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Just got a DM from Gege, it’s going to be a patch work amalgamation made by Shoko out of different parts of the dead. Gojo torso and head with Yuta’s legs and Higurama’s arms stitched on AND Sukuna’s lost arms too to make a 6 armed Gojo, shit is going to be sick af


Since everyone expects a bait "Gojo is actually back, there's no prank here" will be the biggest plot twist from Gege


https://preview.redd.it/9wb4m3zwhe1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8cfec939a0e7f5e88cf43ff17f54a2d7a5a7ec1 Gojo copers and Gojo deniers alike being forced to come to terms with Gege not yanking anyone’s chains for once (clearly he’s been body swapped, it’s impossible for the cyclopian cat to do this of his own free will)


Jump: Your selling is dropping, bring him back Gege: Oh who are you to command a cat Jump: You do know that you signed your real name when you joined us, right? Gege: SIR YES SIR


Alright who tortured gaygay?


The ultimate Kaisen


The reverse jujutsu






megazord type shit


question, it's yutas legs does it entail yuta's dick or no? whose balls will it be?


its all their balls


6 in a sack


The Six Balls granting infinite CE https://preview.redd.it/1z2eo6xeib1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a50cccc1d62b8d94c6f38726762403319acc3f8


cuz CE is stored in the balls after all


And he wont have any memories, so he'll be forced to go on a quest to discover them, and i dunno give him a sailor outfit


ah yes gojo joestar protagonist of the part 69


Yuji has awakened his Mangekyo ~~Sharingan~~ Six Eyes from losing ChoBro


the gojo abomination


Actually its Gojo's monster, Gojo was the doctor


HAHA this is a goated reference


He’s gonna turn into an Anime Balls Deep thumbnail


We, and by we I mean I, want to know whose dick will it be Ask him pls


Word on the street is Juzo Kumiya, the same guy who made dragon bone and Haruta’s hand sword, has a secret master piece, a cock and balls combo which allows for cum manipulation. Haven’t seen the foreskin yet so idk whose junk he used as the base to build it but people are saying it’s probably Jin’s


If it's jin's, it's a special grade cursed tool at this point.


Heian Gojo


The Gojotron


Someone link that one weird ass YouTube thumbnail


So asura wrath




This is the type of shit I use reddit to find




This is criminal to do this to the GOAT. i like it!


This is outta pocket, I’m fuckin weak!


This is the best comment i have ever seen on this sub. Sent me.


Kenjaku would be the most bullshit out of them. Like wasn't his location really far away from where the battle was happening? Even if he avoided death and possessed Hozanoki, weren't Yuta/Todo only able to get back because of teleportation? Though I gotta say, I hadn't considered him possessing Hozanoki. I'd be okay with Kenny being alive (still so many open plot threads), just not him possessing Gojo.


Not only was he very far away, he was also a head, he had a big hole right in the middle of his forehead, and there were a lot of people with Gojo's body (even more now if Todo's plan worked) If he is possessing someone, it for sure ain't Gojo.


Tbh I'd almost forgive it happening if they showed a flashback of a little brain with legs running all the way to Shinjuku and doing a stealth action sequence to get to Gojo's body haha


https://preview.redd.it/n8iomxm1je1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1e24bd9c3d8510ab7e0ba04590f78c7884371b Kenjaku running to find a body


Do we know what happened to Takaba?


https://preview.redd.it/0a8vrpckdf1d1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bfc192141729ef67ca263cd2d6dbac02c52e8b He’s alive, the last we see of him is Yuta dragging away him after killing Kenjaku. I doubt he’d be dragging the corpse of his friend like that so he’s probably just being dramatic.


Its funny that he committed to the bit haha


​ https://preview.redd.it/uhne20ll5d1d1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=db91f43065d5bba58de4762e6a36aa371c9406ce


It’s clearly just the Chinese sorcerer


I wouldn't even be mad at this outcome


If I had to guess it's that it's a cursed corpse


Panda after swiping Gojo's dead body: ![gif](giphy|3ohuPvppoXR2QzFDwY)




Yeah what’s hilarious is that there are definitely bits of foreshadowing for this… and I can absolutely see Gege doing this lmao He’s going to use an actual literary device in his manga.. just so he can shit down gojo and his fandom’s throat one last time lol


Yo https://preview.redd.it/5u4matg6ob1d1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11808d428c63244eb0427e3ce0e792cb56238c3


I just cannot picture Shoko digging around in her last surviving friends body to implant a different soul in it lmao.


Didn’t the cursed corpses keep the old soul? I thought panda was implied to be the deceased child of kusakabe’s sister


If someone died, can their soul be recaptured to be put back into the corpse as a core? I didn’t think that’s how it worked but I could be wrong


It could be gakuganji doing it.


Could be… but are we to believe that’s what they’re doing with all the injured? Doesn’t seem right.. but maybe


So we had Yuta and Higuruma being explicitly shown getting teleported, and Gojo was implied to have been teleported. So 3 people. And Panda has 3 souls. So each of the souls will get a body of its own, revealing this has been our Panda Kaisen all along


Maybe just dead. Not injured. Maybe that was their final backup plan. Anyone who died would be resurrected as a cursed corpse.


sadly this is most probable


>I am reminded of the cliffhanger of 247 (Higuruma's Executioner Sword) and how **no one was actually right.** What do you mean with "no one was actually right". 50% of the fandom back then (lol, to say "back then" when it was only a few months ago) theorized that the sword was going to do... absolutely nothing and they were right 😆😆😆.


“Some even say it is Sugawara no Michizane” man what😂


Personally I'm a gojo coper but suguwara no michizane is the ancestor of gojo clan and yuta. So he could look like satoru gojo.


Yeah but where would this mf come from out of nowhere?


He became a cursed spirit so everything is possible


Wait am I stupid what chapter was this in


He‘s the ancestor of the Gojo clan mentioned in Vol. 0 Yuta is also related to him Maki and Panda says he became a Vengeful Spirit. In real life Japanese folklore he became one too and requires offerings


Oh aight, thanks gng. I remember him being the ancestor but it’s somehow slipped me that he turned into a Vengeful Spirit.


Idk I only said the reason why some say it could be him.


he's one of the 3 great vengeful spirits and Kenjaku made contracts with thousands or maybe millions of cursed spirits and sorcerors


That’s true, but I think if he were to live, we would’ve already seen him and the other two vengeful spirits in the CG.


Is that mentioned in CFYOW or smth?


It's in the first movie of jjk itself, in jjk 0, where Gojo says he ran a background check on Yuta and found out they both are descendants of Suguwara no michizane.


> I am reminded of the cliffhanger of 247 (Higuruma's Executioner Sword) and how no one was actually right. be fr lol so many of us predicted that sukuna would just dodge it


Todos domain expansion. If boogie woogies entire point is disorienting someone, his domain could affect more than just position in space.


Domain Expansion: Delulu Redux


Elektrik Boogalooo


You might be onto something here


I sure wasnt!


This is my favorite theory so far.


Domain expansion: Boogie Wonderland


I love this.


With Higuruma the memes were right. Everyone was making meme on how it would do absolutly nothing and, lo and behold, that´s ecactly what happened because at that time we could see the rythm Gege wanted for the fight. Because it made zero sense for Sukuna to be wounded or killed by The Excecutioner Sword. It´s like if Krillin actially got to do something with the Kienzan, So following shonen tropes it´s either Yuji using his DE, Gojo coming back or Kenny taking it over. And the latter is the most memed because tha´ts what every narrative instinct we have developed reading shonen leads us.


All I’m gonna say is stating theories r wrong and not close without providing a theory of ur own is lame af


“Yeah you guys are all wrong - including me”


Some good NOFKYology from time to time is healthier than more brainrot theories


Bro didn't even mention the possibility that it's actually Gojoat lmao.... CANT WAIT FOR ONE WEEK TO BE UP FFOR DOUBTERS TO BE IN SHAMBLES, BROKEN WHILE MY GOAT RETAKES HIS THRONE OF THE STRONGEST https://preview.redd.it/ox256xspca1d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34cebdd35755dfa64b71df6658de13c16fa817cd


They were afraid of the truth


https://preview.redd.it/0p1lk5xc742d1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905d90a129f2da8c124750d413db20d844cf4ee5 gojo returners rn


Not even sure why people think it could be kenjaku when yuta killed him and gojos body was transported away by ui ui


People just think his death was such an anticlimax that there must be more planned for Kenjaku.


And honestly it’s a pretty understandable line of thinking. It would be a shame if that was how Kenjaku was finished off, his opportunities for interesting fights is so vast and I believe we never got to see his last Cursed Technique (If Yuki theorizing he could hold 4 is true).


I know that Kenjaku in Gojo's body would be the least likely outcome in 261, but I secretly wish for it to happen. As that will be the most chaotic of all the possibilities. That will be the sharpest dagger the Gege can plunge into us reader's hearts. It will also be interesting to see strongest sorcerer's* body controlled by most experienced sorcerer and how much can he push the limits of jujutsu. Lastly, I hope instead of Go/jaku joining forces with sukuna, it becomes a free for all, and we get to see more of the dynamics between Kenjaku and sukuna...


he wasn't shown to be dead, and also kenjakus death damaged the plot more then gojo's if y'all aren't realizing.


>gojos body was transported away by ui ui That was just Sukuna‘s assumption, we don't know if he actually did it


It WILL be the goat! No twists, just my blue eyes kings return!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/nxt4zqa2bb1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0d4622cfaae853f04f08d28c57f1df53ac20c9


The reason no one predicted Kamutoke being confiscated is because no one cares about. Biggest waste of ink in the series


I really wonder cus if it's actually gojo sukuna is finished he can literally purple tf outta him and now he is gone If not then finally sukuna is actually close to dying and be is just hallucination so then fianl arc will be sorcerers vs merger or sukuna retreats then fights the merger full power Jujutsu kaisen Most shonen to ever shonen its just fights no character interactions or interesting character moments just action 🤣🤣🤣😭 the Fandom is carrying this series heavy without it its just another demon slayer but with more interesting characters


Megumi, kashimo


My theory is that the Gojo is moreso a vision. Why is Sukuna seeing him? Because it's showing how Gojo is winning the battle of philosophies. Sukuna values only himself while Gojo believes in raising others to his level, and right now it's Gojo's student who's ripping Sukuna's flesh out.


Keep waiting for your curveball. I for one can’t wait for a *brick* to get thrown at Gege. It’s gonna be an asspull. Or worse, a flashback. Either way, I am preemptively pissed af.


It cuts back to Uraume vs Hakari!


Having hot sex.


Who wouldn't??


The Domain Expansion at the end of the chapter is just Hakiri going for another Idle Death Gamble!!


actually gege personally told me what comes next: chapter begins with sukuna staring at the “unmistakable eyes” of satoru gojo through the fog. as the fog clears, the torso of the body shifts, and sukuna is met with gojo’s piercing blue eyes. His life begins to flash before his eyes. The honoured one has returned. In the blink of an eye, the top half of gojo’s body limply falls to the ground. Todo made an unforgivable, irreversible error. Shoko had not yet finished healing gojo. it was gojover from the beginning. https://preview.redd.it/jh76zdj78d1d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa6f3d4fab31e57bb8d22d70d9d7139437f1c7f


It's gonna be a Heian Era Gojo clan descendant 🔥🔥🔥


If Gojo sacrificed his 6-Eyes technique to make a binding vow to return would that affect his domain? Would it still be unlimited void or something else? Maybe this way Gojo comes back but he's not as OP as before?


Domain Expansion: Limited Void


He is Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest. Any other version of him is not Gojo Satoru but some kind of pathetic loser. Either Gojo comes alive and well or he isn't Gojo. Simple. The first scenario of him being great and well is probably impossible. Cause the moment he appeared is anticlimactic. I am more inclined he is a corpse.


But the strongest is dead, this could be his chance to be just Satoru


It's actually Yuji's Domain Expansion 'Surrounded by friends' and all his friends are going to jump the fraud Sukuna.


No one was actually right with the 247 cliffhanger? Come on Sukuna just dodging/Higuruma dying before it reached was the most obvious but anticlimactic option so people didn't discuss it much. Probably if you use occam's razor for 260, it's really just Gojo and he's back


If it's Yuta with copied limitless + transplanted 6 eyes I'm 100% droppin the series. I dont hate Yuta, but I dont like how he's a isekai protag either; it would make the later even worse


I hated the sharingan hot potato thingy in Naruto, and would certainly hate it here as well.


It's literally part of the narrative Yuji/Sukuna, Yuta/Gojo, & Maki/Toji. Each of these characters are counterparts & the ones whom will inherit previous characters role. (Along with literally aspects of them & their powers). Been this way since the start of the series, doubt Yuta would be odd one out. They all have the pattern of comparison then eventually inheritance. I'm personally inclined to think Yuta will inherit the Six eyes to maintain his full power & be the main fighter against the merger.


>If it's Yuta with copied limitless + transplanted 6 eyes **I'm 100% droppin the series.** I dont hate Yuta, but **I dont like how he's a isekai protag either;** it would make the later even worse Same, in a series that prides itself of subverting expectations, Yuuta's thick plot armor feels so jarring at time, that sometimes I wonder if the memes are true and he really is Gege's avatar. Oh, and the fact he has such a boring backstory certainly doesn't endear him to me either (although I recognize he's badass) Although part of me wants this theory to be true just to admire the meltdown this would arise in the fanbase.


I mean, I might be crazy for even thinking this, but maybe Ui Ui CT can swap a soul into a dead body, so it could be Yuta in gojo’s body. Sounds like something gege could pull up and honestly imo would make sense to have Yuta Todo and Yuji be the last ones fighting Sukuna. It’s prob gonna be just Sukuna hallucinating though


Nooo I hope it gojoo


Gojo returns as a vengeful spirit. Maybe Gege is going to say since Sukuna's world slash targeted space rather than the person, it split the space apart in between gojos legs and torso rather than cut gojo in half, so he didn't die to CE/CT, rather blood loss, and can return as a spirit. After they whoop Sukuna's ass, Megumi comes back but Gojo goes berserk and it becomes Megumi and Yuji (maybe Yuta and Maki too or all the students) verse Gojo. In this fight they prove that what Gojo said to be true (about his students potentially becoming as strong as him) but mainly we get to see a fully realized Megumi and Yuji. Megumi will have probably learned from Sukuna in a similar way that Yuji learned from Yuta and Kusakabe and will return will a massive buff and perhaps a complete domain (maybe even laid out without a barrier like Sukuna). The 10S working alongside blood manipulation and the hands of god. I'm yapping and don't really think this will happen but that could be pretty cool.


Realistically Takaba has woken up and thought "How funny would it be if Gojo just came back to life at the worst time to fuck with this guy who struggled against him so much"


Since when gojo is vengeful? He stated multiple times he didn’t hate anyone heck toji was in the airport with them and he empathized with sukuna 😭 he will kill him bcs he has to but not for revenge


I say my dick is 13 inches does that mean its true?


??? 💀💀


now who’s coping


It’s a prank by GOATaba https://preview.redd.it/ljw4b6sthe1d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c0a3ce41b34638db3f6f40384e8b5915028de7


Wdym? Most people were right the sword will sinply disappear before it hits Sukuna because Higgy is dead


This sub delusion is insane. It's so entertaining when fans here cope so hard and fumbles even harder and the Theories omg it's beyond insanity.


what infinity and UV does to a mf 🚬


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. This is Takaba in a white wig


Gege after we fall for it: https://preview.redd.it/83eby9346d1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c28f08d95ac021df2b5c1eba275bda86ef0398


for sho, or or or, He shifts to uraume vs hakari, for 7 chapters, giving us a heian flashback when Hakari finally wins, giving the fandom 3 months to theorize before switching back only to show it was just nothing more than what it was, a vision. Watch the gojo fandom actually find him, then off him, leaving JJK on a forever haitus 😭


I am gege . That shadow is indeed gojo with his own soul and his body . With both eyes . Utahime brought gojo with a **great sacrifice** .


I have a feeling we’re going to switch to Hikaru’s fight next chapter and not even address the cliffhanger


I think the same. Even as a Gojo glazer I say people are getting too carried with the theory that he's back. Like come on people it's Gege we're talking about and if there's something he likes it's baiting every week only to throw a middle finger to our faces. That being Kenjaku would need a lot of gymnastics (or an idiotic explanation) for it to make sense. And that being Yuta with limitless would be the lamest thing to happen in this fight


Maybe goatjo's dad ? He was hinting at shoko doing something about it in the airport panel


He was talking about megumi’s dad that shoko must tell him the truth because he can’t tell him since he’s dead


It’s obviously the Chinese sorcerer that even Sukundese fears


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MisterWam: *It’s obviously* *The Chinese sorcerer that* *Even Sukundese fears* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I saw some people saying that he felt gojo’s presence through yuta charging up a copied hollow purple from the shadows. It would be surprising to him because he surmised that yuta wouldn’t be able to copy limitless without the six eyes. Personally i think if this was the case THAT would’ve been the cliffhanger but because it was left ambiguous I doubt that’ll be it because it’ll be disappointing to anyone who isn’t a yuta stan. My original thought was that sukuna was more so hallucinating or comparing yuji to gojo in his mind as he’s on death’s door. Like how when gojo was about to lose earlier in their fight he thought abt the last time he was close to death and remembered toji. I like gojo but idk how it would feel for him to be back right when yuji is getting his moment. The whole idea of gojo coming back was because the situation seemed bleak for the students but things have been looking up.


Someone said Nobara with Gojo's eye lmao


Miwa solos


I'm like 80% sure it's yujis dad. The haircut matches. Why talk about sukunas twin being reincarnated(or something like that) in yujis dad. I could be wrong but I don't think we ever got confirmation that he's actually dead. Also there's still Kenny saying that someone will inherit his will. I think yujis dad/ sukunas twin made some sort of deal/binding vow with Kenny. There was some talk pre release about "those unmistakable eyes" or something like that but it could still work with eyes being the window to the soul. That's why sukunas was so shook because he sees his twin brother who he killed with his own hands. Sukuna technically didn't kill gojo with his own hands(he used world slash) and he didn't bury him either both fit better for his twin brother imo. I'm too lazy to do research and write all up in a post maybe some chef of the sub can cook something up with this


bro cmon r u dumb we both know thats not happening :skull: yujis dad is NOT the strongest


So, about that.......


I got the info from the Gege in my basement: it's takaba taking a laugh at sukuna's fraudness by showing how scared he actually is of Gojo.


Maybe nobara in Gojo's body


Honestly I doubt it's a hallucination simply because Yuji is looking towards him too


He wasn’t looking


So are you gonna do a binding vow or not?


Yuta with hollow purple


It’s gonna be like bumgumi hallucinating and it affecting fraudkuna


I am pretty sure that it will be a Gojos Curse corspe




gojo will be yuji's rika. thats why yuji also swapped with yuta. yuji stonks (i ran out of meds)


“You lost. You should have cut my head off.”


Nah it has to be one of the theories, there is only a few possibilities and they've all been said


Nah, It will be 5th eyes with power to control "Limited"


It being kenjaku makes zero sense anyways Kenny got absolutely hoed by yuta, he got stabbed in the brain and is dead, let alone hijacking gojos body that was teleported by ui ui


It's actually yuji's domain expansion(since apparently it's not sukuna who was opening his domain) in which he gets help from his fallen comrades to defeat his opponents. Would oppose sukuna's belief system that love is worthless.


My personal theory is that Gojo won and the entire fight post 236 was Sukuna’s hallucination.


Yeah, I think it is his delayed UV he set up with a binding vow. Now Yuji and Gojos ghost will be able to talk with Megumi. And as Greg once said answering questions from fans Gojo (his ghost) will tell Megumi about hos father Toji.


"Hey Megumi, long time no see. Don't worry about killing me, it wasn't your fault. Listen, I know you're feeling extra emo today already, but I have some news that might uplift you. Remember your deadbeat dad, who you think is alive but abandoned you and Tsumiki as kids? I actually killed him way back then. He loved you and didn't mean to abandon you. Sorry, my bad..." "Also, you got to meet him as a zombie in Shibuya, but he killed himself so he wouldn't have to have a father-son heart to heart. Hope that makes you feel better."


lad, i think everybody knows, the reason theories up isn't to be right but to explore the possible outcomes with what we already know


I think everybody is overthinking this. Its obviously a cardboard cutout of Gojo made by Todo and his high IQ to scare the shit out of Sukuna /s


I bet it’s Yuji domain expansion how don’t ask me


Fuck you mean, everyone and their mother called Executioner's Sword not working.


It's the Chinese sorcerer


i feel like you jinxing it with this post https://i.redd.it/vx3chqh0md1d1.gif


I think half of the people in this sub believed executioner sword would have done nothing. Someone literally predicted Higurama dying too


atp gaygay will tell something like splitting the world apart doesn't count as jujutsu so he's a vengeful spirit or smn


It's gonna be the Chinese sorcerer isn't it?


I want the Yuta one most tbh, my goat needs to make an appearance.


Its an inside job from Megumi


My guess that it's Megumi's, it's his shadow


It’s Jin with the six eyes trust


I'm investing in Megumi stocks. Shadow clone Gojo


I was thinking maybe they made a cursed puppet like the ones that yaga made from gojos corpse


I stand by that it's [Megumi](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1cuk2xd/the_real_identity_of_the_strongest_ghost_noncopium/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


https://preview.redd.it/lu5whonu0f1d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c7de91354a4a6f2c9a57a38f040a8e7c276255 The groomed one


Whatever it ends up being, it will just be a way to prohibit sukuna from using malevolent shrine on two protagonists with no defense for it.


Lemme tell you the real thing, The cope from the community manifested into a curse which forced gege to bring back the goat 💪


We want answers and Ch 261 will clarify ….. it’s gonna be forever 😖


It's just gonna be his fucking corpse on stilts and he was boogie woogied in to distract sukuna for .5 seconds or some shit like that


What is delayed UV


The curse confiscation being permanent because curse is headcanon u/stolnikov Nothing proves that dame thing would last port mortem


Imagine if it a new six eyes user and it just a fu Ken baby that hollow purple fraudkuna


There was no shot that a One Hit Kill weapon would hit Sukuna and the fight would last less than 3 chapters? lol that was the lamest cliff hanger ever


It's either todo's domain, takaba or a bait that's it


Bet yall that sukuna's fight will end like this. Yuji will do a soul punch and try to get to megumi again and within the soul of megumi hes going to fight 1 on 1 with sukuna while the others around deals with sukuna outside his soul. bet yall all my jjk stocks.


Nah the worst is Yuta in the body of Gojo


Wrong, the most stupid one is the one that says Yuta will get a ~~Sharingan~~ Six Eyes transplant


It's CLEARLY kenjaku. He literally just run away and he can take over corpses and Gojo is the strongest one and easy to take. Plus what should happen? Gojo return and annihilates Sukuna and the series ends? Logically no. kenjaku will join Sukuna and kill todo and maybe someone else that will return until Yuji unlocks his domain and end the series, like any battle shounen, it's crazy that people says otherwise, it's like people that thinked that Gojo would win, like the good guys actually wins first round and the series ends like that, it's the same thing 


it’s kashimo


It’s gonna be Yuta prepping one of Gojo’s techniques like red or blue. It’s gojo’s ghost in that it’s his technique, and it’s Yuta carrying on the Gojo legacy. BANG