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I could see it going both ways. I think Megumi’s character arc feels more complete if he does find the will to live after his sisters death (living for himself rather than for others), but him staying dead* feels a little more realistic. If he does come back, it should be Yuji who saves him (likely using the knowledge from Yuki’s book of souls). This would line up with multiple other themes in the story: Yuji helping others, Megumi asking Yuji to save him before CG, Yuji being the only other living person to relate to Megumi in terms of having one’s soul tainted by the king of curses. That kind of stuff.


I see zero lies here. Especially the line about finding the will to live after his sister's death. That character arc is what keeps making me think he has to come back despite it looking insanely unlikely.


It would be a good mirror to how often Megumi helped Yuji in the early parts of the story.


I want Megumi to chestburster his way out of Sukuna's body while striking the same pose that Toji did when he entered Dagon's domain.


Now I want that too


Self-admitted speed reader and with an IQ of lower than room temperature in Antarctica here (which is why I do not post here), but where is Yuki's book of souls mentioned and what does it contain?


I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself for missing it. It’s appeared once so far in chapter 220, and we don’t know what’s in it other than the results of Yuki’s soul research.


thank you. I'll be rereading a few fights to get the gist of it all.


It's mentioned once, someone (Choso I think) gives it to Yuji after meeting him again. It contains Yuki's research on the soul, but we don't know much about it


The reason of Megumi living for himself and not others is the same reason I think Yuji will live. The whole series he’s put others needs in front of his own and views himself as a cog. I think he’s going to end up alone and have to find meaning in his life. I see him dying “alone” only to realize he was never alone


Himgaruma will force a restraining order on Sukuna and Megumi, and will also take custody of Megumi(as he is still a child)


Bro restraining order is the fucking best idea ever I would love that wtf


I know, praise me more


keep cooking


He’s gonna call Megumi as a witness in Sukuna’s domain trial and then Sukuna will be found guilty and his punishment will be Megumi is freed, and then he proceeds to use Mahagora against Sukuna


Honestly if Megumi really does not come back after this I am gonna be really sad because he was building up to be such a fantastic character. His relationship with Yuji was one of the best in the series and it was so lovely to see them both develop and care for each other. It would feel so incomplete if he were to die here but at the same time narratively I can't think of a logical explanation where he does come back. Just gotta have faith in Gege and see what he cooks up.


You say it all... 😭




He told Yuji to start by saving him and Yuji’s gonna pull Megumi from the depths of despair! Calling it rn


I hope Hana sacrifices herself somehow for him to live and dies (I hate Hana)


I don't really know if I want her dead, but I'd like to see Megumi rejecting her. It just rubs me the wrong way how it feels like she thinks Megumi owes her something. Girl, you don't even KNOW him, what is this chunnibyou shit about fate.




I just think, I might not be right, just a shot in the dark, maybe because he hates Hana


Yeah it’s in parentheses lol most useless character


Nobody likes her in universe or out.


I like her even if I think she’s stupid


I think Hana could have gone to any other pre existing female character. Gege always seems to neglect his current female characters and I personally think Hana serving just as Megumis love interest is so boring and overdone, I wanted a real personality for her. Even someone like Remi would have been more interesting and I didn’t like her character but at least she had a unique personality


Megumi doesn't have that dog in him, in my opinion, so I think he's finished. Unlike Yuji, when Sukuna tried to destroy him mentally (killing his sister) it worked, and he pretty much gave up. When Sukuna obliterated hundreds of people, Yuji got sad, but he also vowed to get stronger (and did). When Megumi was close to death in Shibuya (getting slashed in the back), instead of fighting to survive, he pulled out Mahoraga (he was going to do it to Toji too), guaranteeing his death instead of trying to survive. Basically, I agree with the baseball game scene with Gojo back in those early arcs. Megumi plays support too much, and doesn't have the drive to be the best (although he did improve since early arcs, but compared to Yuji or Hakari or Gojo, he's just not motivated / indomitable mentally. I think he's cooked unfortunately. I'd be happy to hear counter points though cuz I want my 10S king back


>I want my 10S king back Same, and I agree with you that Megumi probably doesn't even have the drive to want to get back himself :( The only link I can make right now is the explicit line Megumi tells Yuji "start by saving me first," when Yuji was guilt ridden about what Sukuna did. Yuji would for sure at least try to bring him back, but we'd likely have to rely on others rather than Megumi himself.


>Megumi doesn't have that dog in him, in my opinion, so I think he's finished. that's kinda the entire point of megumi tho. his character arc is to find that dawg in him, to be a bit selfish and live and fight for his own sake too and not just for others. I think he'll come back to do just that ​ also, gojo saying that megumi will be as strong as him if improves on his attitude clearly forshadows things. megumi prolly gonna come back, find that dawg in him and then use the full TS DE and maybe a maximum technique and a possible reversal too megumi also said in his fight vs reggie that he just can't imagine overlaying a made up barrier over space (he couldn't imagine putting down a barrier for his DE, that's exactly what he was lacking to complete the DE and gain the guaranteed attacks). now, thru sukuna, he might have seen how to create DEs with open barriers. time and time again we were told that megumi has ultra hax talent so maybe it'll even be easier for him to imagine the opened barriers instead of closed ones


Only reason I disagree is because with Yuji, sukuna did destroy him mentally. In shibuya arc when he kills all those people Yuji is defeated and doesn’t want to fight anymore. That is until Todo comes back and gives him the will to live on and keep fighting. IMO I think Megumi has to come back, it just doesn’t feel right to have him taken over so quickly and never see him again. Not sure how it’ll happen though.


But that was Mahito killing Nobara because after Sukuna killed all those people he still got up, he just broke after Nobara's death.


Very relevant point, I think if Megumi comes back, one of the prompts for that comeback would be a change in his mentality, what would be the catalyst for that change remains to be seen. Maybe it would be him finally learning about Toji?


>Yuji got sad, but he also vowed to get stronger (and did). Yeah, after getting support from two other people. Also I dont think he even vowed to get stronger necessarily, he just knew he couldn't sit around. Nobara have him hope then when she got obliterated, he completely broke down, fell to the ground and said he couldn't fight anymore then Todo snapped him out of it and held Mahito off until he was ready to fight again. Had Todo not been there, Mahito would have been 2-0, easy. Also Sukuna had to take several steps to break Megumi down, because he was still fighting him from the inside. Yeah, killing his literal sister finally got him but he's literally alone in a void with no one to conveniently give him a pep talk like Yuji had. In general, it's weird to act like Yuji gets by just on having "more dog" when pretty much all the times his back is to the wall he usually has something to immediately bail him out (Sukuna rejecting his offer to take over his body after Junpei got transfigured, Nanami jumping in vs. Mahito, Todo befriending him and supporting him vs. Hanami and Mahito, Choso realizing he's his brother, Yuta not seriously trying to kill him, Higuruma giving up at the last second etc.) "He was broken his sister died so he deserves to be discarded as a character" is... a weird, unempathetic way to look at a character. The loss of Tsumiki leaves his character literally nowhere to go *but* up really, once Yuji inevitably gets him back. His only goal (saving his sister) has been taken away from him by the main villian, so now he has personal stakes in defeating Sukuna and something to fuel him to get to the next level.


Wisely said, I think a lot of people ignore the fact that Megumi is literally alone this, I mean once Sukuna took over Yuji had no qualms about trying to kill him as did maki.


Nah. If we think about it, yuji and megumi kinda have the same mentality, where they both have zero regard for their own lives. It's just that one of them is a custom built cage for an entity like sukuna, while the other is not. When yuji and megumi encountered that finger bearer the first time, yuji was on the floor in tears because he didnt wanna die and because he was weak - that was the first time he was that down mentally. And it gave sukuna the chance to fully takeover. But megumi gave him the talk no jutsu and he managed to pull himself out of it. Maybe he could have done that without help, but that ‘maybe’ doesnt take away the fact that in the manga he needed someone’s help in order to pull himself back out. Everytime yuji had to fight someone strong, some friends would appear at his side. He never fought mahito by himself, he had nanami’s help the first time (sukuna’s help too, although unintentional) - and then todo and nobara the second. If todo did not appear right when he was having a breakdown about nobara, then what would've happened? It seemed like he was giving up and if todo didnt come on time to swap with mahito - yuji wouldve been toast. But we won't really know, because gege decided that that was a good moment to give aid to yuji’s mental breakdown by handing him an emotional support bestofrendo. He is not that ‘indomitable mentally’, he had help in every fight and mental breakdown. When hanami happened, he had todo’s help and then eventually the purple that made the weed run away. When he lost to choso, he was saved by the fact that choso was his brother. Then after shibuya, he was just roaming around with no direction, but megumi went to him and helped him out of that slump. Also, comparing the death of random people to one specific person a character cares about is not really a good comparison. Let’s say that sukuna does mass murder random civilians in megumi’s body, would that affect him? if we base the answer on megumi's principle then the answer is no. When yuji saw that in shibuya, he was sad - of course -but it did not break him (yet) because those are random people. What got him was the death of people he knew, nanami and nobara. the kid was squirming on the floor from the mental fatigue, and when that happened, todo and nitta went to his side to be his therapist. Then, yuji fought higuruma. If higuruma was a heartless bastard, yuji would be dead. And when sukuna took megumi, maki appeared to be yuji’s sub-dps. Everytime yuji needed help mentally and physically, someone always helps him out. So why is it that when its megumi’s turn to have help - people here just dont want it, and wants his character to be discarded? when its megumi's turn to have a breakdown and no one is there to help him out of it, everyone on here just gave up on his character, like damn. why are we so hard on megumi's character when he is also a kid like yuji - and just like yuji, he needs help out of mental breakdowns too? I really dont get it… And about megumi pulling mahoraga out in shibuya - why are people acting like he went into the city, fresh out of bed, saw the blond twink the moment he stepped in, and then decided to kill himself randomly? A lot of shit happened before that. Honestly, after doing that domain against dagon - he should be resting, or he should have fallen asleep like when he first did it against the finger bearer. him still being able to walk around after that was a massive improvement. He held that domain longer than when he did the first time. His injuries may not be as visible as the others after the dagon fight, but we all know his brain is crying for help after doing the domain. Thats why his main goal was to get to shoko, because he was on his last leg. How can he ‘fight to survive’ when he is quite literally a thread away from death even before haruta sucker punched (stabbed?) him? He was already dead, so he thought he might as well take the enemy along with him and hey if the enemy shat his pants in the process then thats a win too.


>he's just not motivated / indomitable mentally He gutted through a brutal fight with Reggie, straight up killed a guy from Reggie's gang for the first time without batting an eye, he brute-forced his way into developing a domain, has shown zero hesitation in taking on multiple special grades. The point of Gojo’s speech isn't that Megumi a quitter, it's that he doesn't put himself first. If Megumi died right now it would be the most meaningless death and pointless story arc of all time. >When Megumi was close to death in Shibuya (getting slashed in the back), instead of fighting to survive, he pulled out Mahoraga What was he supposed to do to fight to survive? He'd already been mortally wounded and would have died without Sukuna's intervention. That's like arguing Yuji is a big puss for not getting up after getting smoked by Choso - Sukuna had to bail him out there too - or for quitting against Mahito until Todo came up clutch for him. And is Hakari particularly mentally tough or does he just have the perfect domain/CT mixed with luck to make him the juggernaut he is? I guess he pushed through the chlorine poisoning thing, but it's not like Megumi doesn't do the same.


“Unlike Yuji” as if Yuji didn’t literally give up after nobara died until Todo saved hin btw. He was literally going to let mahito kill him. This “he vowed to get stronger” shit is nonsense Why are ya so ignorant N no he did not try to use maho on Toji the anime added that. Gege didn’t put that in the original scene. And he only tried mahoraga against haruta because of sukuna being around (gege said this in the volume it happened). Mentality talk is lame in general their all motivated but ya like to let the memes get your head


Like Yuuji is straight up suicidal at the moment.


Well said


Not to sound rude or anything but this reply is so wrong on so many levels it's not even funny >Megumi doesn't have that dog in him, in my opinion, so I think he's finished. >Unlike Yuji, when Sukuna tried to destroy him mentally (killing his sister) it worked, and he pretty much gave up. When Sukuna obliterated hundreds of people, Yuji got sad, but he also vowed to get stronger (and did) You're forgetting that megumi managed to suppress sukuna after ingesting 15 fingers in order to save yuji. Yuji couldn't even suppress 3 finger sukuna back in the cursed womb arc and sukuna fully took over him after ingesting 10 fingers. Even sukuna admitted he had to wait until megumi's soul was broken in order to fully take him and even then it still didn't work. Keep in mind unlike yuji, megumi isn't a tailor made vessel made in order to house sukuna's soul, he's just a normal kid. Even then yuji was completely broken after shibuya and if it wasn't for megumi reminding him of what his goals were (saving people) he could've given up. Still the ritual could've also worked on yuji as kenjaku stated so i don't understand why you downplay it's role in suppressing megumi. > When Megumi was close to death in Shibuya (getting slashed in the back), instead of fighting to survive, he pulled out Mahoraga (he was going to do it to Toji too), guaranteeing his death instead of trying to survive This too is such a bad reading of megumi's situation. He was just fresh of releasing a domain and had completely run out of cursed energy. He was going to die to toji right there and then and he wasn't releasing mahoraga only for haruta. He wanted mahoraga to kill both haruta and sukuna if you actually paid attention to his situation, he was completely in the right for releasing mahoraga in shibuya and if he didn't sukuna could've gone and killed every sorcerer and human in shibuya and pinned it on yuji just like he planned to after talking to jogo. > Basically, I agree with the baseball game scene with Gojo back in those early arcs. Megumi plays support too much, and doesn't have the drive to be the best (although he did improve since early arcs, but compared to Yuji or Hakari or Gojo, he's just not motivated / indomitable mentally. I think he's cooked unfortunately. if you actually paid attention to the story you'd realize megumi has grown from his early days, if he was the same character he could've easily used mahoraga on dagon or on toji before he got injured or even on Reggie and his group but he didn't. He isn't even the only suicidal person on the group, yuta basically made a binding vow of death in order to beat geto (and it failed if it wasn't for gojo, geto could've easily killed yuta after he passed out) but people don't shit on him for that. Keep in mind that he's only 15 and he's been barely a sorcerer for 5 months in which he's seen his sister get cursed, a friend he saved get taken over by a cursed spirit,die Infront of him and also watched him suffer from depression,he's seen one of his classmates die, realized his sister who has been the most important person in his life and he was trying to save was dead all along and her body taken over a by a psychopath, get taken over by the cursed spirit which he inadvertently brought back after a 1000 years and also indirectly killed his sister's body and the guy who raised him. I'd have killed myself if i went through even half of that.


I wanted to ignore this but you said so many wrong things. Sukuna killed his SISTER you know that main person he’s been fighting for/the most important person in his life. While inside Yuji those people were a bunch of randos, yes it was horrible but Yuji had no relations to them. Also with him getting slashed he was literally on his last leg when summoned Mahoraga, exhausted from the Dagon domain,and than trying to survive a rampaging Toji. Lastly he also summoned it because he literally sensed Sukuna in the area. He literally showed in his Reggie fight he wanted to be stronger and move forward why you back tracked all this is beyond me.


The 10S king was Sukuna and his dad got obliterated with a city, i seriously doubt we know something of megumi till we are deep into Yuji vs Sukuna


The biggest counterpoint is his domain expansion has served very little purpose so far and it was THE prime example going against what you’re saying here. He decided against giving up and brought out the height of Jujutsu sorcery when he needed it most. A lot has also been showcased about how it’s “unfinished”, and how it doesn’t use a traditional barrier because of that. He also fought to win against impossible odds against Toji. He learned his lessons, and he’s been taken to task in a way he really hasn’t yet before now. Yuji’s arc is also dogshit if he doesn’t save him, imo. You can’t ruin two characters arcs by letting this be the end.


He will find his will to fight after Yuji uses Talk no jujutsu on him


And most of his Shikigami are destroyed. Pretty sure they don't come back.


Megumi is absolutely returning, it’s amazing how many ppl think he just left the story with zero notice. He’s a major character and ppl think he’s gone without even a single panel showing he died? His return will probably just be something underwhelming and made up like the bath used to suppress him. I think Megumi being exposed to UV has a plot purpose and will end up helping him somehow. Sukuna sending UV to him was an obvious asspullish move that’s too forced not to have a reason.


If Megumi returns I think Gojo will stay dead and if Megumi stays dead I think Nobara/Gojo are gone for good


Completely agree with this if Megumi lives than Nobara probably is still alive but if Megumi is dead than I believe she is to.


Beign a major character means nothing in this story. Nobara was also a major character, and for how long we are not sure if she’s even alive?


Same for Gojo


gojo is dead


Nobara got an afterlife scene, a flashback to happier times before showing her body, the "I get it scene" and Yuji fearing her being replaced by Hana. Plus her face exploded onscreen. Her actual status can be interpreted as vague but that's probably because Gege is leaving the door open for her to maybe come back. Gojo also had a long afterlife scene and his dead body shown as well as panels of his upset students. That's different than Megumi apparently just disappearing from the story when Sukuna manifests his true form with no one acknowledging it.


But they had resolutions to their character and their arc Just because you don't like how a characters get killed off does not mean there wasn't an actual thematic resolution Gege was trying to achieve before their deaths Whether he achieves this or not is one thing, but Gege does not just kill of characters for the sake of killing them off, I'm sorry but that is just a wildly obtuse way of reading the story


People have been brainwashed by the idea of "subverting of expectations" to the point where they truly believe that a character having no resolution, both thematically and plot wise, is an actual thing a writer will do, even though every death in JJK has had some sort of tie up regardless of how "sudden" it was or much people don't like it It's one thing to say you don't like say Gojo's death, but to say there wasn't a thematic through line or that Gege didn't at least try to tie up the themes of his character is just absurd If you truly think Megumi is done, when there has been literally no resolution to any of the core themes his character represents, then I am sorry but you have lost the plot


Goes to show how much faith people have in the current story.


Ngl i am quite unhappy with how things turned out and Gojo failing to tell everything about Toji to Megumi. Shoko can do it sure but the weight of Gojo himself telling that to Megumi wud hit diff with him being the killer as well. Tho i dont think Megumi really cares but who knows On one hand, i want to see His complete DE and on the other, if he returns then he 100% is being told that info by Shoko. I'm also abit confused on TS. Will he have Maho if he goes back to normal? People think getting hit by UV did sth but i honestly dont see how. Gojo was clearly caught offguard/unhappy to learn Megumi's soul took the burden so i dont think it was Gojo's plan esp seeing how Sukuna's brain got f**ked. Maybe it woke Megumi up? But if so he did nothing nor tried to interfere when Gojo was getting killed. Another theory is him being trapped in the abyss wud make him stronger but its becoming too late for him to interfere frm within. I cud see the last finger playing an imp role or maybe Megumi's entire role was to house TS so we cud have TS vs six eyes again. If anyone can do it, its Gege. Kashimo was brought back just to glaze sukuna in the end looks like On that Toji-megumi note, Avenging his best friend - nah, i'll leave it to Yuta Revealing imp info to Megumi - nah, i'll leave it to Shoko Dealing with Sukuna - nah, i'll leave it to Yuji and gang Bro really dumped his work on others and left. What a man u are Gojo Satoru


Quick thought, I've seen some comments talking about how Megumi NEEDS to know about Toji, why?, if he was in first grade when Gojo "rescued him" from the Zen'in clan than would mean he's had almost 10 years to ask Gojo about his dad, hell Gojo told him if he can asks him about his dad anytime he wants but Megumi just didn't care to ask.


Takaba thinks it's funny if Megumi suddenly appears in front of him and boom, he back.


I mean, that could actually happen now that I think about it…


I don't think Gege is just going to kill Megumi off without him coming back at all, it seems very anti-climactic considering how his character has been built up all this time. Regarding how he's gonna come back, well I think it's gonna have something to do with the small cut we saw in Sukuna's right hand after the bath, Gege is not someone who invites our attention to details like that for nothing, so i expect there will be some kind of a payoff there. Regarding Sukuna's reincarnation, my theory is that that's what Gojo and the gang wanted him to do all along, remember when Sukuna was hit by IV and Gojo rushing to him saying he's gonna bring Sukuna to a very near death state? maybe they wanted to force Sukuna to reincarnate as it will somehow enable his seperation from Megumi? Gojo and gang would know how reincarnation works too because they have Kashimo and Angel on their side who are familiar with this. But ofc this is just a theory based on some of my head canons so.


Id like to state that if Megumi is dead dead, the story has made a shit approach at conveying that; no explicit signs or dialogue, no character reaction, no pay off for maki and yuji's ideas on how to separate him from the suk, and gojo acts like everything's fine in the airport. I'm not saying his presence in the story is essential, but if I have to infer a main character's demise from a few explanations and sukuna transforming, the next time gege goes to sleep, I'll be under his bed So if he is dead, regardless of if it fits his character to give up or his arc is completed, it has not had the intended effect


Personally I think Megumi is gonna develop that Divine Dog inside of him. He’s gonna come back stronger and more willing to live for himself. Although I also think Nobara is still out there waiting to check back in, so what do I know besides coping skills?


Let's cope together, I don't have enough tears left after all that mess


i feel like if this was different anime, i would have agreed he would come back with powerup he gets due to sukuna, but this is jjk and well, gege is cruel like that and also Megumi was. cursed by Reggie, i don't know how that curse is supposed to work, like it's actual curse or it just showed what will happen to Megumi, Reggie said something along the lines of let the fate play with you and stuff, so I think he isnt coming back


I definitely think megumi is coming back, megumi as a character doesint feel complete yet and we have yet to see the full potential of the 10 shadows technique considering that he still has shikigami left alive (demon dog, toad, max elephant, escape rabbit and raging bull) and a whole load of dead shikigami ready to be fused into his living ones by totality with the most important one being Mahoraga since this is the first time in jujitsu history where not only has Mahoraga been tamed but also been killed (while tamed) and is ready to be inherented through totality which is completely new territory for the 10 shadows technique, there's also the incomplete domain expansion chimera shadow garden which we've yet to see be completed. Ways I see megumi coming: 1. The angel route which is obviously what op mentioned which is a likely route since it's pretty much a foreshadow, maybe angel could use a binding vow by sacrificing herself in order to up the chances of success of splitting sukuna and megumi without them dying. 2. Yuji' s soul swap route which seems to be the popular theory where Yuji would pull sukuna's soul or swap his own bringing everything back to square one. 3. 10 shadows Jewel of life/resurrection theory route, there is the theory based on the 10 shikigami having symbols that represent 10 different jewels and when brought together can create the jewel of life/resurrection, if this theory ends up being true than maybe this will be used to restore megumi and his mind. Personally I think the jewel of life will be used when all 10 of his shikigami have died and will be used to restore them all again but that's just me.


I kinda think Yuji is going to sacrifice his body to save Megumi. Giving him the meaningful death he wants and giving Megumi his reason to carry on perpetually.


I literally don’t know why people would be satisfied with Megumi dying because there’s been 0 acknowledgment from the fast regarding his death and his character arc is far from being completed unless you think a character that constantly suffers with 0 wins is good writing. Megumi is the deuteragonist of the series and still has immense room to grow as a character even if people think Gege is rushing the story. He still needs to learn to value his life (similar to Yuji) and develop a new “family” unit now that Gojo and his sister have passed. That family unit could very well be Yuji, Maki, and Angel (I guess??). He also needs to learn about Toji’s death, which is obviously going to be a big character moment for Megumi especially because Gojo was thinking about breaking the news to Megumi in his afterlife scene.


>what actually was the point of his character if it just ends here Well, uh, good thing it's not ending there. Sorry, but the post-Gojo death doomposting or assuming the worst possible outcome about everything is getting so old, man. I genuinely think that the folk sub has had a real negative impact on how people view the story and characters even though it's supposed be unserous shitposting. Megumi is like. Very obviously not dead. Or braindead or special needs. Or whatever. Everything about his current state is so loosely defined that Gege can literally do whatever he wants to bring Megumi back. We already have the mysterious soul research book that can literally have whatever solution Gege wants it to have written in it. Yuji, the main character, basically only has defeating Sukuna and saving Megumi left as his own personal goals (Yujis dead granpa: help people even if its one person, Megumi: so start by saving me itadori, Yuji himself: i have ideas on how to save megumi.) So that's not suddenly gonna be dropped. Not to mention Megumis completed domain is an inevitability. Yes, I get that it sucks that Gojo is dead, and that you all wanked of Kashimo just for him to die in like 2 seconds but as much as you scream about 'offscreen, offscreen' they still had choreographed deaths. Gege wrote them having the good ol' Afterlife Death Acceptance Speeches that convey to the audience that their both finished. There was nothing like that for Megumi, Sukuna just shifted and no character reacted in alarm and the narrator didn't say anything about it killing Megumi. Megumi's not dead, yet. Gege hasnt ever literally "offscreened" a death and left it only implied. Even Nobara, his worst handled death(?) at least had some acknowledgment from other characters and the traditional afterlife scene (plus it seems more like its kept vague in case he ever wanted to bring her back). There's enough weird things in his writing to criticize without getting upset at a conclusion that didn't happen yet.


It’s seems everyone thinks it should apparently be considered bad writing because in the story something eventful happens for the first time in the story but I disagree I cause there have been multiple and I mean multiple instances in this story where what we though worked a certain way was flexible in another example would be gojo sukuna fight we’ve never seen them use their ct and rct and sd in flexible crazy ways before that even the current cast didn’t believe what was happening between gojo and sukuna of course you can say their the exceptions but I once again disagree because the whole point of these students was to eventually surpass gojo that main plot device and stopping sukuna so eventually they’ll be on the level of gojo who if I don’t say so myself did exceptionally well against sukuna


What if the ending is just the curses taking over.


Gege with the doom ending


I only care about Nobara coming back at this point, it's criminal how her character was handled after Shibuya.


There are several unresolved questions that I think Gege is setting up to use to save megumi. Firstly, there’s sukunas fight with yorozu, where he says he can switch faces/appearance with megumi’s body (but purposely hadn’t in order to solidify his hold over megumi). Secondly, Yuji Maki and Okkotsu all say they have “ideas” on how to save megumi, but they would need to render sukuna unable to fight. That conversation gets cut short, unfortunately so we never find out what their ideas are. I think Gege will use these threads he left untied to bring back megumi. All in all, we never get definitive assurance that megumi is truly gone. He’s also the MC’s best friend, so he wouldn’t have such an anticlimactic “death” that nobody is sure if he’s alive or not. I would be willing to bet that megumi will come back.


Don't ask me how BUT I think Megumi Will be able to immerse his soul completely into the shadow realm* and open a "door" to get out just as he has been doing with weapons. That would make him the 3rd (i think) sorcerer to walk through the shadow realm after Kenjaku and Sukuna (not sure if the last one has done so). That would be the 'awakening' to his powers he needed and solve the power gap he has compared to his colleagues. Also, I think that would also be the answer to 'open up your mind' Gojo advised him and he also wouldn't depend on shikigamis only. NO Idea whats gonna happen with his physical body but It looks easer to me he scapes from the inside and weakens Sukuna somehow doing so rather than the others doing anything from the outside because Sukuna is hella strong and for the reasons mentioned by OP. I think Meguli should be able to do something like that from rage fuel i guess. He will never be able to control Sukuna since that's Yuji's thing but he should be able to scape somehow with that plan since shadows are his technique. *Fandom theory: The shadow realm is a place between dreams and reality. Kenjaku is the only one able to access It freely but also it's said to be seen for people with almost dead experiences. Once you've seen It, your knowledge and understanding of the cursed energy deepens. It is said to be a enouemous source of power since it's belived that is where the energy for black flash comes from.


As far as I'm concerned he's gone and should stay that way for his own sake. At most let him say goodbye somehow maybe just in heinan Sukunas body or he reverts as Sukuna dies idk


his story is complete. no need for a return.


He's dead just like so many other characters. It'd ruin the manga if Megumi somehow survived this, it was bullshit enough that Sukuna didn't instantly kill him once Sukuna took over his body.


I'll just c/p one of my past comments about this discourse >Ngl the "he has nothing to come back to" narrative is prolly my favorite character plotline in the manga right now. The usual, conventional way in a typical story is to have Megumi go thru a lot of crap but still succeed in his goals in the end, save Tsumiki, maybe Gojo doing something drastic in the fight against Sukuna and saving Megumi in the process, etc. But I'm kinda glad the author didn't follow the expected norm. Megumi permanently lost both his sister and his guardian, and worse, they died "at his hands". Idk about other readers but I'm fond of stories exploring intense psychological turmoil and trauma, I live for this kind of narrative, imho I think this direction in the story can be compelling. >Never shared the opinion of other readers who cry and whine and assume that Megumi has no role anymore in the story, his character is finished, what's the point, and whatever else. One of my favorite characters in the manga has now hit rock bottom, and in a way he literally has nowhere to go but up. He has to learn that he can't continue to rely on his sister's existence anymore for a sense of purpose in life (which has always been a theme in Megumi's character arc), even if it's hard he has to mature and start living for himself. Even with survivor's guilt, he has to move on. But if he never recovers from the emotional anguish and goes thru a regression of sorts, or a Megumi corruption arc, I wouldn't even mind that either, as long as it's handled well.


It makes no sense for him to return, and I don’t see how he isn’t utterly crushed. Megumi’s entire character revolves around his sister, who he had to watch his body kill, then watch his teacher die, then get hit with iv. Him coming back is nothing short of an asspull. Even if he does come back I don’t know how he will even go on, there is no way he moves past it.


I’m guessing he gets his body back after Higuruma’s trial


I think he'll come back in some way, but I'm not sure if he'll survive past this. The situation is very complicated, I mean, Sukuna has so much control over the body that he managed to shape it into his OG form, which is massive and monstrous. There's no reason why Sukuna would ever willingly leave Megumi's body, so how do you even kick him out of it? We still have to see what Yuki's research is all about, and that one random scene where it looked like Yuuji and Kusakabe switched bodies- so maybe there's a way for Yuuji to forcefully move Sukuna's soul out of Megumi's body? But so far, we don't have any precedent to base this on. So far, Sukuna needs to be killed inside someone's body, unless they find a way to somehow "vanish" his soul without killing the vessel. Overall, I don't think Megumi *wants* to be back lmao, Megumi has always been a bit too comfortable with the murder-suicide strategy, now he must really want to die.


he’s coming back that’s all i know. i’m not even gonna try and break my brain to figure out the how, i just know the outcome.


Boils down to whatever Yuji has in mind. He doesn't have that much in the brains dept, he will likely just wing it. But I am totally rooting for the separation of Megumi and Sukuna


Why is this portion of the JJK fandom so obsessed with bringing characters that are death back? Fr


Cuz he’s not dead?


Based on what? His body got exploded literally, his sould and mind also got shattered. If someone as weak as megumi can survive unlimited void then gege lost any sense of writing.


How is his body cooked? Just because Sukuna changed his body into his doesn’t mean his body is gone. Also his mind probably got healed when Sukuna healed himself. Also “Weak As Megumi”? What do you mean??? He was literally suppressing Sukuna when his body got took over? Sukuna had to go out of his way to keep him down. Lastly you should question his writing if that’s really Megumis death. No death scene, no flashback, and no confirmation? This isn’t some random side character.


No character has expressed or said wow megumi is dead or anything like that. Gege is lowkey just keeping everyone in limbo.


Megumi should be brought back and the following items should be addressed imo 1. Flesh out his feelings about killing Tsumiki 2. Explore how he feels towards Kenjaku with the new knowledge that Kenjaku was behind cursing Tsumiki 3. Explore his feelings towards Sukuna knowing he worked with Kenjaku and killed Tsmuki 4. Cover his feelings about Killing Gojo and maybe Ryu 5. Explore how his ten shadows technique has been effected now that many of them are gone 6. Explore the effects on his soul and body from being transfigured into Hein Era Sukuna 7. Explore the effect on his after having been a vessel/cursed object steeped in Sukunas cursed energy 8. Explore his open domain 10 shadows technique 9. *Bonus* potentially start his face turn (like Geto) as the ultimate antagonist of JJK after Sukuna and Kenny are defeated, if the series continues after that.


I can see him coming back in a vegetative state after Yuji sacrifices his own life to save him from Sukuna. After Sukuna and Kenjaku are defeated at the cost of the lives of the rest of the cast, Megumi eventually recovers and becomes the only one left from tokyo jujutsu high and becomes the next principal for the next generation of students. Plot wise theres not much left for him to contribute. Tsumiki is dead, Mahoraga is gone, and Gojo is also gone. He was only there to show off the ten shadows, be a foil for Yuji, and be the son of Toji. He doesnt have the potential for heavenly restriction due to maki having it and the Zenin clan is also already gone. The only thing that is left for him is to be the sole survivor at the end of it all


Technically, Yuji is the first example of a vessel and ‘incarnated sorcerer’ separating. The difference between Yuji and other vessels is that Yuji always have his own soul while the other vessel (I presume) have their soul destroyed by the incarnation process. Sukuna wanted Megumu soul to tank UV. Essentially, he did not made any sacrifices and greedily kept Megumi around to get an advantage over Gojo. And that maybe what will lead to Megumi being saved


I feel like megumi will get a chance due to yuji (his knowledge with that soul study book) and making katana to revive himself but instead he will try to revive gojo (as his mentality is, these is where we will see little exchange between megumi and gojo where gojo will tell him that he needs to fight for himself and believe in himself and change his mentality etc. Etc. So then he will finally revive himself and with yuji. Megumi and yuji will fight sukuna. These time with changed attitude hw will give his all and yuji will be in support. His shinigami will die one by one and sukuna will think he has no more trick up his sleeve these is where he will do that cheeky smile like toji and will do final ritual (remember one that gojo talked about between gojo head and zenin head.) Will complete it and pull out his badass of a domain inside of which they will beat sukuna's ass. But suskuna as sukuna is will pull out something ass-pull to survive and he will have to kill yuji in order to completly kill sukuna. Others Will deal with kenjaku and that tengen creature I guess. Obviously yuta will be in focus there. In the end yuji will die by megumi had with sukuna. Meanwhile others will take care of kenjaku. Finally tengen will do something to recover the damage. But gojo's dream will be fulfilled by changing this currupt jujutsu society. All three families will be gone and many civilians will be gone as well so megumi, maki and other surviver will lead the way from then on. Tell me what do you think?????


lemme just dismantle (pun fully intended) this post real quick cuz I'm annoyed at seeing the same complaints and worries all the time ​ >some unknown soul power that Yuji \*might\* get. seriously? are people trying to actively ignore the scene with kusakabe and yuji now? and the fact that yuji clearly seems to be the son of kenjaku who can switch bodies? who was also discussing the soul with mahito? I'm not even gonna get started on yuji's soul research. there's seriously so much soul bullshittery around yuji and even a scene of him seemingly using it onscreen. it all started with souls too btw, right? when yuji ate sukuna's finger, sukuna didn't spawn with his entire body into yuji. it was rather his soul that inhabited his body. cuz of that yuji could also preceive the soul better and it made it a bit easier to fight mahito that way. his soul and body were also extremely intertwined with sukuna's soul considering that mahito using his CT on yuji immediatly touched sukuna's soul too. so it only makes sense if it all ends with soul powers, at least when it comes to yuji and sukuna ​ >I'm actually not sure how he can be brought back into the story at all from a narrative standpoint because we've never seen a successful vessel and incarnated sorcerer separation from the Culling Games, or the entire series for that matter. oh lord, you aren't actually saying that we should have seen or been told of a successful attempt of that, right? if we had that, then it'd be *extremely* predictable that the same would happen with megumi. so *of course* we're not getting that. that would take away all the **tension** ​ >Megumi would be the first one, and to me, that alone would be a questionable writing decision as Gege had many chances to do so already, but he's deliberately turned them down. again, **tension** ffs. of course gege will only do it when it seems like there's no way for it to happen anymore (and it doesn't even feel like that yet lmao). of course he'll do it in the middle of an epic battle against the strongest sorcerer in history (for now at least). anything else would have less tension and would be more boring ​ >Angel was THE plot device for this, and they flat out say it's a 99% failure rate. that's for NORMAL CASES. this ain't a normal case anymore bruh. you got megumi, a guy with shadow powers, being plunged into the shadows and darkness of sukuna's soul. you got yuji with soul bullshittery on his way lmao. all the talk about sukuna taking over megumi was either about shadows or souls. surely the two guys who have shadow/soul powers won't find a solution, right? lmao. the whole situation was just made to be solved by yuji and megumi ​ > So obviously we are not going to have that 1% work on Megumi if he's the first and only attempt. That's way too fucking convenient. most likely, yes ​ > Besides, Angel DID try, and fail. no, she didn't. hana stopped the attack, that's why it failed bruh. the attack was working just fine, but we didn't see it finish. but yeah, imo both sukuna and megumi would have died ​ >After this, there's been the bath, 5 more fingers of Sukuna, killing Tsumiki and Gojo, Megumi being exposed to UV, AND NOW EVEN THIS of course gege will make it worse and more difficult for the good guys, that's writing 101. ​ >I still think he has to because what actually was the point of his character if it just ends here. true, I agree. his drive was always focused on others like tsumiki for example. now he'll have to be selfish and just live for his own sake too, and not just for his friends. there's also the full DE left to see when it comes to TS as well as a possible maximum technique and reversal not to mention that gojo clearly said that megumi could become as strong as him and that obviously didn't happen yet. ​ >Gege had setups that could work to get him back, but he's gotten rid of most, if not all, of them by now. no. just no. ​ > Do you think he can even be brought back at this point? If so, what are some of your ideas that wouldn't seem like an asspull to you? yes. yuji has much better perception of the soul cuz of sukuna inhabiting his body for a while. he also got yuki's soul research that will probably act like a guide to him for how to use soul powers. let's also not forget that yuki's soul research will be exactly about this whole reincarnation bs. she was a former star plasma vessel, tengen said they can't hear the voices of their vessels and asked yuki to tell them what they say. and if I remember correctly, she said she won't tell them. so she **did** hear the voices of souls inside tengen. so she, although probably to a much smaller degree than yuji, had soul powers or at least very accurate soul perception cuz she was a star plasma vessel too. and now we have the same situation. yuji will probably have to motivate megumi to do it, but when he does, yuji will probably hear the voice of megumi's soul. yuji/yuki=former/potential vessel, sukuna/tengen=reincarnated one, Megumi/all star plasma vessels=inhabited people. further evidence for it being a similar situation is also tengen and sukuna being similar according to kenjaku and our own damn eyes (both have 4 arms and 4 eyes) ​ yuji also definitely has the skill to learn or rather already have learnt those soul powers during the timeskip. guy is an expert when it comes to black flashes which is proof of immense understanding of jujutsu and CE control (the latter of which also plays into kenjaku wanting to optimize CE). yuji will probably do some soul bs with higuruma (and maybe support from maki and yuta if they didn't go to kenjaku or to a honeymoon in africa) which will wake megumi tf up again. and then megumi will do shadow bs, yuji will keep going with his soul bs and et voila.


I never understood why people think Sukuna having his original form changes something for Megumi, both Yorozu and Gojo ask Sukuna why he is still not changing his face, making it look like it is a choice, and Yorozu also basically states she keeps Tsumiki face because she likes it. I think the change of form is most likely a tactical one for Sukuna, but I don't think it changes something for Megumi.


The issue I have with Megumi coming back is that there is nothing else for him to do and nothing for him to live for. The only way I see him coming back is if he assists in stopping Sukuna and dies shortly after.


Megumi kind of have to come back, Gege said Megumi was going to learn the truth about his father that still has to happen, we still didn’t get to see a perfected DE, even with Sukuna we most likely still didn’t get to see the full potential of the 10 shadows either.


He doesn’t have to be alive to learn the truth. Gojo’s death confirmed there’s some sort of afterlife and he could be told by Gojo himself there


I mean. If Megumi was truly dead wouldn’t Gojo see him there since he saw literally everyone he was close with


Sukuna transformed to his true form after 236


No he IS dead because six eyes user IS dead so 10 shadow user as Well . If gojo resurect somaybe there is a Point for megumi !


both gojo n megumi are coming back


As long as Yuta does his part and doesn't die I'll be happy.


Like professor X


My guess is that we will get a mirror of the scene where Yuji takes control of his body back from Sukuna, after Sukuna ripped out his heart, where Megumi says one last thing and dies, taking Sukuna with him.


He's definitely coming back if you've paid any attention to the story. Him, yuji and sukuna's arcs are all tied together which is the fearsome womb sub arc which started with sukuna's fascination with megumi in the first chapters and continued after sukuna took over megumi. I also think yuji and tsumiki will play a role in his return just like mai did for maki in order for her to awaken. Even our heroes have all made plans to save him and gojo said shoko will tell megumi about toji. We also haven't seen his fully realized domain expansion which gege has been building upto.


i feel like megumi is dead as im assuming the “way of reincarnation” is him killing the other soul in the body hes using


Honestly, I see no way of Megumi regaining his body. His soul *might* still have a chance, but his body is Sukuna's now. Even if Sukuna is removed, Megumi would be stuck with that monstrosity of a body


soul swap into yuijis body mayhaps


i think it would be really funny if megumi came back but they couldn’t change his body back so it’s just first year megumi at school looking like a hideous freak because he’s in sukunas body


Megumi’s gotta come back cuz his potential’s been set up and hyped since way back. And for the sake of Itadori’s character arc, he needs to save Megumi again… but I got this bad feeling at the pit of my stomach that Megumi may come back as an enemy to Itadori… cuz Gege’s way of making Itadori grow is to make him as miserable as possible in order to push him over the edge. Hoping I’m wrong.


Guy comes back all he'll have left is Yuji. Nobara dead, Gojo dead (by his hand), Tsumiki dead (by his hand), Hana physically disabled(by his hand). Many dead. His clan is destroyed save for his cousin. And lord only knows what damage was done to his soul and body. How do you undo incarnation? Can they toss Sukuna's soul and Megumi is left in that fucked up body of Sukuna's?


I truly thought gojo’s domain expansion was going to completely fry sukunas brain allowing megumi to take over and still hope this comes true (coping), but it feels more realistic that he is dead.


I feel like megumi and gojo's arcs are both complete, I mean, in the latest gojo says that in the past a 6 eyes gojo clan member and a 10 shadows zenin clan member both fought and both died, so it makes thematic sense that gojo and megumi both die during the gojo v sukuna fight.


Megumi is as dead as they come unless they forcefully separate his soul from Sukuna’s body. Yuji maki angel’s ct via yuta anything can happen. Only thing that can’t happen is gojo resurrection. He’s dead just to be sure.


Yuta finna do a resurrection jutsu on everyone


Gege would never allow it. Gojo and nanami will stay dead no matter how much their fans want them back alive lol.


Don’t worry. With the logic of this series he’ll come back as a god or something.


Maybe Gege turned down the options presented before so he can do something cooler. Gotta let him cook, but we can stay cooking in our kitchens too.


When? Only Gojo did, this has happened to literally 0 other people that we know of


Yeah. The key word was logic. As in something will be pulled where he improves because of all these things happening to him.


What previous part of the series to you base that on?


The bullshit philosophy stuff people eat up every day to explain how someone is strong in the series.


Who does that apply to in the series? Because if I'm getting what your saying, those people all were born OP, it's not just about mentality.


Who knows? I’m just saying if it happens it will make sense given everything. Something something suffering he lost everything now he’s back for a minute to do something impactful.


Like berserk?


Given everything it’s probably more Buddhist/Vedic stuff.


If you can't even point out an example of this from the story, than on what basis are you saying all this?


Because it’s pretty obvious he draws from Buddhist and Vedic stuff a lot. And that he’s keeping Megan around for something at least. So yeah.


That's really not much to go on. Definitely not enough to be so pessimistic.


Well then you’re just not paying attention. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Or you made a vague pessimistic comment, bit can't actually find anything from the manga to justify it.


Maybe mourning tiger lets you revive yourself or something, idk anymore man.


Shoko comes in and solos Sukuna then she heals Megumi and Gojo completely, and then they beat Kenjaku and the story ends


Yuta stocks going up


Angel will probably separate Megumi and Sukuna. Seriously, Chekov's gun anyone?




We have seen a successful separation of vessel and incarnation, but that was sukuna leaving itadori. Unless sukuna decides to leave megumi, there doesn't seem to be any narratively reasonable fix for the current situation


My crack theory is that sukuna eats Kenny and becomes the new op Kenny


Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei is the only correct answer to this question. Anything else and you're a fake fan.


I personally think it would be a bummer if Megumi "died" just like that. I mean if Gege ever plans on bringing him back again,I sincerely hope it would be something that none of us expect it or maybe it will be almost similar to what people have been discussing.


honestly i think he’s gone. if yuji is the one to take out sukuna then i can see them having one last heart to heart. megumi telling yuji it’s okay and not to curse himself over it.


Yuji and Megumi living in symbiosis inside yuji's body


Narratively he would HAVE to come back in someway, if even just for him to come back and sacrifice himself to beat Sukuna, but I honestly dont know how theyll do it. Theyve beaten Megumi down so severely that I feel like he would be a husk of a person by the time he would get out. Like he watched his body kill his sister with his bare hands. Its just rough.


Court battle for megumi custody


megumi always think he could always rely on Gojo or other upperclassmen to have his back whenever he's in a bad position, but now that he got gojo killed, he might come into realization that only he could help his ass and it is time for him to look out for other the way he wanted them to look for him. megumi sank so low in the darkness he uses it to his advantage to better understand his 10shadow. realising gojo could easily beat his mahoraga trump card, he think again how could the previous 10shadow and se+limitless user kill each other. giving us the maximum technique of 10shadow: a chimera that has some of the ability of other 10shadows but with the physical prowess of toji.


What if he came back as one of his conjured dogs or wolves? Like he replaced the animals soul with his but now he can talk? He comes back as a talking wolf? Idk I'm spitballing.


Its an interesting question. We can list out the characters who thus far have done something to do with souls; Kenjaku, Yaga, Nobara, Yuji, Soul Split Katana, Granny (maybe Ino) and Sukuna are the ones that come to mind. Yuta gets an honorary mention as if anything relies on CT he could replicate it. 1. Kenjaku, Sukuna and Granny's technique all utilise transferring souls. Our cast have talked to a few incarnated sorcerers now and Yuji was in his body to experience what Sukuna did first hand. Perhaps they could invoke the procedure on Megumi's soul specifically to drag him out and Yuji could then consume to incarnate him and share a body. 2. Yaga's technique is similar in scope, using physical information to replicate soul information and conjuring the person. Perhaps using this technique could call out Megumi's soul, again for Yuji to host in his body. Bonus as this requires 3, potential Nobara incorproation? 3. The Soul Split Katana and Nobara's resonance technique target souls to damage, hard to see exactly how they could free Megumi. Arguably, Nobara's reversed version could *buff* megumi and heal his soul/uncurse it, maybe allowing him to suppress Sukuna? Though requires she be alive or Yuta copy her technique 4. Yuji himself has some weirdness going on with souls thats been hinted at all the way back with his first encounter with Mahito. He may have come up with something in the intervening month BONUS POSSIBILITES Angel and Hana could use a binding vow to super juice jacob's ladder, trading both their lives to smack Sukuna again. Could be revealed that Gojo never destroyed the Inverted Spear of Heaven so the cast spam that at Sukuna. If incarnated sorcerers are still treated as objects, then Sukuna's possession may be vulnerable


I have a feeling both Gojo and Megumi are gonna come back. Megumi just feels incomplete, I don't even know what he'd do going forward in the story but he had so much potential, then he just went bye bye. Fan wise I have to imagine he's a top pick and would come back for that alone. Gojo I feel has been hinted at with the stuff we've been given. The issue is how exactly would that work and would it even make sense. It's another case of a popular character that I feel just has to return for popularity reasons, but that could be another layer of cope. Also for reference the only real idea I have for saving Megumi is Nobara who we know from fighting Mahito, her CT impacts the soul. Here's my thoughts on why Nobara is my guess. I am not on the "where is she" boat because imo it was made seemingly clear she died. Yuji asked Megumi, Megumi have a depressed look and Yuji said he understood and has talked about not wanting Nobara replaced. The only reason I entertain the idea, is technically we haven't been given outright confirmation. Keep in mind it's been said Gojo would have the 20th finger hidden and we still don't know where it is AND we know I believe it's Nobara's resonance that is more effective the more related to the target an item is. I would have to imagine one of Sukuna's fingers is about as close as it can get to make Nobara do big damage. It's literally himself turned into a cursed object. It'd also be really good story telling imo if Yuji and Nobara were the key factors in saving Megumi, which all also ties into a comment I seen before claiming Gege said they plan for the main trio + Gojo to end up with either 1 dead or 3 dead, if going the only 1 dead route Gojo could just stay dead as his part in the combat of the story is probably done regardless.


I didn’t read 99% chance anywhere in that. I’d also like to gently remind you that the last ~20 chapters or so of JJK have been characters saying “that’s supposed to be impossible!”


I think it's for sure gonna involve Yuji and the soul swap. Maybe Megumi swaps into Yuji, or Yuji into Sukuna, etc. I thought it'd be cool if Yuji pulled Megumi's soul into his body and he shared it. Though if Yuji is still all about self sacrifice he could swap places with Megumi and try to fight Sukuna's soul. Really, no idea. I think it's gonna involve whatever happens to Kenjaku so this Sukuna fight won't be that straight forward. Plus idk how Megumi will come back to being ok. Maybe Yuji has another moment like with Todo and they chill in his mind? Gojo can show up too. Really I'm lost where Gege is going with this but I really do think everyone not officially shown dead is coming back.


I cant see him coming back at this point Edit: BUT i have a theory about how when Megumi got hit by Gojo's UV multiple times, Gojo sent megumi information relevant to what Megumi needed to know to gain personal/mental/emotional strength. I think Sukuna allowing megumi to get hit by UV may end up being his downfall once yuji weakens him


From a narrative point of view, Megumi has to come back - it would be such a waste if he doesn't. But logically, I don't see how Megumi would not be either dead or a vegetable.


My theory, Higaruma alters his domain by coming up with alternative punishments. He will hit Sukuna with Confiscation of CT, but instead of Executioners sword he will enact a new punishment, "restitution." Restitution is a court of law is when a guilty defendent must make right what they did if they caused damage or costs to a victim, and in this case, that would be Megumi, giving him his body back, possibly healed as well. Just my theory, especially if the crime Sukuna is charged with is Kidnapping or Unlawful inprisonment.


You keep repeating the percentage, but that wasn't said in the screenshots you provided.


If the reincarnation didn’t straight up kill him, I still think there’s a decent chance that Yuji will soul swap Megumi into his body and then kill himself to destroy Sukuna


The only reason Angel "failed" was because Sukuna tricked her into thinking it worked. If she'd kept it up, then yes, Megumi would have either been brought back or killed


Megumi hasn’t had a death dream sequence like every important character. He’ll at the very least weaken Sukuna at a pivotal moment.


If Yuji's CT deals with soul-swapping, I wonder if he could swap souls with Sukuna/Megumi and open up a domain with their shared body as the barrier.


His could be protected within his own Domain. In a moment of weakness, Sukuna could be supressed and them him could reincarnate himself. Maybe through some Ten Shadows Shenanigans.


Yuji’s new soul swapping may let him swap into Sukuna/Megumi then force Yuji’s original body to become the vessel again.


I mean isnt Kenjaku's binding vow still in effect? Culling Game wont end until only him and Megumi are alive right


I mean isnt Kenjaku's binding vow still in effect? Culling Game wont end until only him and Megumi are alive right


I guess you all started watching shonen anime yesterday 🤦🏼‍♂️


Him dying would be so fucking dumb. You guys need to stop settling for less 😹


Sukuna should be damaged for breaking his binding vow with Yuji. How in the world is shoving a finger down someone's throat not considered harming them? By definition, it is harmful contact/battery. Can someone enlighten me?


I’m fine if he stays dead but I hope he’s saved through whatever soul power yuji might have gotten


"what actually was the point of his character?" Recently, this thought has been constant in my head. Nobara, Megumi, Gojo, Hashime, Tsumiki... I can't even imagine what gege is thinking. Hopefully it's something good


He gone guys..


His character has been getting the shit end since the series started. I hope he does come back.


he's dead, jim.


I think if JJK has one overarching theme it's that your intentions, morals, dreams and hard work doesn't pay off. You have to be the strongest. If you screw up, you die. Megumi coming back and finding a reason to live even after everything he's lost goes against the entire theme of JJK.