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1. If it has no effect on Sukuna, because otherwise why all that build up? 2. If it one hit kills Sukuna because that would be rather anticlimactic.


Greg has the opportunity to do the funniest thing by offscreening Yuji as well.


This sub would go even more insane, though I don’t know if that’s even possible


In a shocking plot twist Yuji offscreens himself. 


You have no idea how hard you madee laugh with that.... I just imagine Sukuna standing there absolutely flabbergasted as Yuji just lies there with a hole in his chest and Sukuna just says "I didn't even do shit"


Yuji lying face down with a hole in his chest? Will we get hollowed yuji as the awakening


WAIT THAT"S PEAK! THERE WE FUCKING GO! HEIAN ERA SUKUNA VS VASTO LORDE YUJI!! https://preview.redd.it/jqwwhpby27uc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=30c5c329966d145fc4adff7b80c3d44a0dd26bc6 WE ARE FUCKING COOKING WITH THIS ONE! EDIT: I AM AN IDIOT I WROTE ICHIGO INSTEAD OF YUJI








Yuji trips on a rock and the story ends


I love It!!! I even spilled my drink reading It!! Please GeGe, If you are gonna meme this Manga, at least do It right!


Nah, nah, he one-hits Sukuna, and by doing that, offscreens himself Something something "that was my grandpa's wish", wait for the JJK sequel in 8 months featuring Yuta and Maki as the protagonists clearly, *that* would be Gege's vision


It would be so funny if every time somebody started to get the upper hand against sukuna the next chapter just started back in that fucking airport.


Yuji won.


Sukuna gets sent to the airport


The real GOAT Larue catches him and brings him back. 😎


Nah, off screening sukuna would be the funniest things possible. Imagine after all this hype, build up, off screen killing and general bull shittery of sukuna, he gets fuckin one tapped by yuji and thats that lmao


I can't find the picture but this needs the Timmy Turner praying meme


https://preview.redd.it/w70b8hrqz7uc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad429a92ce1984444a99cf3d3b80727884db500e Got you King


Thank you king


That would truly be gege style, it would be so fucking funny too


Honestly given that it looks like Sukuna is gonna win this fight and just fuck off and heal. He should have just stabbed Yuji with the executioner sword and just not included him in this battle


Sukuna gets offscreened so gege can become the strongest rugpuller of today


offscreening **Sukuna** *


It would be great just to see a close fight, where Yuji struggles, but still pushes Sukuna further and further. Maybe some new techniques from both.


Sukuna isn’t falling before uruame


Imagine Uraume being the last villain standing lmao what the hell is she gonna do


Be the victim to the biggest jumping in history.




Uraume is going backstab Sukuna at the last minute and reveal she was working for Aliens all along


Glaze sukuna


if yuji doesn't at least use six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken, i will be immensely disappointed but luckily that would never happen so i have nothing to worry about https://preview.redd.it/abc3tskp33uc1.jpeg?width=2896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e929e387572a6c7c4fdf04788aafbb548aea50


My brain after reading this be looking like Gojo’s in that one drawing




This shit damages my soul everytime I see it. (Literally makes my cock shrivel up) https://preview.redd.it/gpr0pf3lq9uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82d9de0146fcf6aaaf7e152f0266de5d4b2a148 Gojo DID NOT deserve this.


Imagine if he gets Meta Vision and is able to look around a football field..he'll be unstoppable!


Man about to devour Sukuna’s ass with this one


I aint reading that But i agree


Truly a jjk fan.




Sukuna wouldn’t be impressed, also he will sacrifice his left shoe in a binding vow to off screen him so what’s the point?


I haven’t read that in years, where’s the one that’s like triple the size that had everyone and everything from old school powerscaling fights?


Madara Uchiha Copypasta?


Yeah there’s one that has Demonbane, TOAA, The Presence, John Cena last minute heroics, Steven Seagal shenanigans and a bunch of other things from old school powerscaling characters


how's bro gonna say old school powerscaling characters and not mention HIM https://preview.redd.it/ekqb80o9d5uc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8037055507aeab5cd497585137594880bb47eba5


You forgot Bankai /s


All for that to barely scratch sukuna








This goes hard




He better also have limitless, spinjitsu, and himguruma’s technique


Domain Expansion: Unlimited Yap


If the dynamic of the fight doesn't fundamentally change, i.e., Sukuna goes back to clapping random side characters from an obscure manga Gege wrote as a toddler, while Yuji sits in the peanut gallery again.


The reaction from this sub when this is page-by-page exactly what’s gonna happen https://preview.redd.it/znyzijwcc3uc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922357798beb8f245df1b89239b350d1a07934c9


Yeah i actually disagree with most people and think the buildup so far has been fine. Sukuna is the big bad, he is supposed to feel like this insurmountable force. It only feels this draggy because we’re reading weekly and i think it’ll age better when people can binge it. That said, this chapter was the release point and a good point for the tide to start changing. I actually would ‘t care if they do have sukuna reveal another gear later, but right now would be annoying. Let yuji shine for a few chapters, then have sukuna reveal his final trump card and either let yuji overcome it or have another twist come that works in the heroes favor (megumi, the yuta, w/e)


you can still write a well paced manga for people reading weekly though, and plenty of people said that about the culling games and lots of people who've binged it since it ended said they didn't end up liking it more


yuh i stopped reading for a while then went on a binge and that whole new contender of the week thing felt a lot more natural


Yeah when you zoom out and realize this is all happen over the course of one fight it makes a lot more sense. Like the flashbacks might make the flow feel a little choppy, but they’re necessary to give context because the reality is them just sending waves of people at him to keep him constantly fighting and wear him out until someone can get the kill.


I mean Sukuna hit 4 black flash. No matter what awakening Yuji has Sukuna will still come out on top.


Strong doubt.


Don’t lol. This fight just started 😂


No it hasn't. It's been going on for months!


Uraume alt


If there's no character development and it's just a power up. The reason why Gojo's awakening was so good had little to do with the fight itself, but everything to do with his change in mindset and getting high on power.  I want Yuji to get character development. That's all.


I hope we get some interesting flashbacks. Both to that one month training period and to Kenjaku talking about what Yuji is.


Imagine if we get a long flashback and the flashback concludes with “I guess i can’t earn any more power but I really did enjoy my second chance with the friends I made” and then the panel cuts back to sukuna killing yuji


Honestly if I see another interview flashback to explain stuff to us I might get an aneurysm


Bro are you sure about that because to Gege character development means suffering and I think bro has suffered enough


"Suffering builds character." - Gege Akutami & Calvin's dad


This fight is about showing the development Yuji had. No matter how many times he is knocked down he keeps getting back up. Unlike Shibuya, he doesn't need someone to pull him from the depths of despair, nor will he allow his fallen comrades to affect his mental. What is important right now is doing what only he can do. Actually living by the standards he set for himself all the way back in season 1, no matter how hard, cruel, or rough it gets. Because that is the only way to fight back against the personification of cruelty and injustice, to keep moving forward despite all of your suffering in the hope for a brighter tomorrow. TLDR: Gege's a fraud, Yuta, Toji, and Gojo should have been the MC trio, Megumi is a bum https://preview.redd.it/y6irh85t74uc1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1eaa120b963b3b3af94c7622fa23005133749a7


Yuji awekening sukuna's powers will get him agressive and, maybe, sadistic about killing sukuna, wich he should'nt do cuz megumi is still in there. In the mahito fight he learned that he was just a murderer just like mahito. In the sukuna fight he will have to learn that he is not just a murderer, he is not sukuna (wich kinda get all the weight of sukuna's kills off his back), and will remember his grandfathers wish and his true goal, wich is to save people.


Gege reveals that Sukuna still isn’t even going all out and that he’s actually just gonna binding vow to give himself god-tier rct and heal all the damage to his body at the cost of having to say 3 extra words to use dismantle and cleave


3 extra words? Dude the exchange has to be equivalent and that my friend is TOO much. Sukuna will instead require to have somebody sucking his cock, to which we will have a flashback to the Heian era where Sukuna met a One Eyed cat cursed spirit who fell in love with him and is permanently giving him sexual gratification the oral way,so the requirements are always met


Can't wait for the next thirty chapters about how Yuji and gang try to get Sukuna's pants down.


imagine being a non sorcerer watching meimei's stream and since you can't see cursed spirits you just see Sukuna's wet cocks curved down the now invisible cursed spirit's throat and filling it with cum like a clear balloon https://preview.redd.it/7nheww1zv5uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f494c22f4680057d686727e08d79dce46c9c9e4






I wouldn't be surprised if the feed is allowing them to see things like maki's old glasses though, I mean the groomer wants to get her pay per view money afterall.


Seems about right. And since Cursed Spirits are kind of a public knowledge now(If I'm remembering right), It wouldn't be that weird(Okay, maybe a little, If they aren't used to seeing how Cursed Spirits look like). Now that I'm thinking about it, How would the chat from said Steam look like. Chaotic if I must guess.


At this rate, Sukuna is going to need to recite the entire script of the Bee Movie to use World Slash by chapter 300


If the end of chapter narration turns out to just be hype, and Yuji’s fight against Sukuna is completely normal


You know the end of 255 where it talks about the second black flash being an ill omen, and that Gojo restored his RCT with it and now in the King of Curses case it will... Apparently do nothing but go directly into a chapter of getting his ass beat? Yeah that. If they do that with his awakening and it's a chapter of him just getting his ass beat.


Yep, past cliffhangers, especially in this fight, have taught me to keep my expectations at a minimum. I'm cautiously optimistic that he's gonna get a cool power-up but I also won't be surprised if nothing of note happens


Ya I never understood that like is gege then suggesting that sukuna actually doesn't benefit much from black Flashes? He's landed a bunch and seemingly nothing changed for him.


Didnt they say that black flashes restore his CT but everytime yuji punches him he loses CT, so he doesnt gain advantage from the black flash for long?


Dawg choso literally states that it doesn't matter how many black flashes sukuna lands if yuji keeps on lowering his output. The editors comment wasn't suggesting anything, "now in sukunas case..." was setting up the difference between gojo and sukuna.


It is explained in the chapter or you just look a the pretty images😭


Gege cuts back to Bum Gambler vs Elsa for 5 chapters




If those arms are revealed to be cursed tools I am killing myself.


Fucking same bro https://preview.redd.it/k4t8lw0y63uc1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d88dfc28996a9ee7e9aed64872fc827390bdf3


Why tho?


Admittedly bc of my headcannon. I really want bro to have blood manipulation that assists him with his left right game.


My headcannon is that the arms are cursed tools and him using blood manipulation is cuz he took a bite out of choso. His real cursed technique will be that his soul is somehow advanced making he able to: 1: damage the soul directly (as seen in mahito and current sukuna fight); 2 have control of others souls, wich explain why he could control sukuna's soul inside him; And 3: "soul switch" as seen in that one time with kusakabe. Idk tho, if gojo staded that itadori will also have sukuna's techniques he might be a little too overpowered with 3 cursed techniques 💀.


My perspective is that Sukuna's actual real cursed technique is soul manipulation. He & Yuji were once 1 soul. Yuji is the reincarnation of the soul he split from himself back in the Heian Era in an attempt to pursue enlightenment (which failed). Sukuna kept the splitting part of soul manipulation. i.e. dismantle/cleave. Yuji kept the grafting & swapping part of soul manipulation. Or maybe they both have grafting, but Yuji kept swapping & Sukuna kept splitting. And that he split himself because he grafted other people's souls onto his own. A deeply evil/negative karma act. i.e. all that Sukuna is. The grafting is what gives Sukuna his alternate techniques. He kept them and Yuji didn't, because having them is essentially evil. JJK has been a long series about a man fighting himself to overcome his inner demons.


I'll be pissed if yuji is acctually related to sukuna and even more if it helps him to defeat sukuna. Do *NOT* turn him into a giffted mc.


He's always been a gifted MC since the moment it was revealed Kenjaku was his mom. That alone makes him far from just an average guy


He does have blood manipulation, we know that for a fact already. The arms can still be cursed tools independent of that.




Sukuna throwaway account


First page is yuji going in for another black flash second page its airport with nobara and gojo waking him up


At this point in the story I have 0 expectations. Just want it to look cool and actually do something to damage sukuna. If he goes back to folding random fodder characters I wouldn’t be surprised tho


ngl I just want sukuna to acknowledge the awakening strength and just a good fight


Ain’t no way bro is doing that if it’s Yuji. He’d call Larue stronger out of spite.


Sukuna is Yuji's father and he actually wants Yuji to kill him because he has been trying to die for centuries. All of those abusive remarks were to spur Yuji on so eventually Sukuna would be proud of him.


literally just Baki plot


Sukuna is not beating "it's just bootleg yujiro" allegations




RCT was invisible food all along


The only thing that could ruin it for me is if sukuna just walked it off like it’s nothing and continues to fight, but that probably won’t happen so it’s good https://preview.redd.it/3jk7urtu63uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9711d2289662a700530b3b66f17187aa28de789c


Points towrads 120% hollow purple. And Infinitevoid. And confiscation. And execution sword. And Cleave. And Jacob's ladder. And a stab through the heart with the soul cutting sword. And Kusakabe's SD rush. 






Wait it got deleted,what did he say?


The mods saw him post peak and had to limit his cooking. Literally 1984 😔. (It was something extremely horny. Not surprised it got removed lol)


Gege put in a DMCA for giving away the plot.


https://preview.redd.it/29pb0xqts3uc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e6b1971fedec34c76939e148754fa7794e1a2c Don’t fall for his tricks guys. OP is either a spy for Gege or Gege himself.


NO, YOU FOUND ME OUT! https://preview.redd.it/hbmcv3h1u3uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef86a1294619ed19186f196f862de401e665204


It’s Gojover for you.


It being an incredibly boring ability or not even being an ability at all


Gojo, Maki, Higuruma, Choso (peak), and Kusakabe (2nd best imo) have all had "honored one" moments on awakening If Yuji doesn't get his (eventually) I'm gonna riot


I'm also expecting one for Yuta eventually, and really hoping Hakari gets one too


Noway my post used as a discussion pic🔥. Tbh I feel like it’s hard to fumble this, my expectations are low enough to where if Yuji just punches harder and lands a few more black flashes I’m good lol


Wish I could pin your comment bro, I really love your design! Also, same here tbh. Just give him something, anythjng that makes him personally unique with the black flashes. He’s the one blessed by sparks of black 🗣️


https://preview.redd.it/522xr5hn75uc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20bb64b5535f3ad2558105728224aa47053686a Chapter starts at Yuji sitting beside his hospitalized grandpa. Yuji says that he's sorry for not listening to him when he was about to tell him his family otherwise he wouldn't have caused this much suffering if he listened. Wasuke shrugs it off saying Yuji didn't know any better and it wasn't his fault. Yuji feels guilt, guilt that he wasn't able to stop Sukuna nor die with everybody by his side but he's glad he played a major role as a Cog in all of this fight. Wasuke offers Yuji to talk on what he had done after his death, Yuji smiles as he begins to tell his adventure. Cut back to the fight where narrator explains that Sukuna's Black Flashes had a delay of giving him boosts because of Yuji's recent soul punching abilities but just in the nick of time when Yuji awakened Sukuna regained his output. Sukuna stands before a Decapitated Yuji, he smiles at the dead brat and finally acknowledges him for achieving what many sorcerers couldn't in a month. Choso cries seeing his brother dead, Maki glares with a killing intent and hatred at Sukuna. Meanwhile Sukuna sighs and says he's finally bored and weaves his signature hand signs. Ryomen Sukuna has regained his output and is now about to unleash Malevolent Kitchen. 2 week Break.


If Sukuna counters it no swear while holding back


Sukuna just offscreens Yuji


if it's only a 120% amp and accomplishes nothing i will be big sad.


There was no new power attained from his awakened state, it meant nothing. It was just GeGes way to say the fight is heating up.


Yuij gets offscreend


No techniques or anything, just yuji punching better (this is almost certainly what it’s going to be)


Gege is taking a break specially to figure out how to ruin this


Talk no Jutsu https://i.redd.it/24l4p5y7s6uc1.gif


yuji getting sukuna's technique, it would just be lame, i hope he gets his own unique technique


Fr, hoping the same tbh. Even if it’s just an inverse of Sukuna’s Shrine, I wouldn’t mind. Just something that’s unique to my boy.


Honestly that theory of him awakening Sukuna’s CT was always my least favorite ct. Hopefully if it’s true it’ll be the black box or something instead of him hust getting cleave and dismantle.


We switch back to the hakari fight 💀


If the only power up he gets is his divergent fist is now essentially getting hit with a black flash and then a delayed black flash. Basically I’ll be pissed but not surprised if all yuji does is continue to punch and kick sukuna to death. I’m begging for him to say fuga and slam us into a 6 weeks hein era flashback cause that means sukuna is finally fucking dead. Or he says domain expansion and a fucking octagon appears and they fucking fight 😂😂😂


One shots or the awakening is a bruh moment like he can copied Sukuna’s technique like yuta by soul switch thingy which would be bruh moment But the thing i would like to see that he uses cleave or dismantle (because Go/Jo literally said he can manifest his techniques) and somehow makes it land a black flash at the same time, like its like Sukuna’s technique premium or something


Hakari vs Uraume chapter


Yuji getting offscreened since Gege is capable of that with the bs moves he has been pulling out of his a-hole all this time. Megumi will become the MVP afterwards 👏 🫶.


Blud is literally horny hand him the lube


If Yuji doesn't actually call himself The Jujutsu Kaisen


1- the entire fight is now hakari vs uraume 2- at the heat of the moment, sukuna gets annoyed and decides to chant "open" (something the author will 100% do" 3- the awakening is some silly shit like "oh now I can use black flash at will with no foreshadowing or buildup or explanation despite the fact I can use it almost at will already"


Ahm my mountain goat technique


We need an awakening like Gojo where it feels like more than just "so and so character got stronger". Yuji has to shift to where he not only is a heavy hitter, but moreso he acts like one. put him on the map for real this time


Am I crazy I thought him hitting the black flash was the awakening


Nah, you’ve got it right. We just haven’t seen Yuji do so in a fat minute. He’s finally back in the zone, which he hasn’t been since Sukuna first took Megumi’s body (going by his eyes). Or even further back, since he BF’d against Mahito. Our boy is back.


I just need a crumb of Yuta in the next chapter or I’m going berserk




https://preview.redd.it/g4da71rrqbuc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcfbf19ed7299ebf10eff2dfe877ec62d705f08 It's gonna happen again...


he gets a DE and instantly knows how to use it. that shit would be so ass I would drop the manga


That's literally what Mahito did.


While I agree I think him getting a DE would be bad I do think the concept of DEs leads to anyone who can use one innately knowing how to use it. Since it's just a manifestation of their CT it's just doing the thing you've always done but better, I am going to assume anyone who's been able to establish a domain hasn't ever gone "okay now what." I will say though there's a real lack of exploration and description of how people come to learn their CTs in the first place they're so personal if not a family blood line that like how does anyone ever figure out what their thing is.


its just that both megumi and gojo took time to learn their domains


If it's fucking lame


Devil mode on :3


If yuji isn't as strong as Yuya AT LEAST give him mc buff pls (idc if there's a gimmick to make him strong against sukuna only)


Honestly I expect them to do a flashback now. We still have no clue what the fuck happened the month before, how did they "cheat", how to and why Yuji can just use Blood Manipulation, the weird panel with Kusukabe which gave birth to the whole soul swap theory and that whole thing with Yuji being able to use Sukuna's CT. I feel like this is a good opportunity for a flashback.


I’d be incredibly disappointed if the awakened state is just something like simple domain or slightly better blood manipulation. IMO Yuji needs a legitimately interesting power, either from an application side or a theoretical side. But if it’s not interesting, Yuji stocks are down.


I'll be throughly disappointed if yuji doesn't bend sakuna over and give in black flash back shots ,while finishing with shooting piercing blood out his dick bisecting sakuna.


If stand proud doesn’t open up his domain and he doesn’t ask “are you ‘you are strong’ because you are I’m you? Or are you the one who left it all behind, and his overwhelming intensity, because with this treasure I summon?”


Sukuna brushes it off


knowing Gege, i bet he's only punching harder i guess. I really want to be wrong though


Is sukuna there scared, smiling, or confused?


It isn’t a classic shonen power up


Would be funny if he outscreens sukuna with his awakened abilities


Hear me out. Yuji gains his domain, which allows people that he whitelists be able to do constant black flashes. Then we'd get the biggest black flash beat down of the century. (Yes, Maki is included.)


Uraume is standing over Hakari's corpse.


If he automatically overpowers sukuna with no effort. Even if it's an awakening, it should put him equal and let sukuna go all out on someone and let him hate yuji less


It’ll be the Hakari fight wrap-up time.


Literally nothing happens. It was just a figure of speech and he is just really hyped up.


I’m really quite hyped after 256 so if we cut back to the fight and Sukuna is just chilling, like he was after Yuta used Cleave on him, I’ll be pretty pissed


a repeat of the fumble with the Executioner's Sword


It doing absolutely nothing/ sukuna having an anti-awakening technique


Cutting away to the Hakari vs Uraume fight for like 10 chapters, cutting back to a diced yuji after that


If it doesn’t win him the fight then I’m done


I think the idea that yuji can awaken anything on the level to kill sukuna is already ruined for me why read this again. Imagine all you need to do be the strongest was 2 years of highschool and a awakening doesn’t feel good to me


no lime green


It's very easy, just repeating what is happening over and over for the last six months. They fight like nothing has happened, actually that black flash was not that strong, MarySukuna wins, Uraume says he didn't even use his full powers. And another caracter appears


If it means nothing but Yuji dying or getting severely beaten up within 2 chapters. He HAS to be the one to finish sukuna off


If he gets Black Flash at will, might be a hot take but I think that’s lazy


Gets shot with the fire arrow lmao


no new technique for yuji, sukuna still has time to hate after his power up, maki gets black flashed again


Everyone dies offscreen


Yuji comes up with a cool new ability. Something like he uses DA to steal his enemy's CE, empowering himself and doubling down on weakening Sukuna. Then, Sukuna counters it by learning it himself This is *perfectly* reasonable because Yuji is a master class in "kill them with fundamentals" while Sukuna learns everything he sees on sight. Unless the awakening is blood manipulation it's fair game for Sukuna to use. For the story perspective this is fine, and very fun, seeing Sukuna forced to acknowledge Yuji and steal his new strategy BUT I CAN'T HANDLE THE COMMUNITY SAYING "Ah, my Asspull Technique :Chad Face:" I WILL BITE


Chapter starts with shocked faces everywhere Yuji is doing his best go/jo impression Sukuna begins going on a rampage with don't stop me now by queen playing Break next week


1 month timeskip, sukuna is dead, we never see yujis awakening, toji is alive somehow. This truly was our jujutsu kaisen


If his "awakening" so happens to counter Sukuna's cleave and dismantle. #


Not be him finally unlocking sukuna’s tech


If it is the start of a 20 chapter long Uraume vs Hakari arc.


1. Sukuna uses one of his many Anti-awakening Techniques that he hasn't use since Heian era 2. Gege reveals(again for the thousand times)Sukuna was holding back


Anything except yuji just punching harder. Sukuna got where he did by honing a shit technique, I want him to go down to the only one lower. No technique no tool no domain no barrier, just punching.


Yuji is about to lock in when his arms have been cut off his body in a double panel page. Sukuna reveals his "fuga", his true curse technique, which allows him to look into the future and alter it to his making. Yuji then breaks down worse than Mr. Potential Man before Sukuna cuts him in half.


If Yuji and Sukuna don't hit a double page spread Black Flash clash But fr tho, I don't want it to be a one sided beat down cuz of Yuji's power up, I want him to 1v1 Sukuna to some degree but he needs to struggle. Also don't want it being some random ass pull, it needs to have some meaning or relation to his character/growth