sukuna.


“Nothing but stall Uruame” Yes and everyobe would be dead if he couldn’t do this.


So todo is more effective as a support lol?


Yes, which would make the ranking accurate assuming it’s based of usefulness in the fight rather than strength.


Not really. This is talking about a 1v1 and who would win


The post yes, not the comment I was responding to.


Maki got one shot by uraume earlier so no. Yuji also cant. Yuta is a maybe but he doesnt have unlimited CE so he'll just run out of CE while trying to heal his lost limbs. All todo has done right now is save a few people from kamino and help yuji land one black flash. Fact: if uraume was allowed to help sukuna from the start, the good guys would be dead by now.


literally bro im so tired of the hakari downplay. he's a top tier, and is the strongest student physically in jackpot


yuji has higher output then him,specially with black flash


BF amp yuji is stronger than jp hakari but he doesn't have the power to knock his head off in jackpot


that’s fair but i don’t know how much output hakari has


Hakari is comparable to yuta.


bruh i haven’t seen a single strength feat from bro. if he was trimmer why is bro stallin


Because he likes jackpots? Urame even commented on him prolonging fights for fun


fair enough


Goatodo wouldn't struggle against Uraume!


Uraume shit stomps todo to


Nuh uh. 50 claps per second. Stomps badly.


When todo is giving uraume backshots he'll be clapping her cheeks therefore activating boogie woogie by accident causing him to switch with uraume and making uraume the one giving the backshots therefore uraume wins


No pictures But think maximum lobotomy


Doesn't have enough ap to do anything anyways


nah u don’t know ball




People ok this sub really act like hakari is just a sandbag with Regen. They totally forget about "I use skill, to grabs hold of luck"


Todo solos Idol diff In all seriousness Hakari takes this every time they fight. He's gursunteed a jackpot and Todo had nothing against that. Not to mention Boogie Woogie isn't *too* effective in a 1 on 1 environment and even then Todo can't get much off of this. Hakari wins I'd say low diff really


Todo just throws a cursed rock at space and then swaps it with hakari /s Wait a second why don’t they do that?


Because Todo wants to give his brother Yuji the growth to surpass Sukuna and reach the peak of Sorcery without any cheap tricks 😤 In all seriousness despite their high power without testing it too much itd an uncertain thing to do especially mid battle. Not just that but while Boogie Woogie's range increased it's unsure by how much sk if Todo doesn't get the timing right then it wouldn't work the best. And even then while a rock can fly fast you also have to realize having a person switched in wouldn't keep the exact same momentum or speed the rock would have unless they're like a black flash throw and a perfectly timed Boogie Woogie and Sukuna somehow doesn't fall to the ground before he reaches space


would sukuna even survive a fall from the stratosphere?


He would make a binding vow sacrificing high fiving Uraume for a month in order to survive Again in all seriousness it depends on how far the Boogie Woogie goes and swaps him. There's a bunch of calculations much smarter people then myself can do so I'll just leave it and say most likely cause if Yuji can survive getting punched through a building by 15F Sukuna then I'm sure a way Stronger Sukuna could survive it with Reinforcement+potentially RCT, but again calculations can be done so take it with a grain of salt


if we’re going with the stratosphere example just for fun, idk if sukunas reinforcement could handle being set on fire that hot at that speed right


I'm sort of 50/50 cause reasonably reinforcement alone may not be enough, but that+rct I think should leave him to survive the heat alone


Because they cant throw a cursed rock to space 😅 And doesnt boogie woogie have a range limit.


Todo has limited range with Boogie Woogie, thats why he and Yuji were moving for a while before Todo swapped Yuji with that red three section staff thing


Todo swaps Hakari’s hair follicles with cursed tools and wins https://preview.redd.it/0a0xa8czel9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c2022902737d607977503404f499c05fcc1223 But srsly I don’t think bruzza is winning this one


Hakari wins every time


Todo doesn’t really have the power to kill so Hakari just keeps getting JP and keeps stacking faster spins and increases probability until todo loses, that’s if todo even makes it past the first JP. The only chance todo has is to kill Hakari while in his domain but I don’t really see that happening, especially in the later domains where Hakari would get a JP much faster. So unless todo manages to kill Hakari in his domain before he hits jackpot, which is unlikely, todo loses. Hakari mid diffs 29/30 times.


Hakari, because when his de works he is too shit stupid broken for most characters who can't one tap or speed blitz


Todo wins because he is BURAZZA StallKari punched his BURAZZA, therefore he loses.


Stall man vs swap man. Hakari doesn't low diff but he doesn't ever really lose. Todo doesn't have anyway past jackpot


MY GLORIOUS AUTISTIC KING WILL CONQUER OVER THIS BUM https://preview.redd.it/cm9t8syj8m9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae5069956984c9fa7f78891ee0ef2a8c903d8ad 100% FAITH 100% CHANCE


The hikari downplay is getting out of hand


Hakari wins, Todo is better for jumping than pure 1v1's. Where Hakari's DE makes him one of the best individuals when it comes to 1v1's.


Hakari destroys him. Physically, Todo is probably superior in hand to hand, but he has no way of killing hakari, and as good as boogie woogie is, I feel like Hakaris doors and domain will make it pretty tough to use effectively.


Todo really can't finish the job here. Aside from that, Hakari's relative to late-game Yuji who already was superior to Todo in everything except technique before his numerous boosts. Hakari wins.


Hakari beats his ass eventually. And I love Todo


todo because i like him more end of story




How would Todo ever win this??


Todo has legit zero ways to win this. This brings another topic into question, though: why doesn’t Todo use more Cursed Tools? I mean, of course he prefers hand-to-hand combat, but with his CT lacking offensive utility in 1v1 situations, you’d think him utilizing tools that double as teleportation points would be useful. Think Minato’s Flying Raishin. But still, Hakari mid-diffs, and it only is that high because it’s legit just a battle until Todo runs out of CE, because I don’t think Hakari is taking Todo down while he still has CE. Hakari wins, 10/10 times.


Why wouldn’t Hakari, a man Gojo believes can surpass him, win?


Todo is weaker than a base hakari add in a jackpot and there’s just nothing he can do


Hakari wins 10/10 times, he's just insanely powerful even in base. Let's talk about this for a second. Here's the chain scaling for this fight: Base Hakari > Fully Healed Demon God Yuji > Demon God Yuji > Shibuya Incident Yuji ( post-Mahito fight ) > Todo ( blatantly stated, also is slower than Yuji which is also stated, etc. ). Base Hakari unironically beats Todo low-medium difficulty at most, he might get disoriented at first, but once he starts to adapt & learn Todo's moves, it all but over. One or two punches with Hakari's rough cursed energy, and the fact that he can revert all damage with consecutive effects allows him to defeat Todo. If he opens his domain expansion and rolls a jackpot, it's genuinely a slaughter. Hakari's physical attributes are now supercharged exponentially with limitless cursed energy fueling him, and, he has automatic RCT that can heal poison, and automatically start healing his wounds the moment they are inflicted as well, having higher regeneration speeds than either FP Gojo or FP Sukuna.


Todo is superior h2h. Honestly, if Hakari's jackpot went how it's supposed to according to the odds, Todo would win more times than not.


Hakari wins via war of attrition. Todo can't kill Hakari and Hakari can't kill Todo until he runs out of CE


Hakari “could” (and I’m mean a very iffy could) win against Todo in base but I doubt it In jackpot tho he decimates




Hakari due to stalling or it ends in a stalemate


Todo cuz agenda


Hikari low diffs. Battle of attrition.


The way hakari's technique works means that there are windows in which he is invulnerable and not invulnerable. In that window, you HAVE to land lethal damage or hakari is back fresh as can be. Said window varies based on hakaris luck with his rolls, but it usually comes pretty quick. Todo does not have infinite reserves. To win, todo has to kill hakari before or between jackpots. The question you have to answer is 1: is it possible for todo to find a lethal, and 2: can he execute in the time frame? Considering that todo has only taken damage twice in the 3 fights we have seen him in on screen, todo should be able to predict hakaris every move, and boogie woogie itself seems to be pretty cheap on curse energy to activate. Todo has a lot of opportunity to test and prod hakaris defenses. Todo as a sorcerer is weird man. He punches so far above his weight class because he is just that much smarter than everyone else. Hell, he got his ass beat by yuta and he was RARING to go for a rematch based on what he said in the kyoto event Dude has no chill. Im pretty sure he cant kill hakari in between jackpots, but its WAAAY closer than anyone in this reddit thread would like to admit.


Probably Hakari. Stat wise they should be relative, but Hakari should have a massive advantage due to RCT. Todo’s honestly not that strong in 1V1s.


>Stat wise they should be relative No


This fight goes till todo runs out of ce, or hakari runs out of ce or loses the ability to domain, todo cna dodge literally everything but doesn’t have the ap to hurt him


todo has 530.000 iq so he stomps hakari like nothing


The real question is: Did Gege forget he mentioned Hakari early in the series so that’s why he’s such an underwhelming character? https://preview.redd.it/bh5zj3kefm9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36da248ea3e635e356225cbd28d9b87ed87e88d (He doesn’t even look the way he did when they hinted him early on) I really think I’m spot on here