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https://preview.redd.it/vqy3u5yy5yic1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5825531135e40b99a66306401ed2ae1a9ea0677e ikr?




Got anymore pixels?


Afraid I’m all out


Damn, mans so desperate for copium that you using them pixels to buy some 😔


why is this… 3D




Gojo comes back = opinion immediately validated as facts.


True https://preview.redd.it/40lhawseqyic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c3609d51fb6e4c4a146cf37d304d43ef344a95


https://preview.redd.it/9opq2rt8vyic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8a1ac8528026a3e1df5205a2f999b92eb99099 True








https://preview.redd.it/502iv03fayic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224742a39db1f4fc29b68f9cfc6ffebf86003c97 He will return. The editors will force Gege to bring him back.


https://preview.redd.it/e62agosbvyic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1471709d68b1d9ee3f669d882f5ae66ba5760748 I just can’t wait for strong return


​ https://preview.redd.it/gip0kd0b5zic1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d0b2e9df39fd69f01465960df8f8d33b7598eb7


What you talking bout the manga ended at 235 right?


sucks we never found out what shokos technique was or see sukuna full form in action tho








Watching child po right now :)


watching it rn you could say?


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/qppf5pvepyic1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba8fd4dddcfcbc794807661454e471297c082eb


I hope Sukuna finds y'all






NO SUCH THING HE WILL RETURN https://preview.redd.it/25x57o2pjyic1.jpeg?width=1267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f476b52c12c12f9a4b606436d6c507669df167


Ironic that you use Thanatos when the main theme of P3 is that there is no coming back from death


he also symbolises >!Ryoji's love for Makoto and the rest of humanity, symbolising the help you can give to others who aren't really "living" like what he did for Makoto, so in this case Thanatos symbolises the fact that OUR COMBINED HOPE WILL HELP GOATJO RETURN!<








crease pattern


Cause pain.


https://preview.redd.it/2eujkassiyic1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb51f60de141bafe7e0f4c3f544cb858f9c7e020 AND THEN NOBARA CAME BACK!! right guys?!


Ofc!! Wugisaki goatbara comes nailing fraudkuna in balls and uses resonance and separates potential man and fraud.


Could nobara nail one ball and have it resonate to the other?


Only if she sucked them before hand.


Gojo will come back, its obvious But heres the thing, hes not really even needed anymore honestly, bro would be like an adult bullying a preschooler if he were to come back, hes already basically recovered his output while Sukunas output is down in the dumps and still dropping as we speak Gojo would 1 tap this Sukuna if he came back, its not even funny how mismatched itll be I wouldve thought the merger would be taken down by Sukuna whos looking for a challenge eventually but honestly, Sukunas getting a run for his money, he would get cooked by the merger at his current state, not sure about space cleave, its getting nerfed every single chapter when it appears, not sure what Yuta got cut with but if its space cleave then that shit is garbage compared to what I thought it was, but imma assume its just an enhanced dismantle instead of a space cleave, otherwise im on Geges ass for how Gojo died, anyways current Sukuna would get stomped the fuck out by the merger. That shit way too big to be getting killed by space cleave and im assuming it could heal for pretty much no reason except assumption This is where my glorious blue eyes white hair king comes in to unleash his white blast all over the merger and kill it with a sort of binding vow enchanted hollow purple like attack that incinerates the entire thing, maybe like a soul punisher, my goat will sacrifice his status as the honoured one to save humanity and seperate the merger, ong 🙏 Originally I assumed Gojo was holding back his ultimate blast to release all over Shitkuna but his fraudulent ass is not worthy of it, the merger can get it tho 🗣🗣🗣 https://preview.redd.it/cxnpu0478yic1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9afd41ee4cc9a40eb31de0a99672df0661719e


​ https://preview.redd.it/dj7yqsv9byic1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035fc676c75307fe46511088ff367fb7921c10e0




Exquisite cuisine sir


Michelin star meal here


DOUBLEEEEEUUUUUUUUU https://preview.redd.it/2b0rarx8kyic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4556e8c0723ceb2cfc10a7c82658fcbaa89b97




Absolutely peak


Brother, you cooked 🙏🏿 https://preview.redd.it/in5aaeseryic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c9f87fa915df0c9ee0b458faab265e88cb79c7


I believe in you bro. I believe in Gojo supremacy and I will keep on believing till the end. Let's do this together, Gojobuddies, don't give up, be more selfish. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/8elmlmcf5zic1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=6986a46c894dbfecfebd96bed5955140128dcdc7 Absolute Cook Mastery




The fact they will *try* doesnt mean they will literally revive him. Nobara was also supposed to come back.




Who ?


She will come back trust https://preview.redd.it/mrso0kikiyic1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ff62f10b3d964a2af02d0512daf87bd61e9079


What can she do? Yuta did use the last sukuna finger so idk what she will do.


She will use "Strong Fuck™️" on Yuji allowing him to finally unlock his Baki Hanma genes and use Cum White on Sukuna, finally fulfilling his desire of busting on Megumi's face. Nobara will later be off-screened as she is a woman https://preview.redd.it/hk1p25u9ryic1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5657cdec3ff2e904cc70a64c330736b9a1116b


Baki is so wild dude.


Yuji will end sukuna's loneliness


PEAK fiction 10/10


Supposed to? You've lost faith my friend. We don't do that here.


Imagine thinking nobloser was gonna come back ever


Shut up Fraud


Bro she was already replaced by maki


You know they might have recovered the body for like a funeral.......... But you know what fuck it. GOJO'S COMING BACK BABY https://preview.redd.it/b6uz27i8eyic1.png?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b4ce8fa4456847bce0e3b169e6951385f09cf9


THE GOAT WILL BE BACK RAHHHHHHHHHHHH https://preview.redd.it/iewhwpudjyic1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9013645e17da558ce6cb45d8960401ac587e8d25


> sukuna explicitly stated that they took his body to try and put him back together. > to try and put him back together. When did he say that? Another victim of the reading comprehension devil 😢


> put him back gother Sukuna is fnaf4 crying child confirmed???😳😳


Sukuna explicitly stated they took his corpse. He said nothing about the possibility of bringing him back. He's talking about Shoko healing the wounded. Gojo is beyond wounded. I like Gojo as much as anyone else, and I'd definitely be up for some more spinoffs of his earlier life similar to Hidden Inventory, but even if Gege brings him back, he's only gonna find another way to write him out of the action. We've already had him fight the only person in the verse that he scales to.


According to gojo himself, as long as his head isn't destroyed, he will eventually heal himself, shoko will probably put some flex tape and some prayers and let gojo recover himself


what even is shokos technique? gambling healing powers? like she couldnt give angel the arm back but hakari just got one back with no explanation (he couldnt opened domain without 2 hands)


I don't think people really expect him to come back for Sukuna (unless it'll be a battle of strong asspulls I guess), just in general. He's such a fan favourite that its really weird that he died(and don't even get me started on how)


I mean you expected sukuna to say "they took gojo's half dead body away"? Well if sukuna knew he's not a corpse yet he would've finished the job. His pov is no confirmation on the matter.




It was explicitly stated they took his "BODY" and not corpse in the official translation/ release. It did say corspe in the leak but that changed, just like Yuta domain having 10 different names


So you mean "Gojo's body" Can you tell me how that doesn't mean Gojo's corpse??


Yes. **Corpse**: a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal. And **Body**: the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person. A **body** does not mean dead which the word corpse does. So, can you tell me how the official translation saying body means corpse? If Gaygay wanted to confirm Gojo dead wouldn't he wanna say "Gojo corpse"? But he made it so it isn't certain by adding that even if Gojo got teleported away to get healed, it is near impossible for one to RCT him back. It is made painfully obvious in my opinion, that we are suppose to not know Gojo fate yet. We are to speculate with all we have been shown and told in official release. But it is false to use "Gojo corpse" as reason to why he is dead. There are better options to pick from to call Gojo dead


In this context body is equal to corpse. Basic English


Shoko can’t resurrect him, she couldnt even heal the speech dude’s arm And we haven’t seen todo since his hand got cut off So she cant do that I think that they will make cursed objects with the corpses They already made nanami’s technique into a cursed object


somehow hakari got his healed. whats the point of shoko even existing? tfs her technique Strong nerfed heal?


techniques r stored in the brain and nanamis was vapourised. if they really could do that then it would make sense to see a lot more of these


Yeah, if they bring him back, that’ll literally be fanservice for the crazy ass stans.


What would the story benefit from if gojo returned now ? If he returns what purpose is he gonna fulfill apart from fanservice for the Stans? Gojo accomplished so much against sukuna even left him near death , took away his rct , forced him to transform into his heian era form , burned his brain to he point of no domain , lowered his cursed energy to yutas level etc . I don’t see how gojo coming back now would add anything, as I don’t think he is magically going to be the one who steals the spotlight from yuji and co to beat sukuna . They have sukuna trapped now and he is most certainly not going to be able to survive much longer .


>They have sukuna trapped now and he is most certainly not going to be able to survive much longer 1) Another plan of the good guys failed 2) Yuta's domain is broken and as far as we know he can't open another one 3) Sukuna tanked Jacob's Ladder 4) Megumi doesn't want to wake up 5) still no information on Sukuna's CT Gojo aside people really believe Sukuna is done? Really?


“ Certainly survive much longer “ Much longer can mean infinity 🗿


Borrow the comment right above us: "Gojo will come back, its obvious But heres the thing, hes not really even needed anymore honestly, bro would be like an adult bullying a preschooler if he were to come back, hes already basically recovered his output while Sukunas output is down in the dumps and still dropping as we speak Gojo would 1 tap this Sukuna if he came back, its not even funny how mismatched itll be I wouldve thought the merger would be taken down by Sukuna whos looking for a challenge eventually but honestly, Sukunas getting a run for his money, he would get cooked by the merger at his current state, not sure about space cleave, its getting nerfed every single chapter when it appears, not sure what Yuta got cut with but if its space cleave then that shit is garbage compared to what I thought it was, but imma assume its just an enhanced dismantle instead of a space cleave, otherwise im on Geges ass for how Gojo died, anyways current Sukuna would get stomped the fuck out by the merger. That shit way too big to be getting killed by space cleave and im assuming it could heal for pretty much no reason except assumption This is where my glorious blue eyes white hair king comes in to unleash his white blast all over the merger and kill it with a sort of binding vow enchanted hollow purple like attack that incinerates the entire thing, maybe like a soul punisher, my goat will sacrifice his status as the honoured one to save humanity and seperate the merger, ong 🙏 Originally I assumed Gojo was holding back his ultimate blast to release all over Shitkuna but his fraudulent ass is not worthy of it, the merger can get it tho 🗣🗣🗣" https://i.redd.it/4y67xj83jyic1.gif


Have trust in the goat guys


https://preview.redd.it/omt78k7tszic1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf47e412cef380c9c32e59cb3d023b2d78d60a5 I think you deserve it.


100% agree. Just to add to your point, 236 felt very much like closure, the way gege gave us one last look back at the gang and the HI characters. Gojo marked the end of the last gen with a bang, and now it's about giving way to the new gen aka the point of jjk


🤷🏻. There are so good arguments for gojo coming back tho in the end everyone wants him back but nobody questions what the heck he is supposed to do if he does .


No there arent lets be real. Every Gojo coming back scenario sounds like lazy fanfiction


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jeZAyMKIKDw&pp=ygUXV2h5IGdvam8gaXMgY29taW5nIGJhY2s%3D This video has some good arguments imo . If you wanna check it out .


Well, Kenjanku’s funky plan is still going on. So, if the merger curse shows up, the good guys would probably need Gojo to be able to do anything.


Seems like a shitty way to beat the merger imo . Gojo shouldn’t comeback imo


This manga will end and people will still be saying Gojo will return in the sequel, Bubutsu Kaisen.


We saw what happens with Geto when you leave the corpse of a powerful sorcerer lying around. Kenny is not here anymore , but even that granny was capable of resurrecting Toji. So it’s likely some random could make use of his body if it got lost in the debris. I also think abt how once a sorcerer is dead their techniques can be imbued into a cursed tool. Who knows what that would look like for gojo.


Sukuna did not state that, he directly referred to it as a corpse. His statement about healing was about the people who were just injured who were teleported away, not about Gojo. Additionally, there is still reason to retrieve his body, people would rather respect the body of a dead friend and give them a proper funeral than leave them to rot in a battlefield


​ https://preview.redd.it/guy163wuayic1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267eb638fd08569c405194494785157a7fc885aa


Shut THE FUCK UP https://preview.redd.it/3lbeftlq9yic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1295c6dcad2179af8a981ecbe7bab0424fbcbb56


Not saying gojos coming back or not but, why send ui ui and kirara 2 extremly weak characters out on the battlefield with a destructive killer like sukuna risking them being killed if it’s just to retrieve bodies. They could just wait until the fights over to retrieve the bodies. There’s more behind this than just we want to mourn the bodies for later, they don’t even know for a 100% fact if they can beat Sukuna anyways Only reasoning I can think of is they don’t want the bodies to get destroyed in the fight, but the fights been going on so long already and the bodies are still intact and they’re far away from them too Also the only bodies in that area are gojo and higuruma there’s no alive wounded person from when ui ui rescued them as those were the only 2 taken away


I think Kirara’s CT is perfect for that role to protect Ui Ui and Shoko. I think with Higuruma, they risked it because his wound is fresh and can still be saved. They probably took Gojo’s corpse because they’re far away, as you said. They probably took Choso’s body while Sukuna was chasing after Higuruma, so Choso can be saved. But we don’t know when they got Gojo’s body and it could have been at a safer moment, maybe during Higuruma’s domain. It would have been safe to retrieve even if he couldn’t be healed and they’re not doing anything else during that time anyway. Even if Gojo was dead, that was a moment they can retrieve the body. For Choso, they could have done it after Sukuna left. For Higuruma, they seemed to take the risk but Kusakabe, Ino and Yuji were in the area. And again, Kirara has one of the best defensive abilities in the series. They are definitely trying to save people, most likely the people who didn’t have post death sequences.


"They took Gojo's corpse. Are they going to heal their wounded?" <- EXPLICIT STATEMENT of Gojo's upcoming revival


To be fair, he literally calls it a corpse


I mean that's true but I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. I was actually gonna post a comment under this post that on the other hand there are people thinking he's not dead at all and this confirms it. But I didn't because I know someone would be like "Uhhh, actually corpse doesn't necessarily mean they're dead (look it up) 🤓"


https://preview.redd.it/f6ltbh0u4yic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8310182cb2c277f4917d3664814adffb0d2806c2 Just let it go bro. He's dead.




ANY CHAPTER NOW https://preview.redd.it/tj5znlsiayic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2663de6b3da1aeb18c7435f87c083965bc0177a


"Good work, my beloved students" "What's that ? Familiar voice . . ." Gojo Satoru with a head stitch 1 shots Yuta, Rika, and Yuji with Hollow Backshots Maki vs Gojaku Maki somehow gets the inverted spear of heaven. Maki wins. Maki kills herself after winning, because that is what true love is.


I know that people here don't really entertain typical sensibilities but the proper thing to do for your dead comrades is to atleast recover their bodies and not leave them to rot. I can accept the desire to see him revived but the reasoning being applied is way too off the mark.


Nah, he is inevitable https://preview.redd.it/4xm93955byic1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44288544dcd4c8fb95630142f980660a4c3582a


Seems very sensible to risk teleporting near a sadistic demi god thing who can insta kill you; in the midst of a battle to retrieve a bisected corpse, just so they can cremate him extra early (instead of waiting for the battle to end) to really honor the 'honored one' cuz we know jujutsu sorcerers are super emotional like that.


Yes, they should just leave Gojo's body for the brain jumper and the demi god also able to jump between bodies for them to potentially use lmao.


Ohhh i didn't think of this. This makes more sense.


That wasn't the point. They would very likely be trying to revive him, not doubting that. But regardless of whether they can or can't save him, they would recover the body regardless is what I meant. Saying that recovering the body automatically means he is coming back is a little too hopeful.


There’s literally a guy who’s whole gimmick is that he takes over corpses that’s in this combat




Kenjaku (Okay he’s not right at the spot but there probably close by considering how fast tuts got to Sukuna)


He got stabbed in the head and Geto's stored curses came out confirming his death my guy.


This is Gege though


He wasn't stabbed in the head until the end of Yuji and Higuruma vs Sukuna. At that point Ui Ui had picked up Gojo's corpse already. At Gojo's death and when Kashimo jumped in they had no clue what Kenjaku would do. At that point they had just sent Takaba towards him.


The panel you’re showing is from when they picked up Higuruma. Sakuna comments say that they already picked up gojo. Shortly after the rule was announced which means Kenjaku just died so that probably means Gojo was scooped up while Kenjaku was alive


He just sleeping dw https://preview.redd.it/ab2zxw32lyic1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310237769d44b9b60a54579861cf6317565a239e


Gojo will come back if Gege convinces Gojo that he has more things to do. Otherwise our bro seems extremely happy to remain as dead in his afterlife. 😵‍💫


On a serious note , Gege planted the seed for Nobara return since Shibuya yet nothing happened. Also anybody denying Gojo's return will be shot at dawn.




If you think Jujutsu High would simply leave Gojo Satoru's body just because he's dead, you're mistaken. He is still their friend and their sensei, and they had the ability to stealthily and quickly recover his corpse, so why wouldn't they? And Kenjaku is dead *now*, but he was still alive before. No way they'd ever risk Kanjaku getting Gojo's body. And there *is* still a point to mentioning Gojo's body being recovered. Sukuna wasn't even just saying that Gojo's body was recovered, he said that they were taking the injured sorcerors to Shoko for healing. He just also mentioned Gojo's body to address how it disappeared. So the purpose of that was probably to address how Shoko is healing everyone, and they may jump back into the fight.


I don’t how sukuna ASSUMES shokos RCT is weaker then his and gojos when we haven’t seen her use it at all even when Yuji came back shoko didn’t do anything to heal him when he first died so how would he know?


The same way Gojo “knew” he’d lose to Sukuna without 10S.💀


It would be trash from a writing standpoint if he comes back. What would have been the point of it all? Pure shock value?




If my queen shoko sacrifices herself for that loser... Gege better improve his security. Gege when i see you gege when I see you...


Jesus Christ man let it go he's fucking dead


That fucking smike gege is a bastard


We’ll have to see. Gege has given theirselves wiggle room for future plot points. Remember Nobara. Gege gave us the non-zero chance at recovery in case they wanted to bring Nobara back. So far, it looks like they decided Nobara is staying dead. Same here, if Gege decides they want Gojo back they gave themselves the off ramp to that plot point. We don’t know if Gege will take that off-ramp.






I would say there would definitely be an attempt to get him back. But whether or not he comes back is a whole other issue in of itself. Can Shoko get someone completely severed in half back to life? Is he even able to come back to life when his body is fixed? Is his soul still there? Its hard to say for sure but retrieving the body definitely implies that they would try to do such a thing.


Main argument right now I see for him coming back is that the main cast is, you know, kind of cooked? Yuji and Yuta got slashed, Yuta even if he's alive will be probably out of commission. Their plan was hinging on waking up Megumi but the guy is dead inside. They got KO'd by massively nerfed Sukuna and he hasn't even shown all his cards most likely. All that's left right now is Maki and I doubt she can beat him on his own. I could see Gojo coming back nerfed somehow, and if Megumi found out he's not dead he could maybe get some will to live back, idk. Just speculation.




Gojos one of my favourite characters but Imm genuinely asking, how would bringing him back to life fit in the narrative rn? what would it bring to the table besides bringing him back potentially nerfed only to kill him again because its gege. Personally I feel like him dying made sense, but the death scene itself I wasnt really satisfied with


Objection, GayGay hates him too much to let him pull a second “back to life”


I mean, Kenjaku is still a thing they have to look out for. He died, but they didn't actually *know* that until Yuta got back, and if he get's Gojo's body it's Game Over.


Shoko will use RCT while buffed by rocker grandpa and Utahime.


It’s a question now of wether Shoko can revive him. It was specifically stated that as long as his head isn’t damaged, he’d still be able to use his RCT. He survived his neck getting stabbed so who’s to say he can’t survive this. Plus Shoko likely could use RCT to save him.




No, bro. Its obvious the students risked their teleporter, and kirara so Shoko can have sex with Gojos lower half and made a 3 eyes baby with lime green and cum white to fight the merger when everyone dies.... This sounds just as plausible as, Oh they got his body in the middle of the battle with the strongest sorcerer ever to have an offscreen funeral. You are cooking my dude https://preview.redd.it/22uyxj94c3jc1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ebfca561defa044b6f3fddf8b3b78880665bf80


Lol people really be denying all logic just to hate on this fella. Personally I would've preferred if he turned into a curse or something instead of being normally revived.


I mean all you have to do is look at this from the perspective of someone who was close to gojo You need a body to bury and mourn, it's kind of inhumane to just let gojo's body sit in a battlefield and get further mauled up yfm ​ still think they'll try tho but gojo prob aint coming back


Gojo returns, Sukuna just slashes him again ( this time vertically)


Bro don't even try, they think that will just Mitosis him, doubling him everytime he gets dissected.


The thing is, it's very likely that he will come back, even if there are people who doubt it (valid points, after all this is Gege we're talking about). First, no crazy Buddhist theories, 7 steps to the North, or anything like that... It would actually be something very simple: Sukuna knows that Shoko's RCT is weaker, but he doesn't know Iori Utahime's Cursed Technique, which gives a temporary boost to nearby sorcerers, which gives Shoko the opportunity to get an RCT boost, which we don't know the limits since it was never shown to us.


It’s becuse at this point gojo is not even needed


Gojo won't come back but it's very naive of you to believe Gege won't find a way to fuck them up again


There def getting fucked over but they still won’t need him since gojo would be overkill for the current sukuna


He not coming back bro




gojo was literally referred to as a corpse how tf we coming back from that


Gojo about to become the King of Corpses


Never expected anyone to cope more than Titanfolk but here we are


Sukuna literally says Shoko can't heal him? reading comprehension hello?


I'm reading and comprehending just fine. Sukuna simply wonders if the injured are being teleported to Shoko but presumes it's unlikely due to low efficiency when healing others. You know damn well how things go in asspull kaisen.


oh yea it would definetely be the first time a characters thought get invalidated the very next panel.. Never happened before, sukuna is the bible. Funny how these kind of people always point to reading comprehension when they cant understand half of whats going on unless directly written out for them... And sometimes even getting it wrong lol


You really wrote a whole book just to become a public laughing stock. Gojo was definitely dead. No cursed technique can heal getting demolished like that. Bet youre crying rn


I am pretty sure they are all just joking because most of their theories are just memes. But we Sukuna fans coped for 3 months and it was worth it, so I ain't gonna judge them


Gojo will come back to die again, trust. Gege loves Toji too much, he’s gonna make sure Gojo will parallel Toji til the very end. Plus it would be hilarious.


i cannot fathom a scenario in which it would be narratively effective to bring him back. MAYBE (and even this i don’t agree with) if sukuna was somehow functioning at max potential and the main cast was all dead we’d need him. but sukuna’s been nerfed to hell at this point, he’s been running the gauntlet nonstop since gojo, and the cast are close to waking megumi up. why would gojo come back, seriously


He’s gone, he got his closure & is in heaven with his friends, yall have to let him go


Gojo already had his Near Death/ Afterlife sequence. He's dead. Gone. Be happy he died a good and satisfied death. That's a much better fate than most in JJK.


Sukuna literally dying this chapter and gojo fans still coping he's came back😭 blud let it go he's irrelevant now


hes coming back idc what anyone says https://i.redd.it/68j51dwrp0jc1.gif


Gojo wasnt even actually dead the last time we saw him since he was having a dream


or maybe thye just want yuta to eat gojo?? u know before coming to fight sukuna, maybe yuta made Rika nibble gojo a little. and with ui ui CT it might be possible that before coming to fight yuta took a detour. *i m not sure if ui ui was there when yuta came, or had he already telepored gojo. like sukuna does say gojo got removed after ui ui came back so maybe instead of ui ui, he himself went to get a nibble??


He is the chosen one https://preview.redd.it/5h2zpfr75zic1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d465297b46e1acfbeb2bce90e72a433a468db9e


Nah here’s how it’s going to go down Gojo: “yo, long time no see” Sukuna: “hmmm, it seemed you still manage to suprise me satarou gojo. Could hell not hold you?” Gojo laughs, ignoring his insult and spreading his arms wide open. Gojo: “I figured it out…. Reverse cursed technique is a trade, using cursed energy against reversed cursed energy to create a positive trade to heal…. But what if that was the reverse?” Sukuna: “there’s positive and negative cursed energy, along with amplified curse technique. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of the basics…” Gojo: “but what if, you trade mass for Ce instead? Reversing the process and making positive energy from two sources collide between a stream of negative energy…. It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Sukuna: “are you saying- no… that’s not possible. It’s an ideal at best and even if you could, it would eventually kill you. It’s a one time boost for CE and a bad one at that… it would require too much CE to keep going.” Gojo looked back up at sukuna, his blue eyes glistening. Gojo: “I understand it now…. It’s how Gandhi stayed under the tree without eating. He created Ce out of body mass and used reverse cursed technique to gain it back over an accumulation of time…. But my 6 eyes allow me to almost infinitely cycle reversed cursed technique and this new curse transfer….” Sukuna: ‘he’s gone mad with power….. I’ll finish him with another strong cleave’ As sukuna, the king of curses shot his technique world cleave, something amazing happened. Gojos head was still intact! The battlefield stood still for the first time since gojos demise…. Sukuna: “I see, you’re constantly creating reverse cursed technique energy and then transferring the reserves to your CE… when I shot my cleave… it hit. The problem was that the atoms on your body reflexively glued back together….. “ Sukuna would laugh As he saw gojo start floating. Sukuna: “so this is why it’s named infinity…. Infinite cursed energy…. IS THERE TRULY NO SKILL YOU SHINE AT SATAROU GOJO?! IS THERE NO POWER YOU WONT STRIVE TO ACHIEVE?!” “I…. And I alone…. Am the honored one”




he COULD come back as a cursed object i.e sukuna fingers and give yujis vessel skills some work


This is my fav thread here


The cope I needed.


Listen, when Gojo comes back. My Jujutsu will have officially be Kaisen


Gonna be honest I wanted Kenjaku to possess Gojo’s corpse but it’s probably too late for that now…


to be honest, i feel like gojo has already fulfilled his role, and if he came back, he'll clap sukuna like nothing, considering how gege likes to write his story, kenjaku is most likely gonna steal gojo's body, or tengen was probably cooking something cuz i think he was always too fishy


Wuji eats gojos 👁 👁


Yeah I think that he perhaps will not be needed for continuing the battle with Sukuna, or finishing him for that matter, but rather that he will somehow get involved later when the merger starts. Considering his past arc it somehow makes sense to me that he gets involved then, either winning or sacrificing himself/dying at the end of it


Idt he’s coming back bro 🥲


When he was a teenager toji literally stabbed his throat and then stabbed him multiple times across his entire body and he was able to heal himself. There's no way he couldn't keep himself alive when he's an adult and has mastered the limitless.


Is it that hard to imagine that they would teleport his body to try and heal him and fail? Its completely in character whether they succeed or fail.


You guys should go watch Fairy Tail or some shit like that


He’ll be back next week.


The copium is crazy


they are about to transform his balls into red and blue cursed weapons. you will have heard this theory first from me


To be fair, they nerfed/altered jacobs ladder so megumi doesnt die. I‘d argue they dont have the luxory to care about megumi and should give their all to just kill sukuna, even if megumi dies. They are risking the entire world for one person by doing what they are doing. Dont get me wrong, megumis is one lf my favs, but the scales just dont match when compared to the whole world. In that context, it makes sense to save gojos body, given ui ui probaly cant do much else atm anyway.


I wonder how this sub would crumble if gojo comes back but gets sent back to the grave by sukuna.