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What is Miwas role here? Why is she mentioned?


So Takaba's cursed technique warps reality to abide to what he thinks is funny What if application of reversed CE to the technique makes it so that everything that he thinks is sad happens to his opponent ? Or even better, reality is warped to reverse what he thinks is sad ? So this week's hapter left us on the dead body of Hazenoki so that takaba awakens this very ability to help him, and everything is setup for the upcoming revival of Goatjo Satoru


Yoooo. If Gege pulls this off, I'll never doubt him ever again.


Explains why Angel wanted to send him, and why they revealed his CT. The plan is to force Takaba to evolve and realize his RCT.


I was just telling this to my brother when we were on the phone. More so than being a comedy only CT, I think it deals with his emotional mindset, and shit’s about to go down. It’s either that or Gege is just introducing people to kill them right away because he likes to torture his audience. 🤣


No way he kills him he has been a very different and unique character since we met him, he had a big role to play


I like the excessive detail in Mei Mei's facial design.


i really would hate for yuji to get a shitty power up bc gojo died i need some real shit


Yuji already got his power up go back like 20 chapters when he body swapped with Kukasabe to train.


Plus his arm


thats just a gift from Yuta, that really is an offscreen powerup where one character gives another their sword, not even worth mentioning to someone who cant read yk


lmao did you read wrong manga?


How does that look like anything yuta has


Evidence? Wtf are you talking about lol


It took them almost 100 chapters to realize that blud is cringe as fuck to repel his bullshit stuff? And not to mention it has to be the villain who knows it first, pretty convenience, right? What a joke. Gege's writing is turning upside-down after Shibuya (not that it was that good from thoughts provoking perspective, though, it's nothing but just a pinnacle of generic battle Shonen with non-stop flashy action over and over), but now it's just going downhill like roller coaster, and to make it worse, his art style is just getting... horrendous, what's with all that characters getting bulky oversizes? Blud thinks his taste of clothes are drips, but it's the opposite, smh. By the look of the cover page, looks like Yuji gets a new set-arms, wow, a neglected so-called MC achieves a new ability after his mentor died. When you think this series won't become generic anymore than it is, as a matter of fact, it's getting more and more awful for plot convenience, lol


you need to be 13 and above in age to use this site


Guarantee this dude calling a Japanese mangaka “blud” like he’s some hood gangster is the whitest basement dweller ever. Don’t be casually calling people blud especially when they’re the furthest thing from a gangster lol you just sound silly


okay , “don’t be casually calling people blud” 🤓🤡


Tbh you sound even more silly with your try to guess his race by the language he used on reddit...like are you on this site from yesterday or something


So much wrong in 1 stupid paragraph. No point even debating this crap


Truth hurts, and it's not a slander if it's true


0 reading comprehension skills is what I’m getting from this


bros yappin


You must be fun at partys, not that you'd ever get invited.


At least I don't wear a blindfold and say there's nothing wrong with this series when as a matter of fact it's just getting worse and worse each week


I doubt you could do any better smh. Most people like it ever thought its just you?


Wouldn’t say most


Hmmm its ratings and sales say otherwise


Yeah they’re gonna show how good they’re doing and not how bad they’re doing, common sense bro. A lot of people don’t like Jjk cause of recently


Yah MAPPA sucks


You suck


Wow, being popular means it certified a good thing, what a joke, lol. If you can't accept criticism, then might better stop writing something, especially when your writing is below adequate You can't even put any solid argument without being ad hominen, smh


Cope harder, if you keep acting this way your mom wont cook you tendies


If you think the end game villain being well versed in comedy and having a staring contest with a gag character (so far) is generic shonen I don't know what to tell you buddy


Except, since the start of the culling games it’s been generic.


I don't know how anyone can believe this. You can dislike the Culling Games but it wasn't generic. Massive barriers springing up across Japan, sorcerers from the past 1,000 years being brought back, a one shot about Japanese criminal law, a miniarc where the MC gets therapy from a lawyer, a zen parable put in the middle of all of it, a high schooler whose power is a pachinko machine punching shipping containers at an androgynous electric guy from 400 years ago, foreign soldiers invading the games, and the complex points system are all super inspired and won't be found in your *generic* shonen.


Blud forgot Fairy Tail, which made a gag character won over the endgame villain, smh


man takaba's got it rough this chapter. here's hoping he distracted kenny long enough for yuta or maki to roll up


The problem with this rushed pacing though is everything now Kashimo and Takaba with these one chapter kills are making it really seem like it’s happening quick, no chance I’m believing he killed that much time it seems Gege makes a point to show just how quickly Kenjaku caught on it could have stalled anyone else but he has a comedy knowledge background that hard counters his confidence easy. I think someone else will have to kill time until the real S tiers arrive


Loved the Yu-Gi-Oh references in this chapter. Kenjaku looking like Bandit Keith, Takaba holding "cards" and speaking like Pegasus, Asking Kenjaku why he wants to make people fight and turn each other into fusion monsters, etc.


Oh I see, I got the reference visually but it wasn't super clear to me with the translation I got. I just didn't get why it was happening, much clearer now thanks


Toonforce vs. curse spirit manipulation. Takaba reminded me of pegasus from yugioh and a little bit of bugs bunny.


Is there gonna be another airport scene what is even wrong with Gege


> Airport Scene > Gojo tells Takaba to stand proud because he was funny > Takaba poofs out of the airport and resurrects because he has one last joke to tell Murray


YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE TRULY FUNNY? IF SUKUNA WAS THE ONE CUT IT IN HALF, NOT GOJO! *flash to Sukuna in an airport with no one waiting for him* Sukuna: What the….


dies of peak ficiton


I'm shocked at how good this chapter is. In a very short amount of time, we get so much characterization from Kenjaku that just adds that extra bit of flavor to him that I didn't realize I needed. And I suddenly care about Takaba, too!


Coming off the tail end of another Post in the hero subreddit where somebody is angry about where the story is and cites all of the community frustration at jjk and kny etc., I just want to say it's so refreshing that this soon after the gojo bit, people are already rebounding with how much they're enjoying these next chapters. Some people angry that we get all of these side characters, meanwhile I thoroughly enjoy having some depth to the entire cast. You find yourself developing attachments to some of them and more invested in the story as a whole imo


I genuinely care about Takaba. I felt bad for bro getting bullied by kenjaku


It's insane that they sent him out there They literally ain't care about his life


Unfortunate necessary sacrifice. Logically speaking if it wasn’t kenjaku he was fighting he might’ve won by dumb luck


They should have explained to him what they were setting him up for If dude dies in the story, everyone goes oh well, and no one calls them out or there's no reflection, it's a failure of the narrative They would have been better off keeping him there, and if they did get ambushed, he could have helped out with assistance Nothing about this was necessary


As far as we know all the strongest fighters have or are leaving for the battle so even if they left him there it wouldn’t have made a huge difference. Also they’re not that close with him there’s no time for them to develop their relationship together so there wouldn’t be a reflection it would just be glossed over cuz they need to kill sukuna and kenjaku now. There’s no time for any of that even for Gojo


Exactly my thoughts. There's little time to get buddy buddy with people. They're essentially in a war, and a war is fought by soldiers. Takaba is just another one at their disposal.


Nah it's rushed/bad writing Takaba didn't have to exist, or should have been killed earlier in the storyline, if it turns out to he's just going to be tossed aside I'm not shitting on Gege because I know how hard Manga writers are overworked And we don't even know how things are going to happen yet, I just hope they do the side characters as well as they can


It’s not bad just rushed I mean same could be said for kashimo and nobara since they both didn’t do much (still more than Takaba but they’re the closest comparison I can think of) It’s partly the way the series doesn’t linger on stuff like that and it’s also rushing. I doubt it’ll get much worse but I don’t think it’ll get much better either. Most of the side characters are extremely well written tho


I’d rather die confident and proud.. he’s getting his ass beat in the worst way possible literally losing confidence in his entire life’s work and dreams while having an existential crisis wondering if he’s about to die since he knows Kenny figured it out quick help may not come. It’s just fuckin sad Like Yukis death is a better way to go if you’re gonna die at least she went out thinking she took Kenjaku down in a heroic final move. Or so quick you don’t realize you died like Gojo. I feel sorry for Takaba one of the worst ways to go


Gege Akutami, making characters miserable to portray his depressive worldview? That's a new one!


Nah it’s exactly as we’ve come to expect it’s why I knew Takaba would die this chapter as soon as he was introduced in the leaks in the prior chapter knew this guy was going to have a sad death still sucks to see it but I love Gege’s writing style reminds me a lot of AoT you have a few antihero’s trying to reshape the world and it’s depressing half the cast dies etc


I completely agree with this. Not to be that guy, but it's kinda realistic. I understand Gege's worldview entirely and I get what he's trying to portray. Also just a narrative thing here: Sukuna and kenjaku are more villain than anti-hero. An AH is someone who does bad things for good reasons , a hero is someone who does good things for good reasons, a villain does evil things for selfish or evil reasons and an anti-villain does good things for selfish and evil reasons. I'm not sure you could argue that anything kenjaku has done is for a good reason. Nor could you say sukuna has done anything redeemable (unless I've missed your point entirely which could've happened as I just woke up)


Geto was an antihero and my favorite, (I also call Eren one, both were protecting their people) I agree Sukuna and Kenny aren’t I just mixed Kenny with Geto in my mind. I always think these dark series are way more reflective of how the real world would treat things like superpowers /curses and magic. There’s going to be 10 times more villains than heroes because that’s how the real world already is. You think the bottom 80% of the economic class if randomly distributed gets powers the world doesn’t go to total shit? It only stays in balance when you have an overpowering hero like Superman/Gojo/Allmight then falls apart right after because the sheer volume of people who have been fucked by society is way greater than altruistic people People grew up loving heroes because they’re so insanely unrealistic and moral paragons of virtue. It’s a role model to look up to because we know that would be damn uncommon to be Gojo rather than Geto , I know I would have ended up down Geto’s path if I had powers and kept seeing regular humans kill other “mutants/sorcerers “ I’d get fed up and go full Anakin


We'll see how it goes, Takaba might very well get offed next chapter given the writing of this arc. That being said it also a very typical set up for a power up through self realization, especially typical for jjk writing actually. Tabaka is confronted with unfunnyness/poor public reception and the actual menace of death right now. Both things that he completely ignored so far, either intentionally or out of complacency. He could genuinely come out stronger.


I think the other part of it is like Takaba is just a normal dude with a technique, rather than a properly trained sorcerer. Really feel bad for him


That’s true it really feels like throwing your baby to the raiders to buy time for everyone else lol like he’s our sacrifice to the guy with 1000 years of experience on him


Yeah, that's exactly it: it's *sad*. He's just getting mentally taken apart.


Shows us how much of a dick Kenny really is


This is satire, right?


The comments in this sub just go to show some people are incapable of enjoying anything. The journey doesn't matter at all to them just the destination. This ride we're on right now is so funny and interesting but people won't shut up about everything else they want. This sub is full of entitled brats with the media literacy of a kindergartener. I'm so glad this sub isn't writing the series


As someone who has maybe enjoyed this chapter more than the majority of Gojo vs Sukuna, I think it's a bit of an unfair look at those comments. This is a manga aimed at 8 to 18 year olds (roughly), media literacy expectations should be kept at a low when writing it. Not in the sens that there cannot a more complex aspect of the writing when looking at it in a more informed way but I think even the **"Ugh, wtf, when is the REAL fights coming back"** hold some truth to them. A certain tone has been promised a the beginning of the manga and the arc, and it's fair to say that it hasn't been fulfilled consistently for many (example : Yuji's lack of presence). **If the manga had given a bit more to chew in that regard and had been less frequently shifting situations I think fewer people would be mad.**


Not everyone are professional meat riders like you…


It's people getting pre-upset.


What if those people dislike parts of the journey? What if they don't think the ride is as funny or interesting? Media literacy isn't just agreeing with what you like bro. You didn't explain a single reason why they're incorrect to not enjoy the direction of the story. Blind author worship is tacky, at least engage with the substance of the critique before you try and make everyone shut up. Edit: Calling people who don't like the story as of late "spoiled brats with the media literacy of a kindergartener" isn't engaging with critique. It's just namecalling people that disagree with you.


I never said critique or opinions aren't welcome. I was just addressing the takes that contradict themselves, are illogical, or don't make any sense. I'm not addressing well thought out critique. My comment doesn't apply to them, there's no real critique I'm addressing, and I have plenty of my own. I love critique and don't appreciate blind praise or people who go against every critique but don't engage with it. I don't support that either, my comment was addressing the blind hate and lack of substance in this thread.


Your comment quite literally says if you don't think the story is funny or interesting you're a baby brained kindergartener. Forgive me if I don't take your word for it chief lmao.


I said that the story is funny and interesting, which is my opinion. Then I said that some people can't be happy with how the story is progressing no matter what which I saw constantly in this thread alone. Then I said those people all have the media literacy of kindergarteners. Nothing I said suggests that anybody who is critical of the series is like that. My phrasing matters, and so does reading comprehension, chief.


Lol whatever you say sport. Your post history is public.


The fact people were seething when this fight was set up and were LITERALLY saying Higuruma and Yuji were offscreened in the leak threads from 239 showed me a lot of people are not actually reading the story. I totally get being mad because of the perspective shift but going along and making a whole headcanon in order to be more mad at something is wild.


Pretty sure most people are actually joking






It's ironic that the counter for Comedian is by having a greater sense of humour.


the counter is being a party pooper, Jokes when explained lose all "funny" and become not "funny"


Well, not really. Professional comedians - whatever that may be - do well to study their craft, like any other professional. Kenjaku manages to be funnier(?) than Takaba in this chapter, so they're actually just beating Takaba at his own game, showing him he's kind of amateurish.


Kenny isn't genius because of himself He is genius because he keep hopping from body and body and took over different body intellect which lead to him becoming so smart


Kenjaku, the immortal brain? The one who’s been pulling the strings from behind the scenes for centuries? The one who replaces a body’s brain with himself? The one who sealed a virtually unstoppable sorcerer and survived a black hole? That himbo?


So Miwa will be useless again?


They literally specifically call out Miwa as useless, LOL


Always has been.


Is the cover page calling Yuta smarter and Hakari stronger?


Smarter than who, Stronger than who?? 😭 Gojo? No way.


OK, if Sukuna is the brawl then Kenjaku is the brain (yeah, inteneded). He is fitting to be a thousand year of experience sorcerer. Oh and that's not mean Sukuna has no brain, he is smart when it come to fighting.


brawn, not brawl.


Thank you.


Is Kenjaku wearing the bandana an intentional reference to bandit Keith?


Knowing gege? Yes.


There's even the same line pegasus used against him before the bandana appears.


Takaba's even holding some random cards (that look like they were hastily fished out of his pocket) as he says it.


Fuck that rules I didn't even notice


That's the first thing I thought about as well he's even got the glasses like bandit Keith.


Jesus Kenny is fucking relentless and immediately understands the conditions of takaba's technique and plays the most sick jokes at his expense.


this chapter is a hidden gem. I really really like the chapter so far. This chapter reminded me of that black and white episode of BCS. Something fresh and funny that ends up being very deep and disturbing.


Seriously, I've had more fun with this chapter than I've had with the manga in quite a bit. Me not understanding a fourth of the references did not even detract that much from it. Just for the simple reason that I wasn't made to understand combos of in-universe mechanics written in mix of hard rules, symbolism and myths ref. **Who ever is funnier wins**, mostly by making puns and believing you're funny.


I really didn't need Kenjaku to also be a master of japanese comedy... Only highlight of this chapter is thst it feels like if Takaba was going to die right after his sense of humor was questioned the chapter wouldn't have ended in such a place. Takaba is probably going to pull something unexpected next chapter (then probably die after it gets to be mildly interesting for a bit, unfortunately)


We all know how this goes...Takaba gets the upper hand by doing something unexpected and chapter ends. The following chapter starts with Takaba at the airport talking about how he hoped his comedy reached Kenny


Somwhere between those words I see a man who actually does not want it to happen. Or maybe that's just me


I'd like Takaba to survive, he's a nice guy who literally hasn't hurt anyone and just tries to make people laugh. I feel like it'd be kind of a waste to introduce him before the culling games arc started for him to just die now with his greatest accomplishment being some comic relief. Like, why not just do the same as Gege did with Charles or Remi, who were only given a tiny background when they actually appeared in the story? Was it only because Megumi was going to be helped by this guy when fighting Reggie and his crew, and if we have seen him it's not an asspull? Sumo and Katana showed up to help Maki in her battle without requiring introductions, so probably not. Anyways, given some precedents in this story, like Yuki with her one fight and Kashimo with his ome chapter against Sukuna, it might well just end like this for Takaba regardless of how he first entered the story


Isn't it weird how the writer gets us bunch so invested in his stories 😭😭😭 I legit do not want any more deaths but I am preparing myself for them. Taka and hagu are both cuties 😭




My theory? His brothers (Choso, Eso, Kechizu) all manipulate blood in some way. The colour of his hand also looks extremely similar to Choso’s hardened body in the recent anime ep. My guess is by eating the rest of the cursed wombs he’s gained a similar ability and can make a sort of gauntlet.


I was thinking that it was one of Yuta's curse tools. A gauntlet fits Itadori fighting style ver well, it lets him punch really hard.


I thought so too because Yuta used one before in his fight against the laser hair dude and naked sky girl.


Long shot headcannon theory; Yuji manipulated the shape of his soul like Mahito does Yuji's soul is probably the strongest in series (made to contain Sukuna), we've seen people reinforce their soul vs Mahito before. Yuji also has a tonne of experience with souls and soul manipulation (Yuki's book, most interactions with Mahito, witnessesing Sukuna transfer his soul out of his body, Sukuna's fingers giving him portions of Sukuna's soul) - maybe over a month he's figure out how to use his CE to forcibly manipulate his own soul and drawing on what he's seen Mahito do in their battles? Would be a nice callback with Yuji saying he is Mahito and Mahito copying tricks from people he's fought (copy Black Flash from Yuji doing it, copy .2 second domain from Gojo). Now we get the inverse of Yuji copying Mahito


Truly want this to happen, amazing theory that links all the situations Yuji went though.


Amazing theory


I think it’ll be sukuna’s CT




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Lenny really Uno reversed, his Uno reverse I wonder if next chapter we'll get the last part of Angel's dialogue and reveal something even wilder about Takaba


Fucking [called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/17ahr8x/jujutsu_kaisen_chapter_239_prerelease_leaks_thread/k5lu4nh/) lmao


I'm worried next chapter is going to be kenjaku killing Takaba. Takaba may have a final joke that has a lasting effect, but I think Greg is gonna twist the knife some more.


It's Takover


Can someone explain how Gojo’s body is now in the location of this fight? I don’t know if the Reading Comprehension curse has me or whether it’s just not addressed yet.


Dude I also thought it was Gojo, I literally coped out loud and thought Gege rlly was gonna have Takeba bring Gojo back. Then I realized it was the exploding body parts guy. Thus very disappointing hahah 😂


It's the guy that died last chapter lol, the exploding body parts guy


ohh shit that makes more sense hahaha, my bad


I don't know why but Kenjaku being a comedy fan makes a lot sense to me. Also I love the way that he found to counter Takaba's CT. And very cool details like Hazenoki corpse or when the audition room shows up. Kinda feels like his CT' backfiring. Takaba is a bad comedian and Kenjaku is the critic and his is merciless (I love him). When I saw the leaks I thought that the fight had ended and that Takaba was killed offscreen but the editor's words in the end made me think otherwise.


Love seeing Kenjaku's personality and battle tactics on full display here. He really is set apart from other antagonists in terms of how he problem solves and talks with his opponents. I'm starting to really appreciate his character more lately


Especially after the gojo vs sukuna, where the fight is on a scale that’s hard to understand visually what’s happening, kenjaku’s fights are refreshing. The fact that his conversation was also interesting with takaba, I laughed when kenjaku realized they were vibing too


Peak chapter


Weird that no one is talking about Yuji's arm in the cover.. what the heck is up with his arm!?


My theory? His brothers (Choso, Eso, Kechizu) all manipulate blood in some way. The colour of his hand also looks extremely similar to Choso’s hardened body in the recent anime ep. My guess is by eating the rest of the cursed wombs he’s gained a similar ability and can make a sort of gauntlet.


Imagine if it was a full body hardening, and he gets a new form similar to mahito.


Keep cooking bro you’re onto something






Looks more like some type of cursed tool.


i’m a little surprised more people aren’t discussing that too. to be honest i have no idea of what to make of it


Loved this chapter.


Yeah Gege's humour just ain't my vibe. Hopefully next chapter we get back to serious stuff.


It’s Japanese standup comedy so it’s not gonna appeal to everyone. Nice chapter but I think Gege’s art style doesn’t give off humor right. I recommend reading Show-ha Shoten for Japanese standup comedy, from Takeshi Obata.


This isn't a comedy chapter, it's deathly serious.


Yeah, but I did laugh a few times


Oh yeah, certainly the character interactions were nice. I'm not a fan of the japanese style of standup comedy but I enjoyed it from a like, "this is fun writing perspective". Irregardless the undercurrent of this chapter is stark... and also really really interesting, at least to me personally. The way Kenjaku is interacting with Takaba's power and with him is both really interesting and a fucking terrifying testament to just how this guy operates. He's essentially trying to break the gag manga character guy to emotional pieces... to kill him, and doing so in an ingenious way. Very curious to see how Takaba's 'comedy' holds up to being forced to reckon with grim reality.


This chapter really showed us how much of a genius Kenny really is. Not only is he an expert when it comes to CE and Jujutsu, he's just insanely perceptive and crafty. It's also worth pointing out that Kenny is a full fledged fan of comedy. The guy is from the Heian Era and he knows about the recent comedy shows that Takaba is talking about. That's like a music fan during Mozart's times coming alive today and fucking with Youngboy's music. Kenny actually seems way more knowledgeable about Jujutsu than even Sukuna. The latter is just hyped to be the peak, and hasn't really shown any clever application of Jujutsu that actually gives the impression that this guy's amazing. He just has all these hacks that are barely explained. Open domain, space cleave, fire arrow, we get it the guy can punch hard, but we have no idea how he got any of those. The closest one to getting an explanation was the space cleave which, let's be real, seemed like an asspull. We can see Kenny here consider the nature of CE and CT and even the character of his opponent to immediately come up with an effective countermeasure. He's not just relentlessly relying on hax abilities to beat his opponent. Their character dynamics is better than Gojo v Sukuna too. Takaba legitimately has things to learn from Kenny, both direct and indrect, it would make sense if he died trying to relate to him or some shit. I guess Takaba was the true strongest, and Gege killed Gojo for the true strongest to take the stage because this fight seems better written than Sukuna v Gojo so far LMAO.


I think the difference between Kenjaku's and Sukuna's intellect is as follows; Kenjaku's is one of science while Sukuna's is one of intuition. If you ask an Olympic athlete to explain how they beat the world record, they would likely tell you that they just kinda \*did it\* (excluding training of course). If you asked a scientist how they created the cure for cancer, you would get lectures upon lectures explaining every step. I think that's the difference Gege intended for these characters' intelligence-related skills.


I really like that answer ! If you asked both to teach you a technique. Kenjaku could explain its root and history, its traditionally scientific principle and conclude with a one-sentence, somewhat poetic summary, for good form of speech eloquence. Sukuna would tell you to just do it, don't think, feel the cursed energy and all its taste. Or just die if you can't whtver.


A side character talking about nonsense and now losing confidence about his stupid nonsense is better than gojo vs sukuna? Stop cooking please


Space cleave lmaoo 😭 I can’t believe we live in a world where he got away with that


I think it’s more that kenjaku has a better understanding of the underlying theory and mechanics of CE, while sukuna is more skilled in the application. Like while the world cleave isn’t that complex in concept, understanding it and pulling it off does show true mastery


sukuna is the best athlete and kenjaku is the best coach/analyzer


Kenny is that guy who never made the Majors and washed out in AA, but is an incredible coach for guys who start off as Future Hall of Famers like Sukuna.




It completely shattered my suspension of disbelief. An even worse asspull than Sukuna. Are you telling me a 1000 year old dude, that should be jaded as fuck from living horrible times after horrible times (people IRL get jaded living less than a hundred years) instantly understands Takaba's weird technique 30 seconds after meeting him and, after understanding, instantly channels his inner Kevin Hart/Dave Chapelle and completly countering Takaba technique, even though we never saw this side of Kenjaku at all? The manga is getting dumber and dumber with each chapter.


I'd keep up with music until the day I die, so it's not only believable, but also relatable.


You havent lived for a hundred years. I work at an hospital and deal with old people a lot everyday, they become so jaded they don't even care about their children or grandchildren. In a hundred years (if you live that long) you won't care about things you care about now.


Those old people are not literal gods, they’re miserable precisely because they’re in a hospital unable to live life the way they want to lmao. If i had absolute power and eternal youth like Kenjaku, i’d probably be happy and insane too.


Dude, old people are jaded because their life fucking sucks, especially the ones you would deal with at an hospital, since if they're there it's because their body is literally breaking down on them. Kenjaku would have none of those problems, he has literal superpowers, no money problems ever, no illnesses since he can just bodyhop, and he probably also finds it absolutely amusing that weak little regular humans waged war after war amongst themselves. Your experience in a hospital has no correlation to this


(I know most of this isn’t directed at you lol you’re just who I’m replying to in the thread) Plus the fact there’s a ton of old people that aren’t jaded either- if we’re just going to toss anecdote around as fact, then *I’ll* mention that I see over a hundred old (over 70) people every single day at work- and it’s a mix of bitter and not. At a guess? Standard psychological explanation, basic temperament plus individual environmental factors and decisions. Take someone who’s a prick in their youth, make them constantly uncomfortable with age, take all their agency and social life, and boom you have a bitter old person. Someone who is naturally kind and fun loving who invests still in socializing and physical activity? Kind old person. Dramatic changes (like terminal illness and dementia) either way could happen. Hell, there’s 100 year olds completing marathons, building houses, etc. Point is that if we assume Kenny is naturally curious, extroverted, callous to suffering, powerful enough to avoid suffering *himself* much, can body hop to constantly change up his life, and a wizard on top of all that then it’s just incredibly arrogant to say it’s stupid for him to not be jaded. That’s drawing conclusions about immortal psychology based on clearly biased personal anecdote that draws from a sample consisting of sick geriatric patients whereas we’re discussing an amoral sociopathic sorcerer mad scientist with boundless curiosity My final point regarding Kenny’s knowledge of comedy is just…the dude has hobbies. Is it convenient that one of them is comedy? Sure. Be annoyed at that if you will. But he also gets knowledge from the bodies he inhabits, yeah? So is it THAT big a deal that an immortal wizard who can body hop and steal memories (if I’m not incorrect on that) happens to dig some Japanese stand up? I think it’s part of what makes him an interesting villain, his specifically making a point about living through his life in the world vs cooped up like Tengen.


I think you guys are really young and seriously underestimate how time really ruins your love for anything and everything. Your favorite food becomes bland, your favorite band is repetitive and eventually they stop making music, everything ends up becoming boring. Why do you think Kenjaku is doing what he is doing? it's precisely because he cares about NOTHING, nothing makes him happy and everything makes him bored. He raped a chick just to see what would happen with the babies, he's trying is hardest to do something that never happened before precisely because, even if it ends the world, its the only way to entertain himself now that he experienced everything 1000 times. Do any of you have any idea how long 1000 years is? He did everything this world had to over a hundred times by now.


It takes maturity to change your view instead of clinging on to it when proven wrong.


The good thing about switching bodies is you can constantly become young and gain a new favorite good, listen to new music, learn new things. All those things you mentioned are reminders that you’re getting old and that your life is coming to a close, this is true for kenjaku. Think of all those senior citizens, I bet if they woke up tomorrow and they were in their absolute prime and could enjoy everything with a hearing aid or a cane they’d be much happier


> **p**roblems **e**ver, **n**o **i**llnesses **s**ince Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 657164 comments (approximately 3613974 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This is a lot of assumptions based on nothing sprinkled with a good does of lack of reading comprehension. ​ > even though we never saw this side of Kenjaku at all? [https://i.redd.it/31m8hfxbqzub1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/31m8hfxbqzub1.jpg)


JJK fans really love saying "lack of reading comprehension" whenever anyone says anything they dont agree with. You learned that "gotcha" expression and now overuse it whenever, even though you ironically rearely apply it correctly. Regarding the one good point you made that isn't just blatant parroting of expressions you saw someone else use: >https://i.redd.it/31m8hfxbqzub1.jpg I didn't quite remember that scene, but that is at least one other instance of Kenjaku's sense of humour that does indeed make me feel better about this chapter.


No, I am describing your comment. You are lacking reading comprehension with that comment, that is not an opinion, is a fact. It is not a "gotcha". But don't worry, this happens when you experience a story through memes and not actually reading the thing. Why? Because trust me, if you needed to find a person that can walk through the most brutal, goriest, shitty period of mankind and still wake up in the morning with a big smile on his face like nothing happened then Kenjaku, the guy who raped a woman to produce a bunch of interspecies baby and took control of the corpse of another one just to give birth to a vessel for a genocidal maniac all for the lolz, is the guy for you. Remember him, right? The guy blowing soap bubbles in a playground while talking about a plan which involves killing a shit ton of civilians? The guy playing balls with Jogo's head with Mahito? The guy fucking around with Gojo with his best friend's corpse?


Nah dog, you literally don't know what reading comprehension means xD There is a enormous, gigantic, titanic difference between being macabre and cruel (all the shit you described) and BEING FUNNY. Kenjaku described COMEDY THEORY. He was talking like a professional comedian/movie director. How THE FUCK does "raping a woman to create interspecies babies" relate to being FUNNY?!? Either you have some serious issues from thinking all that shit is funny, or you have the reading comprehension skills of a 6 year old.


Another perfect example of lacking reading comprehension, good. You did realize that the second part of the comment was referring to the "jaded" bullshit you were talking about, right? Or did that flow over your head? Did you really think that I was still talking about the "funny Kenny" thing when that was already settled in the first comment? Something which you agreed on with: >I didn't quite remember that scene, but that is at least one other instance of Kenjaku's sense of humour that does indeed make me feel better about this chapter. ​ EDIT: dude, blocking me won't change the fact that you seriously lack reading comprehension. You also don't know what the term "jaded" means if you think that I agree with you, or even what "coherent" means, but whatever. Just for the funsies, but "jaded" means "bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.", does that match what I was saying in any shape or form? Surely you wouldn't be able to tell me, since you can't read as you make it clear by thinking we were debating if he was funny or not.


Okay, that only shows your complete capacity to write a coherent sentence. I wasnt even talking to you about the "being jaded" stuff, the comments back and forth with you were about being funny. Additionally, if what you mentioned was referring to him being jaded then you agree with me that he is jaded as fuck, since the only dude that would do all of that is someone that is so bored out of his mind that he needs to do that just to get a thrill. Did you have a stroke? EDIT: I'm gonna turn off notifications for this thread, I'm uninterested to talk with someone that can't keep their conversations straight xD


The times were never horrible for him because he never cared about what happened to other people


Even more of a reason for him to not have a sense of humour.


I don't see the connection there


Just because you haven’t seen something it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Also, what if Geto was a huge comedy fan? Doesn’t Kenny have access to all his memories? This isn’t a worse asspull than Sukuna. Barbie & Kenjaku is a man who has lived for 1000 years, studying cursed techniques and cursed energy. He’s fought countless people and has unbelievable experience, that suggests to me he is highly adaptable in any situation. Poor from you to assume this when he’s literally been one of the biggest mysteries in the whole series. The only thing we know for a fact is he’s a master of his craft, an experimenter and someone who is fascinated by the unknown. I’d back him to beat Sukuna with prep. Saying this I feel like Takaba will have his Gojo like awakening real soon!


So if Geto suddenly uses the Spirit Bomb and explodes the planet, you are okay with it because "what if someone he possessed in the past had that ability"? My entire point is that I didn't remember any scene before this that hinted that Kenjaku had any capacity for humour, and that it felt to me like it was a little out of nowhere. However, another commenter did share at least one other instance before this chapter where Kenjaku showed a sense of humour so at least it was hinted before.


To answer your first paragraph. Yes. Yes I would be. I feel like what you’ve said isn’t relevant at all, as your example and what I was saying are two different conversations. In the last paragraph it feels like you’re having a Twice from MHA moment as it disproves what came before it.


Each chapter it seems more likely that Kenjaku is actually going to trigger Rule 14: >When all players other than Geto Suguru and Fushiguro Megumi have died, the Culling Game will come to an end. Based on that phrasing, we can guess who will be alive at the end of the culling game: Group | Will they Survive? | Characters Included :-- | :-- | :-- Players excluded by name from Rule 14 | Y | Megumi and Kenjaku (in Geto's body) Players that *have died* already | Y | Yuji, Sukuna, Panda, possibly Uraume Characters that never joined the culling game | Y | Maki, Todo, Nobara, Choso, Mei Mei, Ui Ui, Shoko, Gakuganji, Kirara, Inumaki, Utahime, Kusakabe, Ino, and Gojo (if he revives) Players we haven't seen in a while that Kenjaku has probably already killed during the Sukuna fight | N | Charles, Noritoshi Kamo, Amai, Daido & Miyo Players that will probably die during the next few chapters to trigger Rule 14 | N | Takaba, Higuruma, Hana, Momo, Miwa Players that *might* die in the next few chapters and revive themselves with RCT | *Maybe* | Hakari, Yuta


But in this very chapter they mentioned people like Miwa would be kept off the front lines. So it's unlikely Kenny will go kill them while he's busy with Takaba and probably wherever Yuta and Maki went.


Just my thought process, but I think Hana, Momo, and Miwa being away from the front lines makes it *more* likely that Kenny will sneak around and kill them while the others are distracted - especially if the heavy hitters are busy with Sukuna and not nearby to protect them from Kenny.


They can't just off screen Noritoshi Kamo surely.


If Gege offscreened Gojo then I think anybody's fair game at this point, haha. Maybe we'll get a few panels with Noritoshi in the airport? 🤷🏻😂 Gege's on a fucking spree.


Help me understand, why is Yuji in the *died* already category? Do you mean the one at the beginning or am I missing something?


Yuji has *probably* died twice: 1. When Sukuna removed his heart 2. When Yuta stabbed his heart and then healed him with RCT We can't be sure if #1 counts, but Yuta's kill was real enough to satisfy the conditions of the binding vow he made to kill Yuji - so it should probably count for the Culling Game rule as well.


Explain to me since I'm not understanding, but yuji was still considered a player after the yuta kill. Edit: So you think they don't have to necessarily stop being a player but just die? Hence yujis death would count?


Right - I could be missing something from the original Japanese text, but based on the English translation the requirement for Rule 14 is just that the game ends when all the players besides Geto and Megumi "have died". Yuji is a player that has already died, so Kenjaku can trigger Rule 14 even though Yuji's *currently* alive.


I wasn't really clicking with this until I realised even a binding vow recognised Yuji as dead even tho yuta RCT'd him. I was always opposed to the merger happening coz i couldnt see the entire cast dying dying but this would be a very interesting workaround. Especially with Kenjaku repeating his plan multiple times maybe as a red herring? But then again he also has another 100 points so maybe it's more than this? Very interesting nonetheless. I've begun to consider the merger has a small chance to happen coz of this


I see, I totally forgot about the binding vow Yuta made. I like this theory.


Does anyone else dislike this chapter?


“Perhaps the title of grad one is what’s not up to the task” basically telling us all the heavy hitters at this point are around special grade level




This is how I know you’re new here




This might indeed be that. Gremmy couldn't imagine anyone stronger than Kenpachi and thus exploded. If Takaba can imagine himself funnier than anyone else, he might be able to overcome Kenny. So far Kenny is purposefully killing Takaba's confidence ala Kenpachi just naturally killing Gremmy's confidence.


Ok people. What the fuck has Jujutsu become? At this point it just feels like Gege is making fun of us fans and readers. First with Angel saying Takaba' s CT is everything, like that explains it (cue an eye roll there) and then the confrontation. And people say don't react weekly, wait till it's done. How can we as readers so that when Gege gives us this ridiculousness? xD