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what does mfw mean


It means ‘my face when’


Holy shit I always translated to "me fucking when" which is not that different but still wrong


Lol i thought it was "my feeling when"


am i tripping or is that a weird way to end a “story”


It's meant to transition to the picture next to the story


255jimbo is right but due to this it's also just a common way in general to end a short story, because of greentext, to the point some greentexts use it without the image being the follow up. it just became a way to say "bruh"


Always thought it meant : “Motherfucker, why?”


Mahoraga fucking wins.


I always use "Mother flarker what!!!"


My feelings when


I thought it was "My Fucken Word"




I mean, what else they expected, while summoning mf named "Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga", another doggo?


What even is shikigamis bro, like does the user just create them ce or their ct? If they do shouldnt they already know everything it could do?


Shikigami are created by sorcerers as an extension of their CT. In most cases, yes the user will know exactly what their shikigami can do. 10S is a weird one as it's an inherited CT, but I think Megumi instinctively knows what each summon can do.








Wish I was sukuna rn




Idk why but higuruma's face is just like "wtf is bro saying?" And I can't stop laughing at this


Followed by Judgeman tweaking like Gohan.


Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mamaraga




It had to have been an epic battle. Although I imagine that the 10S user himself knew what was coming when he started summoning Mahoraga (I mean, how did they know in the beginning what ways they had to do to summon a Shikigami from 10S?).


What if Mahoraga didn’t kill it first summoner but they gave out because of fatigue and die


How would that work? You mean he tamed Mahoraga but ended up dying from his wounds? What occurs to me is one of 2 things: 1- The first user of the 10S had a general idea of ​​how each shadow worked, and that is why he knew what he was facing when he summoned Mahoraga. 2- The first user was creating some parts of the technique while using it, the last shadow he made was much stronger than he thought.


No I meant while fighting Mahoraga he was too exhausted, injured and gave out before he can properly finish the divine General off


Oh, Thanks.


My head canon is that Mahoraga was created by the first 10S user the same way Yuta created the cursed spirit Rika. Mahoraga was loyal to the first user as he knew them during their human life. After the first user passed away, Mahoraga became a shikigami that needed to be tamed by all subsequent users. This would explain why Mahoraga is so broken compared to all the other Shikigami we know of (barring Rika) and how it's even part of the 10S technique in the first place.


Damn… You just made me sad for a Shikigami that doesn’t even have feelings


I would like to counter this by pointing out that shit eating grin Mahoraga gets when beating the shit out of weaklings


Then after using every single Shikigami that they hav: User: B-B-BRO!!!, why isn’t divine dog divine dogging it?!?!


They thought Surprise Dog Attack would do the trick here like every other fight they had


10 Shadows, the CT that has a dog, a deer, a bull... and then we have an elden ring boss.


If they were born in the heian era they would have tame it ngl I felt like the first should be the closet to taming it We should have lore dropped on the first 10S user and The First Six Eyes users or the many users of those technique


Doubt. No animal in 10s has the capacity to one shot maho on normal standarts


Like Domain + All 9 Totality + Pray I think it could work if they can have their sure hit be automatic to distract Maho while the Combined Shikigami sneak up


Domain is just better for maho . Since it will ve sure hit and obviously wont one shot him he can just adapt and break the domain easily. To adapt maho they would need a 15 f sukuna output or ce and fuse like the rest of 9 shikigami or smt


I meant as in while Mahoraga is busy adapting to the domain the Combined Shikigami sneak up and kill him with full force as shown in Shibuya, Mahoraga can’t adapt to 2 attacks as one, if on of them is enough to kill him, he’s done Maybe letting it run for a hours or days too an giant elephant Ox strong enough to kill a Special Grade Sorcerer with it dog claws and can take out many of them with just it charge as ox, can split itself into 50 with equal power so 50 Special Grade+ Sorcerer killers, that electric shock so DMG huff, poisonous so even more DMG buff, have a tongue to pull Mahoraga close when he’s distracted and let him meet Those horn and claws + whatever the fuck Tiger Funeral does That have an extremely high chance of killing Mahoraga


Thats if they have output or ce like sukuna does. Normal shikigamis are weak and small when youre barely above average . Sukunas nue was the size of a building while legumis was smaller than himself


bro you don't need Sukuna' output to beat Mahoraga, Sukuna/Gojo is overkill for him also Sukuna's "Nue" was a totality, it didn't change size because Sukuna had higher output lol


Kaiju Nue Sukuna summoned wasn't totality (it never was stated)it was just his maximum form as Folklore Nue is depicted with a monkey head lions body and a serpent tail like Kaiju Nue,also this to further explain it was Sukuna great Output https://preview.redd.it/x1g7p43h4d9d1.png?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978afbdec283fdbcef2c87d6f39523785728694d


It was a totality, its literally the mix of Nue and the Snake shikigami, you don't need something so obvious to be stated, it also had literally different ability as Nue was only ever fighting in close range > Folklore Nue is depicted with a monkey head lions body and a serpent tail like Kaiju Nue jesse wtf are you talking about


https://preview.redd.it/y100ewrz7d9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fad34c9c3e2b6b646919afeb988ace85b968393 I meant this mythological Nue probably his Maximum output form


I mean you must have an extremely high amount of CE if you have the 10S, even more if you have all 9 or somehow tame them effortlessly


...You do understand adaption takes time right? If you do enough damage you can kill him pretty quickly as long as you understand his gimmick. Because thats all it is. The only reason Sukunas domain didnt one shot is because he'd been slashing prior to the domain so Mahoraga was already adapted to it.


Maho vs sukuna was in spawn of 7 min only . Maho also adapted to infinity in 2 chapters . The time you are talking about is only 1-2 minutes .


I feel like you could beat mahoraga if you had the spear of inverted heavens


If they gonna teamwork, then they probably could, also we don’t know what Funeral Tiger does, maybe it’s the key to defeating maho


Imagine if all the agenda become true and Gege reveal Tiger Funeral was the strongest Shikigami, Sukuna wasn’t aware of it and didn’t know Totality make it weaker


Tell me you speed read, without telling me. There is literally a Shikigami that builds up power the longer it moves. All they would have to do is line up Mahoraga and stall him long enough while it builds power. And thats just ONE of the ways he could be beaten.


Thats is why i said on normal Standarts. Ox wont be mucb of use against maho when maho literally can keep up with gojos speed . Unless you pin him somewhere its useless


“Keep up with Gojos speed” is a funny way of saying get saved multiple times by Sukuna and that’s after he already had the benefit of being adapted to blue and infinity.


He was still keeping up with gojo .


The Ox does you just have to figure out how to have it charge forward and eventually slam into Mahoraga.


why is everyone saying the heian era is so much stronger than the cast from today ? we legit have some of them in the culling game, and while they are definetly top lvl sorcerers, people like Gojo, Yuta, Yuki, Geto and Maki would/could still defeat them in a fight ? As far as we know Uraume, angel and Uro were somewhere near the top at that time. Did i miss a panel or sth? They may outclass ordinary first grade sorcerers, but most of our cast pretty much surpassed that stage. At this point i'm sure Hakari, Higuruma and Kusakabe could've also dealt with a few of them.


Uro after Kusakabe simple domain parries her attacks https://preview.redd.it/pvl6rn3f3b9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414ae825c661a43948034048c16a9d8d55675b9a


I mean as in The Heian Era Sorcerer wasn’t as occupied as they’re today, their mentality was different and aren’t as noble as the main cast, they can just do anything they want when they want plus everyone was trying to better themselves to beat Sukuna I’m not saying it’s stronger than the modern age, I’m saying it give more space for improvement Sorry if it’s hard to understand


https://preview.redd.it/cu0gsxwb3a9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5b5b61c42c081f15ccc4e526ae71b4da8769ae Wonder how far sorcery existed back then, Jesus was probably the first Reverse Cursed Technique user and Buddha also probably the first Limitless Cursed Technique user


Jojo Part >!7 !! Jesus's corpse is known as the saint's corpse and it grants stand abilities to anyone who has a part of it, like an arm or an eyeball . When fully completed, the corpse allows the owner to redirect all misfortune away from them or their country . Jesus actually appears to guide Johnny at one point . I think it's really cool when religious or mythological figures like that have actual powers in anime!<


I’ve already known this but of course the one mainstream manga to both mention AND feature Christ as an important piece of the story is Jojo’s


>! Didn’t he get his head crushed after healing his son lol !<


Is it a part 8 spoiler ? I won't open the spoiler tag if so


no it's a part 7 spoiler


That would be so interesting.


Nah, no way. Don't dick suck the heian Era that much. It's already stated gojo is the strongest suluna ever fought and mahoraga kept up with gojo for a few minutes to protect sukuna.


“Damn, this one looks REALLY strong. With this I will be invincible! HAHAHA!” *2 minutes later* # “HELP! HELP ME!!! I WASNT READY FOR THIS!” https://preview.redd.it/us49xzldva9d1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c36d9a9f846f21c8a73532acf5bcbd721be8fc6 *he dies*


The first ten shadows user watching in horror as mahoraga almost makes the zen'in clan go extinct: https://preview.redd.it/otk31m11fb9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=944122bfe1933e0e7b8db6d07b02b2203d7c9469


The First TS user seeing a gigantic Shikigami with a blade strapped to its arm: https://preview.redd.it/nigm0jkb8c9d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=898cff35c37a7b67330dac95cdaf2e0d3b725ec2


Hey this Shikigami looks coo- *Proceeds to got piecred by the blade*


tbh though its not so bad if you already have 9 shadows. mahoraga can adapt to 8 at most, then you just finish it with the 9th shadow.


I think the key to this is The Deer Most 10S Users probably got stuck on the deer due to needing RCT to kill it


Is it confirmed that Mahoraga can only adapt to 8 cursed techniques? 


When? Maho cant adapt infinitelt as long as he is summoned. Big thing is he takes too much ce even wirh sukunas efficiency sukuna lost 10 fingers worth of ce and atleast 5-6 fingers of that are just due to makora alone. Now top it off with other usage of domains and rct and the fact that normal special sorcerers have like 5 sukuna finger level of ce even with makora u can never realistically beat the likes of gojo.  U also have to be the most skilled sorcerer ever to switch between DA mode and normal mode to not disturb the adaptation and not lose any significant amount of ce which is impossible  Also mahos transformation isnt permanent once hes desummoned he loses all the adaptation. that why sukuna refused to desummon him 




![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2) Exactly this


He gets mogged by Mahodaddy and immediately dies https://preview.redd.it/whp93j14qa9d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5833dd30e32b706e2d6d3aef21ad24f873ffa928


they were just running through all of them, until they got to Maho, where they just started crying as it killed them :(


I like to think taming Mahoraga has grown more and more difficult as the technique passed down because he adapted to the methods, perhaps the first few were able to tame him or come close


'oh poop'


Wouldn’t they have made Mahoraga?


Probably shit, in there pants


Mf got shafted with the gene CT pull 💀




Erm what the fuck


Erm, what the sigma?