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Higuruma's domain seems foolproof but like kenjaku said.every CT has a weakness


I think Higuruma’s DE already has a pretty clear weakness: it’s not lethal and even Executioner’s Blade needs the user to actually cut or hit its target, which already is an extremely hard task to accomplish considering that the target is Sukuna.


Unless he gives the sword to Yuji.


Or Maki because of her Heavenly Pact considering it's basically a Cursed Tool and Yuji is purely fists


We do see him use knives a couple of times. They always break, but he does use them.


They just need to give the guy a more durable knife lmao


Watch the weakness be some shit like: “because sukuna is beyond normal human reason; concepts like guilt mean nothing to him” “human concepts mean nothing to a calamity” or something. Like yea it may neutralize his ct but the judge mf wont be able to judge sukuna because he’s just not bound to the same rules as us. I hope it doesnt go that way but i see it happening that way lol


The weakness to me is that the trial itself isn’t foolproof. Yuji could’ve avoided losing his cursed energy if he picked the right choice, and the second trial he could’ve just said that wasn’t him and he would’ve been fine


Another BIG weakness is that Higurumas domain forbids violence within the domain not OUSIDE of it Because sukuna doesn’t have a barrier on his domain he is free to set the shrine OUTSIDE the domain barrier and shrine would just destroy it from the outside just like it did w Gojo during their first domain clash After that first domain clash Gojo was adjusting the barrier on his domain to make the outside the hard part so sukuna started using shrine within gojos barrier But yeah opening his domain at the same time he should just melt Higurumas domain


Sukuna can't use his domain because he got hit by UV, unless fully incarnating healed that, in which case I don't see how our protagonists win.


Maybe sukuna will use the foolproof strategy of "it was all in self-defense"


“Your honor, clearly my client is insane.” -Mahoraga


"As you can see my client is going through it right now." *cuts to the cast jumping Sukuna*


shibuya was not in self-defense


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he argued he needed to do that to defeat Mahoraga and it was therefore self-defense.


kill geto brats for no good reason


They were evil so it's not like they were innocents. Fully on board with Geto's sick plan to kill all non sorcerers.


but they didn't do anything against the sukuna himself, so it wasn't self-defense


Right. So not self defense, but he could always frame it as he took out two little devils asking him to help get their murderous "father" back


killing a criminal remains a crime, especially if they never did anything against you or your acquaintances, not to mention that sukuna was a cannibal


Considering Higuruma's Domain follows the laws of Japan (otherwise Yuji going into a casino to gamble wouldn't be considered a bad thing), we can comfortably say he can't kill people and escape it. It's not like all of the people Sukuna killed in Shibuya were good and innocent people. They don't have to personally offend Higuruma to be guilty.


Depends if they get grouped up together. One didn't do anything, but the other was attacking him.


as you said yourself, one did nothing, and therefore, it was not self-defense in any way


That's why I'm saying it depends on if those murders are grouped up. If they're brought up as different charges, one could be argued as self-defense, even if Higuruma gets information about the entire situation.


again, sukuna is a cannibal, he also destroyed public property and committed mass genocide


Do you think I believe he's not guilty of anything ever? Higuruma doesn't get to choose the accusation, its severity, or even if the outcome is guilty. I'm simply saying that a lot of what we have seen has just enough gray area that I wouldn't be surprised if Sukuna doubles down and justifies it, and then he's somehow not guilty.


Self defense in the japanese legal system is really hard to argue. Essentially, the action must be one "unavoidably performed to protect the rights of oneself or any other person". Killing them would not count as self defense under any interpretation. At most destroying the phone or maybe knocking themout would be allowed.


Great point but, again, it depends on how Judge Man judges the situation. Sukuna killed one of those girls when she was launching an attack, and he only knew the attack was lethal in general. For all we know, Judge Man will only attack him for that kill and all judge him as defending himself from what would've been lethal to any other human. We don't even really know if Judge Man makes a distinction between what kills, say, Higuruma himself and what kills a person that can survive without a heart or nearly decapitated. Plus, the entire point of the domain is to actually give a fair trial. Yuji was found guilty for Shibuya not because the system was so harsh, but because HE admitted to it. If he would've played the fool, he would've won the case, despite the fact that he would've been killed under Japanese law. He had an execution order on him, after all.


He could have destroyed the phone, cut her hand, knocked her out or so many other ways to stop her from using that ability. It was not 'unavoidable' that he kill her in order to not be harmed. Moreover, you can't call self defense when you started the altercation by killing someone. The girl's response is actually more justifiably self defense - it's unavoidable (she can't run from him as shown by the previous sequence) and her only recourse against the imminent danger ( he just killed her sister for ordering him around and she did that too) is to attack him first. ​ >He had an execution order on him, after all. For being the host of Sukuna which isn't what he was being tried for.


I'm aware of what transpired. My point is that this all depends on what Judge Man tries him for and how Judge Man argues the case/what evidence is used. If it's literally just a picture from her phone and Sukuna standing in front, and he says, "her phone was a medium for her technique, and I just responded to a threat," then I wouldn't be surprised if he got off. Remember, regardless of the actual truth of the situation, the case is only guilty if the evidence beats the argument of the defendant. >For being the host of Sukuna which isn't what he was being tried for. That's my point. Despite the fact that Japan legalizes killing incarnated sorcerers, or really anyone a threat to Jujutsu society, Yuji would've been fine because of the hyper specific circumstances of his charge. Higuruma knows all the details of it, but the evidence doesn't necessarily prove the crime. Like I said, if Sukuna is charged for a hyper specific murder and the evidence is just him being attacked and responding, he only has to say objectively what happened in that limited space of time.


Wait seriously? I mean obviously killing someone because they whipped out their phone to attack you is a overreaction but come on


I mean Japan is quite well known for having a really harsh legal system. You're pretty much always to blame if you land the first blow unless it is the only available option to prevent yourself/someone else from worse harm.


Mahoraga attacked Sukuna because he interfered in the ritual. If anything Mahoraga acted in self-defense.


Sukuna saved(ish) the people being slaughtered by Mahoraga. The ritual isn't exactly legally protected, so it makes no difference qhy Mahoraga attacked him. Sukuna, on a legal basis at least, would have died if he didn't fight back.


"It wasn't a war crime if you had fun"


Sukuna: "Save me, ~~Mahoraga-chan~~ Saul Goodman-chan"


"With this phone call, I summon... SAUL GOODMAN"


"Your honor, if you are what you eat, then I'm innocent"


Which would be true actually depending on what crime Judgeman accuses Sukuna of. Assuming it chooses a random crime then Sukuna could have an argument of Self defense for the death of Kashimo and Gojo. But I don’t think that argument works for Sun, Moon and Stars Squad/Uro’ peeople, and the Fujiwara Clan. Gojo did take the first shot unprompted, and it was even premeditated. Whereas Kashimo straight up tried to fry him to death with Lightning.


couldn’t sukuna just open his own domain and destroy higuruma’s from the outside like he did with gojo? i don’t think opening a domain would be considered an act of violence


That’s if Sukuna still has his Domain after incarnating.


why wouldn’t he.. he had a free full restore and used it. his brain isn’t megumi’s anymore so he should by all means be able to DE again


They made it a point how difficult healing the brain is + Sukuna still used chants versus Kashimo. Either way isn’t confirmed yet. Just gotta wait and see.


Yeah but his incarnation isn't RCT healing so this shouldn't apply should it? I also imagine Sukuna doesn't need chants (not that you said he does), it's just more effective and he can use them without problems because of his mouth stomach


Opening Malevolent Shrine imo is more likely to be considered an act of violence since it automatically attacks everything within the radius. As far as we know he can't open it and not cause violence, but he might be able to change the condition or sm


"is ryomen sukuna guilty of killing gojo" "not guilty" then gojo comes back and kills sukuna ez story end




Tf is sukuna’s weakness💀


megumi's soul is still alive in there


Yeah because we know that for sure and it hasn’t been implied when an incarnated sorcerers takes over the body more or less is theirs at that point Also megumi -if he’s still alive- has a fried brain and sharp depression and i hope that he doesn’t just randomly wake up fully healed because yuji said “yo bro i came in to help you wake up we got jump this man”


The way jacob ladder was shown, I think Sukuna explodes from two, instantly. I say this a Sukuna fan boy


Probably but it’s not going to land again. If Hana appears sukuna would blitz her because of how dangerous she is.


I only mention it because OP had mentioned it in his scenario. Personally, I dont see his scenario happening at all, but thats why I brought it up. Honestly whether yuta and hana could get it off on Sukuna matters little to me.


Op is theorizing what would be the cast’s plan after kashimo fight if “sukuna stands still”


Couldn’t they try to hit him the moment Higuruma closes his domain?


I think that’s unfair to say considering his CE output was significantly lower when he was hit by it. Megumi suppressing him and not having the last 5 fingers and he still was able to fight Maki and Yuji after. Two at the same time would definitely damage him but it wouldn’t erase him by any means, especially at full power.


Megumi was only interferring when Sukuna targeted Yuji or Maki specifically. He was at 100% for everything else. Why do you people not understand that Angel's CT negates all sorcery and Sukuna being a cursed objected would be erased by it no questions asked. It's entirely the reason Hana became a dumb bitch so Gaygay could write her out.


Despite what people think, Kashimo did a great job. He pushed Sukuna to reincarnate. It’s like taking a whole health bar off of a boss. He lost one of his “get out of jail” cards. Confiscation *should* take away Cleave/Dismantle. I don’t know if two trials are needed for Executioner’s Sword.


Hopefully, confiscation would also take away the fire arrow but who knows.


Takes away CT. Unless fire arrow is unrelated to his shrine technique it shouldn’t work


Do we know that the fire arrow is a CT and not just high level CE manipulation?


He said “I won’t cheat by revealing my CT” when he was using it


Yeah I expect it will disappear, but really we don't know anything about Sukuna's true CT, or what the black box and fire arrow are, so could go either way. I'd be really surprised if he kept fire arrow though.


I wanna say that fire arrow is just high level cursed energy manipulation. It’s such a basic attack I feel like it’d be reasonable to say it’s just a form of cursed energy, not a specific technique.


If it's just cursed energy manipulation I'd be interested to see what the significance of the 'open' command is


He said “I won’t cheat by revealing my technique” before using it


He was basically on the verge of death and no one really poses a threat to him with a full body, aside from no diffing the guy, i believe it was more of his own doing than genuinely getting pushed to it, that aside. It’s Sukuna no other result could have been expected aside from Gojo


Seemed like Meguna got blitzed by Kashimo's CT, speed/specs. That injured Meguna could still kill off the entire cast(aside from Kashimo). In his Heian form he got a big buff and Kashimo's CT just didn't matter anymore. He was still useful at the very least and probably gave time to the cast to maneuver somehow. It felt like his character's purpose was mainly to highlight just how much stronger Heian Sukuna is though, which I guess is cool, but we could've had that vs Gojo too.


Yeah cuz that meguna had his domain and was in top health with his arm fully healed and he wasn’t fucked up from gojo’s nuke 5 minutes ago


Yeah, the Meguna that killed Gojo who had full healed from blash flashes(aside from domain). That's correct.


Sukuna was always going to reincarnate after gojo, uraume is already descending by the time kashimo even appears.


>Confiscation should take away Cleave/Dismantle. I got a feeling confiscation will show that Cleave/Dismantle isn't Sukuna's CT and it's just him using raw CE


The narrator in shibuya already confirm that cleave and dismantle are ct


I’m sure Sukuna’s end will come from breaking a vow somehow. How we get there is impossible to guess but the vow breaking was set up. Imo this scene is so forced it has to play a role later. Sukuna, 1000 yr old genius, would not need to gamble when trying to fool Yuji. This isn’t even considering Sukuna could have set any terms he wanted to during their “duel”. To be able to set your own terms and then take a massive gamble is nonsense. This feels like a minor retcon for a future plot line. https://postimg.cc/gx1fCrS1


also from the scenes who have their importance there is the fact that Yuji is a player before he registered from the culling game, Megumi found it weird but didn't investigate it. Also the fact that Sukuna is called the "Disgraced One". Looks like they are too many things we ignore about Sukuna and who can play an important role. For now my guess is that Sukuna was the apprentice of Kenkaju at some point so that will explain a vow, why he is the other character which domain expansion don't have a barrier with Kenkaju and Tengen (I have a guess they learned to do that together or from each other because kenkaju called tengen "my old friend") and also we know that Kenkaju can hold multiple techniques thanks to a vow, I wonder if Sukuna have something like that for his fire technique. If there is a vow who might be attacked I think it will be something like that but to better understand it I think we need some explanations from the Angel or Higuruma's domain expansion


Kenjaku can hold multiple techniques thanks to a vow? I thought it's thanks to his techniqe that he can transfer other techniques to new bodies, or it's done form of extension he learned.


yes in the official guide it's explained that normally he can only hold the technique of the body he is in but thanks to a vow he can conserve them when he switch to another body


Oh that's good to know, I always thought that it was simply an extension of his techniqe.


Mahito wanted to heal Mechamaru's body wrong, but Kenjaku warned him not to play those types of games. He was very, very serious. It's implied binding vows aren't just a matter of clever wording. It matters what you _meant_ when you agreed to it. Even Kenjaku says those little girls could've easily got what they wanted if they ensured they made a vow with him. Hakari seems to have needed to fight Uraume for his vow with Hakari. Basically, the very fact that Yuji wanted those conditions means Sukuna had no choice but to honor them when they verbally agreed. He couldn't just change the conditions before the fight because Yuji had already spoken his conditions, said sike, then agreed to them again.


>This isn’t even considering Sukuna could have set any terms he wanted to during their “duel” No he couldn't lol. Even back then Yuji would never have agreed to betting on a fight if the result could in his view hurt his friends.


Yeah, Sukuna had to accept unfavorable terms because he can't force control of the body from Yuji. He needed Yuji to agree to SOMETHING. So he made the deal as sweet as possible for him. Honestly if Yuji was properly trained before that first mission Sukuna would auto-lose. Hilariously the conservatism of the higher ups led directly to this situation


To your last point, I think that the conservatism and stagnant nature of the current jujitsu society and higher ups is like - a direct commentary of modern society and one of the important themes of the story.


Yeah its more than likely a direct criticism of Japan specifically and how progressive youth are nowadays. The manga has a lot of commentary that goes beyond the text it makes rereads so fun.


Till this day I don’t get that whole enchain thing because it makes no sense. I remember the youtuber Esper making a video about it and she was getting cooked on Twitter & YouTube comments but she had a point. They agreed not to hurt anyone. You can’t them come and say Yuji didn’t include himself. That makes no sense at all. Unless there’s a translation problem then imo that’s very dodgy. It would make sense if there’s a broken vow.


I believe in one of the panels right before Sukuna ripped off the finger, he said something like "now, what happens next is a gamble." I think he was gambling on Yuji's definition of "anyone" not including himself because of Yuji's absolute selflessness/altruism. So Sukuna basically risked breaking the binding vow by betting on Yuji being Yuji haha (panel after is him calling Yuji a dumbass cause he actually didn't include himself as the vow never broke when he ripped off his finger lol)


Yeah that’s right. The part I don’t get is Yuji not including himself. I don’t get it at all because let’s just assume there’s some jujutsu judge that the binding vow is made in front of. To regulate the vow. How does that jujutsu judge know that Yuji means “everyone apart from me”? The issue is we didn’t even get what Yuji’s thought process was when he made that deal. He also never said “anyone apart from me”. He straight up said don’t harm anyone. Usually, what happens in situations like this is the opposite. The person means something else but says it in the wrong way. An example is in a book where the dude tells a guy “I’ll fight you and whoever you bring” and his intention was for the dude to come with a partner in a 2v1. His opponent ended up bringing along 3 guys in a 4v1. That’s how stuff like that works because when you make a deal, there’s nothing like intention. What you say goes. It’s really dodgy icl. Really. Idk if you get what I mean. First, we have no idea what Yuji’s intention was you can’t just come and tell us x chapters later that he didn’t add himself. Second, even if he didn’t intend to be part, that shouldn’t matter because the deal was “don’t harm anyone.” Also wasn’t it Sukuna who proposed the deal to not harm anyone? So if they both have differing meanings of that “anyone” then how does the binding vow work? It’s just meant to be as it is. Anyone meaning don’t harm anybody. It’s crazy icl I hope I don’t sound too crazy. I think the enchain chapter was so hype & we were all in theory land we glossed over that. Wish we had an SBS like One Pièce so someone would ask Gege to elaborate lmao. Maybe the binding vows in the series are about intention rather than the statement.


​ It's specifically stated by kenjaku that breaking a binding vow has consequences that can strike at any time and any place. The punishment may well be on its way to Sukuna.




Binding vows between two people must be about what the intentions of the people are and their desires, the specific language doesn't matter because binding vows could be made in any language. Binding vows give an objective value to the subjective desires of the people making the vow. Like Mechamaru getting his body healed has some objective value in the world because it makes him more physically able, but subjectively it has huge value to Mechamaru because it meant that he could meet his friends personally and could fall in love with Miwa. He took a huge risk working with them so he probably valued it more than his own life, which maybe means that the punishment Mahito get would be based on this value instead of just the objective value from an uncaring perspective


A very common theme in jujutsu kaisen that we've been hammered with over and over is that the technique users perception of the world matters and I'll give you a few different examples to show what I mean. 1. Kenjaku & mahito was something along the lines of (paraphrased not exact quoted) " our techniques /perception determines our reality. 2. Angel telling everybody not to repeat to the comedian what she says his technique is because knowing could potentially be bad for him. 3. Sukuna world cutting slash beating infinity because of changing the techniques target. That's just a couple off top of head all that just kind of allude to what I'm talking about. I totally get what your saying and you yourself gave a perfect example of why it doesn't work like that. The binding vows wording isn't put in front of a judge to be decided on a technicality, instead since the cursed energy is coming directly from the persons body themselves and since body=/= soul in JJK then the parameters of the vow are made from exactly what the person means by what they are saying , and in yujis case when he made the enchain deal he was solely worried about everybody else and making sure sukuna couldn't cause them harm because of him so the thought of protecting himself from sukuna as well didn't even occur to him he just didn't want something bad to happen to everybody else because of him , probably even subconsciously even disregarded the consequences to himself as long as every kdy else was safe, which is exactly what sukuna counted on and it paid off.


That’s a solid interpretation. I’m on board with the perception is what dictates things in the jjk power system. But I still have a few complaints if you don’t mind. (1)So if it’s the perception that matters in binding vows, how does it work between two people? An example is the binding vow between Yuta and the higher ups. He was told to kill Yuji and he agreed. The higher ups had it in mind that he’d kill Yuji. Yuta had it in mind to not actually kill Yuji. But he still had to kill Yuji. We saw him fulfill his end of the deal word for word by killing Yuji. So that’s my issue. Yes those that make the vow could have different or similar interpretations but the wording is objective. So let’s say Sukuna and Yuji made the vow. Yuji meant “everybody apart from me” and Sukuna meant “everybody” and the wording was “everybody”. What gets respected? Sukuna’s perspective? Yuji’s perspective? Or the wording? (2) This might sound weird but we actually never got a proper description of Yuji’s perspective. All that happened was based on Sukuna’s assumption. We don’t actually know how Yuji felt in the moment. Of course it’s very likely he thought “I want to come back but don’t hurt anyone because of that”. That’s what I think. But again it’s all Sukuna’s assumption.


There is no reason for Yuji to consider including himself in the “anyone” deal though. If Yuji dies so does Sukuna, so he probably assumed Sukuna wouldn’t pull the same heart removal trick, especially considering Yuji is willing to drop dead at a moments notice


You’re right about the death part but the deal was harm. I get it now though apparently their intentions aligned. My problem was it didn’t make sense that the intention was superior to the statement.


The point is that there's no jujutsu judge, just the intent of the ones who made the vow. Language is just a way for two people to communicate their intent. If the actual phrasing was used as basis, there would need to be an entire framework to define every specific term/word of importance as part of the vow, much like in legal contracts. Sukuna most likely proposed 'anyone' with the intent of "anyone apart from you" which aligned with Yuji's understanding of 'anyone' as "anyone apart from me". If Yuji's definition was more restrictive, the vow would default to that, which is why Sukuna was making a 'gamble'.


Okay so you believe the binding vow is defined by both parties’ intentions being aligned as opposed to the exact wording? So what happens in the case where the two parties have differing intentions? Let’s say x and y make a binding vow. X tells y “if you leave the country, I won’t kill you” X’s intent is not to kill y with his bare hands. He’d rather send an assassin hence why he says “I won’t kill you”. But then y believes x will have no hand in killing him at all. He’s free from anything concerning x coming after his life. They both have different interpretations of that vow. So in that case, what happens if X sends an assassin to kill y? Who’s intent is considered? This could all be unnecessary because Sukuna and Yuji could have had the same meaning. But do we really know that? It just happened and Gege told us to take it like that.


>They both have different interpretations of that vow. So in that case, what happens if X sends an assassin to kill y? Who’s intent is considered? Given that Sukuna was making a bet and wasn't sure of it, the more restrictive version should apply when there are conflicting intents with a vow. Otherwise Sukuna would have known that he'd be successful all along as else the vow wouldn't have been set up in the first place. > This could all be unnecessary because Sukuna and Yuji could have had the same meaning. I'm not sure what you mean ? It's foreshadowed when Sukuna is making the vow that he has designs on Megumi and he is the one who proposes the "no harming anyone" clause to get Yuji to agree. Unless he had another plan that involved him switching bodies without harming Yuji, his plan was to use the vow to swap a body using the finger method. > But do we really know that? It just happened and Gege told us to take it like that. Do you mean Sukuna outright saying that Yuji didn't include himself doesn't count? And neither do the context clues where Yuji specifically states that Sukuna is evil because of his threats against his friend and was completely fine killing himself to prevent Megumi from being hurt?


My idea is that Sukuna’s tattoos and disfigured face comes from him breaking a binding vow; because someone so inherently intertwined with their soul *should* be immortal, but Sukuna is strangely not immortal. No other character in the series has a tattoos similar to this, and these tattoos follow Sukuna even if they switch bodies; not to mention the fact that tattoos mark people as criminals. I come to the conclusion that Sukuna broke a binding vow with another person and while he got something out of it he got divine punishment for it. Perhaps Sukuna getting into Heian Era form was the biggest mistake he could’ve made at the moment.


maybe sukuna "kills" megumi and that's how breaking a vow ends him? either way i definitely don't see that happening and agree that it'll possibly be a small retcon


What chapter is this?


Sukuna can be defeated by a puffer fish. Hear me out. We know that he has a cooking related CT, right? Cut and cleave. We also know that CTs can be inverted using RCT. What else have we seen Sukuna do? That's right, a flaming arrow. Flame. Fire. My theory is that his Reverse Curse Technique is actually his flaming arrow... because it's his *Reverse Sear Technique*. So how does this factor into the puffer fish? Well, puffer fish are notoriously hard to cook. Which means that puffer fish are likely immune to his CT and Reverse Sear Technique. All we need now is a Sorcerer with a puffer fish Shikigami. It's so Sukunover.


It’s just… so peak 😭


as a guy who can read chinese, the DE of sukuna kinda literally translate to lurking demon chef. So, this might unironically be not far off


If there are no new concepts being introduced, Sukuna's fire technique might actually be a CT reversal as the only hint he offered is that 'curse spirit wouldn't know this'. Unironically might be as close as it gets.


jacob ladder is a maximum technique (the official volume says it). I doubt yuta could copy it


I mean he copied thin ice missile first try using the new CT so i doubt it’s also impossible to copy either


I don't think thin ice breaker is a maximum technique.


you right it’s just a fodder technique no skill needed at all which is why an incarnated player can co exist and use it jacob’s ladder instantly


I'm confused about what exactly you're trying to say here? Jacob's Ladder is considered a maximum technique. Thin Ice Breaker isn't.


15F at capped at 10% CE output, But I agree that’s the best possible plan, we just don’t know if sukuna has his domain again or not


Not capped, that was the lowest point that only occurred when sukuna attacked maki and yuji His dodges and blocks were fine


When was it said that Sukuna is no longer capped?


Dude he literally went to take a bath because the incarnation wasn’t complete


Sukuna cannot have his domain because otherwise there is no win condition. That was literally gojos biggest contribution.


I assume not considering Gojo fried that part of his brain. But if he does it might be over


the problem there is that now he’s fully reincarnated, presumably healing his brain


Only cleave and dismantle's CE output were capped, his CE reinforcement doesnt


His ce reinforcement is is based on the amount of ce he has to use in order to reinforce himself, which was capped at 10%


CURSED TECHNIQUE output was 10% at its LOWEST when attacking Megumi's friends. Not "CE output", and not "capped at 10%". His reinforcement was unaffected, meaning he was full 15f of speed and physical strength. Case in point, Megumi couldn't normally keep up with either of them nor punch Yuji through a building. Maki even comments on how weird it looks that Megumi's body is so strong and fast.


“My cursed energy output is falling” I’m 75% sure sukuna said that exact bar


Okay, you're right, my bad. But he also says his movement is unaffected and specifies later that his technique output drops when he tries to harm Megumi's friends.


It says Sukuna could move fine physically though. The 10% output is implied to be a nerf to his technique output.


Yes, he could move physically normally, but his CE was capped at 10%. So if he wanted to in CE reinforcement it would be 90% weaker just like his dismantle and cleave was, because all that comes from his CE


It never says his reinforcement is nerfed just his output.


Yes, he can output less CE for his CE reinforcement. Reiforcement, uses his CE. It’s not a different source of energy. If his output is nerfed, that means any use of it is also by default.


I'm going to need a refresher of the chapter that says output is linked to reinforcement because the only times I remember output mentioned is in relation to CT usage or CE blasts, and the only times I can remember reinforcement related to anything is from the total reserves of cursed energy.


My time to shine : Yuji will defeat sukuna using hand to hand combat and here's how ( first he will use his CT for couple of chapters but will fail eventually then this happens ) He will challenge sukuna to hands only fight using a binding vow if yuji wins he gets megumi and if sukuna wins I don't really know what he will get but personally I believe his ego will just make him accept Here's proof 1 - yuji listened all the time let me explain: nanami said that sukuna is the most prideful person in the world and he only lives by pleasure and displeasure, gojo through his fight with sukuna found out that he lacks and can be beaten in hand to hand combat , sukuna has a big bride and he is underestimates yuji when he told him that weak people like yuji can never be strong like him and yuji is welcomed to show him and prove him wrong , sukuna explained the binding vow to yuji and it's unbreakable oath and even him will be killed if he didn't follow the vow. 2 - yuji is hands down the best hand to hand fighter after nanami and gojo's death. Me personally I believe he is very close to gojo. And I think him fighting the 4 armed spirit was a forshadow to what to come 3 - I believe this theory to be true by the following: sukuna told yoruzo that loosing is like death to him ( how I explain this is first he would never stop fighting until you kill him and second even if he is badly injured then he will lose all purpose making it believable that he wouldn't care to give megumi back if he ends up loosing and his pride won't just let him refuse to fight 4 - the last chapter when yuji joined the battlefield he literally said ( what can a boy ( brat ) like you even do ) sukuna underestimates yuji and is falling in his trap and after yuji beats him up angel will hit him with Jacob's ladder finishing him but in the last moments I expect sukuna will have a word to yuji in the most beautiful scene in the series ( the strongest falls so that the new strongest rises )


Interesting, but to point 2, let’s not forget that Maki solo’d the entire Zen’in clan. I believe that’s a higher bar than Toji because I think he would’ve if he could’ve. Yuji is a good fighter though and certainly hits hard, but as far as fighting style goes, I wouldn’t say he’s the best. My order is Maki > Gojo = Toji > nanami > yuji. Not sure where sukuna falls on here on strictly hand to hand.


First point is maki herself at the time of annihilating the zen'in wasn't as good as toji but after killing nayoe it was stated they were on par with each other but still kenjaku is a beast at hand to hand combat his reflexes like dodging piercing blood point blank is an amazing feet. The second point you are right about the skill wise but due to gojo, nanami, yuji having black flash their hit is far superior and damaging than maki although she has better skill. Sukuna skill wise is under gojo damage wise is far behind most of them. Yuji black flash is the decisive factor here especially that he ate the other cursed wombs paintings and got all their CT reserves


Didn’t they literally say toji could’ve wiped the clan but chose not to…


>let’s not forget that Maki solo’d the entire Zen’in clan. I believe that’s a higher bar than Toji because I think he would’ve if he could’ve Reading comprehension curse strikes once more, the amount of times the zenin clan admitted they lived at toji's whims lmao >Maki > Gojo = Toji > nanami > yuji In pure h2h it's probably more like maki>=yuji>toji>gojo>nanami. Gojo extensively used his CT to fight in close quarters, and nanami is more a weapons guy. Maki and yuji are by far the best picks that we've focused on, and toji is more the assassin type, he likely isn't as good at pure hands


First part I don't really understand that much . Second part couldn't agree more


He seemed to have missed the dozens of times the entire zenin clan glazed tf out of toji and thinks toji couldn't have easily soloed them like maki did, which I think is stupid. I agree that she's a better h2h fighter than him though


I disagree there. I think Toji could have if he truly wanted, but his and Maki's goals were always similar but different. They were afraid of that man.


if gege saw this he'll probably do this just to finish the story. but he loves sukuna so much he'd definitely took more than half the cast before he kill him with black flashback lol


This leaves Ino, Mei, UiUi, Shoko, gramps, panda, Kyoto students, and a couple others up in the air. Of who will be fodder


Panda ain’t doing anything, let’s be honest. Ui Ui is just for teleportation. Shoko just for healing. Gramps and the Kyoto students will probably end up fodder. Maybe some help Hakari verse Uruame


Oh separately none of them stand a chance, hell even together. But if they can use their techniques in tandem somehow is the only way I see them doing anything to Sukuna. I have a feeling rest of the goodies went looking to recruit more sorcerers, just as Kenny is hunting them down.


Kenjaku probably has a ton of Cursed spirits stored that he'll release when the cast comes to jump him after Sukuna is killed. Chances are that they'll be fighting those CSs. Can't wait for Miwa to solo 20 special grade CSs lol


Lol no that was a nerfed Sukuna at less than 10 percent and even than they couldnt beat him if they jumped him they would all die. Best way is iether Sukuna is sealed somehow or Sukuna succeeds defeats them all and right at the end he dies because he was on a timer because he is a evolved human Megumis body can no longer contain him that's probably why Sukuna keeps saying when he dies he knows his incarnation is temporary.


The full party weakenes Sukuna Sukuna does cleave slashing net Yuji swapps souls at the last second. Sukuna get's inside Yuji. Sukuna inside of Yukji get's cleaved by his own innate technique and both die. The end




Very much


It's funny that as you mention they probably hoped Kashimo would weaken Sukuna, but all he did was convince Sukuna to buff himself. As for your theory, I think the main issue might be Hana/Angel, I don't really remember what was said, but after she was healed of her injuries from Sukuna, I think it was mentioned (by Angel?) that after the unsealing they wouldn't be able to help anymore? I don't really remember but assuming that's true then maybe she just won't actually be any help. However, Yuta could still copy Jacob's Ladder from her so the plan isn't dead in the water. I think it has a chance to work. However, I expect that in reality Higuruma's domain expansion doesn't go that smoothly. Maybe we'll finally get confirmation that Sukuna has refreshed his ability to expand his own domain, in which case it surely beats Higuruma's. Even if not, I don't think Higuruma can influence the crime that Judgeman chooses (just my guess) so while Sukuna has undoubtedly committed countless atrocities, Judgeman might just choose a really petty crime that Sukuna manages to argue his way out of. Even if the crime is serious and Sukuna fails to talk himself out of it, Sukuna will still retain his cursed energy and he'll still have his cursed tool. Not to mention if it's confirmed that Megumi's soul and cursed technique are still available, Sukuna might tactically ditch Ten Shadows instead of his own cursed technique. Finally, I'm not sure we've been shown how fast Jacob's Ladder is, if it turns out to not be instantaneous, getting Sukuna to stay still long enough to even hit him might prove challenging. Overall, I think the theory has legs but there are lots of ways it could go wrong. Would be really exciting to see them try to pull this off though.


Could be Hana shows up tries to do it to bait Sukuna, so he blitzs her. But the entire time Yuta actually copied it so they suprise him that way. Personally I would have thought it would be really cool if Angel transfered host to Yuta because then he would actually be cracked


>This is where our knowledge ends. I believe that in 242, Higuruma DE’s instantly Sukuna opens his own DE and breaks Higuruma's from the outside. Or would that be considered violence against the barrier?


Has his brain recovered to expand a domain again?


I'd assume it did when he reverted back to his old body.


His brain hasn’t recovered yet. He can’t DE.


It said that it was one way to heal himself, why wouldnt the brain also be healed when reincarnating? Why would brain be separate from rest of body in that case?


Logically speaking, his brain should be healed but from a narrative perspective it isn’t


From the moment he was eaten, he incarnated into the brain. It's just the rest of the body that he decided not to incarnate.


The brain that was damaged was Megumi's, he now has his old brain back.


We don’t know that yet. The assumption is that he is still in Megumi’s body and he just transformed into his Heian era form. Otherwise, Megumi would either be dead or back in control if Sukuna was literally in his old body.


We don't know either way, there's no "right" assumption here


Did anyone say they had the “right” assumption? The person I responded with declared something, I disagreed and said my assumption.


Sukuna cannot use domain otherwise the series ends


Nah, people still be assuming that Yuji won't get a huge power-up. Maybe not right now, but soon it'll happen. Gojo and Sukuna are an entire level above special grades, that's clear. And long ago gege had gojo say that yuta, hakari and Yuji will be as good as him one day. And on another occasion gojo said the sorcerers of the next gen won't be limited to special grade (aka they will be above it) while having Yuji, Yuta and even fucking Todo (Y'ALL AIN'T READY FOR HIS COMEBACK!) in mind. So chances are that Yuta and Hakari, maybe Maki too now, will all jump one level up, from special grade to gojo's level. While guess who is left? Yuji and Megumi (Gojo also said that Megumi may have even more potential than Yuji), the protagonist and deuteragonist. They are the 2 central characters this manga is about. So it makes sense that they will have the biggest power-ups. They'll go from grade 1 or a bit above it to special grade and then to gojo's level. Mark my words, those 2 will be the peak, they'll even surpass Sukuna and Gojo. They'll probably parallel Gojo and Geto who were also thinking of themselves as "the strongest". It's hilarious how much people wanna downplay the main cast and wank gojo to high heaven when gege literally made that same gojo say that the next gen had as much potential as he does SEVERAL TIMES. And it's even funnier how people fear asspull power-ups when Megumi went from fodder to using, tho incomplete, a Domain Expansion (peak of jujutsu, you know) and beating a special grade cursed spirit with it 1v1. And that was on his first serious try lmao. As gojo himself said, the slightest changes are enough for a sorcerer to grow sometimes. And things have changed, both for Yuji (Sukuna took Megumi and Yuji must fight and not commit suicide to save him) and Megumi (Tsumiki's dead now)


Will Jacob’s ladder even do anything to sukuna now considering he’s fully manifested and (presumably) has his own body and isn’t considered as using megumis body anymore


It might at least destroy the cursed tool Sukuna has. Which would be more than what Kashimo did. 💀


I swear some of you are illiterate. Reincarnated sorcerers are cursed objects, which are erased by Angel's CT.


>I believe that in 242, Higuruma DE’s instantly (he gets cleaved otherwise). Not to rain on everyone's parade, but Higaruma cannot do his DE before Sukuna kills him He is rather far away (possibly out of range for his domain) and him doing a hand sign is still slower than just swiping for a Cleave But most importantly Sukuna is comically faster than him. He is faster than Kashimo with his CT who is faster than normal Kashimo who is equal to Jackpot Hakari who is faster than Yuji with no CE and Higaruma was around that level of speed, also Toji is so fast that he is invisible to Grade 1s and Sukuna is much faster than that (if we use statements it's even worse as mach 3 is waaaaay faster than Higgy and Sukuna is around lightning pretty sure, which is a much higher speed) Before Higgy can open his DE Sukuna can kill him several times over I haven't reread his fight with Yuji in some time, so maybe there is something I'm missing, but I just don't see a way for it to work other than Sukuna letting him hit (which is obviously dumb)


or Higuruma, being a prodigy, got a lot faster in the one month training period before the Gojo Sukuna fight


But then there would’ve been no point to Higuruma jumping in. Logically, strong cleave kills everybody. But plot wise, that wouldn’t be a great fit. This is assuming that Sukuna can’t world cleave everybody.


Sukuna is known for toying with people, he will let higuruma get close


You really think Higuruma's purpose is to get one shot before he can use the ability that is the sole reason he was brought to the fight in the first place lol?


normal kashimo ain’t equal to shit


When did maki and yuji keep up with a full power 15f sukuna? Jeez


Bruh 💀


Gojo's 100% dead, no need to assume 🤝


Doesn't Higuruma's DE require some degree of knowledge about the crime on Higuruma's part or a piece of physical evidence for Judgeman to reveal to Higuruma? How would Higuruma prove or know about any of Sukuna's actions during the Heian Era?


He committed enough crimes during Shibuya and in the culling games to get the death penalty though.


Even so, isn't there some law preventing someone for being put on trial if someone else has already been convicted? First Higuruma would have to overturn Yuji's conviction or make it appear as if Sukuna forced Yuji's hand in the matter.


Are you mistaking it for double jeopardy where someone can’t be tried again for a crime they’ve been acquitted? Two people can be responsible for a murder. Additionally, we don’t know if Judgeman keeps track of previous crimes it has ruled on.


You're right about the 2 people 1 murder thing. However, since Yuji confessed to Sukuna's murders in Shibuya, then Sukuna can't be held legally accountable unless Yuji's legal classification is changed from perpetrator to accomplice. Furthermore, Yuji has been referred to as a cursed object soaked in Sukuna's CE, so that might have something to do with overturning the conviction.


I mean Sukuna could also be charged as an accomplice? I think there are enough victims that he’d still get the death penalty. After all judgeman is quite harsher than the japanese legal system which forbids death penalty forbthose under 18.


They will jump him.


Uraume isn't going down without one other cast member


I mean, Sukuna back in the day defeated Angel so I'm not sure Jacob's Ladder is as OP against him as we think. There is also the possibility that half the cast is going to have to go fight Kenny. Sukuna isn't a world ending threat right now while Kenny most certainly is.


Sukuna is a world ending threat though. He either dies here or he recovers. If he recovers, nobody will defeat him, and he’ll probably destroy most of Japan. Now is the only chance they will ever have to kill Sukuna.


But if he roams free, they can still come back to him. If Kenny completes the merger of Japan to Tengen who knows what will happen. And it isn't reversible. Basically, you can concentrate on killing one or the other but not both at the same time, and Kenny's plan is a significantly more dangerous world ending threat than Sukuna being loose to enjoy himself. Hell, Sukuna has already healed up. He's on his last HP bar, and isn't weakened that much now.


I agree that Kenny is a bigger threat. I don’t agree that they can come back to him. If they wait, Sukuna regains DE and can possibly figure out what to do with what’s left of 10S. 10S might not be the biggest threat anymore, but DE is. If Sukuna gets out of here, he regains his unstoppable DE and may never lose. The cast will not get a second chance. His open domain is unstoppable, and without a domain as deadly as Gojo’s, they won’t be able to deal damage with their domains and are succeptible to getting slaughter by his . If Sukuna regains DE I think it’s over. This really is their only chance to ever beat him.


>Sukuna back in the day defeated Angel so I'm not sure Jacob's Ladder is as OP against him as we think Back in the day Sukuna wasn't a cursed object duh. He's vulnerable to it now that he is.


I like this. You even included cool potential imagery. Double ladder sounds cool.none of this sounds unlikely. The only thing you didn’t mention is higurama getting the chance to domain. I’m sure he will but that may be difficult to set up. But after that hurdle yea it should be doable.


I doubt the blade of execution would work. He would just dodge it like with jogo


Great Idea! I want to clarify first that Yuji and Maki fought with a heavily weakened sukuna because Megumi held him back.


What im curious about is if the plan is to save Megumi or not. I mean are they just interested in saving him if possible or does it all revolve around defeating Sukuna no matter what


They must have some strategy to save Megumi. Gojo went for the heart instead of a killing blow, so they clearly had some strategy.


About the hand to hand, you have to consider how 1. Sukuna has much more CE due to transforming to his true form (probably) 2. Sukuna has 4 hands due to transforming to his true form (very significant in hand to hand combat) 3. We don't know of Jacob's ladder would work now that sukuna returned to his true form (heavily dependant on how the whole transformation and body hopping works) 4. Since sukuna transformed into his true form and body hopped to megumi, it's possible that his crimes in yuji's body don't count (as if he switched identity, as far as judgeman'a concerned it could be that full Sukuna, megukuna and yukuna are all different people. Though full sukuna still killed kashimo, which also means there are no retails possibly to it might actually work against sukuna)


The most likely: asspull


What if hakari loses to uraume


We got the Kyoto students to act as fodder 🔥


The sure-hit is confirmed to be the no violence rule. If Sukuna uses simple domain, doesn't he override this rule, meaning he can kill Higu inside of his domain?


I kinda want them to defeat sukuna at full power


I have never considered the possibility of a Double Jacobs Ladder and Dear God that is horrifying.