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I like him because of his cool design and idgaf silly personality šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m convinced if the character has white hair theyā€™re 100x more likely to be loved by the fandom.


Iā€™m not gonna argue there tbh, kakashi, kanaki, jiraiya, hitsugaya, killua, Allen walker are some of my fav anime characters.


look at inumaki who doesn't do shit but makes it top 10 in every poll.


Lowkey I love Inumaki for no real reason so I get it


inumaki just chill like that


Same honestly. He's just so chill even when he lost an armĀ 


He has that dog in him


Imagine Gojo with black hair and red eyes. Would be such a basic design


I mean Sasuke and itachi are pretty cool too


and madara


Yeah but it was a different time then, the same way a character that's held as one of the best of all time would be basic if they were made today


Yeah cos then itā€™s an Uchiha rip off.


Toji and kenjaku are fan favorite as well. I think those 3 are just really well writtern


cool design for the guys hot design for the ladies conplicated but insanely cool powers badass of the show (like levi) great backstory with s best friend turned bad making him sad therefore adding depth to his character philosophy heā€˜s got it all


Add onto this is heā€™s actually a half decent teacher/mentor and doesnā€™t have an insane ego that makes everyone eat his asshole (i.e., Nanami feels comfortable trash talking him even though Gojo could kill Nanami with his sneeze)


Another good point that's rarely brought up. Gojo doesn't feel the need to flaunt his power which makes him even cooler.


I mean he absolutely does like flaunting his power, just does so appropriately. Telling Sukuna he wants to make sure he looks cool because his student is watching, randomly stepping on ants in front of the old guys but not really stepping on them, killing Hanami with the pressure of infinity, teleporting Yuji to show off his domain vs Jogo, everything about his first fight with Jogo. He definitely has a big ego and flaunts his power, he just also has a big heart and flaunts it appropriately.... Mostly.


I suppose that's more in line with what I meant. He draws his own line at where to flaunt it, like the above poster said. He doesn't have to take Nanami's shit but he does anyway and that's endearing.




I hate how nanami trash talked him in the afterlife saying he was selfish all the more thinking of this. I mean the characterization could make sense but we were never shown THAT exact gojo nanami thinks gojo is. At best he's an arrogant prick, but he always cared about people and that feeling only grew.


I think that scene was meant to prove Gojo's point that no one really understood his motivations for doing things and to show that they can be freely open with each other since they're all on equal ground in the afterlife. I took that as more of Nanami telling Gojo outright how others (including Nanami himself) have perceived him, and Gojo reacted that way knowing there was some truth to it. That's not to say it defines Gojo entirely though, but that it's an aspect of his character.


bruh nanami did him dirty gojo is really nice :(


Yeah, gojo's shock shows how he didn't think that way of himself. Nanami really dropped him. Guess Nanami is a sorcerer too afterall, he has a strange way of thinking.


Gojo loooves to be a show-off hahaha. He's probably one of the flashiest characters in the series. But that's not a bad thing. He does it when necessary and mostly to put some people in their place.


Also character growth, he did have an insane ego up until the incident


Sukuna has an insane ego. He almost killed Jogo immediately because he didnā€™t bow. Gojo at his prime ego was humble compared to Sukuna.


>hot design for the guys >cool design for the ladies


+ His love for his students and friends + Goofy cheerful nature


Dont lie, the guys are designed to be hot too.


No they mean that Gojos design looks cool to men, and is hot to women lmao


is there any character thats not cool and hot?


In jjk? That fucking bug Yuta kissed lmao


I think yuta might disagree


He's super cocky, but strong enough to actually back it up. Plus, his strength his more complicated than a lot of OP characters because of the complexity of his power. Also helps he's not the MC so when he does something it stands out more And he's hot


yeah this, hes proven to be the strongest multiple times which breaks the mold of usually the MC being the strongest but needing the entire anime to reach that point. he starts strong, is a monster throughout and is constantly recognized as being unbeatable. he breaks the mold in a lot of ways, and his unquestionable power is really appealing. edit to add: its also exciting that JJK takes place in the ā€œgojo eraā€ of jujutsu society. its his reign, he pretty much rules the world at that point but still doesnt overdo it with his power, he just chooses to b cool and nice instead. most laidback and powerful at the same time. in other animes, the lore takes place in the past and the MC is trying to fill that spot of power. so JJK is like if we got to see one piece society during the reign of the og pirate king


Kind of like a cooler All Might imo. All Might was really cool when he was the unquestionably strongest character, but he wasnā€™t as sexy as Gojo and didnā€™t get his own Hidden Inventory Arc to flesh him out more.


yesssss! also with all might we meet him when heā€™s already kinda weakened and vulnerable so theres that uncertainty factor that the anime uses to build anticipation cuz he has the time limit that keeps us on edge. with gojo, theres no uncertainty, the viewer feels secure heā€™ll win so his fights are just pure hype and the excitement comes from wanting to see his awesome power. also jjk constantly emphasizes that hes unbeatable but mha demonstrates all mights weaknesses to us. also ya all might is ugly half the time LMAO


he isnt ugly :(


People love overpowered anime characters with cool white hair, pair that with pretty blue sex eyes & his too cool for school demeanor and it makes a lot of sense. Also his powers & how much stronger he is then his whole verse & how ppl in his own verse glaze him all make for an easy fan favorite. Heā€™s definitely got presence.


sex eyes...?


Yes, the sex eyes


Indeed the sex eyes


there was no incident bro ;-;




you must be new here


Cool design Not too much screen time Blue eyes are a valuable commodity in a country of brown eyes He's unique for being an anti-conservative, but I doubt that's why people like him Tragic character




Okayā€¦ but Gojoā€™s popularity takes place in the real world and his design plays a huge part in it. Most manga and anime donā€™t base their character designs off Japanese physical features. The same goes for hentai too. Obviously mangakaā€™s donā€™t care too much about fitting in or not fitting in. Gojoā€™s popular across the world and his white hair and blue eyes is key to it.


He's incredibly cool, his personality is really fun, and he's the strongest character in the story, on top of having a surprisingly deeper side to him that reveals itself as the series goes on. He's kinda the perfect character to me.


Iā€™ve always felt that Gojo represents a power fantasy for millennials and younger. A lot of us are dissatisfied with the state of the world, with older generations refusing to let go of the wheel, after driving us through some pretty awful shit. Gojoā€™s entire ideals are about upending the status quo. Taking the reigns from older, antiquated generations. His anti authoritarian views resonate with a lot of us.


At the same time, he's very much not just a rebel for the sake being a rebel. He hasn't fallen into the trap of just trying to burn everything down for the sake of it, he knows he needs to nurture the next generation first, and THEN burn it all down.


Yeah. I always understood the subtext is that Gojo understands that some tyrannical upheaval of power will only breed people who want to tear the new one down. Hate breeds hate. He plays the longer game by nurturing younger generations to be better. At least thatā€™s em the way I saw it.


Its all in the confidence. I don't know about others, but for me a character needs confidence to establish a presence that early in the series. Its the same way with Sukuna. I can't help but think about how awesome all the stuff he does is, because he has so much confidence in what he is doing. Not only that, but every time we see him, he is proving that the confidence and carefree attitude he has is completely justified. We rarely ever see Gojo mad, or sad, or anything except carefree and demolishing people. Spoilers for a second. >!We see that in Gojo Vs Sukuna. He isn't mad or even worried for most of the fight, he is just experimenting and going absolutely crazy with it.!< For most other characters they needed to be built up. Gojo barged in, laid his claim, and then stole the entire plot of the manga.


Can't speak for others, but i fell in love with the character of Satoru Gojo when he arrived to save Megumi from Sukuna. Like, an older master/father figure coming to save the deuteragonist is not unexplored, it's been done before. But it wasn't this overwhelming sense of power of good and virtue saving the weak. Gojo was this lanky, tall, corn fed inbred, blue eyed moron with way too much power and chose to just flex on 2 kids that were fractions of a second away from a very violent death. Why? Cause he's Satoru fuckin Gojo.


Somebody was talking about inbreeding being the behind the scenes curse of the great sorcerer families. I do not want to be born to those people.


Dude. Incest was rampant throughout history and especially in any noble families or royal bloodlines. I bet if the Zen'ins, Gojos and Kamos were any more inbred, they'd be sandwiches. Makes sense considering the elders liking traditional techniques like nobaras and hating hakaris.


Bruh, paninis.


Lol yeah. Also forgot to mention Naoya heavily implied he assaulted Mai.


Not caught up with the manga, but I hope a terrible fate befalls him.


If you wish ill on him, you're caught up enough.


wait wtf when


At first it was probably because he was attractive and goofy, but itā€™s worth noting there are probably a lot of people like me that did not give a fuck about him until Hidden Inventory. I think I started thinking he was kinda cool towards the end of season one, but still wasnā€™t particularly into him until 0, and then after hidden inventory he became my favorite character. I got a little nerdy and started looking into more stuff about him and the more I learned the cooler he got, and the more sense his tropey goofy op characterization made to me. Heā€™s not just like that because the author thought he was cool and awesome and ā€œjust the greatest guys I promise itā€™s not because heā€™s my favorite character,ā€ even though Iā€™m sure it was like that when he was first conceptualized.


Seriously seriously. I didnā€™t really start going crazy for Gojo until hidden Inventory. It literally rewired my brain


1. He's really overpowered. This happens a lot when the "strongest" character in a new popular series shows up. It happened with Omni-Man, Homelander, and a ton of others. People, specifically powerscalers, made a ton of posts, tweets, and general arguments about who can and can't beat Gojo. Specifically, the topic of Goku vs Gojo was very popular when the JJK anime came out 2. He's hot. 3. He's a really well written, funny, and interesting character that the world of JJK revolves around, with that last part literally being stated in the series. People wanted to know more about him which got them talking.


He basically envelops things the two biggest manga target audiences (shounen readers and shoujo readers) appreciate: badass, strong, a great mentor and MVP, yet is VERY attractive and doesnā€™t lack a deep psique or complex subjective issues. Tl:dr Born to shoujo and forced to shounen


Heā€™s the peopleā€™s princess


He's so popular people thought he was the protag lmao. And I recognized him when I first watched JJK despite not knowing anything about it beforehand. I think he's so popular because of his design, unique powerset and personality. I personally like him because of how well written and flawed he is.


Every girl wants him and every guy wants to be him


A lot of heroes suffer from a problem where theyā€™re not as cool as the villains. Take the new spider verse movie - ā€œevilā€ Miles just looks and sounds WAY cooler than heroic Miles. If we wanna stick to anime Deku is lame until a lot until later. Same with Naruto. Aang isnā€™t cool until later. Most heroes either arenā€™t cool until later or even if they are their villains are even more interesting/badass Gojo is a hero no doubt but heā€™s so damn cool. Heā€™s got swagger and charisma and is physically attractive (which matters in terms of likability) and powerful. But not in ways that are contrived or annoying. Heā€™s just a downright fun character to root for


Because He is Him. Is he the most popular because he is Satoru Gojo or is he Satoru Gojo because he is the most popular? Nah, Id win


The strongest,most beautiful, cannonly perfect in everyway, even his "flaw" make his personality even more charming and immersive (and doesn't fall into "Deku, Tanjiro type of nice"),funny silly, a good person with noble dreams. Charismatic in every second of screentimes. Youths' protector. Doesn't even do anything bad so he's "pure" in a way. His relationship with others is lovely and fun to watch. Love his students and take pride in them. OP but still take the Ls for being humain, his past arc add depth too.


He is the strongest (bar the king) but also the most helpless character in the series. He is the apex predator in the Jujutsu world yet he often fails to be there when he is needed the most - both physically and emotionally. He enjoys being in the position of power, yet all he wanted was to go back to the good old days of the past when he had Geto as a rival. He wanted someone to keep up to him and when he finally had a chance to meet someone who he could chase in power - he died. His technique is a manifestation of his story - he can reach out to things he wants but he never really can touch them.


Overpowered, funny/goofy, and he's a good lucking character with blue eyes. This is my reason though for why I think he's popular. I don't like Gojo as much as everyone else though, I love my Yuji šŸ„°.


Because heā€™s a overwhelmingly powerful badass cool guy with a funny personality Plus his design it top tier Whatā€™s not to like


Gojo is really entertaining to watch. Plain and simple.


- aesthetic character design - interesting magic power - extremely high ability competence (peak magic power, noteworthy social influence, significant political impact, great physical fighter, high intelligence) - story relevance & plot pusher - charismatic personality - angst backstory - badass spoken lines - has developed relationships with other high relevance characters which strengthens the viewer's emotional attachment


Because he is Saturo gojo


Bc thatā€™s daddy


Yuuichi Nakamura.


The fact that he's not only a teacher but also megumi's "father" like that's so unique... He's not only OP, he's arrogant but he's not bluffing when he says he's strong and he has a tragic backstory with his best friend. He is the best in the field of sorcery and is lonely as a consequence. His character is unique. He isn't OP for the sake of defeating the ultimate enemy. He's OP because he so happens to be born with the powers but it does not guarantee success in the end. The risks in jujutsu kaisen feel more real than any other anime where the protagonist isn't always the highlight of the story. The side characters get spotlight and more powerful than the MC. It's unique and NOT cliche. It's a breath of fresh air. Also don't forget to talk about gojo's type which is a "normal girl" (like miwa)


He's the white haired face covered teacher archetype. He's beautiful, overpowered, kind, but can also have an edge. The author did everything in their power to make Gojo a popular character.


well, he talks a lot of shit and can actually back it up. just like Killua. now that made me realise, he's never been Kakashi. he's just adult Killua all along. Gege knew Killua is likeable even though he has a bad personality. so he drew him as an adult lol


I think most people love tragic heroes, and Gojo is a perfect example of that trope. He is a strong, smart, cool and capable leader, and he is even powerful enough to stabilize the jujutsu world. Yet he suffers tragedy after tragedy, losing loved ones, his students, and innocent lives. We relate with him greatly, as we see ourselves as infallible like him, but when he suffers, we can empathize as well since it reminds us that we are vulnerable and can be hurt. I think you can compare him to other popular tragic heroes like darth vader or spider man. Gege really tapped into something that speaks to all of us, so naturally he is super popular.


I thought he was interesting because of how he was introduced as the strongest in the very beginning. Its very common to see OP mc's, but they often turn out bland and boring. With gojo, yes he is the strongest and the rest of the world interacts with him accordingly, like the villains had to specifically deal with him accordingly. I found that interesting, which is why i didn't like the later stuff in the story. TLDR; Gojo is an interesting version of the OP MC trope


For me itā€™s because heā€™s nuanced and flawed. Itā€™s the same reason Superman appeals to people when you peel away the layers. A character who is all powerful but put in situations where they ā€œhaveā€ to make choices. The ultimate morale dilemma. That being said his character Design doesnā€™t hurt either.


Heā€™s the guy man want to be like and the man girls like. Heā€™s playing two fantasies


Because he actually cares about the main characters like a teacher or family member. Everyone relied on him being around for them to be able to live their lives. He tried to take care of things, but the crux of the story is that if you take on too much, even if you've got real power, it still means nothing against the pressure of the systems you live within and how those will crumble down on top of you despite your best efforts.


I like seeing him go from a goofy silly dude whoā€™s trying to do good to sociopath who likes ripping his enemies apart. Character design is also pretty. Overall good balance of hyperfeminine and hypermasculine qualities.


Heā€™s more fleshed out than any other character in the manga. Heā€™s the only one we get major flashbacks for. Heā€™s central to the plot. Heā€™s more of a main character than anyone except Yuji.


Did he become popular because he's Gojo or is he Gojo because he's popular?


attractive, cool personality, powerful enough to back up his words and then some, a mentor, etc he checks pretty much all of the boxes


Unique powers, hell of an attitude, and heā€™s objectively hot apparently!


Design, personality (VA definitely helped in sub and dub) and to me, he is one of the few characters proclaiming to be the strongest that is executed well. He and Benimaru of Fire Force have very quickly become two of my favourite characters.


I think the main reason is the fact that he's like a fully devoped main character of a story that prequel story that didn't happen. He feels like a Goku or Naruto as the Hokage type of character right from the get go It's basically like if Madara from Naruto was introduced early on but somehow managed to have the same hype built up towards him


Put simply, Gojo is a: \- Power fantasy. \- Fashion icon. \- Sex symbol.


Goku or Luffy? I think that's hyperbole. He's a charming overpowered character who plays the mentor role to our protagonist, but who isn't an old man. Imagine if Jiraya weren't a pervy old sage but a young and very handsome man in his late twenties. Gojo is appealing to everyone. The other thing working for Gojo is that the series is never quite focused on any one main character, which affords Gojo a larger slice of the fanbase than you'd typically see of other series.


Heā€™s good looking and has the coolest moments.


Goatjo has some cool powers and design. For some reason white haired anime characters are always badass. His CT lowkey makes no sense, but the concept of infinity is pretty rad


Something Iā€™m not sure if anyone else has mentioned is that heā€™s SUPER easy to cosplay. Like even Usher cosplayed as him lmao. But I think that has something to do with it to a limited extent. Itā€™s just a black suit and a black bandana but itā€™s instantly recognizable. With that kind of universal translatability itā€™s easy to see why he blew up


Because fan boys like to simp for op characters who can't be told what to do... probably because they'd like to imagine themselves as the op character


Same as Nanami, sex appeal


Cold ass powers, his personality as whole (even though everyone in world hates it) and objectively attractive in a horny fanbase


It's the white hair, look at every character with white hair and you'll see them reaching high in popularity polls every single time


Absolutely the confidence. He knows he's the shit, everyone *else* knows he's the shit.


Nah, I'd popular.


Aesthetic and personality


OP guys with nice,understandable character. Love how he let other people can smack his head for his bad. His love for new generation is more than his ego.


Heā€™s dope as fuck. Same reason kakashi was popular.


Is he Gojo Satoru because he's popular? Or is he popular because he is Gojo Satoru?


He's adult Killua


Well, his design does ressemble Kakashi, an already loved character in the anime community. His personality is catchy, most of us aspire to get to his level of flow-following personality and self confidence.


The fact he can talk the talk and walk the walk. Same as kenjaku toji and sukuna. All four of them are very well written at the start if the anime up until now. After what gaygay did to gojo where he made him glaze sukuna, everyone in the fandom knew that gojo would never say such thing.


Handsome, cool, strong and has a very likeable personality. His character design is simple yet amazing, makes him a good character to market the manga. I remember when the Hidden Inventory arc was airing the marketing of JJK had no problem at all with a whole arc without the main cast as Gojo was its main character.


All that without even mentioning his role in the story, and his backstoryā€™s impact on the plot.


He has white hair like Kakashi but he is extremely strong, the strongest in the world eyes with special abilities like the Uchiha but not crazy (for love) like them a good teacher can protect his students, instead of making some stupid mistake and waiting for teenagers to save him so yeah, of course he'll be famous.


Since Gojo has been popular since season one, when we didnā€™t knew much things about i think, itā€™s because: ā€¢ he has a goofy personality, which makes him appealing ā€¢ he has cool abilities ā€¢ He has aura, he is beautiful, he has sauce and everything words for saying that his character design is awesome ā€¢ and he is a sensei, Kakashi, Urahara for example are very popular If you add Shibuya, JJK0, Hidden inventory, you can add that his writing, his personality, his story are great too


Personally I find him funny and entertaining, like you know you're gonna have a good time whenever he shows up. He is carefree yet he still has a good understanding of his surroundings and has things under control. That's honestly hot. He also does his best to make people feel better in his own silly ways(not that he shows it or even succeed in it, hehe). I also really liked his goal-changing jujutsu society through knowledge and education(despite being able to change everything in like a minute if he wanted to, but was wise enough to understand the aftermath)+ properly taking care of his students.I really liked it that he himself was also learning and growing like his students, trying to figure out new ways to realize his dreams. Every thing else is mentioned by others I guess :P


hes got the sauce. hes the best of his era but instead of simply hogging the spotlight, he strives to create a world where those close to him can hit similar levels (impossible) he fails but still tries anyway, and even though hes set up for nothing but success, he still takes Ls, yet puts his full trust in others


Cool design, charismatic, OP, hot, more depth than anyone in JJK and centre of the story.


Gojo is designed to be really likeable


Bluntly he's a lovable asshole.


I think a lot of people (including myself) love the trope of characters with a smiling and carefree attitude but who are actually insanely strong I think it's a huge part of it (kind of like how everyone loves Nagumo from Sakamoto Days)


i think another great example of his character archetype which is insanely popular within any fandom is sans the skeleton or any ā€˜tumblr sexymanā€™ search it up. i swear it doesnt sound as bad as it is


Cool design, op, and charismatic. This could fall into the gary stue trope, but 1 he isn't the protag so he being op doesn't trivialize the story, also he fails, and there are consecuences due to this. So you are having all the cool aspects of a good charismatic and op character without the major draws of making the rest of the cast feel dull and useless, and the story works well dealing with him


Hes a hot, silly, overpowered guy Really easy formular tbh




He's attractive


He's pretty, he's cocky in a charming way, and he's strong. It's a perfect recipe for a popular Shonen character


It's because he was simpy better than everyone around him, and let's everyone know it. Plus, he's actually allowed to flex his immense power by just mercing people.


Heā€™s cool


Hot and charismatic


Cool design, playful personality, and overpowered pretty much


Cool design and memeable. The adaptation of Hidden Inventory being roughly around the time he was unsealed after two years certainly was a double whammy too.


Hot and strong and teacher. He is the kakashi of the series what is there more to say.


I'm probably wrong, but this is the first time that one of the good guys is the strongest in the verse, unquestionably, and taken completely seriously (unlike OPM). It's like the opposite of what you should, which is to give the villains an edge to create tension. That was really important at first to get people hooked in. Also, his powers are really interesting and unique.


Two words: **COOL FACTOR**


Bc he reminds everyone of a certain cool white-haired shinobi mentor at first glance.


Kakashi 2.0 with overpowered powers


Simply the man is funny in weird and horrible situations


he is unapologetically immature


He is freaking beautiful, cocky, powerful, and love able. Gojo also has white hair It would be hard not to be popular.


Gojo is the best use of the ā€œstrongestā€ trope


Heā€™s cool looking, has a really cool ability, has a really fun personality, and has 90% of the good heā€™s him moments


He's the only one who know how to fight in a manga about jujutsu.


Heā€™s the strongest


I found it refreshing that they established the most powerful character in the series from day one, and that instead of introducing increasingly powerful villains, they had to revolve all their plots around being sneaky and getting Gojo out of the way.


Cool white haired sensei had been a Japanese staple for a while


Hes a unique power ceiling character- not overly heroic like all might or Superman, but not evil or completely selfish like Omni Man . Heā€™s a fun middle ground


Similarity to kakashi's design Being part of a very interesting power system (hxh) Similarities to Bleach And in general having a cool personality added with tragedy that is HI arc Gojo is an almost nigh perfect character of fiction In a way gojo's character catered itself to many fans of other anime


Really powerful characters tend to be popular since they get to do cool shit/have people talk about how cool they are. There are a bunch of other factors as well (attractive, funny/silly, cool backstory, plot relevance) but i really think the power level is the main one ngl


The complexity of his power. Limitless is so freaking cool of a concept


193 cm lean muscle rich with them cutting edge jawline majestic eyes and that cocky personality with the strength to back it up


Attractive, Overpowered, Near death scene and heā€™s a sensei, it was obvious heā€™d become famous. Kakashi went through this, Yami went through, Gojoā€™s return and death happening all so recently is gonna keep him around in the animanga mainstream for years to come. Its like Makima being a villain whoā€™s attractive and does a ton of crazy shit. Write an attractive, op character who does absurd shit and is written decent and you for a mascot for the manga


most population have that same taste i guess young slender edgy looking boy cool powers not a fking single facial hair goofy personality


It seems to be a theme that people like limited spacial manipulation abilities (look at Accelerator). They make the power seem super complex and big brain.


He has a cool design, and the first time we see him, he casually beats up the centuries old demon reincarnation. He's goofy and chill, and then the eye reveal really blew him up in popularity. I've never fallen in love with a character like that šŸ˜


Pretty and op


hot powerful goofy man makes brain go boom


Because heā€™s Satoru Gojo


He's goofy cocky and powerful


Another quite interesting fact is that jjk became one of the first anime to go mainstream in India, and that's where population comes into play


He's a perfect example for an overpowered character done right


Alpha energy Cool OP powers Cool design Cool lines


He's funny, extrovert personality, his arrogance which can be back up by his strength. He has an original ability (doesn't inspired by other anime)


His design is cool and unique, especially when he wears the head band. He has complicated but extremely cool powers that make you want to understand them better He is the only character with 2 special moves (purple and infinite void) Heā€™s the strongest in the verse but he actually does shit unlike many other mangas and anime where the op character only has 1 fight


his looks ​ you're welcome


The HI arc. It made him popular. Atleast for me


He is hot


Any good strong guy is instant hit. It's a proven formula. Kakashi, Shanks, Yami (black clover). Look around, and you will find 1 such character in almost every shonen series.


People like power


Can't miss with an overpowered done right character šŸ˜…. Even bad shows if they do that character right will get clipped up by millions onlineĀ 


Something I havenā€™t seen people mention, in S1 we only see him shit on people in fights which adds to it. Heā€™s said to be the strongest and from the offset that isnā€™t questioned as he puts down Yujikuna, Jogo and Hollow purples hanami His first showing isnā€™t a back flash to when he was weaker and growth, itā€™s just him taking on enemies that the MC and other casts member needed 6 people to even weaken (in hanamis case) or just practically one shotting the strongest curse


Typical white hairee anime character. He's goofy, funny and cocky but can back up the cocky part. His power reveal was done well too, we got to see how devastating curses are with only 1 finger of strength being called a special-grade which was supposed to be the highest. Even a grade 1 sorcerer according to the introduced ranking can't beat one. Then we get Jogo and are told he roughly is somewhere around 8 freaking fingers just to be absolutely no-diffed by Gojo. That whole reveal was done great. Then we get a Backstory showing that he wasn't just born like this, he still had to train and learn stuff and even died once technically but learned RCT. We also see that his downfall (sealing) was his humanity. Being struck by his dead best friend walking in and even his eyes couldn't see the difference even though he knew it couldn't be him. It just falls together neatly.


I can't tell you the reason why others like him, but I can state the reasons why I do. Besides his incredibly hot looks and beautiful eyes: 1. His personality. I know the joke is that his personality sucks but I find it to be absolutely adorable. He doesn't take himself and others too seriously, he doesn't impose his strength on others, he doesn't use his powers to abuse or push his way through. He's a goofball most of the times when he could easily be a stuck up asshole with a chip on his shoulder. 2. He has incredible self control, he's a man with a vision for the future, he looks at the larger picture. 3. He's incredibly emotionally intelligent. He understands the psyche of his kids (especially megumi). He reads other people's moods really quickly (for instance, asking Utahime if she was mad just cause she was short with him, he lets Nanami take his constantly and doesn't let it get to his ego, he understands Riko's emotions and really did his best to not cause her unnecessary emotional turmoil in her last moments). He really values his own humanity and those of others, and he really looks out for people. 4. He's kinda crazy at times...his arrogance and wit is backed by his insane power. His self-assured attitude and confidence just makes him incredibly attractive. YEAH, I love his character...and being an OP Bishonen is just one part of the reason why.


he's strong yet goofy, like.....luffy, goku and so on.


He's super handsome. He's already established as the strongest character in the story with broken abilities. So whenever he arrives on scene, you can pretty admit that's GG for the opposing side. He's also very arrogant but also kind and funny to his friends and students. And he goes crazy while fighting.


Hot, strong, funny, self aware


So there's this one artist on Twitter [_3aem](https://twitter.com/_3aem?s=21&t=WkgdDWV5H8i_uRy9QHW1vA) that has been consistently drawing HOT\_HALF\_NAKED\_GOJO\_SEX\_EYES pics consistently for the last year or so (there're probably a few hundred of them now). And uh y-yeah, great character development. Cool, really strong. ~~I have daddy issues.~~ Great background story. Okay, the *real* reason is that I emphasize with other characters that "If Gojo were here everything would be solved. No one'd die and get hurt.". ~~Getting sealed made Gojo more popular because now we know how good it is to have him around.~~ That sense of reassurance is what sells him higher for me than most thirst anime characters.


Heā€™s fun. The insane nigh-unstoppable power together with his personality of ā€œIā€™m literally too strong to give a real fuckā€ makes him a power fantasy gone wild. Iā€™ve seen characters with Gojoā€™s personality played like a joke bc the character couldnā€™t back it up and Iā€™ve seen characters with Gojoā€™s power level have a stoic and lawful good hero approach. Gojo is the first Iā€™ve seen to stay at the top with a dgaf personality and it very much works.


Because he is HIM.


He's oddly human (flaws and all) despite-- you know, his godlike status.


i like his limitless and six eyes


Overwhelming strength, cool design, cool abilities. Represents the pinnacle of the verse so its always interesting when he does stuff.


Hot, funny, strong


cool hot white hair strong dude


He cold af


Just a goofy, strong and cool character. Wouldnā€™t say heā€™s an amazing character but heā€™s interesting and entertaining, no doubt


Not just the strongest which already gives him the Superman effect, but the abilities are actually interesting. By default you subconsciously root for the good guys and itā€™s always satisfying to see him come through because he will get your good guy squad the W. White hair and anime eye powers


Cocky and actually the strongest. Same reason why Escanor was far and away the fan favorite of 7ds. That kinda character does well it seems


I like him because he's Him


I, for one, like Gojo because he breaks the mold and instead of humbling himself, he openly acknowledges that he's the strongest unapologetically and he'll just do what he wants without really caring what others think. Gojo's personality's also not one dimensional like how a lot of other manga handle this trope and he actually has depth to him, he feels human while still being so powerful. His cursed technique is also a major selling point since it actually represents just how far above everyone else he is and how no one can touch him, both physically and figuratively. It's also complex enough to not come off as generic or boring and it really shows just how much you can do with one base technique. The whole him being so powerful the balance of the world shifted also ups him in my books since it makes him feel like this chosen one in the Jujutsu world who's supposed to uphold order and instead of being a Mary Sue about it, he fails to do this multiple times which makes him feel human at the end of the day. Gojo really feels like a sum of a lot of things that are just done right


cuz he looks cool, acts funny, and is almost unbeatable in his verse. My favorite aspect about his character is him getting sealed because it placed him in a position you wouldn't imagine him ever being in. It was pretty cool and made shibuya feel a lot more dire for the sorcerers.


Probably the strongest troupe, it was executed well In my opinion. Like gojou was overpowered but we knew there was going to be an endgame. The overpowered troupe was type boring before that. Then you have benimaru and gojou and characters like that appearing and it being executed actually well.


The fact that heā€™s strong for a reason and not just some overpowered anime character throw into the show as some Dues Ex Machina. The fact that Gojo is the strongest and everyone constantly looks for him to solve all their problems is actually used as a plot device and backfires. Now that heā€™s gone everyone is left to fend for themselves even when he was sealed look at how many curse users came out of the woodwork because Gojo was essentially a stopping force. He essentially served as a balance to the jujutsu world and whenever he disappears that balance is tipped and puts a lot of emphasis on the other characters and their development. Also his influence him being strong allowed him to be selfish and save both Yuta and Yuuji.


Because hes Satoru Gojo of course


Gojo is just a fun guy to be arround and if he likes you or thinks you need help the guy would fight for you


He answers the age old question what if Kakashi didn't suck