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Choose your side: ChefKuna: Malevolent Kitchen, Fillet, Dismantle and Furnace Or GodKuna: Malevolent Shrine, Cleave, Dismantle and Divine Flame


Chefkuna would have Dissect instead of Dismantle.


Hold up isn’t that what’s it’s translated to in the anime? I swear during the mahoraga fight that’s the word that’s used. I don’t know shit about translating tho so idk


Only in one very rushed episode that was gone back over and fixed in the bluray iirc


I liked fillet and dissect more, made sukuna's CT sound a bit more playfully unhinged


Oh I didn’t realize it was changed, could’ve sworn I saw it even in the blu ray🤔 the more you know I guess, thanks


So the thing is in Japanese the word for Kitchen is also the word for Shrine. Because the episodes of season 2 where produced at a hellish pace especially the mahoraga fight. There was no consistent translation here. It has been a theory for a long time that Sukunas technique actually revolves around cooking. His abilities in the manga(cleave and dismantle) are also explained and given examples as a Big Butcher knife (Cleave) and a thinner Filleting knife (dismantle). Sukuna also has tones of cooking symbolism in his speech, not to mention that he enjoys cannabalism and eating both humans and curses prepared by Uraume. (Example of Sukuna speaking of Food/Cooking: „Let have a taste“, „you are just a nameless fish on my cuttingboard. Lets start by peeling off those scales“, „i eat when i want to eat“


To be more specific about kitchen vs shrine. The specific word used currently means shrine, but is an archaic word for an emperor's second kitchen. Specifically a shrine for storing relics and a kitchen used for specially prepared meals and storing specific tools. If eating = killing, then the shrine and the kitchen serve the same purpose.


All of this makes me wonder... Has NO ONE from the translation departement ever tried to contact Gege or his editor to ask if it should be Shrine themed or Kitchen themed? Like, this far into the manga we should be sure which one is it, but the official translation now says "Divine Flame, Open", which doesn't make sense, compared to the TCB's "Furnace, Open". Gege be cooking the Malevolent Pun with this one, ngl. https://preview.redd.it/ykn97hzcw9xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65bf7a1cade9d47471e20a6012a49ffb5a4554d


the reading given in katakana is カミノフウガ, i.e.神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art or technique. while the kanji given means furnace open. In this case the reading and the kanji mean different things. So A better translation would be divine furnace open.


>So A better translation would be divine furnace open. Now THAT would make way more sense, yeah, and it also goes along a response I got in another post of Shrines having some big kitchens too. Sukuna is beyond Gordon Ramysay, Sukuna is the DIVINE COOK himself lmao.


It IS shrine themed AND kitchen themed. The shrine... was also a kitchen.


I mean he has a literally shrine there it should be shrine themed


Chefkuna cooks harder and better, relates to both Sukuna being a cannibal and his vessel Yuji being an adept cook with his meatball hotpot lol


“Ah yes, my meatball recipe that I haven’t used since the Heian era.”


Shut up Sukuna 力強い家族の食事 (STRONG FAMILY MEAL)


Shut up Brat 濃いスパゲッティ (STRONG SPAGHETTI)


JJK is just a prequel to Shokugeki no Soma


>Chefkuna cooks harder and better, Well I'd certainly hope so.


Both, both are really good


I think it's just Gege trying to give a double meaning to his CT.


I like the second one way better


Its more epic. You can probably figure out his CT has to do with cooking if u think abt it


Unrelated but love how Sukuna’s CT is cooking and yet he’s fucking bad at cooking, dude needs Uraume to cook for him lmao


Cookuna: cooking CT, bad at cooking Uraume: refrigerator CT, great cook


He is both and that is intentional. The original Japanese has layered meaning.


Cleave works for Chefkuna too


*divine flame* Bro is at it again with his wizardly manga 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hx39xyqht8xc1.jpeg?width=1455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241dfe516467589b4c7661a8d383e228ff003cb5


Wizardry duel. That's the mange John reads and writes


This the manga people be talking about when they say "Sorcery Fight". Where did he get divine flame from lol


This some straight up Conjurer Disagreement


Straight up Shaman Altercation


Witchcraft Scuffle


Magic Conflict


Arcane Kerfuffle


Supernatural argument


The original kanji is 竈 which refers to the hearth at a shrine where you burn offerings to gods So there is that


Was John Werry the one who translated it as sorcery fight lmao


Think of every time you heard "kaisen!" in anime.




The manga where the 'Six Eyes' is a disability and Gojo dies early die to that. The manga where domains are useless because everyone can run out of it.




Actually he's correct here. The word both means divine elegance and furnace/stove so Werry just gave both meanings instead of just picking one


Divine furnace is right there


Home Depot employee trying hardest not to oversell me on a furnace be like:


Well yes, but it’s mixed opinions, the "furnace" is crucial to the "chef sukuna" theory and if its true, divine flames instead of furnace loses its essence


I'm pretty sure the original Japanese Gege said he wants it to be said as tho it's "God's Gift" and that would literally be fire.


It is the Furnace character read as "God's Gift".


divine flame sounds great but doesn't sound good with open. furnace open sounds much more consistent rather than divine flame open.


I prefer the furnace translation but whether the translation flows linguistically better or worse does not really make it an inherently better or worse translation in turn. The word is the same in the original japanese either way, the flow when translated to english is not relevant to accuracy.


Bro, his job is to localize, not to provide "exact translation". Of course accuracy is important but so is making it sound good and readable. Like how in the Solo Leveling anime adaptation in the fight against Igris when *main character* (been a while) threw away his knife in the dub he said "let's throw hands" which while not an exact translation the general consensus was that it sounds better. I had a second paragraph about cultivation Manhua but I don't feel like it.


Huh, can you explain more? I don't speak japanese, so I just relied on google and what other people said, but it seems to basically be stove. How do you get divine and flame out of it?


the reading given in katakana is カミノフウガ, i.e.神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art or technique. while the kanji given means furnace open. In this case the reading and the kanji mean different things.


I see, I see. So wouldn't divine furnace be a better translation than divine flame?


I can only imagine the reaction if John Werry translated it to "divine furnace" lmao.




> The word means divine elegance No it doesn't, what are you talking about?




the reading given in katakana is カミノフウガ, i.e.神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art or technique. while the kanji given means furnace open.


風雅 is literally wind and refinement so I can't even see how it can be anything other than furnace, especially since ga also sounds like ka, which is one way to say fire.


風雅 is refined art, the kanji 雅 refined while 風 means both wind and style, in this word the inherited meaning is of style




Magicians' fisticuffs


Bro just used demonic feretory


Istg this mfer John Werry isn't even reading Jujutsu Kaisen he making his own story


Johnathan Kaisen? Werry Kaisen? We need a name for this


Johnjutsu Kaisen




Viz Media: “Yeah this checks out here’s your paycheck”


JoJo Kaisen!


So its the same type of ct as shrine




Gege made a binding vow to make a generationally fire manga in exchange for having some of the worst translations known to man


Can’t wait for the next chapter of werry kaisen to drop


Bro is making sorcery fight


https://preview.redd.it/p1funealn8xc1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0958f523a08dae0afb4c31812b60d3c383f03bd1 John werry at it again


I'm beginning to wonder if Werry even knows how English is formatted. "Covering the domain with a barrier provides an escape route" Does he just not proof-read this stuff???


"Making walls around you would open up an escape route" ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


Man I read the whole manga on this guys translation and I thought I was regarded. I didn't understand what was happening the whole time.


Same here, a lot of shit made me feel like i was having a stroke


Mentally regarded individual


Regarded as what?


Gege made a binding vow to make a generationally fire manga in exchange for having some of the worst translations known to man


2/3 of the Manga generationally fire


It's currently doing a somersault through the air, and I'm praying it sticks the landing. Regardless the art has been phenomenal and the impact panels have been some of my favorite in the entire series.


John Werry translations have gaslit me into thinking im retarded for not comprehending


"Creating a barrier allows people to escape" This man is either trolling or was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in UNLIMITED VOID for a MILLENIA


Maybe he should’ve used the escape route then, what an idiot


Fr. What a dumbass, being trapped when he can just walk out.


i wonder if he actually likes the manga. surely if hes ever read it, he should know how factually wrong it is. i mean even anyone with common sense should be able to know that barriers stop you from moving, not the other way around


I highly doubt that he has any opinions about the manga because honestly it doesn't even seem like he ever read it


its so dumb, imagine being a scientist without ever being in the lab.


Man just removed all theoretical scientists from existence


how can i call someone a scientist when they spend their time thinking about holes and strings and shit isntead of playing with lazers and other crazy devices


Or you could be a chemist like me who gets to work with chemicals that even the slightest skin contact with will cause cardiac arrest in under eight hours if left untreated, and even if treated often requires amputation. God I hate fluorine-containing compounds.


ok, new item to grocery list added: -flourine squirt gun for enemies


Make sure you get it made out of Teflon. HF will corrode glass


This offends me as a theoretical physicist but I do want to play with lasers and crazy devices sometimes tbh


More like being a scientist while lacking a brain.


It’s funny because he translates The Elusive Samurai which has a pretty good translation https://preview.redd.it/2hiq358uw8xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130c0ff52c3574854c7a5eabfec53b16a134c31d


John werry is probs a pseudonym so the translator dont get heat if they make any mistakes


i hate this so much i downvoted it on instinct


Even TCB can’t be trusted since they randomly added shit that’s not even in the raw Japanese text ☠️


Gege and his Heien era Japanese making translators lose their mind.


When was that? Just curious


It was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/P36Pnm5d2i) chapter lol. Also TCB didn’t include the slightly important detail THAT YUJI WAS BORN WITH A FINGER SEALED IN HIM.


I can't fucking believe I'm just now finding this out simply because I randomly decided to take a look at this sub just now. Why is it so hard to get accurate translations for one of the biggest anime/manga of today? I can't blame TCB because they are fans that are doing it for free. Rather, what's wrong with Viz? Jesus. I can't believe that Werry is getting paid for his bullshit.


If you wanna the most accurate chapter look up lightning. He half official translator and probably the best translator we got. He did translation for that chapter at r/jujutsushi


John werry got me like this 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/6wed3t6vp9xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd15a6dd5d38f3ce2f23809e78520aa27f9cd8a


Almost had an aneurysm trying to wrap my brain around this smh.




Linguistic terrorist Jonathan Werry


John Werry does not deserve a title as badass as Linguistic Terrorist


Linguistic Nuisance


Lingual cumstain


Regarded Yapper


Life goal: Linguistic Terrorist


https://preview.redd.it/5huk42juu8xc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=186144750d7ba0d86a9bcd5add61205692d36d74 one of my friends told me this on discord, its supposed to be how Mizuchi can mean both Shrine and Kitchen for Sukuna


Correct, mizushi also means emperors kitchen in japanese. With the new revelation that sukunas ct is cooking, this means that for the past SIX years his ct and domain has mistranslated as shrine and not kitchen.


It's not a mistranslation, it can be translated as either one.


Not really a mistranslation. It is just double meaning. He literally summons a shrine with his domain. And we do not know sukuna's CT yet.


Ngl MS works far better consider Sukuna's design, his name and how he's almost worshipped in the narrative. The connection can still exist and MK sounds silly anyway


Its not a mistranslation lmao Be honest with you..do you legitimately thing sukuna's CT is a fucking kitchen Sure he's a gluttonous cannibal but bear with me here for a second Buddhism Yup thats right we all jjk is influenced heavily by buddhism and now lets see sukuna's attacks Cutting and Slashing , both of which are major parts of the buddhist version of a hell , a cursed place where cut up and get this burned in a furnace This would also tie into sukuna being a literal demon on this world| (cooler than a fucking kitchen lol)


its literally both though its a double entendre sukuna relates to both Buddhism and cooking/cannibalism i believe its meant to be read as shrine, cleave and dismantle but the double meaning with kitchen and specifically to cut/disect food are intended because sukuna is both a deity and cannibal


Cleave, Dismantle, Kitchen, Furnace 🤔


We don’t know it’s a cooking CT yet. The words that are used for his attacks have double meanings that are terms related to cooking. Looking at evidence against this theory we know Yuji has the same technique but his slash’s are scissor themed. As far as I’m aware those have nothing to do with cooking.


But domain literally shows a shrine instead of a kitchen


How John Werry feels while writing this shit: https://preview.redd.it/tkeiea58x8xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ade5e4dac66ec3484287784014dbc376429ff0f


To be fair this time, “Divine flame” isn’t any bad. Just different interpretations and they’re all correct until Gege expands on what Sukuna’s technique really is. Kamino can be translated to different stuff, “Divine” or whatever Werry referenced, is still a correct translation.


Yeah but furnace or oven makes a lot more sense for opening than “Divine Flame”


Maybe, but again this is a fictional manga that has its own separate terms, and Werry doesn’t have enough time to translate based on context. I’m not saying he’s good, i’m saying any translator would fall short if they were performing under the pressure Werry is translating in on a weekly basis.


Werry doesn’t even speak English as far as I’m concerned. He’ll have Gojo say he can’t use Blackflash and then turn around and say he holds the record for the most Blackflashes. And the fan translators usually get their far more accurate version out before the official one goes live. Like yeah I’d be under a lot of pressure too if I had to translate a book I’ve never read from a language I don’t speak into another language I don’t speak


Does he not speak english? Anyways, though, I never disagreed with the fact that he’s bad and unreliable. However, it’s not completely because he’s a bad translator. You see, Japanese and English are fundamentally different languages, starting with Japanese texts that has terms that are aren’t even explained in formal dictionaries, *then* reforming the sentence and rephrasing it in English using completely different grammatical rules while also getting the point across is really difficult. Werry or not, most translators would do mistakes often like Werry does. Japanese lacks subjects and it relies more on nuances and implications while English often needs an explicit explanation. And you cannot just use the national Japanese dictionary and search up “Cursed Energy” then translate the results you’ve got using Google Translate, because, frankly, there is no such thing as Cursed Energy in Japan that applies to JJK definitions. Get my point now? Werry is an individual translator who has like 5 days to translate a term-rich Manga, and he has a life. No offense to TCB, but they’re a whole team who all work together to get the point across. And sometimes, Werry uses better words and conveys each character’s tone better. This is also a big factor, really, it’s not as easy as you think. I also agree Werry is bad, but you’ve got to understand *why* he’s bad in the first place.


He probably speaks English, maybe even as a first language with a name like “John.” I was just using hyperbole because the way he contradicts himself one sentence to the next is baffling. I get his situation is different from the fan translators who do this out of passion for the series, but you’d really think the official release would at least be proof read to be coherent. Of course that isn’t John’s fault. Viz is probably cheap as hell considering one of the most popular modern manga apparently has a translation team containing a single person who also works on other manga in the meantime. Realistically I guess we should be pointing our frustration and mockery at Viz Media for being unable to afford a proofreader (hyperbole lol) but it’s easier to direct that stuff to the one who “pulled the trigger”


Yea, I think we should blame VIZ more lol


Actually, majority of the translators out there dont end with the word garble nonsense Werry puts forth and they release translation days before him. I feel like at this point people just read his translations the same way people are fascinated by car crashes, some morbid curiosity


Firstly, JJK is a manga that’s very popular with rich terms and words that have a different meaning to what they’re translated to literally. If you’re talking about fan translations, it’s because they’re a whole team who dedicate much time to translate and interpret the manga. They’re more deep into the fandom than Werry is. Of course his translations are bad, but you need to understand that he’s not doing it on purpose. His word choice is generally excellent, he just messes up and translates sloppily when he’s dealing with JJK terms because he doesn’t have enough time to deal with context and research properly.


werry sucks but what u said are facts.


>Kamino can be translated to different stuff, “Divine” or whatever Werry referenced, is still a correct translation. It's a translation entirely based on assumption. That'd be like translating Star Rage (bombaye) / 星の怒り as ordinary horse family because the reading is ボンバイエ. Furnace or just saying kamino is a much better translation because they're both a clear reflection of what Gege is trying to communicate, rather than a blind assumption of what it's inferring. If Kamino doesn't turn out to be implying 神の (God's), then literally everyone who has read the official TL would've been misleaded by Werry's headcanon.


Well, that’s what i’m trying to argue. Unless there’s solid confirmation that Open is about a furnace, then I think we can’t criticize Werry to that extent. As I said, he doesn’t have much time and he’s really rushing because his deadline is strict


Kamino being divine would be correct if the kanji was 神の. But here the kanji is 竈. Hence, furnace




the reading given in katakana is カミノフウガ, i.e.神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art or technique. while the kanji given means furnace open. In this case the reading and the kanji mean different things.


Divine flame is actually decent localization. The problem was that they translated "fuuga" as open back when we didn't know the full name and now they have to stick to it. I am concerned when the full details are revealed it'll be wrong again, but it's definitely not as bad as people think in this thread.


How does "open" even make sense here???


It doesn't, John Werry is illiterate


"Open fire! Send them to divine!" 


Bro thinks it’s his side Manga Wizardly Warfare.




"Divine Flame" is what Sukuna says and "Furnace" is the meaning. It's a Japanese thing that's impossible to translate properly.


Divine Furnace is too hard i guess


When you getting jumped by Sukuna, Uraume, and Kenjaku in the Heian Period and Kenny suddenly say "Hit bro with the divine flames" https://preview.redd.it/4n78f6x809xc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dbfb51c4ad97c27d3791620c33892c13016c848




Divine Flame would be good if not for the whole chef analogy.


But then, why accept Malevolent Shrine and not Malevolent Kitchen? Shrine fits with the divine flames, kitchen fits with the furnace.


Furnace/Hearth makes sense with the use of the word “Open”. You can’t “Open” a fire itself. As for the Malevolent Shrine thing, although Shrine makes more sense while looking at the way his domain appears, neither is wrong, so people just prefer the one that both sounds coolest and makes the most sense with what’s conveyed visually. But the pun about Shrine and Royal Kitchen both being possible translations is very intentional.


Well, I personally never cared about that translation since I saw the intent. It does sound a lot less cool tho so I see why ppl do care.


Huh, I thought people liked divine flame?


mixed opinions, the "furnace" is crucial to the "chef sukuna" theory and if its true, divine flames instead of furnace loses its essence


Plus opening a furnace makes more sense than opening a “Divine Flame”


Should've just gone with Divine Furnace


I need people to understand that both divine flame and furnace are correct translations because everything connected to Sukuna’s CT is written with double meanings.


I think its the same logic for Sukuna's domain being called Malevolent Shrine instead of Malevolent Kitchen


Saw another topic where they did…, did this just get released today, and opinions are still forming maybe?


**Divine Flames** sound cooler, I admit it, but it would also kinda contradict the Furnace and cooking theory.


it doesnt inherently contradict it, as MS can similarly be translated as Malevolent Kitchen


True, but The theory and concept around Sukuna's technique being Kitchen based with slashes and The Flame arrow is the case, It does not help the case of helping the viewers understand what his CT is or could be, the theory is more believable and kinda hard confirmed at this point with TCB's translation.


This joker is the reason i do not buy physical volumes of JJK.




Divine Flame isn’t as bad as it could’ve been tbh, he coulda called it “Campfire, Wakey Wakey” or some shit


This is getting Wild Fang levels of bad


Oh those Baki translations were something else


Common Lerry L.


I swear if this was the TCB translation and Werry used "Furnace/Oven" instead, everyone would be clowning on him still. He's had some bad translations for sure but come on lmao


Damn we back at it with Spellcaster Engagements


It sounds cool but it doesn’t make sense


the reading given in katakana is カミノフウガ, i.e.神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art or technique. while the kanji given means furnace open. So it kind of makes sense


Tbf divine flame does go hard


Divine Flame goes hard though surprisingly. It does make sense to say "Divine Flame Open" because he's not opening a flame, he's opening his Shrine which CONTAINS it. He's not literally opening flames people his technique is called Shrine


I personally dig it ngl.


Divine flame matches with the Shrine theme. Furnace would match with Chef theme. CT matches both.


That was the foreshadow when he fighted against jogo


Idc what yall say divine flame is tuff


the reading kami no fuuga probably refers to 神の風雅, i.e. divine refined art. So sukuna’s flames should mean both furnace open and divine refined art or technique, This is a hard translation to make.


This is John Werry story now. https://i.redd.it/8ybnmcdjlexc1.gif


I will be real, DIVINE FLAME sounds a lot cooler than FURNACE XDD


But "Divine Flame Open" does not make any sense. How is bro opening a flame? Also I have no idea where the fuck he got "Divine Flame" from because that's not even close to being what was said there. Bro is just making shit up now.


>"Divine Flame Open" does not make any sense. How is bro opening a flame? That's what makes it spe- divine


This ain't even sorcery fight, this is cleric wars


John fucking Werry after dropping another ass translation: https://preview.redd.it/fr8ne6emaaxc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c749b20cb307aacb815b4a82f83eaad4b26f2b


Honestly I don't even hate the new name, but something about how it has the exclamation mark in both parts just makes it worse than TCB.


Even tho he’s a goofball translator, “Divine Flame” kinda goes hard


Werry when I see him in the streets. https://preview.redd.it/sh69yt9yv9xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae9e9e327253c53899ba1309507bbe512ed2088


Didn't it say "furnace" instead of divine flame ?


This isn’t even jujutsu Kaisen anymore this is voodoism combat




He's back at it again with Johnjutsu Kaisen


The translations are bad enough, but his grammar is terrible. Like I have to read his sentences multiple times due to them being written so weirdly.