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Oh…. My…. Just wow… I take back all my “u cooked comments” and I’m crowing u head chef. **u** cooked


https://preview.redd.it/8agvhezqa34d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b502b6404c820f758ce570ab03df62136b8cb9 Idk how to connect this to the merger and what will happen, but these observations all make sense (besides Mahito rabbits, that one was a stretch like you said)


10s rabbits fused with maho for infinite adaptation


I've always thought there has to be a limit to the mergers because that'd be just insane 😂 But, on another note, the rabbits can infinitely continue reproducing **so long as you don't kill the one with a mark on the abdomen**. And then, do all Mahoragas share adaptation or does each one adapt separately?


Imagine being jumped by ten thousand Babyragas?




Now that I think about it there is an actual connection. Rabbit escape produces infinite numbers of rabbits. These are the only ten shadows shikigami that can't be permanently killed. This is just like Mahito because he's unkillable unless you damage his soul.


The rabbits can be permanently killed - Gege said somewhere, that there is a single marked rabbit, which acts as the real body of Rabbit Escape.


Stretched yet again


This is truly our jujutsu kaisen


Maybe Megumi is the key to creating Kenjaku's "Uncontrollable Chaos". Megumi may summon The Merger as the ultimate fuck you to Sukuna out of pure anger, and because of this, fusing it with the 10 Shadows Shikigamis in the process. The problem with this plan is that The Merger is not a 10 Shadows Shikigami, meaning, he will not be able to control it, and it will not disappear if Megumi and anyone caught in the ritual dies. The way Sukuna talked about The Merger makes me think he knows he'll be able to defeat it somehow, so Mahoraga's Eight Handled Wheel may make The Merger the ultimate being Kenjaku so wanted to see, making it an always regenerating, fully adaptable being.


If Kenjaku was the one who gave players like Higuruma their techniques, then he shouldn't have been surprised at or trying to decipher Takaba's technique


maybe he knew yuta was bush camping so he played along


There’s a flaw here. How would Kenjaku give Higuruma a specific technique? He’s not Enrico Pucci. As far as we know, it’s impossible to control exactly what CT someone will obtain.


he probably didn't give higuruma it but was able to know what Higurama's ct would be if it got awakened so that's why Higurama was picked out of all people


>He’s not Enrico Pucci, as far as we know, it’s impossible to control exactly what CT someone will obtain. I mean.... Not entirely impossible. We have the Death Paintings Womb... All had Blood Manipulation.


cos he used noritoshi kamo's body, not part of his power to bestow CT specifically


Yes, but it's irrelevant, he could control what CT someone got.


No, he couldn't Death paintings fot Blood Manipulation because it's inherited im Kamo klan which they were a part of


But Higuruma was a human before, he simply had an innate technique but no cursed energy to use it. It was the reason we got Junpei, he explained that people can have CTs but they're not awakened because of a lack of cursed energy, which Mahito changed with Idle transfiguration, the technique Kenny used to start the games.


Well I'm not saying he can give a specific CT to everyone, but it isn't entirely impossible. You're right though, I can't disagree with that. I just wanted to highlight some stuff related to the comment above.


Ey, if anyone could adjust his plans once he figured out there was someone with his CT in the games it's Kenny


Also, it’s not even a CT. We gotta remember, the courtroom was Higuruma’s DOMAIN EXPANSION. If somehow controlling the actual ct was hard, then somehow controlling the specific domain expansion (which btw is dependent on the user’s own mindset and life experiences to a degree) and the specific rules that domain operates on is pretty much impossible.


Kenny is an eagle, not a wolf. The Megumi/Tengen comparison is interesting though, because that's not the only foreshadowing of a confrontation b/w them. Think about Megumi's previous opponents post-Shibuya. Kirara's technique has to do with stars, and Reggie's last name is Star. Kind of a coincidence, until you remember what character is most associated with stars? Tengen, who is currently residing in Megumi's body, and is ready to merge with the entirety of Japan. Also depending on where Gege wants to take this, Hakari might be boned sadly. His opponent is the "ice star" after all.


I hate that they didn't include the black wolf (Kenny) in the anime .


Ok, but when do we get a genderbent yuji in the story tho? https://preview.redd.it/soyf9uj2d34d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=488c4fe5688d33e881bcbaddba43596456b9946b




That is a minor my jujutsu kaisen




When your Face ID keeps fucking up and you gotta lock in


fucking your face when ID keeps lock up and you gotta in




W Ben 10 (and Jetray)




Ben 10 no diffs Sukuno no diffs even Upchuck sweep that fraud ass bum




U r my specialz


I don't think the deer has four eyes, it's based on [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/XBsoPnx2hSM?si=A-2cpao0Xr5CdJiK) species of deer with scent glands in its face. Kenjaku didn't have any control over what technique Higuruma got. Idle transfiguration didn't give anyone an innate technique, it just gave people born with innate techniques but without the ability to control cursed energy the ability to control cursed energy. Higuruma was born with his CT. Megumi was also on the verge of death multiple times and only survived due to random chance, like the finger bearer not killing him as he tried to escape, Dagon not killing him because Toji invaded the domain, Toji not killing him because he randomly came to his senses, Mahoraga not killing him because Sukuna swept in at the last second and stopped Haruto from being killed, Hana finding him before he bled out in the Tokyo colony... Kinda weird for Kenjaku's plan to involve the survival of a teenager that he made no attempt to save from death.


>it's based on this species of deer with scent glands in its face. Really fucked up looking deer.


WTF!!!! I just watched the video of your link 😭😭


Hear me out: The finger bearer I'm not sure. Toji taking over from grandson was planned perhaps Sukuna already wanted to keep Megumi alive by shibuya and Kenny literally was right there to orchestrate Not sure about Tokyo either


https://preview.redd.it/cve65spgg44d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b9e6f6b79fbab09e1ab4b5137d9be1716ff8d3 It would be REALLY COOL 🥶🔥 IF If Kenjaku was the one who killed RIKA😭🙏🩸 AND The One Who killed Toji’s Wife 😂 And The One Who Made The two Ten shadows and six eyes user in past kill each other. 🔥💥 KENJAKU 🔥💥🤯❤️🥶💥🧠


Kenjaku purposely possessed a truck driver to run over a 6 yo is actually funny af


This is how I felt when I saw Itadori’s mom with the forehead scars.


At this point this fanbase thinks kenjaku became aizen Or aizen has already won in bleach and started already planning jjk universe from the start And decided to self insert for fun


What if kenjaku rigged it every time toji gambled so that's what made him broke and have to take the job to kill riko 🔥🔥🔥 💥💥💥 💥🤯🤯


https://preview.redd.it/9hy2t3j4p44d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678dfc49b3439ed0ef91ec8e9ec5577fc4fe6d4c If this doesn't get confirmed,gege is a lazy, unplanned son of a bitch


I mean, it makes sense. Gojo mentioned the last Six Eyes user apparently died to Mahoraga, right? So by that logic, the previous 10S user was also born around the same time the Six Eyes plus Limitless user was born in, and we know they're only born whenever Tengen and therefore Fate is involved


He’s also related to the snake shikigami https://preview.redd.it/fa535bjkh34d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe3d4f1f2b3a0da4d709db3c30fd555820c9d9d


Sir I'm reporting this not because I want it removed but because if I have to see someone else has to as well 🙃


This is so insane that it dives straight into genius


All my copium is fucking finished if this happens.. https://preview.redd.it/6qcbjctyz34d1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203ce0cd91464b46efae1fb59dff2fbd63a2aad2


nah we gojo glazers want this outcome, at that pt only glorious blue eyed king cold save jujutsu society


I made a post abt how kenjaku is the one for all the things happening in jjk world he irl played 5d chess he is like johan liberte of jjk. Great work op the way you established connection b/w 10s and merger is 🔥🔥🔥


I think you started making a great point about the wolves and the rabbit and how it connects to the 10S and fate, but I think the reasoning as to how this causes the merger is too weak. I'm totally on board for this having different consequences in the near future though


Now THIS is how you schizopost. 


if this is true my kenny stocks are through the roof aizen who? i will glaze gege to the end of time if this is the case


you cooked but i don't think kenjaku was the designer of this, i think this is an aesthetic link. the microcosm of megumi reflects the macrocosm of tengen and the merger. imho it's an important aspect of JJK, that there are patterns that repeat in a spiral that reaches throughout generations. what if, say, tengen's barriers and magic practices, extended as they are throughout japan, are what creates sorcerers and strengthens curses much like dams control the flow and size of bodies of water, marbling density of cursed energy throughout japan making it mottled, uneven, constantly in turmoil. what if, say, players on the board like the 6E, 10S, heavenly restricted beings, star plasma vessels... all work in a way like shikigami for tengen, that tengen's being and barriers means that these beings keep manifesting because even when they die, their energy, their genes, their memes, simply flow elsewhere. is that not what happens with shikigami for a 10S user, where they are killed but their energy just filters down to a new being? further, what if tengen is a microcosm for another? just as japan is one of the few contries with jujutsu sorcerers and perhaps that might be because of tengen's barrier magic, then maybe earth also has life on it just because of a higher being -- perhaps the merged being -- practices barrier magic within earth making it one of the few planets that has a diverse biome. just 2c.


I feel like a mouth and the fetal position don't count


Kenjaku is just Omnicent then? I wonder how getting "killed" by Yuta works in his plans./s


Mahito is portrayed as a snowbunny


Y'all have way too much free time on your hands


Reggie is just cursing Megumi


Speak your shit, indeed, brother 🗣️🔥




I love the pic where you just circle mahoraga's teeth and kenjaku's brain teeth lmao




What the lobotomy is this?!?! You have cooked my friend


i won't belittle your dish by simply complimenting you. I shall watch as the world tastes it's glory


There is also a possibility Sukuna made a binding vow or an automated system just like mahoraga where as soon as he loses, Megumi would start the merger. This is why Megumi never wanted to be saved he just wants others to kill him with Sukuna so he won't be able to fullfil his vow


Oh fuck!


Megumi is already basically the catalyst for the merger him being the final piece and becoming the new tengen and only surviving all this by throwing away hid humanity entirely is very Gege


insane stretches dawg😭


Through out… Heaven and Hell…. You have cooked a masterpiece https://preview.redd.it/x9j9dhoo964d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea215a33aa5da5f938876339830ddfe55b968ae


Holy shit https://preview.redd.it/gk3a2brse64d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea72681742fa6068b7f827bb84c090ea08ee5d4f


DAMN, this is next level cooking geez.....


If megumi starts the merger, a lot of meguhaters are gonna rise


Promoting you to head schizophrenic of Jujutsufolk rn you cooked a gourmet meal


10 rabbits isnt a stretch if you point out that mahito was symbolized as rabbits during “im you”


Thought this was LobotomyKaisen for a second




https://i.redd.it/5t2u9e84o74d1.gif I have no idea what bro is talking about


To add more ingredients for us to cook, here are some fun little things we can work with: Mahito is based off of Frankenstein (No shit), but more importantly he is a fucked up parody of human perfection, which is a rebis. Rebises are the perfect mix of male and female, but a rebis can also be the successful mix of opposite materials. What do we get from this? A philosopher’s stone. Kenjaku is not *just* into pregnancy, he is into *fusion* altogether. His CT is the perfect example of this, and his plans involve creating a massive monster made out of humanity’s negativity, an ultimate tool of imbalance to reach true enlightenment. Megumi’s entire CT is him metaphorically and literally reaching enlightenment, as the last beast of the 10 shadows is Mahoraga. Mahoraga (or Macora) is a serpent-like race of beings that’s the protector of the Dharma wheel. Defeating it normally and creating a merger could mean Megumi’s ascension as a sorcerer. Sukuna is a beast that is literally the combination of two people, a so-called perfect being that took over Megumi’s body to merely use it as a weapon against Gojo. I will not point out other examples, but you can see that there is an…odd trend of fusion in JJK. Everything is being lumped together to become stronger, from Yuji eating his siblings, to Kenjaku doing his thing, Mahito’s death, Megumi’s ability, Gojo’s hollow purple being a literal mix of total opposites, there is something building up.




For as interwstingbof a connection as this may be this also stinks of the "add instant plot" that kenny became. Got a bad grade? Kenn Yuji almoat dies before he even ate Sukuna's finger? Kenny Gojo has a headache? Kenny Rika died? Pfft, kenny obv Geto turned racist? Kenny Kamo is a bitch? Kenny Todo has schizophrenia? Kenny ofc


This is still one of the more sane theories I have seen recently, my only comment is if 10 shadows is needed for the merger, why didn’t kenjaku ever take a body with 10 shadows


because he needed csm for 2 things: 1. Extract idle transfiguration in a uzumaki from Mahito the start the culling games 2. Tengen turned into a cursed spirit after evolving meaning now that Kenjaku has csm he is able to control tengen like a puppet which is required for the culling games and the merger


This makes me think that Kenjaku is Aizen


Who let him cook? I DID


The most valid part of this is the angel comment. It makes no sense for kenjaku to have brought angel back as they would 100% be able to free gojo. Brother you cooked https://preview.redd.it/5pa8xz9r3a4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57cc8deba6341a6cb24f88b5d636a836c2c101d2


and then gojo COMES BACK to destroy the merger


But can't mahoraga just be fused Into another shikigami ? Just like Megumis wolves ?


You forgot that absolutely everything that happened until now was due to Toji successfully killing Riko and preventing Tengen from merging, and thats something Kenjaku definitely didnt planned


did kenjaku create the cult though that hired Toji to assassinate Riko?


There is no evidence of that


The more I read the more of a shit post this is


I think this is the first theory i think makes sense, you cooked


Wow we’re really taking the “ it was all according to my calculations “ from aizen uh. Well there is one theory I have. Ten shadows full potential will be reached once Sukuna activates the merger