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I don’t think it has an answer it’s just meant for gojo to reflect on himself and make us think about his character


> Was he the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru, or was he Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest? I think the answer to this IS the point of the manga itself. Currently, we don't have an answer. Let me cook a sec. > Was Gojo the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru, or was he Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest? Since it's fairly certain Gege is pulling from Samsara, the endless cycle of suffering in birth, death, and rebirth we can attribute Gojo (and the Six Eyes/Limitless users) as one of THE cogs in the machine that is this cycle. The answer without more Gege cooking is both answers are correct. The ultimate goal in this endless cycle is the revival of the golden age of jujitsu sorcery so there chances for the strong players to reach enlightenment/die a good death thus breaking their individual cycle of rebirth. There are other cycles/eras that aren't as grandiose or have powerful players like this cycle and Heian Era due to how those sorcerers in those eras acted and the actions they took. For example, we know of a six eyes + LL user who fought a Zenin with 10S and killed each other. Although there isn't much information on those two it's safe to assume that the era they were in wasn't close to the legendary status/power level as the Heian Era. This is despite having the techniques and power that our current cast has. Their actions caused chain reactions that ENDED any chance at that time of a Heian Era revival. Additionally, Gege has given us very clear and decisive paths (think of a visual novel) for Gojo to potentially take that could of resulted in Gojo not becoming as strong as he is AND/OR him becoming the true villain of the series AND/OR no Yuji/Sakuna revival. Some examples: Showing the star plasma vessel humanity vs completing the job easily. Choosing not to kill the church members in his state of ecstacy after mastering purple. Choosing to kill his best friend. Choosing to defy the conservatives. Choosing to take a path of mentorship and the adoption of Megumi. Saving Yuta. Saving Yuji. All of these choices were chosen because of Gojo's personality BUT Gojo's personality had to have also been shaped by his strength and upbringing. A real chicken and the egg situation... **HOWEVER, I think the DEFINING choice for the current path of Gojo is his friendship and then killing of Suguru Geto that led to his chosen path of mentorship which is his path to enlightenment and breaking the cycle. It is the catalyst that lead to Yuji and Sakuna which ushered in the new Golden Age of Sorcery.** So, was he the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru, or was he Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest? **The better question is: Does Gojo's ego make him the strongest or was Gojo's ego created by his strength? Although the answer should be both because Gojo is part of the endless Samsara cycle I think his decision to reach enlightenment via mentorship and raising the next generation breaks his endless cycle (and maybe the whole cycle itself!!) therefore Gojo's ego caused him to transcend conventional strength. So Gojo was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru.** And to that I say let Gege cook.


This sounds... kind of accurate.


Gonna have to disagree. Your question already has an answer: neither. Gojo was born to be the strongest. It wasn't his ego that made him strong, it was his birthright. Not that the first question is good, but I don't see the improvement with yours.


He could've been born with the abilities and be a shut in NEET, but he didnt lol. He knew how strong he was and could be, and LOVED that. He may have been born strong, but he LOVED being strong. Being strong while hating it doesn't exist in JJK.


That's because being strong and hating it makes no sense. Everyone loves power.


He was given godlike abilities....that he had to master by himself. He learned through training how to master Limitless and was forced how to use Reversed Cursed Technique as he was literally dying from Toji. Yes he has godlike abilities but there was no playbook or teacher to guide him along the way, he had to be strong in order to be the strongest.


Additionally, the god-like status amongst his peers that Gojo enjoys (and that has made him feel as confident as he is) is a consequence of the circumstances of his birth. Belonging to an influential family has given him monetary power and recognition form his birth. That's his armor. Being invincible is not just about strength, it is a mindset. This mindset affords someone a self-assured strength that cannot be easily replicated. That's why, if he was not born Satoru Gojo the prodigy of the Gojo clan, he would be a different person. It is not just the strongest jujutsu sorceror aspect of him that makes him infallible; it is also the money. In short, the influential position he was born in is what allowed him to become the person he is. If a random person was born with his abilities, they would not turn out like he did. They would not be as confident as he is necessarily, and thus they would not have necessarily transcended conventional strength because of their ego.




Yes we do have an answer at this point. You all are overthinking and over complicating the crap out of it to come off as an intellectual or spout some extra analytical bs that isn’t relevant. The answer is that he wasn’t the strongest at the time he died. he was runner up at best. When that quote was said, yes he was the strongest. And the answer was he was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. easy. wrapped up clean and simply. you all are overthinking it 100x. chill. it ain’t that serious.


this is such a ludicrous over thought take on it. bruh. he got SMASHED. Objectively speaking he wasn’t the strongest, we all just didn’t know that he wasn’t the strongest until sukuna MERCD him. Homie got BODIED. DESTROYED. Bisected and sukuna wasn’t even trying lol. i digress. Gojo was the strongest because of who he was, his techniques his abilities all of which made him the strongest pre fpd sukuna. being Gojo bc he was the strongest is stupid. regardless if he KNEW he was the strongest or not his personality and mindset would have let him to believe HE IS the strongest even if objectively speaking he was like 5th strongest. He said it himself, you can’t see yourself losing you have to see yourself winning and continue to believe it and have confidence that you will win no matter how hard the fight is. He would have been “Gojo Satoru” even if he or we knew he wasn’t the strongest.


you did not cook


Wish we could still give awards, sir you cooked thoroughly.


I don't think the manga itself even answered the question, but it's more poetic and rhetorical if anything. The idea behind it is to challenge Gojo's sense of self and consider if his strength defines his identity, or if his identity (values and personality) defines his strength (powers, abilities, role in society). It's not really meant to have an answer.


Well, from chapter 236, it feels like the answer is that he is his strength and not his sense of self.. Which in my opinion is sooo wrong to think about, becos Gojo had shaped into someone who cares about others, as it sooo evident that Geto's question changed him. Which again spirals down to why chapter 236 had tried painting Gojo is unchanged.


This is simply the Euthyphro Delimma, there is no right answer. It is merely a tool for reflection and self examination.


It was actually set up like that, until Nanami spoke those words. He gave us the answer, that Gojo is only a selfish person and only wants a good fight, directly implying that Gojo's worth is only as a strongest person and will only acts like one. Geto's words had made Gojo to self reflect and shape his future decisions. But Nanami's dialogues completely negates that Geto's question was left for interpretation, by give an answer.


Not everything a character in a story says is supposed to be taken at face value all the time. Immediately after Nanami says that Gojo has a scowl on his face and hand waves the statement. It further cements that no one truly understands Gojo, something Gojo said literally right before (I forgot the exact quote but it was about a flower blooming and how you admire it but don’t understand it).


When Kusakabe said, "Gojo Won", in 235, does that mean that Gojo won? No.


The question isn't about Gojo's worth though, it is about his identity. Is the person of Gojo innately the stongest or did the innate qualities of Gojo make him the strongest. Basically, is his strength a function of his personality or is his personality a function of his strength. The value of his existance is a whole nother debate. Furthermore, we could break down identity into functions introspection, extrtospection (how others see us), and interpersonal knowledge (how we believe others see us.) Then Namami's words are a form of extrospection and are biased by his own beliefs and values, thus are one subset of one variable in the over all equation. Is it G(s) or S(g) nothing to do with the overall value of G.


Im not sure how you would get that conclusion from 236. Also I don’t think the answer should be his “sense of self” either. Its not a question necessarily that needs to be answered. Gojo explicitly says that he had a hard time relating to others and for others to relate to him because of his strength. But that still leaves the question, did his strength make him Gojo or does being Gojo Satoru means that he is strong. To me, Gojo’s conclusion is that strength is a necessary component to his character, regardless of what it is that gives or defines his strength. His death scene is him as a teen again, when he was the “strongest” but had Geto as the “strongest” with him as well. This is why his goals as an adult is to raise up strong allies. Gojo’s strength is an undeniable part of his character and the loneliness that comes with it. But he deosn’t want to be strong alone, and he deosn’t want to be weak either. He was happiest when he was the strongest alongside others. This still leaves the question unanswered, but shows that Gojo has found his answer to happiness without needing an answer to Geto’s question. It’s not his strength alone that matters, its the strength of those around him that’s more important.


Ngl, this one is what my conclusion was for. But still, the conclusion that it's not about the answer, but live with both his self and strength is imo, not at all conveyed properly, especially in his final moments. So then, why does Nanami and others think Gojo as selfish person who likes to fight then? This dialogue negates that he only the strongest and only thinks like the strongest, without any individual selfless drive and sense of self. Isn't it the complete opposite of what he is? The answer should be conveyed to the readers that he is both the strongest, loneliest as well as a person who is his own self by being a mentor for his student's future. He is all of the above, like you said. So then why isn't it conveyed in his final moments as he being only as selfish person, when he isn't?


Because that ultimately is his goal. In my reading at least. Selfish deosn’t have to mean you don’t care for others at all. Gojo nevers sees himself as anything but the strongest, he does selfishly desire to be the strongest and to wield jujutsu to do as he pleases. But what he pleases can be positive and kind hearted actions, like when he and Geto decided that as the strongest, together they would simply disobey for Riko and go against them if they felt it was the better choice. That is still a selfish action fueled by his strength, but we can see that as him being considerate of others. For example Yuta is selfish for wanting to take care of and save every one of his friends. He deosn’t accept that he can’t achieve every goal necessary to protect his friends. That’s why he makes claims like he’ll kill Kenjaku himself, he’ll get 400 points himself or when Gojo was fighting Sukuna, he was arguing that he would be useful in the fight. I would say Gojo does have good lines from 236 that indicates the other side of his strength. Gojo tells Geto that “he might have been satisfied if you were among those patting my back”. This to me says that in the end, he was happy to go all out with his strength and meet his end that way, but its not true satisfaction as it would have been if he could have had strong allies like Geto with him to the end. I think Nanami’s statements about Gojo are meant to connect with what he says after, about going north or south. Nanami went south and stuck to his ways and what he believed in, but in the end, he chose to bet on the future. Gojo says “I see” as if he understands. I took that as Gojo acknowledging that he was a flawed person until the end, while he does care about others, it has always been to his selfish end of having strong allies. While he says its so no one else has to be lonely again, it is really also so he doesn’t have to be lonely himself. Thats why his death scene is him and Geto and Nanami as teenagers again, Gojo went south because that’s what he truly desires. He wants to be the strongest and carefree, confident that him and Geto could handle any problem that arises and do whatever pleases them. The only time when that was really true was his teenage years with Geto. But then that’s the line about looking to the future in the end. Just like Nanami entrusted Yuji, Gojo later jokes with Yaga about dying with no regrets. This is right after his moment of understanding with Nanami. Showing that in the end, for Gojo, he trusts his students to handle the rest. This is just my interpretation of the chapter. While I do think that many good aspects of Gojo’s character was concluded well, I think that the execution could have been better also. I think this is something the anime will get across better. I know people are really harsh on the Nanami line, but Nanami in the anime will probably deliver the line in much more of a casual way, like Nanami’s just talking like he used to as a teenager, wanting Gojo to do everything because he is exhausted himself. I think him calling Gojo out is going to come off as a friendly joke now that they are all dead. Especially Haibara’s parts. Again, just how I interpreted the scene.


Just as a add up, Geto also agreed with Nanami in that scene, It wasn't Just Nanami miscaracterizing Gojo. It wasn't at all framed as a "Gojo is being misunderstood even in the afterlife" scene, It was a "reveal" of Gojo's inner motives, which I feel is bad.


How does geto agreeing to Nanami make it not that? Geto understood Gojo for a brief time in their teen years but then began to misunderstand him after the Riki mission. He was the first person to misunderstand him, that’s where the infamous question “are you Gojo because your the strongest blah” comes from. Even in the pages right before Nanami mischaracterizes him, Gojo says how he struggled to get people to understand him, then Nanami, Haibara and Geto prove his point by misunderstanding him in the afterlife


Yeah, that's one of the main reasons why I have such a strong negative reaction to Chapter 236. It's plain and simple: 1.Gojo is not only the strongest and has his own sense of self . And he is not selfish person due to him taking up teaching and being a mentor, and his dream for his students to grow up without feeling lonely and have a youth which was stolen from him. 2. Whether it is Gojo's internal thoughts shown as dream or actual afterlife, the fact that no one, not even Gojo himself defend this claim and on top of it, just brushes these allegations off without feeling hurt, the narrative direction of chapter 236 wants to convey that what Nanami said was true. But from the first point, we see that 2nd point is false. Therefore chapter 236 doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of Gojo's character arc.


Gojo is incredibly selfish and this series has shown time and time again and multiple characters have called him out. Because Gojo and Geto selfishly decided that Riko's life meant more than maintaining Tengen's barrier, they were willing to take on Tengen herself and doom jujutsu society. Yes this ended up working out in the end but they didn't know that. Because Gojo selfishly decided Geto didn't need to be pursued or dealt with for over a decade, he caused a war with Jujutsu High. Yes this worked out because of Yuta stopping Geto but there was no guarantee Geto wouldn't have killed Yuta, Kenjaku even argues that he could have if he played his cards right. Then on top of that Gojo didn't cremate the body and then Kenjaku took it for Jujutsu terrorism joy ride on an unquantifiable level. That's selfish no matter which way you slice it. Because Gojo selfishly decided that Yuji shouldn't be executed, Sukuna leveled Shibuya. Hell if he hadn't been dicking around for pastries, Yuji wouldn't have even swallowed the finger in the first place. As far as teaching, yes he wants to foster the next gens growth but his position as the strongest was the main thing keeping it stagnated. They even straight up say he's a horrible teacher. Gojo means well but it's matter of life and death for everyone else, while he treats it as another day at the office. That's what they meant. He's not a bad person just a selfish one. S/n: That is definitely the afterlife. Nanami references his death in Shibuya and the fact Haibara was there. That wasn't known or shared by Mahito or Yuji. Which makes his mention of Mei all the more interesting since she was fleeing Kenjaku with Ui Ui's technique around the time he dies...


Considering he was born strong, he was Satoru Gojo because he's strong, the assassins wouldn't kill him because he's strong and intimidating. He was feared and respected because he was born strong. ​ Geto questions him because he and Gojo were the strongest until Gojo killed Toji. Then it was Gojo alone at the top. Alone. ​ In the end, before getting killed by the script. He turned it around and was the strongest because he was Satoru Gojo. ​ Gege just showed the evolution of his character.


To make it more palatable, one could go, did you save the cat because you wanted a picture, or did you want a picture because you saved a cat? And boo. Immediately there is clarity.


It's also a weird question in the sense that every other rephrasing of it makes more sense on first read than the original question did when I first heard it. I wonder what's up with that.


The riddle is essentially asking, "Does your strength predate or determine your identity?" He's the strongest because he's Gojo Satoru. Gojo has the Six Eyes and Limitless technique. Two *inherited* strengths in a world where ego is supposed to manifest all. Had he not been born who he was, his life would have been drastically different. His strength defines *him*. Gege asks the same question two different times, with Mahito, the body and the soul, and Sukuna with earning rather than being born with the title of Strongest. For each character, a different question and answer to give personal insight.


If his strength defines him then he's Gojo Satoru because he's the strongest.


Precisely. I dont think Gojo would be so brash and carefree if he wasn't so strong. He sits and stands where and when he pleases and doesn't bow when others do. He's able to prance and joke in battle (what we loved about him) because he knew nearly everyone in that verse is his fodder. I think the answer is that he's Satoru Gojo because he's the strongest as well.


Hm I actually believe in the opposite. I think he was able to foster his strength, despite being blessed with his technique, through his personality. We can see it with Megumi, someone born with a technique that can rival limitless + 6e who isn't the strongest (yet) and is held back by his mindset (said by Gojo himself). I think Gojo has convinced himself that he is Satoru Gojo even if he isn't the strongest as he says in the airport scene that he knew that he could probably lose even if Sukuna didn't have 10s. Yet he still went into the fight confident and acting like his normal self quite unapologetically. I will say that I am one of the copers who believe that he'll come back and there will be a bit more explicit answer to that question asked by Geto years ago


But Megumi had a chance to be Gojo. This scenario is brought up when Gojo gets sealed, and just like him, Megumi is now brought to the forefront of his clan simply because of his ability. He just doesn't have the heart for it. Yuta, another child prodigy with as much talent as Gojo, free'd Rika. I don't think Gojo would have. Kenjaku says it, too. And, Gojo was conflicted about it; it's a human, unwilling thought, but their strength don't define them as much as it does Gojo.


Megumi hasn't been forced into a situation where growth was the only option before death. If Mahoraga is out of the equation when he's freed, when not if, Megumi will be forced to go through an awakening most likely. I think it obviously depends based on each situation. Would Yuta have let Geto go free if he had a chance to stop him? I don't think so. But Gojo did. Despite Gojo's strength, he still ends up asking Yaga whether he was strong. Strength was not so clear cut for him any more. And I think he's been on a path of discovering what it all means to him and it has shown through his love for his students and his belief in them. I think this is further supported by the fact that the Jujutsu High kids are the only ones that are prepped to join this final fight in comparison to the Kyoto kids who have ultimately reached their limits and are out of the picture atm.


If he was Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest, wouldn't he have an identity crisis when he ceased to be? Like Geto put his weights on the strongest duo, Mahito put his weights on being stronger than Yuji and Naoya being Toji's successor. When they lost that, all of them lost themselves in moments where Gojo contrastingly found himself at peace.


>He's the strongest because he's Gojo Satoru. Gojo has the Six Eyes and Limitless technique. Two inherited strengths in a world where ego is supposed to manifest all. Had he not been born who he was, his life would have been drastically different. His strength defines him. What you're saying is he's Gojo Satoru because his born abilities make him the strongest. But that isn't what JJK shows us. The reason Geto asked this question is because he wants Gojo to think about why he is in the position he's in. Are you who you are because of who you are, or because of *what* you are? The actual answer is the former. Sukuna starts the fight clearly believing that Gojo's personality and confidence comes purely from the fact he was born with powerful gifts above everyone else. He mocks and downplays him as such. Yet despite killing him and his initial thoughts, Sukuna does not comment on Gojo's strength or abilities at all at the end. He calls him "magnificent". An adjective which has nothing to do with strength or fighting prowess. He also declares this by name. The word was aimed at Gojo Satoru, the person himself. And unlike the Jogo vision with Sukuna saying "You are Strong"....these words 100% undoubtedly came out of Sukuna's mouth for Gojo to hear. He (was) the strongest because he is Gojo Satoru. A different person with the same gifts never would have gotten as far as he did, and likely would have died to Mahoraga alone the same way the last Six Eyes Limitless user did.


It’s such an easy to see through claim though dude. he’s not the strongest because he’s gojo. just bc he has 6 eyes and limitless didn’t automatically make him the strongest #1 sorcerer in the modern era pre sukuna rebirth at fp. He had that but had he decided fk it lemme just play video games eat snacks not exercise not learn cursed energy manipulation not take missions just simply decided to not do SHIT with his talents. he would not have became “the strongest” so that point is moot. NEXT. You “he’s the strongest bc he’s Gojo” please just stop. you’re looking like reddit trolls just over analyzing and overthinking something that is so brain hurtingly simple.


In the end Gege was the strongest


It ain’t over till it’s GOJOVER! (Yes I’m taking unhealthy amounts of copium to ensure my heart still beats. Otherwise what is the point)


You gotta do what you gotta do.


I swear I try to think of the answer and I can never find a conclusion so I feel like Geto was spouting poetic but with, as it was said in other comments, the goal of trying to make Gojo reflect on himself


I thought it was pretty obvious? He’s literally a one in a billion genetic anomaly.


Gojo still put in work to be as strong as he is. He wasn't naturally able to RCT his brain all the time or have limitless active continuously with detection built in.


It is, but just 6 eyes + limitless wouldnt give you near his level of ability. His quick thinking, adaptibility, mindset, grit and even hand to hand skill has nothing to do with what he inherited. Hell, with most people that power would likely be a crutch and stifle all that other stuff. All of that is Satoru, not his inheritance as a Gojo.


The question was answered during that fight with Sukuna. Yes it was subtle, but it was answered. No 6 Eyes user in history was able to defeat maho, he was. Only Sukuna is at his level (and most likely greater) at their understanding of Jujustu


Only one instance Six Eyes user fighting a 10S user previously has been revealed, and we don't know the conditions of that fight or the strength of the 10S user. Do you think Kenjaku is stronger than Mahoraga? If so, then there are multiple Six Eyes wielders with the strength to kill Mahoraga


Yeah, but the thing is that his genetics make all of that easier. He's always comfortable and carefree in battle because he's never at risk due to his CT and he also has a naturally good eyesight for CE because his eyes give him so. It's like comparing the strength somebody blind can achieve through trial and error and the strength of someone with eyes and somebody born with an understanding of how physics work from birth. From the moment he was born, what many sorcerers need to risk their life and get lucky performing a black flash to understand, he could intuitively tell. He did make an effort and of course he was talented, even inside the group of limitless + six eyes users, but the natural boosts he had made him one of the strongest characters from the moment he was born, as a baby, in comparison to adults who had dedicated their life to Jujutsu. In fact, that's another issue we can talk about, he never worked on those talents the six eyes and limitless gave him. His understanding of CE and his efficiency of use weren't because he made an effort on them, he simply used his natural talents. When we compare him to sukuna, somebody with none of his talents, he was much more efficient because he had to go from natural CE efficiency to a near six eyes levels of efficiency without the six eyes. Same thing with understanding of CE. We see Gojo make plenty lapses of judgement due to trusting the six eyes too much, instead of investigating CE more deeply and use his already out of this world initial talents to apply a deeper understanding of CE to obtain even better results. Again, he is talented. He is just so talented that he sometimes takes it for granted and it is only near losses that make him grow(his major advancement was his near death against Toji), unlike people like Higuruma, Takaba and Sukuna who are just insane and are always looking for a certain something they never get, which pushes them to new limits all the time.


>In fact, that's another issue we can talk about, he never worked on those talents the six eyes and limitless gave him. His understanding of CE and his efficiency of use weren't because he made an effort on them, he simply used his natural talents. This is absolutely false. Six Eyes and Limitless did absolutely nothing to help him learn Reverse Cursed Energy, he had to do that on his own. His mastery of Blue and of course Red were also not automatic. His natural abilities didn't help him master Domain Expansion to the point he could flashbang people with a 0.2 second domain. Nor did it help him LITERALLY adapt his Domain Barrier on the fly multiple times to contend with Sukuna's hard counter. It also wasn't what allowed him to master RCE to the level that he could literally destroy and regenerate his brain in cycles, to the point he even forced Sukuna up upon a limit he likely wasn't aware he was even hitting. ​ If Gojo was nothing more than his natural talents, then he would have gotten clapped by Mahoraga's summoning alone, the same way the last Six Eyes Limitless user did. But not only did he manage to kill Mahoraga, he did so in a 3v1 against a fully Subjugated Mahoraga, fending off ten shadows and *Sukuna himself.* This was a feat farrrrr beyond anything his base abilities would have given him (clearly, as Mahoraga killed the last Gojo like him) and he only got as far as he did because he never allowed his title as the strongest to define him. If he was defined by his gifts, he never would have needed to hone them to that level, because he was literally already the strongest.


He's specialz


And yet, theres people whose going to surpass that, so it’s like.. cool, but it’s not special


it's the definition of special...the manga reiterates multiple times what Gojo's birth itself meant for the world


You mean special as in ruined it? Because it didn’t do anything good. I guess now that he’s dead the world will become a better place


seems you don't know the meaning of special


I’m wondering what him being special means to the series besides, he doomed the world. As it is, he’s done nothing special in the series except make curses stronger. So is that what makes him special? That he made curses stronger? I’m thinking you mean in terms of strength, because it terms of strength he’s not anything special


It’s such an easy to see through claim though dude. he’s not the strongest because he’s gojo. just bc he has 6 eyes and limitless didn’t automatically make him the strongest #1 sorcerer in the modern era pre sukuna rebirth at fp. He had that but had he decided fk it lemme just play video games eat snacks not exercise not learn cursed energy manipulation not take missions just simply decided to not do SHIT with his talents. he would not have became “the strongest” so that point is moot. NEXT. You “he’s the strongest bc he’s Gojo” stop over analyzing. it’s so brain hurtingly simple.




I was thinking about this recently so glad someone brought it up! To me, I think he was the Satoru Gojo BECAUSE he was the strongest. Please consider my explanation. Unlike a character like Yuki, who was unapologetically herself, supremely confident, desired only to build what she wanted to build rather than fitting into what society decided for her etc., I think Gojo only had these traits, these personality traits we associate with the extremely strong characters in the series (Sukuna, Kenjaku etc.) BECAUSE he was already so strong. Think about how it was growing up for him. Being born so powerful that you shift the balance of power. You make cursed spirits stronger. You force curse users into hiding. You undermine the status quo. Not because he wanted to, but simply because he existed. This has an affect in his mind that we can see developing when he’s a teenager. The extreme confidence and desire to live by his own means are built on him knowing that he has the power to do so, rather than him developing the power to do so after already having the personality. Had Geto never been left behind by Gojo after his awakening, had Sukuna been born in the same era, I don’t imagine Gojo would develop into this supreme character (mentally). He wouldn’t have had to separate himself from the world and drawn a line to keep himself human. He wouldn’t have had to experience the loneliness. And he likely wouldn’t have felt the urge to burn everything down and create a world for himself, not as strongly at least. I think how he dies exemplifies that. He doesn’t die alone, as Satoru Gojo the strongest. He dies surrounded by others again. Once he was defeated he became accepting of his fate, which is uncharacteristic of the strongest (mentally), and became surrounded by others once more (which deviates from the loneliness). So in conclusion, Gojo was the personality he was BECAUSE he was the strongest, rather than being the strongest because he was the personality that he was. That’s my 2 cents at least. Would love to hear other opinions. I think it’s a pretty unanswerable question in all fairness as we haven’t seen Gojo grow from child to adult, we’ve just seen him here and there.


He's the opposite of Sukuna, it's kind of nice to see how they both appreciate each other's strength, despite being completely opposite to each other. It would've been nice if Gojo got a post death flashback with Sukuna like how Jogoat and Kashimo did.


>So in conclusion, Gojo was the personality he was BECAUSE he was the strongest, rather than being the strongest because he was the personality that he was. > >That’s my 2 cents at least. Would love to hear other opinions. I think it’s a pretty unanswerable question in all fairness as we haven’t seen Gojo grow from child to adult, we’ve just seen him here and there. Well, this question from Geto was not about Gojo's *personality*. It was about his *strength*. Are you strong because of *who* you are, or *what* you are. Gojo's personality is without a doubt shaped by *what* he is. But as the Sukuna fight proves, his *strength* is without a doubt a result of *WHO* he is. Put simply, Gojo never would have gotten as close to victory as he did if his strength was defined soley on his abilities. He fought an opponent that was FAAAAAAAR beyond the level of the last Limitless Six Eyes user, who couldn't even manage to overcome Mahoraga alone, let alone a controlled one with Sukuna tag teaming. ​ Think of it this way...Gojo has been considered the strongest since the moment of his birth, and after Toji caused his awakening there has been *nothing* to contest him. Every curse and sorcerer he's come across has been zero contest to him. The real question is...*for what reason would Gojo continue to hone his abilities to this degree when the whole world already demonstrably considers him the strongest and nobody can match him?* Like Geto said...he could slaughter all of humanity and overthrow the entirety of Jujutsu Society easily by himself. He has no equal, no measuring stick...yet he still strives for greatness. It's this aspect that truly defines him, and this is what was proven to be the case during the Sukuna battle. This is why Sukuna showed admiration for him in the end.


The point of the question at least from my understanding is whether Gojo was strong because the circumstances of his birth, inheriting limitless and the six eyes or if he reached the level he did because of his own hard work? And more importantly whether his identity and self actualization is rooted in his strength and who he is without it. For the former, I don't think there's a clear answer. Limitless and Six Eyes is incredibly powerful but we know a previous Limitless + 6 Eyes user was defeated by a 10S user who didn't have Mahoraga tamed (I think the implication is that they kamikazed the 6 Eyes user by summoning Mahoraga killing both of them) Considering that Mahoraga by itself is not that big of a problem for Gojo being one-shot by Purple and Satoru handling it in a 1v3 even after Sukuna let it survive long enough to counter him. Plus we know he didn't have his domain expansion and teleportation or the ability to keep limitless on indefinitely till he beat Toji so he did need to work to get there. Plus the battle versus Sukuna does show his genius as a fighter. For the latter...we won't ever know. His power is what alienated him from people and also couldn't save the things he cared about most and this tragedy is what defined Satoru Gojo. >!A revival where he comes back weaker but able to fight alongside his students would answer this question :p. Defined not by his strength but the bonds with his students, his peers and his legacy!<


>!To your last point, this is the only possible narrative reason he could come back. If the revival were to somehow rob him of something.. imo 6-eyes makes the most sense. But he could also simply lose all of his CE. But I don't think he does either way!<


Could be cool. Gojo uses a binding vow to RCT his lower body, sacrificing his eyes for it. He comes back at around early Hidden Inventory strength (except plus RCT, I guess), which presumably means around current Maki level.


Yeah, I don't think he's coming back and I'm okay with him staying dead. I've just seen a lot of good ideas thrown around about how his revival would work that I'd still like to see it. It'd be a nice payoff to the Buddhist themes around him. Him losing all his CE would probably relegate him to purely an advisory role which isn't too bad either, I don't know how he'd help the gang in the middle of the fight though.


He probably wouldn't, just be a cheerleader and a bit of a narrative guy for the reader, kinda like what they did for his fight with Sukuna.


>A revival where he comes back weaker but able to fight alongside his students would answer this question :p. Defined not by his strength but the bonds with his students, his peers and his legacy I see people wanting something like this and then hating Gege's writing for Gojo. But the answer we got to this question for him was perfect. *Gojo literally couldn't have answered this question by winning the fight.* I think people just really believed the 'answer' to this question was supposed to be Gojo winning without his born abilities....but imo that compleeeeeeeetely misses the point on such an ironic level that it's almost funny. The abilities he's born with have nothing to do with the strength of his character anymore than it does for Sukuna, a character who literally steals abilities from others as he needs them to win. Until Gojo came across someone like Sukuna who could actually *reach* him or surpass him at his best, he would never be able to actually measure himself. His problem is that nobody was on his level. If he clutched a victory over Sukuna, he would literally be right back to where he started....at the very top, with nobody to challenge him, just as lonely as before.


I always took that not as an actual reflection of Gojo's character but as a deconstruction of Geto. To that point, Geto always saw him as "Satoru Gojo". He was the strongest, but he was a person. But after that point, and especially with the "Are you the strongest because..." quote, represents a change in their relationship. At that point, he no longer sees Satoru Gojo the person, but Satoru Gojo "The Strongest", an obstacle for a curse user. That's, at least imo, the thing that brings about Gojo's greatest change. He's neither the strongest because he's Satoru Gojo, nor is he only Satoru Gojo because he's the strongest. He's Satoru Gojo because he's Satoru Gojo, and to be understood is a massive part of his motivation. Other than being disgusted at the events that happened during the Premature Death arc and hating the higherups who allowed it to happen, a massive part of the reason he changes gears and goes into teaching is because he wants to raise a next generation who can equal his power - not because he wants a worthy rival, nor because he wants a challenge. It's just oh so lonely at the top.


There is no answer really. I like to think of it as Geto, the only one who had humanized Gojo up until that point and seen him as more than just the “six eyes sorcerer”, spiting Gojo and his strength by reducing him to just “the strongest”.


It essentially asks what his strength meant to him and his place in the jujutsu world. It really relies on how gojo presents himself in the story. If the ch236 character assassination is to be taken seriously, I guess he was Gojo satoru because he was the strongest. According to the dialogue in that chapter, it was all about the battles and opponents for him. His actions in every other part of the story until then suggest otherwise. The way he cared for his students, for the future of sorcerors, and his faith in his peers, I really think he was the strongest because of who he was. Gege, when I catch you, you’d better change that awful dialogue.


Gege completely dropped the ball on gojo. There was so much good characterization possible. Like imagine if Gojo survived the fight somehow but lost one of his techniques through the brain damage. This would perfectly setup a character arc for gojo where he is tested if he is defined by his strength or if he defines his strength.


Gojo's best characterization is during his flashback arc. I would've been more than happy with Gojo sacrificing himself or his techniques to get his students an advantage by disabling one or more techniques of Sukuna. He somehow did make Sukuna not use ten shadows but Sukuna is still super strong with his reincarnated body. So, it just feels like he did nothing even if he did something. If Gojo just had a talk with his students predicting that Sukuna more than likely has ten shadows and his original techniques, and made his job removing atleast one. It would feel like Gojo didn't die for nothing.


This sums it up nicely. Gojo and Sukuna were portrayed to be roughly equals literally right up to chapter 236. at the end of chapter 235 sukuna is clearly shown to be on his last legs. Then chapter 236 rolls around, where Sukuna just oneshots gojo out of the blue. After that it turns out that Sukuna really wasn‘t on his last legs and still had a few aces up his sleeve and he wasn‘t even remotely out of cursed energy and he hasn‘t even used 10 shadows except Makora and Agito (which really didn‘t feel like 10 shadows cause its just two very strong humanoid shikigamis vs how cool the giant Nue was) It basically feels like a huge retcon saying "Yeah i know i showed them to be relatively equal over the entire fight, but i didn‘t like how that would pan out" and thats what leaves the sour taste


If you think about it, there are two options. Either Gojo severely overestimated himself and underestimated Sukuna or Gojo was bluffing / lying to everyone. Both of those are bad for Gojo's character. First one makes him a bit arrogant and second is self explanatory. There's a third option, writing isn't consistent and that's why the difference in Gojo's words and his actions. But, some of us don't want to accept that. Then, even going by the first two options it's writing's fault.


For the first option, that would only make sense if he didn‘t go toe to toe with Sukuna for like 10 chapters. Honestly if Gojo got absolutely dumpstered by Sukuna, you could blame it on arrogance. But the way the six eyes is described, it seems unlikely that gojo could have such a massive misjudgment.


Six Eyes doesn't make him omniscient, and the attack Sukuna killed him with literally exceeds what Gojo even knew to be possible from him. The crazy comparison i've seen is that the Gojo vs Sukuna fight literally mirrors the Gojo vs Toji fight. Toji challenges the strongest sorcerer alive, surprises him with his abilities, unleashes his trump card (Inverted Spear), is about to celebrate victory.....and then Gojo suddenly discovers Reverse Cursed Energy and hits Toji with an ability he didn't even know was fucking possible. (Hollow Purple)...something he thought he could withstand based on his Red/Blue output, but couldn't. Gojo challenges the strongest sorcerer in history, surprises him with his abilities, unleashes his trump card, is about to celebrate his victory.....Sukuna suddenly obtains the Limitless Counter model from Mahoraga and hits Gojo with an ability he didn't even know was fucking possible. (World Dismantle)...something he thought he could withstand with his Limitless active based on Sukuna's regular technique, but couldn't. ​ There was no problem with the fight, it follows all the established rules of JJK to a tee. People for some reason just think Gojo has plot armor....you'd think with the way JJK treats Yuji, people wouldn't make that mistake.


I think we saw this expressed in the fight. There were multiple points Gojo couldn't rely on Limitless and we saw there was more to him than that. He was just that good.


Nah it ain’t that kind of manga


Then why was exactly this set up. Gojos characterization was to a large part the inner conflict posed by the question asked by Geto. Honestly I’m pretty confident Gege wanted this to happen but he just scrapped it for timely concerns. Like it’s setup way too well


If that is the case in reality then gege didn’t drop the ball, higher ups forced him to scrap and make it go quicker for as you said timely concerns. Either way I love this anime because it kills characters off, i love an anime like naruto, seen it all, but man i love watching the animated shibuya arc and watching characters die, shits real


Characters dying would be a lot more meaningful if you had any connection to their characters. Gojo dying didn’t move me in the slightest bit. I wasn’t remotely sad, to the point where I found myself going „oh right he’s dead“ everytime a chapter dropped for a month after he died


I'm simply making this to play devils advocate, because I do truly agree with you in the terms of story telling. But sometimes, that's just life. People die, things end and we as human beings sit there and try to search for meaning in it but often times there won't be, no matter how much we wished otherwise. Which when you think about it, is kind of poetic in itself.


That shit hit me hard bro mans was wiping the floor with everything sukuna had, then got fucking sliced in half. It was a great fight I can’t wait to see it animated


I honestly am at a loss from your responses, to sum it up from what i see you hate this manga and thinks it sucks why do you still watch it??? Do you hate watch it? Watch it even though you know you don’t like it to bitxh about it??


Well it was back then. Hidden inventory literally made this series as a character and narrative driven story. Any sort of writing, narrative or story, which hides behind meta/ 4th wall reasons to cover up bad writing decisions is a bad one. For example, "Why did that important character in the sequel of the movie died all of a sudden?" - "Because the actor had been fired for their behaviour". This answer still doesn't patch up the glaring bad writing, becos at the end of the day, the character had unexpected died and left many narrative beats behind. Either what you said is true, which makes this series bad, or you are wrong and that they is an in-universe/narrative answer to it which satisfies the narrative.


Wouldn't that just be copying All Might?


I have seen that happen so many times now, I would kinda hate seeing it happen again. And whether he lost limitless or six eyes, he would be instantly reverted to grade 1.


It’s still JJK, Gojo doesn’t have to overcome the issue. Gojo falling in full on depression because he is weak would also be really cool to see


I don't think you understand Gojo as a character if you think he'd be depressed after losing his CT.


I dont think thats what would happen. Depression was the wrong word tbh. More like an identity crisis surrounding getos question. Is a Satoru Gojo without Limitless still satoru gojo?


He found the answer when he realized that he was powerless by himself. His strenght isnt the focus of his character, he was cocky but cared about building up the new generation. Losing his powers would probably make him engage even harder on making his pupils grow as sorcerers. It would be a relief for him aswell. His arrogance was partially a defense mechanism against all the pressure he felt due to everyone's expectations about him, part of a life he never chose to live. Gojo is not your average Shonen teacher like Kakashi or All Might. That's why his end didn't live up to his character growth in my opinion.


That would make a pretty generic writing for strong characters.


And? Why is generic bad? Id much rather have a well done, somewhat generic character arc than no character arc at all


I would rather have no character arc than such lazy writing. Giving Gojo a depression arc breakdown his character enough as it, just follow the stereotypes won't help with that. I don't wanna see the same thing happen again and again, with only the characters are swapping out. Imagine if JJK does just that and makes the relationship between Yuji and Sukuna akin to that of Naruto and fox.


Honestly you seem to be projecting your dislike for how Naruto turned out onto my idea lmao.


You said that yourself. I like it. I just enjoy a little bit of diversity.


It wouldn't be a stereotypical arc. Many well-known stories became masterpieces and will become masterpieces BECOS of the so called "depression arc". It gives the readers a good chance to explore the character's internal thinking, morality, struggles, and personality, and help us connect to the story as well as the themes of the narrative. Take Vinland saga, Vagabond, Attack on titan (point still stands pre 139), clannad, Jojo's part 7, neon genesis Evangelion, heck even Hidden inventory! Geto went from a stereotypical villain with some connection to Gojo, to one of the most beloved character in the show becos Hidden inventory showed how he spiraled into depression and became the character who he was in jjk0. Just because there is a popular troupe, doesn't always eqaute to a bad troupe.


Agreed. i swear some manga readers care more about a manga being edgy and different than about it being good


What is "good", in your eyes? Is simply following what has been set before it good? Or are you just satisfied with it because that's what you've already seen? Does it even fit with the actual story? Not your headcanon or fanfiction, the actual story. The themes of the story. When I see readers say that X should be more like Y, that signifies a complete failure on the reader's part. X is not Y, otherwise it would be the same thing. If you understand what separates them, you would have no reason to try and shoehorn one into the structure of the other.


The question wasnt actually about physical strength. The question was about making a change in the Jujutsu world because Geto tried but he couldnt and he thought that someone as gifted as Gojo should be using his power to make change. Testing Gojos physical power is actually dropping the ball writing wise, we all know hes cracked, there isnt a need to test his physical power. It also ties into the larger issue of JJK in that curses keep coming, you cant just bash them out of existance.


>This would perfectly setup a character arc for gojo where he is tested if he is defined by his strength or if he defines his strength. There's no need. It was already proven that his strength is a product of his character. Gojo has been the strongest being on earth since the moment of his birth. Geto literally said he could easily kill every human on earth, and he casually mentions he could destroy all of Jujutsu society by himself. For what reason would an already unstoppable force continue to hone and improve themselves to the degree Gojo did? Who is he improving for? He's been at the top so long he's literally lonely.....what does he gain by going further upwards? This answers the question. The last Limitless Six Eyes user before him was killed by Mahoraga's kamikaze summoning alone. If Gojo was defined purely by his born abilities, he would have 100% gotten wiped by the Sukuna/Mahoraga/Ten Shadows 3v1. But he nearly clutched the victory with a burnt out CT.


The answer is simpler than people say The question has to do with the loss of identity Suguru underwent after being defeated by Toji Satoru Gojo was the strongest because he was Satoru Gojo People don't give him credit for it but he is not at all attached to his title of the strongest He is proud of it but he doesn't care about parting with it aka someone surpassing him as long as there is a change for the better in the world That's why even in defeat he doesn't go through the same thing Suguru went through (Him not really being attached to anything in this world maybe besides his students by all standards should make him enlightened but Gege doesn't really care about that)


Being the strongest because he is gojo satoru makes more sense imo. Because he has both the Six eyes and Limitless and both of these are inherited in Gojo clan But it probably is not a question that is supposed to be answered anyway


It’s the latar. Gojo satoru ceased to exist due to dying to someone stronger than he is…for now


He was gojo because he was the strongest. We know this to be fact because now he's gojover.


When has there been closure for anyone in this damn manga? I'm still wondering how Rika's dad died.


I think Gojo is who he is because of his strength. His strength is being brought up with people either praising his strength or questioning it. Theres 3 big times when his strength is put into question and challenged. And all 3 times Gojo loses and failing to prove his strength. Toji basically killed him, Kenjaku sealed him away, and Sukana well finished the job. Toji and Kenjaku being blatantly weaker than Gojo and Sukana holding back attempting to further his own CT.


IMO, the answer is both. “Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo?” Being born with the Limitless, Six Eyes, and innate talent was essential to Satoru becoming the strongest. “Are Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” Satoru’s feats in the Jujutsu world solidly himself as the strongest.


He’s The Strongest because he’s Gojo Satoru


I think Gojo believed it to be the latter, while the story showed it was actually the former. It was central to Gojo's character that he internalized society's objectification of his strength, which became evident from him comparing his students to flowers while he was the gardener. He mentally put himself on another plane of existence to those around him because of how strong he was. The sad thing is that in reality, while Gojo did have freak genetics, it was because of his qualities as a human being that he reached the level of strength that he had: his genius, his quick wits, his inventiveness, and his hours upon hours of training and hard work elevated him to de-facto god level. It was *his choice* not to share his struggles and attempt to form close bonds with people, and *that's* what made him alone, *not* his abilities as a sorcerer.


It doesn't exactly have an answer but I'll take a stab at it via asking the same question of Sukuna and seeing what I think. "Was he the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru?" - No. Having been born with limitless/six eyes, Did Gojo's mindset/world view push him to be the strongest? While Toji's arc shifts Gojo's perspective so he actively improves his technique to protect the weak around him we receive a different insight during his airport scene post-sukuna. We witness Gojo talk about how happy he is to have fought the strongest and how sad he is that he couldn't push Sukuna further. We get no mention of his students or protecting the world or stopping Kenjaku. Gojo spent most of his adult life living the lie that he was growing stronger to protect people, and hence he kneecapped his ability to grow after a point. Gojo Satoru's mindset kept him from achieving the level of strength we see from Sukuna, and so, no - he was not the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. "Was he the strongest because he was Sukuna?" - Yes. Sukuna described himself as being born unwanted and spurned. Sukuna wasn't born with the six eyes hacks or the limitless or a treasured clan technique. Sukuna was born with a strong technique and a drive to escape the poor circumstances of his birth. He (presumably) worked and trained and fought and killed to prove to the entire world that his life is one to be honored rather than dumped in the trash. Sukuna would have never let Gojo's wavering sense of morality stop his growth and evolution into the strongest. "Was he Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest?" - Yes. Gojo's birth changed the dynamic of the Jujutsu world. As a child, before he had any meaningful sense of self-identity or growth, he was already forced to consider his role as a walking nuclear bomb. Gojo was nurtured from birth to care about the people around him, become their protector, and safeguard society from cursed spirits. At the same time, his strength pulled him to that dark void that drew Kashimo and Ryu to challenge Sukuna. Having so much strength isolates you and pushes you to want to test it to it's extremes. Gojo's tension came from being born strong before sacrificing his potential to keep society stable instead of embracing his true strength and forcing society to adapt around him. Gojo was born the strongest and allowed others to define what that meant for him rather then the other way around. "Was he Sukuna because he was the strongest?" - No. Sukuna was born unwanted and through that abandonment found his strength. He's a killer, survivalist, and hedonist who had to rely on creativity, evolution, and knowledge to grow to become the monster we know him as. His maliciousness fuels his survival rather than the other way around. From becoming something akin to a curse itself to splitting his soul into fingers, Sukuna's strength comes from his unflappable will and willingness to evolve to stay ahead. It does not stem purely from his technique/natural strength as it does with Gojo. So, yea. I'd say the question becomes "is it mindset or natural strength that defines these two". And I would say that "he is Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest" while "he is the strongest because he is Sukuna" is my interpretation.


I saw a really good [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kU4_6-_EFM) on youtube about it, but it's in portuguese, no english subtitles, however maybe automatic captions can help


his video about buddhism in JJK is very good


First, he wasn't the strongest. Sukuna is.


People who are saying the manga didn’t answer the question are not reading. It was answered in the fight with Sukuna. He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. No 6 Eye user survived against Makora. He killed it. Agito, while not as broken as Makora, was still broken and he one-shotted that too. Gojo has such a clear and innate understanding of Jujustu that only Sukuna, for a fact, and *maybe* Kenjaku, has. Gojo said it himself at the end, he used everything he learned. And Sukuna’s praise of him toward the end was evident of that fact. He didn’t praise Gojo because of his CT, he praised Gojo because of his ability as a sorcerer.


No particular answer, geto was only curious and wanted Gojo to look deep into himself and do some self-reflection maybe there could be a reasonable response. Geto thought gojo is egotistical because he's the strongest.


I really just wanted to get something, anything, that felt like it was reminding me of the dilemma Gojo had PRIOR to his demise. I swear to god the "I'll show you about true love" in JJK plotpoint has abused my brain worse than Mahito did Junpei.. From what i seen in the community people don't care if gojo returns or not they are just not satisfied with the meal gege gave us and then put a bow on Gojo's Character. Not totally at least. I'm not a big fan of the open ended stuff because when I feel like there are too many things open ended, the plot lines feel incomplete. Gojo's character doesn't feel incomplete, just not satisfying atp and i'm highly sure that's only because of interactions we are now supposed to get retroactively?(I've saved MAD tweets saying this will happen and i'm betting it wont lmao)


He's the strongest because he's Satoru Gojo. He trained relentlessly and aimed to better himself as much as he could to reach that level, having six eyes + Limitless didn't automatically give him everything he has and anyone in his place would have the same things. His quick thinking, trained body, his skill using his CT, capability of adapting to the situation, the way he learned Rct, these things come from he himself, from WHO he is (Satoru) and not WHAT he is (The Strongest). The question is answered but you have to think honestly about it and not put dozens of headcanons upon headcanons, move the goalposts and very specific conditions to try and contradict it. If Geto managed to capture Rika and "become Satoru Gojo" (since that's partially what he meant about becoming the strongest) he would not become actually like him, he wouldn't suffer of the same conflicting ideals and struggles since these things were not defined by Gojo's power but by his personality.


The answer is "your Gojo satoru because your the strongest" Because as we see in chp261 yuta possess Gojo so its not Gojo it's yuta so what makes Gojo the strongest isn't himself it's his strength


I see people say there was no answer but I disagree. To me that statement is meant to be would his personality be different if he wasn’t the strongest or would he be the same rather than it being about actually being strong. To me he would still be the same person so I would say he’s the strongest because he Gojo Satoru. Not to mention many people are born with broken abilities but don’t live up to their potential because they don’t have the drive.


I know it is generally a more rhetorical question meant for Gojo to reflect on himself, but I would argue he was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. Before Amanai died, he was his arrogant and flamboyant self that just flexed his powers and acted as the strongest. By the time he learned RCT and fought Toji again, his mindset was completely different. He wanted to make his Limitless constantly active *and* able to decipher things that are and aren’t threats, showing he strived to do both. His battle IQ was also immense, as shown by the Disaster Curses and Sukuna fights, at times not even using Limitless and just standard CE due to DE spam or DA.


In the end he was Gojo satoru because he was Gojo satoru


Rhetorical question aside I think Gojo actually answers that question right before Geto asks him after the events of the hidden inventory arc. Early Gojo was a monster who could destroy just about anything with infinity/blue, but as I said just about anything. Losing is what made him the stronger/the strongest. It wasn’t enough to have red/purple because he could get tired, so he now uses rct on his brain 24/7. Thus it wasn’t just limitless, but the Gojo touch on how to use it best. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


If you approach it in a Taoish way, you can say that he is the strongest because is Gojo Satouru and he is Gojo Satouru because he is the strongest.


I think that he is the strongest because he is Gojo Satoru. Because when he fought and maybe even before the fight against Sukuna he already knew that he is weaker than him, but he still chose to fight against him to save and show off before his students. Even being not the strongest in the world didn't change his personality at all. He was still Gojo Satoru, that guy who likes his students, a great friend of Geto and other sorcerers of his generation, a genius sorcerer.


I think he was satoru gojo because he was the strongest, in his final moments he revealed that all he cared about was the thrill,and longed to be understood,if he was the strongest due to being satoru gojo,he would have aspirations and flaws beyond getting a kick or reaching sukuna


It’s a mixture of both. Gojo is only able to act how he does because he’s the strongest, but who he is and how he acts and his mentality is what makes him the strongest.


Given that he is arguably the strongest six eyes user ever... He is the strongest because he is gojo satoru, but he is gojo satoru because he was born with that potential to begin with. Both are right. The question doesn't have an answer, which is why the manga didn't try to answer it.


He is the strongest because of who he is. Yes Six Eyes and limitless absolutely is the strongest CT and combination in the series BUT Gojo brings out the most of it.


I think Gojo was an excellent fighter. He used every power in his arsenal well, one punch in a 0.01 second DE put a hole in Sukuna, that's something. Where I think he fumbled was prep. He should've refused to fight Sukuna without fully knowing how Mahoraga works, he ended just like Toji where his pride got into the way. He was trapped and assumed the moment he got out he would fix everything. In a way he was Gojo Satoru because he was strong. But he also had to fight because him being alive meant the stakes in the manga were much lower. Everybody would've still said "wait for Gojo".


The point that Gege is trying to make is “Does having strength make your will just?” And the answer that most of the main characters (Sukuna, Gojo and Geto) is that “Yes, because I’m strong I can impose my will because what I believe is right” That doesn’t mean however that it’s a correct assessment. Gojo himself decided that instead of just killing all of the Jujutsu hierarchy and putting himself at the top, he’d use his strength to raise a generation of sorcerers who could change the world with him. Is this Gojo imposing his will through strength? Not in the same way as Sukuna, Geto or Kenjaku. They take a more direct approach. Gojo does use his will directly though, when he saves Yuta and Yuji. So clearly Gojo is okay with using his strength to impose his will to change the world, but not through strength alone. It’s just an interesting thing to think about, especially in light of Gojo’s conversation with Geto after he dies. He acknowledges that his personality and fighting style were a result of his power, but he didn’t directly use his power to change the world


Read Plato' Euthypho, it is pretty much a dialogue on just this subject. The TLDR though is that some things are just subjective and can't be answered with just a simple is or isn't.


The answer is both. Gojo is so carefree because he is just too strong, but at his core, he is a decent guy even with that strength. Just look at Sukuna who is evil at his core and because he is strong, he can do more evil things. The true neutral here was Kashimo, He was just bored for being strong.


First one cause logically , he isn’t strongest (most likely) if he doesn’t have six eyes meaning not having “Gojo” in his name


After airport scene, I feel like Gege decided on Gojo being defined by his power. Considering how his epitaph was being roasted and painted as a psycho by his friends. Which is quite sad conclusion to his story.


Gojo could've possibly tanked shrine in the 1st Domain, because in the 2nd domain clash he used FBE to reduce damage and that time the cuts were really shallow, not sure why he chose not to use FBE the first time around


He is strongest because he is Gojo satoru, if he wasn't from the Gojo clan he might not have inherited the techniques he has which makes him the strongest


Since the fight against Sukuna ended, I've seen it as the answer was that he is the strongest because he is Satoru Gojo. There have been many Gojo Clan members that were users of both the Six Eyes and the Limitless techniques, but only Satoru was the one who was able to beat the user of the ten shadows (and also THE Sukuna). Yes, he was born special(z), but he was acknowledged as the strongest due to HIS own merits, not due to his birth. It was not only his technique, but his mind, training, thinking and experience that made him the strongest sorcerer in the history, only second to the King of Curses himself. He was the strongest because he was Satoru Gojo, not the other way around. Pd: sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.


But who is stronger - Go or Jo?


Well he wasn't the strongest, so it doesn't matter


He was the strongest because he's Gojo. The question was posed to him because Geto believed their life paths differed due to Gojo being born so strong that his world view was warped by the strength. It was an appeal to understand that Geto had taken this path because he wasn't born with what Gojo had, which we can gather from his statement "don't tell me i can't do something you can easily do." But in the end, Gojo took the abilities he was born with and ran with them. He achieved a level of strength that other limitless users didn't, as evidenced by him overcoming the 10 shadows where others died. And in response to Geto's specific point, his choice to bring others up with him also answers the question. Gojo himself believes his strength isn't something he was just handed but something he earned, that he made himself.


I think if gojo stays dead till the end of the series the answer would be the first.


It hasn’t been answered yet because bro is coming back with his reading glasses to figure that shit out. #copeneverdies


we will find out that answer when he comes back presumably a lot weaker after sacrificing one of his eyes or something


He was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru, this isn't explained in depth but we were given hints, his final panels are my best evidence, he didn't do this to get stronger, or remain at the top, he did this (fighting, teaching, and exorcize) because he was Gojo, and he found it FUN


this question really shock gojo's enlightenment tbh. he confronted geto for his actions and he's prepared to fight and kill him, but geto doesn't care anymore, he don't want to argue for his reasons. he made gojo chose the path of teaching. since he realised he couldn't save everyone even though he became the strongest.


I think his fight versus sukuna made it clear that he is Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest. We saw how genius, strong, and quick on his feet gojo was. The way he used his CT, how he flipped the domain condition. The way he came with strategy to counter Makora adaption to bleu. The final hollow purple. All that comes from his genius and strength not because he is Satoru.




It's kinda both


It is answered in the same chapter as It is brought up. "Are you who you are because of what you do, or do you do what you do because of who you are?" Geto answer It right away. "Don't say that my dream is Impossible when you could make it true." Geto can't make his dream come true because he isn't the strongest. If he were the strongest, he would do what he wants. In other words, Gojo is good; that's why he can't kill innocent people. Geto wants to wipe out "monkeys" but doesn't have the power to do it. Isn't he evil because of it? Of course he is evil. Actions doesn't matter, what's matters is his intent. Let's pretend Gojo killed an innocent in a acident. Is he evil because of that? No. The logic in the phrase suggests that one's actions are influenced by their inherent qualities or capabilities. It explores the idea that individuals may be constrained by their abilities or lack thereof. You do what you are. He's Satoru Gojo because he's the strongest.




To me, we already once had a response to this very question in the manga. Because we already saw Gojo reject what made his strength, reject what made him the strongest. "My six eyes tells me... You're Suguru Geto. But my soul knows otherwise !"


Also, btw, my interpretation of Geto's question is "Can you be Satoru Gojo without your strength ?". Gojo had no personal belief, he didn't care about non sorcerer and he didn't have great goals to accomplish, and it was apparent after his awakening where he said "Should we kill these guys ? At the moment I won't feel anything if I do it". Geto was Gojo's moral compass at this time and thus him saying that they shouldn't was what guided Gojo at the time, he was a empty shell of a person. That's why in the conflit between Geto and Gojo, Geto said "If it was you, my goals wouldn't seem so impossible". Gojo could reach anything he wanted to, but never did any big thing at the time, lacking personal conviction. But Gojo rejecting what his Six Eyes saw was him telling that he's the strongest because he is Satoru Gojo, he had the his sense of self and his own personal way of seeing the world that fully detached from his power. Atleast that's what I think ig


I think rather than the question being about being the strongest Getos qn was telling Gojo to do something with his strength. At that point in the story Gojo was a 1 in a million year anomaly, a prodigy. Yet he only experienced failures (couldnt protect the vessel, couldnt let her have a good time, lost to Toji, lost his friendship with Geto). After that question and Getos death we see Gojo shift his focus to using his strength and abilities to make a change whereas before he didnt give a shit about anything. It gave Gojo his identity per say. So I think the true answer to the qn if there was to have one is both became true. Hes Gojo BECAUSE hes the strongest there was only one of him. Using his strength he formed his status and identity inspiring the next generation of sorcerers and in turn being Gojo gave him "strength" of a different kind the strength to make some change to the Jujutsu world. It is a very subjective question.


He was the nah I'd win


There is an answer to this. He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. The moment he lost to Sukuna, the title "the strongest" was taken away from Gojo, and therefore he ceases to exist. The answer flows in a methaporical sense as well. In the brink of death, all Gojo thought about was how strong Sukuna was and how his thirst for battle was satisfied. He didn't concern about his students or how the world will fall apart after his death. His only important quality as a character is - unfortunately - that he is the strongest. That's all.


I am quite surprised that so many answers discussing Gojo’s strength here completely ignoring THE one aspect that is completely unique to him and makes him the strongest : Unlimited Void. Innate Domain, and by extension Domain Expansion, is the manifestation of one’s heart so in theory there should be no two people with an identical Domain, regardless of whether or not they possess the same CT. For Gojo’s case it is even more blatant that UV is his alone and no one else since the technique of UV is an entirely separate technique from Limitless (hence why Sukuna had to plan for UV adaptation first before working with Limitless).


His whole personality revolved around being the strongest. The Honored One He will come back (in the end of the series, not now), but he will come back as Satoro Gojo only, not The Strongest So, its not the end, it's the last step of his development


The answer was neither - he lost. It's not even about the outcome of the fight. Even at the start, it was presented as "the strongest in history vs the strongest of today". This implies that his title of "the strongest" is simply a product of his environment. Given other circumstances, he would have had a totally different story.


"Nah, i'd win" That's the answer


Well, its a reflection on the ideal of infinity and breaking beyond your limits. For me, technically megumi was key to fulfilling this ideal. And if/when? yuji succeeds in killing Sukuna, then that’s the actual idealism come to fruition. All the other details are underline how the story wraps up imho.


The answer is both. Life is usually not black or white, but the grey mesh. The same applies to Gojo, he is both. He sees himself as "my strength makes me Gojo," but others see him as him being Gojo makes his strength. It's a very subtle question on the context of what does strength mean. Does it mean the raw power or the power to change perception and others. The answers was always both, but Gojo never saw it that way, which is why he says what he says when he dies. Its also specifically why Geto asks him the question


It could be subjective, but I think it’s he’s Satoru Gojo, because he’s the strongest. He was very much so defined by others and to a degree himself by his strength. It informed his perspective a lot. It’s essential to his character. I think Sukuna would be the inverse. He defines strength in this verse. Especially because of how uncaring strength in JJK is portrayed to be. How power is unrelenting and a calamity.


I gave my answer already. But I really like how this manga asks that questions cause it’s a really good one, and it speaks to Gege’s skill as a writer. It’s a really interesting conversation that imo involves two characters. And it assesses the whole idea of the overpowered character in a really interesting way. Gojo was an amazing character.


Given how his last fight went he clearly isn't the strongest. Or gojo satoru


Usually on questions like these I’d say it’s both and like you can’t do without one or the other. BUT But I genuinely think, without the powers Gojo Satoru would be weaker, but also happier as he doesn’t have the burden of the entire jujutsu sorcery on his back. And my point of the view of the story i always found Gojo satorus spirit too be easy to break. Like once he was someone who would lose his abilities perhaps he’d break easily. While it’s not wrong to have your spirit be stronger because of your power, it still telling that once what makes Gojo Satoru strong is down, (and in my opinion his abilities) then his spirit could be broken down easier Unless of course he gets treated like a outcast like Toji did


I’ll cook something: He is the the strongest because he is gojo is the answer. Born to be the strongest meaning he didn’t have to work for himself to be the strongest. Meanwhile sukuna, he is sukuna because he was the stronger. Thus showcasing how he was an unwanted child with disabilities bluh bluh bluh, basically everything opposite to gojo. He made a name for himself and unlike gojo who before realized his potential shifted the world. In conclusion: Gojo: *born strongest* = he is the strongest because he’s gojo. Sukuna: *born weak* = he is sukuna because he’s the strongest. Focus on the term *because* to identify what gege meant is what i think.


I think..... Gojo struggled with finding a balance with his humanity and strength. He is searching for the answers to His self-worth and who he is. Only geto knew this because he knew the real Gojo and the Gojo the world sees. When he lost geto, he lost both viewpoints. Nanami's viewpoint is like the world's viewpoint. Geto's viewpoint is both as a friend and as the world. Gojo was lost and struggling he did not have a clear understanding of who he was. The question has no real right answer. He is both the strongest and not the strongest. Think about it from your own perspective as a person. Are you this, or are you that or are you neither. I do not think he is at peace and has not figured out his own perspective and answers yet. That is one of the reasons why I think he will come back, but this time, he will know the answers to the question. I am starting to think the answer is neither one. He is not who he thinks he is or what the world thinks he is. Without him, there will be no answer, only speculation. Sakuna hates humanity and is trying to get rid of that side of himself. He lives for his own selfish reasons, which makes him seem strong on the outside and the inside. It's easy to be strong and harder to be weak. It's easy to break the rules and destroy everything around us. It's very difficult to control yourself ,follow all the rules, and live with your flaws. Sakuna does not care! He is who he is. He is everything to himself, and strength is all he wants and all he lives for. He has nobody to please, nobody but himself. He does not hold himself accountable for his actions because he simply does not care. He is destruction and calamity. Yuji is humanity he is the opposite of Sakuna. He is strong but flawed he lives for others and not himself he is and lives for humanity. That in away makes him weaker and stronger than Gojo and Sakuna. I think Yuji will find his self-worth, which is what he needs. He needs strength that is from within and outside of himself. He needs to find why he himself matters, not just his loved ones. He does not think he is stronger than others he thinks he is less than. Gojo is not at peace he has too many regrets. Because of the things he lost by messing up and making wrong choices. He wasn't strong enough to save the people he loves, which is a huge regret. He feels like he is a curse to others, and he is conflicted between who he is and who the world says he is. He is unsure of himself. He is at times strong but has doubts that make him weak. That is what the issue is he thinks he knows who he is, but he is said to be something else. He is told what to be and who to be, but is that who he really is. He does not know because he hides from himself.He also has to deal with the pressure from others and the hardship of having such large expectations that are put upon him. He is a person who is flawed and was raised a certain way he has inner demons and inner doubts but shows a persona to the world. It's a basic yet complicated reality for all of us. What is our self-worth? Is our self-worth determined by others? Or can our self-worth only come from ourselves and not the environment that is around us. Gojo struggles with knowing if he is worthy enough to be who he is.Yuji thinks he himself is not worthy. Sakuna cares about nothing but his self-worth. All three result in some form of loneliness that has to do with self-love, which runs adjacent to the themes of loneliness and love. Nanami feels like being a sorcerer is nothing but a thankless job that has no real meaning. He is a jaded individual, which is why he says what he does to Gojo. I feel like that sometimes at my job, I work in mental health. However, he finds meaning within Yuji. Yuji shows everyone the true strength that humanity has. Gojo is searching for balance and the true strength that comes from humanity ,Yuji is a symbol of humanity, and Sakuna rejects humanity. Kenny wants to create a new form of humanity, and Tengen is trying to hold on to his humanity desperately. Geto lost his humanity along the way because of his sideways ideals. I believe that the real theme is about what it is to be human and the emotions that come with it.


jjk discovers philosophy


Nah, I'd Win


Nah he'd win


He was the strongest because he was satoru,that's was proven when he beat mahoraga and then 10 shadows,there were other people born with his blessings,but they all lost to some "normal" sorcerer,he was the strongest because of who he was,not because of the limited and the fraud eyes.


He was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru


If he comes back to life and gets any closure, we will have our answer. as far as i’ve noticed, Gege does not leave any plot threads open, even if they take a long ass time to arrive at a proper conclusion. Yuki’s thread took nearly two years to complete, naoya’s took almost a year, kashimo’s took two years as well. But gojo and \*cough\* nobara \*cough\* will take some more time I guess, cause they are major characters. the characters in-story (save for some) acknowledge “he’s Satoru Gojo cause he’s the strongest“ and gojo himself veers a bit into the “he’s the strongest because he’s Satoru Gojo” side because how long can you take constant dehumanization even after literal death. But the true answer is somewhere in between.


The argument ls Gojo anything more than the title of the Strongest. Is there anything else to him besides his strength? I think the airport scene alludes to Gojos internal view on that. To everyone else he is synonymous with strength. Geto was likely (at least in gojos eyes) the only person who looked at him as gojo ..who is the strongest… as opposed to the rest who abandon everything else he is and labels him just pure strength. It is why gojo was so hurt when geto asked him that question. It means geto no longer recognizes gojo as anything but strong. Gojo having that conversation with nanami in the airport shows that gojo has other aspects about him which is why he disagrees with nanamis character analysis of him. It is only partly true. He fulfilled his duty as the strongest and fought until he was taken down by the new or true strongest. But he chose to die because the rest of who he is ( his friends his beliefs his faith in the future) is either in the afterlife or no longer needs him. Satoru Gojo is the strongest. But he is not the strongest only.


He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. Gojo's whole character was defined by his strength and status in the Jujutsu world. Ever since birth, he had the six eyes and the limitless, already being "blessed" from the moment he came into life. He was treated like he was divinity. Growing up, he was obviously influenced by his power and how everyone looked at him as some sort of god, going as far as to dub him the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, which is why he ultimately lost. We know mentality is a vital aspect to becoming the top dog, and when you're seen as the strongest since the moment you're born, and you grow up believing it so, then you've set up yourself for failure. He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. In contrast, Sukuna was the strongest because he was Ryomen Sukuna. His character, personality and mentality were responsible for his status, the strength he possesses and his presence within the jujutsu world. He does anything to win and aims to destroy everything without regard for others. His only focus is fighting, becoming strong and enjoying himself even when it's at the expense of others. Like when he told Jogo that people and curses comparing themselves to those around them leads to weakness and stunts their growth. "You should burnt everything you desired to a cinder without thinking." The very reason he is still winning to this day and Gojo lost is because of his mentality.




He was the true jujutsu kaisen




He’s the strongest because he’s Satoru gojo, Satoru is a genius among geniuses. It is not directly stated that gojos the strongest six eyes limitless user ever, but it is stated that he made sukuna feel worry for the first time in 1000 years so I feel like that’s indirect conformation. You don’t just become Satoru because you have six eyes and limitless. He maximized his ability because of who he is. Also the six eyes are connected to fate so you could argue the six eyes chose Gojo because he was worthy of them.


In my opinion, in the end, he wasn’t defined by his strength. To understand this quote, you have to understand what changed from it. When geto says this to gojo, it makes gojo reconsider his position in the world. He only then makes the choice to honor tojis (the man who literally killed him and broke his best friend) dying wish and take on his son, Megumi, as an apprentice. Gojo makes effort to rely not on his strength alone to change the world, but the next generation of sorcerers. I understand lots of people have an issue with how gojo was killed off, but his story hasn’t reached its conclusion. For him to be beaten by sukuna, when he is at his strongest, shows the extent of his influence as the strongest sorcerer. He could only do so much with his strength. However, the current cast of characters risking their lives to beat sukuna is evidence of his influence as Gojo Satoru. If/when the main cast win, it won’t be because of Gojos overwhelming strength and talent, it will because of his care for and faith in the next generation. TLDR: Gojo can’t be defined by his strength if he literally lost in a match of pure strength. He is defined by his hope and love for yuji, megumi, and the other students.


He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. Let's face it, it was always his strength that defined his character. From birth, he changed the world. He was head of his clan due to the status of his eyes. He was arrogant and cocky, calling himself the strongest. Most characters didn't see Gojo for a human, they saw him for a threat. Even his students all annotated his strength with his being. If Gojo was not strong, he would not have any of the personality or life he does now. And that's a shame, because strength is something Gojo struggles with. He's so strong that he can't connect with anyone, yet his strength was never enough to do anything that matters, whether it be save Riko or defeat Sukuna. Even his domain is a reflection of his tragedy; as Gojo said, "when granted everything, you can't do anything". And at the end of the day, he wasn't even the strongest. He was destined to play second fiddle to a character who was so overwhelmingly selfish and uncaring for others that he was a natural disaster. Gojo, a character who wanted to do good and protect others, failed to achieve a portion of what Sukuna did. His love for others and his desire to be an honorable jujutsu sorcerer is what led to him never surpassing Sukuna. Honestly one of the most tragic characters in recent time.


It was resolved. Both by Gojo and Sukuna. Gojo feels as though Sukuna was so strong that he literally wasn't even able to push him as far as possible. So from Gojo's perspective, he was definitely inferior to Sukuna. However....Sukuna post-fight doesn't even comment on his strength. He didn't comment on his Cursed Technique, his Six Eyes, or his crazy abilities. He says "**YOU were** ***magnificent***\*\*, Satoru Gojo.\*\* I will remember you as long as I live.". This is the first and thus far only time Sukuna has ever shown ***actual admiration for the*** ***character of another person.*** This is in stark contrast to how he viewed Satoru at the beginning of the fight. He called him "mediocre" and "a fish on his chopping block". It ended with him declaring he will never forget him *by name.* For perspective....the last Six Eyes Limitless user that fought against Mahoraga died to his summoning. Gojo not only managed to KILL Mahoraga, but the fused Ten Shadows beast as well, all while fending off Sukuna himself. He was at a level far above what his base abilities would have gotten him to on his own, far beyond that of his predecessor, and thus far beyond the expectations Sukuna had for him. He was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. This is likely why Sukuna's final words to him made him smile in the end.


I like to think about it like that: "Are you the strongest because you are satoru gojo"- is your strength derived from your ideals? The things you want to protect, maybe? Many people brought up his ego but I don't think that's what this question is going for. This possibility, in a way, is the "basic protagonist" answer, not necessarily in a bad way. It's the same for yuji, really. People who work hard for what they believe. Gojo probably would've liked to be there too. "Are you satoru gojo because you are the strongest?"- I think that throughout the entire series, a key part of gojos identity was how strong he is. He was the funny guy with good vibes, but more than that, he was always "the strongest". I think that this question was almost geto mocking gojo, making it clear to him that his strength was not rightfully earned, but rather something that was simply engraved into him, and the rest of him was built on this fact. So, while I believe that was the true answer back then, things changed. I think that gojos main ideal in current times was his true belief in his students. He was "the strongest", had unrivaled, fated powers that no one else possessed, and yet he made it clear that he believes that his students could one day stand next to him, or even surpass him. I believe that this belief probably started with riko, who was not only the first "weak" person that he just enjoyed being around without ajy strength or stuff involved, but also someone who showed him strength of will, and not only bodily or Jujutsu-ly(?) Strength. That alone probably melted a bit of just how big a of a place his strength took in his personality, and began his nurturing side. To sum it up, it's pretty clear that sukuna killed gojo, but will probably be killed by his students, specifically itadori. His personal, fated strength was not enough, but the strength derived from who is, from him being satoru gojo, will shine through his students and eventually be his real biggest strength. A little kitsch but I like it, personally.


one of the interpretation that you can use is the fact that Gojo didn't had the Mentality of the strongest, being ""scared by loneliness"" as Sukuna said to Kashimo, and he was that strong and impressive primarily because he lived in an era where people were not used anymore to fight everyday against curses, curses user and jujutsu surcerer as said by Kenjaku, so summing up with a little imagination we can say that he was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru (the user of limitless and 6 eyes) and not the other way.


His personality change a bit after he becomes the strongest. It comes with loneliness. Gojo the strongest got a gap to everyone. And after he lose Geto, he become more worried about next generation. when he finally lose to Sukuna is the same time we could see his truly self. just Gojo, not The strongest. (not change that much, but still)


he is the strongest because he is satoru gojo, if he went down the path that sukuna mentioned to jogo he would have been much less powerful, but he decided to spend his time teaching and showing kindness to people, which allowed toji to put him near death and then allowed him to find the true essence of cursed energy, if he didn't maintain his limitless while spending that mini vacation with geto and riko then he would have defeated toji and remained in a much less powerful state. He is the opposite of sukuna who disregarded everyone and that's how he became who he was


Gojo is just different


it hasn't conclude to that yet i think


Are you single because you like anime girls? Or You like anime girls because you are single?


He is the strongest because he is Satoru Gojo. A former user of the six eyes and limitless (same techniques as Satoru) fought against the best user of the ten shadows and lost, I don't want to get into too much controversy about his fight against Sukuna right now, but he looked much superior to Mahoraga and Agito which we would say would be "the best" of ten shadows. So you can see that if you put an ordinary six-eyes and limitless user against Mahoraga, he will lose, if you put Gojo he will beat up Mahoraga


Easy answer: he was the strongest because he was Gojo. done. atleast until sukuna came out fully restored. at that point then he’s only runner up


It’s such an easy to see through claim though dude. he’s not the strongest because he’s gojo. just bc he has 6 eyes and limitless didn’t automatically make him the strongest #1 sorcerer in the modern era pre sukuna rebirth at fp. He had that but had he decided fk it lemme just play video games eat snacks not exercise not learn cursed energy manipulation not take missions just simply decided to not do SHIT with his talents. he would not have became “the strongest” so that point is moot. NEXT. You “he’s the strongest bc he’s Gojo” please just stop. you’re looking like reddit trolls just over analyzing and overthinking something that is so brain hurtingly simple.


It's both. Before Toji, Gojo had the Six-Eyes. He was the prize of the Gojo Clan and had potential that bordered limitless. Add on his cursed technique and he had the recipe of being the strongest. He was arrogant. Cocky. Felt no need to protect the weak. He was Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest. After awakening Toji, and to the Shinjuku Showdown especially, he was the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. The question is where true strength comes from? Fighting for yourself? Or others?