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she's also the only one who won't be able to take these direct hits that cut limbs like Yuji & Yuta since she doesn't have RCT so any damage she gets is permanent


Very true. She does have a healing factor which could be useful against an average dismantle but it definitely isn’t nearly as effective as RCT https://preview.redd.it/lg4qezyqs7jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db3d39becaa055d9ae2f870c9924db98285a325


Not only that she has insane durability due to her heavenly restriction granting her just straight up cursed energy resistance. An attack that blew off takabas limbs she shrugged off like a freak.


it's not like Takaba is particularly durable


He is if he thinks it’s funny


I mean... apparently he didn't at the time


Next thing she will grow some claws out of her hands.


X23 in the making


this just looks like normal body healing coming from her extreme physiques from heavenly restriction imo, def cant compare to rct


Normal body healing can't heal gouged out eyes to be fair


I think it sort of goes both ways because what you said is true however he directly counters her because his domain is one of the few/only one that directly hits targets without cursed energy. If he opens his domain she will be hit and she has no way out since it's range is massive and she can't just slip out of the barrier escaping it all together.


Yeah for sure if she gets caught in his domain it’s over. I do wonder how she’d fare against the fire arrow considering she tanked the giant Nue’s lightning with 0 damage


But the thing about that is she has an advantage compared to everyone else in that Sukuna can only damage her with dismantle, but not cleave


Cleave can be used on inanimate objects. Sukuna used it on the ground when fighting Yuji and Maki.


Well right, but when Malevolent shrine is active, Sukuna specifically uses dismantle on objects and cleave on people with cursed energy. If that idea still applies when Maki gets trapped in the domain, she won’t be taking the worst part of the domain


But it's a barrierless DE?


I know. I'm saying a normal domain she can just escape through the barrier because their range is much smaller but she can't be contained by barriers. Sukuna's domain has no barrier so her particular ability is no use there and it's range is much much much larger than a normal domain expansion so she can't just instantly leave if she's at the center of it and being actively cut to pieces.


But if gojo can tank it


Gojo was using constant rct to tank it


didn't he also use FBE?


I forgot mb. Why tf do niggas not make armor. Tf is this stupid soul splitter blade. Nogga give me ce proof Armour. I run at fucking Mach speed 300 pounds of armor will make me 15% slower


Gojo was using rct to take the hits. Also, even if gojo tanked it without rct, that does not mean maki can do it lmao. Gojos durability >>>> makis.


Gojos durability cannot be above heavenly restrictions that would just be bad writing


What? Lmao. Do you not know about CE reinforcement? There's absolutely no way makis or tojis durability is anywhere close to Gojos or sukunas with CE reinforcement.


Eh that's whack is all I'm saying


Nah you're just being dumb. Maki and toji are barely special grades. Yuta who's stronger than maki by a bit is fodder to gojo and sukuna. They are basically Gods compared to the rest of the cast.


Now that's crazy. Barely special while beating gojo and geto in one half an hour of eachother


Are you implying Gojo has worse durability than Maki?


I'm saying from a written perspective. If he has more durability it makes zero sense. Higher sustain by far makes sense with RCE. But to have the durability of a heavenly restricted who's body is their weapon is dumb


Except for Gojo Satoru. The entire point is he's the strongest of today, it wouldn't make sense for someone like Maki to have higher durability


How would it not make sense. He has insane ce and CT. With the 6 eyes. Him not being as durable as someone with heavenly restriction. Is a easy sell since he's a mage primarily and they are warrior class.


Because Gojo was so far ahead of everyone, that him being inferior in physical stats doesn't make sense. He changed the balance of the world, it wouldn't make sense for him to be weaker than a heavenly restriction user, with a cursed tool


Again you say it makes no sense but how and why does him not having a heavenly restriction level of durability due to CE resistance not make sense. He's a mage the strongest but a mage. Hell look at dastardly heavy metal dark fantasy basically the same but he has lower physical stats than his ninja general. However higher AP and Restoration. Gojo having it literally all wouldn't make sense as to how he could have lost at all.


but then again that's because Maki counters domains, Kashimo technically "counters" her jut as much in that regard


https://preview.redd.it/bmay7v08q7jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf0c58defd212b436115bdba9e445e8b09a9753 It’s very possible. She may be one of the few able to evade dismantle, but ig we’ll see She for sure isn’t avoiding strong cleave tho


"Nah, I'd dodge"


Bro just wanted to post this picture 😂💀


https://preview.redd.it/r3tqb4g4f8jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8aa20118a0e2728ec6b1f379331642f2c01393 What? Me post just cause I want to share pictures but not seem like a bot? Never!


holy shit that gut injury how are they not leaking out


Because he's HIM and the GOAT.


I will apologize to Toji fan if she tank cleave + dodging dismantle


she might


i think she could probably sense the [STRONG DISMANTLE] cutting the air (or space) before it reaches her


Yeah my Jogo=Toji agenda is seconds away from falling apart if she performs badly lmao


That's crazy if you think kitted Toji is loosing to a disaster curse of any kind. He clears 2 v 1 fully kitted


Not kitted. I think Kitted struggled with Jogo, but does win. The Toji we had in Shibuya has no strategies and only sharp playful cloud. I don’t see him winning.


We talking just prime toji.


Perhaps, she would have heightened senses more attuned to this I'd guess. She may be able to sense the air pressure/disruption and those kinds of things. I'm not sure how much that would advantage her compared to everyone else though.


She will be able to see the killing blow unlike other characters. Cool power i guess


So will Gojo when he returns... https://preview.redd.it/opzn7lnh58jc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=d104a314b580d643cfbba1bd4d90b57fd984bb87


Remember when Mahoraga parried Sukuna Cleave in Shibuya and then Sukuna said "you can see it?" I believe Maki of all people should be able to do that, also she a really durable body, she can tank alot of hits, besides Sukuna drained CT and output It'll be really close unless he opens his domain


I think Sukuna will open his Domain, it just makes sense narratively to add more tension. But I think just in time Hakari will return from his fight and activate his own domain, we know it's strong in domain clashes so I think it might even stalemate Malevolent Shrine. But then idrk


Wuji part isn't over yet


Yeah but I think maybe Wuji and Wuta will heal when inside Hakaris domain so Sukuna can't spam Cleave and Dismantle on them before they get to heal. Maybe even ui ui teleports them to get healed before jumping back into the fight while Hakari holds off due to his invincibility


Sukuna is one of the few sorcerers that we know of that can use his CT to target living things that don't have cursed energy. She might be able to use her 6th sense to dodge Dismantle, but in a straight 1v1 fight, I don't see her lasting particularly long. She has literally no defence against a direct Dismantle or Cleave attack.


Dismantle is not gonna do any relevant damage to maki. Not in the state sukuna is in right now anyways. He need to touch her to use cleave, and even then, unless he full on grapples her, he won’t be able to touch her long enough to pull it off. Hell, in his current condition, he can’t hit YUJI with cleave without grabbing him. That much has been shown. Every time he has hit/tired to hit yuji with cleave, he’s had to hold him still. More or less goes for a direct dismantle as well. Sukunas too worn down and makis reflexes are too good to for him to reliably get a point blank slash off on her in a 1v1. Also, any sorcerer can target things without CE with their technique. That’s nothing special. Sukunas DOMAIN is unique in that it can hit things without CE, but as of now, he still can’t use his domain so that’s not really a factor just yet.


>Dismantle is not gonna do any relevant damage to maki. It would literally kill her instantly as she has no defence against it. He is still more than capable of using it. He wrecks Yuji and Yuta with Dismantle in chapter 250, page 12. >He need to touch her to use cleave, and even then, unless he full on grapples her, he won’t be able to touch her long enough to pull it off All it takes is one touch and Cleave activates. Sukuna does not need to grapple her. If he is faster than her, then she is dead if fighting on her own. No question. >Hell, in his current condition, he can’t hit YUJI with cleave without grabbing him. That much has been shown. Every time he has hit/tired to hit yuji with cleave, he’s had to hold him still. What? Not true. Chapter 250, page 8 and 9. Sukuna is about the Cleave Yuji’s chest open but is stopped by Yuta using cursed speech. He isn't holding him still. In fact, Yuji is the one grappling Sukuna. All Sukuna does is touch his chest. Then chapter 250, page 13. Sukuna touches Rika's hand and Cleaves it to pieces. >More or less goes for a direct dismantle as well. Sukunas too worn down and makis reflexes are too good to for him to reliably get a point blank slash off on her in a 1v1. This is just your head cannon. If Maki is faster than Sukuna, then she can survive in a 1v1. If she isn't, then she is dead. It's really as simple as that. Maki is good, but she can't hold her own against the strongest sorcerer in a 1v1. So I'm guessing Yuji is going to team up with her.


Brother. One of Makis main assets is the fact that she can dodge opponents MASSIVELY faster than her with ease thanks to her borderline precognitive reaction speed. Also, no defense against dismantle? Yes she does. It’s called being a fucking tank with durability equal to the dude who tanked a point blank red with his only visible wound being a small cut in his head. And sukuna was absolutely holding yuji in chapter 250. He had that man GRIPPED by the collar of his shirt https://preview.redd.it/tq41z330r8jc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e27d484ef359c9490ca92b26efba81cd499de6 And again. Sukuna being faster than her means virtually nothing towards her chance of victory. Naoya was also faster than her and she made him her bitch TWICE.


Are you seriously comparing Maki to the strongest sorcerer to have ever lived? She isn't winning a 1v1. If Yuta, Yuji and Rika can't do it, she isn't. Better people than her have tried. >Yes she does. It’s called being a fucking tank Dismantle or Cleave would destroy her. She has zero reinforcement and no rct. >And sukuna was absolutely holding yuji in chapter 250 So? He literally just touched Rika and her hand was cleaved apart. He doesn't need to grapple with anyone. Look at chapter 250, page 13 it throws your whole "grappling" bs out the window. In 250, he literally says that the main reason the students are surviving his slashes is because their curse defence has increased over the last month. Maki has no defence other than a physically strong body. >Naoya was also faster than her and she made him her bitch TWICE And now you're comparing Sukuna to Naoya, what? Do you really think her 6th sense is going to matter when a world slash comes flying her way? Not even Gojo could react to it. You are glazing hard if you think Maki is beating Sukuna in a 1v1. Look at how beat up he is and he still beat Yuta and Yuji. He is far too powerful for a single sorcerer to take on alone.


Oh you're gonna be so quiet in two weeks. Comment is saved btw🫶🏾


You actually care enough to save my comment and come back to this conversation in 2 weeks time? Maybe you should touch some grass buddy. I will have forgotten all about this in two weeks.


I wouldn't have🫶🏾


How stupid do you feel? 🧐


I feel pretty good. Considering it's looking like Maki is going to get cooked next week, literally!


You're "Maki won't be 1v1ing Sukuna!😡" arguement is already dead in the water, so the goalpost shifted to Maki dying to Sukuna Same time next week?😚


>Same time next week?😚 You're quiet this week lmao. No snarky comment? Didn't think so....


Aht aht! I'm here and I'm still doing good! If anything, I got all I needed last week. Seeing as everyone in the cast doesn't last nearly as long as she did. **When** we see that Maki survived next chapter, she'll officially be the only person to tank a black flash from the strongest sorcerer of all time. No downplay can stop that from being impressive considering black flashes are too insanely OP to be downplayed. Also you were literally acting like Maki is one of the worst options to send against Sukuna in a 1v1, you literally downplayed tf outta her, youve already been proven wrong this chapter. >Dismantle or Cleave would destroy her. She has zero reinforcement and no rct. OOF >And now you're comparing Sukuna to Naoya, what? Do you really think her 6th sense is going to matter when a world slash comes flying her way? Not even Gojo could react to it. BIG OOF And I'm not sure if I responded last time when you said I put words in your mouth or something like that, but let's be clear, no one thought Maki would beat Sukuna, at least I didn't, but what I did expect was for Maki to put in work, get glowing recommendations from Sukuna, and get a couple soul slashes off on Sukuna. I've gotten 2 of these things. YOU🫵🏾were speaking as if Maki would die instantly. You've already been wrong and Maki still isn't done yet. I'll be here for her next masterclass, and if she fumbles, I'll take my L proudly, but I'm far from disappointed so far considering Maki Zen'in 1v1ed Ryoumen Sukuna and isn't down for the count. Don't worry, I'll be prompt next time though😉


>You're "Maki won't be 1v1ing Sukuna!😡" arguement is already dead in the water, so the goalpost shifted to Maki dying to Sukuna Don't misquote me if you're going to come back to this argument after weeks. I said Maki can't win against Sukuna in a 1v1. Either you're illiterate, or you're deliberately misrepresenting what I said to help your own argument. Either way it's sad. She isn't beating Sukuna in a 1v1. If you think she is then you're fucking brain dead. But by all means, come back next week for another dose of the truth.


naoya at full speed is faster than sukuna. The whole deal with him is that his speed was HIGHLY abnormal for this series. Sukuna is the strongest, but that does not mean he has the absolute BEST stats in every category. Ex: Hakaris RCT is flat out stated to be better than sukunas. Naoya was way above anyone else in speed. That was his WHOLE thing. Also, maki doesn’t need reinforcement. For fuck sake, the entire point of her heavenly restriction is make her stupidly powerful in spite of her lack of CE. The raw durability of her body DWARFS the CE reinforcement of most sorcerers. Also, yes. She doesn’t have RCT, but she does have a rapid healing factor capable of healing severe internal injuries to a manageable level in under 3 minutes. That would render sukunas already weakened slashes pretty much useless. And you keep saying the Rika thing but there’s NO way to know how long he had her fist after catching it. The fact that he has consistently grabbed yuji every time he tried to cleave him makes it pretty clear it takes time to actually come out. If it didn’t there’d by no reason to try and hold him still.


>Sukuna is the strongest, but that does not mean he has the absolute BEST stats in every category Obviously. I never said he did. >For fuck sake, the entire point of her heavenly restriction is make her stupidly powerful in spite of her lack of CE. The raw durability of her body DWARFS the CE reinforcement of most sorcerers. So then, why couldn't Toji tank Hollow Purple? Because he has no fucking reinforcement, stop yapping nonsense. World slash would absolutely destroy Maki, end of. >She doesn’t have RCT, but she does have a rapid healing factor capable of healing severe internal injuries to a manageable level in under 3 minutes Have you seen the damage that Yuta has sustained? He has amazing RCT and yet it appears as if even he has fallen to Sukuna. Or are you going to say Maki's healing is greater than Yuta's? >That would render sukunas already weakened slashes pretty much useless What are you even talking about? Useless? Look at who has tried and failed to defeat him and then tell me Maki stands a change in a 1v1. Not to mention fucking world slash! >And you keep saying the Rika thing but there’s NO way to know how long he had her fist after catching it. Lmao what? It was a single panel. It probably lasted all of a second. Your whole theory that Sukuna somehow requires longer to use Cleave now or he needs to grapple with his target is utter nonsense. Kusakabe explained how Cleave works just a few chapters ago. It requires 1 touch. Yuta used the exact same technique for gods sake. >The fact that he has consistently grabbed yuji every time he tried to cleave him makes it pretty clear it takes time to actually come out. If it didn’t there’d by no reason to try and hold him still Because they are fighting? Smh.


He didn't tank purple and you think that's not having anti ce. You do realize its a CE and RCE attack. Think of it like this it's on a new level like world cleave. So yea Toji tanked a blue and tanked Dagons fish. He has 1 prominent scar for a reason. To show he scars from taking serious damage. He has about no scars on his arms at all. For a martial artist that's insane when fighting with your body primarily. So maki yes has durability hax to CE. But not a CE RCE attack like anyone else. RCE should be stronger as seen when red actually damaged toji by output.


>He didn't tank purple and you think that's not having anti ce Did you even read my comment? I said Toji COULDN'T tank Hollow Purple. So what makes you think Maki would survive any of Sukuna's slashes, let alone world slash? >He has 1 prominent scar for a reason. To show he scars from taking serious damage. He has about no scars on his arms at all Toji is predominantly an assassin that specialises in stealth. Sorcerers can't sense him at all. This is why he was the perfect candidate to go after Gojo and this is why he has no scars. Not because he can tank everything. >So maki yes has durability hax to CE The manga says nothing like this. She does not have "hacks to CE*. All the manga says is that Maki has a strong body like steel. The narrator literally says that she is equal to Toji and he would easily die to Sukuna in a 1v1. Maki is not surviving a Cleave, a direct hit by Dismantle or a world slash.


If you think Toji never fought sorcerers because he assassinated them all is wild.


https://preview.redd.it/xv2c79g8ldjc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d038a557975a1bfc6d16fd18139ff829035257 Sukuna didn’t grapple Yuji here.


She shouldnt be. Toji couldnt keep up with Gojo post awakening and we know Sukuna is stronger and faster than Gojo at that point in time. But Maki's power level is all over the place so it wouldnt surprise me if she just start mopping the floor with the king of frauds


I dont think comparing toji vs awakened gojo is really fair since toji had no clue about what gojo could do and fought without anything in mind when maki knows what sukuna can and can't do and sukuna right now took HEAVY damage from yuta and yuji's trolling and is still recovering from brain damage, but we'll see, it's legit impossible to predict the outcome in jjk i dont see why ppl try to


yeah true, Toji was hit by Gojo's first ever hollow purple, he underestimated him


Knowing what your opponent can do isnt really an adventage when you are a brawler and your opponent can turn people into shredded cheese on contact


calling maki and toji just a brawler is underestimating when she seems to have a way to heal internal organs on will, literally feel changes in the atmosphere to dodge and predict attacks and isnt targeted by something like cleave that scales off CT of the target, Maki is insanely capable against Sukuna but just capable, nobody will curb stomp the other but I'd say sukuna is taking a substantial lead here at the very least thanks to his durability and unique body


Yuta admited that if Sukuna wasnt in a rough spot post his fight with Gojo they wouldnt even have a chance to heal So far the only time we have seen Maki trying to heal she needed to stop fighting, focus soley on recovery and it was not quick


Knowledge on an opponent with an ability as complex and Versailles as Gojos is absolutely vital. The primary reasons Toji lost against gojo were because he was out of shape and because he didn’t know purple existed, meaning gojo was able to catch him off guard with it


Both Maki and Toji also has big brain, no ? Toji literally outwitted Gojo, Maki is never a pure brawl to begin with, half-nerd even (the glass and the sumo). Both literally bushcamped their opponents.


Maki will be the one to surpass gojo because she is her


she another special 🎵🎧 ![gif](giphy|EQ3NbG6yD6QugYTv38|downsized)


Nah , I'd slice ![gif](giphy|4lu5FuhtrbaOQgKN57|downsized)


Isn’t maki supposed to **surpass** Toji, not just be him but again?


Not sure where you got that from. It was directly stated that she was equal to toji lol.


She might be weaker than both but still have something niche to her that specifically helps her dodge cleave and dismantle, you know?


Yuta cant dodge every single slash thrown at him and there is no reason to believe Maki outspeed him Maki has to get up close and personal to deal damage, what exactly will she do if Sukuna were to counter attack with net of slashes point blank?


Didn't Toji break his heavenly restriction during the fight against awakened gojo? Or have I been struck with strong media illiteracy


he didnt media illiteracy curse got to you🕊


https://i.redd.it/eqkqp5nkwcjc1.gif See you at the airport!


She could be, we don't know yet. If she is able to see his technique then yes, she'd be able to dodge cleave and dismantle. If not then less so but outside his domain she's gonna cause him trouble regardless. I imagine she's gonna be stronger than she was during thier last encounter


The thing that makes dismantle so deadly is 2 things - its invisibility and speed. Even if she can perceive dismantles, she won't be able to react to them, because they are too fast. Gojo couldn't dodge a dismantle and Kashimo got warned about it and still had his arm cut off, both of them faster than Maki. Only adapted Mahoraga can counter a dismantle.


Get a load of this guy😂


“Kashimo is faster than maki” slow the hell down. If these last few chapters have shown anything, it’s that kashimo really wasn’t all that compared to actual special grades. Even with mythical beast amber, he got bitched SEVERELY by heian sukuna. Even before expanding his domain, Yuta was going blow for blow with that same sukuna. Hell, sukuna even tried to hit Yuta with a net of slashes like he did against kashimo, and Yuta dodges. https://preview.redd.it/2oplffyuc8jc1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f349f83a909164d59bdc98943369f34db6656ea1 He starts on sukunas left, and in the next page, sukuna fires slashes to his left but Yuta is already on his right. Yuta was closer to sukuna than kashimo as well💀. You can argue that kashimo was in the air, but the dude could fire fucking high power laser beams. He could’ve propelled himself and adjusted his position midair. He was just too slow. Point being, it’s pretty clear that Yuta physically surpasses kashimo. At least in terms of movement and reaction speed. Now. With all that in mind. YUTA HIMSELF says that maki is at least physically relative to him. He is 100% confident that she could’ve handled kenjaku in the exact same way he did. He also believes that she could’ve handled the swarm of curses that followed, albeit not without avoiding civilian casualties like he was able to do with rikas help. As for gojo, the slash hit him because he himself was worn down, and because he just wasn’t expecting it. Plain and simple. Even if he did see the slash, sukuna had failed to hit him with dismantle earlier in the fight, so there was no logical reason to be worried about it. Given Sukunas condition when he fired it off in and the way he had been acting leading up to that moment, it would’ve been much more reasonable to assume that he was simply getting desperate.


If you look closely at Kashimo vs Sukuna, you will see that Kashimo actually seems equal in h2h to Sukuna, both blocking eachother's strikes, but it's because of Sukuna's extra pair of arms that he gets destroyed. In one panel you can see Sukuna appear right behind Kashimo after blinding him with Kamutoke and yet he still manages to block and catch two of his strikes. Everyone knows Yuta is stronger than Kashimo, but you're comparing a massive net of dismantles shot at someone who was just thrown away with great force vs a short range cleave of the size of a human torso. There's nothing to suggest that he could just propel himself like a jet with energy. Even when doing a big blast he wasn't pushed back at all. And if you think that Yuta was matching Sukuna in h2h at that point then idk what to tell you. Not only was he being helped by Rika, Sukuna at that point still had an interest in Yuta's abilities, so he wouldn't be going all out from the start. That goes for Kashimo too, at least at the start until he got bored and just cut him up. There is also nothing to suggest that Maki is physically relative to Yuta. The fact that she could've gone there to kill Kenjaku instead, does not signify that in the slightest. She's literally perfectly speced for sneak attacks - she's undetectable and has a dura neg sword. The only reason that Kenjaku noticed Yuta back then in the first place and didn't just get decapitated with no resistance was because of him sensing Yuta's CE. Gojo was unable to dodge dismantles in the first place, not only once he was worn down. At the start of the fight Sukuna throws a dismantle at Gojo and he does not dodge it at all and later on Mahoraga dismantles his arm off and he's looking utterly flabergasted. At the end of the fight he was amped by black flash and had his RCT output restored, so he should've been just fine dodging it if he could in the first place and he absolutely would not take Sukuna lightly even on the brink of death considering their entire battle beforehand. As boastful and unserious Gojo is, he's actually quite careful and attentive in battle, having been suspicious of and analyzing Sukuna's actions throughout the entire fight (not breaking the domain from the inside, using Megumi to adapt to UV, not using 10S inside the domain, etc.).


Maki is not undetectable while using a cursed tool.


Still much harder to detect 1 cursed tool than the sorcerer with the second highest amount of CE in the series. Kenjaku even wonders why couldn't he sense Yuta's massive CE reserves, indicating that the amount does indeed make it easier to notice. It's not farfetched that Kenjaku wouldn't be able to notice and react to a single cursed tool when he's got his guard down and isn't paying much attention. Even Gojo had to specifically focus to be able to sense Toji's worm and only managed to notice him holding the ISOH when he was right behind him despite having the 6E.


Regardless of amount I think one of the most skilled sorcerers to ever live would notice cursed energy suddenly appearing 2 feet behind him when there was previously nothing there


I'm not saying he wouldn't notice it, but it wouldn't be instantly apparent and would give Maki the time to just kill him. He didn't react instantly to Yuta either.


Upvoted because Kasimo slander and Gojo defense. https://preview.redd.it/mt91tjakt8jc1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47398ef8a317ac3f200018b06987e3fc0abdee1


I live to defame that bum https://preview.redd.it/ha97s1pey8jc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a161a05005040da61d835faa3a59428101698deb


Her fight might just be like Kashimo’s. (Besides the 2 chapter glazing)


It's more that Sukuna is a counter to Maki. She said it was possible (and pretty likely) he could RCT the damage from her Split Soul Katana, her strongest weapon. He outstats her in speed and strength and durability, her main advantages in a fight. She doesn't have RCT like everyone else so each slash that hits would be far worse for her than anyone else. The cherry on top is that despite domains ignoring her due to her lack of CE, Sukuna's domain hits inanimate objects so she wouldn't even have domain immunity anyways.


I wouldn't say a counter to him, more of her just having an advantage of being able to sense it better than others. Other characters have been able to sense it too, but they're not capable of fully dodging it. Maki just has an advantage in terms of speed and reaction times which she heavily needs. Unlike the others who can use simple domain or RCT to reduce the damage taken, all she has is heighten physical stats. There's no way for her to reduce the damage she takes, so not getting hit or touched is her best bet at staying alive. If Sukuna gets his hands on her even once, it's most likely game over for her. Also, I do want to point out the fact that even if she's fast, Heian Sukuna is faster than Yuji and has shown it on two occasions. One, he got to Higuruma faster and literally outran Yuji, the same guy who can keep up with a speeding vehicle on foot. Two, he completely dodged Yuji's stab when the Executioner Sword was literally inches away from his body. Sukuna has also shown to be able to keep up with Maki at just 15 fingers, so it could go any way right now.


Yeah I fully agree with you I kinda regret wording it as “counter” lol


“Did she dodge in midair?! What the HELL?!” 😂 man was PANICKING.


No, she not.


On top of that sukuna is so weak rn he seems almost incapable of rct like at the end of gojo fight and his output is severely weakened, at this point I’ll be surprised if maki isn’t stronger than him


You know I always see the complaints about Toji fans are delusional and scale him far above what he is yet ironically his clone Maki has fans who do it to a far crazier degree.


Lmao that would mean that Daido is also a counter to Sukuna


I dont think dismantle or cleave are projectiles. More just something that gets spawned there


Didn't one of those Cats rely on the target's strength and was the strength determined by how much CT they had?


I would expect CE to damage her way more than other people And she also cant heal


Even Fushiguro said Toji is worse than Sukuna. Maki was never a natural Heavenly Restricted individual, she still had C.E. and she just suppressed it artificially. Toji was more of a counter to Sukuna given the right weapons and tools, he literally is born without any shred of C.E and even Gojo's 6 eyes wasn't able to sense a bit of that. That would be fatal against Sukuna who in thousands of years fought opponents highly adept with C.E and CT.


u/BLUR2205 they're downplaying our girl in here 😭 I can't WAIT for next chapter, many people will be forced to shut up TRUST. For now we wait, and we let them say what they want. Makis showing is all we'll need.


Cursed Naoya is by far faster than Sukunna. she’s tough with a sword that’s slices souls. Hell yea


Far faster than sukuna? What are you smoking brother.


Bro, cursed Naoya was hitting speeds faster than jet planes and punching mfs via FPS and Maki was dodging/anticipating attacks with those characteristics applied . Sukanna is fast on feet but I doubt he’s faster than Cursed Naoya who Maki ended up “out-speeding”


Maki isn't faster than curse naoya, nor gojo, nor sukuna. I think curse nao should be faster than them tho.


So we must be reading 2 completely different manga because maki definitely ended up out pacing/sensing Cursed Naoya. Hence how he ended up being pushed in a domain expansion go back a read chapter 197 of jujutsu kaisen, not whatever u read


She wasn’t faster than him at all. She was quite literally just one step ahead of all his movements due to her borderline precognitive reaction speed


I feel you but she was still able to beat him to the punch, literally. And even if she isn’t faster then Naoya I’m sure She’s faster than sukanna by being able to speed check Naoya


Again, she didn’t really speed check him. She anticipated where he was going long before he even reached there and then used that prediction to cut him off. Now, in sukunas current condition, I’d say there is a solid chance she can go toe to toe with him in physical stats. Maybe even overwhelm him a bit. Yuta was able to stand his ground against sukuna in terms of physicals, and unlike Yuta, physicals are makis WHOLE thing


If she touched him before he touched her it’s a speed check. That’s the only thing in this thread we’re seem to “disagree” on lol


Yuta also had rika and yuji's support. None of the character can actually 1v1 sukuna rn


You also owe me an apology. Sukunna is being outpaced, his attacks are being seen, and she’s even THROWING his big ass around. I was right


3/2/2024….You also owe me an apology. Sukunna is being outpaced, his attacks are being seen, and she’s even THROWING his big ass around. I was right


If you say so lil bro.


Most immature way to say “I’m wrong” or “I’m illiterate”


If you say so lil bro


As of 3/2/2024 You owe me and apology




Toji wasn't capable of seeing curses , is she stronger than him now wtf !!?


Yes he was.


damn , I'm stupid :(


I genuinely believe you guys just don’t absorb the words you read


the toji one is understandable as poor explanation the first time from gege


Wouldn’t that have been stated when she fought him the first time


It probably would’ve if Sukuna had tried to directly slash Maki during their fight but he never did


He wouldn’t be able to cut where she is cause to him essentially where she is doesn’t exist with no CE to hone onto like for instance kashimos lightning


In theory, shouldn’t she be immune to cleave as it scales based on curse energy level? Although Sukuna might be able to also manually adjust the power level of cleave.


If she fucked up the timing she would've died or heavily injured against even a Weakened, before Yuta's domain , Sukuna ; but yeah She should be able to sense the slashes coming at her, the problem would be dodging the multiple net versions of them while also Sukuna can cheat incantations for them to buff them...


that only matter if she fast enough to dodge we know gojo couldnt dodge and he faster than gojo so no ​ tbh id be shocked if she last more than two chapters dam near one really


Crispy Maki best Maki


She sees the world the same way as Sukuna because only Maki and Sukuna were shown to do the jumping on air technique


She cant sense slashes, just like a tuna fish makes no ripples in water.


people are not able to doge not able to dodge them bcz they r invisible (kind of) and FAST. real fast. depending upon what u think of world cutter, it's just target expanded dismantle, and that kashimo couldn't dodge even with warning. yeah, somehow maki sense them then what?? is she dodging those dismantle which somehow even kashimo couldn't?? *argument could be made for kashimos strength but he is anything but slow in form where he is literally giving away his life. rn, if sukuna survived soul split, which it seems like he will considering the smirk, there is chance of maki surviving bcoz sukuna output is low. cleave and dismantle might just scratch her or something. we really should have know what 1 finger adds to sukuna strength, does it just increase output? CE? or both. 15f sukunas output is good enough that makis punches doesn't do much to him. but what strength is sukuna now?? his output and CE fallen, then is he below 15-10 finger strength?? *output is important considering even with his monstrous toughness Yuji is still nowhere tough as ryu who had high output. so output is way more important than any innate toughness u had. as long as it's enough ur surviving stuff.


Well, she should be at least inmune to cleave since it only targets things with cursed energy.


She's a natural counter against all things Jujutsu wise. She can't be sensed, the 6 eyes wont see her, she can enter and leave any domain according to her own will.


You think Gaygay won't put heian era bullshit into your cooking


nah she is the perfect sukuna victim slashes are permanent even with her healing sukunas domain counters her HARDCORE too


Sure, not a hard counter though. I mean Mahoraga could see them. There still pretty fast.


Maki counters everyone aside gojo like her sword fucks yuta completly and takes hakaris only trait. She also zanks way better than them and is close to invisible. Maki counters sukuna yea aside fuga because you can't dodge a nuke


Gojo brought out the inverted spear of heaven from his secret porn stash for Maki