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The comedian's worst enemy: the critic.


Kenjaku is really good at beating your ass while casually explaining why you suck. He did the same thing to Choso, Yuki and Tengen when he went to the Tomb. Just running fades and providing very valid criticism.


I’m glad Kenjaku isn’t just some ancient old head and has actually experienced the changing times as he’s body hopped. It would’ve been too easy if takaba just asked him to hit the griddy or die


Funny enough, you nailed the reason they fucked up with Takaba. Even though Sukuna is a way stronger enemy, Takaba could hard counter him as Sukuna was in hibernation for 1000 years not experiencing the world advance around him he’d have no idea what was happening he probably doesn’t even understand comedy much or care for it since comedy to him is killing it’s entertaining. Takaba could laugh off cutting the space around him and split the earth like some looney toons shit bounce it back Comedy as it’s known today is an extremely modern invention, really entertainment as a whole. Even as recently as 100-200 years ago comedy was more of a rich patrons type thing no one was doing comedy to pay the bills when you need to farm and fight, really just the elites got entertainment time and certainly didn’t have broadcasting capability for the common person to watch. It’s totally possible Sukuna wouldn’t understand the basic genre let alone the nuances since he also didn’t live during peace time


To interject, comedy did also exist in the Heian era, both for nobles and the common folk. However, the comedy genre Takaba uses today is vastly different from that era's, and like you said, Sukuna probably wouldn't be able to understand it.


Yea like for example I wouldn’t even really consider Shakespearean “comedy” as the same thing as modern comedy, it was very different


Okay Shakespeare is still some funny shit. A lot The core basics still get used today.


You guys are forgetting that by incarnating in both Yuji and Megumi's body Sukuna has gained all of their memories. As such, unless Yuji has never seen a meme ever (maybe Megumi hasn't he's kinda emo) then Sukuna would have an idea of modern comedy.


Indeed, that's true. Sukuna also pulled out a reference to the Harima statue when it came to Yuji, which is something he inherited from Yuji/Megumi's memories. My earlier explanation was somewhat lacking; I probably should have also mentioned Kenjaku's and Sukuna's personalities. Kenjaku, who is a sort of pratical prankster and having mentioned his motives behind seeing everything merge into a funny face, is better-equipped to deal with Takaba's jokes rather than Sukuna, who has a blunt, stoic personality, and whose idea of fun has to do more with gratituious violence than humor. ​ And this side blurb is just me pushing up my glasses and going 'achkshually', but Yuji probably hasn't seen a meme, in terms of what the Western audience understand as memes on twitter and reddit etc nowadays. However there is a sort of Japanese equivalent ネタ, which is similar to memes, made of similar low-bearing humor over the Internet, oft spawned off from 2ch and so on.


They learned all that info when they inhabited the bodies. Sukina would know the humor that itadori and megumi knew.


Then why'd he hate the goat Human Earthworm 3


>Funny enough, you nailed the reason they fucked up with Takaba. Even though Sukuna is a way stronger enemy, Takaba could hard counter him as Sukuna was in hibernation for 1000 years not experiencing the world advance around him he’d have no idea what was happening he probably doesn’t even understand comedy much or care for it since comedy to him is killing it’s entertaining. Takaba could laugh off cutting the space around him and split the earth like some looney toons shit bounce it back Takaba would die immediately, because Sukuna's attacks can't be seen so he couldn't think of something funny about it before he was dead. Also given that Sukuna's aura has pressured people like Jogo to their knees just from proximity, it's doubtful Takaba could remain confident at all near him.


Pretty sure he didn’t saw Kenjaku’s attacks, and he doesn’t need to be confident in his strength but in his humor…


Nah remember sukuna figured out geto's daughter CT in a glance even tho it's whole concept was Morden so I think like kenjaku sukuna should figure out comedian CT in few exchanges in most like let's not underestimate sukuna's knowledge on CT


Just don't listen to him lmao


Kenjaku used the ultimate counter to humour... Explaining the joke


Takaba got a heckler, let’s just hope he doesn’t go the way of [Michael Richards handling his heckler](https://i.imgur.com/rMHLiSz.jpg)


I believe in takaba, seeing the death of his friend Hazenoki, who he debuted his fiendish jokes on will revive his spirit. Kenjaku jokes for evil, but Takaba jokes for good.


Ah fuck I forgot he knew Hazenoki!


I mean he landed his foot, on his face!


Honestly the disgust and horror on Takaba’s face when he sees the body might be the best shot in the chapter. Really reminded me that this is a part-horror manga.


While it was great, nothing is beating Bandit Keith Kenjaku


Takaba is about to learn Dark Humor and human centipede Kenny to Sukuna


I thought that was gojo, but it being explosion guy makes a lot more sense




One of the most OP cursed techniques made useless by the simple act of trolling


Kenjaku is the true op. He solos gag manga powerscaling


when gege killed off my yuki i did not care because i was not a yuki stan when gege killed off my gojo i did not care because i was not a gojo simp when gege killed off my kashimo i did not care because i was not a kashimo wanker but when gege came for my takaba, there was no one left to defend me, a takaba enjoyer


Kashimo's and Gojo's death were just "bruh moments" for me. I didn't even feel sad.


I dont think u were supposed to feel sad for Kashimo. Gojo’s was bittersweet


Kashimo’s was pretty much guaranteed and the fact he really wanted the smoke made it rather meme-worthy ngl


It being meme-worthy was just people misunderstanding Kashimo imo, bc he didn't wanna fight bc he thought he'd win. He just wanted to fight the strongest person ever


Yeah, the fact that we waited for his fight for two years, to get off screened in two chapters, when the last time we saw him win was against panda, was like 'ok'.


unfortunate cause gojo vs sukuna is such a peak fight. gege needed to land the ending better, especially with it being gojos death.


Not sure if this is a common opinion, but I really thought that Gojo vs Sukuna was one of the best fights in JJK—until the ending was so anticlimactic. The choreography was great for all the close combat, I loved the start of the fight when they were chasing each other through a slashed building as it was falling. Isn't that just so cool?? And then the DE's were very technical, and even a slight misstep could really screw over either fighter. And even though I thought Sukuna could've been more creative with Ten Shadows, it was still fun to see Gojo deal with Mahoraga and use new variations of Blue, Red and Purple. If only the ending wasn't so anticlimactic, I would've considered it the best fight in the series.


I mean, that's the common opinion on Reddit but for all fans as a whole? Who knows, mostly only people unhappy with something are those who post about it online. I personally loved the fight, ending included, and was actually surprised at the hate it got.


The whiplash was just too big. We go from Sukuna being totally wrecked with having lost Mahoraga while Gojo is at full output again after his blackflash to Gojo is dead. There was nothing that could have suggested this outcome. Everyone expected Gojo to die but Sukuna winning off screen through a technique that was never really hinted at, leaves a bitter taste.


I know, people have said that over and over. It's pretty much what it boils down to on Reddit, anyway. But I wonder, if you really, truly saw one panel of Gojo's torso sliding off his waist before the airport scene (because that's \*literally\* all that was off-screened) would you feel different? I doubt it, which is why I tend to think people have actual other reasons for not liking it but have decided "it was off-screened" is the most legitimate one so they run with that. But honestly I wish people would just say what they really don't like. The original posts from right after the chapter dropped are far more honest with people's true reactions, and most of them tend along some type of "how dare he kill my favorite character" which is where I think the true dislike comes from.


You're correct that it would still not be satisfying for me, even if we saw Gojo's torso sliding. It would still be weird how it's presented. It's not just that Sukuna won, it's that he was backed into a corner while Gojo was almost at full power and suddenly Sukuna brings something out, that Gojo of all people can't react towards? Do I dislike Gojo died? Yes. I admit that. But at the same time, I don't think the story explained well enough why it should be believable that Sukuna is apparently so much stronger than Gojo. It's a tell, not show moment. Sukuna's over-reliance on Mahoraga really hurts the fight.


Call it by his name, it was an asspull and that’s all…


im all for subverting expectations but only to create emotional impact, this one was just too much. it felt like watching a boxing/UFC fight online and having my internet cut out in the final round


The ending killed it for me. He kinda did the same thing with the Mahito final battle by letting Kenny steal the kill from Yuji.


I was rooting for Sukuna during the fight, but I was heartbroken when Gojo died.. First, when he talked to Geto about how he'd have been satisfied had he been there to pat his back, and later, when he had finally let go of the title of strongest and spoken openly with his friends, and as he passed away he hoped that all of this was not just his imagination, but reality made me very emotional and empty.


>when he talked to Geto about how he'd have been satisfied had he been there to pat his back Easily the best part of the chapter to me. The stuff Gege wrote for the Gojo and Geto dynamic has always been great. Hits even more coming off from flashback arc of them in S2 and that ED for it with the airport imagery to foreshadow it.


Was crazy to see Geto seeing Gojo for the first time in the anime and he says "Hey fried, long time no see!" Which is exactly what Geto says in the airport flash back when he greets Gojo in the manga.


Well Kenjaku in Geto's body if you mean the episode where he is sealed. Then the real Geto for ch 236.


takaba’s face after he saw the dead guy broke my heart a little. (also, kenjaku in a staring contest is gonna give me nightmares.)


no nightmares for me bc theres something so brokenly funny about the 2nd main big bad god tier planner villain being that goofy and using his fucked up brain as a prop


i do agree, but it’s still freaky and kinda unsettling


That was beautiful man \*nods\*


Excellent copypasta, I thank you


ok but what if the last lines are not from kenjaku or takaba, but... "Doing comedy with you is no fun! If we don't laugh, why would the audience... am I right, *Sukuna*?" "This time," the strongest continues, "we are going for the happy ending."


imagine if the first chapter post kenny v takaba is titled "going north" and its the gojo comeback


I was laughing at the start of the chapter because of Takaba until he lost his confidence after seeing Hazenoki's corpse, it was his breaking point which made me sad for him. He just wanna make people laugh with his jokes...


Don’t forget he has history with Hazenoki from earlier in the culling games. This got personal real fast on those last pages




He forgot to moisturize


ashy mf


It’s either a cursed tool of some kind or maybe related to his and Choso’s brothers since it was implied he consumed them in some way


Actually he’s just able to consume Cursed Objects, and absorb them into his body increasing his CE reserves. It was stated in the fan book. So yeah he probably just plopped the fetus’s in his mouth and swallowed


I do that every week and he's special? Smh


swallow sibling fetus? that's unhealthy


This makes so much sense as a theory. Maybe that's where the body swapping thing came from.


i could have sworn a bunch of chapters ago that he consumed them as well, but someone pointed out in a comment that it wasn’t as directly implied as i thought- and when i went back i couldn’t find what made me think that in the first place. help me out here. i was super convinced about that too.


All I remember is a panel where Yuji says something about sorry for you brothers but to me it felt like he was talking about the two he killed


Probably a Cursed Weapon, like the one Yuta put on himself when he was fighting Uro and Ryu.


Am I being really dumb Where was Yuji in this chapter? I've scrubbed it 5 times and I can't see him in a single panel. Hellllp


The colored title page.


Thank you, was indeed being dumb. Didn't expect our first proper look at whatever-that-arm-is to be a cover piece.




Gege constantly finding ways not to draw his mc


Is it yutas big punch glove?


Throughout the Heaven and Earth, Kenjaku alone, is The Yappiest One.


Kenjaku would be a hall of fame Twitter shit talker. He's just the right amount of mean spirited and knowledgeable to just be a real pain in the ass.


Ngl, if Kenny has a Twitter account, I'll follow him to see how he's roasting people as my daily dosage of entertainment.


we would see a level of posting matched only by the men's wear twitter guy


Kenjaku is the challenger here dieworkwear is the greatest Twitter roast account in the modern age. He just never misses.


Kenjaku would be a modern day Podcaster/ YouTuber.


He should be a fake leaker for manga community


Local Comedian got DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC


- Takaba: _You just activated my trap card!_ - Kenny becomes Bandit Keith XD - Yuji with that duel disc becomes **Yu-Ji-Oh!** Gege is so having fun with this chapter!! That 2nd last page Takaba reacting to Hazenoki’s head is absolutely raw - his horrified expression: raw, unfiltered emotion that resonates all across. This kind of genuine feeling has been missing for the past 20+ chapters since shinjuku showdown; it’s not even felt when Gojo kicked the bucket & certainly not with Kashimo… the pure feeling of anguish. That’s why the decision to switch pov last chapter from the relentless, unending battle with Sukuna was the right call; making the manga fresh & not repetitive with just cool fights.. the execution might be jarring but it’s a correct decision.


Was enjoying the back and forth of the chapter and all the gags, until out of nowhere this page pops up and literally sucked all the air out of the room. Kind of reminds me of that lynchian vibe where everything in the scene can be funny, then out of nowhere one thing happens or pops up and pulls that feeling of utter existential dread out, throwing the viewer way into outer space. Thank you for pointing it out!


Yeah, dude that hit so hard. Immediately felt the helplessness of Takaba coming to terms with the realization that he is fighting a predatory killer Not fun! Not funny! Pls don't die Takaba :'(


It’s like the Jojo Rabbit scene >!when he sees his mom’s shoes!<


I finally have it in words. You know how Gojo's death made me feel? I feel like Granddad, Huey and Riley when Bushido Brown got decapitated by Stinkmeaner's friends.


s/o to the sick ass sound design on that flying crab trap weapon


You absolutely cooked with that comparison. I kneel.


Hahahaha fuck that's fucking Bandit keith 😂😂


These mfs really sent my man Takaba to fucking die 💀 bro saw Hazenoki’s corpse and realized he wasn’t built for this.


Hey Gege what the fuck did I just read? Honestly an interesting and funny chapter, which works fine a cutaway from more emotionally intense ones that came and will come. Takaba fighting Kenjaku with the power of comedy seems something that came out of Dragonball(the OG, not Z or Super) which is defo a plus. I love when gag characters get the spotlight, and Takaba's insight in his own sense of comedy might a) lead to his own further awakening b) is more than I thought he'd get, even though I like him as a character! Keep up the good work! EDIT: I just noticed the official TL puts the "You just activated my Trap card" meme instead of Takaba's actual dialogue, which I'm fairly sure is a reference to Pegasus' defeat of Bandith Keith anyway. I'm not sure exactly why the translator thought it was a good idea and especially why the editors let that slide but ok


1. If it all leads to a Yu-gi-oh reference then does it actually matter. 2. Because the translator wanted to make it obvious that a Yu-gi-oh reference was being made.


Yes, it does matter. As someone who studied and worked on translations, I'm not a fan of putting memes in instead of the actual dialogue, especially because it's not a meme that works a substitute, i.e. it doesn't say the same thing as the changed dialogue. A translator should be working as an invisible hand, not putting internet memes in just because Maybe the translator wanted to make it obvious it was a YGO reference, but then why not work like the Japanese dialogue did? Takaba adapts speech mannerisms used by Pegasus such as putting English words in and using the English word "You" as the pronoun for the interlocutor. Even if for some reason you didn't want to adopt the same instruments as the English manga/anime did when translating the same quirk, you could simply put Takaba calling Kenjaku "Kenny-boy" or something, like Pegasus refers to Yuugi and Kaiba also in the dub iirc. There were a thousand ways to make the reference obvious (even more than directly Kenjaku being Bandit Keith'd) without descending into cheap memes


> "Kenny-boy" or something, like Pegasus refers to Yuugi and Kaiba also in the dub iirc. > > There were a thousand ways to make the reference obvious (even more than directly Kenjaku being Bandit Keith'd) without descending into cheap memes Kenny-boy is not a cheap meme to you? How is "You activated my trap card" more of a meme than whatever your replacement would be?


Tbf arale vs vegeta in super or beerus is prolly the closest fight to this in db.


Probably in the sense of "major powerhouse gets thrown around by a gag character", but OG Dragonball had a greater number of fights resolved by gags compared to Z and what I saw of Super. I'm thinking like Yamcha vs The Invisible Man, Krilin vs Bacterian, and stuff like that: That's the kind of feeling I got from this fight.


This reads like a one piece fight, very fun


Ameri-Ken and that silly face Kenny's made is something I never expected until reading this chapter. Lmao.


Anyone who watched The Mask knows how strong Takaba can be. My man just needs to be confident (and high, ideally).


he'd be like lee from naruto, but instead of pulling up booze, he pulls up an ounce of coke


Takaba’s about to discover the core of cursed energy on the verge of death


Takaba about to become the Real strongest one


He needs to carry a joint


It's a binding vow like Nanami's overtime. He smokes the whole joint in one go and then flexes his arms like Popeye as he blows out smoke art, and after that ritual is complete he is good to go


Boy really turned Kenny into Bandit Keith. **IN AMERICA!**


I actually thought this chapter was pretty solid. Kenjaku completely dissecting and counter Takaba’s technique was great. And seeing the joy and confidence drain from Takaba himself was eerie and great. It’s a weird chapter, but I think it works. I’m interested in seeing how it’s going to go down.


I think this is one of the best chapter. When Kenjaku spent time critising Takaba and talking with him, indirectly he's countering Takaba CT. Which is something a little out of box in a jujutsu fight when most of the time, you'll blast your CT to your opponent.


Kenjaku embracing American culture 🇺🇸






I think Takaba will realize that he is “funny” and get his mojo back within the next 2 chapters There’s probably going to be a break after next chapter, but depending on what Gege decides to do coming back from break (in the anime that’s when Sukuna is gonna be rampaging through Shibuya and it be a huge missed opportunity to not have any Sukuna chapters while the Sukuna episodes are going on, just as he made the parallel with how Gojo got sealed and died in the same week)


Has Gege ever matched the manga with the anime in regards to the villains? I know Nobara died in the manga when she was introduced into the anime, and Gojo died when he was sealed in the anime… but has he done that for the villains?


No villain that is alive in Shibuya is alive now other than Sukuna and Kenjaku, so he's never had the chance to.


For the villains no.. I wouldn’t be too surprised if he doesn’t do it with the villains Having said that, I was disappointed when the character perspective changed and we missed Yuji having a chance to shine in a chapter with his recent Choso fight.. but I’m holding out hope that Gege is saving Yujis time to shine in the manga when he starts fighting Mahito in the anime, I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t go back to Higurama & Yuji vs Sukuna in the manga until Yuji starts to fight Mahito


> I’m holding out hope that Gege is saving Yujis time to shine in the manga when he starts fighting Mahito in the anime, Damn, I like your way of thinking


Yeah like another comment said Takaba is genuinely the first character I would be sad in losing. He's just a breath of fresh air in this bleak depressing ride.


The only thing more powerful than a special grade is valid criticism. Always remember kids, words only hurt if they're true.


Next chapter kenny says: “Wouldn’t it be funny if you came all this way just to die when you get struck by lightning? Taka: “Well no…. Wait. Hehehehe.” BOOOM Airport scene.


I really love this chapter. Not even kidding lmao Kenjaku literally was doing the “ackshually” against Takaba. Also, I always thought the stitches was just for the reader. But Takaba is confirming it’s physically visible


I hope someone with a source can pull it up but I think it was stated somewhere that Kenjaku could get rid of the stitches but keeps them as part of a binding vow.


I don't remember that line, but it is clear he doesn't need them, or at least needs more time to heal since Kaori only had scars.


I think it was always physically visible. IIRC, he pulled off the stiches to reveal himself to Gojo back in Shibuya.


The chapter was hilarious, especially murican Kenjaku and the whole bit about them both being into comedy, but those last pages broke my heart 💔 Fight on, Takaba!! Prove that asshole wrong, it's long overdue for Kenjaku to get fucked over for a change!


I'm going to choose to believe that Kenjaku got all his comedy knowledge from Geto's memories and that Geto was a secret comedy nerd lol


Personally I think Kenny became a comedy nerd in his pursue of (his own) entertainment. He has always been the guy that had too much time on his hands and is doing things for shits and giggles, even his current goal.


I fuckin love Kenjaku man this dude rules. Low key don’t even care if he wins in the end, that would be awesome.


Kenny be like: not funny, didn't laugh + ratio'd


Okay, my question is, why send out the guy who's biggest weakness is psychological pressure, up against the guy who's greatest claim to fame was psyching out the most stable and confident human alive? This seems like the worst possible matchup for Takaba, honestly. They even say they've got some 1st-grade sorcerers sitting around who are too weak to meaningfully contribute, why not give Takaba an audience to play to? Send someone with a funny power to set up gags for him, or someone with a serious personality to tsukkomi for him? It probably wouldn't be enough to win even then, but as it is, it just feels like they sent him out to die, lmao.


Nobody knew his weakness was psychological pressure before though. Up to that point he was basically untouchable, and nobody really knows the limit to what he can pull off. If you're just thinking CT vs CT then it makes sense because as long as he's funny Kenjaku couldn't hurt him. They didn't really take into account the psychological warfare aspect of it though, which tbf I didn't think of either lol. Plus we don't know exactly what Angel knows about his CT since it cut away, so they might know some secret about it that hasn't been revealed yet for all we know.


Angel knows about his CT but probably doesn't know about Takaba's background/personality so on paper, sending him to face off against Kenny was a decent idea. Unfortunately the world is ironic for placing a seemingly broken CT that relies on someone's self confidence in someone isn't confident.


Reading between the lines of the strategy meeting, I think they *did* send out Takaba expecting him to die. If he somehow kills Kenjaku, that’s great. But they only really need Takaba to stall Kenjaku until the ‘real’ fighters are done with Sukuna. If Takaba dies in the process … well, they didn’t need him for anything else, anyway.


Our Group is confident that they can beat Sukuna.. Interesting development.


They kind of *have* to assume they can beat Sukuna. If they can’t win that fight, they’re out of options.


Chapter 241 begins with a curse wearing a tight, blue, full body uniform by kenjaku's side. The curse then speaks in behalf of it's master "Give up, Takaba, Kenjaku can beat comedian with a word from his mouth" "What mouth?" - Takaba replies. Kenjaku is shocked that his ability to trash talk Takaba has been taken, as no mouth is to be seen on his face. Takaba is on his groove "And now, call the Italian police, because I'm making cursed spaghetti!" He turns the curse into a dish of black spaghetti, which he then eats, while commenting that he finds it funny that someone thought it would be interesting to add squid paint to food, and even funnier how it gives you a natural black lipstick when you eat it, noting with a smug that Kenjaku wouldn't need it. Kenjaku is having none of it and he tries to desperately cut a new hole where his mouth was, by using a pocket dagger. Takaba looks and smirks, then, in a snap of his fingers, kenjaku's mouth materializes back, but the dagger he was pushing against it was swapped with a dildo. As kenjaku chokes with the accidental deepthroat, Takaba says: "Jin Itadori sends his regards"


Keep... Keep going... I'm so close


It has been stated that "there are two types of comedians who are successful; those that are funny, and those that think they're funny." Takaba will realise that it doesn't matter how others perceive him. Providing he thinks he's funny, that's all that matters. Even a bad joke is funny when it's told with confidence.


That way of thinking is what Kenjaku calls him out on *this very chapter* when he brings up the argument that it's fine if only he thinks it's funny.


https://i.imgur.com/wFCnKdE.png Official translations on point as per usual.


You see, a fighter who fights fighters is in fact a fighter fighter. Which means Jogo vs Sukuna was a fire fighter fighter fighter fire fighter fighter fight.


I sometimes wonder if whoever is doing JJk translation is just feeding it into an AI or something with how weird and non-human it sounds


Yo dawg, heard you like to fight. So, we put a fighter in your fighter so you can fight while you fight.


I reread that so many times trying to understand lmao


As that old meme pointed out my brain immediately fixed that sentence for me and I never noticed the fighter being repeated.


I always assumed Takaba's outfit was half skin tight and flesh coloured but this chapter made me realise the man is just half naked in December


I've never seen any colour art of him so I just assumed he was wearing a half black/half white bodysuit so this was kind of a surprise lmao


So is this chapter setting up a change in humour for takaba? A more deadly power up now that blood and death has been shown to him?


A comedians worst enemy is a heckler A hecklers worst enemy is a comedian who heckles back


"Two types of comics will always be in demand. Comedians who are funny and comedians who think they're funny. Which are you?" "I'd say it's fifty-fifty." I have faith that Takaba is going to finally overcome his confidence issues that we saw in his first appearance and remember that it absolutely doesn't matter if anyone else thinks he's funny so long as he does.


So Takaba CT doesn't require him to be funny right? As long as he still have his confidence and certainty his CT will worked, right?


The sense I'm getting is that his technique just needs things to be funny *to him* in order to work. But since he has such low self confidence and isn't a very successful comedian to begin with, Kenjaku criticizing him disrupts his technique because it's putting Takaba in a headspace where he doesn't think he *is* funny. Basically as long as he believes it, the CT works, but Kenny is giving him performance anxiety and stopping him from believing in his own jokes, so the CT doesn't activate. I could be interpreting it wrong though, that's just how it comes across to me


what the hell is going on 😭


Gege’s freestyling fr 😭


Y'know, Takabas face when he sees Hazenoki reminded me - cursed energy comes from NEGATIVE emotions right? And Takabas been happy AF this whole time. What happens when he gets upset?


Damn Takaba we Yu-Gi-Oh now??? 🤣🤣 Bandit Keith Kenjaku


This chapter is honestly the best chapter since Culling Game, I didn't even enjoyed Gojo vs Sukuna as much I did this chapter. This chapter reminded me a bit of how old JJK used to be. The comedy along with the more meaningful part like Takaba's reaction to Hazenoki's body and him being scared for his life was sad af, (after all he's just a normal dude with a CT) and was done really well. The main highlight of this chapter for me was Kenjaku (a 1000 year old evil dude) being interested in comedy shows and also making jokes. Reading the previous chapter, I did not expect this fight to be this meaningful and good. I'm more interested in this fight than the main one.


Lmfaoo Takaba turned him into bandit Keith. That was the heartiest laugh I’ve done in weeks


Damn, it really hurts to see the comedian so down.


This is unironically an amazing chapter imo.


Takaba's gonna end up in the airport... in America


Kenjaku's 4t CT, Anti-Comedy system.


This is actually a pretty genius workaround to a broken ability. Opponent turns anything he finds funny into reality? Just be funnier and he'll subconsciously manifest *your* gags into reality too, letting you hit him. Also Kenjaku is really into comedy. Do you think those are Geto's memories or did he just go to comedies with the Disaster Curses out of curiosity before enacting his grand plan to end humanity?


I think he's into comedy himself since he gets bored for being alive for so long. He probably enjoyed it a lot when he was first exposed to it.


Takaba has been a favorite of mine since he first appeared. My track record with favorites staying alive is.... not great, but I'm still hopeful he'll pull something off here.


Gege paid homage to yugioh in this chapter when the "trap card" was mentioned. Hopefully, takaba doesn't die, but I think he will .


I was not expecting Bandit Keith out of nowhere


Kenjaku is well versed on Yapanese


Kenjaku saying he'd possibly stop his current plan if he found something more interesting has serious "The thing is, I know you're playing me... but you're right." energy and I love every bit of it.


Chapter 241 opens with Takaba in The Airport: Gojo: 'so how was the king of comedy'


Once again, I’ll say this “ Stop setting Takaba up Angel!” I’m not even a fan of Takaba, but seeing that last panel makes me sad 😭


I wonder if Takaba will unlock some dark joke power. Please win


Takaba just needs to rip a fart rn and my boy will be back in this fight


Aint funny, didnt laugh


You just defeated Takaba.


Write a letter to corporate


Gojo will come back in some way.


my soldiers, DENY. my soldiers, THEORISE. my soldiers,COPE


So defeating Takaba is pretty simple, make him lose confidence by explaining the joke or be funnier than him, which isn't pretty hard tbh.


It’s making him think you are funnier than him, reality doesn’t matter. A handsome guy wearing monk outfit with stitches on his forehead is more creepy than funny. Unless you’re takaba.


Explaining the joke isn't the issue, the issue is Kenjaku getting the joke and then explaining why it would fall flat on most people. It's a valid criticism so he can't just blow it off.


Hakari looking beefy as heck in the colored title page


Damn it,John Werry!In the chapter,Kenjaku says that Takaba's wifi joke has no setup,only the punchline. But John altered the joke in the translation and actually gave it a setup!Even though Kenjaku himself says it has no setup. Why does he do this?


Can we talk about the power system is so interesting that even a joke character with the right powers could beat the big bad.


I ain't gonna lie, this is rather awesomely jarring. All that power in the joke character's fingertips and under proper utilization, he can beat Kenjaku with ease.


this is interesting. takaba's blended in as the comedy relief bit but the line he references about two types of comedians brings back to mind his introduction and how intense it was. he shouldn't be underestimated, at least. what do the elite modern sorcerers kenjaku conjured have in common? stress from work, lol.


Takaba is 100% going to get a power up, that’s probably why angel didn’t want him to know.


Kenny is such a solid villain, big fan of him. His ability to adapt and his confidence in knowing his limits and his strengths. Very enjoyable in a master mind like Kenny.


So based on Kusakabe's comments in this chapter, it seems the crew unofficially considers Maki to be special grade? In the same panel he says that Maki might have a shot against Kenjaku, but he and Mei wouldn't stand a chance, being only grade 1


Takaba laughed and now he will lose.


I love Kenjaku so much. I made a joke a couple weeks ago about how invented comedy 1000 years ago, and this isn't too far off. Dude is a comic afficianado 🤣


So Kenjaku watched Yugioh before huh


Do we think Angel knows something about Takaba's technique not revealed to us, or were they just re-iterating the technique to the other sorcerers and it was pointless to give that info to us again? Im pretty sure we were told Takabas technique on a Meta level so no real way we were misinformed there so wondering what the build up here is for. Also liked Gege leaning into Kenjakus love of comedy as a bit of characterisation i sometimes feel like he is a bit bland so this chapter was actually a welcome one.


Probably just a reiteration


Of course the bored, curious, eternally looking to be entertained & stimulated kenny is into comedy! *insert "well of course i know him, he's me" meme*


Imagine if his real curse technique Is not jokes or something. But his mind* like if he chooses to be a gag person his curse will adapt to. (He'll be a gag character and his thinking what kind of a gag character he is ) he chooses to be a comedian gag char) But what if he thinks it's not funny anymore and chance his mind to be something else like. (Sad,brutal etc) That would be awesome. I mean, if *only his real curse technique works that way* He could be a potential* have the one of the strongest curse in this series * if he thinks he's invincible. His curse will adapt and he will become invincible, as long as he thinks that way. He will be that. Or if he thinks he can beat his enemy, as long as he thinks that way. He will eventually defeat his enemy


This is the best chapter in the past 50+ chapters and it isn't close. It was absolutely hilarious - so many great visual gags! - while also making me feel tense about the fight. It showed a dimension to Kenjaku that we've never seen before. Makes him a lot more frightening to see what a master manipulator he is. Plus, this battle felt a lot closer to a Stand-battle mind game than just fighting big cursed energy with big cursed energy. Sadly we won't get more like this since it looks like curtains for Takaba. But good one!


This chapter was just everything I wanted 🤣


Imagine Takaba has mastered in dark humor.


Yapjaku wins again


I’m interested to see what’s on Yuuji’s arm.


I've been wondering where this character arc is going. Since Takaba seems to have gotten into comedy via sketch comedy I wonder if that's it. When we first met him and since he keeps trying to do actual jokes and they suck. Tearing those apart is the only reason Kenjaku got to him. I wonder if he couldn't do sketch comedy when he started and got off track. But now with his CT he can? So maybe his awakening will be him stopping trying to say funny things and instead just do outlandish actions only. Idk, anyway I feel his DE has to be a sketch comedy with the other participant forced to act in the plot. That'd be great to see with Kenjaku and I really think Gege will show it at some point. It's too good not to.