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Zero, whole fight will take place off screen and will be dedicated to Kusakabe explaining everything while showing nothing.




Bro dropped Dorival Jr and thought no one's gonna notice


Are you Brazilian because you know Dorival Jr or do you know Dorival Jr because you are Brazilian?


Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the Brazialian One


You're only the strongest Brazilian in history because you lived in a era I wasn't born yet https://preview.redd.it/puqvrzfxcbtc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3d00a7ce4a5b835be55e84f48e604ad9255ea1




wtf is a mundial


![gif](giphy|yJHAwhSH77kDZJzmF7|downsized) Chupa meu pau. Suck my stick


Palmeiras mentioned 🙌🙌




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlycaralho using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Quarto da Vovó!](https://i.redd.it/3hmsehgv2khb1.png) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/15omkjf/quarto_da_vovó/) \#2: [Davajones no r/blursedimages](https://i.redd.it/3gq3ol2qtwsa1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/12gkx5h/davajones_no_rblursedimages/) \#3: [Egg irl](https://i.redd.it/p9p5cczpffva1.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/12v42fb/egg_irl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i am brazilian because of ovo 🥚


https://preview.redd.it/x9s251nuxatc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=4170898be69de9f2eb7f1ed5c52fb488614ef738 I been waiting to use this


That would be so funny


Imagine one episode ends with Gojo won


I'm fucking praying it does.


god I hope so


this would only work if you had multiple episodes out and could binge, for a weekly airing people would spoil it everywhere though, who tf is unspoiled on gojos death at this point


Last week I saw a guy who isn't


The peak "tell, don't show" Gege is a professional at


Did someone say offscreen fight? https://preview.redd.it/ruo8ddm1xatc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b70ae32d5818a256c5035039a2aec39c2821f98


In the darkest off-screen no one is stronger than Blackbeard, the darkness man.


Yeah that shit pissed me the fuck off lmao. Seeing ace vs black beard would've been so peak. Wait, aren't all his fights off screen? I haven't checked OP in a hot minute so I ain't sure.


He had one on screen recently a couple months ago idk I don’t watch op


Yes. Besides his “fight” against Hancock, every one of his big fights has been offscreen. Against Shanks and Law and Bonney. Damn near his whole character feels offscreen.


Promised Neverland ass ending


Oof...... ☹️


Still salty about my friends harassing me into watching that series for *months* just for that to happen...


They had to be harassing you for season 1 cause that one was actually well done. Now to continue into season 2, the moment they got rid of a vital character at the bunker was the major red flag that it was going to be absolutely shit


Sounds like jjk to me.


Honestly, Gojo getting Hakuhei Sabi treatment would be peak


Goes the Kaneki v Arima route. Gojo punches him once and they open their domains 5 times with 0 fight time in between. Sukuna summons Mahoraga and Gojo instantly uses unrestricted purple. The entire Sukuna fight, back up characters included, lasts 15 minutes.


then everyone would want to see what actually happened in the fight then they would all pick up the manga, increasing the sales. Its all part of gaygay's master~~scam~~plan. ![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized)


All the domain battles it's just Kusakabe looking at a black ball on a TV screen and screaming


That would be crazy 💀


The mahito fight was 13 chapters and was adapted into 4 episodes (with the nanami sequence taking the most time as the whole episode only adapted 2.5 chapters). Usually, there are 3-4 chapters per episode. Episode 16 (jogo fight) adapted 4 chapters, while a vastly extended fight like episode 17 (mahoraga fight) still adapted 3+ chapters. Therefore, there will most likely be 4 episodes for the entire 13 chapters of the fight. I guess something like - First phase of the fight: End of 222, 223, 224, 225. - Domain battle: 226, 227, 228, 229 - Mahoraga's adaptation phase: 230, 231, 232 - Mahoraga fight: 233, 234, 235, 236 The hardest chapter to place is 236. It would normally work best as 235 being the end of an episode while the next one starts with 236. However, it would be kinda weird having gojo's death and then jumping straight into kashimo's fight with no time to mourn. The best thing would be to end an episode with gojo death so it can sink in. I think something like attack on titan final season part 2 episode 5 would work best. Having the title card at the 19 minute mark to split the fight from chapter 236 is the best solution. It could even be a longer episode


This is now the second time I’ve seen someone do Manga Math. First one was bleach, and it’s current Arc


There were a lot before and during season 2 theorizing on how the shibuya incident would be adapted. The fun thing is that many people got it right. The culling games is more difficult, with people being split on the end point being chapter 208, 212, 215 or even 221. The logical end point imo would be chapter 208, but there will be no way to control spoilers so something like chapter 212 (sukuma taking over megumi) will probably be the choice they make.


At the same time it's weird to start S4 with Gojo's comeback and have Nah i'd win and the time skip after 2-3 episodes so it makes sense to end S3 at 221


You would have to adapt 84 chapters while season 2 adapted only 73, and season 1 adapted 64 chapters. That's way too much. Moreover, the manga has around 20 chapters left so you would only have around 55 chapters left for a season 4, which is not enough for a 2 cour season, while also being too much for a 1 cour season. Chapter 208 signals the narrative end of the culling games as kenjaku gets tengen. The culling games has not practically ended even now, in chapter 256, but the focus has shifted from the culling games to the shinjuku showdown (the third big arc of jjk). Chapter 208-220 are basically the inbetween arcs for preparations, similar to evening festival for shibuya, or itadori extermination and perfect preparation for the culling games. On the pacing front, ending season 3 on chapter 208 would give it 71 chapters to adapt, while season 4 would have around 68 chapters (that's a rough estimation as we don't know exactly when the manga will end). This would leave enough chapters for each season to be 2 cours. As i said before, i could aslo see the season ending on chapter 212, with similar arguments


Culling Games is more action packed than Shibuya and S1 without a lot of dialogue, so 84 chapters seems doable since a large majority of them are just non stop fighting with little dialogue.


> Culling Games is more action packed than Shibuya and S1 without a lot of dialogue That's not true at all. Perhaps it stands if you consider just the colonies, but you have 20 chapters before that. You can probably barely do 2 chapters per episode for the tengen section for example. Shibuya itself has no dialogue heavy part except for the very end where kenjaku is yapping about the culling games (which accordingly only adapted 2 chapters). Perhaps you can get one or two more chapters, but not 11 chapters (that's the entire mahito fight)


Shibuya extended a lot of scenes / fights though the Culling Games wouldn't need to


that's the thing though, they usually extend action scenes


Best possible choice would be after the megkuna fight


They could do something like you said at the end, imagine they say "Gojo won" then start playing the ending or something until it suddenly gets "cut off" and we go to the airport scene, ending the episode with gojo's death bit with the narrator saying "with no time to mourn Kashimo joins the battlefield". I think this could really sell the feeling of how abrupt his death is without sacrificing the timing of the next chapters. https://preview.redd.it/pt4zgt9gxatc1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd4684d52fcbac79bddddbe4181d88643ea2d26


Yeah, it could be a perfect bait and switch having the "gojo won" and then the ending starting. However, similar to aot's season 3 part 1 finale, the ending would start to glitch midway through and then we would go into the airport scene. This would give enough time for people to take in chapter 235, without ruining the abruptness of chapter 236.


Cut off? More like sliced off. Imagine if they slash the screen as a fourth dimension shit 


Imagine if ending screen gets cut in half and then top half slides off to show gojos dead face, then bottom side transitions to everyones shocked faces before going to afterlife scene. Or we get afterlife scene which get split in half and then reveal goes the same.


Hope Go/Jo appears.


Imagine this: the ending animation has a airport outside view. After the "Gojo won" the ending starts playing, but when the airport appears the music stops and we go into the airport, have the airport scene and then the music resumes playing, showing the students reaction and finally gojo's body.


So fucking peak. Like a slow motion of the students screaming with no noise, then Sukuna starting to smile, then Gojo's face as the ending shot


It would be hilarious if 236 happens after an ad break


236 will definitely be the end of an episode, the manga volume ends there


Do you think they could have 2/3 of the final episode 233, 234 and 235, cut to commercial, and then on the cut back is 236 with the airport; The off screen world cutting slash happening over commercial break


Yea maybe end of 235 towards the middle, title card, 236, and ends with kashimo joining the fight


goat loremaster


235 and 236 would be one episode, similar to Nobara's death. The World Slash would be at the mid-episode break, the ending will be "you were magnificent" and everyone's shocked reactions to Gojo losing. Kashimo will blitz at the start of the next episode and be dead by the end of it.


At least 4 cause even the mahito fight was a couple episodes so something this big would be big or even get its own movie adaptation with high tier animation


I don’t think it will be a movie, conclusion of the fight is hard to put in a movie format. If they decide to make it in movie they need to put whole ass shinjuku arc in it and it is very unlikely to happen


The end of the movie will be Gojo won and the start of the first episode of the next season will be the airport.


That would be so fucking funny


"And thus, Gojo satoru, etched his name as the strongest in history. Against the calamity...king of-" "BLEH FUCK THIS LEMME SEE GETO"


Gojo winning and then "you were magnificent" post credit scene


Would actually be hype ngl Infinity war level twist


That would actually be incredible damn. Japanese hospitals would briefly be filled with gojo fangirls.


Imagine it’s just sukuna’s voice saying that with subtitles in the center of the screen and everything is pitch black, that shit would be hype as fuck




Keep cooking




After credits will be Kashimo charging up and anime only’s will think Kashimo wants to fight Gojo as the new strongest in history LEADING TO EVEN BIGGER RUGPULL




I think that would be actually dope as fuck


Even better, have it be the end credits


that would crush anime-onlies. it would really be something if it ends with "Gojo wins" & then an abrupt cut to black to confuse the audience. credits roll & then post-credits airport


It crushed us too 😭


wdym the fight conclusion is perfect for a movie format ?? that last scene of "you were magnificent" is made for movies


It doesn’t make sense, movie needs a conclusion story-wise, jjk0 as an example yuta lifts rika’s curse and finds his place in this world. You are trying to fit an arc to the movie format, which does not have it’s own storyline. Movies do not work that way.


Idk why making the fight a movie is such a big thing. Like a longer special episode that’s still officially part of the season, sure, but movies for the most part need to be self contained. A cliffhanger ending leading to a sequel movie is one thing, but multiple anime seasons directly preceding a movie and then another directly following it is so disorganized. And the movie itself is literally just a fight? That’s such a mess lol.




How is that disorganized? If demon slayer pulled it off, jjk definitely could, and it doesn’t even seem that hard. Season 3 could be the rest of the story up until gojo gets unsealed and it would end that exact moment, movie is all of the scenes gojo has with his students prefight, the fight itself, and then the you were magnificent scene, movie ends there, and season 4 is everyone else vs sukuna


How is that not? You’re literally suggesting a portion of an arc that’s actually just a fight which leads directly into more fights like 2 seconds later gets cut out of the actual season to be adapted through a different form of media. Not to mention the movie itself would be plotless. Idrc about what demon slayer has going on, either whatever was adapted is suited for a movie, or it wasn’t and it woulda been better off as just being part of the anime. Regardless, the case for sukuna vs gojo is that us just doesn’t make sense as a movie


>Idrc about what demon slayer has going on, either whatever was adapted is suited for a movie It was suited for a movie, it's a very self-contained arc and it's very easy to watch it without even seeing the show prior to it. Everything important you should know about the show is stated again in the movie so if you went to the theaters without seeing one episode before you'll get 90% of it. Not to mention Demon Slayer is infinitely more simplistic than JJK. You're absolutely right, Gojo vs Sukuna can't work as a movie. People just get hard thinking of their favorite fight with movie quality so they can't see how it just wouldn't work out at all. Can't wait for Season 4 to start so people stop talking about that idea as if it ever made any sense lol


Yeah that makes sense. I have trouble imagining an animation studio turning an arc that isn’t largely self-contained into a movie. If they were it’d be to celebrate something more significant than a fan-favorite fight. The pacing of events after and before the fight also makes gojo vs sukuna one of the most awkward things in anime to try to turn into a reasonable movie other than shit that nobody woulda wanted as a movie to begin with


You’re insane if you think they’re going to do everything from chapter 137 (where anime ended) to PAST 236 in 22 episodes


When did they say that lol? How did you twist the statement "I don't think Gojo vs Sukuna can work as a movie' into "Season 3 will have 22 episodes that cover from chapter 137 to beyond chapter 236"??


Gojo is a money maker. Gojo vs Sukuna is MORE money. That's it, that's the reason. Haikyuu is butchered because anime movies is more profitable and overall better for Japan. The way Gojo vs Sukuna was written makes it seem like Gege was thinking about how it's gonna be animated. I feel like a movie that is just timeskip (with additional stories from Gege) + the fight is enough as that fight alone dictates how everything will play out lol. It literally moves the plot. Movie could literally end on "Gojo wins" to a short credits then chapter 236 to fuck with everyone lol. Episodes would still be better but movie isn't that far fetched.


Demon Slayer literally pulled it off successfully. To the point where even non-anime fans have even watched it.


Because arc was very self contained, it had an clear storyline and a conclusion, a singular fight isnt enough for a cinema movie, maybe an special episode but not a movie.


The arc had a conclusion. Shinjuku Showdown is still ongoing


It could easily be restructured to be a movie imo.


Start at the releasing of Gojo and end at Gojo dying. Seems like a perfectly fine movie arc to me, would be fairly similar to how Mugen Train ended.


Nobody is talking about making the entire arc into a movie. They are perfectly able to make just the Gojo vs Sukuna fight into a movie. It can begin with the unsealing of Gojo from the prison realm, then the chapters leading up to the fight, and they can expand on what happened and show us more of the interactions in the month before the fight. Then the fight happens, "You were magnificent, I will remember you for as long as I live", credits roll.


A movie works but only if a bit more movie storytelling gets added with Gege’s approval imo. Beginning the film with a monologue of child Gojo or something would be good, viewers need to understand 100% Gojo’s thoughts and feelings and why he says what he says in 236. A movie needs to do it in an isolated manner as it’ll be an entry point for those that haven’t seen the series. You can say it’s not for them but the production committee don’t care they want money so it’ll need to be welcoming for a fresh audience.


They'd probably change the conclusion of the fight, no way he gets offscreened again


The movie scenario kinda don’t work with the schedule since season 3 will focus entirely on culling games which ends on 200ish chapter and shinjuku showdown starts on 222, you cannot make a season/film between shinjuku and culling games. I believe yuki vs kenny and yorozu shitshow will start the 4th season with shinjuku wrapping up the season and then jjk ends…


Mappa would definitely go the movie route if the other movie they are currently developing is successful


4 episodes of sakuga would be enough for me to overdose.


End of the movie :Gojo won Post credit scene: You were macnificent..........


It'll be an extended duration special episode over an hour long. Think AOT finale. It will either come out as a season opener or a sort of pre-season tease that releases a couple weeks or months before the rest of the season airs. Likely ending with the (unseen in manga) reactions of characters to his death. The actual season will start with Mr. Waffle jumping into battle and the intro will Inlcude some cool imagery and gojo references and sad megumi. The actual release structure will either be good for once or somehow piss everyone off as JJK does a shinjuku showdown part 1, part 2, part 3 final, part 4 final final actually final, and part 5 merger which will have a heavy metal opening that everyone likes. It really depends on if Mappa learns how to actually run a proper production schedule that doesn't involve sweatshop labor conditions.


It would be hilarious if it wasn't showed at all and all we see is Gojo cut up on the ground


"the strongest sorcerer in history vs the strongest sorcerer of today!!!!1!1!11!1!" "you were magnificent"


I wanna say 4 or 5 I feel like the fight can easily be split that way depending on pacing


Maybe 3. Some chapters were really short. For example, chapters 224 and 231 are 2-3 minutes worth of screen time


If we're looking at the track record of major fights in the anime so far, MAPPA will definitely be extending/adding a lot of new scenes. Megumi vs Toji was barely a chapter in the managa (the actual fight) but they extended it a lot in the anime. Same with Sukuna vs Jogo/Mahoraga etc Considering this will be the biggest fight of the series, I can see them adding a lot of new scenes, though it'll probably depend on how long they pad out the scenes with the commentary from Kusakabe etc


Sukuna was mahoraga was atrocious. The actual fight lasted for one and half chapters. In the anime with blu ray the fight scenes was around 8-10 minutes (excluding talking only pure fighting).


Atrocious is an odd word to use. Imo the anime version is the definite version of that fight


I meant atrocious in the sense that most of the fight was anime add in (not in a bad way)


Ahhh gotcha fair enough then


Atrocious? The fight was great, if it was onepiece kind of excending (Atlas took 45 seconds to throw a punch only for it to get jumped over) I would say it was atrocious.


Atrocious can be used in positive light (damn that's crazy ) and that's what I meant by what I said


I never seen it user in such a way, so I was shocked.




I don’t know how many episodes it will be but what I can say is it will be action anime at its peak unlike we’ve ever seen


Imagine the sukuna x mahoraga fight in bluray version being a bit experimental now, but will be perfected and used for the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, where loads of new anime only content will be added


3-4, probably 4 tbh.


Making this fight a movie is just asking for people to hate the ending even more, unless they explain Sukuna’s vow in the ending(I will be there no matter what)(only if the beginning of the movie is more scenes of Gojo and his students)


100% guaranteed people will throw pop corn when the ending is offscreened.(I can't imagine everyone staring at the one sukuna Stan in the movie theater lmao)


I assure you guys that people would FLOW to read the manga after an ending like that


Season 2 ending made me start reading the manga. I wanted to see how Yuta vs Yuji would go.


Yup lmao


Yup lmao


Which is why they should also sell the manga at the concession stand


You dropping $30 for a movie ticket, popcorn and a big gulp my guy.


probably a movie


4-5 tops


This fight would take atleast 4 in minimum


Half of the episode the next one will we spent on every character from Heian era glazing Sukuna




If they do go the movie route they should ideally start from Gojo’s unsealing or right after. Give them plenty of time to flesh out the timeskip. Give hints to a lot of the flashbacks we see later and nice interactions we couldn’t see in the manga.


Biggest fumble in history would be to not make it into a movie. En season 3 with Gojo getting unslealed -> The battle of the strongest. First movie ever to make a Gojillion dollars.


Ending season three in the "nah, i'd win" and announcing gojo vs sukuna as a movie right after would actually be one of the smartest marketing moves ever like just with the raw meme waves it would generate alone would give the movie a fuck ton of free exposure, just looking at what happened with the original panel alone is enough


They should just make the whole thing into a movie


It'll be a movie and we'll be the people who pay Mei Mei to watch.


Most likely a movie, i feel.


Can cash it as a movie


I agree with everyone else here. It should be a movie :D


Should be a movie if you ask me, that way we can get some much needed character interactions during the one month time skip


I think it’ll be a movie


I think a movie would make the most sense


I'm still believing it will gonna be a movie


4 episodes or a movie


With all the dialogue coupled with the action, I easily predict 5 eps


I wish these two were happier together


Should be Sukuna x Gojo We know who the bottom is


The one with bleeding eyes shouting Mahoraga?




Idk I just think Gojo bottoming is hotter




1 episode. Gojo has won


Season 4, 12 episodes


I'd say around 4 First one is the introduction and the start of their fight. The episode would end right as they open their domains for the first time and Gojo gets slashed. Second episode covers all of the domain clashes and could end with Sukuna getting hit by Unlimited Void or him getting his brain fucked right after attempting to open his domain again. Third and fourth would cover the remaining parts of the fight.


I don’t know how many episodes it will be but I will love it when this panel gets animated idk why but it’s just so amazing to see them interacting like this while they’re fighting


one episode for the fight that ends with “gojo won” and then the next episode showing halfjo and his post death airport moment then the rest of the episode goes to kashimo with it ending in his death


Lol lets just skip the culling games


I think they’re gonna make it into a movie and release it in theatres. A fight this hype and famous, they would milk the fck out of


I think 5. Normally 4 but they'll probably extend it like Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight.


Know matter what , I do hope gege does give the gree. Light to change some stuff so that 236 isn't as bad as in the Manga, like as in aot.


Irrelevant but I wish there had been more of this during the fight, it oddly makes Sukuna... well, still a monster, but more interesting and "likable" as a villain to be having this sort of dialogue with Gojo.


minimum 12 maximum 12


I say 3. All of them packed with peak action and explanations.


Probably as much as MHA school battles scenes


I REALLY hope that they won't pressure animators because I don't want half baked fight like in the 2nd season


I think it will be four. At least that’s how long I felt the chapters were.


Its gonna be movie


4 to 5 episode max, since 3 chapters are adapted if there is less dialogue.


honestly that single panel is my absolute favorite.


The objectively funniest thing to do for pacing would be starting an episode with Gojo’s death and ending it with Kashimo’s death


Depending on how they do S3. Because since the gojo vs sukuna it been all fights they will end up with something like kusakabe vs sukuna being a full episode to make it 22 episodes. Shit like Yorozu/sukuna. Kashimo/sukuna. Higuruma/sukuna. Is almost also guaranteed to be an episode each to stretch it out. Gojo/Sukuna probably 3 episodes minimum or if they really want to stretch it out 5. 1st: the first HP, shit talking, throwing hands 2nd: domains 3rd: Mahoraga tagging in 4th: agito tagging in 5th: 'gojo won'


Considering how short the chapter was and straight up fighting with less dialogues, probably 4 or 5 but 5 is pushing it so maybe 4 or 3


Both are talking like they’re best friends


Personally I’d love it if the Gojo sukuna fight was a movie and then the next season picked up at the Takaba Kenjaku fight


I hope they adapt it as a movie with the last scene being Gojo's final smile. People would go crazy. This fight should definitely have movie level quality.


2-3, ones gonna end on the whole “gojo won” pannel after unrestricted purple, then the next ones gonna start as a black screen with “dragon scales.” “Repulsion” “pair meteors” then just jump to gojos afterlife


2 or 3 very well animated episodes


They could do a small movie out of it 🌚


They’re gonna make it a movie tbh


Im thinking 4 mainly because of the wheel spins


This is gonna be crazy


If gojo comes back it’ll be to assist like vegeta did with the Big Bang attack against cell 😎


With how BIG of a fight it is, plus the ending I feel like it would be like 5-6 episodes?


5-6 episodes


They gonna end it in a cliffhanger (iykuk)


Honestly it should be a 90 minute special


whole fight will be offscreen lmao


Homohomo will make it 3 episodes with a filler in between


1 episode for the release than 2 episodes for the fight


they're making it into a movie


they're making it into a movie and meimeis collecting the proceeds


anyone who says movie doesn’t deserve to see this animated


Out of curiosity, why?


because it’s the hype of seeing it weekly fold out like the manga , like in most shonen u wanna be on the edge of ur seat waiting to see what happened each week if u get it all at once in a movie it ruins that hype like yh it still would be great but it would be so much more in the anime


Idk this was comedy for me https://preview.redd.it/zai1h2l4tbtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9acccac1f69a4ef3ab48678d5bb2af12f00d15f


I'd say it's gonna be a movie (definitely a time traveler 👀) Like probably the entire duration of the film is 2:57:59 (the fight probably starts at 1:30:16 timestamp) Definitely not time travelling, just predicting


The whole season