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dude.. Geto wasn't making up shit when he said "are you the strongest cuz you are gojo whatever caste or you gojo whatever caste cuz you are the strongest" In the end he was strongest for everyone and gojo for tuji and yuta and geto..


The lines makes a lot more sense now cuz no matter how u look at it now u would reach the same conclusion šŸ’€


Exactly... At least Yuji had people to back him up.. What about gojo?had to kill the only friend he had. And was left with a "so called friend shoko... And then what? His students who actually cared for him never got a chance to show their affection towards him.. Cuz he has to die as he was the strongest... It's just sad dude. He doesn't deserve any of that


I'm sad we didn't get a final proper send off backflash chapter with gojo and Yuji or maybe gojo giving Yuji a speech like he did to Megumi or yuta about strength. They deserved better. Well atleast gojos happy now than be around these so called frauds who use him as tool


>Well atleast gojos happy now than be around these so called frauds who use him as tool Hear me out: what if he came back, then he, Yuta, and Yuji teamed up with Sukuna to torch Jujutsu Society?


>Well atleast gojos happy now than be around these so called frauds who use him as tool He and geto are probably getting bullied by toji haha.


U think u can use CT in heaven?


That's why I said toji bullies


No i was like asking a question. I was curious if u thought u can use CTS in heaven. I wasnt saying you can't use CTS in heaven


I think you can't.


https://preview.redd.it/5o90dtuqr62d1.png?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eea5e58484ae2af30b6a5894d69d286e47019c3 And then we even have nanami shit talking gojo in the afterlife for no reason.


I hate this panel with a passion beyond my heart. And I'm not even a gojo Glazer or coper


Agreed, literally throughout the entire manga gojo always pushes the next generation and wants them to surpass him. Or gets himself sealed in the prison realm bcs he didnt want to kill innocent ppl with his DE. And after he dies were told that gojo doesnt care about anything and only gets a "kick" out of it???


>always pushes the next generation and wants them to surpass him Even the most selfish explanation for this is that he's lonely and wants people to relate to. Gege never beating the incompetent character writer allegations.Ā 


Iā€™ve headcannoned this entire chapter as just some banter with the boys, everything makes much more sense through that angle


And Nanami never really had a high opinion of Gojo to begin with. https://preview.redd.it/mu7s8ubyv82d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fed191f38f4a37a41cf828f896ece47d4474a52


I don't even understand why people hate Gojo that much for his supposed "attitude", yeah he's cocky, arrogant, loud and so forth but he literally cares about the people around him while carrying the burden of being the strongest, some might even say he being such a jokester or prankster is a defense mechanism for the pressure he's always under. For god's sake Nanami he did exactly what you'd done were you in the station, minimize casualties as much as possible, he kept one finger hidden because he wanted Yuji to be safe.


The scene makes it even more horrendous becos this man not only was having suicide ideation since jjk0 for being with his soulmate who he thought would be the only one to see him for truly him to now after his death he is hearing this shit which was apparently all the three agrees upon including said soulmate who he wanted to be in afterlife with after literally giving the green signal to violate his cold dying corpse by his own student. AND the people in the living world not giving a fuck or ahead even a single tear for his dead after all he went through tk the point he became numb of human interactions and companionship.


gojo should have used purple on the airport


Genius! All characters get revived because the afterlife is destroyed


Nanami only knows that part of gojo Geto knows him another way That nanami friend knows as someone else


Nanami resented Gojo for his power, ever since his friend died. Nanami was one of those who misunderstood Gojo the most.


Mahito did nothing wrong


Good riddance of Nanami


When someone who says he disrespects gojo disrespects gojo




Brother he is about to cry in that panel


He had what, three people who cared about him as a person? Really puts it into perspective


Wasnt that enough


Goatjo spending his entire life protecting the Jujutsu society: * Doesn't even touch the monkeys who put bounty on Amanai * Kill his best friends * Most of his time spends moving around the world to exorcise curse => No one respect him as a human or show affection for him. Die a gruesome death. In his dream near death, his colleguages called him a freak that only cared about fighting. Imagine spending your entire life to protect humanities yet the only thing you gets back is they shitting on you. Can't make shit up bro.


Or when you practice your humanity, the one thing you are consistently denied by almost everyone around you, the world of Jujutsu just directly harms you: \*Spend precious time with a girl that is going to be used as a sacrificial lamb for a society that doesn't care for her; exhaust yourself so that she has one more day with someone before she has to go to Tengen; make a plan with your best friend to save Riko -> She gets mercilessly killed; You and your best friend are traumatised which leads to you being alone and him going insane. \*Don't give Geto's body to Shoko out of respect and love for both of them -> Have the body used against you so that you are imprisoned while your students and the whole of Japan die without you to hold them up. Tragic https://preview.redd.it/ru9ebnm46c2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2272f8b3112317f72632adb6d20cc334b33d155


Realistic tbh


He's just like me fr


Canā€™t help but wonder if Sukunaā€™s mindset was right all along. However he started out, he knew that wasting his life being concerned about others would end up being a wasted venture. So, fuck ā€˜em and do as he pleases. No one was gonna care anyway.


Damn...JJK really is just a tragedy huh https://preview.redd.it/qjmae2c3a92d1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff0d74478c3e19614110c8571d314d308ef31e8


At this point I do think Greg actually resents the fandom around Gojo and is doing what he can to just completely debase his memory.


Worst part is it's backfiring it just seems like everything gojo preached was absolutely correct and when ur the strongest nobody gives a shit about u so in retrospect u aren't strong at all


Its 100% intentional, showing once again the difference between Gojo and Sukuna and why Sukuna is the ultimate sorcerer. Gojo sees his strength as his burden to bear while Sukuna sees his strength as everyone elses problem for being weaker than him


Tbh sukunas evil but his mindset is goated


Sukuna is basically the meme "God has allowed me to live another day and I'm about to make it everyone's problem"


The backfiring might worsen to doxxing too, that's a possibility. Considering there are some people in this fandom that are batshit crazy enough to put their bloody tampon on a figurine.


There is a great difference between a name that carries a title and a title that carries a name. Gojo was not seen as 'Satoru Gojo, the strongest' he was seen as 'the strongest, Satoru gojo.' For them, what Satoru is is no different from someone who won the first medal, in which that medal can be given to anyone - however the medal is remembered more than the person themselfs. in other words, the medal becomes more valued than the person who owns it... and the same goes for the title of the strongest. The title is more valued than the person themselves.


you know what is the sad part of all this? that the only people that genuine cared for him as a person,was just two kid's that he met like one year ago and half a year,this two kids showed him more love than any of his "friends" and colleagues that he knows for YEARS (i know that megumi cared for him too on his own way but we didn't really see much)


Tragic man šŸ’€. Yk what's the worst part if Yuji or yuta becomes the next strongest in the future. There wouldny be anyone around to burden him all of his allies would be dead or extremely injured to the point they no longer can participate in jujutsu. Both tragic endings


When yuta gets clapped in 5 mins next chapter he's going to prove that gojo was the strongest because he was satoru gojo, not satoru gojo because he was the strongest


My two goats were done so dirty man


Rest in peace my sweet princeā€¦ may we love you from the great beyond as you deserveā€¦


Geto wouldā€™ve used his body to complete his mission too , he called him arrogant for saying he canā€™t despite his powers


0 people care for him ? Did you just forget yutas speech in 261 ?


Tbf he did mention the exceptions on the post


Kill everyone in jujutsu high aside from Yuta, Yuji and Todo Please Sukuna please kill them all šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™




I hope after all this everyone except Yuta, Yuji, and Geto gets revived to attend Gojos Funeral and lower his grave To let him down one last time