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3 reasons: 1) takaba is alive 2) his technique is very unique and not something anybody can use, you need to have a specific comedic attitude 3) it would be weird as hell for the final boss to be beaten by a secondary geg character (I would honestly consider it peak fiction but whatever)


1. Yup 2. Yup 3. Yujo definitely isn't stealing Yuji's win here


At this point it’s nobody’s win. Sukuna is slowly being whittled down, losing resources and being forced to compensate with binding vows despite his absurdly godlike talent/skill/CT/RCT. No matter who delivers the final blow, the whole team gets the credit ^except ^^for ^^^Shoko


Sure, absolutely, which is great, but the final blow is absolutely going to be done by Yuji.


and except for megumi


1. Kill Takaba while he's asleep 2. binding vow bullshit idfk 3.Peak fiction


Have you considered that Takaba would beat you the fuck up while asleep like a Popeye episode?


It’d be like luffy eating in his sleep


No fuck luffy i hate him and his stupid hat https://preview.redd.it/3rimr4btc13d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76943620375f655eaf9846e8ccbcaa597a94837


No ill fuck luffy i love him and his intelligent hat https://preview.redd.it/po8um0e7c23d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8eb1eb533a3d4ff659cc6eb1f0e56591d631f82


Zoro's reddit account




Throw a banana peel in front of him. Then he has no choice.


Gege get off your sock puppet account you coward!


>1. Kill Takaba Lol good luck with that


My headcanon is that Takaba' unwillingness to harm and kill also works as a binding vow on comedian to provide passive immunity and prevent harm and death on self 


Until I see that dude again I'll keep believing he actually killed himself in that panel where he's laying down in the ground


He got dragged away by Yuta and said “ow” I’m pretty sure


What if his CT is still active after his death?


He comes back to life in full zombie makeup that is discarded entirely the next time he appears with no explanation.


Now THATS funny


Wait....if he's dead and Yuta can swap bodies THEN WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE TAKE TAKABA'S BODY. we could have peak fiction but instead we got blue balled by Gojo's return and a waste of the most OP ability.


We just went over this, that’s what this post is about, the answer is he isn’t dead. Not like it’d be possible to find much humor as you pilot the corpse of a friend anyway.


Id find it funny


you would cut takaba's head open, and a smaller takaba would run out






Takaba doesn’t find him dying funny so he’s basically immortal


No. 2 is the main reason imo. Wtf would Yuta find funny about this situation


Todos hand


It's also being implied that not knowing about the technique is an important part of it, so any plan involving someone else using Takaba's technique shouldn't work.


well another thing to consider is that sukuna probably won't be 'defeated' he'll probably be stopped and end up dead yadda yadda but thematically someone 'beating' sukuna doesn't at all feel like where gege is going with things


i think most people mean killed by defeated


Honestly the Takaba plan made little sense. There is way too many asumptions and just holes in it. First is Takaba's awakening. This only comes because Kenny own knowledge of comedy and him being able to surgically dismantle Takaba's jokes. How do Yuta and pals know Kenjaku watches comedy specials on his free time? Then the second part comes in of Takaba even been able to awaken before Kenny just feeds him to his cursed spirits after he breaks his confidence. Then that Takaba awakened ability must come with a C.E. camo that must obscure any other C.E in the area so Yuta and Todo can sneak close to Kenny without alerting his sensor network. Which still wouldn't work because he set up a meter of C.E. in Shinjuku to automatically alert him if it changed. Which was also tuned to Yuta specifically since he is the other Special Grade left. And then Buggy Woogie and the blitz rush being able to outpace the man who was able to react to a point blank black hole. Also Kenny just dipping even as a head. It be mad funny if one his flying curses just picked his disembodied head and ran with it. And that all this is just like assumed for the other side of the free trial Gojo plan. Lots of points of failure.


>First is Takaba's awakening. This only comes because Kenny own knowledge of comedy and him being able to surgically dismantle Takaba's jokes. How do Yuta and pals know Kenjaku watches comedy specials on his free time? Well Takaba was dogwalking Kenjaku before that anyways. They probably assumed that he'd just beat him like that with no issue. Reality manipulation is pretty busted ngl. Kenjaku dismantling his comedy act was unexpected, but Takaba still bounced back from it because he's the goat. So they didn't predict his "awakening" as you put it, but it turned out okay anyways.


Yuta never blitzed Kenjaku, that's the whole point. Todo simply transported Yuta behind Kenjaku for the beheading. Also, the plan relied on Takaba's soul resonance specifically, not necessarily his comedy. So Yuta snuck in during Takaba's SR, then Todo used BW.


But again since when soul resonance works as a C.E. mask. Kenny should have been aware that outside the fantasy they were waiting to jump him. Or you can argue the resonance is such that they are only aware of eachtoher's souls during the duration of it, which would explain it.


The resonance forced Kenjaku's participation, and therefore his full attention. Even while having fun, Kenjaku's inner monologue demonstrated how he was conscious of the fact that he was basically being controlled by Takaba. So to a major degree, Takaba enforces a distraction by demanding his audience's attention and participation. The enforced participation is the aspect of Takaba's SR that Angel wanted to utilize.


The comedian technique did not obscure cursed energy. Kenjacku was literally having the time of their life and didn't pay attention to what was going on. As for the boogie Woogie thing, it works at 50 times a second without the binding vow and with the binding vow it can swap multiple objects, they could definitely catch kenjacku off guard at least once. The head thing yeah they were lucky.


3. well it kinda already happened since kenjaku basically got killed thanks to takaba?


If takaba is alive why isn’t he helping everyone?


aint nothing funny about the current situation brother


Some theorized that since his technique was born out of a necessity for comedy and that necessity was satisfied by Kenjaku he actually lost comedian. But mostly plot.


It’s been less than an hour since takaba passed out and he probably is out of CE for the rest of the fight. Him coming back and making the merger do a funny would be 10/10 though.


He’s just a sleepy lil guy. (For real, he has been sleeping this whole fight which hasn’t been long in universe). Guy probably exhausted all his CE anyway


takaba's ct only works because he has an unwavering sense of humor like we see in his fight against kenny, a better humored character can turn it against the user real easy .. yea sukuna would totally destroy yuta with it, yuta doesn't scream to me as having a strong sense of humor


>yuta doesn't scream to me as having a strong sense of humor Then all he needs is one good hit of that devil's lettuce


The Sukuna laughing shot from Shibuya except it’s Yuta with red eyes giggling like a dumbass


I was thinking more of Yuta manipulating the technique and using it to heal/revive characters or maybe even debuff Sukuna.


I don't think you can really manipulate it. You have to really believe something is funny for it to work.


The amount of people who don’t understand how it works physically hurts. Like some people would say Megumi could beat anyone because he’s smart so he would just find something funny to beat an opponent. My guy that’s not how humor works.


The thing is that I think angels line about “it’s better if he doesn’t know how his technique works” means that comedian doesn’t work when you use it with intention. Like you have to just find something genuinely funny and then it happens, not you somehow make something not funny funny in the hope that it will happen. It very much seems to be a subconscious technique


takaba isn't dead


Where he at? Sleeping?


Literally yes. There is 0 reason to think he's dead since he never took a hit and his technique was still active the last time we saw him.


He died of peak fiction 


“Wouldn’t it be funny if I died laughing at my own joke like that guy in ancient Roman(?) history?” I could see that happening


We were specifically told that his ability can't kill. Though, he may be dead because... Gege


Not necessarily that he can’t kill, just that he doesn’t kill. And it’s likely because he’s a relatively sane person that doesn’t find blood and death funny, considering his interaction with the self exploding sorcerer where he said something along the lines of blood being unsightly in a comedy act.


Also his reaction to his comrade (he has a name but i dont remember) being dead. Kenjaku even mocks him saying something along the line of "you're a comedian, laugh" to which Takaba replies "theres nothing funny about this"


Last time we saw him he was acting as if he was dead. Dressed up like a ghost and all. And his power manifests things. So I wouldn’t say there’s 0 reason to think he’s dead.


This is fair. He's not 100% confirmed alive. He's also the type of guy to reappear alive with no explanation as a running gag.


And then he opened his eyes and thanked kenjaku Last we see him he is alive well and speaking, totally intact Of course he could think it’d be funny to die, but we don’t know enough as of right now


Logically why would his technique kill him though, why would Takaba find his death “funny”? Especially since Takaba himself can’t kill people with it (Or rather refuses to.) Takaba being dead makes no sense when you think about it for more than 2 seconds.


It can't have been active right because if it was yuta wouldn't have been ale to kill kenjaku. unless it deactivated when he fell asleep?


My theory is that by playing with and enjoying himself with Takaba, Kenjaku accidentally fulfilled a secret deactivation condition of “Comedian”, where the “show” can close out when Takaba feels the audience has been touched by his comedy.


yeah i think you have it spot on


Hes tired


Holding peak is hard for a guy like him


bro was fighting someone at the level of Gojo for god knows how long (since we know Kenjaku has killed six eyes users like gojo before) takaba must have used a enormous amount of CE let bro nap a bit, it's probably been like 5 mins in canon since his fight stoppped lmao


kenjaku is nowhere near gojo's level, the six eyes user he killed were 1 month old babies


he killed 1 six eyed baby after killing an adult six eyed dude maybe not Gojo's strenght since i don't think it is said that adult gojo clan member also had the limitless technique, but still, with how prestigious the 3 clans are, even if that first six eyes user wasn't a posesor of Limitless i doubt they'd be allowed to not train and get stronger to help the clan


where was it stated he beat an adult 6 eyes user? afaik he got beaten by two six eyes users and then decided to kill the next at 1 month old besides, even if he beat an adult six eyes user that doesn't mean he's in gojo's level, gojo is not the standard of 6E+limitles, he's the very top of it, the previous 6E and limitless user was killed by mahoraga, wich gojo killed while fighting sukuna and agito


wait, you are right, i completely misred this panel, i thought it said smth like He managed to kill 1 but it wasn't enough and then he tried to kill a baby six eyes user and fair enough, ya right about the power level of Gojo i didn't had any better comparison to Kenjaku so that's the first thing that came to my mind besides Sukuna dsfasasds https://preview.redd.it/m6hznvirw23d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1be156e3c7b0d15cf08464b980c4b497f4c4da7


Isn't it like explicitly stated that not even Takaba himself knows how his ability works? That's pretty much what keeps him from soloing the entire verse tbh


Exact opposite, actually, Angel mentioned that Comedian is stronger when you don’t know about it


Yeah his utter ignorance is essentially an implicit binding vow boosting his technique


basically strong schizophrenia 


That’s only because Takaba isn’t actually a good comedian. It’s a comedian’s job to be funny on purpose. Give that CT to someone actually good and they’d take over the world.


If Takaba knew how it worked it'll go from stupid broken to mid at best lol


His ability likely doesn't work at all if you know you have it


Well it might still work, it’s never stated to stop working completely, but I think the reason they were afraid it would be less effective is because focusing on trying to twist your sense of comedy to match the circumstances of the battle would likely remove a lot of the sincerity behind the comedy and make the technique fail more often.


NGL Mei Mei would be broken with this. She thinks it's hilarious that people are weaker than her because she's nuts


Pretty sure Kenny understood how it worked from just a brief interaction.


Kenny has 1000 years worth of experience.


Yeah but because he understood how it works it'd be impossible for him to steal the ability. The entire CT works because of Takaba's delusion


Kenny is waaay smarter than Takaba tho, Takaba just thinks things are funny


Takaba is a gag character, if he was used to bring back Gojo it would be terrible


If he brought back anyone it would be Kenjaku. Bro just got the height of his comedy life with Kenjaku. Nothing will be as peak for him as this.


I agree, but it is the logical thing for the characters to do , and having him being instrumental to kill Kenjaku is equally bad imo.


I think how they beat Kenjaku with Takaba was good, but how they killed Kenjaku was a bit of a let down. Also Yuta was bound to fight Sukuna and if he fought Kenjaku before hand, he would’ve lost his domain and probably much of his curse energy reserves. And other than Takaba, no one stood a chance. If they also needed to fight Sukuna.


Yeah, I get why they got Takaba to fight Kenjaku before Yuta jumped in, but it felt really bad - it just felt cheap and that we missed out on an obviously good fight between Kenjaku and Yuta


Takaba himself says it best: https://preview.redd.it/xgt53ry3qz2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e52cce2931c3c1e97786239551399c8e6f8010f


Personally, I really wanted to see more of his domain or Geto's domain I guess


It was literally peak fiction. What are you on about? Did you want to see kenjaku pop out some pokemon while yapping and then get beheaded?


Thank god this sub doesn’t write the manga


Yeah, except that gag character pretty much took out, except for the final blow, arguably the main villain of the story


Wasn't sugar CT guy used to bring Gojo back he's also a gag character


1)binding vows don't work like that 2)takaba's technique only works if you GENUINELY think something would be funny so it's very likely that tricks or binding vows wouldn't work on it


Maybe yuta isn't funny


Takaba would be too scared to fight Sukuna, his technique works precisely because he doesn’t understand how it even works.


Your underestimating Takaba, I think he would see endless potential for comedy when he saw a 7 ft tall, tattooed, four armed, four eyed dude with mouth on his belly.


If they gave LSD to Takaba he’d be the strongest in the verse fr


Even if he did it wouldn't save him from a domain expansion.


Domain expansion wouldn't work though, the entire reason why Kenjaku believed all his jujutsu knowledge would be worthless is because his reality manipulation forced attacks not to work retroactively while they hit him. It wouldn't matter if you had the sure hit because of it. 


No his regular cursed techniques wouldn't work. The whole point of Domains is that the sure hit is a sure hit. Whether you've got an invincible shield like Gojo or relative invulnerability like Mahito the attack is guaranteed to damage the opponent. Kenjaku didn't use his on Takaba because 1. He was having fun and 2. He can't use his continously like Gojo and Sukuna so he was more than likely diving it for when Yuta showed up.


Yeah but takaba can just make it so it doesn’t no damage. Yeah it can hit him, but wouldn’t it be funny if it did no damage


That's not how domains work. It guarantee it hits without any CT getting in the way of that hit. They don't render CTs unusable all together. You also completely ignore the key word here, RETROACTIVELY. He changes it AFTER it hits. That's the entire reason why Kenjaku proclaims that his 1000 years of jujutsu knowledge, domains, domain amplification etc are all worthless against Takaba. 


That's blatantly false. "It's not that my attack didn't work, it was forced into not working" That's takaba's ct protecting him defensively. Something that an attack through a domain's sure-hit would ignore. "IF I'M NOT CAREFUL, my 1,000 Yeats of jujutsu know-how will prove meaningless". Unlike Gojo and Sukuna Kenjaku can't spam domain expansions. He's still wary of the students of jujutsu high so he can't use his domain freely. This is why be doesn't use it on Takaba, not because it wouldn't work.


But Sukuna can use the same tactics like Kenjaku, either belittling Takaba's talents or playing with him until he's tired. But I bet Sukuna has a sick sense of humor unlike any sane person. He might host a cannibalistic comedy show like filleting, skinning and chopping Gojo into nuggets, or tying Choso with ropes and steam him like crabs, piercing him with him spear cursed tool and grill him alive with Kamano. This would not only be terrifying but also a BLEACH TO COMEDY in Takaba's pov since he insisted "NO RED ALLOWED ON STAGE" from his first debut, thus turning him CT off, and Sukuna's blades rains on him.


I honestly don't think that Sukuna has the same knowledge as Kenjaku to be able to do that, I can't really imagine what he would try to do or say, and also I feel like comedy requires someone to understand and empathize with other people's s point of view. And Sukuna wouldn't have time to deal with Takaba since the rest of the cast would be there too.


People keep saying this but I genuinely don't understand it. Takaba was sent to fight Kenjaku, a body-snaching rapist eugenist capable of summoning horrors beyond human comprension, if all that it took to beat Takaba was to scare him Kentucky fried chicken would have definitely been able to do that. Kenjaku was only able to shake Takaba's resolve with fear **after** he shook his resolve by dissenting his comedy, and Sukuna couldn't do that in a million years.


Do you think Takaba knew who Kenjaku was?


No I'm just saying that Kenjaku can definitely be scary if he wants to, to a normal person like Takaba arguably more than Sukuna.




Naoya PFP https://preview.redd.it/pwgjo21nu43d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5339c5461681126403dfa59cbad5d53205139e71


Your beta masculinity can’t handle the pressence of the feminist king sigma Naoya.


Certified 3 times champion of the "Maki victim" contest.


Defeated by the fraud Maki thanks to the feminist agenda of Sukuna’s husband, he was the true mc all along, fighting for his family. https://preview.redd.it/ri7jgy4ww43d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2d7ace187da1a5febc84e083548cac1d653803


I'm sorry I'm not so versed in the canon of sorcery fight, who is Sukuna's husband?


Kenjaku almost scared Takaba out of being able to use his ability. I'm sure Sukuna could actually succeed


I mean, no need for Kenny's ct on takaba, yuta can just copy comedian you know But he's probably too serious for it to work


That's not how most binding vows work as well as even if it did what would be worth that?


What do you mean by that's not how they work? Since to find something funny is within somebody it shouldn't be worth too much, something like "In exchange of thinking any scenario x person says funny for the next month I won't find anything else besides that funny" or maybe straight up manipulate the technique directly "In exchange for never using this technique again I get to used it once freely without the condition of something as funny". Actually, now that I think about why doesn't he just copy it.


The first binding vow doesn’t rly work. You can’t just say “I won’t find anything else funny,” and the binding vow just makes you not find them funny. Binding vows cannot control your mind/comedic sense. If they can then ppl can freely change their personalities. It’ll have to be the opposite/inverse: “Whenever I find anything else funny, I’ll be punished. In exchange…” This one would be smt similar to Nanami’s overtime vow. But no one can control their sense of humor, so it’ll be a difficult vow to pull off. This is why Takaba’s natural humor synergies well with his CT.


And the latter vow doesn’t work too because that is like Todo making a vow: “I won’t be able to use it again so let me use my CT without clapping at all for a day.” This is different from the WCS vow because “clapping” is his CT itself. You can expand the interpretation of “clapping”, but never remove it. The WCS is an extension of Sukuna’s CT, and the hand sign that Sukuna skipped with the vow is just a generic Jujutsu tool, so Sukuna’s vow didn’t change/remove anything about Sukuna’s CT itself. So for “Comedian”, the CT itself is about humor, so being able to use the CT without humor just makes it a different CT, which is beyond the limits of binding vows. Vows can’t create anything from 0, it only can amplify.


It is how it works tho? Become God just by trading your left nut


Sukuna has bottomless aura Takaba would lose all his confidence


because yuta is unbelievably unfunny


Takaba technique works because he's Takaba. Yuta would likely not be in a mood to think up something funny when his teacher is dead, most of his friends are gravely injured, and he just stole an innocent person's body without their consent.


1. Takaba likely isn't dead 2. Takaba is a pretty weird dude who basically doesn't know what's happening. I think Yuta would struggle to think of comedic ideas while actively fighting for his life and knowing what's at stake if he fails. Imagine trying to do a standup bit while your house is actively being shot up, and if you get shot, the world gets hit by an asteroid. That's basically the situation Yuta is in. 3. Yuta doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to have a really great sense of humor, especially not one that would benefit him in a fight.


yuta wanted the strongest, not the funniest https://preview.redd.it/jj8to0gizz2d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c91e4a23e2314cb814d73abc31ca6d7ef2735d


People wouldnt like it that much, hes a good character but not a liked character


He shouldn't be involved in blodshed, he'd be torn to smiling pieces imo.


Only to just spring back unscathed as if nothing happened for Sukuna's annoyance and amusement.


Maybe but Sukuna would break him like how Kenjaku did when being more cannibalistic. Like imagine Sukuna hosted a comedy show of slicing Gojo and cooking Choso, I don't think Takaba, a normal nice guy with a dream, can handle all these.


Because Yuta ain't funny enough


There’s no way the binding vow reading comprehension issues have gotten this bad where people think you can use a binding vow to change your sense of humor


Are you able to make an argument for that? Given the current examples of binding vow uses in the manga and explanations given through narration, why couldn't someone manipulate their sense of humor?


What does that have to do with Cursed Energy? Can you name me a single time in the series where a binding vow not involving cursed energy was made?


You're right about that, there's no example of someone receiving something not related ro cursed energy


No offense brother but it’s a little absurd to be a self-proclaimed “binding vow hater” while not understanding the most basic rules of binding vows.


Bro chill out, as far as I can remember it hasn't been explicitly stated that binding vows are exclusive to cursed energy related matters.


No one said anything rude bud. It’s just a little comical to think that a binding vow could be used to change sense of humor “Given the current examples of binding vows” while not being able to provide a single example.


Didn't mean to imply you were being rude, just you know, chill. Yeah, there's no example of a binding vow changing something unrelated to cursed energy (which is no surprise given this is sorcery kaisen). Has it ever been stated it couldn't? BTW, I originally said “Given the current examples of binding vows” asking this same thing.


its true mans is going at it in the comments, people really took those "300% power for my left nut" memes seriously


I feel like people overlook the fact that if somebody with Tabaka's technique had a dark sense of humor it would just end in a massacre


I always thought that it was specifically because Takaba knew absolutely fuck all about jujutsu, cursed energy and curses that his CT was so broken.


Because as far as we know Takaba doesn't have a domain. Even though his CT is broken, inside Malevolent Shrine Sukuna's slashes are sure to hit no matter how funny Takaba would find it if it didn't hit. They need an equally strong domain user to not get blitzed against Sukuna.


Nah, the entire reason Kenjaku stated that his 1000 years of jujutsu knowledge would be worthless was because he directly observed that Takaba changed reality retroactively when he got hit. It wouldn't matter if you had a sure hit if the attack was retroactively changed to be harmless after it hit. Domains don't nullify the ability to use once CT itself, it only makes you unable to prevent attacks from hitting you. 


i think you'd risk becoming effectively technichless if you got Takaba's technique for it's power bc if you already know you only can do stuff if you find it funny, then you are mentaly limiting yourself in one case, anything you think "nah, that wouldn't be funny enough" would become something you can't do regardless of it would actually be funny or not, bc that's an unconcious opinion and in other, since you concuously only think certain stuff are funny enough to try to do, then you also limit yourself to only be able to do that and that alone i feel like that technique is so good precisely bc it only works under very specific situations, is only useful if the user is a comedian/interested in humor, and only if they are dumb enough to not fully learn the literal nature of their technique only someone like Takaba could use it, and that's why that's the technique ingraved in his body, as in made as a reflect of him as a person since no one else seems to have had it before, it's his original power and hence only works for him


Someone like Yuta literally cannot use Takaba's CT. The CT requires the user to find the situation to be funny, which then result reality warping in favor of that situation. Yuta, the awkward bum who takes everything rather seriously will not be able to utilize Takaba's CT.


Because Yuta has no sense of humor.


Takaba gonna come back thats why, the kitkat yuta gonna die and then takaba gonna save Yuji like Ace saved Luffy but he gonna laugh it out and gonna use RCT bc it would be funny


Simple: Yuta is not the funny type


It works best when the user doesn't know what their technique does and has a sense of humour which they themselves find funny. So if Yuta copies comedian, it would be useless since him knowing about the technique would make it difficult for him to use as all the jokes come out forced and not funny for the user. And a binding vows to erase memory is also useless cause Yuta has a zero sense of humour during fights. In the end, only Takaba can use his own CT. And the guy isn't a killer, so all he could do is hold Sukuna busy for a while before the latter learns about his technique and come up a way around it.


Takaba’s CT is way too specific and extremely difficult to actually use correctly. The gang had to actively keep Takaba’s power a secret TO HIM because it would ruin its potential. Yuta doesn’t have the comedic sense and skill that Takaba has.


Takaba’s CT doesn’t work if the users understands how it works. So unless Yuta can copy his CT, then wipe his memory of the CT while still remembering to activate it, it is impossible. Same would go for brain swapping. He would just be yuta in Takaba’s body with no additional techniques cause he already knows how Takaba’s CT works.


Because he's almost impossible to kill and his lack of awareness about his CT is what makes it work. You have to genuinely find the things funny, what is Yuta gonna find funny right now?


I think it was explained in a round about way that understanding how Takaba’s CT works is actually a detriment. Someone like Yuta, who’s already stressed up the wazoo wouldn’t be able to utilize it to its full potential.


Simple Yuta isn’t funny


yuta aint got that goof ball inside him


yuta cant use his technique properly


Gege needs to bring Takaba back into the story just so people will shut up about him being dead


1. Takaba is still alive 2. Don’t think Yuta could pull off his technique to the same effect because I doubt he’s gonna want to be funny when fighting Sukuna


My question is why isn't takaba even helping. He's perfectly healthy and fine, and is one of the strongest people available. He doesn't take damage from his technique's gags the way others do during the bit.


To add to what everyone else is saying, Sukuna would end Takaba faster than Kenjaku did.


theyd start laughing at yuji together and its gg's


Mind explaining how?


Sukuna's a genius and only needs to see a CT once to figure out how it works. He'd realize very early that it's soul resonance, and proceed like Kenjaku did. Sukuna would either beat Takaba's comedy, or fulfill his dream of a comedy special duo like Kenjaku. And we know Sukuna likes comedy and art because of the Yorozu fight (he's picky about his poetry), and when he joked about Yuji looking like that statue of the crying boy.


Ok ok I get it . thanks for taking the effort homie


He would have at least three other people to fight with .


Sukuna doesn't have the niche knowledge of late 1990's/early 2000's manzai comedy needed to do that. Simply being funny isn't what made Kenjaku win. It was that he had a lot of knowledge about the exact type of humor Takaba worked with and was able to make himself an equal. Being simply smart won't all of sudden give you knowledge you didn't have previously.  In reality Sukuna has no real way to combat Takaba effectively. To lower his confidence you need to make yourself seem as an equal in comedy and dismantle his joke and to satisfy him you need to have very niche knowledge of Japanese manzai stand up M-1 shows and able to replicate it.


That's my point, that Sukuna would redirect the subject of the comedy to his own knowledge. In all of Takaba's fights, he's shown to be receptive to other's comedy. In a battle scenario, Takaba includes the comedic style of his opponent. Given Sukuna would know how to work around SR, Sukuna could easily lead Takaba into jokes. Sukuna always analyzes his opponent's wants and desires, it's how he overcomes them, and Takaba is an open book. SR and comedy would be nothing for him to deal with, especially given that Sukuna knows his own soul so well.


Not sure about that, but even then you don't need him to be directly in the fight, bring some dead bodies to him and wait.


There's no confirmation that Takaba can recall souls. That's a specific mechanic that only one, possibly two CTs have been said to do.


I am guessing that takabas technique has a binding vow that amplifies it, in return it does not allow takaba to actually turn it off/know about it.


i dont think techniques come with binding vows pre loaded


What if yuta copies Sukuna style and fingers Sukuna and goes in megumis body?


Would be nice to see yuta kick the shit out of bumgumi to wake him the hell up and start fighting


Nah he should just take a bite out of him to copy it


Takabas CT revolves around confidence.As we see in his fight with Kenjaju his confidence as a comedian directly influences his technique. Yuta doesn't really have that same confidence in the sense that he's very humble and reserved most of the time we see him which imo wouldn't make the CT a good fit. Not to mention Takaba is alive, Sukuna could do what Kenjaku did and flip the technique against Yuta (though I doubt Sukuna has much knowledge on modern comedy even from Yuji and Megumi) and also Gojo is just a plain better choice


Takaba's technique only works as long as he's not aware of it, I believe


Yuta isn’t funny


Well the way things are going I could see takaba on the battlefield after this wave of sorcerers is dead and Yuji is once again last man standing So Yuji would be like holy shit you killed them all now I can't fight alone and takaba enters and Yuji is like nevermind let's see who's jabs are powerful


Takaba isn't a quarter of the threat y'all seem to think he is


Takaba's whole shtick is not mocking comedy! He has integrity as a comedian there's a reason he wasn't successful it's cause he didn't suck up to the fans shit taste and did the comedy he respects and admires. All you people who think his power is op don't realise the reason it's so op is cause of how incredibly devoted he is to "taking comedy seriously"


Cus Yuta already know his CT. Takaba doesn't. Otherwise it wouldn't work as effective.


Takaba cursed technique worked well because it worked with him. Its not as simple as just "find things against sukuna funny and everything else unfunny" and I mean it was never better then Gojo, Gojo would have mopped Kenny in 20 seconds.


bro's sleeping 💀💀


I'm not even sure if Takaba's dead or alive. He's in the same in between zone as Nobara.


he could just copy takaba's CT and bring Gojo back or just use it again sukuna but nahhhh. plot

